Blindness (2008)

Come on!
Come on!
Lord, open your glass.
OK, OK, one moment.
- Open the glass.
- I am blind.
Stay calm. Do not move and
tell me what happened.
I am blind. I am blind.
It is as if something fill my eyes.
Neither thought about anything.
Well, probably is nothing.
Someone called an ambulance?
-Please take me to my apartment ...
... and I help my wife.
I can take him.
Are you sure sir?
Sure, take it out of the street.
Sir, I will take you to another place.
It is only a blind man.
Carefully, he can not see.
With calm, he is blind.
Give me your hand.
You heard me, huh?
Say you need to take quick and
their home.
Any questions?
Why are not we going?
Ah ... the signal is closed.
There is movement, as the particulate ...
... as if sailing in a sea
Seems to be swimming in milk.
I never heard anyone describe the blindness
as something white.
It's that black is the absence of
light, which is good.
I think so.
So in fact this is not a blindness.
It was very fast and the blindness is
slow, is not so?
What you have is some kind of problem
sicosomtico or nervous.
It is here where are we going?
Why is talking down?
Well, that's it.
Go to the sidewalk. Wait a minute.
Ok. I see. Okay?
This is your building? Pretty.
He is blind, does not see.
Put your hands on ...
Remember the stairs, right.
Which floor?
I do.
What is your problem?
Excuse me?
What do you care?
Nothing unusual.
Some other symptoms?
My life is pretty quiet lately.
In the world of karate and sports?
This is my home.
Honey, I arrived.
Thanks for everything.
Nice place.
Hey, Hey.
It was his wife who decorated it here?
No, listen, thanks for everything.
I'm fine now.
Wants me to stay here and take care of you until your
wife back?
No, no, no.
I'm sure it will be better.
I'm fine, thanks.
Are you sure?
Wants me to stay?
No, thank you, thank you.
All right.
Thank you.
Oh. .. wonderful!
I love ...
Look at that ...
Could not have given him before bath
to throw it?
Are you listening?
I am not your maid.
You're bleeding ...
You okay?
I am blind.
Ophthalmologist, ophthalmologist ...
Know any?
Come to the hospital.
No way.
We will wait for hours.
Come to a specialist.
I'd rather die than stay like this.
Shut up!
You're confusing me ...
Sorry ...
And now?
Do you see anything?
I do not see anything.
Make an effort.
Where are your car keys?
Take mine.
You can pick up my later.
Are you sure you tried
It has nothing wrong with my eyes.
What kind of person steals a blind?
You should go blind.
Can you come with me now.
Excuse me, excuse me, but I'm hoping to
more than an hour with a child.
Sorry, the doctor is having an affair.
Yes, but my time was at six and
are already seven.
Then you react.
That does not ...
Miss, please.
He is worse than us.
Nothing, nothing in the lens and not in the retina.
Someone shut the lights.
It is as if all the lights ...
... were lit.
His eyes are perfect.
Look, I said.
But you do not see anything.
Well sir, if that is so then we
have to conduct further tests but ...
... unfortunately, this can not be today.
What do you mean by "if this is true?
You think I'm lying?
No, not at all. But I have to be
honest, I never in my life ...
faced something like this.
That is a recipe?
No, I'm writing instructions for
the hospital.
I know how to get to the hospital, not
I need information.
It is not for you, are for people,
so they know what to do ...
... when your husband arrives.
Is that all?
For now yes.
Everything will be okay, let's find out
what it is.
We can not do anything more for now.
I need you to sign here.
Sorry, not you, him.
Parked the car?
We have no car.
What are you doing?
What was that?
Let's do the following, do you remember
that, the crab?
Let's try this first.
Better with this or with that?
The other.
Are you sure?
Well, you can put your glasses.
This is for you, toast to his mother.
Good boy.
You will have to drop at least five days.
And I continue using the glasses?
You want me requires that you use?
Okay, I recommend that you use the
sunglasses ...
less when bathing or sleeping.
Okay, I will try tomorrow.
I take a bizarre case that I saw today.
It seems to be what we call
a amerosis.
It is a kind of ...
Oh, sorry.
Okay, you hear it or not?
Except that in amerosis everything turns black ...
... but with him everything was white.
And you know what he saw?
Exactly, I do not know what he saw, but I think ...
