Bling (2016)

- Show me what you have in hand.
- It is a secret.
I do not like secrets.
- Sus, you need to riding.
- Here I come.
If you do not do as I say,
I must take harsh measures in use.
- Sus Kastanjenborg, what are you doing?
- I'll see what Mads have in hand.
- Stop.
- Show her now, what you have in hand.
- But I do not want to.
- So I'm not holding up.
Okay, I give up.
Hit it.
Is it a can ring?
Well no, it's a wedding ring.
Sus, Mads will marry you.
No I will not. It is just
a can ring, as you said.
Well, for Sus is something very special.
One must be a great man for
to marry a Kastanjenborg.
And great men gives only
large rings.
Sus ...
Sus Johansen.
Mrs. Sus Johansen.
Sus Kastanjenborg.
- Will you marry me?
- No!
- You are finished, Baron von Bacon.
- So you have to be lucky pig.
Spot. Hilmer. Save it for the show.
I try to practice.
You practice more than us,
and we are actors.
No, we're as super heroes.
We are actors who pretend
like we're superheroes.
Yes, Okra on to something.
Mads why have you built
a robot that farts?
- Let me now practicing.
- You always practice, but does nothing.
I'm just robots.
What do you know about love?
Love, nonsense! You're just afraid
to propose to your girlfriend.
No I am not. But it just
done in the right way.
With a nice ring, at the right time
and with the right amount of magic.
- Magi?
- We can do everything. We're superheroes.
Yes, play superheroes know everything
about magic.
- Close.
- I'm tired of the noise, Johansen.
- Get so the robots out.
- Window. Now!
Remember to buy chocolates and roses,
for it is soon valentine.
Wow, she's just so delicious.
- See, it's Sus.
- The brave have luck in love.
- This is my girlfriend.
- It's a good one.
As if she would get along with,
who are friends with the kind of idiots.
It's called "idols" spaghetti arms.
- Come on, we're late.
- What should we?
Sus expecting something big
on Valentine's Day.
Such a must Sus garden.
Century Diamond is not for sale.
But what about this?
A classic design
with a gemstone quality.
The only high
at the ring's price.
For a woman equal the value
to the man's value.
Do you sell candy rings?
We also have something
at the cheaper end.
No, that must be it here.
An excellent choice.
Are you crazy?
It has not you can afford.
He's crazy like a love.
First you lose your mind.
So you lose everything you own.
Today begins or ends my life.
Century Diamond is not for sale.
Run! It's Oscar.
Katarina You would not be angry,
I stole it?
the greatest super villain ever.
- What did she expect?
- As true as it is said, Victor.
This is the best day of my life.
Hey, I peed shown in the pants.
This way, ma'am.
I need to talk to the mayor.
Stop, you two!
I am a former supervillain.
I am a new person now. See for yourself.
People with itchy trigger finger
should not play with guns.
Good morning darling.
Here I am, beloved Katarina.
I have come to rescue you
from gammeljomfruens sad life.
Oscar, I do not have time to
it is here right now.
Time? Oh well, time. Why do it
a bell to ring?
Well of course.
It is time to look at the sky.
Oscar, stop them.
- Only if you marry me.
- It's madness.
Yes, because I'm
crazy in love with you.
Oscar, stop the missiles,
and then we can ...
- Talk about it.
- I'm not a man who speaks.
I shop.
I love you.
- Take a picture.
- Yndigt.
Yes, just cried if you like.
But I am waiting for your answer.
Guards Hold the criminals
the police come.
Criminals? Is it a crime
that would make you happy?
I am really happy,
for you to jail.
Are you as completely crazy?
You can hit Katarina.
It went very well, right?
We talk so.
- They drop away.
- Ring.
- Oscar!
- Catherine, I love you.
- Mr. Plump coming.
- Mr. Plump coming. Hurry up.
Okay, let's make a super nice try
and really impress Mr. Plump.
Ox, you're the villain
and will have that princess -
- Which is perched on the roof,
must come down and marry you.
And what's my motivation?
You want fervently
to marry her.
