Bleed for This (2016)

Vinny went to the wrong hotel.
The wrong hotel?
Motherfucker, how many Caesar
palace they got in Las Vegas?
- He'll be here. -We are
gonna start the weigh-in.
If Pazienza is
not here by 7:00,
he will be disqualified.
Ash, answer the phone!
Tell Vinny they're going ahead.
They're going ahead.
Just hold them off.
- Tell them I'm coming.
- He's coming.
Where's he at? Where's he at?
He's on the fucking bicycle.
No, his weight.
What fuckin' weight's he at?
Where you at, Vinny?
I'm comin'!
He's comin'.
139 pounds and three quarters.
Tell Vinny that
Roger made weight.
- Where the fuck's your boy?
- What are you so worried about?
Where the hell you have to be?
Beating your pizza-faced,
Liberace son back to Boston.
Hey! Hey! Hey!
We're from Providence!
He'll be here. He'll be here.
Calm down.
He'll be here. Don't you worry about it.
He's gonna be here.
He'll be here.
He's gonna be here.
He gonna make it?
Got a little surprise for you.
Get your motherfucking dick
out my face.
He can't take his eyes off me.
He still looks big.
This is gonna be close.
140 pounds even.
Behind me the casino here
at Caesar's,
and, yes, the Eve
of the big fight.
Roger Mayweather
defending against Vinny Pazienza
for the WBC super lightweight
Bottom line is that I'm willing to
die in that ring tomorrow night.
I don't think he's ready
to make that sacrifice.
Damn straight,
'cause there ain't no need to.
Boy thinking about dying
instead of boxing.
That should tell you all
you need to know.
tomorrow night you gone.
Yeah? I'm gonna rain on you
like a thunderstorm.
You scary.
Do me a favor. Tomorrow
you get yourself a tic tac.
If you're this close to me tomorrow,
I'm gonna knock you the fuck out.
You all right, champ?
Yeah, yeah. I'm feelin' good.
I know you are.
You need anything?
Nah, I'm good.
- What you doin'? You goin' to bed?
- Yeah. Big day tomorrow.
Hey, you should hit the hay too.
Yeah, definitely, pop.
Okay. Good night.
Good night.
Five the fever! Wally
cleaver loves the beaver!
All right. Hey, hey.
Blow on those.
Baby. You're up 100k,
all right?
Shouldn't you just
call it quits?
Yeah, yeah.
Just order another OJ.
I'm not thirsty.
What are you doing here?
I'm splitting tens.
Don't you think you should be
getting some rest for tomorrow?
- It is tomorrow.
- Yeah, relax. Just go ahead.
All right. Yeah.
Okay. Yeah.
Too many. Too many! Yes!
Baby, come on!
Vinny! Vinny! God, Vinny!
Yeah, baby.
Yeah. Yeah! Too many!
He's an animal.
Who splits tens
on a $20,000 hand?
You shut up.
Come on, Vinny! Come on!
Oh, solid right hand
inside by Mayweather.
Pazienza stopped in his tracks.
Got his attention
pretty good right there.
What are you doing?
Get in there!
Solid right hand
right on the eye.
That hurt him.
I question, though,
whether we'll ever see
Pazienza in the ring again
after taking a beating
like this.
Knock him down!
Right back.
I'm telling you,
he's got a lot of heart.
- More action after the bell.
I can take that all day!
You got nothing! Come on!
Come on!
I got it, I got it.
I'm fine.
I got it, I got it.
I got this. I got it.
Give us your score.
Okay, I've got it eight rounds to
three, 107-101, favor Roger Mayweather.
I think he's winning
the fight big...
Good right hand there.
Best right hand of the fight.
- Right on that eye.
- Why let it go any farther?
Well, because he's a fighter.
- He wants to finish the fight.
- That's true.
- What's going on? -Nothing, ma.
He's still in his corner.
I'm stopping that fight.
I'm not waiting for a doctor
to make the decision.
You're not gonna win on points.
You gotta knock him out.
Vinny, you gotta knock him out.
Hey, champ, champ.
You all right?
Yeah. Yeah, fine, pop.
Okay. You got this.
You got this.
Now let's bury him!
Come on!
Two hands, Vinny!
Oh! God...
His eye. Work that cut.
You've got ketosis.
- What does that mean?
- I'm just dehydrated, pop.
We're in the desert, Vinny. I
see a lot of dehydration cases.
This isn't that.
Doc, I've been doing it this way forever.
This is how it goes for me.
Well, you can't keep doing
it like this. Yeah.
Thank you, doc.
Appreciate it.
It's weird, ma.
It's not weird.
Don't put so much salt on it.
I'm not. I'm putting parsley. You would
if you didn't knock this thing over.
Stop crying about the
fucking elephant already.
There we go.
I'm not crying.
Hey, you want to set the table, John?
All right. All right.
Hey, ma,
you watch the fight yet?
Oh, no. No, I can't
watch you get hurt.
Yeah, well, you know
I don't get hurt.
Where's the tape at?
It's in the VCR.
Can you put that there? Will
you move this off the table?
I can't do two things
at once, can I?
For the WBC
super lightweight title.
If will and want
to alone was all that mattered,
Pazienza can beat this guy, but
will can only take you so far
unless you can bring
some skill along with it.
It's called an old-fashioned
"paint job" in Philadelphia.
And for about
the half-dozenth time
they scrimmage after the bell.
And Lou Duva goes after
Roger Mayweather.
Now, that's one of the silliest
things he could ever have done.
then Mayweather punched him.
You're talking about a guy
in his 60s.
Vinny, shut it off.
We're eatin'.
Okay. Yeah, I'm comin'.
That's not professional.
How'd it feel to take a shot
from a world champ?
He hits like a altar boy.
What's the next move for Vinny
after this fight?
I don't know
if there's gonna be a next.
Now's not the time
for an announcement,
but as far as I'm concerned, Vinny
Pazienza shouldn't fight no more.
Now boxing's been good to him,
and he's been good to boxing,
and that's where it should end.
Excuse me. I'm sorry.
Come here, Vinny.
I'm good.
Come here.
I'll have more.
I don't know what you expect.
- Be happy with what you got.
- It's gonna fall out of his head.
Pop, stay calm, all right?
I need to set up the next fight.
Vinny, Angelo. Come on in.
Uh, what a surprise.
- How you doin', Vinny?
- They block the driveway?
We need to talk.
You should have called first. You know
I don't take meetings in the house.
Yeah, and you should have thought
before opening your fucking mouth
and telling the whole world
my son should retire.
