Bloedlink (2014)

Did it go all right?
Did you check up on her?
Sent everything?
- Did you send the email?
- Yes, of course.
Listen, you have to drink. Understand?
Nod if you understand.
I'm going to remove that ball.
If you scream we have to hurt you. OK?
We don't want to kill you,
but if it's necessary we will.
First pain, then death.
Nod if you understand.
Please let me go.
My daughter needs her medication.
Don't. Don't.
We know everything about you.
You don't have a daughter.
You help yourself and us
if you just do as we say.
Listen, you cunt, there are two people
who can get you out of here.
That's us. He and I.
So we're your new best friends
from now on. Is that clear?
Is that clear?
So want something to drink
or go thirsty all day?
Open up.
We'll check up on you regularly.
If you need to pee...
...go like this.
Try not to pee your pants.
We won't change them.
If you wet yourself, it's your problem.
- What are you doing?
- What do you mean?
No alcohol right now.
- I have to drink something.
- You don't drink alcohol, do you?
- Sometimes.
- No.
- No alcohol.
- Just one.
OK, one.
But make sure she doesn't smell it.
Because we're not amateurs.
- Or are you an amateur?
- No.
- Are you an amateur?
- No!
Jesus. I'll have some gum or something.
- Why aren't you eating?
- Not hungry.
Drinking, not eating.
- What kind of bullshit is that?
- I'm not hungry.
- I don't care. Eat.
- I'm not hungry.
You need your energy. Eat.
Eat, dammit.
Fuck off, man.
I'm just not hungry.
You haven't eaten for nine hours.
You worked hard all day
and you're not hungry? That's weird.
- Why's that weird?
- Makes no sense.
Something's not OK.
It means you're confused
or bothered by it all.
Or you're worried about something.
That you made a mistake, for instance,
and we'll end up in jail for 20 years.
Or are you worried about
having to beat the crap out of her?
Maybe even shoot her.
Are you becoming sentimental?
Are you a sissy?
Don't dare to face her?
Or aren't you hungry
because you're planning to let her go?
- Nonsense.
- No bullshit.
No bullshit. Look at me.
I don't want any bullshit.
We're in too deep
for you to crap your pants all of a sudden.
Say it.
- Say what?
- No bullshit. Say it.
- No bullshit.
- Again.
No bullshit.
No more thinking. Eat.
You have a long night ahead of you.
Can alert.
Number one or number two?
Number two?
- Already?
- Yes, it's time.
Be careful.
And don't forget to dump that thing.
Don't forget to dump that phone.
- Do you think I'm a moron?
- Jesus. Calm down. Just trying to help.
Don't drink, don't fall asleep
and check up on her.
- Whatever.
- No 'whatever'. Stay focused. OK?
- OK?
- OK.
- How did it go?
- Fine.
Did you speak to him?
- Is he going to pay up?
- Yes.
- But...
- But what?
I heard a kind of click.
- A sound.
- A sound?
- Police, listening in.
- God.
- We knew it was going to happen.
- But right away?
No problem.
The phone's in a ditch.
- What did he say?
- He wanted to talk to his daughter.
To be sure she's still alive.
- And?
- I said: No way.
He tried to stall for time
to triangulate the phone.
- Dammit.
- It'll be fine. I hung up right away.
- But the money?
- He's paying up tomorrow.
- At the agreed-upon time.
- Did you...?
No series, no dye packs, no marked bills.
I made it quite clear to him
that his daughter's dead otherwise.
The crucial thing now is that he's
at the bank at nine tomorrow morning... withdraw the money.
You need to do us a favor.
He's going to uncuff you.
Then sit at the edge of the bed
and don't move. OK?
He's going to remove that ball.
If you scream we'll have to hurt you, badly.
You're going to look into the lens
and talk to your father.
You tell him to do anything we ask.
If he doesn't, you'll die tomorrow.
He has to pay up in the way we tell him to.
If he doesn't...'ll die tomorrow. Understand?
Understand? Yes?
I'm OK.
They dragged me into a van.
- I don't know where I am.
- I'm not asking you to tell stories.
Just tell him to pay up
or I'll blow your brains out.
And to do it our way
or I'll blow your brains out.
If he involves the police
I'll blow your fucking face to shreds.
Is that clear?
- Do you understand?
- Yes.
I think you're not afraid enough.
- Are you afraid enough?
- Yes.
No. Help me out here.
No, no, no.
Well, let's try that again.
Dad... Dad, please.
Do what they ask.
Please give them the money.
Please. Or they'll kill me.
Please. I want to go home. Please.
No, no, please. My arms.
They really hurt.