So actually I have a deep
need for love and tenderness.
Exactly. And the princess called Sus.
Like my girlfriend, Sus,
to be sitting right there.
Mads will propose to her during the show.
When I meet the love of my life?
Come on, Zang. You're a monk.
This is gonna be so wild.
Do not smash scene
This time. Okay?
- What did he say?
- Have no idea.
- We must rescue the princess.
- And smash anything that gets in the way.
- Mr. Plump is here.
- Heroes!
Sir. Plump, we are ready.
This better FUNKE.
But it seems not.
And I'll leave the helm
for pirate Jack.
Do not worry. The show will park
crowd-puller on Valentine's Day.
- I love you! I love you!
- We'll see.
Here we go.
Oh no.
Paws away from her,
Your skrotskrummel.
Disrespectful fools.
No defies Ox King. Kill them.
Quiet now, friends.
In destroying the stage.
Think that valentine
can be so fun.
Yes, look at this.
- Fire.
- Get out of the way.
I get fired
and made into soda machines.
- What are you doing, paphoved?
- Sus Do not ask about the show.
Hi, I need to do a segment
on Valentine's Day procession.
We are the last stop,
and I invite you as my guest.
Is that you, Mads?
- No, I'm a minitaur.
- Snuggle Bear.
You're Sus Kastanjenborg,
the hottest reporter on Channel 7th
Can I have your autograph?
- Mads, that is.
- Come on.
Okay. But first, tell me
about your great Valentine show.
Yes of course...
Yes, Mads, tell her all about the show.
Yes I'll do that.
It is a surprise.
I know it will be a valentine,
you never forget.
- Where is it exciting.
- Yes ...
I need help.
- You should fix me.
- I asked you a single service.
To help me free to Sus,
and even it you could find out.
I would absolutely smashing scene,
so now we have garbage gig.
Where is it humiliating. I think...
- Now we are superheroes without a show.
- It's like a newspaper without news.
- Or break without dance.
- Or hot outside though.
How am I now free Sus?
It makes nas.
Why is it so difficult?
- Because you have changed the code.
- Do i have it?
I do not understand, Victor.
Why is she mad at me?
Were there too many balloons?
Why are you so infatuated with
the woman? Is love so important?
What do you know about it?
You're just an evil eye man.
- How do you know you have built me.
- Use your evil to help me.
She must have an offer she can not
say no to. Something big.
Something scary. Something...
Oh! I got it!
Valentin parade!
Of course. It's perfect.
Broken glass and broken hearts mark
super villain Oscars return.
The man is insane,
Armed and dangerous -
- And information about his whereabouts should
immediately passed on to the police.
It's just not good enough, Oscar.
Sus Kastanjenborg reported.
Are you okay?
He did well with you no harm?
I'm fine.
- But I have exciting news for you.
- Pardon.
Hey, Mads. Can I call later?
I am with Aunt Catherine.
For a moment, darling.
She is with her aunt Catherine.
- So what?
- Her aunt hates me.
Soda Machine.
I like soft drinks, -
- But I will not
become an automaton.
She has turned its ugly head on?
You are not funny.
- Are you doing anything tonight?
- Tonight?
It has been a long day,
and I am a little tired. Gab.
Oh no, she's tired.
Meet me at the Ferris wheel at
eight. I have a big surprise.
Is that a yes?
Okay, I'm coming.
I spoke with my friend this morning
and said you were created to work.
News Difficult? Wow quite holiday.
- How crazy.
- You deserve it, my friend.
- A moment. London?
- Whats the problem?
I was just thinking of Mads.
- Then there's not much to think about.
- What does that mean?
This is your opportunity of a lifetime, and Mads
is a child living with robots.
- He's not a child.
- He's just a mechanic in Robo World.
I do not care.
I feel relaxed and happy
with Mads. He makes me laugh.
- But he has no future plans.
- He has many plans.
They go just always crooked. But he has
a big surprise for me tonight.
It is probably nonsense and ends
in disaster, as usual.
- You are impossible.
- Remember the helmet.
