Blind Horizon (2003)

In El Paso, Texas today...
The historical presidential...
motorcade marks the first time
within a generation a president
has set out across the country--
Copy. HP, go to Channel Three.
Hey, this is Nico.
The street's secure and chief in sight.
Plaza secure.
Can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
Hear me. Try to open your eyes.
Can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
You're gonna be just fine.
You're gonna be just fine.
So, Doc.
What's the word on our John Doe?
Trauma to the right parieto-occipital
sulcus and parietal lobe.
In English, por favor.
The bullet ricocheted off the skull
and missed his brain. He's in a coma.
So he's out, but physically he's okay?
We, he's not gonna play eighteen
holes of golf, Jack.
He's in a coma. He may never come to.
Well, what are his chances?
Give me a number.
Well, fifty percent total recovery.
Thirty-five percent partial.
Fifteen percent you can plant him
in the ground and watch him grow.
But we may have to move him to
Now, hold a minute.
I don't want this guy playing
zombie up at Albuquerque
while we got a murderer
running around here.
Now, you do whatever it takes
to snap his ass back to reality.
Pronto. You call me the minute he breaks.
Jack. All I got out here is this damn hat.
Don't let anyone touch that hat, Shirl.
I need to get prints.
Expand the perimeter another
hundred yards.
Sift through every little grain of sand.
You know, evidence has a way of
disappearing right quick out there.
And I know how you like forensic.
I know how you good you are with it
and I know you know
it's the coming thing.
We'll check this thing from ass to appetite.
Okay, the doc's here. I gotta go.
Mind if I smoke?
You know what I'm gonna do one day?
I'm gonna go traveling.
You ever been in New Guinea?
How about Africa?
That'd be nice.
Have a real good day.
Maybe if you get better I'll take
you to one of those bullfights.
Oh. Rio. That's where we're going.
Sir? Sir....
excuse me, you need to-
I've got no comment. Christ.
That's all we need is a bunch of
Albuquerque reporters stirring shit up.
I don't want the town to get excited
about this guy.
Don't worry about it. I'll brief 'em.
Yeah. But you guys have to promise
me no more than five minutes.
This is Sheriff--
Sheriff Kolb. You can call me Jack.
It's a small town. This is my deputy.
Shirl Cash. Have you got a name, son?
Say, you wouldn't happen to know...
who might have done this to you,
do you?
Is he hearing me?
He was responding.
I can hear. I can hear you fine.
I just wondered if I knew you.
If you knew me, no.
We, I mean, we stopped by
the room here when you admitted,
but you were unconscious at the time.
You're the sheriff of, she said,
it was, b-, it was bI-. Black Hole.
Black Point.
Black Hole's close enough.
And, uh...Sheriff,
Sheriff Jack, could you tell me-.
Do you know who I am?
Do I know who you are? Well, no.
I was hoping you'd be able to tell me that.
See, we didn't, didn't find any I.D.
You wallet was probably lifted.
In fact, all we found was this.
Does that mean anything to you?
Tried calling it, but it was a pager
of some sort. No?
Well, what about this?
This, you recognize that?
It's a hat.
It is. Old Man Grant down at the
convenience store said a stranger
bought one just like it and used
his ATM machine.
Does any of that ring a bell with you?
Just old hat.
Well, it looks like we just gotta
get stuck into it
and watch us a lotta ATM
footage see if something shows up.
Now, if, uh,
anything does come back to you,
you give us a holler, all...right?
Oh there was, is there an accident?
A really big accident.
Okay, well, I thing Mister Smith
has had about enough for one night.
So why don't we just go?
Jell-O. If you, if I could have some...
red Jell-O, that would be good.
Shirl, come on.
Uh, yeah, do-, good luck to you.
Thank you, Deputy.
Get this man some Jell-O, would you?
Find anything out there when you
extended the perimeter today?
No, not a damn thing.
How do you suppose those gossip
columnists got wind of this.
What are you talking about?
The election's a week away
and there just happened to be a whole
bunch of reporters there that you brief.