OK. Uncuff her.
Move around.
- No, not yet.
- Too bad. Cuff her.
Dad... Dad, please.
Do what they ask.
Please give them the money.
Please. Or they'll kill me.
Please. I want to go home. Please.
It's good.
This is very good.
If he doesn't pay now...
We picked the right one.
- We?
- You.
Good job.
Don't fall asleep.
It keeps you awake.
I'll be back as soon as I can.
Keep an eye on her, OK?
It's our piggy bank. In that room.
Be careful.
I have to take a dump. I do.
Yes, I really do.
Please. Please.
I can't.
I can't do this with someone watching me.
You get that, don't you?
I honestly can't do this.
Would you be able to?
Can't you leave me alone
for just a minute?
At least turn around.
I'll put a bullet through your head,
Give me those keys,
or I'll mow you down.
- Give it to me.
- The fucking keys. Now.
He'll be back soon. Don't!
I'll shoot your fucking balls, if you don't...
- Don't. Wait.
Wait. Don't.
It's me.
- Rico.
- Lautje, I wanted...
- You?
- Point that thing down.
- It's a plan. Everything will be fine.
- A plan?
- What the fuck! Are you insane?
- Please point it down, before it fires.
- Uncuff me. You and your fucking plan.
- I will.
But listen, your dad's going to pay up.
Lots of money.
- You always said you hated him.
- What the hell are you talking about?
He never gives you anything.
He thinks the way you live sucks.
You said yourself
that he doesn't give a shit about you.
This is it, Laura.
This is the way to get money off him.
We talked about it, but didn't know how.
This is it.
- You fucking kidnapped me, moron!
- For us.
I did it for us. All that money
will be ours. Don't you get it?
- This is the solution to everything.
- Solution?
Dragging me off the street.
A bag over my head.
A fucking ball in my mouth.
Tying me up.
Cutting my clothes off my ass
while some moron is watching.
You made me pee in a bottle!
Who's the other guy?
Do I know him too?
No. Victor isn't important.
He doesn't know.
- Doesn't know what?
- About us. I met him in jail.
He thinks I picked you at random,
but that's what's so smart about it.
He thinks it's his plan,
therefore it will work.
- I want to get out of here, Rico. Now!
- Why don't you get it?
Vic thinks he's the mastermind in charge,
but we are.
You and me will have the money
and go to some tropical beach.
I have plane tickets.
A copy of your passport is in
my jacket lining. He won't find it.
You abducted me
for us to get my dad's money?
Without even asking me?
I thought I'd fucking die here!
- Know how that feels?
- Sorry.
Sorry, I had no choice.
It had to look real for Vic.
Look real?
You can't pretend to be scared.
He'll know.
Vic's smart. He's treacherous.
He'd know right away.
It would all have been for nothing.
Get it?
- You told me you loved me.
- I do love you.
So much.
It's the only reason why I did this.
But I wasn't able to tell you beforehand.
As soon as this was over
I would have told you everything.
So what would you have told me?
'Sorry I chained you to a bed
like some S&M whore.'
'And that I ogled your pussy
with some retard.'
We'll be rich.
Very rich.
How rich?
Four million.
He's going to pay four million for you.
- My dad? Four million for me? He won't.
- He will.
That video of you was terrific.
The deal's nearly done.
Keep it up for one more day.
Just lie on the bed. Sleep, drink, eat
and we'll be filthy rich.
You'll never have to see that guy again.
I promise.
- What about that Victor?
- I have a plan. It will work.
He has no idea.
He trusts me completely.
I love you.
I've never loved anyone so much.
That's Victor.
If he sees us together,
he'll shoot us both. Give me the gun.
Lau, I know him. He's insane.
He might kick in the door.
Come on. Give me the gun.
Trust me.
- He's not allowed to hurt me.
- I promise.
Lie down.
What the hell were you doing?
Why did it take so long?
She had to take a dump.
I had to keep the gun on her.
By yourself?
No, I called some friends. OK?
Everything's fine, man. I had to flush it.
That's why it took a while.
Look at me.
Look at me.
No problems?
Is she OK?
Go and have a look.
Did he see the video?
- Did you talk to him?
- Yes.
He sounded less self-confident.
A lot less.
- So when will we do it?
- Tomorrow.
As soon as he withdraws the money
we'll tell him what to do.
So it will work?
- Go to sleep.
- Yeah.
- What about you?
- Not me.
I can't yet. The adrenalin.
You first.
Are you checking up on her tonight?
Yes, of course.
- Sleep well.
- Yeah.
- Why didn't you wake me up?
- I wasn't going to sleep.