- Mads is a loser, right?
- When not if he lives with robots.
This is the plan.
Ox leads her to the Ferris wheel,
and Zang sends her to the top.
I fly over to Sus, while spot,
Okra and Hilmer runs in the roller coaster.
Hilmer, follow now.
So send minitaurerne aloft
in a splendid fireworks show -
- Forming the words:
Will you marry me, Sus?
So I hop into the gondola,
shows her the ring and she says yes.
And we live happily
our dying day. Any questions?
- Is all this fuss necessary?
- Okay, no question. Come on.
It is fantastic.
Show you as a man.
Show you as the best man.
- Now's the time.
- Here we go.
It goes according to plan.
The ring!
- Why are you standing next to me?
- I do not know.
This is it!
- Hilmer!
- Quiet.
Oh no.
Is not her reporter
from Channel 7?
And soon the star of the best
YouTube clip, I uploaded.
Sus, wait. Sus.
- I'm terribly sorry.
- Is this your big surprise?
No not at all.
I do not know what happened.
What? Tax...
It is an error.
First: Who is Pus?
Aunt Catherine was right.
You are just a child.
Wait Sus ...
Wow, what a disaster.
You'd better consult a lawyer.
It is over.
It's Valentine's Day tomorrow, and I
can not achieve to prepare myself. Thanks.
- You crashed with an airship.
- I tried to save Sus' ring.
Ring, ring, ring! I am sick to death of
to talk about the ring.
You have a nice ring now.
You are right.
I have a big, beautiful ring.
Come, friends.
We must plan a new courtship.
This is for you, Sus.
Loved Katarina.
You force me to use this
key to lock your heart up.
Pst, Victor. Victor!
Either you against the ring,
my lovely dove -
- Or put my mighty
Oscar-robot your beloved city in ruins.
I do not think of you do.
I think ... Oops.
I think you're bluffing.
For you are a worse chicken.
What? I'm not a chicken.
Take the ring. Just say yes.
Is this how you treat a lady?
Well no.
What then, Katarina? Are you willing to
to bring the whole town in danger?
You daren't.
You understand
playing nasty, Victor.
Katarina, if I may ask.
All right, darling.
Now I'll tell you why
you must accept the ring.
- It better be good.
- Ring can smash all my weapons.
Did you just all weapon?
Victor? Victor, hold up.
Yep, you too, Victor.
What happened?
Head size identified.
Safety system activated.
- I do not like this job.
- You do not do anything, sloths.
When should we be heroes again?
Today it should be.
Johansen. Johansen!
- Yes, sir. Plump?
- I told you to fix the ATM machine.
If people can not withdraw money,
they can not spend money.
- Sorry, I'll fix it.
- How hard can it be?
Hello, my slut.
Chef, I mean. My boss.
Hey darling.
- Sorry about the surprise.
- Do not apologize.
- Fix it.
- Okey-dokey.
I also have
a surprise for you.
- And I have a new one for you.
- Let's meet in the theme park in the evening.
I would not miss it here,
if I were you.
And one more thing:
I love you.
- What did you say?
- I love my job.
- It is the work I love.
- Enjoy it while you can.
For you will soon be fired.
- Pardon.
- I hate you.
Load completed.
Even Mounting possible.
I love being an evil genius.
- Look, Dad.
- What now?
It's just some clowns. Come on.
Go with you. Secret weapon ready,
ring ready, moi ready.
Everything is perfect, Victor. Let us...
Then we go, Victor.
- Hey, you two.
- Is it us, he's talking to?
- I think.
- Fart on. We must not be discovered.
- Hey.
- He still follows after us.
Escape, Victor. Run. Run.
What will you?
I forgot your money in the machine.
Hey, I've lost Sus' ring.
A moment. It's my ring.
- It is Sus' ring.
- No, this is my ring.
- You are Oscar, super villain.
- Let me handle this.
- Get him away.
- My ring! My ring!
Is love so important?
What happened?
- The robot has stolen Sus' ring.
- There are certain needs heroes here.