... I trust in what he told me.
It may be something neurological, which
call agnosia
... which is the inability to recognize
familiar objects.
That's it.
It is as if to give a person,
let's say a fork ...
... and she said:
What is it? Never saw that before.
Is related to agnosticism?
You know, "agnosia", "agnosticism" ...
From the etymological point of view?
Yes, did not study Latin?
Greek, honey.
I bet it has something to do with ...
... the ignorance, lack of faith.
That word is much valued.
Forget it.
Accepts most wine?
No, but I think you do.
I will throw.
Wait, wait ...
What would you ask? I was ...
It was the dinner?
Beautiful coat.
Thank you, I can not help you, honey.
All right. Sorry.
I know. Could put the clock
to awaken half an hour before?
I have to make some connections soon
Yes, of course. Good night.
Good night. Thanks for the cake.
It was tiramisu.
Ah, yes, tiramisu.
Well, well.
It is a big secret.
Whose is hiding?
From idiots like you.
$ 11.00 are accurate.
Thank you.
Hi! Hotel VILLIE, please.
I arrived in time?
Yes, you have three minutes.
The guy said you arrive late.
He You ready? You look great.
Nice to meet you.
I can not get the glasses.
A problem that?
Are you kidding?
Doctor's orders.
I can call another girl.
That was wild.
I mean that was very special.
I still see everything white.
Ringing the bell.
Can I help you?
Madam, this man said to be her husband.
He can not see.
I do not care what he did.
Can turn around e. ...
Open the door.
Police did not know this man.
Forget that the police and let me go.
Thank you, thank you.
Listen, listen.
Come on, come on, get help.
Seek help. Wait here.
I do not understand, I do not see.
I called the security's coming next.
I help you.
I will take your wallet.
Where are your clothes?
Hey, hey, slowly.
I do not push.
Shut up.
I gotta get back to my house.
You stood up before your
clock awakening.
Everything will be fine.
I doubt that everything is fine.
What happened?
I can not see.
Somehow, the patient ...
who served yesterday, I infected.
That is impossible. Let me see.
I see nothing, nothing.
Nobody can be so blind.
No, but we are already two.
Oh, no, no, quit.
I touched ... I mean,
is contagious.
No, no, no.
I am saying, he infected me.
It is contagious.
I will not get sick.
What am I thinking?
Calm down, everything will be fine.
I spent all night in the same bed
Everything okay, everything is fine.
What time is it?
Almost 08:30.
I have to warn the hospital.
Without visible signs of trauma or
symptoms, not lost.
Here it is. Well, see you soon.
No problem.
It is a risk that can run.
What is it?
A boy, he is blind.
Hello, kid! All right?
Somebody help me.
I can not see.
Ministry of Health
It's a little early.
You can call after 09:00 pm.
Yes, the 09:00 pm.
Hello, Minister, we received a strange
phone call this morning.
Oh, thanks.
Oh, God!
He was here at 6:00 or 6:30.
I remember that the waiting room was full.
Sorry, I got another call.
You want to ...
Go to your closet, get your stuff ...
... and come with us as soon as possible.
Can I have those records please?
Will be here at any time.
I know, so I want you to relax.
In care of everything.
Okay, I will be fine.
If I need anything, you call.
I can not live long without you.
All right?
Let me behind you.
Do not worry, I got everything.
Good morning sir.
Good morning.
This is the car for the transfer.
Have cell phone, sir?
Can you pass it, please.
Thank you, here.
Okay baby, thank you.
Thank you.
Do not you go away.
I'm asking.
No, no.
We take care of him.
He was infected.
Then they will have to take me because
I just go blind.
I just go blind.
My God!
Attention, attention, attention.
The Government regrets being obliged to
exercise with all the urgency ...
... what it considers its legitimate right
to protect the citizen.
We are in a crisis situation.
We are experiencing an epidemic of blindness
known as white blindness.
We trust in the spirit of citizenship
and the collaboration of all ...
... to prevent new infections. The decision
to put temporarily ...
... those infected in quarantine
was made after analysis ...
carefully examined.
We guarantee that the isolation in which
are, is ...
... more than any staff assessment,
an act of solidarity ...
... with the rest of the nation.
Do not believe what I asked.
Let me guess, that voice ...
... it is me nuts.
