Blame (2017)

So, Abigail, uh,
your parents and I, uh,
feel like it would be better
if you started school
with the rest
of your class this year.
we just think
that the more time that goes by,
the harder it will be
for you to go back.
This way
you can start off the year
just like everyone else.
it'll certainly make the um,
transition easier if--
if you're ready.
She's ready.
Okay. Great.
Come on.
Shuttle leaves in 20 minutes,
all right?
you're not in that bathroom
in a minute,
I'm taking a shower, so...
move it or lose it, let's go.
You're not wearing
that to school.
- These are pajamas, Robert.
- All right.
- Oh my God, these are precious!
- Yeah, right?
Do you remember
when you wore that boa?
- Every day.
- Every single day.
I-- I still would, honestly.
Aw, man.
- Dude, so I'm makin' a--
- Nice skirt, slut!
Ellie, you know Melissa, right?
Oh, yeah, uh, yes,
Sophie told me you guys
had a lot of fun at cheer camp.
Oh shit,
Armani texted me last night.
- No!
- Yeah.
- What'd he say?
- He invited me,
I shit you not, he invited me
to an art gallery.
Oh my God, are you gonna go?
Fuck, no!
Oh my God.
- Oh my God, she's back.
- What?
We were in her psych class
last year.
Oh, shit, that girl.
Hey, what was that name
everybody kept calling her
- last year?
- Sybil.
Oh my God, she's coming
right over here,
her locker's right next to mine.
What is she doing?
- Melissa, what the fuck?
- Stop!
Welcome back, Sybil.
She loves it, trust me.
"I do, as I said...
have my glass collection.
Most of them are little animals
made out of glass.
Tiniest little animals
in the world.
Mother calls them
the glass menagerie.
This is one of the oldest,
he's nearly 13."
What the fuck
is she talking about?
"Be careful,
if you breathe, it breaks."
Nice job.
I'm glad somebody
read the play this summer.
Who is next?
He's just so gross.
- Like disgusting.
- He's just like a dog.
Oh, look, it's Laura Wingfield.
Laura's this character
from this play
we were supposed
to read over the summer.
See the limp?
- Wait, she has a limp?
- Well, Laura has a limp.
Oh my God.
You know she was in a psych ward
for like six months, right?
No, wait, what?
Where did you hear that?
Ugh, fuck, I need a cigarette.
Oh my God, the first day back
always kills me.
This ship that was right
From the start
Love she could
never forget...
You don't understand!
I have a business
and then
I have a personal account.
Why you'd get
in my personal account I--
This has gone on
for two weeks now.
I'm-- I'm so tired of this guy.
No, hey, no.
Sorry, that was not for you.
That's better.
I got a pretty little face
Pretty little eyes
Pretty little tongue as well
And pretty little lies
Trying to hide
It from the world
I'm a pretty fucked up girl
We took psych together
last year...
remember, yeah?
But hey listen, I just wanted--
I just wanted to come over
and tell you that...
I think it's really brave
that you came back.
I mean,
I think you're pretty cool.
So, I was just wondering...
if it was okay with you...
maybe I could
give you a call sometime?
You got a number?
So, do I get to request
which personality I take out?
Hey, guys,
my name is Jeremy Woods
and I'm filling in
for Mrs. Howell
till the end of October.
Now, I know she went into labor
a few weeks early.
Excuse me.
But don't worry,
she left me with her syllabus
and, uh, there you go.
There you go. What's your name?
- Sybil.
- Sybil.
Hi Abigail, I'm Jeremy.
Uh, you're late,
do you have a pass?
You always gotta
get the pass, Schue.
Okay, you're gonna have
to head back
to guidance and get one.
I'm only joking, though.
Yeah, I'm joking around
with you, come on,
have a seat.
- Got to come in, Choker.
- Sorry about the Choker.
- There you go.
- Just like that.
All right, now I know you guys
were working
on "The Glass Menagerie"
uh, for the showcase
but I-- I don't know,
"Glass Menagerie",
I'd like to change it up a bit.
Anybody here ever read
"The Crucible?"
...Funny how she's allergic
to cats, yeah.
- She's fucking...
- Guys in the back?
You guys ever read
"The Crucible?"
Arthur Miller?
- I do not recall...
- Maybe.
Reading that actually.
- No.
- You guys ever read any
Arthur Miller in here, at all?
Death of a Salesman,
All My Sons, no?
Well, he's a great playwright
and you should be studying him.
Let's read, guys!
Okay, I see how it's gonna go.
Um, so, anyway,
"The Crucible" is a great play.
Salem witch trials, I think
you're gonna--
I think you're gonna like it
a lot.
