Bleed (2016)

Cotton tail,
he was runnin' free.
I just chased it
around the hillside,
and then I wait for him
down in the mud.
It was a fast rabbit.
Hmm. Fast, but dumb.
Don't know when
to keep it's head down.
So there it is,
rustling around
the leaves, see,
he think, uh,
under the cover
of the brush,
them hawks ain't
gonna see him.
Tickling the grass...
Then, bam!
A bullet
straight to heaven.
Mm, five big ones,
Ruth is my friend.
What'd you say?
You're gonna pay
for your sinnin'.
She told me
she wasn't the first.
She can't tell
you nothin'.
Who been talkin'
them lies?
Your preacher?
Get her, boy.
Rabbit's running.
Go ahead now,
there ain't nowhere safe.
Hawk is gonna find you.
Hi, there.
I reckon you ran
up front side of a nail.
Yeah, I think so.
I tried calling
for help, but...
that wouldn't work
when you need it to,
now would it?
No, I guess not.
Well, let me have
a little look,
take a see what
you've got here.
Thank you.
Well, yep.
It's on there.
Yeah, I did my best.
Y'all them folk
what moved up to caperwood.
Yeah, we are.
It's a good old house.
Good old house.
Yeah, it is.
Far cry
from the city, huh?
Yeah, it's beautiful.
Well, along with our
pristine roads,
people say we famous
for our views.
Thank you so much.
-What do I owe you?
-No, ma'am.
No, I could not have
done this myself.
You could've.
And you would have too.
Besides, I'd hate to
have to haul you in
for bribing an officer
of the law
before you all
even get settled.
Thank you again.
Ma'am, excuse me.
What is that right there?
It's a birthmark.
Good day.
Oh, ma'am?
One thing
i might should say,
being as y'all
ain't from around here,
not all places
fit for visit.
What do you mean?
Well, there's some strange
folk around here.
They made their life
on their own,
god bless them,
and they not
be disturbed, is all.
Wh-- ah!
Hey, babe.
Hey, sweetie.
Where you been?
Oh, don't ask.
Had a little bit
of a disaster.
-I missed you.
Aw. I missed you too.
I blew a tire though,
that's why I'm late.
I'm sorry.
Ah, please tell me
you didn't change it.
I actually tried to,
but then a local
came by and helped me.
Oh, wow.
He was a little creepy,
he still did it.
Yeah, and I almost
cut off my finger.
You almost cut off
your finger?
Yeah, perils
of house work.
Oh, look at you,
tough guy.
Yeah, watch out.
Your nails getting dirty.
-I like it.
So, uh, what are
you making tonight?
Uh, I was gonna
make something called,
"my husband's making
dinner for me."
Job well done today.
Yeah, thanks.
We're like,
20% done.
I think
we're finally where
we need to be.
This really
feels like home.
Oh, it's so good
to see you.
Great to see you.
This is Dave.
Hi, Dave.
-Thank you so much.
Thank you for coming.
This is my husband.
-How are you doing? Dave.
Yeah, pleasure.
-I know, I'm huge.
I'm huge.
Come here, come on,
i wanna show you.
Oh my god,
I'm so jealous.
Oh, don't be, please.
It's yours anytime.
You just say the word.
Well, it's actually
the bank's.
- But, lest let
facts get in the way.
And this one too,
of course,
if he plays
his cards right.
Oh, okay.
No pressure.
So... this is where
we're gonna do it.
Uh... do it?
Yeah, that's where
the magic happens.
Yeah, we've already
got the midwife,
and of course,
my favorite doctor is
going to be on-call.
Oh, so you're
giving birth here?
That's the plan,
fingers crossed.
You guys, this is
really wonderful
I'm-- I'm really
excited for you guys.
Thank you.
We're pretty happy.
Okay, I wanna show you
the rest of the house.
Come here.
-Excuse us.
-Thank you.
You, sir?
Oh, he's really cute.
My god. Yeah,
yeah, well done.
So, any tips
for a new local?
Oh, uh, soda's fine.
Uh, sorry,
tips for a local?
Yeah, Sarah says
you grew up around here.
Oh, more like
50 miles south,
closer to the city.
Oh, yeah, it's a different
world out here.
