Blind (2007)

Now then! We will begin.
When the story is done maybe
we'll know more than we do now.
Go away!
Don't look at me.
Don't... Don't. I don't want to.
No, I don't want it.
- You don't have any choice.
Clean outside, clean inside.
That's what the priest says.
He bit me!
Leave me alone.
You can't look at me.
Don't look. No.
Sshhh. Ruben.
They can't look. They mustn't.
Now calm down.
Victor won't be long.
No. No. No.
I won't have it. I won't have it.
No Victor any more.
I'll stand up. I shall leave.
My name is Marie.
You have to know that this post
is not easy, madam. My son is....
Perseverance is needed.
You have a lovely voice.
Please follow me.
May I introduce you to someone?
Can I introduce you to someone? Ruben.
She isn't here to wash and dress you.
You have to do that.
Marie reads.
Can I open the curtain?
It would be...
- No.
Ruben, no one will stay.
I'll pay you in advance.
Where's the library?
I'd like to read the books at home.
If you promise me
you'll persevere for a month.
I didn't hear you.
Here, take this one.
You smell nice.
I came to read
and you won't ruin it.
Stop moving and I'll let go.
Stop moving.
If you ever raise a finger to me...
Go away.
You have to go.
Now then! We will begin...
When the story is done...
You don't treat books like that.
Did he behave?
- Yes. -
This one's called Marie, isn't she?
- Yes.
And what else?
She didn't say.
She won't stay either.
Don't look. Don't look. Don't look.
You won't get rid of me.
Now then! We will begin.
When the story is done maybe
we'll know more than we do now.
There was a mirror... which everything good and beautiful
dwindled to nothing...
...while everything worthless and ugly
became more conspicuous and uglier.
Only now could one see
how people really looked.
The grinning mirror trembled
with all that violence...
...that it shattered into millions of bits
that rained on the earth.
I could try another book.
If someone got a splinter in their heart,
it turned to ice.
In the big city lived...
I'll get another book.
- Go on.
They weren't siblings,
but loved each.
You already know it.
- You're paid to read. Read.
In the big city lived two children.
They weren't siblings,
but loved each other as much.
His name was Kay and hers was Gerda.
Outside snow fell.
''They're white bees,''
the old grandmother said.
''Do they have a queen bee?'' Kay asked.
''Yes,'' said the grandmother,
the Snow Queen.
She looks inside on winter nights.
Then they freeze as beautifully
as if flowers...
Kay only saw ugliness.
A shard had pierced his eye.
''What ugly roses.''
''Ouch,'' said Kay. ''It's as if
I was stabbed in the heart.''
Kay had a shard in his chest too.
His heart slowly turned to ice.
''Why are you crying?'' called Kay.
''You look so ugly, Gerda.''
You're ugly.
You're so ugly.
Ugly, you are.
You are...
How could I bear such a child?
Everything about you is ugly.
Everything. Stupid look.
Stupid look!
Wear your hair in front of your face
- You don't radiate pride...
No eyebrows, your hair is dull...
- Why are your teeth so ugly?
Bad posture, ugly knees...
- Nothing glistens.
You need a long dress
so we can't see your legs.
You're ugly. Ugly!
Do they ever answer back?
They smell nice.
Smell the leather, the paper.
People stink.
What do you look like?
Is your hair dark or light?
Red hair.
Yes, and long.
Green or brown eyes?
And your mouth?
She was beautiful, but made of ice.
Of blinding, glistening ice.
The Snow Queen kissed Kay.
The kiss penetrated to his heart
that was already ice.
It was as if he were dying.
- Anything wrong?
The Ice Queen kissed Kay again
and then he forgot about Gerda.
Do we have to?
Yes, your mother is watching you.
Pretend you like it.
Two days ago we boarded
a ship with negro slave girls...
I don't need fresh air.
As dress, they wore amulets
and little leather breeches.
We bought a few...
Not women, but their breeches.
We negotiated about ostrich feathers
and a little Abyssinian girl... stay aboard longer and
enjoy the spectacle.
What does she look like?