So, work was good, huh?
Yeah, it was fun.
That's great.
Nice kids.
I'm still trying
to wrap my head around
this whole teaching thing.
Well, it's not really about
the teaching, you know.
It's like, uh,
it's more about...
being back in the theater,
and uh...
- Directing.
- Directing.
- Well, that's great.
- Yeah.
You want a beer
or something before you go?
Oh, no.
I have this,
conference call
in twenty minutes,
so I should really...
- go.
- Okay.
Oh, right, I wanted to talk
to you, um,
I was talking to Michael
and he has a new opening
at his office
and I was thinking...
it would be great
if you guys met, you know?
Maybe we could have drinks
or dinner sometime next week?
Yeah, I'd love to meet him.
Um, I-- I'm not gonna
be available till the end
of October because of, you know,
the play and everything.
Right, I know.
But this is--
this would be a more...
permanent kind of...
thing, you know?
It's a great company,
it's a great position.
You guys would really
dig each other.
- I'm just, it's a meeting and--
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Can we not do this right now?
'Cause we do it, like, everyday
and, like, I'm--
I'm actually happy.
I'm sweaty, 'cause it's hot
in here,
- but I'm happy. Um-hmm.
- I know.
All right, I should go.
- Thanks for dinner.
- Thanks for nothing.
I'm joking.
- Thanks for coming over.
- You're welcome.
All right, guys.
- I'm sure.
- Guys?
Do you see nail polish?
Hello, guys! Guys.
Turn around, c'mon,
class has started.
Um, I wanna kind
of talk more about
"The Crucible" and the showcase
and how this
is all gonna work, so...
we're obviously not gonna
be able to do the whole play
in one period.
So, today, what I'm gonna do is,
I'm gonna assign some roles,
assign some scenes,
and then I'm gonna put you guys
into groups.
Here's how it's gonna work.
The groups
that are the most rehearsed,
That care the most,
those are the scenes
we're gonna pick
to do the showcase.
So, um, I don't know you guys
that well,
but I wanna--
I wanna get to know you.
So, um, I'm just gonna start
assigning roles based
on who wants to play what.
Let's start
with Elizabeth Proctor.
This is the wife
of the protagonist.
She's accused of witchcraft.
Um, any seniors wanna maybe
give this a shot?
Okay, you're-- what's your name?
- Lily.
- Lily, want to give it a shot?
- Sure.
- Great, thank you.
Um, all right, moving down.
Abigail Williams.
Now, this is the villain
of the play, okay?
It's-- it's a great role.
She starts having
an affair with John Proctor
and then,
when he wants to stop it,
she-- she seeks revenge
on him, okay?
It's a great, great, great part.
It's a difficult part.
Anyone wanna try to tackle that?
You have somebody
in mind, over there?
Well, she should raise her hand.
Put your fucking
hand down, bitch.
Uh, I'm gonna...
I'm gonna have to go
with the namesake...
Here Abigail.
Oh, snap!
How's that feel, Mel?
And, um, what's your name?
- Melissa.
- Melissa.
Why don't you understudy
Abigail for now,
and, ah, we'll keep looking
for something else.
Ah, okay, let's move down to...
John Proctor, okay?
Any of the fellas?
John Proctor?
Nobody wants to try?
Okay, Eric, right?
- Yup.
- Great.
Eric as John Proctor,
Lily as Elizabeth.
you'll be Abigail's understudy,
and Abigail is Abigail.
- Wait, what?
- Yeah.
- That is so weird.
- I know.
Why would she volunteer
to read with Eric?
- She doesn't even know him.
- Why do you think?
But, like, you don't
think he likes her, right?
- He didn't seem to like--
- I dunno.
I'd just keep an eye on her,
ya know?
"Only this consider,
the world goes mad,
and it profit nothing
you should lay the cause
to the vengeance
of a little girl."
Come on. Come on.
Is that good?
- It's great.
- Yeah?
You guys are really,
you're doing the work.
All right, good.
Lily, I love
what you're doing down there,
with the blocking.
I really like it.
Uh, let's revisit this tomorrow,
but I'm-- I'm really happy.
Thank you, Mr. Woods.
Thank you.
Abigail and Eric are up next.
Er-- Eric, uh, is sick,
so he can't make it.
Well, that's okay, uh,
Abigail, why don't you come up?
Come on up, yeah.
Yeah, you can play both parts,
This is act two, scene two?
I'll read it with you.
- Oh, this should be good.
- What a gentleman.
"I must speak with you, Abigail.
Will you sit?"
"How do you come?"
"I don't like the woods
at night.
Pray you, stand closer."
- Oh, she wants it.
- Oh my God, stand closer.