So we are moving forward, friends.
- Who are they?
- I only know they are working for Oscar.
- Do you think we can handle them?
- No choice. How can I like it.
We are being persecuted.
It is him the meddlesome kid.
Shake him off.
It was close.
- Turn!
- Okay.
- Drive only.
- Stop!
It's raining hotdogs.
- Oh no!
- What do we do?
- Hilmer!
- Thank you.
Dont judge me.
- You made it.
- I did?
- They drop away.
- Take the shortcut.
- Car chase is over.
- That was better.
- Mads, you're just too tough.
- Yes I know.
Without hands.
I have been divorced.
I am finished.
What was it?
Shake them off.
- Stop screaming.
- Hit the ring.
Do something.
I hate that song.
Then there is the chopped pork.
Can I cry now?
- I fly.
- No, you fall, kvajnakke.
- I catch you.
- Car chase ended.
- Great.
Great lever.
There he is.
What the hell?
- Your k?dhoved. What do you want?
- You have something that belongs to Mads.
- Do you think my boss's ring?
- No, Sus' ring.
I doubt it.
It does not look good.
We just let,
as though it is our entire show.
Just come.
Do you like it?
Sus' ring.
Take it, your slice of bacon.
Do not look down.
Do not look down.
Hands off the ring.
Do not listen to him, Mads.
He is the villain.
If it should be on the way,
so say goodbye to the children.
It is not good.
- Stain, kids!
- I know.
Thank you, monkey.
- Run, Spot.
- What?
It slides.
Okra, create a bridge of bubbles.
- Heroes.
- Thank you.
I think I can ironing "play hero"
from my CV.
- Mads, they got from us.
- Do not worry. See there.
- When we are together, nothing is impossible.
- Exactly.
See, it's X-9 biofuels.
It is produced in Dsseldorf.
Hilmer, you can track it?
- It sure could.
- Thank you.
My poor Victor. Have you come
hurt? My dear, sweet robot.
You are truly
my only friend, Victor.
Victor! Give me the ring.
There's the well.
- I need help.
- We all have our own needs.
However, with this ring I'll soon all
what I need.
Find them, my friend.
- Hilmer, what's the code?
- Snout magic.
36 ... 24 ... 36th
- Checked.
- Robots.
- Mission: very possible.
- Okra ... James Okra.
- Friends, that is.
- Pardon.
- Mads?
- What?
I picked up the stench of villains.
- Someone's coming.
- Save you. Not good.
Find a different location.
Victor, Victor, Victor!
I can not stand his shape.
When I was married to Katarina,
I melt him into a teapot.
- It is Sus' ring.
- So let's get to it.
Plan B?
- Somebody in there.
- But who?
Well, me. I want
I do it. Thanks for the help.
Take care, Mads. Do not touch the floor.
Do not touch the wall.
- Do not touch that which dims.
- Fold now quays.
I have it. Or maybe not.
Has it almost. No.
Mads! Hurry up.
I made it.
Inept robot.
Get my ring back.
Do battle robots ready.
They'll pay for this with their lives.
Wow, a TL-682-hike ball.
How cool.
- Welcome.
- Grease. Here we go.
- Mads!
- Mads, where are you?
- It's a big ring.
- Wait, that's not Mads' ring.
Never mind if the ring is.
Let's just give Mads it.
- But it's not working.
- Mads should have it.
Okra, what's wrong with you?
Nothing. The Oscars ring, right?
Oscar is a super villain.
He probably even stolen it.
- It is always wrong to steal.
- Friends? Helps me right?
Give me the ring, otherwise ...
- Take it.
- What are you doing?
Fools. What ...?
The ring!
I'm coming, friends.
It's good to see you.
If Mads get the ring, says Sus "yes"
for him. Then we can keep the show.
- And we are heroes. Give him the ring.
- But it's wrong.
I just want to hear Sus say "yes"
for courtship. Nothing else.
You are the best robot friends.
What happened?
Oh no. Hilmer!
Give me the ring.
- These are my friends.
- Friends? Impressive.
- Mads!
