Blanche Fury (1948)

- I was afraid this might happen.
- Will she be all right?
She's very weak, of course.
That's only to be expected.
- I shall want some more hot water.
- Yes, Doctor.
She's very weak, of course.
She's very weak, of course.
She's very weak, of course.
- She's very weak, of
course. Will she be all right?
Will she be all right?
Will she be all right?
The heir to this house is Lavinia.
So it's you again, Miss Fuller.
So it's you again, Miss Fuller.
So it's you again, Miss Fuller.
So it's you again, Miss Fuller.
And you've lost another situation
with your independent ways.
Now listen to me.
This is the registry office,
it's not an orphanage.
So long as you come to me for help,
please remember I require
respectable females
who will do their duty in
whatever situation it pleases me
and providence to place them.
Now, here's a Mrs.
Winterbourne. Wants a companion.
16 a year, all found.
Go and see her.
And remember, as far as
this office is concerned,
you've had your last chance.
Really, Miss Fuller, you
make more noise than ever
just because I ask you to be quieter.
I do believe you are
purposely annoying me
because it tires my throat
to complain so often.
The doctor said it would be better
if I didn't have to talk so much.
You'd better give me my drops.
I should have had them ten minutes ago.
It's bad enough being helpless
without having to put up with
your inefficiency and bad temper.
Do you hear?
Can't you even answer
when I speak to you?
Violets, hm. How much did
you pay for those, may I ask?
A penny.
If you think you can squander the 16
a year I pay you on such fripperies,
I suppose that's your affair.
That's all for this
evening but don't sit idle.
All you girls take advantage
of a nice room to yourselves.
And if I should ring my bell,
please arrange to hear it.
Letter for you, Miss Fuller.
Came by the last post.
Thank you, Ellen.
I've been ringing this bell
for the last ten minutes.
I won't stand such neglect!
I might have been dying!
You know I can't get out of bed once
I'm banked up with hot water bottles.
And yet you most carefully left my copy of
Ministering Children where I can't reach it!
- Will you please get it for me?
- With pleasure, Mrs. Winterbourne.
Good gracious, girl,
what's come over you?
I'm leaving you, Mrs.
Winterbourne. Tomorrow.
Leaving me? B-But you can't do
that! After all I've done for you!
All you've done for me?
That's wonderful!
My dear Mrs. Winterbourne,
allow me to tell you something.
Ever since my father and
mother died six years ago,
I've been working night
and day for people like you.
Rich, selfish, pampered... Don't
interrupt! That's what you are!
Well, it's gone on long enough.
I'm 25 and I have a right...
a right, Mrs. Winterbourne, to
a very different life from this.
And now I have the chance.
And I'll stop at nothing
to make the most of it!
I am Miss Blanche Fuller.
Oh, Miss Fuller. Glad to see you, miss.
My uncle is expecting me.
Mr. Fury has gone to
the station to meet you.
- I should like to come in, please.
- Oh, I'm sorry, miss.
William. Get Miss Fuller's luggage.
Would you care to wait
in the drawing room, miss?
This way, please.
I'll tell Mr. Fury you're here
as soon as he returns, miss.
- It's easy to see who you are.
- Is it?
You're so exactly like the
portrait of your father.
I do hope we're going
to be good friends.
Do you think that likely?
Is there any reason why we should not?
Is there any reason why we should?
Well, really, this is a
strange sort of a welcome.
Expect me to meet you at
the door? With flowers?
No. But I expected a little politeness.
However, Cousin Laurence,
if that's how you feel,
I have no intention of
imposing my company on you.
Didn't you come with your uncle?
- No, we missed each other.
- Pity.
You won't have to wait long. I
think I can hear him coming now.
Good. I hope he's more
agreeable to meet than his son.
He isn't.
- Cousin Laurence! Here I am.
I'm sorry we missed you.
You are my cousin Blanche?
Yes. So you're Laurence!
Who did you think I was?
Here she is, Father! Safe and sound.
Ah, my dear Blanche, I regret that
we missed each other at the station.
Doubtless you were anxious to
get here as quickly as possible.
Yes, Uncle, I was.
Sit down.
Blanche, I have regretted that
your poor father's temperament
made it impossible for
the two families to meet.
But now you're welcome to Clare
Hall. Isn't that so, Laurence?
Glad to have her. Very.
And now that you're here, we must...
What is it, Thorn?
I've examined that gun of Mr. Laurence's.
The left trigger hammer is defective.
Very well, Thorn.
Will Miss... Fuller go out riding
with Mr. Laurence in the morning?
No, Thorn.
Good night, Mr. Fury.
Good night, Thorn.
I think we may find it a little
confusing for the servants
if you continue to
use the name of Fuller.
When we inherited this estate
from the widow of Adam Fury,
whose portrait you see there,
we took the family name.
I think it'd be advisable
for you to do the same.
- I take it you've no objections?
- None, if you wish it, Uncle.
Now doubtless you'd like
to be shown up to your room.
Dinner is at eight but if
you can be dressed by 7.30,
I shall be glad of your company
in the library for half an hour.
Yes, Uncle.
- Are you Louisa?
- Yes, miss.
Can I unbutton the dress?
Oh, yes. Please.
- You aren't English, are you?
- No, miss. I'm Italian.
And this is the Italian room.
That surely cannot be coincidence.