Yeah, it's interesting.
I hear
you play football.
Used to. Had a ride
back at state,
till I threw
my back out.
Oh, I'm sorry
to hear about that.
-And now?
-Personal trainer.
Play a little touch
on the weekends,
if I'm feeling frisky.
Oh, nice. Yeah,
back trauma's no joke.
And the list
gets scarier with
football players.
Count your blessings.
So, how long has it been
since you've seen them, then?
Every other month
or so, maybe.
-I don't know.
-That's great.
That means this medicine's
actually working then.
Yeah, I mean I'm not--
I'm not gonna embarrass you,
or anything,
if that's what
you're worried about.
No. That is not--
you have never
embarrassed me.
-That's not what
i meant at all.
-I know.
You know,
I've had my own issues
with seeing things.
I know, I know.
It's just-- it's just weird.
You live with these people
since you're a kid,
and then,
a doctor comes along,
and tells you
that they're not real.
That it doesn't exist,
and to take
this medicine,
and it's gonna make
you all better.
And... and then
everyone's gone.
I'm not gone.
I'm not going anywhere.
Matt's not going anywhere.
Dave seems pretty real.
I mean, that guy--
wow, he seems really real.
I think I really like him.
Good, I'm really looking
forward to getting to know--
no fucking way.
Whoo! Nice digs!
This place is sick.
What the hell,
Ah, you know,
i figured you invited us,
and what kind of
uncle would I be
if I didn't
show up?
I did invite you.
That was about five
months ago though,
and you were
supposed to rsvp.
Well, if rsvp means show up
with dirty laundry,
then we did just that.
-That's exactly
what it means.
Hey, I want you to meet
the Pearl of my life.
This is Skye. Skye,
this is my sister, Sarah.
-Hey, god you are gorgeous.
-Oh, thank you.
Dude, thank you
for letting us crash.
-So cool of you.
-You are so welcome.
And this right here
is Sabrina the teenage bruja.
All grown up.
Hey, it looks like
you've come a long way.
Hi, thank you very much.
Yeah, that is ours
right there.
-We love her. Don't we?
You own it, huh?
Is that doctor Matt
over there?
Hey, we're gonna go
get cleaned up
real quick,
all right?
What's for lunch, bud?
You don't have to worry
about embarrassing me now,
because my brother's here.
Hey, hey--
white wine?
Oh, no,
this is apple juice.
I just like to pretend.
Oh, rad.
What kind of clothes?
Uh, casual work wear,
that's what
i call it anyway.
It's like, light wools
and stitched patterns.
-Cool. Like um, this?
-Yeah, like this, actually.
Nice, I like it.
So, you really think
I'd enjoy burning man?
Bro, would you enjoy
the true freedom
of the mind?
Yeah, it's a good
little clinic.
Only about
20 intakes a day.
that'll be a change.
Yeah, I can't wait.
See the life's good
good for your 20s,
but after it gets
a little crazy.
Well, it's perfect
for you guys.
Yeah, we've been just
like, traveling around
for the last six months.
Yeah, Eric said
like Oregon, Arizona.
Oh, Arizona was amazing.
The red rocks
are so groovy.
We're trying to get down
to the golf coast for summer.
Those cute towns.
-Cute towns.
-Yes, those cute towns.
-I wanna see them.
-So cute.
-Oh, I like your charm.
-Oh, right on, yeah.
I got this
at this little
flea market
in tahoma, you know?
And it kinda like--
well, it kinda drew us
here, you know?
Have you been out
to the woods yet?
Oh, no,
we haven't had
time yet.
Does the doctor
not want to pitch a tent?
Do you guys
need anything?
-No, I'm good, baby.
-All right.
I'm good, thank you.
-How great is she?
Yeah, she seems
really sweet.
She is.
When are you planning
on getting home?
Well, this is it.
Oh, come on, don't--
don't give me that look.
All right?
I'm not trying to move
into your big house
with too many rooms.
Our home is this slab
that we rolled in on.
That's our home now.
-You're gonna
live in the Van?
Yeah, I mean, besides,
we can't really, um,
we can't really go back
to the apartment, you know,
we haven't paid rent
since like, November.