"I knew it must be you.
When I heard the pebbles
on my window,
before I opened up my eyes,
I knew."
"I thought you would come
a good time sooner."
"I had thought
to come many times."
"Then why didn't you?"
"I am so alone
in the world now."
"Are you?
I heard that people ride
a hundred mile
to see your face these days."
"Aye, my face."
"Do you see my face?"
All right, everyone,
great day today.
Thank you, Jeremy.
Abigail, that was...
that was really great!
You definitely-- you worked
on this.
Well, you, too.
Well, I-- I had practice.
I played the part in college.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, at Mason-Gross?
Oh, wow.
Yeah, it's a great part.
It's a great play.
Where you headed right now?
Ay yo!
What happened in class?
Were you guys hooking up?
- Fuck you.
- You were!
Fuck you! What happened?
Um, Jeremy read it with her.
That's weird.
- Yeah, I thought so, too.
- Huh.
Hey, did you see Eric
this morning?
- Not yet.
- Oh.
I talked to him, and I told him
how you felt about everything.
- What?
- No, just,
like, just that you were
a little bit jealous
that he was working
with Abigail.
He didn't even go
to class today.
Yeah, seriously.
He stood her up.
Apparently, Jeremy had to read
the scene with her.
Eww, oh my God, that's so weird!
And Jeremy actually acted
with her?
Yeah, that's what I said.
Uh, so why are you guys mad
at Abigail again?
'Cause she's a slut.
Oh, thought she was a psycho.
Why are you taking her side?
I'm not, I just--
Yeah, Ellie, like,
what's-- what's going on?
Why are you being such a bitch?
I gotta go.
Great day, everyone. Thank you.
See you tomorrow.
Found that paper.
- Oh, thank you, Melissa.
- No problem.
Uh, just one quick question?
Thank you.
I was wondering if maybe you'd
be interested in...
helping me out
with the showcase?
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, I'd love to.
- It-- it's just a lot of work
and I'd love your help.
Looks great.
Come back here, check it out.
Were you ever, like a...
professional actor?
No, no.
I, uh...
I did plays in school.
And then I...
I did, uh...
I did "Romeo and Juliet"
at Bucks County.
That was fun.
And then I just...
I just stopped, you know?
I don't know.
Life just gets in the way.
You shouldn't have stopped,
because I bet you'd be
really famous right now.
But, I mean, I didn't--
I wasn't nearly...
as good as you are.
I mean,
when I was your age, like...
you're really good.
You're really good.
All right, the lighting board.
Okay, I'm ready to learn.
I found a dreamcatcher
Lost halfway into flight
Found a dreamcatcher
I'm gonna catch his wings
And learn to fly
And I'll be fighting hard
For my dream
For my home
For my baby
Sweet baby
Found a dreamcatcher
I'm gonna catch all his ways
And fly
So, does Eric still have
to work with Sybil?
After that one day?
Fuck if I know.
I'm thinking of, like,
texting him something,
but, I don't know.
- I have no idea what to say--
- Actually,
I had a really good idea
of something funny we could do.
Let's go Bulldogs!
Come on, girls.
- Whoa!
- Whoa!
I'll tell ya after the game.
You are one hot bitch!
Let's slaughter!
Yeah, send it.
- That Beatle guy?
- Yeah.
That was very precise.
Hey, so,
I feel like I owe you an apology
for standing you up
in class the other day.
It's okay.
No, I-- come on, I fucked up.
I-- I honestly was sick,
but I should've told you.
And I was thinking, to, maybe,
just to make it up to you,
like, we could-- we could go
to the auditorium after school,
You want to practice
after school?
I mean, like, all the other kids
are meeting up and, like--
I just feel bad
that we didn't get a chance
to perform.
Dude, I'm trying--
can you not, right now?
Dude, no, okay, I--
look, I know,
I was a dick to you, okay?
I'm sorry.
But, if I flunk this class,
I'm gonna get kicked off
the team.
So, help a guy out?
I'll be-- we'll be great.
We're gonna break
people's hearts.
All right?
I think it's just...
which scenes
best tell the story?
I've-- you know, look,
we have to start
with act one, scene one.
I want someone to read,
"Salem, Massachusetts
in the spring
of the year 1692", but...
- Can I see?
- Yeah, I just...
not sure where to cut it.
How's the scene coming
with Eric?
He asked me to...
practice in here after school.
Good for him. He needs it.
He's got a lot
of catching up to do.
You know, if you want, um...
we can just meet up after
- and keep working on this.
- Yeah, sure.
I mean, yeah,
that'd be really helpful.
Thanks for...
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for doing this, by the way.
For doing what?