No, miss. I came here
with an Italian lady.
40 years ago.
This was her room.
You're Lavinia, aren't you?
Shouldn't you be in bed?
What's the matter? Couldn't you sleep?
Were you frightened?
There's nothing to be frightened of.
Show me what a brave girl
you are and go back to bed.
Would you try if I go with you?
Come along, then.
There, you see! There's
nothing to be afraid of.
Now, into bed with you.
Oh, cold toes!
Down quickly.
Who are you?
I'm your Aunt Blanche.
I've come to look after you.
Do you think you're going to like me?
Listen, Lavinia, you try and
go to sleep like a good girl.
I'll leave the door open so you can see
the light from the passage. Will that do?
Come in.
Uncle Simon, can Lavinia
have a candle for her bedroom?
Sit down, please.
I should tell you, Blanche,
I don't wish you to make
a mollycoddle of Lavinia.
I shall ask you to look
upon yourself as a governess.
- A kind one but a strict one.
- Yes, Uncle.
I shall also ask you to undertake the
supervision of the household in general.
In return I shall provide you with your
wardrobe and an allowance of 25 a year.
And another thing, Blanche.
You already met our
steward Philip Thorn.
He's not a very pleasant fellow
and he has a grievance
which makes him even less so.
I only employ him
because of an obligation.
Surely he can have no
grievance against you, Uncle?
I'll explain very frankly
what it is, Blanche.
This property came to us because the last
of the Furys, Adam Fury, had no children.
I say he had no children. I should
say he had no legitimate children.
He had indeed some romantic
adventure with an Italian woman.
And Philip Thorn is
their... their natural son.
He has, of course, no
claim at all to the estate.
But as I say, he cherishes a grievance.
I think you're very kind
to keep him on, Uncle.
Oh, he runs this place extremely
well. But he's inclined to be familiar.
Remember that he's a servant.
I shall certainly treat him as such.
Is he in?
Good afternoon, Mr. Thorn.
And what brings you here?
The fact that I'm tired
of waiting, Mr. Calamy.
You know, my friend, I
asked you to be patient.
Would you be patient, employed
on an estate that should be yours?
But, Mr. Thorn, we have yet to
prove that it should be your estate.
That's what I'm waiting for you to do.
Are you handling this case or aren't you?
Mr. Thorn, I told you many years
ago when you first came to me
that we had very little
to rest your case on.
It was only three months ago
when we had the good fortune
to trace your mother's letters
that I first became hopeful.
Now at least we know the places that
she and Adam Fury visited in Italy.
We can have the registers examined
and see if a marriage
ceremony really did take place.
How long have I to be patient?
Can't you imagine how I feel,
being ordered about by these... people?
These Fullers strutting about the place!
Can't you understand? Clare's
been in my family for generations!
It's in my blood!
It isn't a question of words
written in ink or a lot of papers,
laws and seals, it's part of me!
Really, Mr. Thorn.
Your attitude doesn't make it
any easier for me to help you.
I know, Mr. Calamy.
And I need your help. I need it badly.
Rely on me, Mr. Thorn.
If there's any record
in the places mentioned,
you may be sure my agents
in Italy will find it.
But it will take time.
Good evening, Mr. Thorn.
Thank you, Mr. Calamy.
That was much better, Lavinia, darling.
As for you, cousin Laurence,
you are patience itself.
- Thorn, have you any news?
- No.
Aimes and Elliot have been all over.
There isn't a fence down
and the gates are shut.
Those horses were stolen. In
my opinion, stolen by gypsies.
My father wants you to ride into
Stafford and inform the police.
By the time they do anything, the
horses will be sold out of the county.
See that my father's
orders are carried out.
Lavinia, this is your last chance.
If you disobey me this time,
I'll have you sent to bed.
Try to do as Father says, and
don't hold on to the saddle.
Try very hard and then you
shall have a special treat.
Good morning.
I was expecting you to ride
today. Your horse is waiting.
Mr. Laurence wanted me here.
I'll ride this afternoon
while Miss Lavinia is resting.
She'll need a rest after that.
Elliot, has Mr. Thorn
left for Stafford yet?
I don't think so, miss.
- Do you know where I can find him?
- No, miss. But Aimes would know.
Thank you.
- Where is Mr. Thorn?
- He's in his room, miss.
Oh, thank you, Aimes.
May I ask to what I owe this honour?
You may.
Do you mind if I sit down?
Mr. Thorn, you have a habit of speaking
to me in a way that I don't like.
As I may be here for a long time, I
thought we might come to some understanding.
Yes, Miss... Fuller.
Why do you persist in
calling me by that name?
Has it escaped your notice
I'm now called Miss Fury?
I find these sudden changes of
name difficult to get used to.
So I've heard. However,
I should like you to try.
I am a member of the family.
Of course. There's no reason why you
shouldn't take anything they take.
- What do you mean?
- Just that.
They've taken the name of
Fury. Why shouldn't you?
I suppose you think it's presumptuous
on the part of a governess.
You may not always be a governess.
I'm sure that possibility's
occurred to you.
And what would you say then, Mr. Thorn?
I should say, "Congratulations, Miss Fury.
" Or again, "Congratulations, Mrs. Fury. "
According to whatever name
you were adopting at the time.
I think you're one of the most arrogant
people I've ever met, Mr. Thorn.