It is fortunate that it can not see it.
Give fear.
It makes you wonder, what kind of idiot
puts a video on ...
... quarter of querentena for the blind.
We gotta get out of here.
Let's say that we see.
No, no, I will not leave.
I want to return home.
But, dear ...
Please return home.
If you want to save me ...
... but I'm fine, really!
This is what I want.
I want to do that.
Anyway, it is already too late.
I think we will soon lose their vision.
You're right.
With our spirit of cooperation in mind,
I ask you to the attention of the ...
... following instructions that are
very simple.
I follow?
This is the room for autopsies.
Room two and three.
Doctor, how many rooms there?
Yes, sorry, there are other two quarters in
floor and another on floor ...
... low for people ...
How do you know that?
Explore a little before you arrive.
We chose this because it is closer
of entry, from which comes the food.
Well, at least someone is thinking. --
This is the idiot responsible for
we are here.
If I could see, you kill.
He is responsible for having stolen
my car.
Are you serious?
If I had not had the decency to
stop and help you ...
I go to another room stay as far away
can this son of a bitch.
Son of a bitch who steals a blind.
They are fighting.
Stop right now. Stop.
Stop it.
They are acting like children.
Enough! Please.
Obviously we are alone here.
So if you want to turn this place
in a hell ...
... are achieving.
He stole my car.
No matter. What will you do with a car?
You can not drive.
And you stole my vision.
Enough of that.
Look doctor, whoever,
here we are all equal, we do not have ...
... made decisions, then stop in
give orders to that tone.
I am not giving orders to anyone.
Just asking ...
I am only asking that let this man
Okay, okay, I just want you to know that
I am a stranger talk ...
... to me like that.
What I like is the education and
I respect that.
All women, close your eyes that
I will take your pants off.
I will try this bed, the number three.
All right with you?
If you need something at night, I am here.
I need to pee.
A door in front.
A door in front.
Try to save the track.
How many doors, how many steps.
I counted the first time I came here.
Turn right.
Another entry.
My God.
What happened?
What kind of shoes is wearing, bitch?
Crap. The dog kicked me.
I tripped and careful with his mouth.
I need to pee.
Wait a minute.
Stay calm, come back soon.
I need to pee right now.
Oh, my God.
I found a kitchen, but I do not know if
has sink.
Well, keep pressing.
Tell me what to do.
Is bleeding a lot.
Easy, give me your shirt.
Thank God that there is a doctor of truth.
I'm sorry for what I said before.
Do not worry.
Here, you can not see.
Let me do it. I do.
He was a Jersey guy.
One, two and three. Well
That's good?
I am afraid to infect.
I am surprised that you have not yet infected.
What time is it?
You can not become liable for all.
You have to sleep.
You are afraid to close your eyes?
I am afraid to open them, afraid of being blind
while sleep.
I will walk a little.
All those infected must remain
behind these doors.
When you enter, walk holding
on the walls ...
... until we find the rooms.
Okay, come on.
Four, three, two, one.
Hello, hello! Is anybody here?
Hello, hello!
Do you have any beds available here?
Yes, you are in how many?
I do not know.
Maybe you can count one by one
and will occur.
I am the number one, I am a cop.
Well, I am the number two,
motorsita by taxi.
Number three, auxiliary nurses.
Four, the hotel maid.
Five, financial advisor.
They are white lights.
They are white lights.
I am.
Where are you?
Say something.
Keep talking.
My mother is here?
It must be, do not worry.
Come quick.
Well, help you when I get back.
Who was that he was talking about?
The representative of our room.
Please, please, stop!
Please, stop!
Please wait!
Sorry but we have to go back.
Sorry, we hear a man with a
e. leg injury ..
... needs medical care.
Are you an infection and need antibiotics.
I am a doctor.
I can not let you leave.
Please come back.
I demand that I let go.
I am only asking for help.
Back off.
One more step and I shoot.
This is ridiculous.
You have a sick man here.
That will not work.
Listen, I count to three and if
not coming back, we blast.
Can I talk to his superior,
Must be joking.
This is crazy.
We want to talk to his superior.
That will not work.
Three. I will shoot you in hell!
Come on!
This is ridiculous.
Forget it.
I can not believe this is happening.
Each room has a phone to
communicate with the outside world.