But, no, but--
the walls were
getting small,
-and it was--
it was really like--
-Jesus, Eric.
I don't know,
the energy wasn't there.
-You know?
Have you thought
about getting a job?
Yeah. Yeah, I mean...
I don't know,
you know,
it's like--
life is about living,
you know? Living.
Yeah, living takes
money, Eric.
Food, gas.
We'll be all right.
I always am, you know that.
Look at you,
grill master.
it's actually all local.
-Yeah? Cool.
- Would you like one?
-I'm actually a veg.
-You're a veg.
-Damn, I wish
i would have known.
-No, dude, it's cool.
-No, hold tight.
Um, I think I might
have something for you.
Don't like go out
of your way for me,
or anything.
Not a problem.
I hope
that that's enough
to carry you
for a little bit.
Oh, babe,
it's more than enough.
Thank you.
Babe, do you have
any of that pasta left?
Hey, you need a beer,
or something?
-Uh, I'm good.
-All right.
What am I supposed to do?
This is such
a quaint little spread.
Who would have thought
that big city elitism
would travel so cool
to the country, huh?
Yeah, well,
that big city elitism
is financing
your dirtbag life.
Hey, so, uh, Matt,
i see you still got
dad's old Jeep.
Yeah, it's a work horse.
Hauled some brush
off the road with it
last weekend.
I always thought
that doctor's all
drove audis.
- You know?
-Well, this doctor doesn't.
But that's just because
he's made some sacrifices
for me and our family.
The baby is the only thing
that matters to us.
Probably the rest of it
will come in time.
Audi's included, okay?
Does anybody mind
if I freshen up?
It's been, like,
a lot longer than
i care to admit.
Yeah, yeah,
you can come in, here.
There you go.
Hey, uh,
you okay?
Uh, yeah, yeah.
I think
i just fell asleep.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
I heard her scream,
i went to help.
I didn't think
she was gonna be
half naked.
Well, you didn't seem
to mind either.
Well, I was checking
on our guest.
What's your deal?
I don't know.
I'm sorry.
I've been having
these really weird
thoughts lately
about us, and the move,
and the baby, and--
it's okay. We're fine.
Sit down.
You know
the baby is perfect.
Every test we've done,
every sonogram,
they've all said
the same thing.
-I just--
-yeah, you just what?
I don't know
how to explain it.
When I was on
the road yesterday,
the trees,
and the clouds,
and there were these
wildflowers everywhere.
And things just,
they move so quickly,
you know?
Time just passes,
and life is--
it's so precious,
it's so fragile.
It's like,
it's gone so quickly.
Hey, look at me.
We're the lucky ones.
Other people, they,
they go through life,
and they don't have
what we have.
We're strong
because we have each other.
I know.
I just want her to life
a long happy life.
Yeah, well she will.
I promise.
I will personally
make sure of it.
I just love her
so much, you know?
I would do
anything for her.
Everything's gonna be fine.
I know.
It was a man.
What kind of man?
Dark hair, beard--
long beard.
Eyes like fire.
Eyes like fire?
Did he say
anything to you?
Did you say
anything to him?
Mm. No, I don't think so.
I don't really
I don't want to talk
about it anymore.
Okay, copy that.
I'm gonna give you
a pass this time.
But this is...
This is some good stuff.
"The angels visited
again last night.
They talked to me.
I wasn't scared."
Nice night for a walk.
All right,
here it goes.
You got it.
Yeah, right?
And the game is over.
Okay, you do it.
I'll watch.
Ready? Ready?
Oh, shit, sorry.
-It's good.
- Wow.
- -My bad.
I just wanted
more time to kiss.
Right there.
Under the vines.
One surprise
after another.
you guys live
on a cemetery,
that's awesome.
It's not a cemetery,
it's a plot.
My god, Matt,
she was so young.
All right, guys,
come on,
I know this
is a bummer, right?
But, hey, we're alive,
so we should live.
We're here to have fun,
i mean we showed up.
She's not going anywhere.
You can come back
and visit her later.
Come on, first one
to the beer wins!
So, we check
into the haunted hotel
in Portland, right?
And I guess, like,
the ninth floor is
the most haunted.
And so, what floor
do they put us on,
but the ninth.