What are you saying, Jack?
I wouldn't do something like that.
Jesus, Christ.
You and I have been together
a lot of years
and I don't want to win no
goddamned election that way.
What's that old saying,
why fuck a stranger
when you can fuck a friend?
How come our American flag
wasn't flying today?
American flag is not flying.
I really don't know, Jack.
I g-, I guess it's jammed up somewhere.
I just don't really know.
I'll take a look at it.
You do that.
Pick me up tomorrow
and we'll go check that perimeter again.
Smells like rain.
Are you fine with this?
You and two others.
Half up, half at completion.
Go word is Rhombus.
Come on.
Doctor will kill me if he sees you up.
So, Nurse.
Nurse Liz.
So you take care of people.
Who takes care of you?
Good question.
Your brother. You have a brother?
Yeah, I have a brother. Logan.
What's the first thing you
remember about him?
He was demonstrating
how pro wrestling was fake
and he threw me up against
the TV set.
I got nine stitches.
See, there's a scar right there.
You have a scar?
Yeah, right there.
I gotta go, I-.
I think I'll come back later for this.
You know, I told you there wasn't
nothin' out here.
I tried to take some
impressions in the sand.
Hell, you can't take impressions
of nothin' there.
Here you go. Check that out.
Yeah, I better check that out.
The president's
motorcade completed its swing...
through the Southwest today,
traveling through Central Texas.
Strategists see this push to solidify
support in these...
hotly-contested border states
as a brilliant counter-move against...
Republican candidate
Bill Gable's media blitz in the past week.
Polls show the president's
lead continuing to build by this...
recent about face on illegal immigration.
The president's motorcade-.
I have a right to make a phone call.
- I will call the orderlies.
- No. Doctor, please.
Right now! You get in that bed!
I can't believe you would say that.
All right, come on. Go for it.
All right, all right. Take it easy.
What the hell's wrong with you?
He is crazy. I swear-.
Now, take it easy.
There's this conspiracy to kill
the president of the United States...
and I know something about it.
I don't know how I know.
But it's happening in your town, Sheriff.
What are you going to do about it?
He's crazy!
What, this town is like a....
wide spot in the road.
What the hell's the president
got to do with it?
I don't know.
Why, was I shot?
I have no idea.
He said it was his key all right.
Well, let's give it a whirl.
With projected to win...
the Labor Party leader conceded to-.
Don't touch that.
Oh, sure.
I ain't gonna let nobody touch it.
Can I help you?
Who are you?
I'm Chloe, Chloe Richards. Why?
It's Frank, isn't it?
We were f-fighting the last time
we saw each other.
That's why he left because, you know,
he takes off sometimes.
He doesn't like confrontation.
So-. It's all right.
Doc? This is Miss Richards.
She seems to know our mystery man.
He's, he's not remembering
anything at all?
Well, how to throw a punch.
Miss Richards?
Does Frank work for the government
in any capacity, as far as you know?
Yeah, he's a supervisor for the
IRS in Chicago.
The IRS?
Well, I know, he was just having
some nightmares before and-.
Probably best to play along,
keep him positive for the moment.
All right. Just-?
Can I see him by myself for a minute?
Oh, sure.
One, one minute.
You got a visitor.
Hi, Frank.
Frank? You called me Frank?
That's your name. Frank Kavanaugh.
Franklin Thomas Kavanaugh.
Uh, Maybe you have the wrong room?
No. You-.
You don't remember me?
That's o-. I'm, Chloe, your fiance.
I'm really sorry. I don't f-, I don't-.
It's, it's okay.
I don't remember you.
United States Secret Service.
I'd like to report a possible threat
to the president.
What department, sir?
I would like to report a threat
to the president.
I don't know what department.
The Threat to the president Department.
Are you making a threat, sir?
No, I'm not a, I'm not threatening.
I'm a, I'm warning.
- What is your name and your location?
- Please, I don't, it doesn't matter.
- What's your name, sir?
- My name is Frank.
Last name, sir?
What's your occupation?
I don't know. What do I do? Is-?