I come from an arrogant family.
Since you've taken that family's
name, you should know its legend.
And why 700 years ago,
Alaric Fury adopted a
Barbary ape as his crest.
He captured it on his
way to the First Crusade.
Shortly afterwards, he
was killed in battle.
The ape loved his master so much
that he would allow no-one to come near
his body when they wanted to bury him.
The legend has it that the ape still
watches over the rights of the Furys.
Hence the motto Beware Fury's Ape.
A very interesting story, Mr. Thorn.
But it has nothing to do with reality.
We shall see... Miss Fury.
Yes. We shall see.
- Hello, Molly.
- Hello. I was thinking you'd forgotten me.
I don't forget old friends.
- Nor do I. What'll you have to drink?
- Whisky.
Good day, gentlemen. Want anything?
- Staying in Stafford for the night?
- No.
You get along out of here! We
don't want to buy anything today.
Wait. Let's see what you've got.
God bless you both.
Buy something pretty
for the lady, mister.
How long have you gypsies
been in these parts?
Gypsies come today, mister.
That's funny. The police said
you'd been here three or four days.
- Gypsies bring good luck, mister.
- Not in my experience.
Where's your camp?
Long way away, mister. Over the hills.
I'll take these. Here you are, Molly.
With my love.
Well, aren't you a dear?
So your camp is over the hills,
is it? Where's that, exactly?
- Gypsy tell the lady's fortune?
- Go on, get out of here.
Thank you, mister. God bless you, lady.
I know where the stolen horses
are. I've seen them at a gypsy camp.
- Where's that?
- Over the hills. I'll show you.
- Which way?
- This way.
Yes, that's Westwood and the mare.
I'm going in to get them out.
Shouldn't we get the
stablemen from Clare?
No, there's not time.
They're breaking camp.
Will you help?
Of course. What must I do?
Approach the camp. Ask
the way back to Stafford.
That'll attract their
attention and give me time.
They're a rough crowd.
Keep a safe distance.
Any sign of trouble, get out fast.
Good afternoon. I've lost
my way. Can you help me?
Could you tell me the way to Stafford?
Use your whip! Come out this way!
Don't stop. I'll meet you up the hill!
Stop it! He's getting away!
We've got them back, Uncle Simon!
- Blanche, where have you been?
- We paid a polite visit to the gypsies.
- We?
- They gave us a very warm welcome.
- Did you go with the police?
- No, sir, we went alone.
I want a word with you in your quarters.
Very good.
Laurence, perhaps you'll escort
Blanche back to the house.
Say good night to Lavinia.
She won't sleep till
she knows you're back.
We were worried about you, Blanche.
We were afraid you'd had an accident.
Strange that you didn't look
more pleased to see me, then.
I think we should have,
had you been alone.
It was rash. My niece
might have been hurt.
You'd no right to take the
law into your own hands.
I was thinking of Clare. I
presume that's what I'm paid to do.
You presume too much. You
should have informed the police.
Tomorrow they could have
gone out to the camp.
- Tomorrow they'd have gone.
- We could've followed them.
We shouldn't know whom to
follow. There are a great many.
There won't be for long.
I intend to discuss a plan for dealing
with these gypsies once and for all.
As to my niece, you will not
enter into conversation with her.
I shall tell her so.
Kindly remember that.
We've become very fond of you,
Blanche. We think of you as one of us.
I hope you'll be that more and more.
This is a great day for Clare, Fury.
- It is indeed.
- It's a great day for all of us.
Those confounded gypsies moved out this
afternoon. I got word from my head keeper.
- They've taken the eviction quietly.
- What else can they do?
Good evening, Mrs. Fury.
Would you care to dance?
I don't think I'll dance again for a
while. I'd like to go out on the terrace.
In that case, may I accompany you?
By all means.
Well, aren't you going to say it?
- Say what?
- "Congratulations, Mrs. Fury. "
Your husband's the one
to be congratulated.
It's very strange for
me to be here tonight.
This is the first time in many years
that I've been in any room in this house
except the gun room.
And I'm invited here as a guest
with all the rest of the staff.
Though I'm the only real Fury here.
You were thinking that as
you came in, weren't you?
You looked at everything
so possessively.
Everything, Mrs. Fury?
I didn't mean that.
Did you think it?
Of course not.
Why are you wasting yourself on him?
Is it for position and security?
You may not even be able to keep those.
One day this place is coming
back to its rightful owners.
And as you've been to so
much trouble to make it yours,
that may be at your expense.
How can that be?
Have you forgotten the
legend of Fury's Ape?
Look! Look! Something's on fire!
All Clare men, get down to the barns!
Tell Aimes to saddle the horses.
Get hold of this!
You two, get over there!
Pump! Pump!
Come in nearer!
Thorn, can you save them?
It's hopeless!
It's hopeless. The
barn's out of control.
Look over there! The ricks are alight!
That's no accident! It's those
gypsies! They're on the estate!
I put the mares in that field.
Leave the barns. Take some
men and see to the mares.
- We'll try and catch some of the devils!
- Right, sir!
Come on the rest of you, follow me!
Hey, Joe, bring your horse up here!
Louisa, is there any news?
Mr. Thorn has come
back. No-one else yet.
One of the mares has started
to foal. He's with her.
Tell everybody to go to bed.