Letting me help you out
with the showcase
and everything.
Thanks for helping me out.
I didn't realize how much work
it was gonna be.
It's a big play,
I just, you know,
don't-- we'll figure it out.
it's just nice to...
I don't know,
to get to come in here and...
have someone to talk to.
There's not really
anyone else that I'm close to.
Yeah, I know what you mean.
I don't have anyone
that I'm really close to either.
I'll see you after school?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Thanks for the help.
Oh, my goodness.
Ready to laugh
your fucking ass off?
I'll catch up with you later.
- She's not coming?
- Later?
Coming to what?
Nothing. Don't worry about it.
Is this about Abigail again?
Look, I told you guys,
I don't wanna do anything--
Do you have a crush on her
or something?
- What?
- Not judging, just curious.
I think you guys
would make a cute couple.
Come on.
I'm done.
Come on, let's go.
"It were a fire
you walked me through,
And all my ignorance
was burned away.
It were a fire, John,
we lay in fire.
And from that moment no woman
dare call me wicked any--"
Oh, shit!
You want me to give you a ride?
Here, take this.
- Thanks.
- Yeah, no problem.
Warm you up.
Where do you live?
Ah, over by the library?
Oh, great. That's--
that's right by me.
We're practically neighbors.
You know what?
I'm gonna-- I'm gonna talk
to Eric tomorrow.
This is-- It's bullshit.
It wasn't just him.
While I was waiting
in the auditorium,
I decided to run
through my monologue.
And I heard a girl
laughing in the wings.
You know what? Fuck them.
I'll do the scene with you.
- Really?
- Yeah.
I'll do the scene with you
for the showcase.
Is anyone home?
Not 'til late.
Is it okay,
if I just sit here for a bit?
You want me
to turn on the radio?
Oh I remember
Just you and me
Timeless nights
Endless seas
Nothing was spoken of
But truth and dreams love
And let us not break
Let us not fade away
So hold that thought
We must find a way
Cause it's a sure crash
If we go down this road
Where have you been?
I've been calling you.
- You scared the shit out of me.
- You were supposed
to meet Michael about the job.
That was today? Fuck.
- Yeah.
- Fuck.
- That was today.
- I just got caught up at school.
You know what?
Let me, uh,
let me just, ah, you know just,
change out of the wet clothes,
- I'll be two seconds.
- I already canceled.
It's fucked, okay?
It's not a big deal,
Jen, I'll just--
I don't know
what's going on with you.
Do you think you're blowing this
a little out of proportion?
Look, I have been trying
to help you.
I have been patient with you.
I have been so fucking
patient with you.
I have been supportive
of all of your shit.
This is really unfair to me.
What, you're mad
because I'm--
I got-- I'm teaching?
- No, this isn't.
- Is that what this is about?
You're just, it's...
you don't know what you want.
You quit one job,
I'm supportive of that.
You take time off
to figure out what you want.
Don't be passive aggressive
to me.
- That's passive aggres--
- Look, you either want this
or you don't.
See, this is the problem.
This is-- this is...
I don't want to get into this
with you, okay?
I'm sorry I was late, I--
I'm just gonna let you
figure this out, okay?
All right?
To Abigail.
To Abigail.
Oh, to dear Abigail!
Hey, guys.
Hold on, uh,
hold the work for a second.
I have a couple changes
to make, um, in the groups.
Eric, I'm gonna move you
to group four.
Oh, hey.
So, does that mean
I get to work with Abby?
No, I am.
- You okay, now?
- Screw that.
You could be my understudy.
- Thanks, man.
- No problem.
Okay, and then,
I think what I want
to do here is I should cross...
into here,
and I hold the lantern
to your face.
I'm gonna hold it really close
to your face!
But, this is gonna
be the only light at this point,
this is the first time
the audience
really sees your face.
- You don't like this?
- Then that's what I say,
"Can you see my face?"
- that's why.
- We'll ask the audience,
- You gonna ask?
- "Can you see my face?"
- Can you see her face?
- Can you see my face?
Yeah, yeah.
Dude puff, pass.
Two puffs.
Do I hear little girls?
Hi, boys.
Ooh, they brought
the party with them.
Oh my goodness, what is this?
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Let's get fucked up!
- Yes, please.
- Oh...
- I'm sorry.
Oh my God!
- Oh my God!
- Fuckin' careful!
Hey, you can come
sit down, here.
You can take, uh, here's a beer.
I got you this.
Look at these fucking swords
you've got on your foot.
Here, give me that bottle.
You're gonna drink
it from the bottle?
- Yeah.
- Like a real man.
Here's to...
These fucking uniforms, man!