All right, all right.
Come on now.
Lou, let's talk.
Come on.
Fine. Let's talk.
Vinny ain't done, Lou.
And even if you think he is,
you got no business
announcing it on HBO.
What the fuck.
Vinny'll decide when he's done.
I wish we'd spoken first,
but it's not a perfect world.
It's fine.
It's all right. Lou.
- I need another fight.
What's with the deep fuckin' breath? You
owe him another fight in his contract.
Lookit, Vinny.
All I'm saying is that I think
maybe you oughta start thinking
about more important things.
Your sister's getting married. You should
consider doing the same. Start a family.
What the fuck does that
have to do with him fighting?
- Pop, please. -Even when you
win, we go to the hospital.
Who's we?
I ain't ever seen you there.
Huh? Lou.
For fuck's sake, say something.
You got heart, kid, but you
wear it on your fuckin' chin.
I seriously think you oughta
consider hanging it up.
I'm not done yet.
All right? I got more in me.
That's not the problem.
You always got more.
I'm beggin' you here, Lou.
Give me another shot.
Just one more.
Rough night?
No, great night.
Rough morning.
You're early.
You're drunk.
No, I'm hung over.
There's a huge difference.
Well, you smell like liquor.
And you smell like Rhode Island.
What, you never had
a big night before?
Nah, I don't drink.
Yeah? Good for you.
Now, if we're done
with the fucking introductions,
I can't see shit out here.
This is where
you trained Tyson, huh?
That is crazy.
This your family?
You guys go to Disneyland?
World. In Orlando.
Oh, no. Not yet.
So, uh, why did Tyson fire you?
- What?
- Was it that DUI thing?
What are you, a newspaperman?
Nah, I'm just asking.
Do you not want to be here?
Yeah, I'm standing here,
aren't I?
All right, listen.
Let's get real, Vinny.
You lost three in a row,
last one a title fight.
You got nothing lined up
'cause you're not a draw.
Your own manager, on fuckin'
HBO, said you should hang it up.
Only reason you're standing
in my gym
is because Lou sent you here...
To put us both out to pasture.
So you want to get this over
with, let's get it over with.
You throw a hook, then go boom!
Move 9 to 5 and then come back.
You all set?
All right. This is Manny.
How you doin'?
How are ya? You'll be
sparring with him today.
How much you weigh?
You know that I fight
at junior welter, right?
I know. Headgear's
in the locker by the wall.
That's enough.
- That's enough!
Get on.
What "why?" Why not?
Gotta know where we're starting.
I'm not in camp or nothing.
I haven't been training.
Let's see.
All right.
There's no point.
I'm gonna be way over.
You just fought at 140
two weeks ago. You eat a horse?
I told you,
I haven't been training.
Geez. That's not what
I usually weigh.
I'm not at my fight weight
right now.
Hey, Vinny,
I just saw you use your weight.
It wasn't slowing you down.
At all.
I don't need to cut corners,
Kev. I can make weight.
Maybe you're at your weight.
Cuttin' corners is
what you been doin'.
- I won my first world title...
- As a lightweight. I know.
First time I got laid was
in my high school parking lot.
You see me taking my wife there every
time I want to get my rocks off?
Look at you.
You're a different fighter.
Your body's changed.
You're bigger.
You hit with more power.
Think I should move up?
Junior middle? Are you nuts?
You're outta your head, Kev.
Come on.
Nobody jumps two classes.
That's... no, no,
that's a huge risk,
which is the exact opposite of what
everybody tells me I should be doing now.
It's a risk.
This is the clock.
It's gonna teach you
how to move in time.
Jesus Christ!
What's that thing made out of?
Rock maple. And you don't get
to hit the clock back neither.
Not yet. I only want you
to avoid it for now.
Bend your knees.
Move your head.
Right, left. Move your head.
Left, right.
After you throw a punch,
you move your head.
You look like
a two-by-four.
Now. Come on, Vinny.
Move your head. Come on.
Look at it. Anticipate it.
Punch, move. Punch, move.
I got this. Come on.
Down. Here we go.
That's it, that's it.
Move to the side and boom!
Sit down on it.
Bad intentions. Bad intentions.
Now you're moving. Bend your knees.
Keep your hands up. Good.
You're looking good now.
You're moving your head.
All right, stop.
Okay, that's good.
Vinny, Vinny, stop!
What is that?
You fight the same way.
It's like if you're not completely spent,
then you must not have tried hard enough.
Yeah. I don't mind the pain.
Good, 'cause it's comin'.
You don't have to
send out invitations.
You know, you can't brawl
at this weight.
You have to box.
You have to defend.
Yeah, my offense is my defense.
Oh, yeah?
Where'd you come up with that gem?
Don Shula's autobiography?
Listen to me. Some hits you
aren't being tough by taking.
So when I say stop, you stop.
You hear me?
Yeah, I hear you.
Put the plate down there.
You did a very good job.
Everything's fine.
Everything's good.
I think it looks lovely.
Your ma religious, vin?
What do you think, Kev?
Christ and elephants.
You did perfect. The knife
goes on the outside. Oh.
You made it.
Oh! Oh, and, honey,
you look great.
Thank you.
- And, mom, this is Kevin.
- Mrs. Pazienza.
Thank you for taking
such good care of my boy.
- It's nothing. I like your elephants.
- Oh, those are mine.
Yeah. I love elephants.
Yeah, hi.
I'm, uh, Vinny's sister, Doreen.
And this is
my retarded fianc, Jon.
- Fuck's wrong with you?
- Be quiet, huh?
- And this is... -oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I remember.
- Hi, Shelly.
- Actually, it's Heather.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
- How are you?
- Mr. Pazienza.
- No, Angelo.
Angelo. Nice to meet you.
Hey, sweetheart.
Hey, pop.
Hey, how you doing?
Jesus, you're huge.
Where you at, 150?
Uh, 154. Yeah.
What are you doing?
No, it's a good thing. Trust me.
Kevin knows what he's doing. Yeah.
What are we having for dinner?
All right, everybody,
sit down. Come on.
Here, you sit over here.
Doreen, serve the salad.
Sorry. Sit down.
There you go. That's right.
I got it,
I got it. Sit.
Babe, you good?
What else you need?
I think I'm good.
Everybody, sit.
All right.
Settled in all right?
Oh, yeah.
Uh, thanks.
You got everything you need?
That mattress is brand-new
that we put in for you.
Oh, yeah?
No, I'm good.
So, let me ask you.