- You work for the IRS.
- I work for the IRS.
Thank you, sir.
I'm gonna have to put you on hold.
Please don't put me on hold.
This is, please, please, le-.
What was that?
I don't know.
You don't know who you were calling?
Standard encryption.
Voice activated.
I think it's a page.
Frank...what are you doing?
Will you get back in bed?
Does he know what happened to him?
Well, actually, he's kind of off the wall.
What if there's some truth to
what he's telling us?
Uh, people with memory loss often
overcompensate for what we call...
the memory vacuum.
Their minds fill in the gaps in order
to create a comfort-based reality.
If they can't remember
what they did for a living,
they can conveniently create one.
They were a, a football player...
or a cop or-.
Secret agent?
Jack, exactly.
It could be the last movie he saw
or book he read in the eighth grade.
The mind is an unpredictable machine.
There's absolutely nothing....
suspicious in that transaction.
Yeah, well. Somethin'
will rear its ugly head sooner or later.
Memory loss is a tricky thing.
When it returns, if it returns,
it usually starts with flashes...
and comes on in a flood.
Of course, there can be side effects.
Side effects.
nausea varying degrees of tremors.
But if you agree to take it easy...
no traveling for a few days until...
we're totally in the clear I see no
reason why he can't check outta here.
Well, that's good news, isn't it?
Just sign right here.
Hi. I'm Frank.
But I wear a suit to work.
Are you happy?
Possible side effects.
There are people out there.
There are people out there-.
I haven't seen him before.
Not quite myself.
He's being released today.
Don't worry. We'll find'em. Fine.
All is one.
Thank you.
That's not-. That doctor was-.
Probably just your nerves. It'll go away.
Yeah. It's probably these shoes.
Your favorites.
You don't like 'em?
They don't fit right.
You don't have to wear them.
I know-. I'm sorry.
It's okay.
You want to wear your slippers?
All right. I'm sorry.
It's okay.
There you go.
Those will feel better.
Hi, Sheriff.
So, I hear the doc's gonna
let you take a walk, huh?
Well, let's get something clear,
you know, Frank.
You're my only eye
witness to an attempted murder.
You understand that, don't you?
If any little thing starts coming
back to you...
you know, you gotta,
I need to know about it.
Of course.
I mean, we can't allow you to
be leaving town.
No, we know that. Yeah.
We don't have any need for
this anymore.
I thought maybe you could use it.
Man shouldn't be without
a good hat in this country.
Yeah. Stay in touch.
Now, you got my members.
Thanks, Sheriff.
Wanna go?
We were on our way to Mexico, the ocean.
Planned on spending some time
without your friends.
So I have friends you don't like?
No. I just wanted to have you to
myself for awhile.
Mexico is a long way from Chicago.
That's exactly...what I said.
I don't want to go straight to the hotel.
Frank, come on.
People don't just wait for accidents.
That's why they're called accidents.
Something's gonna happen.
Right here.
I feel it.
Just let the sheriff do his job.
This is not the sheriff's job.
There's some-.
What if they know that I'm not dead?
What if they come back?
Not exactly the lap of luxury.
What are you doing?
You want something to drink,
some water or something?
Does it jog any memories?
Frank I mean, you remember
anything from the day you left?
I was thinking maybe if I,
showed you some pictures it might
help you in some way. Here.
It's your medication.
This is us with the gang.
These are friends.
That's Anne and Grant.
You have a nice um, laugh.
Thank you. This is us in, Costa Rica.
Waterfall we found...
when we were walking in a rainforest.
It's gorgeous there.
I remember you really like the monkeys.
Hi, Tom.
Hi, Jack.
Whatchoo up to?
What can I do for ya?
Mind if I look at your register?
- Thank you.
- What do you need?
Do you know if a little skinny girl
came through here about six days ago?
Black hair?
Little. Pretty girl. Kinda skinny?
I don't know
when she's come through here.
Can't remember.
There she is. Chloe.
Missing yesterday's page?
There's a page missing.
Let's see.
Well, son of a bitch.