Dude, dude,
do you have your phone?
Ugh, it's upstairs, no!
Can you guys kiss?
Oh, c'mon, be good cheerleaders!
- Oh!
- Fuck you!
Don't do that!
- Try again.
- We were so close.
- Oh!
- Oh, shit!
Oh, shit.
These should be
the cheer uniforms.
Guys, I'm so drunk.
That's good.
That's the way we like you.
Come here.
Oh, oh, oh.
Do you think I'm hot?
I think you're the hottest girl
in school.
Uh, do you--
do you have a condom?
I can pull out.
Uh, do you mind
just putting one on?
Yeah, yeah, I want you.
No, no, don't--
don't worry about.
Oh, fuck.
Oh, gosh.
- Oh, shh--
- Oh.
I got it, I got it, I got it.
Hey, it's okay.
- Oh.
- Okay, come on, honey.
Get it out, okay?
Oh, honey.
Here, let's-- come on.
Can we, like, go to the
bathroom or something?
Yeah, of course, of course.
I'll get you
cleaned up, come on.
Two coffees?
- It's not hard.
- If it hadn't taken her so long,
we definitely
would've been on time.
I can't fucking believe
it's Monday already.
I know.
Oh, Sophie Grant.
Listen to this.
All right, guys,
just, uh, stop the work
for a second.
I picked the scenes
for the showcase.
I think I picked the scenes
that best tell the story
of "The Crucible",
as well as picking the scenes
of the groups
that were most involved.
Um, if you don't hear
your name called,
I don't want you
to stop working,
'cause you will present
on Wednesday
in front of the class.
Um, we're gonna start
with excerpts
of act one, scene one,
- Sherilyn and Gina.
- Yes.
And then we move to act two,
scene two, Abigail.
And then act two, scene three,
Lily, Phe, and Jack.
So, I'm really proud
of you guys.
It was some great work.
Hey, sorry to interrupt.
You got a sec, Jeremy?
Yep. You guys keep working,
I'll be right back.
Hey, Abby.
Think you can still act
with our teacher's dick
in your mouth?
Weren't you in Abby's
psych class last year?
Yeah, what exactly happened?
- I never heard the full story.
- Shut up.
He doesn't know, does he?
Wanna tell him together, Sybil?
I said, "Shut up".
- What the fuck, psycho bitch!
- Get away from me!
- Hey, what's going on in here?
- Leave me alone!
She, like, fucking attacked me!
Okay, Melissa, grab your stuff
and head to guidance.
- No, no, she came--
- What?
- Go to guidance.
- She didn't even do anything!
- She came at her!
- It was completely Abby!
Are you shitting me, Jeremy?
- Hey! Don't talk to me that way.
- You know what?
Don't fucking tell me
how to talk to you!
You all right?
I'm sorry. Come on.
- There you go. Let's go outside.
- Okay.
Let's go outside and talk.
"It were a fire
you walked me through.
And all my ignorance
was burned away.
It were a fire, John.
We lay in fire.
And from that moment no woman
dare call me wicked anymore
but I knew my answer.
I used to weep for my sins
when the wind
lifted up my skirts,
and blushed for shame
because some old Rebecca
called me loose.
And then you...
you burned my ignorance away."
I've been looking all over
for you.
You haven't been at lunch.
Yeah, I, um, didn't realize
I was welcome.
Do you maybe wanna study
for the chem test later?
I know, I'm sorry. And--
I know you're really mad at me.
I just...
I really have to talk
to you about something.
There's-- there's no one here.
I had sex with Eric.
- Congrats?
- Yeah.
- How was it?
- Good, it was good.
What happened?
He's been ignoring me.
Ah, he won't even look at me
since Monday, and um,
so I finally texted him today
and I saw that he read it,
but, yeah,
he hasn't texted me back.
Ah, I just don't understand.
Can I come to your house
later tonight?
Yeah, sure.
I'd love to talk to you,
if you um...
have some time.
You think you could come over?
- Hey.
- Hey.
I wanna do this.
With you.
I can't.
I can't.
I can't.
- Come here.
- I can't.
Come here.
Okay, it's still very hot,
- but a cocoa, your favorite.
- Oh...
- Thank you.
- Ah.
So, um, I think we're
pretty much done, we just--
Hey, El?
I'm really sorry that I've been
such a bitch lately.
Um, could you just
find the next...
the next topic?
I'm gonna go to the bathroom.
Hey, what's up?
Oh, my God, Melissa,
you are not going
to believe this.
Hola, hola!
All right, so...
did you find that last page
about buffer zones?
Couldn't find it.
- What?
- Nothing.
I'm just super stressed-out
about this test.
Oh, yeah.