Who told you to come in here
with your missionary bullshit
and change the whole program?
Behind my back no less.
It wasn't a secret or nothin'.
If Vinny didn't tell you...
I'll deal with Vinny.
I'm talking to you,
and I'm telling you that pushing
him up two weight classes
is a dangerous fuckin' move.
How do you expect the Duvas
to find him a match?
That's their job.
Vinny made this decision,
Mr. Pazienza.
I don't know why you're so worried.
He's a great fighter.
Yeah, I know
he's a great fighter.
He was a great fighter
before he met you.
All right, you be first.
You be first.
There you go.
All right.
That's enough.
That's enough.
You tired?
No, I'm fine.
- Yeah, let's go one more round.
- Hey, Vinny. Vinny.
That's enough.
Don't Kev me. Come on.
Come back tomorrow.
Okay, see ya.
Hey, champ, Kev. My office.
Both of youse.
All right.
The fight came in.
And it's a fuckin' title bout.
Are you serious?
- Who?
- It's the French guy. "Deal."
Del? Oh, yeah, Del. Whatever.
He's back in.
With a title fight!
Kev, you hear that?
I got a title fight.
I got a title fight, baby!
Are you kidding me?
Come on!
Get back to work!
You're back in the game!
Come on! Yeah!
It's bad enough
you're promoting both fighters,
but you made a deal for Del to fight
Rossi in Europe in three months.
And we both know
he's only worth that much
if it's a unifying title fight.
You need Vinny to lose.
It's worth just as much
to us if Vinny wins.
Make del/rossi the undercard,
put Vinny in the ring
with Sugar Ray or Durn.
That's a big fuckin' if.
Did you buy your tickets
to Italy yet?
Huh? I'll bet you did.
Nah. It's too soon.
Forget using Vinny
as a stepping-stone.
You're making him
a fuckin' doormat.
We had options at 140.
At 54, our hands are tied.
You said you wanted a fight.
Yeah, a fight.
You're sending him to the lions.
I thought he was coming here to
bring us a bottle of champagne.
I just talked to Angelo.
It don't sound like nobody over
there's too upset. Just you.
Go home, Kev.
This is good.
For who?
You didn't finish his career
in Vegas, you're doing it now.
We are? We were
the ones who asked for this?
We were the ones who bumped him
up two weight classes?
We're the ones who wanted
to make a big splash
so that the world
could know Rooney's back?
I mean, this is on you, Kev.
Vinny Pazienza is hoping to find
some stability and consistency
at his new 154-pound home.
Vinny Pazienza has perhaps one last
shot to win a world championship
when he takes on undefeated WBA junior
middleweight champ Gilbert Del.
When Del won the title
in February,
he coldcocked a helpless
opponent named Carlos Elliott.
Elliott left on a stretcher,
facedown with a broken jaw.
Well, good news is
he hits like a girl.
The Providence civic center.
Fighting here has been one of
Vinny Pazienza's greatest dreams
since becoming
a professional boxer.
Well, it's no longer a dream.
Coming up:
Vinny Pazienza, the homecoming.
Gilbert is cool, nice, uh...
Well, you know
he's a very fine guy.
He's a fine guy, but, uh,
he's a rough, rough, rough guy.
What does that mean?
Does he got rough hands?
My mom owns a salon in Cranston.
He can get a manicure
if that's the problem.
Gilbert says, uh, he can, uh,
kick your Italian ass
in any country you like.
Yeah, well, not this one, Gilbert.
All right?
You're stepping in front of Providence.
You're stepping in front of my people.
I've worked really hard to get here, and
I'm not going anywhere without that belt.
He wishes you the best of luck.
Come on.
Come on, Kev. Turn the music up.
I'm feeling good.
I want you fresh for tomorrow.
Come on.
- All right, all right.
- Come on, Jon.
He asked me to hold the bag.
You want me to say no?
Come on, man.
This fight...
We gotta be careful.
Yeah. Kev, you bumped me up
two weight classes.
It's the night before the fight.
You're telling me to be careful?
No kiddin'.
What are you doing? How is
this supposed to help anybody?
I could ask you the same question.
It's 9:30.
I mean, come on.
Kev, look. I get it. You need
this win as much as I do.
You're damn right
I need this win.
But this isn't about me.
It's about you.
You're all in, all the time.
Scares the shit out of me.
What you want me to do? Only be half in?
A quarter in?
You want me to smoke
a cigarette between rounds?
I want you to understand the difference
between a risk and a gamble.
Yeah, risks, gambles, whatever.
No, not whatever.
This, what we do here,
this is calculated. Okay?
We weigh the odds.
We make a choice.
This ain't Blackjack, Vinny.
It ain't orange juice
and tit jobs and sunglasses.
This is it.
This is fucking it!
Do you think I'm gonna
lose this fight?
Good. Me neither.
They come from
opposite ends of the spectrum.
Suave, smooth gentleman from
Paris, the champion, Gilbert Del.
Going up, the blue-collar fighter
from Providence, Rhode Island,
Vinny Pazienza.
Sarah, come on.
It's starting.
Come on, champ!
You be first, Vinny.
You be first.
Come on, Vinny!
Come on. Let's go.
No punches thrown.
Come on, vin.
Push off the ropes!
He nails Pazienza upstairs.
Get off the ropes!
Push off the ropes, Vinny!
Come on. What are you doing?
There you go.
Golden opportunity for
Gilbert Del. Vin.
Doreen, why you so quiet?
Come on! Come on!
Fuck is he doing?
I'll be here all day. I love it.
I can do this all day.
I'll see you right after this.
Come on!
What are you doing, champ?
Stop playing around!
Come on!
Give me the water.
This isn't the game plan,
all right?
Why you going
toe-to-toe with this guy?
Hey, Vinny, look at me.
You don't move,
you're gonna get hurt.
All right?
You're gonna get hurt.
Don't let the fillies
get the better of you.
You don't have to slug
with this guy, all right?
What is it? He doesn't
hit like a girl at all.
Jesus Christ.
He actually hits pretty hard.
Vinny, move your head.
All right? Come on!
Vinny, kick his fuckin' ass!
There you go. There you go.
There you go, there you go.
Now you're movin'.
Oh, yeah!
Yeah, that's Vinny. Yes!
Stay on him, champ!
Come on!
Vin, stay on him.
That's it. Yes!
Come on!
What are you doing? Come on!
Come on, Vinny! Come on!
Finish him off!
No way!
Could be the knockout!
Neutral corner.
Nine, ten.
Ma, he did it!