- You certainly must.
- But I'm not tired.
- Will you wait up alone, Miss Blanche?
- Yes, Louisa.
Madam, I should say now, shouldn't I?
I'm afraid my wedding hasn't
brought the family good luck, Louisa.
Perhaps Fury's Ape
doesn't approve of me.
You must not say that.
You don't think there's any... truth
in any of these stories, do you, Louisa?
It is better not to
think of such things.
No. No, of course I shan't.
Come along, darling. It's late.
Whoa, that's all right, my sweetheart.
You'll be all right now.
Hello, Gypsy.
That's your name, whether
you like it or not.
Have you been there long?
Not very.
You're gentle with
animals... aren't you?
Yes. I like animals.
- Was much damage done?
- No, apart from the barns, not much.
And my uncle? And Laurence?
Have you any news of them?
Mrs. Fury, why have you come here?
Our conversation on the
terrace was interrupted.
I have nothing further to say.
Do you seriously believe in all that
superstitious nonsense about Fury's Ape?
- You're afraid, are you?
- Not at all. I'm not easily frightened.
Now that I can believe.
Mr. Thorn, you were
right about one thing.
I do want position and
security. I always have.
Even though it means being
married to Laurence Fury?
- I'm very fond of my cousin.
- That's not true.
You don't give that for your cousin.
You may not admit it, even to yourself.
But you know in your heart that
position and security aren't enough.
Not for a woman like you.
You've left something
out of the bargain.
Something that this year or next year...'re going to want...
passionately, Mrs. Fury.
As I do.
This way, quickly.
Is this one of the results
of tonight's business?
Yes. Did they get away?
Not all of them. We caught two.
They're in Mr. Weatherby's stables.
We'll have them brought
up before the magistrate.
Come to Stafford with
me after breakfast.
Yes, Mr. Fury.
- This mare seems in a pretty bad way.
- She is, I'm sorry to say.
- Will she recover?
- Oh, yes, with care.
- The foal's all right?
- Mm. He's fine.
The last she'll have, poor old lady.
Hmm. Will she be any
good for riding later on?
She won't be good for
anything except a quiet life.
I don't like useless
animals about the place.
If she can't earn her
keep, have her destroyed.
- Have her destroyed?
- That's what I said, Thorn.
But I bred this mare. I broke
her and schooled her myself.
She was your wife's... I mean
your first wife's favourite hunter.
- What has that to do with it?
- You say she's no good now.
You don't understand.
This mare's dam and sire were
bred by Adam Fury himself!
She's given us the five
best horses on the estate.
And now because she's no use
any more, you say shoot her.
- I tell you, you can't have her destroyed.
- Can't? I give orders here.
My orders are for her to be shot.
See that they're carried out.
Come, Laurence.
I told you to go to bed.
I thought perhaps I'd better
wait until you came back.
Came back? Where from?
From wherever you've been to, madam.
May I help you?
Thank you.
And the foal? Did you see it?
Yes, Louisa. It's very pretty.
Louisa, will you please shut
the door to my husband's room?
Now, Louisa, what
exactly is on your mind?
Is it about Mr. Thorn?
Yes, Miss Blanche. I'm afraid for you.
For me?
He's dangerous, Miss Blanche.
Not only to himself but to others.
I've known him since he was a child.
I've watched him grow up.
I know how cruelly unhappiness
has twisted his nature.
And how bitterly he
hates all the Fullers.
I beg you to be cautious.
Goodbye, my dear. I'm sorry
to take him away for today.
We shall be back this evening.
Goodbye, dearest.
I wish I hadn't to leave you
but you know how important it is.
Goodbye, Laurence.
- Hello.
- Hello.
You missed a great day in court.
All the gentry were there,
including the lord lieutenant.
- What was that for?
- Old Simon Fury and the gypsies.
- What did they get?
- Remanded.
If old Fury had his way,
they'd be up at the assizes.
They weren't half wild! Screaming threats
at him as they were hauled out of the dock.
There's some tea for you on the stove.
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
Oh, good evening, Mr. Thorn. Sit down.
- You got my message?
- Yes.
Yes. Quite an exciting
afternoon in court.
Quite an exciting evening at Clare.
Yes. Still, you know, I wonder if
Mr. Fury's right to be so harsh.
- You don't think they deserved it?
- Oh, it isn't that.
They're a very vindictive lot.
I'd advise him to keep a
sharp lookout for a while.
Mr. Calamy, you didn't ask me
here to tell me that, did you?
Have you any news?
Yes, I have.
It's not very good news,
Mr. Thorn, I'm sorry.
There's the letter from our agents.
There's no trace at all
of the marriage ceremony
you thought your mother went
through in Italy with Adam Fury.
No trace of it at all,
in any of the places mentioned.
I see.
So there's nothing more I can do?
I'm afraid not.
The estate will ultimately go
to the descendants of Laurence.
To his son, if this
marriage brings him one.
If not, to Lavinia Fury.
Lavinia Fuller!
Mr. Thorn, I'd like to
give you a piece of advice.
You're young and able
and the world is yours.
Clare will never be.
You're bound to suffer
while you stay there.
Why not go away?
Don't you think it would be
better for you, seriously?
I'm sorry I've been able to
do only too little for you.
Well, it's been, of course,
particularly difficult.
I mean, from the legal point of view.