- Is it really Mads?
- Mads?
- Yes, Mads Johansen.
- Now give me the ring.
- No I will not.
I can run away,
but not save you.
Finally. An output.
We must get hold of the ladder.
Let us then come home.
I was about to forget the ring.
How could I forget Sus' ring?
- I almost feel sorry for you idiots.
- It's called "idols".
- Get the ladder, Mads.
- Okay.
On labels, ladies.
Let's get away.
Oh no.
- Mads!
- What do we do? We're trapped.
- Connector of Mads. We manage Victor.
- I can not leave you in the lurch.
Come on. Valentine's Day is soon over.
We'll be all right.
You got the ring. Now you need to have the girl.
And whatever happens,
so to her.
Watch out for yourselves.
I need you for the wedding.
You have come into my black book, Mads.
- Did you get my ring?
- As you gave me instructions.
Hit it. Now we can finally
go ahead with the plan.
Open the door.
What a glorious moment.
Robots forward with flags.
So we go to the theme park.
We must tell Mads,
the fun will smash everything.
Can you find him?
Snout magic.
Are they in the parade?
Stay alive, friends,
so I will deliver the show.
- Free Just.
- Free now. Free now.
Freedom Now. Free now.
There has passed 20 years.
How long should I wait?
- Are you all right?
- I'm fine. Thanks.
- Sus, I want to ask you something.
- What is it, Mads?
My Goodness.
Wow, look at how big the ring is.
Wait. What's Mads?
Is there something wrong?
I can not.
I'm sorry, but it is wrong.
What did he say?
If that is how you feel.
I leave town
my reportage.
Where are you going?
I said yes to a job in London.
London? But it's so far away.
It does not have to wait for anything,
that never happens.
- Have a good life, Mads.
- Sus, now let be.
It must feel nice
to be super villain again.
It evokes wonderful memories.
But only for a while.
Of course. The wedding.
Today is the happiest day
in my life.
I'm sorry to ask, but why
you will give up everything for Katarina?
I give nothing for her.
On the contrary, in fact.
- All I have caused her.
- I do not understand.
I've loved Katarina very long.
It is because of her,
I have become who I am today.
She asked me to keep me away from her.
I did not meet her demands.
So I had to love her
at a distance.
She was so beautiful.
One must be a great man for
to marry a Kastanjenborg.
And great men gives only large rings.
Just wait and see, Katarina.
I'll be a great man.
So you were just super villain
to impress Katarina?
Exactly. So you can thank her for,
that you even exist.
And with this ring she can do,
you do not exist.
Wake up. You have devoted your life to
to force the world to its knees.
- You live and breathe evil.
- Victor, you make me afraid.
And now you want to give it all up?
That I can not agree to.
I want you again leads the way
in a diabolical, destructive plan.
- I want my Oscar back.
- Driver, stop the car.
Get out.
- Pardon? You're doing just nonsense, right?
- Out!
That can not be true.
After everything I've done for you.
Who is this I see?
The bad boy.
We can not continue to meet
Here, take it.
I can hardly believe my luck.
- What was that?
- For the greatest gift in the world.
See you later, kid.
Sus ... Sus.
I have three minutes
before my big speech.
- Let's clear the interview quickly.
- Yeah okay.
- Is there something wrong?
- I'm fine.
Mayor, Valentine's parade draws
to be a great success.
It must be said, Sus.
And I would like to thank all ...
- Katarina, my love.
- Or not all. Guards stop him.
- Listen to me for once.
- Why would I?
- Otherwise, you will regret it.
- What are you talking about Oscar?
I talk about it here.
It is not my ring.
- Guards!
- But Katarina, listen ...
Victor, it's the wrong ring.
You mean this ring?
- What are you now doing?
- Take rather against my ring.
otherwise smashes
the great Oscar-robot city.
Victor, give me the ring.
Have you gone crazy?
What are you doing?
I do, you have built me.
I behave myself hurt.
Your dolt.
Give it to me before I melt you.
- First let me polish it for you.
- Stop! What are you doing?