Ma, he just did it!
He knocked him out!
He knocked him out? Oh, my god!
Vinny! How ya doin'?
- Oh, my god!
- Whoo!
Oh, my god, he did it!
- Stuck it out, Vinny.
- Yeah.
I did it with dogged determination
and persistent perseverance.
I'm back on top.
How do you feel, champ?
Like I should be on a box of Wheaties
doin' a Gatorade commercial.
I feel like I should be going
to Disneyland or something.
I'm so happy.
So what? You bulk up.
No big deal.
It's Durn.
You have to fight him
at super middleweight.
Yeah, you think
I can handle him?
I'd rather you fight
where you naturally live.
Don't want you to have to
starve yourself or bulk up.
But, yeah.
You can handle him.
"Handle him"?
He's gonna murder him.
You're too fuckin' nervous,
Kevin. You know that?
Yeah, you're not nervous enough.
- Hey, hey, you got it?
- She's outside.
Where you goin'?
We're just going to Dunkin'.
Yeah, grab some coffee.
- All right.
- Okay.
You be back for dinner.
He just got this new car, pops. I
might be a little late for dinner.
Does this mean
we're not going to ac?
Nah, I gotta be back tonight.
Let's just do Foxwoods.
Hey, so did you figure out
your next fight?
Gonna skip the rematch with Del and
go in straight to something bigger.
How big?
Like Durn big.
Holy shit. How much?
Vinny. Vinny.
Hey. Hey!
Call a fuckin' ambulance!
Just call...
You see the way he hits now?
Like a fucking bull.
Come on. Deal.
Hey, so quiet tonight, Anthony.
I almost forgot you were there.
I came to play cards, not to
hear about your fuckin' kid.
Yeah, fuck you!
Hey, Angelo!
Vinny's on TV!
Jesus Christ already.
Good evening. Rhode Island's
own pazmanian devil
is in Kent county memorial hospital
tonight with a fractured neck.
News watch 10
has obtained these photographs
taken at the accident scene
not long after it happened.
They show the car in which Vinny Pazienza
was riding, as well as the other car...
Here at Kent county hospital as
friends and family are gathering
to see what actually happened in
the accident involving Pazienza.
Kent county hospital,
I'm Ted Wayman.
No, honey, he can't.
They got him all drugged up
'cause he couldn't breathe.
What happened to him?
He got hit by a car.
No, wh-what happened to him?
Angelo, sit down.
Yeah, I'm here.
Your breath is killin' me.
Oh! Thank you, god.
How you feel?
Like I should be on a box of Wheaties.
Why am I in this thing?
You were in an accident.
Your neck's broke.
What are you talking about?
No, it's not.
Pop, i...
What are you talking about?
Ma, stop crying.
I'm gonna get the doctor.
I feel fine.
You're not fine, Vinny.
The break on the c3 is less than an
eighth of an inch from your spinal cord.
You don't need to be a radiologist
to see this is a problem.
Vinny, you're seriously injured.
This is going to be
a long road to recovery.
How much time?
How much time, what?
How much time till
I can fight again?
- Vinny...
- What?
Doc, how much time
till I can fight again?
This is not the time to be talking
about... ma. Please, let him answer.
I can't say with any certainty
you're going to walk again.
What are you talking about?
I can feel everything.
I feel fine. Look.
I'm moving my toe.
Look, I can feel that.
- Vinny, calm down. Calm down.
- I feel all this stuff.
I can move everything.
What are you talking about?
I feel that!
- I feel fine!
- Vinny! Vinny!
Lift my leg if you want me to.
I feel fine, doc.
- Stop.
- Feel my hand right there.
What you talkin' about? Kev,
tell 'em I'm gonna fight again.
You tell 'em!
Kevin, just tell them...
How you feeling, Vinny?
Listen. I want to talk to you
one more time about your options
before we proceed tomorrow.
No need.
Well, if I install the halo,
there's no guarantee
that it will work.
The halo relies solely
on your body healing on its own.
Well, that's good,
because I heal fast.
Not that fast. It'll be six months
till you're really out of danger.
Until then, one bump, one fall,
any kind of movement and
your spinal cord could sever.
Any doctor in the world would be
telling you that spinal fusion
is really the preferred procedure
with this severe of an injury.
You already told me all this. You
and my mom would get along great.
If you let me do the fusion, I can
guarantee you'll be able to walk again.
That's not enough for me.
I need to be able
to fight again.
I need you to understand
the risk...
I understand.
I don't think you do.
You're not fusing my neck.
I want you to count backwards
from ten, Vinny.
Didn't they tell you
I'm a boxer?
Eight, seven... not sure
if you know this, but...
Six, five...
Have you ever been to Mexico?
Four, three...
Where's my ma?
Okay, let's lift the head.
- Careful.
- You okay?
- That's him.
- Let's go, guys!
Come on. Let's go!
Come on, Kevin.
Get in the car.
Let's go.
Come on.
- There he is.
- Get outta here.
Get outta here.
Come on, come on.
Get outta here.
Come on. Hey.
Get outta here.
You're gonna get run over
by the car. Come on!
Here. Nah, I'm fine, I'm fine.
I'm fine.
Come on. Let me help you! Let
me help you, for Christ's sake!
Dad, get off me! Stop.
Come on, champ.
Come on.
All right?
Here, Vinny.
Nah, I'm not getting in that thing again.
Come on.
Nah, put it away.
It's a, uh...
It's a craftmatic.
We got your room all
set up down here in the den.
Yeah, I saw that.
Brought your posters
down and everything.
Thanks, Jon.
- What do you need?
- Where's the parm?
I got it.
I appreciate what you guys are
doing, but I'm not handicapped.
We left the wheelchair
in the car.
We just want to make sure that
you don't hurt yourself, vin.
What are you tryin'
to prove gettin' up?
I'm not trying
to prove anything.
If I would've asked you
to get the parm a week ago,
you would have told me
to go fuck myself. Hey!
All right. Yeah, that's fair.
There's your parm.
I've got two color appointments.
Then I'm gonna come home
and make you lunch.
- Thanks.
- Okay.
Get some rest, champ.
I thought the kids
were gonna be by today.
Just curious. You kind of
wonder about these things.
Time may be running
out for the Red Sox.
You like that?
Yeah, I do.
Mm-hmm? Yeah, it's like
a little jungle gym.
Yeah, swing around on it.
- Yeah?
- -Go crazy.
I don't want to hurt you.
You won't hurt me.
Give me a kiss.
What? Yeah.