- Here you are.
- Thank you.
Give me a whisky.
Haven't seen you for weeks.
Where have you been all this time?
Minding my own business.
Doesn't seem to improve your manners.
Or do you keep your fine ways
for the new mistress at Clare?
- What's she like, Mr. Thorn?
- She looks a bit of an 'igh stepper.
Married the young 'un. I
bet on her marrying his pa.
She'd have done better if she had.
I bet Mr. Thorn hasn't wasted his
time since she arrived, eh, boys?
- Hey, you! What are you doing?
- All right!
You should be careful what you say.
Another whisky.
You can take these when you go.
And I'd be obliged if you'd
take your custom elsewhere.
Mr. Simon and Mr. Laurence
will not be back before 10.30.
They are dining with the lord
lieutenant. A message has just come.
- Who brought it?
- Mr. Thorn.
He arrived a minute ago.
After all, I'm getting on. One
day the place will be yours.
If you want me to run it, Father,
I can only say I should
like nothing better.
But to do that, I must
have more authority.
Authority is not something
that one is given, Laurence.
One takes it because
it is in one to take it.
You must impose your
authority on the estate.
Yes, Father.
What are you thinking of?
And Clare.
You could never change, could you?
A little while ago, I thought you could.
I thought you had.
But you could never change.
Isn't it you who's changed?
Perhaps I have.
You want me to give up
Clare and go away with you?
Would you?
I don't know.
I don't know myself as well as I did.
You wouldn't leave
Clare, though, would you?
I can't.
There's something
stronger than me in this.
Something that was
decided for me long ago.
Even before I was born.
Philip, we've got to get away from here.
Something dreadful will
happen if we don't. I know it.
I'll go with you. I'll
go anywhere with you.
Are you afraid?
- Of me?
- No, for you. For both of us.
We have to choose.
There's no choice for me, Blanche.
I'm rooted here.
Like an unwanted tree
that nothing can destroy.
Nothing can destroy you, Philip.
Except yourself.
What if I do?
You would destroy me too.
What's that?
It's nothing. I thought
I heard the carriage.
Yes, it'll always be like that.
We shall always be listening
for something or someone.
What will you do now?
Go back to your home? To your room?
- To your husband?
- I can't. I hate him!
I hate them both! If
only they were dead.
Yes, if only they could die.
You've time for a glass of port and
a sandwich, after a ride like that?
I'm told you made a sterling
speech in court, Fury.
So did the gypsies! You know,
they threatened Father's life!
- I shouldn't worry about that.
- Good day's work, I call it.
All that remains is for the
judge of assizes to finish it off.
- So much for the gypsies.
- Yes, indeed.
All the same, Fury, I shouldn't
entirely ignore their threats.
- Help yourself.
- What can they do if under lock and key?
Only two of them. The rest are at large.
From what I hear, feeling
amongst them is running high.
Keep a couple of loaded
guns handy is what I'd do.
- That's easy enough.
- Well, Laurence, a sherry?
Aren't we going to see
your wife this evening?
I don't know. Banks,
has madam retired yet?
I think so, sir, but I'm not certain.
- I'll go and see.
- Whisky for Major Fraser.
- When will I get those yearlings?
- Tomorrow if you like.
- Good.
- I'll tell Laurence to attend to it.
- Have some more port.
- Oh, thank you.
- Who is it?
- It's me, dear.
Oh! Come in.
Blanche! Here we are, my dear.
Laurence! I was beginning to
wonder what had happened to you.
Nothing at all. We're
all safe and sound.
Who is all?
Fraser and Weatherby
are here. And Jenkins.
I promised you'd charm
them for a few minutes.
- That was rather a rash promise.
- They're counting on it.
- They're going to be disappointed.
- You can slip your dress on again.
Laurence, I don't wish to.
It isn't a matter of whether
or not you wish it, my dear.
Here is your husband requesting you
to come downstairs and be charming.
Here is your wife, Laurence,
requesting to be excused.
- Ah, but I'm afraid you can't do that.
- No?
I think I can.
- Are you seriously refusing...
- I made myself perfectly clear.
Not to me, I assure you. I find your
behaviour completely incomprehensible!
You may remember...
Not only incomprehensible
but indefensible!
May I say something?
I have no wish to hear any
excuses for your behaviour
in this small but, I
may add, highly signif...
Will you listen to me? Please!
You are mistaken, Laurence, in
thinking that I intend to excuse myself.
I merely wish to say this.
We are at the beginning of our married life
so it is as well we understand one another.
I have no intention, contrary
to the fashion of our times,
of being ordered about by my husband!
Is that all you have to say?
For the moment, yes.
Very well.
I myself can only say that I'm
surprised and hurt, Blanche.
I will discuss it again with
you when you are in a more
ladylike frame of mind.
Good night.
Come! Come! Come on!
Are you going to persist
in this attitude, Blanche?
I didn't say anything at breakfast because
of Father but it's gone on long enough!
If you intend our marriage to
be a struggle for authority,
let me tell you I shall win.
A wife doesn't oppose her
husband, she obeys him.
That's my father's wish too.
What do you think he'd say if
I told him of your behaviour?
All right, let him go.
Don't come through that gate!
Come on!
Get after her!
Work her back this way towards me!
I asked you not to
come through that gate.
I am not a stable boy. I dislike
being shouted at on my own estate.