Just noticed that, huh?
United States Secret Service.
Okay. You understand who we are?
We know about your situation.
We know what you said.
Can you explain it?
Did you threaten the president?
I didn't...threaten him.
I'm here to warm him about the president.
- He's in danger.
- From who and where?
Well, there's a,
from someone...someplace.
That's what we have to f-find
And th-, I... there are three men.
And I...the three men, there's a...
if you draw a circle around...
wherever the president is,
and anyone that's different.
Anyone new to the area.
Any behavior that's odd
you've got to check out.
So, I don't know how I know this.
But I think how I know
is that the, because,
because I've been fed
information by the IRS.
The Internal Revenue Service?
Yes, the IRS. I work for the IRS and,
and we all know
that they know everything.
Look, Mr. Kavanaugh.
What you're saying is very serious.
- Well, I, I know.
- It's a federal offense.
I really get a strong, strong feeling
you guys aren't,
aren't playing ball here.
We've got very little time.
Technically, we can take you to jail
right now for what you've said.
You can't turn th-,
you're trying to twist this.
They're trying to...No, no.
Frank. Look me in the eyes.
Do you even know
the president's name?
Very well, Mr. Kavanaugh.
We'll take it under advisement.
I'm sorry, Frank. We tried.
You believe that? God.
Okay, I'm just gonna go do it myself.
Where are you going?
Oh, I hear that guy talks to ghosts.
Yeah. They call him the man.
He's in touch with the other side,
you know. I read about it.
Thank you.
Frank Kavanaugh.
That's your name.
Anyone that's different, anyone...
new to the area, you've got to check out.
I don't know.
Hi, uh, can I have a, a beer?
What kind?
Uh, beer. A beer.
And, uh, a pack of those cigarettes.
Have you, uh, seen a guy in, uh,
around here with a red Camaro?
We ain't got no red Camaros around here.
Mind if I join?
J and B and water.
I figure, enjoy yourself.
Never know when you might, uh,
step off a curb or get smacked
by a bus, correct?
Or, shot jumping off a cliff.
Do I know you?
JC. Reynolds.
I wrote your story.
Oh, hey. Hi. Good.
So my theory is you probably got
plugged by some border crossers.
Probably saw something you
shouldn't have.
I think it's more, it feels more like
I know something that I shouldn't.
Well, feed me, man.
You want to hear my story?
This right here is foolproof.
This is the president.
This is a triangulation of crossfire.
This is the president and it, it can't fail.
the president's gonna get killed and...
sometime soon here.
I don't know where or when, but soon.
You know,
you might have my ear, if, one,
the president was coming anywhere
near this place and, two...
you didn't get dropped on your
fuckin' head.
On my tab, barkeep.
Hey, man. You dropped somethin'.
Already wandering streets, huh?
Yeah, I wanted to get some fresh air.
Yeah, I know what you mean.
Thank you.
So did you guys figure out
where you're from yet?
Yeah, we're from Chicago.
I don't look like I'm from
Chicago though.
Farther away.
You know, I used to talk to you
when you were unconscious.
You did? What'd you say?
What'd you say?
Whatever it was, it worked, didn't it?
I should go.
Wait, um-.
I just want to tell...
that you are really, really beautiful.
And, uh thank you.
I'll see you around.
You shouldn't have been
wandering on your own.
This, these still don't smell.
Are you listening to me?
Yeah, I, I went into a bar and
I had a cigarette.
And then, look.
That, the nervousness it's gone.
You went to a bar, Frank?
Don't you want to get better?
These aren't the clothes of a smoker?
Am I a smoker?
No. No. Not anymore.
What does that mean?
What, why, why do I have cravings?
I want an answer.
The doctor said some things
would be out of line for awhile.
Obviously, this is one of them.
Did you take your pills?
Forget the pills.
You know, Frank, I'm trying here.
It's not easy going from your fianc?
to a perfect stranger in five days.
I'm sorry. I, its' just-.
Where'd you go?
I'm getting undressed.
You can't get undressed in front of me?
I can.