--You really believe
that crap?
Dude, all along the coast,
we stopped at these
plantations to hunt.
To hunt?
For ghosts.
Oh, yeah, right.
-Seriously, bro.
-Oh, no, seriously.
No, let me show you.
-What's that?
Ah, e.V.P. Recorder.
It stands for
"electronic voice phenomena."
-And you use that to--
-to hunt ghosts.
- Oh.
-Laugh if you want,
but I'm telling you,
have you guys ever been
into slave quarters before?
It's crazy. Okay?
They got these like,
four foot ceilings,
and they got these like
chains hanging off the walls,
and I'm telling you,
you can feel it.
I mean, these spirits,
they want to be heard.
You hear them?
Take a listen.
Oh, sorry.
--What the hell is this?
-You don't hear it?
-Well, no, I hear it,
I just don't hear... it.
You're not listening, bro.
Yeah, bro. Well, I'm done
listening for today.
If you don't believe me,
ask Sarah.
Ask her what?
Ask her if she
believes in ghosts.
Stop it, Eric.
You-- you've
never told him?
Tell me what?
When we were kids--
When you were kids,
When we were kids,
there were ghosts
in our house.
Were there?
It was two days
before our sixth birthday,
and they came for us.
They came for you?
And you know
what saved us?
What happened
happened, all right?
There's no reason
to deny it.
Don't be a dick, Eric.
I'm not trying
to be a dick.
I'm sorry, I didn't--
Sarah, come on.
You know,
it's hard to believe
that she's related to you.
Why's that?
Well, for one thing,
she's loving,
she's kind,
pretty much
all the things
that you're not.
Well, I guess
everybody has to have
their opposite, right?
That's probably why
she chose you.
There is some
good ghost fodder
up in these mountains.
What do you mean?
There was a serial killer
back in the 70s.
Newspapers called him,
"cannibal Kane."
Said he mutilated
his victims,
then ate them.
Some weird satanic
-They caught him, right?
-Oh, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Creepy to know that there's
people like that in jail
getting old like us.
Well, not anymore.
Well, he got out?
No, no, no, no.
He died.
The prisons burned down
back in the 80s.
It was like,
this big story
around here.
Something like 100 people
were trapped inside,
-died in their cell.
-We need to check that out.
-Yeah, we do.
Yeah, it's
a perfect night,
a full moon.
Oh, excuse me.
Wait, you want to take us
to a burnt out prison
in the middle
of no where,
-At night,
because it's a full moon?
Somehow a full moon
makes that a good idea?
If you wanna go now,
there's still daylight left.
But, um,
the only thing is
that the ghosts
don't come out until night.
Oh that's right,
that's in your ghost hunting
manual, right?
I-- I have always
wanted to see that place.
-I'm sorry, what?
I say we go,
it'll be fun.
Come on, Bree.
In high school,
all the kids used to go,
it was like a dare.
Kinda like,
make out in the prison,
kind of thing.
- Ah.
We could make some more
recordings added to the box.
-I don't wanna do this.
-Come on.
It'll be fun.
Where's fun, Bree?
Let's go.
How about you, Matt?
You game?
Come on.
Come on,
if there's no ghosts,
it's no big deal, right?
You serious?
Okay, uh, I'm in.
-Baby, it's cool,
it's fun.
It's no big deal.
A little adventure.
Hey, where's that old
crappy sweater I love?
Why are you doing this?
-It's gonna get cold.
-That's not what I mean.
What the hell
was he talking about
with the butterflies?
Well, it's just Eric.
I mean, I don't know,
they probably just nested
in the house,
and then got out,
go into our room somehow.
Look, he tells
his bullshit stories,
and he travels
around the world
pissing away our money,
and I'm over it.
Now, this shit?
Ghosts? Butterflies?
Oh, you never shared
that with me.
I want you brother
out of here.
Can you keep your
voice down, please?
I'm sorry about the check.
I should have said something.
Yeah, well, it's--
it's bigger than the check.
It's everything.
Not responding
to your e-mails,
blowing off
your phone calls,
and now the random
showing up to crash
whenever he wants?
Telling more
bullshit stories
that are obviously
bothering you.
Well, how is this helping?