Not that way! Send Williams behind her!
Are those the two
yearlings from Mr Weatherby?
They were.
You've wasted your time.
Why didn't you wait until I
arrived before choosing them?
I find this interest in
the estate unexpected!
You and your father have
left these matters to me.
From now on, everything
is going to be different.
In future, you will
take your orders from me.
I am going to manage the estate.
Do you know enough to do that?
I know enough to dispense with you.
I'll see that you're dismissed.
You can clear out. You
don't belong here any more!
Hello, Gypsy.
What are you doing here by yourself?
Yes, sir?
- Who did this, Aimes?
- Mr Laurence.
I'm sorry.
What in the devil was that?
What's the matter, Blanche?
Laurence, quickly! Get the guns!
Blanche, rouse the
household! Send the men out.
There he is!
Where were you when you heard the shots?
- In my quarters.
- What did you do?
I loaded a gun and
ran out to the garden.
You were among the first to
reach the scene of the crime?
Elliot and Aimes got there
a few moments before I did.
- When you arrived, this had been found?
- Yes.
Could you say whether
you'd ever seen this before?
No. Seen dozens like it. It's
a common type of gypsy earring.
Quite so. You knew of the gypsies'
threats against Mr Fury's life?
Yes, everybody did.
- That is all, Thorn, thank you.
- Yes, sir.
Tell the others I shall not
want to question them any more.
I'm afraid there's no doubt about it.
Your husband and your uncle were
the victims of gypsy vengeance.
I warned your uncle but it appears he
refused to take my warning seriously.
This is a terrible tragedy for you.
You have the sympathy of
everyone in the neighbourhood.
You're very kind, Major Fraser.
One thing more, Mrs Fury. You may
have to testify at the inquest.
That man you saw at the window.
- That is all that you can say for certain?
- Yes, Major Fraser.
- Well, Thorn?
- May I have a word with you, Mrs Fury?
I'll say goodbye. Please
don't trouble to see me out.
And once more, my deepest sympathy.
Thank you. Goodbye.
Good day, Thorn.
- Philip, my dearest.
- Did he ask more questions?
- Nothing important. He believes us.
- No reason why he shouldn't.
A clever man would find nothing
suspicious and he's a fool.
We can't be too careful, Philip.
He won't find any evidence.
That's all I care about.
What did you do with the things you
wore? The handkerchief and the hat?
Under the floor of the summerhouse.
I had to hide them and get back.
I've been so afraid for you.
It all happened so suddenly!
It's all happened exactly
as I said it would.
Quickly, and in such a way
that no-one need ever know.
And now it's over. And you're free.
And so is Clare at last.
We can do what we like
without caring about anyone.
Don't risk everything
now for want of patience.
I've been patient all my life, Blanche.
I know.
When am I going to see you again? Alone?
My darling...
We can't... We mustn't.
Not yet. It's too dangerous.
We must only meet when other people
are there. For a little while.
Aren't you exaggerating?
That'll be all, Thorn.
Be good enough to see that the affairs
of the estate go on exactly as usual.
Gentlemen of the jury,
you upon your oath do swear
that the said Simon and Laurence Fury
were found dead on the 25th
day of May in this present year.
In the Italian garden of Clare Hall.
And that the cause of death
was in each case a gunshot wound
but that there is
insufficient evidence to say
by whom those gunshots were fired.
And you do further say
that these gunshots were
discharged by a person
or persons unknown, feloniously,
that is to say, with intent to murder.
And now, gentlemen, this court is agreed
that there are indications
that these crimes were the work
of a band of lawless
rogues and vagabonds.
And I'm sure I speak for the
whole community in demanding...
Excuse me, madam. Mr
Thorn is here to see you.
He's waiting in the drawing room.
Thank you.
Why do you stand there, my love?
Come in. Come in.
- What are you doing?
- Nothing I haven't a right to do.
- At last.
- Don't speak so loudly.
You must be out of your
mind behaving like this!
My dear Blanche, you aren't losing
confidence in me now, are you?
Philip, don't be absurd!
Do you think suspicion
will never fall on you?
Do you want to attract the attention
of people to the fact you had motives?
If anything should happen to you
now, I don't know what I should do.
Don't worry, nothing will happen.
I can deal with anything
now. Anything and anyone.
We agreed not to see each
other for the time being.
You must go back to your quarters.
Are you keeping me out of the house now?
Philip, what's the matter with
you today? You're not yourself.
On the contrary. Today I am myself.
There's something
strange about you, Philip.
I don't like it.
I think it would be a good idea to
make some changes among the servants.
We could start on Banks. I've
never liked him. He's too old.
Philip, will you go, please?
This is my house as well as
yours, my dearest Blanche.
Our house, at last.
For us to love, for us to live in.
And one day for us to
leave to our children.
Philip, the heir to
this house is Lavinia.
Yes, of course.
Another of the same breed.
The fact remains, Philip.
The fact doesn't remain, Blanche!
Nothing remains. Nothing
and no-one shall remain
between me and the absolute
possession of Clare.
I thought you would have realised that
by now.
You are out of your mind.
You are out of your mind!
Philip! Philip!
Now listen to me.
And never forget what
I'm going to say to you.
If ever you were to
harm, or even try to harm,
one hair of that child's head,
if ever I see you make the
slightest threat to her,
I shall destroy you, Philip.