Tell me about it.
Fuck! Fuck!
All right, so, uh, I think
we cross,
cross stage left here.
Oh, I'm crossing there?
Yeah, I think-- I think
that will be right
for the moment.
Right after that.
Mm-hm. Should we go
over that after school today?
Ah, no, no.
I got a lot of stuff
going on today. Uh.
Swamped, you know at...
at home.
- You want help?
- Oh, no, thank you.
That's very nice of you,
Uh, but, I'm-- I'm fine.
I got it covered.
You think
Kennelly's throwing a quiz?
- Hey.
- I altered my costume.
Figured I could try it on
when we rehearsed today.
Uh, I-- I can't today, Abigail,
I'm really swamped at home.
you've reached Jeremy Woods,
leave a message.
Said it felt
Like a storm coming
You gotta help me out
You gotta hold me now
Took all my strength
Not to eat you alive
Cause I'm evil enough
For the both of us
Call me the liar
Open up
Open up
you've reached Jeremy Woods--
So, homecoming's tomorrow.
I guess, I'm not going
with Eric.
That sucks, babe.
Hey, how's it goin'?
Uh, so I was wondering
what time we were getting
together tonight?
To get ready for homecoming?
Yeah, of course,
I still wanna go.
I thought
you were gonna be my date.
No, she's just gonna meet us
So, I'll just, like, bring
my makeup and my stuff
over to your house
at, like, sixish?
Okay, um, awesome!
I'll see you then.
I'm excited! Okay, bye, Ellie!
Just a second!
I need to find my necklace!
- Sophie!
- Yeah, coming!
All right.
I feel like if we have
a positive attitude,
this could be a lot of fun.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Yes, here we are.
- Yes, of course.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Have a good night.
- The sign looks so good!
- Who drew this?
Before you say anything,
I did, okay.
- No! Oh, I'm so--
- Does this one look like an ac--
It was going so well. Okay.
- Did you get my text?
- No.
Oh, shit. Okay.
Did you get the paper?
The one we talked about?
Did you get the paper or not?
- Sophie?
- No.
- What?
- I checked in her notebook,
- but she tore it out.
- What? Fuck!
Shit. We have to get that.
We have to get that!
- Hey. Hey-yo!
- You have to talk to her.
Oh my God! Hi!
- How're you?
- Good.
- Yeah, you look good.
- Hi.
- Hey.
- Hey, how's it going?
Very well.
- What do you wanna do?
- Around back?
- Do you have? Yeah?
- Yeah, I brought some.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Round back?
Yeah, I'm just gonna, uh,
grab Ellie.
Yeah, good.
- Do we have to wait for her?
- Yeah.
Sorry, um, we're just gonna go
around back if you wanna come?
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- Melissa's just in a mood.
- Mm.
Never happens.
All right, all right.
Makes it easier to drink!
You don't li-- lick, you do it--
I'm-- I know
what I'm talking about!
- Maybe you--
- What are you talking about?
- You're full of shit! You know--
- I'm saying, you know--
- that maybe--
- That maybe, you know.
I'm good, thanks.
- You're drunk already.
- No.
- Um...
- Fuck you.
I actually wanted
to talk to you about something.
Are you done?
Are you done?
- Now?
- Yes
Are you done?
Yeah, um, I just like feel,
really bad
about what's been
going on with us.
I know I've been a really
shitty friend to you lately.
Thanks. I just, um,
can we wait?
Oh my God! Put me down!
Put me down!
- Ask nicely. Ask nicely.
- Stop.
I just wanna say that I'm trying
to do the right thing here,
Like, morally.
Look what you did to my dress!
All right, look, I read
your diary the other night
and I know what you saw,
and I think we should report it
to the school.
- I know. I'm sorry, but--
- No, God!
- I knew you were looking!
- I know.
- Sophie--
- But look, look, look.
He's taking advantage of her
- and we need to tell someone!
- Oh,
please don't pretend
you actually care, okay?
Melissa's obviously
putting you up to this.
This isn't even about her!
Sophie, do you not realize
she's literally
right behind you, like,
on top of the guy
that you've been scheming
for like three years.
Oh my God, Ellie!
This isn't even about her!
Whatever, Sophie.
You do whatever you want.
Like, at least
she's not obsessed
with some pedophile
- and his freaking--
- Oh my God!
Do you really not see
that she's just jealous?
How 'bout you shut
the fuck up, dyke?
Fuck that cunt.
- What're you doing?
- Nothing.
- Get out! Get out!
- What is this?
- What is that?
- Get out!
- Let me see, give it here.
- Get out of my room!
- It's mine! Give it back--
- Give me that, give me that.