Hey. Have you seen that guy
in the red Camaro?
I told you, man.
Yeah, right, right.
There is no guy with a red Camaro.
Waiting game, huh?
Well, I got all the time in the world.
Red Camaro Man.
Hey, what goes good with medication?
Pain. Lime.
It, it feels like maybe
I know something that I shouldn't.
Once Rhombus is activated,
we anticipate an expeditious solution.
We need a clean, confirmed kill.
It's your ballgame from there.
There are people out there
who need to be stopped.
Your discretion, of course.
We trust you.
Why, why was I shot?
There's some,
what if they know that I'm not dead?
What if they come back?
Here. You promised you
wouldn't just take off.
I'm sorry.
I just wanna make it go away.
Where did you go, Frank?
Just, just tell me that
what I'm believing is real.
We'll get through this together, all right?
Hey, Helsa.
You see anyone interesting pass
through here the last couple of days?
Jack, it's a truck stop.
I don't' think that color suits you.
Nurse Liz.
No, I, I'm, I was getting some-.
I had a pretty vicious hanger.
But...but I feel better now.
I'm surprised you're still here.
If it was me, I'd have been gone
the moment they opened the door.
Kind of trapped.
Yeah, me, too.
Excuse me.
Oh, your cash is here. Grand Theater.
Fifteen minutes.
Back row, first three seats.
And don't be late.
Oh. I can come back.
Red Devil?
Would you like a Red Devil?
No, thanks.
Wh-Where's Nico?
I don't know.
You know what?
I'm just gonna go take a piss, all right?
I mean, I don't, m-maybe you,
you, you got, you,
maybe you're mad at me or you got,
have something to say to me.
But this is, this is ridiculous.
I'll hold onto this until Nico gets back.
Frank, you in here?
Oh, thanks.
How do you know me?
How do you know me, man?
I know you like you know me.
What do you mean how do I know you?
How do you know me, man?
Oh, don't fucking touch me, man.
Well, how do you know me?
Get the fuck outta here.
Come here.
You fuckin' know me now, huh?
Fuckin' know me now.
Fuckin' know me now, huh?
Jack, I'm gonna need about an...
hour so we can run a couple of tests.
Yeah, all right.
I'll go grab me a cup of coffee.
Okay. Don't have a lot of friends
in Black Point, do you, Frank?
This is completely fucked up.
Where'd you get that mouth of yours?
I want to know who did this to Frank.
Well, I'm afraid I can't answer
that one, ma'am.
Well, what can you answer, Sheriff?
Well, I can tell you that, uh,
someone's not too fond of your boyfriend.
Well, yeah, and aren't you supposed
to be figuring out who that is?
Well, sometimes domestic violence
is kinda tricky.
Domestic violence?
You know eighty percent, I,
this is kind of interesting, I think.
Eighty percent of domestic attacks
are not necessarily carried out...
by the spouse but someone, uh, hired...
by the spouse or related to the spouse
in one way or another, you know?
You're kidding me, right?
Sheriff, twice now Frank has been hurt.
Twice now he has almost been killed.
And you guy do shit about it and
now you're finding some twisted
way of blaming me for it?
You are unbelievable, you know that?
Sit down, sister. Sit down.
Now, blame might be too strong a term...
at this point in time.
But there's something that just
keeps picking away at me.
Why would you wait six days to
come and visit him?
It's kind of unusual for a woman
in love, isn't it?
Huh? No calls, no missing persons
report filed. Six whole days.
Now, what were you doing
during all that time?
Staring at your luggage?
Sheriff, what do you know
about Frank, huh?
You know his height
and his name and his weight.
You think this is the first time
we've fought and he's taken off?
Why don't you get to know a person
before you start making accusations.
Honey, I don't have the time or
the inclination to get to know you.
But I'll tell you one thing,
I've been doing this...
job long enough to know that the truth
usually arrives in a dead simple package.
And the more complicated
someone tries to make it,
the less likely I am to believe it.
You also like tequila.
This is more, this is a live drink here.
I don't want any.