I wanna see
what he sees,
and call bullshit on it.
Finally chip away and this--
this myth he's built his
entire life around.
He's not
your responsibility.
Yeah, well,
you are.
And you're gonna be
the mother of our child.
Even though you were born
two minutes before he was,
you've been playing
big sister for way too long.
He's got to grow up.
It starts today.
That sweater?
Come back in an hour?
You know, someday
you're gonna realize
that this isn't a mistake.
What isn't a mistake?
Who we are.
The things we seen.
The things that
we've been shown.
Sarah, you and i
have a gift.
Oh, I do have a gift.
And you've managed
to convince him
to take this stupid hike.
And if anything
happens to him,
I will kill you
with my bare hands.
Yes, ma'am.
See ya later.
Dave, uh--
you really know
where we're going?
Oh, my god!
That's really not cool.
You should have seen
your face,
oh, my god
that was hilarious.
Don't do that again.
Why the hell would anybody
build a prison out here?
Why not?
Probably safer out here
than Alcatraz.
How the hell would you find
your way out of this place?
-Welcome to prison.
-Holy shit.
Shut up.
I say we divide
and conquer.
-This place...
-It's insane.
It just keeps going.
Hey. Look what I got.
Look at you, prepared.
Ah, yes.
This place goes on
for miles and--
oh, god, oh, jeez!
- Jesus, not funny!
-Come on.
Is that good?
Let's go get this
cannibal motherfucker.
You ready?
You know I am.
Help me.
This is gonna be good.
No, no, no.
What, did you smoke
too much?
Uh, yeah, I think so.
Hey, we don't have
much time left
to go down here,
come on.
Yeah, I don't--
i don't want to.
Hey, Skye, babe,
this is what we came for,
-right here.
-Yeah, I'm just--
I'm not feeling it, baby.
Come on.
Hey, I'm not gonna let
anything happen to you.
I'm gonna take
real good care of you.
All right,
all right.
All right.
Come on.
I'm sorry,
I'm so sorry.
You're so strong.
All clear.
Oh, this is the old
mess hall.
Okay, I'm done.
We can go. We've seen this,
Hey, it's just
an old building,
there's nothing
you need to be scared of.
-All right.
I just wanna go.
I'm just done.
Okay, all right.
-Hey. Hey. Hey.
Baby, are you okay?
Baby, you all right?
Wh-- um, what--
what are those?
It's nothing.
Hey, look at me.
Can we go now?
No fucking way.
This is it.
This is where
those prisoners died.
This is fucking it.
You here
with us, Kane?
Kane, are you here?
What the hell
is that?
I've read about these people
up in the mountains.
They developed their own
kind of religion.
Some sort of demonology
based on voodoo
and christianity
and oral traditions
all combined.
Maybe sirrahana's
their savior.
More like their devil.
Baby, look at this.
"The lost return--
awakening of the dead
and the end begins.
Drawing the devil
from out of the cycle."
-Jesus. I don't like
this, Eric.
-Calm down.
This isn't like anything
we've ever experienced.
-Please can we just go?
-It's just our friends
trying to play--
I don't fucking care,
this place gives me
the creeps, all right?
Take some photos to prove
we were here, and let's go.
Okay. Okay.
I love you.
I love you too.
You better.
Oh, my god.
What the fuck?
Hey, hey, hey--
i need your help!
Holy shit.
Take him to a hospital.
I can't,
he's gonna bleed out.
- Get off of him!
You're killing him. Please,
you're killing him.
You're killing him!
Hold up,
hold up.
Hang on, hang on.
I got you, man.
Calm down.
He just
stopped bleeding.
I don't understand, dude.
We just gotta get
out of here.
Sarah should be waiting
for us.
I still think
it's safer in here
than out there.
What the fuck
do you mean?
Did you not see
what just happened?
Matt, I lived it.
The only difference
between you and me,
is that I don't want
to run from it.
The difference is
you're fucking insane.
The side effect is
you don't want to run.
Stop fighting.
Am I all alone here?
Does anyone else see
how fucking insane this is?
I'm ready to go home.
There's something
down there, guys.
It wants to be heard.
It wants us to hear it.
Don't you get that?
You wanna stick around
with a couple of flashlights,
find out what it is?