- Hey, give me the computer!
- Ah!
What is this?
What are you doing?
- Shit! Fuck!
- Hey!
Don't you walk out on me!
- Jesus, mm.
- Oh, my goodness.
Can I keep this?
- What the fuck?
- Yup.
Oh, Jesus, Mel.
- Slow down, slow down!
- Do you--
Next one.
- Oh, okay.
- Not bad.
Fuck off.
They're not actually for you.
- Please.
- Who're they for?
Stop, God.
Mel, I need
to make a phone call.
Mel, I need to use your phone.
Melissa, I have
to use your phone. Can I?
- No! No! Oh my God!
- Hey!
Enough with the phone.
Bring it up here.
Gimme it.
Sit down, please.
Sorry I didn't get back to you.
Listen, I need
to ask you something.
My necklace is gone.
My cross?
I think maybe
it came off in your car?
I don't-- I don't think so.
So, I was thinking
maybe later I could...
come by and look for it?
today's really not a good day.
I'll walk home.
You can pick me up tonight.
Can we talk about this tomorrow?
You don't wanna see me?
I just-- I have a lot going on,
and, uh,
let's talk about this tomorrow.
you've reached Jeremy Woods...
What's going on guys?
What're you working on?
We're trying to figure out
what we're going to be wearing?
Yeah, when do we
rehearse in costume?
That's a great question.
"When are we gonna
rehearse in costumes?"
Are you guys starting
to think about costumes
and wardrobe?
Here's the name of that book
you were asking me about.
I want you guys to design it.
I want you to look at the tape
and bring it in so we can show
these guys, okay?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, thanks.
Good, good.
What's going on?
Can we talk?
Ah, I have a meeting
in here in a minute.
It's not a good time.
With Abigail?
What do you
wanna talk about, Melissa?
Abigail, slow up.
- What's the rush, Abigail?
- Come on, come on, come on.
there's something
Eric really wants to ask you.
All right, here we go.
Wait, please, I...
I really need somebody
to talk to right now.
We were wondering if--
if you just,
if you ever wanted
to chill with us,
like, we got a basement.
And beer and stuff.
I guess you haven't heard.
I'm not really into little boys.
What's going on?
Why didn't you pick me
for that part?
- Melissa--
- Why did you pick her?
You didn't know us.
Did you feel sorry for her?
I just wanted you to notice me.
Where did you get that?
Where did you get that?
- I don't know what your talkin--
- This is mine!
Hey, get the fuck off me!
What're you doing?
Oh, with Jeremy?
God, he is a great kisser,
don't you think?
You fucking whore!
What was that?
Help me go over my lines.
Come on.
"It were a fire, John.
We lay in fire."
After the bell,
all grades please report
- to the auditorium.
- Have you seen Abigail?
Uh, no.
She's not backstage?
I haven't seen her, no.
Hey, you guys have seen Abigail?
- No.
- Sorry.
Well, it looks like
the understudy's saving the day.
"Only this consider,
the world goes mad,
and it profit nothing
you should lay the cause
to the vengeance
of a little girl."
Okay, this is you.
Blackout for scene three.
Hey, hey!
"I must speak with you,
"Will you sit?"
"How do you come?"
"You were no hypocrite!"
"I will prove you
for the fraud you are!"
"Oh, and if they ask you
why Abigail would ever do
so murderous a deed,
what will you tell them?"
"I will tell them why."
Okay, so she gives
birth to a huge baby,
which is bad enough
and then she comes home and--
- Ms. Cohen?
- Yeah?
I need to report an incident.
Abigail! Abigail!
What's going on?
Tell me what's going on
with you?
You're not looking at me.
You're not talking to me.
- You're ignoring my calls, no!
- Listen, listen to me, no, no,
- no, no!
- What is going on with Melissa?
Nothing's going-- We--
we-- we can't do this
right here.
- Please don't yell--
- Why?
Why did you kiss me...
if you don't wanna be with me?
Oh, I just...
I just wanna know.
I just wanna...
- Okay, okay, shh, shh.
- I can't do this anymore.
Look at me. Look at me
and just calm--
take a deep breath.
Could we just--
can I talk to you in the--
Hey, let me just talk to you
in the car, okay?
You okay?
Look, I'm really sorry.
I have something to give you.
How're you feeling?
- Fine.
- Okay.
Do I just start talking?
Uh, Officer Dolan is just gonna
ask you some questions.
As-- as soon as you're ready.
- I'm ready.
- Okay. Go ahead.
Miss Bowman,
uh, did your substitute
drama teacher, Jeremy Woods...
engage in a sexual relationship
with you?
And he asked you for these?