Come on.
Mmm. Vin?
My fuckin' hair's caught
in your fuckin' thing!
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
Yeah, I got you.
We don't need to kiss.
Look at my hair now!
No, you look good.
I'm sorry.
No. I can't do this.
Yeah, we don't have to kiss.
We'll figure something else out.
Where you going? Come here. No.
Come here.
That's not nice. You can't just
come over and tease me like that.
Vinny... I'm all...
you know I'm right.
I gotta tell you.
That thing?
It's freakin' me out.
I don't know what
you want me to do.
Call me when
it's like a sweater.
Are you serious?
You rest.
You need to rest. Yeah, I know.
I've rested plenty.
I need to not rest.
Yeah, don't come back.
- All right.
- You kiss me like that.
For some time.
Midnight madness
became march madness.
Welcome to the Providence
basketball redemption tour.
Early season wins in Alaska...
Hey, Kev. Hey.
This is how you're
spending your birthday?
Yeah, you know.
Come on.
Get dressed.
I'm taking you out.
I don't wanna.
Come on.
Let's go. Come on. Mm-mm-mmm.
Oh! Yeah.
Mmm! Yeah.
Let's go! Come on!
Gonna have fun tonight.
Do the elevator.
We'll do the elevator.
Look at that.
Come on.
Mm-mm-mmm. God, Kev,
you're scarring me. Stop.
Come on. Come on.
I can't...
I can't unsee what I just saw.
Get up. There you go.
Oh. Good to see you.
Happy birthday, kid.
Thank you.
I almost forgot.
All right, now hold on. Yeah.
All right, come on.
There you go.
Kev, come on.
What's with the moping? Come on.
Get me outta this thing!
My god. Why couldn't you
drive a minivan?
Oh, my god. This...
All right.
Hey, what...
Why are we going here?
What? I'm gonna know
everybody in here.
You won't know anyone. It's a Tuesday.
Only skanks and hos work Tuesdays.
Oh, you may know everyone.
Happy birthday.
He had no idea!
Why do they call it an island?
It's not an actual island.
It's named after an island.
- Yes, Rhodes.
- Yes, the island of Rhodes.
Yes. See? Like Cape Cod.
I mean Nantucket.
- Hey!
- That has nothin' to do with it.
Here you are, champ.
This is it.
This is it.
- Yeah.
- Vinny!
- Yeah.
- Look at that.
- Huh?
- Beautiful.
Really nice.
"WBA junior
middleweight champ."
All right.
Uh, yeah, thanks, guys.
It really means a lot to me
everybody showing up here
and supporting me.
I just want to say thank you.
It really means a lot.
And to Vinny!
- Salute! Salute!
- To Vinny!
What's the cake like?
This whole thing's a machine.
When the machine runs,
it feeds everybody.
When it's down, when it ain't runnin',
nobody eats. Do you understand?
The machine...
It don't stop for nobody.
Not for me, not for Don
King, not even for you.
We know you still have three
months to defend your title.
We're asking you
to give that up now, vin.
Defending your title in march
is just not a possibility.
Sometimes you gotta cut your losses
to count your gains. Am I right?
You got your belt. Everybody
knows you're the champ.
It ain't personal.
Happy birthday.
What'd those two dum-dums
want from you?
Ah, nothin'.
You all right? Yeah. I'm fine.
What's up?
We're not done here, Vinny.
We're not?
We just need to, you know,
figure out what's next for you.
There's a whole world
outside the ring.
You know, Kev...
I'm getting pretty sick of people
talking about me like I'm dead.
Like I died in that car wreck.
Like it's just over for me.
Kev, I'm gonna fight again.
No, you ain't, Vinny.
That's what everybody
here knows.
They're afraid to say it
to your face.
You're not gonna fight again.
It's over.
You gotta let it go.
Make sure my folks
get home all right.
Twin river.
Jesus, Vinny.
Hey. I know.
And I can't even park
in the handicap spot.
How you feeling, honey?
Ah, I'm feelin' good.
Yeah. Thank you.
You look good.
Good to have you back,
Mr. Pazienza.
Hey. Hey, guys,
how we doing?
Hey, how are ya?
I'm Vinny Paz.
Oh, yeah? Hi.
- Can you take this off the table?
- Yeah. Sure.
Easy. Easy, Kevin.
Easy, easy, easy.
Your cab's coming. Wait right here.
I don't want a cab!
I know you don't, but you're gonna get one.
Just stand here...
All right! I'm not
gonna get in the car!
Stay away from that car, Kevin!
Don't go in that car!
Kevin, don't do it!
- Yeah, right.
- Come on back.
Ah, Jesus Christ!
Come on.
Hit me.
I'm sorry, Vinny.
It's coming up right up here.
- Vinny?
- What?
What are you doing down there?
I don't know.
Come on, Pazman.
Let's go.
Let's go. Come on.
Come on!
Come on, Vinny.
Come on, Paz.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on, Paz. Let's go, baby.
Let him sleep.
He was probably up readin'.
Readin'? Why are you
this stupid?
Three seconds to go
in the third.
It has been all so far.
- The crowd erupts in Providence.
- Hey.
- Hey.
What you watching? Just watching
the fights a little bit.
So, you get any action
at county or what?
Fuck off.
When'd you get out?
Nah, I never went in.
I got released,
after twelve hours.
Friggin' lost my license. On probation.
Fucking stupid.
- I'm glad you came over.
- No, I should've come by sooner.
Be right back. Gonna say
hi to your mom. Hold on.
Let me, uh... let me talk to you
about something real quick.
I need your help.
What happened?
You in trouble?
What, gambling?
Nah, nah. You need money? What?
Nah, none of that stuff.
Vinny, come on. What? Say it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I know. I'm just
gonna show you.
Vin, come on.
What, you buy a new Jean jacket?
I need you to start
training me again.
Fuck you.
Stop it.
I'm serious.
I see that.
Come on. Sooner or later, you got
to start accepting that maybe...
Look, I already started, Kev.
Started what?
With just the bar.
Now, I've been going real slow,
and I haven't rushed through
anything, just like you taught me.
Vinny, Vinny, ho, ho, ho, Vinny.
Vinny, no. No!
What? What are you doing?
This is insane.
You looked in the mirror lately?
You see that thing on your head?
You heard what the doctor said.
You're risking your life here.
What life?
No, I can't do it.
- This is a fucking hail Mary at best.
- No, it's... no, it's no...
It's a gamble.
Yeah, I know that.
But if there was a time to
roll the dice, this is it.