Diamonds are obviously not forever.
My ring! My ring!
Listen. From now on Valentine's Day
be known as the day -
- I, Victor,
destroyed your city forever.
Oscar, tell me right now:
How do we stop it?
It should be a beautiful celebration.
The robot, Oscar.
How do we turn off it?
It can not,
Victor has crushed the ring.
But if you stop Victor,
you can stop the robot -
- The associated
via motion control.
- Come with me. I have an idea.
- Where are you going?
Jack, film it.
Latest news: Chaos in the theme park.
Sus Kastanjenborg report.
A giant robot is just surfaced.
It crushes everything in its path.
If it is not stopped,
The whole town can be at risk.
Sus, beware!
who can stop this madness?
- How long should I wait?
- Great men gives only large rings.
No, Katarina. It's not
on the ring. It's about me.
We've just heard,
the Oscars henchman, Victor, -
- controls the robot
with some kind of motion control.
Oh no, the robot is moving toward the city.
Several million people are at risk.
It's terrible.
No one can apparently stop it.
It's funny it here.
Finished with the bad boy.
Come, Sus. We must leave.
I can handle this.
I am tired of waiting, Mads.
There has passed 20 years.
Fair enough. I should have asked you
anything before, but ...
I wanted,
it had to be something big.
I know,
it is not just the time.
But it is perhaps my last chance.
I've made a fool of me, every time I have
tried to ask you, but ...
I was afraid.
I was nervous.
I thought I should give you
a large courtship, a huge ring.
But that is not it,
for so I am not.
I love you more than life.
So there is probably no other
to say than ...
- Sus Kastanjenborg.
- It's just so pathetic.
Will you...
Not again.
All that love makes me sick.
From now on, we celebrate
Saint Victors today.
With total destruction!
- Hello friends.
- Good to see you again, Mads.
- Push, Mads, push.
- Sad creatures.
- Are you alive?
- I will not die. I am too young.
Mads, where are you?
Come out and play.
I think I can save Sus,
but I will need your help.
- Follow the Plan.
- I got you now.
Should that be true love?
Your beloved flees.
So real is love.
This way.
I hate marriage.
- What's wrong? Give los.
- I am nervous.
What unsavory creatures.
- Hurry up.
- Think of a big, greasy hotdog.
Where mega obnoxious.
Okay, Plet. Here it comes.
Warning. Poison gas discovered.
Entrepreneur cleansing plan Alpha.
Well done, heroes.
I can handle it.
- Sus.
- Mads.
Watch out behind you.
Quickly. motion control
controls the giant robot.
I check on it.
Mads ...
Leg, you are a edderkopabe.
Come on. Spider Monkeys climbs
faster than that.
Do you already?
- No, Mads!
- Take the helm.
No. What about you?
Do not worry. I follow.
No, Mads!
I splitter robots as you ad
for breakfast.
Jas?? And I smash people
like you for lunch.
Like this?
- It is little funny.
- Very funny, really.
Fireworks. Juhu.
I love you, Sus.
Forget it.
Now get out with you.
Now nothing can stop me.
- Mads!
- Oh no.
- Oscar.
- I love you. I love you.
- Guards, apprehend the man.
- No no. Let it go. Let it go.
I was a great man for your sake.
No, Oscar. You were a great villain.
But I would go straight,
if you married me.
Your problem is that you do not know
what love is.
- Do you know when it?
- Let's go.
Call me, okay?
Katarina, I love you.
Mads Johansen, think that I am saying
it here, but you are a great man.
Johansen, you've outdone yourself
This time.
My park is completely destroyed.
It is smashed.
Then it heltetid, Mads.
Do the right thing.
Honey, I have something in hand.
Do you know what it is?
I've been wanting to ask
this issue for 20 years.
Sus Kastanjenborg.
Will you marry me?
- It does not, I'm just saying.
- Should we bet, Fister?
- Super.
- Jubi.
Get out. This boat is busy.
What is it?
Well, it? It's just something
I found among the rubble.
Jas?? My name is on it.
I love you so much.