- Yes. -
You know...
Does she have red hair?
You could see it that way...
Green eyes?
I believe so.
She's beautiful, isn't she?
Yes, lovely.
I knew it.
This rug has to go. It stinks.
My boy, let me do that.
I can do it.
- Careful...
I told you so.
You have cold hands.
Otherwise I can't see you.
- That's a good thing.
I said: no.
You're very beautiful.
Did your mother tell you that?
- No, I can see that by myself.
Frost flowers...
Where did you get them?
You smell nice.
You stink...
Don't leave, Marie.
Go inside.
Go on then.
Can you see anything?
- No, boy.
And now? Can you see anything?
Shall I ask Victor to come?
- No. Please don't.
All right...
Shall I read to you?
I touched her.
That's how you look.
What else did you do?
We'll think of something.
Come on, let's lie in my bed.
Don't you want to know where I was?
You don't like to be touched.
Wash yourself.
Don't depend on anyone,
you'll be better off.
I can't see anything.
So what?
Here. Wash.
If you tell a story.
I won't wash you.
No, me wash, you story.
A little more...
You can look.
What happened?
Has Victor left?
Ruben, can I look at your eyes
while I'm here?
What if we ask Marie
to come and live here?
She can help Mama too.
Fine. Fine.
I'll ask.
We're going outside.
- Now? Where were you?
Are you all right?
I'm blind with gloves on.
It's just like glass.
- I've seen ice.
My name is really Neeltje Marie.
My hands are frozen.
I may ask you to come
and live with us, Marie.
You have to say yes.
You have to say ''yes''.
- No.
D'you have a suitcase with you?
- Yes. -
I'll show you your room.
If you don't like this room, we have more.
Yes, this is fine.
I can't sleep.
Come and sit with me.
Do you still love me?
I want to see you.
You have even more.
Where did you get them?
You don't stink any more.
You don't look the way I thought.
Much more beautiful.
How old are you?
I'm so sorry.
- No, please don't get up.
Here you are.
This is eye liner.
You have performed your task well.
I am grateful to you.
Don't forget you are here to read.
Nothing more.
How are you?
It's more difficult to walk.
My legs have suddenly given up on me.
My fingers too.
I dropped that lovely bottle of yours.
Did you think about what I said?
I don't dare believe it.
Believe me, Catherine,
this life can be changed.
We live in a new era.
We need the courage to act on it.
God, that would be great.
I can write a letter.
He will be able to see.
Do you remember colour?
My father practised
when we knew I was going blind.
What does red look like?
Like this.
What will they read?
Where are we going?
Does it matter?
- No.
What about Mama?
You want to stay here forever?
I want to go to Istanbul... and you?
Come on, surprise...
- Surprise?
Shall I shut my eyes?
- Yes.
You can open them now.
What's the surprise, then?
Victor, this is Marie.
Marie, Doctor Verbeeke.
Well you are...
- Ruben...
Victor has very good news.
You live in a lie.
Who's going to tell him the truth?
He sees it...
...and he's the only one.
You mean that love's blind?
Are you afraid?
A little scared.
I'm sure it'll work.
How does the fairytale end?
The Snow Queen?
Happily ever after, of course.
Aren't you cold?
I love you.
Where are you?
We shall anaesthetize your eyes
with a new drug.
You won't feel much.
Is Marie there?
After you, colleague.
My compliments. Truly wonderful.
And now we wait.
But it looks hopeful. Very hopeful.
He bit me.
- Where?
Untie me! Let me out of here.
Don't move. Mr Rietlander. You don't
want to go blind again? Calm down!
I want to see her.
- Later Ruben. Later.
Something's wrong.
- Think of your eyes.
A few more weeks. Come on.
A few more weeks. Think of your eyes.
Quiet. You aren't alone here.
Where is she?
- Marie.
Hush now.
- Where were you?
I'm here.
Ssshh, quiet.
I'm here. Pull yourself together.
Where is she?
I don't know.
Has she gone? Did something happen?
There are so many
beautiful things out there.
And now you'll see them all.