-Eric, please.
-Okay, yeah.
-We're going.
-I'm not going.
Baby, whatever's
down there,
it's not going anywhere.
-Fine, fine.
We're coming back.
Thank you so much.
I need to get to
a hospital immediately.
I did not think
that anybody was gonna stop.
You was saying?
Yeah, um...
I was just saying
thank you.
Thank you so much.
Nice night for a walk.
What the f--
oh, no. No,
no, no...
How the hell
did we get back here?
Like, I don't know,
all right?
-Will you just please--
-everybody please, just
chill out, okay?
What's going on?
Maybe there's
something in that book.
What are you talking about?
What book?
What? Do you guys know
something that I don't?
What book?
Here, take it.
"To write to the offered--
on seducing the soul
of the newborn
a vessel will deliver
the chosen."
Okay, we, uh--
we have to get
the hell out of here.
There-- there has
to be another path.
We have to try again.
Jesus, what kind of evil
is in this place?
Can somebody tell me
what is happening?
Is this real?
Is this real--
calm down.
We will find a way out of here.
what are you doing?
This is where
we're supposed to be.
Right here.
This is the strongest
signal I've ever gotten.
Now, we were brought
here for a reason.
Now, I don't know
about you guys,
but I'm gonna go find out
what that reason is.
If you go down there,
I'm not following you.
Skye, let him go.
My brother said
that a pretty
young woman's expecting
just to settle
in these parts.
Um, my husband
and our friends
went over to look
for that prison.
That burned down?
Anyway, I was supposed
to go get them,
so, can we pick them
up on the way?
There's one good thing
that came out of that fire
at least.
It killed that devil
preacher Kane.
Killed him good.
We heard about him.
Most have.
Move in these parts had--
had someone they love
pulled off
into the next world
by his bush axe.
That man had
no good in him.
Pure evil, he was.
How did they catch him?
It weren't no "they."
-Captain got him.
-The captain?
Well, he ain't been
there for a while,
but we still call him.
They let me ride along
for old time's sake.
Feels like home
in the squad car.
--He brought a lot
of these parts.
He's the one who kept
this place from falling
to the sodomites.
What is that?
People up here
believe different.
Tradition's all just
passed down generations.
These aren't the same roads
that we took
to get up here.
More than one road
in the hills.
What you calling at?
Is your body
speaking at you?
i need you to pull over.
We're gonna be out
in a few minutes.
No, I'm gonna be sick.
I need you to pull over now.
Hey, come back!
It ain't safe!
Okay, we have to find
another way out of here.
It's pitch black out there.
-You have a better idea?
-Yeah, we call for help.
-No one can get
any reception.
-We can, we just have to--
we just have to keep trying.
You know, cause Sarah's--
Sarah's out there,
you know, and she's--
she's waiting for us.
-Don't touch me!
-Hey, calm down, calm down.
Chewing on those
like tic tacs.
What is that?
How many of these
are you taking?
How long have
you been on this?
Since I was eight
years old. All right?
I've been a fucking
schizophrenic since
i was eight years old.
Hey, we're lost.
Can you help us?
Oh, shit.
-What's up, what's up?
-There's people out there.
Who are they?
We don't want
to find out.
What are we gonna do?
Okay, think. Think,
think, think.
Okay, look,
we hide in there
and we wait them out.
-Are you fucking insane?
-Am I fucking insane?
What, do you wanna
hang around and say hi?
Is there any other way?
May-- maybe
we could sidestep them.
What if we can't
leave this place?
What if every path
leads us back here?
We are gonna
leave this place.
-They're coming.
-Let them bring
it the fuck on.
All right, you take them
and hide the girls,
I'm gonna try to avert them,
and send for help.
Let's go, let's go,
let's go, come on.
Hey, come on,
come on, come on.
We gotta find Eric.
He doesn't know there
are people out there.
If he wants to go on his little
trip, fine, but this bus is
not taking any detours.
- You're just gonna leave him?
- -Hey!
Look, we're gonna get out
of this hellhole
one way,
or another,
but I am not
searching for him.
Come on.
Where are we?
I don't think
this is the way out, Dave.
I'm working on it.
Oh, shit.