My dear Blanche,
what an absurd idea.
I begin to think the events of the last
few weeks have been working on your mind.
Please go now, Philip.
As you wish.
- Good morning, madam.
- Good morning, Gladys.
- Where is Lavinia?
- She went out riding early this morning.
You know what she is nowadays. You
can't keep her away from that pony.
I hope she hasn't gone far.
No, only to the paddock
where the jumps are.
- Who is with her?
- One of the grooms, madam.
Elliot, I think.
- Do you think you can do it?
- Oh, yes.
Dandy can jump anything,
can't you, Dandy?
I'll come over with
you, give you a lead.
- Are you ready?
- Yes! Come on!
Then off we go! Giddy up!
Mr Thorn!
Were you suggesting that Miss
Lavinia should attempt that jump?
She wants to try it.
Don't you, Lavinia?
Oh, do let me try!
You know perfectly well that a child
of that age on such a small pony
couldn't possibly take a jump
of that height with safety.
Oh, Aunt Blanche, I'm sure I can.
No, dear, it isn't possible.
That's a matter of opinion.
Mr Thorn... in future Miss
Lavinia will ride with Aimes.
She'll do no more
jumping for the present.
Very well.
As you wish.
This is a very serious
accusation, Mrs Fury.
I have not made it
lightly, Major Fraser.
What do you thin could
have been his motive?
He'd been told that day that he
might be dismissed from Clare.
You can imagine what that meant to him.
You say now you are sure that it
was his face you saw at the window?
Why didn't you say so the other day?
The other day I wasn't sure.
I didn't realise then that he
was capable of such a thing.
And what has happened
since to convince you?
Yesterday, he made an
attempt on Lavinia's life too.
On Lavinia's life?
What possible motive
could he have for that?
It's very simple, Major Fraser.
He regarded Lavinia as the only obstacle
between himself and the...
absolute ownership of the estate.
Mrs Fury, surely if Lavinia were
dead, Clare would belong to you?
Mr Thorn expected to
marry me, Major Fraser.
He expected to marry you?
We loved one another.
Mrs Fury, you realise if
Thorn is brought to trial,
you may be questioned
about this in public.
My intention is to answer any
question that may be put to me.
Very well.
I'll issue a warrant for his arrest.
I admire your courage, Mrs Fury.
I realise what this must have cost you.
Did she send you here
to talk about this?
No. But she told me very frankly
about your feelings towards each other.
When did she do that?
Many weeks ago when she
first came to see me.
And it's only today it
occurs to you to ask me
not to speak of it
in court. Why is that?
There are two reasons, Thorn.
The first is the state
of Mrs Fury's health.
The second is that I heard that you
intend to conduct your own defense.
Is it really Mrs Fury
you're trying to protect?
Or just the good name of
the county's oldest family?
- Look here...
- All right, all right, what do I care?
So it would be better
if it weren't mentioned?
She's lucky.
It so happens that I don't
want it mentioned either.
I don't want anything
except some clean clothes.
- Can you arrange that, Major Fraser?
- I'll see what can be done.
Is there anything else you need?
Can you say with truth
that these are not the handkerchief
and earrings in question?
In fact, to the best of your
belief, they are the same
that you received from the prisoner
and subsequently handed back to him?
- Yes.
- Thank you.
Prisoner at the bar, do you wish
to cross-examine this witness?
You say that
these are the earrings and
handkerchief that I gave you.
In fact, have you not seen countless
others of exactly this pattern
worn and sold by gypsies
all over the countryside?
Thank you.
Mr Aimes, it seems that you and Mr
Elliot had time to move the bodies
and ascertain that they were dead
before the prisoner joined you.
Which he did
three or four minutes after your own
arrival on the scene of the crime.
Yes, sir.
I should like the jury to pay
the greatest attention to this.
These three men were galvanised
into action by the same signal.
The sound of the two shots
which killed the victims.
They had approximately
the same distance to run.
Yet the prisoner, though young
and in the flower of his strength,
arrived three or four
minutes after the others,
who are neither so young nor so active.
The prisoner has stated that he
delayed long enough to load a gun.
Gentlemen, will you please
keep your eyes on me?
Mr Sanderson, will you
take out your watch?
- How long, Mr Sanderson?
- 22 seconds.
22 seconds, gentlemen.
Prisoner at the bar, do you wish
to cross-examine this witness?
Do you remember when I arrived
on the scene of the crime
I said something to you?
Yes, Mr Thorn.
- Do you remember what it was?
- Yes, Mr Thorn.
You said, "What's happened, Aimes?
I was woken up by the sound of shots. "
Thank you.
I merely wish to point out that
I had to throw on a few clothes,
since when the crime
occurred, I was in bed.
You knew the prisoner regarded himself
as having been
disinherited by your family.
Do you think it would be fair to
say he was obsessed by this feeling?
Mrs Fury, would it be
correct to say that in fact
the prisoner hated both
your uncle and your husband?
But he remained in their employ
because of his passion and
obsession for the estate.
Mrs Fury, on the day on
which the crime was committed,
the prisoner was told by your husband
that he was to be dismissed
from Clare, was he not?
- That is so.
- Thank you, Mrs Fury.
Prisoner at the bar, do you wish
to cross-examine this witness?