- You just don't know how to give up.
- No, I do.
Trust me, I do. I know
exactly how to give up.
You know what scares the shit out
of me, Kev? It's that it's easy.
Something goes wrong
and I'm involved,
I couldn't live with that.
Whose turn? Doreen, it's your play.
Come on.
It's your turn.
I know it's my...
Give me a second. I gotta
figure out what I'm doing.
Come on. You're up.
Oh, my god.
Your turn.
I know it's me.
I gotta figure out something to do.
Put this down there.
You're awfully quiet
tonight, Kevin.
- The nine. Oh.
- I'm fine, Mrs. Pazienza.
It's your turn.
Yeah. Uh...
Isn't Vinny doing great?
Put that there.
He's doing great.
It's you, vin.
What's this?
This is all...
Kev, you think drinking's
such a good idea right now?
You're gonna lecture me
on moderation?
- Balls on this kid.
- Yeah, vin.
Yeah, since forever.
All right. Kevin, you're welcome
to stay here on the couch.
- Maybe you shouldn't be driving.
- No, I'm fine.
- Ma, he can't drive. He
lost his license. -Jesus.
- Louise? -There we go.
Okay, I got my card.
All right. Kevin, your turn.
Come on. Kevin, you're up.
- I'm done.
- What do you mean? No, no.
Kev, what are you doing?
Go upstairs.
I'm comfortable.
I don't think I could
make it up the stairs.
Where's the bench press?
I threw it in the garbage.
Why did you do that?
Leave it. You're a big
dummy, you know that?
Good old bench-pressing.
How's that a good idea? You
should be doing shoulder work.
At least that would help
with your injury.
This way, you're gonna just look
like some ital on Venice beach.
You put me in a hell of a spot.
Had to decide if it'd be worse to watch
you kill yourself or... Help you do it.
That's, like, the nicest thing
anyone's ever said to me.
Sit down, asshole.
There you go.
Give me 50 of those.
There you go.
Straighten up the back.
You get cable with that thing?
Is this making too much noise?
Nah. We're good.
Come on.
Vinny, I gotta get
the Christmas box!
Get that box
right there. Yeah, ma!
Yeah, Kev's bringing it up to you.
Oh. All right.
Here you go, Mrs. Pazienza.
Yeah, he's got it.
All right.
Thank you.
What are you two
doing down there?
We're just going through
some of Vinny's old things.
Ten more.
Come on. Keep...
What, you're not even counting.
Five, six...
How you feelin'?
Huh? All right.
Hey, what happened to you?
Oh, yeah, I slipped coming out
of the bathroom yesterday.
I like the peppers.
They're good?
They're good.
One day you're fightin'
and callin' each other names.
Now you're gigglin'
like a bunch of schoolgirls.
What the hell's the matter with you two?
I don't know, pop.
- Just having a good day, I guess.
- Well, knock it off.
You don't mind the
construction site on his face?
Construction doesn't
last forever.
You know, I'm actually kind of into it.
It's like braces times a thousand.
I think this might be
the one, vin.
Come on.
Do it again.
Come on.
Baby, come on.
Oh, my god.
Get out of my house.
You've been training under
my roof without telling me?
Pop, listen... right
under my fuckin' nose.
You were doing this
the whole time?
It's been the only thing that's kept
me alive these last few months.
You lied to me, Vinny.
I lied to you?
Where were you tonight?
Fuck you just say to me?
I'm sorry, pop.
I didn't want you to worry.
Vinny, what are you doing? We
gotta get the show on the road.
Yeah, I know.
I told her I'm good.
You have to be given a sedative
for me to remove the screws.
No. Let's just do it.
Vinny, I can't do this without
giving you an anesthetic.
Listen... it would be
excruciatingly painful.
Listen, doc. I've never
done drugs in my life.
I've never taken a hit. Not a bump.
Not a drag on a joint. Nothin'.
So I'm not gonna start now.
Just take 'em out.
You ready?
Yeah, let's do it.
Holy shit, doc! You're
going the wrong way!
I'm not, Vinny.
You sure? Feels like you
screwed it in deeper.
- What do you say
we give you a sedative?
No, I'm good.
Come on. I'm good.
Oh, shit, doc! It's lefty loosey!
Do you know what you're doing?
Y-yes, I know.
Thank you.
It's the calcification around
the threads breaking free.
It's like a rusty bolt
with loctite on it.
All right. Let's go.
Okay. Breathe.
Okay, there we go. There we go.
All right.
Piece of cake.
Okay, got it.
I think I'm gonna be all right.
Oh, thank you. Thank you.
- Thank you so much for helping.
- You're welcome.
Thanks, doc.
Thank you.
Thank you, doc.
Get him out.
Fuck me.
Good. Good.
How's that weight?
All right?
Sorry, Vinny, it's impossible.
I can't get anyone to
insure a fight with you.
Listen to me, Lou.
I've been busting my ass. Only
one thing got me through that.
- Come on.
- I don't care who it's with,
where it happens,
how much money it's for.
None of that.
Come on, Vinny.
I made the calls, Vinny.
No one will fight you.
No one wants to be the one to
send you back to the hospital.
I don't want to be
the one to say it...
Then don't, 'cause I worked
too hard to hear it.
to have any shot
at catching the Yankees.
The Red Sox play three
in Detroit starting tonight.
And let's face it. At six back,
they need a minor miracle...
Probably a major miracle...
To win this wild card race.
Thanks, Joe. The dream lives on.
Vinny Paz anxiously awaiting the chance
to once again pursue his boxing dream.
In the meantime, the Pazman is doing
all he can to keep his body in shape
as we discovered today.
There was always
something ironic
about seeing the pazmanian
devil wearing a halo.
But the irony is gone,
replaced by iron.
Vinny Pazienza
is pumping iron again.
What'd you do?
I didn't know it was
gonna get this crazy.
Come on. We'll make it work.
Let's go.
No idea.
Hey, everybody.
How we doin'?
Vinny, how you feeling?
Are you feeling good?
Good to see you guys.
Getting that right there?
All right, Vinny. Come on.
Okay, thank you, guys.
I really appreciate it.
Give 'em a little show. Okay.
All right.
The champ is here.
Hey, Vinny, how you feeling?
How am I feeling? I'm feeling
like a two-time world champion.
What do you guys think? Feel like I'm
moving faster, hitting stronger?
Looking good. When's
the next fight? Uh...
I don't know, but it's gonna
be... it's gonna be huge.
- What's your weight class gonna be?