Yeah, come on, one more.
Aren't we celebrating?
I'll turn you into the local authorities.
Hmm. Nice.
It's nice to see you smiling.
Thank you.
You just, you, uh, you surprise me.
This, uh, part of you. It surprises me.
Is it a good thing or a bad thing?
A good thing. A good thing, obviously.
We're not so different now, you and I.
What, we never were?
No trust me, we were. Definitely.
Yeah. Kolb here. Yeah.
What, another one?
The president's motorcade
continued its swing
through the Southwest today,
Yes, Doctor.
Someone thinks we're running
a speakeasy around here.
What are you talking about?
Those aren't mine.
I didn't sat you, Liz. Someone.
Fuck you, you creep. God.
What the hell happened in that theater?
Guy sat down next to me and,
and he said he knew me.
I told you that's all,
that's all that happened, and then-.
Did you recognize him?
What do you think?
Will you look for my smokes, please?
I looked for 'em. I can't find them.
Frank. What did this guy look like?
He looked like a pi-, like a punk.
Punk. And he just sits down next
to you and beats the crap out of you?
No, he talked to me first and
then he beat the crap out of me.
You talked?
Yeah, I talked.
He was all gibberish, like, compadre
and code-like and then, and then-.
This isn't the guy that jumped
you in the theater, is it?
Oh, gosh, no.
Now, there's gotta be some reason
these guys want you out of the way.
Frank, help me out here.
You gotta start putting the pieces
together in this deal.
What about the president?
What about those pieces?
Isn't that a pretty big piece, Sheriff?
Frank, it doesn't make any sense.
This isn't New York City or
Washington, D.C.
Look where we are here.
What's the president got to do with it?
The crash occurred just outside
of Black Point, New Mexico.
At this point they're uncertain
if there's a driver inside.
But what is certain is no one is
getting past this highway.
this is crossing the entire roadway.
That means they're going to have
to divert traffic.
They also have to find someplace
to put the presidential motorcade.
Nothing is getting through
here right now.
Come on, dance with me.
Sheriff. Darius Thorestensen.
PR director for the president's
reelection campaign.
I, uh need to speak to you regarding
an urgent matter with the...
president of the United States.
You're kidding, right?
The president of the United States.
You look nice.
Thank you.
So, have you set a date yet?
For what?
For your wedding.
Oh. No, we've...
we've, we've...
we haven't, uh...
been doing other things.
Maybe your priorities have shifted.
You're lucky, you know.
Some people will do anything
to start over again.
Are you like that?
Can I ask you something?
Have you ever done anything really bad?
How's my local member
of the undead holding up?
Hey, Liz, wait. What are you doing?
What's new in that noggin of yours?
You still chasing the lone gunman?
Man, you are, got terrible timing.
Where are you?
Can I get my bill, please?
Come on, Frank. You can trust me.
Now, you take a layman's advice.
Watch your back.
Do you have something to say?
Let me just say it straight, okay?
What happened?
I'm leaving town tomorrow.
If you want, you can come with me.
Start over.
Hmm, what, m-, why?
What's happening?
What would you do if everything
was different?
Everything is different.
Do you remember at the hospital
you asked me if anyone takes care of me?
- Yeah.
- Do you remember?
Um, well, tomorrow,
I will be here waiting for you
at noon if you want to come.
My hat fell off.
Get the hell outta here.
Can't. You're my ride.
Fine. We'll learn, all right?
Who's that, guy in the beard, huh?
Name's Novaro.
Runs a smuggling syndicate
this side of the border.
Smuggling humans.
Novaro greases Dep's palm.
Shirl moves 'em further up
country away from border patrol.
This little operation's practically
funding his bid for sheriff.
Could this possibly have to do
with the president?
Oh, nothin', man. I told you.
Nothin' at all.
It can't just all be in my imagination.
It's border town strangeness.
These are the guys that probably
came across your path.
Everything, um,
that I thought was true is a lie.
Everything they said was true.
I'm sorry.
I don't want to talk about it.
Can you hear me?