What the hell
are you doing?
Just give me
a minute, Bree.
Oh, hell no.
Come on.
"Murder, rape...
Stabbed to death.
Buried alive."
Jesus Christ.
It's almost like someone
wanted us to find this.
Where the fuck is she?
-Eric, we gotta go now.
--You came back.
There are people
up there.
-What people?
-I don't know.
They were speaking
in some weird language.
And then I was calling
for them for help,
but then
they just started coming
after us and...
Whoa, whoa, whoa...
Slow down.
We had to come down here,
they were coming.
This is it.
Are you fucking
shitting me?
-We have to get out of--
-it's fine.
This is what
i came for.
Get it together.
That's not real.
What spirits
are trapped in here?
Come on, I know
you can hear me.
Just speak to me, okay?
Come on, god damn it,
talk to us!
Those people
are coming.
This place is
some sort of sanctuary,
we don't belong here.
What the fuck?
They're people.
They're fucking people.
We have to get the fuck
out of here, now.
Do you hear me?
This is a trap,
this is exactly what
they wanted.
I'm outta here.
Skye, come on.
Get out.
What the fuck?
All right.
- Oh, come on, Dave.
Jesus Christ.
Ma'am, did you drop
What the hell is this?
You know the plan.
They're gone
until spring.
Captain's gonna have your ass
if you're wrong, boy.
Say so?
See for yourself.
She's got the mark.
Our prayers
have been answered.
What she do?
She's just a kid.
Lord, have mercy.
It's what she's
going to do.
Tell sister
to prepare the vessel.
Full moon could
prove fertile tonight.
Sweet child need love.
You get now.
This is my work.
Captain gonna
put on a show tonight.
It's all right, girl.
Let me help you now.
One of you
might get lucky too.
We're gonna make you
a strong mama.
Till the moon delivers.
The seed's sewn.
The circle
continue to turn.
I've got her.
Save yourself.
--Come here!
Your choice
will be right.
Holy fuck.
You okay?
I been calling your name
down the hallway,
it's like you're
in a trance or something.
No, I was watching--
there's some
seriously weird
fucking shit
going on right now.
Where's Matt?
I don't know.
You don't know?
What's this?
I don't--
"mutilated skin.
Skinned alive..."
Where did you
get this?
Dave had it.
Eric, he's dead.
He's what?
"Dusty cableton,
and Ana Harris found on"--
Ana Harris?
That's the name
of the grave in the woods.
December 5, 1979.
She died on the day
we were born.
What the fuck
is going on?
--Eric, I'm scared.
Eric, I have family.
I have a baby.
I need to get
the fuck out of here.
-I don't know
what's going on here.
-Yeah, okay.
We will get out
of here. Okay?
--Oh, shit!
It was you.
Ana had the mark.
I failed her in the barn.
Ain't happening again.
They're gonna kill us all!
-What the fuck?
-Hey, man, what you doing?
Fuck you, pig.
You just could not keep
your mouth shut, could you?
I was just gonna give you life
and leave it at that.
But now, now I gotta
take that from you.
Those kids never judged me.
Why'd you?
I done evil.
And I done it for you.
But I never
killed those kids.
You should've just
done your job, boy.
It don't matter
what nobody said.
Make the law
around here.
You'll burn in hell,
you hear me, god damn?
To hell I say!
Let us in!
Are you ready to bleed?
No, stop.
Let me go. Let me go!
No, please don'ts
hurt my baby!
Shh, shh, shh.
Sweet angel.
We're not going
to hurt your baby.
No, no, please no!
--Calm yourself.
Welcome to hell, captain.
Hey! Hey! Hey!
Lord, child.
What happened to you?
Mercy, girl.
Come with me.
It's all right, girl.
Push it.
We're gonna get this child
out of you.
Now, give it
everything you got.
Don't you
go white eye on me.
Here she comes.
She isn't crying.
'Cause she ain't breathing.
No. No.
No! No! No! No!
Give me my baby!
Give me my baby!
Give me my baby!
Do you want
your child to live?
Hey, look at me.
We're the lucky ones.
I just want her
to live a long happy life.
Yeah, well she will.
I promise.
gonna be fine.
I know.
Yes. Yes.