Oh, hi. Thank you
for coming in, Mr. McCarthy.
- My pleasure.
- Why're you--
What-- what is he doing here?
Oh, we need a parent present
while you speak with the police.
Oh, he's not my father.
He-- Well, parent or guardian.
- Oh, please, sit.
- Thank you.
How you doing, honey?
You all right?
I-- I came just as soon as I--
I could. I...
Okay, um, so we can continue.
You mentioned
something about pictures?
Right, um...
He asked me for pictures
after class one day.
I was too nervous to send them,
so I-- I brought them
in to my phone,
and he asked if he could
keep them for a few days.
You know, to look at them.
And, has he returned
the phone to you?
No, it's probably still
in his desk.
Now the last incident,
you said, occurred
in the school auditorium?
- When?
- Um...
- And what time of day was this?
- Uh, this was just after school.
He left a note in my locker
asking me to practice
for the showcase with him.
I was-- I was the understudy
for the scene
from "The Crucible".
Mmm-hmm. And what happened
when you went to meet with him?
We were rehearsing.
It's, um...
it's a really intimate scene.
Uh, and we'd done
it together before but...
yeah, this time, it just,
it felt different, you know?
He kept, he kept looking at me,
he wouldn't look away.
And then...
he kissed me.
Uh, and did he threaten you?
Um, say he was going
to hit you or,
try and restrain you
in any kind of...
He said...
he said, "You wanted this.
Remember that."
And what happened after that?
He touched me.
He asked me to take off my shirt
and he looked at me in my bra,
and he-- he felt me up.
And then he asked
if I wanted to see him.
And what did you say?
I said yes.
But I didn't mean it, you know?
I was just...
I was just scared.
And I--
and I thought...
maybe if I did this,
he would stop hitting me.
So, he asked me
to take off my bra while...
and then he...
he looked at me...
and he said...
"How many boys
have seen you like this?"
You just think that you matter,
you know?
The first time you think...
that even if it makes you sick
that at least
you matter to somebody.
And then you realize
that you don't.
You don't matter.
You don't matter.
I'm really sorry,
but I-- I need you to just
go back a bit.
You mentioned that he hit you?
You just said that, um,
That you thought
if you did this,
he would stop hitting you.
So, when did this all start?
A couple of years ago.
- All right. We need to go.
- Don't touch me!
- Hey!
- She's coming with me!
- Calm down.
- She needs a lawyer!
- I have every right to be here!
- Please don't let him touch me!
Step out of the room.
Get out! Get out!
Out of the room!
- Get out!
- Just give her a minute.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
- Thank you.
- Hey.
Thank you.
It's okay.
You're gonna be okay.
- Okay?
- Yeah.
Here, I want you to--
I want you to have this.
You keep it, okay?
It looks better on you
than it does on me.
Melissa Bowman.
What if I told you
You wanted someone quiet
I just kept runnin' fast
Away from
My goin' past
What did you say to me?
You got a lot
Of night in you
You're just a lion
With things to prove
So just keep lyin' to me
Just keep tuckin' in
My sheets
Tellin' me darlin'
You're a fair one
And that you
Best be scared of me
What if I said to you
Fall in your arms
I found my strength
But you just took it away
I guess you said
Oh you know
'Cause what's the use?
What's the use of tryin'?
She's in a room
With her eyes closed
She's in a room
With no windows
So dark
I was frightened
Of the night
Until I took it
In my hands oh
Shut out all the light
What do I look like?
A little girl lost
A little lost cause
Is that pity in your eyes?
At least you warned me first
But it's supposed to hurt
So just keep pushin' me
Just keep tryin' harder
I'm not hero or a martyr
Think I'm the villain
Of the story
Oh please
If you know
What's good for me
You just
Keep me feelin' lonely
Until it puts me on my knees
Oh you know
'Cause what's the use?
What's the use of tryin'?
She's in a room
With her eyes closed
She's in a room
With no windows
So tired
I was frightened
Of the night
Until I took it
In my hands oh
And shut out all the light
Ah ah as I grow older
I become
Less afraid of the dark
More afraid
Of growin' older
So won't you kiss me
Up to God
'Cause I know
Just what I want
Just somethin' to believe in
'Cause I'm not
He said oh child
You got that lion in you
Let me lay you down
You'll feel all right
When it's through
He said oh child
You got that lion in you
Let me lay you down
You'll feel all right
When it's through
He said oh child
You got that lion in you
Let me lay you down
You'll feel all right
As I grow older I become
Less afraid of the dark
More afraid of growin' older
So won't you kiss me
Up to God
'Cause you know
Just what I want
Just for somethin'
To believe in
'Cause I'm not