The phone is only for cases of emergency.
Want to drink?
You have coffee here?
I do not know, we need a table.
I have a wringer of fruit.
Does anyone have a knife?
I have a knife.
Want to use my?
And you?
We can divide.
There was a girl who appeared to be in
raped because they screamed a lot.
I was naked, only with glasses.
Yes, I leave a message.
My message is because there are a number
Emergency if no one answer.
We have a problem in the bedroom of the blind.
Obviously they were neglected
because we do not have enough food.
Also keep the request I made yesterday
to send us a first-aid kit.
I hope you receive this message
before dinner.
Number five, security guard
a hotel.
Number six, engineer.
I am a receptionist in ophthalmology.
I know his voice.
My God! Where are you?
Here, here.
I forgot to say "seven".
All right?
Need help?
No, I did.
First, we will welcome
for newly arrived.
You have some things I want to discuss.
Now we have an online guide to the
connect with all rooms ...
... through the intervention of my wife.
There is another question, the restrooms.
They are simply disgusting.
I need a group of people who
offer you clean them.
I like to feel the heat in the face.
The aroma as well.
I liked ...
Remember the New Year we were
the church?
There were many people waiting in line.
It was getting cold.
The ceremonial fire ...
... was well near the line.
When we approach ...
... if heated our bodies,
on the one hand ...
... was nice.
Neither knew the law ...
I do not want to hear.
I do not want to hear.
I can not pretend.
You do not have soap.
I believe it is better than nothing.
Did you hear that?
Actually has an extra beer?
I have a radio.
There are so many stations as before.
But if Insite, do every day.
I tell how everything is out there.
In the first 24 Hotas had hundreds
Case, said a second woman.
All were equal and without pain.
A sea of white.
As I know, the government's response
was decisive.
He declared the country in quarantine.
But that has not prevented us from harness
an opportunity.
We did an international conference
several ophthalmologists and neurologists.
Not if we know that ...
And for days worried about people ...
... we have been subjected to seminars and
endless meetings ...
... with experts from around the world,
which confirmed the general impasse.
We must prevent that disease
become contagious globally.
It was too early to talk about cures
when they did ...
... so many investigations and
complete the work.
That conclusion pointed
the medical industry.
My God, I'm getting blind.
My God!
Help me, help me, please!
The weeks have passed and each time they
arose new victims ...
... the city unaware, omitting the
evidence ...
... in all places where the disease
was immune to bureaucracy.
And the streets and the traffic?
A chaos, as always.
But then came news of a
bus accident that caused 24 deaths.
That same day two planes collided.
I could not tell the truth, that this disease
had caused all these accidents.
But people were terrorized.
Any sign of panic, caused the blindness.
Or the blindness caused the panic.
The deaths have multiplied.
People decided not to leave their homes.
And the problems are resolved in transit.
Citizens, friends, as
many of you ...
... I was blind.
Maybe we need a bit of music.
Ladies and gentlemen, I need you
follow my voice.
No rush.
Number 12:
Anyone who try to flee the site,
will apply extreme measures.
With licea sir.
Can you please guide?
Stay in line.
Stay in the queue boy.
Excuse me sir,
we need a guide, please.
Attention, the man who asked is in the courtyard.
Choose a person to come
get it.
A person.
Where is she?
Once in front. Come here.
That, is doing fine.
Keep walking.
Warm, warm, still warm.
Cold. Stop!
Turn to your right.
Straight ahead.
Warm, warm. Cold. Stop.
Turn deireita again.
That's good, very good. Straight ahead.
Well warm, warm.
Cold, cold.
Stop, stop. Cold.
Did you see that?
Sergeant, saw that?
Will be completely blind or dead
Hello, quarter three.
Today collect the bodies that
are trees in the courtyard.
I think the best solution is that each
take a fourth body, are rotated ...
... the only man to us and bury
its own quota of deaths.
What do you mean by quota?
They are not ours.
Yes, but some probably came
for that quarter.
Once we have rejected his own.
Like me.
Our room is crowded.
Here too.
Okay, then we are all the same
position, no?
Listen, I do not want to discuss, I just want to
that burying them ...
... and I think that just grab each quarter
a body ...
... so work will be faster.
All right?
There is also the question of
rationing of food.
It seems that one of the rooms are getting
more than corresponds to them ...
so that we create a kind
the committee ...