- Uh, super heavyweight.
Uh, I don't know. It's a good question.
Kev keeps fattening me up.
Can we get footage in the ring?
It'd be great for this piece.
Love to, but we didn't set up a
sparring partner for today's work.
All right?
You wanna see me spar? Yes!
You guys wanna see me spar?
Come on.
Kev, seriously, find somebody.
I'm fine.
And they said I'd never walk again.
Said I'd never box again.
Hey, dino.
Go a couple of rounds?
What do you mean no?
Here I am six months later.
Had screws in my head.
Got these scars. Chicks dig
scars though, right, Cindy?
- Jos.
- Hey, time flies.
Jos, let's go.
Get in the ring.
Coming at his head...
Bah! Come on. Come on.
Kev, how we doing?
I don't know, Vinny.
Nobody wants to spar with me?
Let's do it another day.
Nah, come on.
Hey, Tommy. Come here.
Tommy, I need you to spar with me.
Nah, I can't.
I just can't.
Come on.
Tommy. What...
What, nobody wants
to spar with me?
I'll spar with you.
Yeah. Good. You're
doing a good thing.
How tall are you?
Six foot.
Oh, my god, you are huge.
Come on.
You can do it.
Come on.
Come on, ray. What are you doing, ray?
Let's go.
Come on.
Come on. What are you doing?
Hit me.
I-I can't hit you, man.
Why? We're not
dancing, bitch.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm good.
Thank you.
All right, champ.
Way to go.
If all goes well at the
doctor's office on the 14th,
it won't be long until Vinny's
back here in the ring,
bobbing and weaving and sparring
his way to fighting form
as one of the most courageous comebacks
in boxing history continues.
The familiar desire and
determination are still there.
The halo has brought
a whole new appreciation...
I can sell this.
Come on.
This is too soon.
Is this ma?
I mean, yeah, we talked about it. How many
times you think we had that conversation?
No, this is different.
This is... me.
You don't think I'm ready?
I think you're in great shape.
Then what is it?
This whole thing...
The accident...
It woke me up.
I got a taste of what
it'd be like...
Yeah, pop. That's what
it did for me.
I got a taste.
When I was lying on the cot...
That's all I was thinking about was
what am I gonna do after this?
Am I gonna train kids
at the gym?
You know, bartend at night?
Talk about how i... how I
used to be a fighter...
Used to be world champ.
Nah, this-this
is what I do.
And I don't know how
not to do it.
Look, I know you think I've been
doing a bang-up job all these years,
but that ain't exactly true.
I let you put yourself
in harm's way.
- I-i pushed you to it.
- No, you didn't.
I did. No, you didn't do that.
I... I did. Right?
And... I know it's a little late
to be making a change, but...
What change?
I can't...
Be in your corner for this one.
Or any of them.
I can't be part of you
getting hurt no more.
Why are you doing this
right now?
I should've done it
a long time ago.
All right. Come on.
You got a second?
What's up, Lou?
I got a hell
of an offer for you.
I don't need a hell of an offer.
I need a fight.
Underpromise, overdeliver.
Here comes the good news.
First off, we've been trying to
get you a fight this whole time.
Obviously, the recent press
coverage... save it, Dan.
What are you bringing us, Lou?
Roberto Durn.
IBC world super
middleweight title.
$1.6 million.
Biggest payday of your career.
So we're good?
It's up...
It's all up to Kev.
1.6 million.
Let's get it on. Yeah,
let's get it on.
All right.
Come on.
Let's get a fight.
Come on.
Come on. Don't let
tension screw you.
Vinny was the man, the junior
middleweight champion of the world.
When a brutal car accident left him
inches away from complete paralysis,
doctors said
he'd never box again.
Doctors told him, "you'll never
walk again, let alone fight."
He said,
"doc, I'm gonna fight."
Doc said, "you're crazy.
He can't even walk."
It's a fascinating story.
Vinny Pazienza.
Let's say hello to him.
Pazienza! Pazienza!
Oh, my god. Yeah, look at him.
Oh, he looks so handsome.
You broke your neck.
Obviously. I see you wearing
that brace there. Then what?
The doctors told you you'd never even
walk again, let alone fight again.
Never fight again, but now I'm
about to fight Roberto Durn.
- Yeah. -June 25th at the
MGM on pay-per-view.
We're a bit more than 48 hours away
from the showdown in Las Vegas
between Vinny Pazienza
and Roberto Durn.
Durn's record, 93-9,
64 knockouts.
A crushing combination
by Roberto Durn.
It's scheduled for 12 rounds,
and, uh, it should be
one heck of a fight.
The duel in the desert.
Durn. Pazienza.
Ladies and gentlemen,
it's mano a mano.
Twelve rounds of boxing for the IBC
super middleweight world title.
Tonight's main event is sanctioned
by the Nevada athletic commission
and the honorable
governor Bob Miller.
introducing the principals.
Boxing out of the blue corner,
wearing the red trunks,
weighing in
at an even 165 pounds.
From Cranston, Rhode Island,
this man is a former
two-time world champion.
The pazmanian devil,
Vinny Pazienza!
And his opponent,
boxing out of the red corner,
this man needs no introduction.
Wearing the black trunks
with the solid gold trim,
he weighed in at a fit
and fighting-ready
165 and a half pounds.
Ninety-three wins,
with 64 coming by knockout.
He's a four-time world champion.
el hijo de la Repblica
de Panam!
From Panama City, Panama,
manos de Piedras,
the hands of stone,
These are dramatic moments
for Vinny Pazienza.
He has made it back
from a broken neck,
doctors telling him
he might never walk again.
He wore the halo for six months.
The metal brace screwed
into his skull in four spots.
That he's standing in this ring
is a minor miracle in itself.
That and the fact that he's
jumped three weight classes
from where he won his first title,
that makes this a long shot at best.
All right, gentlemen.
Went over the rules in the dressing room.
I want a good, clean fight.
Obey my commands at all times
and protect yourselves.
Now tap gloves
and come out fighting.
And what is on everyone's mind
is will the neck of Pazienza
hold up in a 12-round
championship fight?
He's only sparred up until now.
And these are, after all,
the hands of stone
coming at him tonight.
Angelo Pazienza
is not in Vinny's corner tonight
for the first time
in his son's boxing career.
- Stay! Stay!
- And down goes Pazienza!
He took a huge shot
on that damaged neck.
Durn putting Pazienza
on the canvas in round 1.
Pazienza refuses to take
the entire count.
Not wise,
but certainly consistent.
How are you feeling, huh?