Are they as beautiful as Marie?
It was pretty nasty that she just left.
Wasn't it?
Ruben. Ruben.
Promise me you'll eat again. Ruben.
You have to say who you are.
Who can I say is here?
How is he? Can he see?
It is impolite to keep your hood on, madam.
That's my affair.
Not entirely.
If you don't dare appear in public,
what will that mean for Ruben?
You should be more courageous.
Why are you here, madam?
He is going to see.
You're between 30 and 40 years old.
What future can you possibly offer Ruben?
A colleague of mine has made
a fascinating study of the human soul.
Some scars are forever.
Did you know that?
I'm convinced that modern science will
be able to correct even more in the future.
Let that be a comfort to you.
Look, can you see it? Look at yourself!
...but never managed to put down
the word that he wanted to.
The word eternity.
The Snow Queen had said:
if you can find this figure...'ll be your own boss.
You have to promise me something.
Ruben is vulnerable.
Be patient.
Show him how beautiful the world is.
Promise me you'll show him that.
He'll see the very best
the world has to offer.
This letter is from Marie.
Ruben, he shall...
Keep it.
Give it to him at a better moment.
Now open them.
I think this is the right lens.
So these are your spectacles.
No last name either?
Marie Tinne.
At a certain point she advertised
for a reader.
That really is all l know.
We'll get through this together, Ruben.
Would you like to use my tap
That hangs below my belly in my lap
Then you can have a holy sup
That splatters into your sweet cup
I'll read you some poetry occasionally.
Are they straight?
Apparently not.
The first woman isn't the best.
She's the first.
Do you know any more?
Learn to look.
Then you'll see for yourself.
What do you know?
No more than you do.
I'll show you something.
Take a look.
Take a good look, Ruben.
What's the matter, dear?
I thought you were someone else.
- You're looking for Marie?
Come on.
She's here.
He wants Marie.
I'm Marie.
- So am I.
Me too.
I'm Marie too.
We're all Marie.
- Come to Mama, darling...
We're whoever you want.
- Shall I read you something?
Victor said we have to be
really nice to you.
The Snow Queen kissed Kay.
The kiss...
No. No, thank you.
The kiss penetrated...
- No.
The kiss penetrated
to his heart that was already...
...almost a lump of ice...
- Stop!
The call of the grey curlew
does not rise at once...
...but follows a drop in tone.
Peewit. Peewit.
The sequel to...
Kuchuk-Hanem is
a very famous courtesan.
She had just taken a bath.
She stood waiting with a sheep
sprinkled with yellow henna...
...that followed her like a dog.
She's an imperial bitch, well endowed,
enormous eyes and beautiful knees.
Confounded folds in horse flesh.
Excuse me, can you tell me
where to find Andersen's books?
I don't know my way around here, sir.
Excuse me. Books by Andersen.
Where can I find them?
Oh, thank you.
Thank you.
May I ask you something?
Do you know this?
You really should read it.
Would you mind reading
something for me?
He sat quite still...
...stiff and cold
in the empty frigid hall.
She recognised him at once
and threw her arms around him.
Tears rolled down her red cheeks
and feel on his chest.
His icy heart melted. She kissed...
She kissed his eyes...
...he wept...
Come home with me.
She kissed his hands...
...his cheeks...
...and he blushed again
Tears washed the splinter from his eye.
He recognised her.
You thought I was beautiful.
Come home with me.
Look at me.
Look at me.
What do you see?
What do you see now?
- No!
That's not true.
Not any more.
Don't do it. Don't.
You left too.
You got eyes.
Come back. You belong with me.
Not any more.
Who says that?
Am I beautiful?
- Yes. -
Don't lie.
I belong with you.
Why won't you believe me?
I don't believe in fairytales.
I can't.
We thought...
It never seemed the right moment.
She doesn't want to be seen.
My love, my everything...
...when you read this letter, you'll see
how beautiful the world can be.
I never felt more beautiful than when
seen through your hands, love.
My love... me with your hands and ears.
I am happy to have known
the greatest love.
The purest.
True love is blind.
For eternity.