... with representatives of each quarter e. ..
Who the hell are you?
Who the hell are you?
Excuse me?
Yes, anyone who thinks it is ...
... give as many orders?
I am the elected representative of a fourth.
And I suggest that you choose to
or choose ...
... to discuss it.
In other words, they want to talk to our leaders.
That's right.
As a diplomatic mission to negotiate.
Well, here we have a system
monarchic ...
... and I declare King's fourth three.
Long live King!
Any objections?
And before finishing the day, I declare that
everyone in the room three, eat ...
... before we start thinking about
bury dead.
So eat, eat, do not worry.
You can not sleep well. You are dirty.
Give me your clothes.
Tomorrow I wash.
How are you?
You know how it is.
You have to see to believe.
I can not do anything.
All right, all right.
Look a little sleep.
You're too hot.
I know that you can see.
No, not you. Why does it?
Believe me, you should tell the truth.
You can not trust a thief, right?
I have a secret: I'm very smart.
And being blind makes me think better.
I do not know how to help.
Thank you.
Sorry to be a burden.
Do not stand that.
Come to sleep.
What time is it?
What? What?
You lost your vision?
I forgot to wind the clock.
That pain.
Did you hear that?
I will take a look.
What the hell is that?
You saw what it was?
Blood, blood there, come back.
The sergeant will kill me.
Is this direction?
He told me he knew why ...
I said and did nothing.
I could not do anything.
Would that count.
And then? Everything would be more difficult.
I can with it.
I'm not talking about you.
I speak of us, us.
You get dressed, gives me bath, clean the
my ass, for the love of God ...
... is already difficult enough
think of you as ...
How, how, as that?
As a wife instead of as my mother ...
... or a nurse.
Well, you have to get used to it because ...
... because I have no alternative.
Yes, you are right, I'll have to
get used.
I do not console.
Oh, come on.
Hello, hello, hello.
Hello, hello, hello.
Attention, attention, attention.
That was the last thing I heard
that idiot.
We apoderando the chair now.
I am the king of the quarter three and will occur
many changes around here.
Item 1:
They want to eat? They will have to pay.
I think this is it.
And now for the grand finale, a
music from the bottom of my heart.
Hey, no, no.
Get off the top.
Do not push me.
Stop it.
Shut up, shut up or continue shooting ...
.. even hit someone.
I think the blind are stupid ...
.. screaming and crying like babies.
Give me be a shame of you.
The fourth three will take charge of
food right now.
I have a store.
As in the real world, let's take care
that our store.
So do not think about trying to steal it.
And how? How do we pay?
Sorry, I asked a question?
I mean you have to explain their rules.
What do you do that?
Whether we one at a time? Together?
Well, we will do next.
Store the food and soon
Communicating the rules you okay?
Now, back to their rooms and
prepare your money.
You know you have no money.
Because of what you have, lady!
Shoot you right now and will
unless a mouth to feed.
If wished, have been killed,
I tell you that.
Now, jewelry lady, for example.
Watches, electronic shit,
anything that you believe would like.
Yes, yes.
How much for a meal?
Well, see, I do not know.
Just attach your stuff and you diremos
what they deserve.
And not hiding anything.
All right?
Madam, madam.
Do not forget your voice.
And I do not forget your face.
What else can we do?
We can be together.
And tell them not.
Let's all be together.
Creating confusion with a queer black
if I have to do.
We do not know that race is expensive.
I know the sound of your voice.
Fuck you!
Who the hell are these people?
This is bullshit.
We have to do what they say ...
... because they want to do
a statement. Forget it!
We have no fear that we can
face those guys.
You are right!
We have no choice.
They have a weapon, a gun.
They will shoot everyone.
Yes, exactly!
Yes, but if you kill one, then
will be many.
I will collect the things of value.
They do not need to if we do not want.
But do not expect to be fed
expense of others.
-I have nothing.
-Don 't worry.
-I have some things, we'll pay for two.
-But what if they have nothing?
They are just jewels gentleman.
What do we do with them here?
Each gives according to what you have.
Thank you.
The important thing is to bring the food.
What is this? Plastic?
A joke from someone.
I tried.
I said that to speak
did nothing plastic.
Just made me lose time.
And if I say?
You have something of value?