Mrs Fury, did you know that gypsies
had threatened your uncle's life?
I did.
These garments, which
you found in the garden,
- Aren't they typical of most gypsies?
- Yes.
Before the crime, had you
seen me wearing such garments?
Anyone knowing these facts would assume
the crime had been committed by gypsies.
- Wouldn't they?
- Yes.
On the morning after the crime,
you declared that to be
your belief, didn't you?
But when you saw these clothes again,
the day you found them in the garden,
you took them to the police
and said you'd changed your mind
and come to the conclusion
that I had worn them.
Doesn't that seem... illogical?
I had my reasons for believing it.
One being that I had threatened
the life of Lavinia Fury.
By encouraging her to
attempt a dangerous jump.
- Was she unwilling to attempt it?
- No.
- Who said it was too dangerous?
- I did.
Will you admit that my experience of
horsemanship is greater than yours?
Of course.
And my judgment is therefore
correspondingly more reliable than yours?
Provided you had no reason for doing
something against your judgment.
What reason could there be?
The child was a Fuller.
You hated all the Fullers.
- Aren't you a Fuller?
- Yes.
- Did I hate you?
- No.
Then you are wrong in saying that
I hated all Fullers, are you not?
You must be careful to
speak the truth, Mrs Fury.
I am on oath to do that.
I'm inviting you to find a reason
why I might have threatened
the life of Lavinia Fury.
She was the owner of an
estate which you coveted.
Would her death have made me the owner?
Not in itself, no.
Mrs Fury, your evidence
is so pitifully weak,
I suggest the truth is simply this.
You brought this accusation
for some personal motive.
My lord, I must object.
The prisoner has no right to
question the witness's integrity.
If the witness can
repudiate the imputation,
she should have the
opportunity of doing so.
I merely suggest, my lord,
that Mrs Fury's
longstanding dislike of me
led her to seize this opportunity
of disposing of me for good.
Silence in court!
Mr Thorn...
You know as well as I do that the
truth is the reverse of what you say.
So far from wishing harm to you,
I only wished your happiness.
And in sacrificing it, I...
sacrificed my own.
It sometimes happens
that a woman marries
...and then comes face to face
with love when it's too late.
I didn't think that any love
could be as strong as ours.
Until I realised that
your love for Clare
was stronger than us both.
Silence in court!
Have you any more questions
to put to this witness?
Yes, my lord.
My lord, may I ask a privilege
on behalf of this witness?
What privilege?
With respect, I would ask
that the witness be permitted
to give the rest of her evidence seated.
Mrs Fury has been an
exceptionally long time in the box
and I would add she is
expecting to become a mother.
In these circumstances, by all
means let the witness be seated.
Prisoner at the bar, you may proceed.
I have no more questions to put.
Silence in court.
Gentlemen of the jury,
are you agreed upon your verdict?
We are.
How find you? Is the
prisoner Philip Thorn
guilty or not guilty of murder?
And that is the verdict of you all?
Prisoner at the bar,
you have been convicted of
the crime of willful murder.
Have you anything to say why judgment
of dying should not be given?
I am content, my lord.
Philip Thorn, the sentence
of this court upon you is
that you be taken from here to
the prison from whence you came.
That from thence you be
taken to a place of execution,
there to be hanged by the
neck until you be dead.
And may the Lord have
mercy upon your soul... the prince and the
princess returned to the castle
where a great ball was
being given in their honour.
And they lived together
in great happiness
and had a little boy who
was called after the prince
and a little girl who bore
the name of the princess.
Better go for your ride now.
We'll finish this tomorrow.
Wasn't it a lovely story?
- Who's going with you?
- Aimes.
Don't go too far, will you?
Good morning, Lavinia.
- You saw him?
- Yes.
What did he say?
I could get nothing
out of him, Mrs Fury.
How was he?
Calm, quite composed.
- But... he sent no message at all?
- No.
I asked if there was anything I could
do or anything he wanted me to say.
He only smiled and... shook his head.
...what time, Major Fraser?
At midday.
Mrs Fury, if you take my
advice, you'll go away.
No, I...
No, I can't do that.
This is Lavinia's home. She loves it.
As for myself...
Going over it all again
and again in my mind,
I realise now that everything
that happened was somehow
My destiny too will come to me at Clare.
I'm sure of that.
Well, Mrs Fury, if ever
I can be of any help...
I'll walk round to the
stables with you, Major Fraser.
- Please don't trouble.
- No, I should like to.
It's such a lovely day.
- Goodbye, Mrs Fury.
- Goodbye, Major Fraser.
And thank you.
Have you any message
you would like to send?
- Any letters?
- No.
Is there anything you wish to say?
- Aimes!
- Yes, ma'am?
I thought you were with Miss Lavinia.
No, Mrs Fury,
she said she had your
permission to go out alone today.
- Where's she gone?
- She said she was going into the paddock.
Are you ready?
No! Lavinia, don't!
No, Lavinia, come back!
It's all right, Aunt
Blanche! I can do it!
Doctor! Doctor!
There's nothing more to be done.
She may not even regain consciousness.
Mrs Fury?
Mrs Fury?
Mrs Fury?
I have good news for
you. You have a son.
A strong, healthy boy.
You look after him, Louisa.
I want
...him to be called Philip.
Philip Fury of Clare Hall.
It has a good sound, hasn't it?