You gave him a free shot.
- How's the neck?
- I'm good.
Every time he's gonna throw that left hook.
You're under it, back with a left.
Move. You're bigger,
you're stronger, you're faster.
All right?
The guy can't even move.
Everything off the jab. Everything
off the jab. All right?
Put your punches together. Yeah.
Let's go. All right.
Go kill him.
You can see it already.
Pazienza's moving well,
but Durn's catching Vinny
on the way in.
- He can't even get close.
- Combination by Durn.
Move your head, Vinny!
Move your head!
Oh, god.
Vinny, what are you doing?
Keep your hands up!
Give me defense!
Combination for Pazienza.
Right hand from Durn.
Durn with a big right hand!
Vinny, why you
going toe-to-toe with him?
And it's all Durn here
in the early going.
Don't slug with this guy.
You're a better boxer.
Everything off the jab.
On to round 4.
It's been all Roberto Durn. Good
right hand there by Pazienza.
There you go. Follow it up.
Follow it up.
Keep moving.
Keep moving! Keep moving!
Pazienza shaken by that right
hand delivered by Durn.
Use the ring! Use the ring, damn it!
What's he doing?
I can't watch this.
Come on! Jab!
Roberto Durn
taking this fight over.
Watch out for the hook.
Watch out for the hook.
Every single time he's looking
for that left hook. I told you.
Move away from it.
All right?
Come on!
As Pazienza tries to get his
rhythm going in this fight.
Call it.
Call the fight,
for Christ's sake.
Not yet.
Hey, come on!
He's dying out there!
Come on!
Go sit down.
It's all right. Just relax.
Relax. Relax, huh?
Take a breath.
What'd my dad say?
Don't matter what he said.
All right? Okay.
Hey, Vinny, listen to me.
If he didn't think you could win this
without him, he'd be in the corner.
Vinny, we started this
in a basement.
In a fucking basement!
Now go out there
and show me how you do things.
Show me how you live.
Show me how you fight.
Show you how I fight?
Yeah. Show me
who the fuck you are.
Again, Pazienza back
into the corner.
Durn misses!
Big overhand right
from Pazienza.
There you go.
There you go.
Move it. Move. Move.
You got him, Vinny.
There you go.
Can you give him something?
Get him scared.
Get him scared.
Go to the body, Vinny.
Give him a 5-6. 5-6!
Pazienza turning things
around in the seventh round.
5-5-1, Vinny.
5-5-1. Go upstairs!
Oh, my god.
The kid listened to me!
That's how
you fight. Huh?
That's how you box.
You're a fucking animal, Vinny.
What a round for Vinny Pazienza.
And now, this is the
Pazienza we've seen before.
The brawling, powerful Pazienza.
Pazienza able to land
to the chin of Durn.
Go! Go!
You hear them? Yeah. Yeah.
You got him. Go!
Pazienza with a wicked shot
to the side of Durn's head.
These are huge moments
for Vinny Pazienza.
Delivering combinations.
Use the jab. Nice, Vinny! Put it together!
Put it together!
Left hand landed by Pazienza.
Another left by Pazienza.
And a right by Pazienza.
I don't think any of us thought
we were gonna be here now.
A wild 11th round
with Pazienza making
what looks like an improbable
comeback in this fight.
It is a street fight
at this point.
Pazienza does not look good.
He's bleeding from everywhere.
If Vinny Pazienza came in with
one plan, he's got another now.
Last round.
All in, Vinny.
All fucking in.
You hear me?
Now finish it.
That's what you do best.
You finish, all right?
Three minutes,
you're champion of the world.
Three minutes.
Three minutes.
Yeah. Let's go.
And here we go
with the final round.
Round 12.
- Come on, Vinny. You got this guy.
- Come on.
Beautiful combination
by Pazienza.
Move your feet.
Move your feet. There you go.
Pazienza stumbling following
that right hand by Durn.
Vin! Vin!
Come on!
This crowd that was booing
Vinny Pazienza
at some moments early in
the fight, on its feet.
Come on!
This is it! This is...
Come on!
I cannot believe
they're both still standing.
Come on, Vinny!
It is all over.
It goes the distance.
And it's in the hands
of the judges.
Ladies and gentlemen,
after 12 action-packed
championship rounds of boxing,
I give you the scoring
by the judges as follows.
Judge Chuck Giamba
scores the bout 114-114.
Judge Dave Moretti
and judge Jerry Roth
both score the bout
115-113 for the winner
and the IBC super middleweight
champion of the world,
Vinny "the pazmanian devil"...
People are calling this one of the most
unlikely comebacks in sports history.
What do you attribute it to?
Um... yeah, I don't know.
I had a lot of help.
But you've also had
a lot of adversity.
You've had issues
with management,
conflicts of interest.
Yeah, well, the boxing world looks...
looks shiny from the outside.
It's filled with promises that...
most of 'em turn out to be lies.
You can't rely on anyone.
So what would you say
the biggest deception was?
What was the biggest lie
you were told?
It's not that simple.
Why not?
No, that's the biggest lie
I was ever told.
"It's not that simple."
And it's a lie they tell
you over and over again.
What's not simple?
Any of it.
All of it.
It's how they get you
to give up.
They say,
"it's not that simple, Vinny."
So what's the truth?
That it is.
That if you just do the thing that they
tell you you can't, then it's done.
And you realize
it is that simple.
And that it always was.
I feel like I should be
on a box of Wheaties tomorrow,
doing Gatorade commercials,
going to Disneyland.
I'm just so happy.
There's no one in the history
of sports, to my knowledge,
has ever come back
from this type of injury.
I didn't want him to box.
I wanted him to be a...
Anything but boxing.
He's a fighter.
And fighter...
You don't make fighters.
Vinny's a born fighter.
Lou Duva is looking
at a suspension.
That's not professional.
And Dr. cotter had a tear in his eye.
I could tell he felt for me.
Then he said, "son, I'm sorry to
say, you're not gonna box again."
And I looked at him, and I said, "no, Dr.
Cotter. You're wrong.
I am gonna box again.
See, you don't understand
what kind of man I am."
This halo portion goes around
the person's head...
And is placed...
Much like this.
It's held in place by these rather...
Medieval devices
called screws.
This fight was for the people of Rhode
Island and believers that believed in me.
I think you all came out. For the
believers, I wanna thank you.
I proved something to you. I
wanted to make you people proud.
And for the nonbelievers,
I just wanted to tell you,
it's time to realize that the pazmanian
devil is no fictitious character.