Well, maybe a diamond.
That's good.
No, wait, wait.
I think I found something here.
-Oh, good.
-All right!
Indeed yes, fine.
Very well.
One, two
And three
Is that all?
Usually when we have four
Come to us.
Yes, but now has three.
If they continue protesting receive two.
-We are going.
-We are here.
Very well.
-This is the fourth one.
-Do a quarter?
Do not put your hands on me.
We are not going to hurt you here.
Take care of your manners.
Very well.
It's yours?
-Can I get?
Oh man.
Sounds good so far.
Everything in order?
Okay, take, take.
You are blind.
Thanks for letting me understand.
You are a blind normal?
It is not normal. Born blind, it does
a kind of super hero in this world.
So you better be careful.
You're with the wrong people.
If you were born blind, must understand the
empathy and human decency.
Shut up! Shut up!
He is blind.
That's it!
That does not make you better or worse.
Only blind renders.
And now is blind in a way ...
... because it is now caring for patients
and hungry in their own world.
That's it.
How to sleep with yourself?
That is the only thing we get?
Two boxes?
Yes, that's all.
The other took three boxes, as you
thinks that survived with only two?
That is no more.
It is immoral!
Shut up! shut up!
Shut up!
Shut up!
Fuck his sermon okay!
Take your food and go.
And thank you for what you have.
Got it?
Got it? Got it?
Okay, now say "thank you".
Thank you.
Very well.
Out, out!
You are a lucky you know?
The kind that always wants more.
Well, how many people there are in
a quarter now?
We only have 24 meals, so
we all have to ...
Sorry but that is all we have.
Find a partner.
... here, please.
Boys, boys, stop pushing.
Open your mouth.
You need to eat something.
Doctor, is there?
Yes, I am here.
I brought his food.
No, please. Here is a bathroom.
It's not your fault, you did everything I could.
No, I did not.
The daughter of a bitch put the
gun here in my throat.
No, I could have caught e. ..
And then what?
So what?
I do not know.
If they had I would be killed
much worse.
Would have started a war of insurance.
A real war.
You're right.
Not that it would have been finjirei
easy to go through that.
Would have to live with that.
Like me.
I said nothing.
It would be easier for me to understand.
Sorry, it is my fault.
Do silence.
I can see.
I knew that.
At least I thought so.
This is different.
So a week has passed ...
or the like.
And you no longer have anything which
Then in a fourth three bolamos
new plan.
Bring your women.
Women for food.
Have a nice day.
What's happening?
We have not eaten for three days.
We took all the food we had,
it's up to you recion them.
This is your problem.
Forget, nothing like that!
I will not. I'm not going.
-No one asked you to go.
Certainly not the men here
this quarter ...
They can not blame us.
I think I raised an important issue.
And I think we should ask whether
there is some voluntary.
What are you talking about?
If there is any voluntary, I think
we should know now.
I wonder how many volunteers would
if they had told himself his men.
It is not the same thing.
Of course it is not the same thing,
because it is not ...
There are no gays here.
Yes, much less protistutas.
That is debatable.
I delivered to you and now you think
I am a fucking prostitute?
Can I ask you to release?
I mean, my God!
Of course I prefer that my
Women were not.
But what I would prefer not matter,
depends solely on her.
Of course, my male pride
will be hurt but ...
... than it serves.
No matter, we are all starving.
I think people should do
what they want.
Whichever what remains of morale.
You do not have anyone, forget it.
I will!
I'm going with it.
Me too.
Very well, very well, I will too.
Me too.
Look, do whatever you want.
But my wife will not go anywhere.
Dignity has no price.
Nobody knows how many women have here.
They can do anything you want and
And then you can talk about me
The issue is not that!
Just ...
I am not different from the others.
I'll do what they do.
No, you will not.
You will do what I say!
Do not give me orders.
It has nothing worse than that.
This is disgusting!
From now on it will not eat ...
... but how long before then
and it will seek other?
Out of the way!
Good night!
How many drafts?
Only 9?
Because it is only 9, will have to bend
the shift tonight.
Ah, if neither of you has the "footprint" ...
... do not want. Serve for another
None has the "footprint".
Well, entam to prepare,
and that will be waiting.
The food again if they are complacent.
Meanwhile ...
Brought to you some things.
I have one more.