Yeah, it's Sterling. Theater at eleven.
Yeah, sure.
Who was that?
It's the that guy from the theater.
He said, he, he said he wants to meet.
You don't have to do this.
Where have you been?
Looking for you.
That guy Sterling from the theater
he called. He wants a meeting.
Yeah, have you got any idea
who's coming to town today?
I'll give you a hint.
He lives in a big white house.
Now, how the hell you know this shit,
Frank, is beyond me.
Who's there?
Now, look, Frank.
I don't know who you are or where you
come from or what your story is,
but for some reason or another
I believe you.
But if there's any way in hell
that you're settin'...
me up or fixin' to put a knife in my back,
you better level with me right now,
'cause I'm hanging my ass out
on a limb here for you.
All I can tell you is that,
that what I know is the truth.
I promise.
All right.
I'll give you five minutes and
then I'm coming in after you.
Do you even know the president's name?
Understand who we are?
Where did he go?
Well, this guy went through the back.
Hey, it's me, Nico.
I got your message.
Sterling's been looking for you.
We're on.
Yeah, it's Sterling.
The theater at eleven.
You're, you threatened the president.
The plan is-.
Hey, Shirl, you seen Frank anywhere?
No, I haven't seen Frank.
I've been busy the last hour
reading about this junk about me.
And it's your doing.
What the hell are you talking about?
It's nothing but a piece of trash.
That's exactly what it is. It's junk.
You have assassinated my character.
And, God damn it,
I want you to know if you want
a good fight I'll give you one.
All seventy-two fuckin' years of me.
And I'll take you down if you
don't watch me.
And like you say Jack.
Why fuck a stranger
when you can fuck a friend?
I'm outta here, gone.
Oh, by the way.
Your flag is flying high.
I paid a man out of my own
pocket to fix it.
Good luck to you, Jack.
Sorry bastard.
You're fine with this?
How many?
You and two others.
Ten each.
Half up, half on completion.
We need a clean, confirmed kill.
Go word is Rhombus.
Standard encryption.
Voice activated.
Yours only.
Tough day at the office?
Oh, look who stepped out
from behind the curtain.
It was time. Trust me.
Canceling a presidential assassination...
is much harder than planning one, Ryan.
Well, I'm sorry...
I didn't accommodate your
change of plans.
You know full well the stakes.
No matter which way things fall,
in the end...
we deal with the reality of the situation.
Well, here's the reality of the
situation staring you in the face.
Of course,
we did need a link to the other...
members of your team.
You don't remember me?
We'll get through this together,
all right?
You used me as bait to find
the other shooters.
Once Rhombus became...
active you became an asset.
Disposable asset.
You're a professional.
We're all professionals.
You, me, Chloe.
Hey. You got lucky. Walk away.
Hence protocol.
Once Rhombus is active...
all termination commands
are inoperative.
As someone such as yourself
might be turned...
there'd be no termination commands.
You will not stand down.
I will not stand down.
Wake up. You.
Frank. Frank, pick up.
Put the gun down, Frank.
How'd you do that?
My name isn't Frank.
You're breathing harder than
when we made love.
Why is that?
I think maybe fear's stronger than love?
This was never about us.
- Well, I think it is about us.
- Put the gun down, Frank.
I don't want to kill you.
Put your gun down.
I have a job to do.
Just put the gun down.
I can't. Maybe Frank could, but-.
- Please.
- Don't do this.
Put the gun down!
All right.
Well, then shoot me.
I don't want to.
Put the gun down. Put the weapon down.
Sheriff, I'm a federal agent
on a national security assignment.
Drop, I don't give a shit who you are.
Put the gun down now.
You're under arrest.
This man is going to kill the president...
- and there's another shooter.
- Pretty convincing, isn't she, Sheriff?
Honey, I'm not gonna ask you again.
- Put the gun down!
- You don't know what you're fuckin'-.
Oh, God.
Well, you really got me going Frank.
Guess I had it all turned around, huh?
What would you do if everything
was different?
And I can't see the president.
Oh, my God!
Son of a bitch.