Here we go.
Come on.
You have no way of trying to escape.
There are guards.
At least it would be quicker and
already be dead.
Nobody is going to die, go!
Come on!
Come here!
Listen, are welcome!
Girls, do not be afraid.
We want to be.
We will not hurt them ok?
Are not rushing,
everyone will have his wife.
If not, divides us.
As with everything we do here ok?
Well, I want you to stay in line
of "hot" to "cold.
The more "hot" ... come here.
And the more "cool", go to the end of the queue.
What's happening?
Looks like a dead fish is stirring.
Oh! Dude!
I think I will stay with her.
You come with me?
Gostanto is?
Well done!
It is a mature woman, the way I like.
You like that?
It is my gun.
You like it?
Madam, madam.
What a surprise, lady.
Okay, come with me.
If you say no, the break
your neck OK?
Suck it!
Come on.
I'm not asking you okay?
Come on!
They can bite it.
Try it!
And pop his head.
His and that of his friend, see?
I'll do pieces of you.
Come on!
Okay, well!
You are good.
You're very nervous, please relax.
I can suck your nipples?
Just a bit.
It was not so bad.
It was only a mordidinha.
Come on!
Come on!
Hurry up!
Somebody go get the food.
What happened?
What happened?
You okay?
You have another story?
Room ... 2 ...!
-How many women are?
Is that it?
Okay, so ...
-How about the guy with magic powers?
Do you like it is not?
The guy was fantastic!
Yes, he had special powers.
It could be invisible when
Nobody was looking at him.
So that when the look,
We are not the ...
Good afternoon, ladies!
I just want to make sure that all
recovered ...
... the fun night before.
No! Indeed, just wanted to hit a
chat rooms with some of you ...
... I could feel a little jealous.
Not tonight, tocaremos on you,
but you know ...
... our hearts are still with you.
Men should be very
proud of their women.
Very proud!
Well, some seem dead fish but ...
... but others do not, other
done as professionals.
-Now we are only eight.
-What happened? Have you died?
It was not even much longer
with a fish that seemed dead.
We will not stop this story now ok?
... then we will end up.
Where are you?
Is that you?
Come on!
You do not know my name.
No, but I'll know.
Say one more word and kill you.
I'm dead anyway!
Do not let go, idiots!
Do not let go!
Stop it!
Come back!
Come back here!
Finished. I broke up with you!
There is more food for you!
We spent all day without food!
Because her husband did not die?
From now on we will collect!
You missed!
What's happening?
Where are you?
You okay?
Will I get the food.
I said they killed a man.
I can handle it.
No, there will be a war.
They will want revenge.
We have to put something in the doors.
Using what we have.
Say what you want ...
Tocos! Tocos!
What I suggest is that we do
find out who killed the leader ...
... and offer it as a sign of peace.
Not now.
We do not know who ...
They exchanged them for food.
They will not stop.
We will have war.
What we started.
Yes, exactly.
And I suggest that we find who killed their leader ...
Look, look.
If we give food ...
I say that consiguiremos.
Come on!
Come on.
Okay, I guess you're right.
Who would agree raise your hand.
I think that was the most ridiculous thing
I suggested in my life.
What do you think?
Those who do not quizerem fight,
simply will away and nobody
know that one day were here.
And those that remain, meet
to make a plan.
We are in how many?
I see 12 of us.
I heard something ...
Is anybody here.
Who is?
I heard someone.
Who is?
I heard someone.
I have a chair here.
If someone ...
On top, go!
Get those in front.
Stay united.
I will be in front.
Come on!
We can not go back!
Come on!
What is this?
Come on, hurry!
Stay down, come get you.
Hold on there.
They are not seeing?
They are not seeing what's happening?
We are free!
Thank you.
Come, come.
This is a shelter?
Please, stay together.
I do not want to lose anyone else.
Okay, I get food.
I am going with you.
No, I can do it alone.
Stay here and take care of each other up.
This place is busy!
Have other groups out there.
Do not get out.
I know you can do it.
But as you get the whole
food alone?
Do you have anything?
Only this outfit.
I think there is no electricity.
You have people who still enxerguem?
What's happening?
I was homesick for you.
I felt so much his fault.
Here is another place.
I will come.
Hold on.
I will stay here, I know my place.
There's nothing, cunt!
There's nothing, cunt!
What is it?
What is this?
Smell of meat!
Have food there?
That's me, me!
Come on!
Are you okay, okay.
All right.
I have to stop.
It has some stairs.
All right, all right.
You're saved.
Thank you.
All right.
I have to go back and get that outfit
before we know where we are.
Yes, wait!
Take something.
... what's happening with us ...
I'm here!
I'm here!
It is horrible.
Who would do that?
Some blind.
That leaves anyone crazy.
Since I could not see, wanted the
see statues.
Do not believe this.
I do not know, is an impossible person
blind paint something.
Yes, it is possible.
Probably the priest saw what happened,
and had a crisis of faith.
No, I do not believe.
They all made me think we were lucky,
have somebody else to see.
So I think it depends on you,
decide what we will do.
Well, I think we should get
here tonight,
try to get some sleep and then ...
... and early in the morning, I was thinking that
could go to our home.
Okay hereabouts.
E. .. is quite large.
We can accommodate all.
Where you going?
Do not follow this dog, he could
to take you to anywhere.
Probably in the sense of a bitch.
brown eyes.
I do not know how you are.
How could know?
I know that part of you,
and this is what we are really, right?
When we lunch,
talked with a man who
was part of our group,
together, find tentamo
food and shelter.
Each night, slept in a different place.
I asked why he did not get
in their place,
and he said he did not know where more
he was.
If you have lost.
Same many of us.
It's here!
Here we are.
Come, come.
They may believe?
Just because everything is quiet, not
you do not have anyone here.
Is anybody here?
Let's take the shoes, right?
That may leave them near the door.
We do not want to mess here.
They can also strip.
We have enough clean clothes upstairs.
Thank you.
shoes ...
All together?
Come on! She is the only one who can see.
If it does feel better,
is quite dark.
Okay, if you insist.
I'm sure you've seen something
more exciting that this old body.
I want you to feel at home now,
He is the place for you now.
Thank you all.
We feel flattered by
Tuesday offered in your home.
The pleasure is ours.
They can get us out when enough,
or if you're heavy, just tell me ...
... and walk around like an elephant.
You are not an elephant.
Nor am a man.
You still very man, honey.
Not quite the way this time.
I must be ugly!
No, no, weak and dirty,
but never ugly.
And I?
I'm pretty?
I have never seen.
But in my dreams you are.
It was more fatty.
I know very well.
Well, why not the blind
differentiate the ugly.
Come on, tell the truth.
No, but I suppose it was more beautiful than before.
Before we were all more beautiful.
Someone is cold?
Hi, I am.
I got a bit of hot water.
Thank you.
I will play okay?
You are so good?
I hope we can find
parents of the boy.
What are you waiting for?
There is nothing more ridiculous,
that the wishes of old.
Tell me, tell me.
You do not understand.
What tone of voice is that?
Well, I hope ... that ...
Can continue living together.
Like now.
For me,
Nothing was better than that.
I just want to live together.
Me or to everyone?
I will not say.
I want to know.
We are alone?
Someone is listening?
Good, good.
I live with you.
I remember this new year,
I was cold but I do not care.
Okay, we have an edge of the table
beans and carrot,
In the middle there and olives
some biscuits,
and at the other end of the table
We anchovies.
You do not have any drink in particular
or the like?
There is nothing better than water,
clean water.
I'd like to propose a toast.
For the family.
For the human family.
And the dog!
And the dog!
And the dog!
Muilto better than any other
thing in the world.
See you.
And you play well,
I see your face,
so beautiful.
I try to remember.
It is working?
Let's see.
Take another.
Take another of my face.
Have coffee.
If someone wants.
I wanted a little, please.
Me too.
I need work ...
My love, my love,
I think we should all meet and
rely on what we have to do.
Does not have much food and I
concerned about security.
I will serve you.
It's hot.
I can see.
I can see.
My God.
I can see everything!
I can see!
What are you saying?
I can see you!
... Linda!
My God!
What do you mean, I can see?
I can see you!
Back to vision.
What's happening?
I can see!
I can see!
You're lying!
Regained vision?
Hello boy.
I can see.
I can not believe this!
I thought I was joking.
My God!
It is incredible!
I know.
I know I can not believe it.
I love you.
They are so beautiful.
My God!