- Did you check up on her?
- No.
Wake up.
Wake up!
Ms. Temmink, breakfast.
Goulash. It's hot.
Very good. See? When you cooperate
it's easier on everyone.
- What's wrong?
- Nothing.
What are you doing?
Stand over there
and keep an eye on her.
Mouth open.
What are you doing?
Give it to me.
Mouth open. Mouth open. Open!
Why are you so hyper?
I'm hyper?
You are.
I wanted to pick up a spoon.
What's the big deal?
Can you still handle it
or are we thinking again?
I'm a bit nervous.
That's not strange, is it?
- What we're doing is nothing to sneeze at.
- Stay focused.
- It's all I ask of you.
- I am focused.
200 percent.
I need you.
I can't do this by myself.
I'm here.
That's the old Rico.
Where are you going?
Going to take a leak. Is that allowed?
Oh, fuck.
Oh, shit.
- What are you doing?
- Oh, shit.
Are you OK in there?
Yeah, yeah.
- Hey!
- I'm coming.
What the hell are you doing?
Get out. Now.
Yeah, yeah.
Open up.
Open the door or I'll come in.
Right now or I'll kick it down.
- What the hell are you doing?
- Me? What are you doing?
Why didn't you open up?
What do you think?
Something wouldn't flush down.
- You said you had to take a leak.
- At first. And then something else.
It's the can, dammit.
How about some privacy?
I don't smell anything.
Well, that's the way I am.
Just tell me next time.
Tell me everything.
- Everything.
- OK, I'll tell you everything.
Adrenalin. That's what causes it.
Suddenly having to crap,
foul taste in your mouth.
- Happened to me with that first phone call.
- Right.
- I'm sure that's it.
- Try to relax. We're nearly there.
And then the big day is there.
The bank's opening soon.
I'll call him and then it won't be long.
We'll have a fortune.
You and me...
...set forever.
I'll phone and come back right away.
You'll be ready and we put her in the car.
- Yes.
- Hey, Ricardo?
- Just a little while longer.
- Yeah.
Can you still handle it?
- Of course.
- We'll be on a plane in two days.
Away from here.
You and me together.
Away from this hell hole.
A new beginning.
A new life.
The first few days
we'll barely leave the hotel.
We'll just stay in our room.
I have to go. See you later.
Stay focused.
200 percent.
I love you.
Love you too.
I've never loved anyone so much.
Still OK?
- Are you by yourself?
- Yes, he's gone.
- Making a phone call.
- To my dad?
Making a deal.
It's happening fast now.
- Jesus, that bullet casing drove me nuts.
- It's gone, so don't worry.
How long before he gets back?
An hour, maybe sooner.
Uncuff me.
For a minute. He's gone, right?
And this one.
- Don't you trust me?
- Yes, but...
But what? I let you tie me up again.
Come on.
- I trusted you.
- I trust you too.
Are you afraid I'll run
now that it's almost over?
When he returns we're taking you
to the transfer site.
Then we've got the money,
so why would I make a run for it?
I'm just a bit hyper, OK?
- I'm completely stressed out.
- Right, as if I'm not.
Jesus, those things feel awful.
The ropes are even worse.
Rico, what if that lunatic Victor
is on to us?
- He's not.
- But what if?
It won't happen. He has no idea.
- How did you do it anyway?
- What?
- How did you get him to pick me?
- Easy. You're what he was looking for.
Rich father, woman, only child.
Slim enough to be able to lift.
- And you didn't tell him about us?
- Course not. What do you think?
Your dad's in Fortune 500.
I told him I saw you in there.
We bought all the magazines you're in
and he thought you were perfect.
Where's the transfer site?
As soon as Vic has the money
it will be arranged.
What if he takes the money
and leaves you in the lurch?
- He won't.
- How do you know?
I just know.
Believe me, we have a plan:
When we're far away
and no cops are after us...
...we'll let your dad know
where you are.
- But?
- That's what Vic thinks.
But it's not going down like that.
I'll take the money, come and pick you up
and we go away together.
- What's wrong?
- It's just terrifying.
- That guy is insane.
- He is, but I know him.
I know exactly what to do.
- Really?
- Yes.
It'll be fine.
200 percent sure.
I love you.
I love you more.
- What the fuck? Is this a joke? Uncuff me.
- No.
What are you doing? Uncuff me.
- What is this, Lau?
- What do you think?
Uncuff me. I keep telling you
we're nearly there.
- We?
- I just said that.
- Not we, you.
- But I...
I just wait with a bag on my head until you
and that other moron take care of it. No way.
- Lau, we have a plan.
- No Rico, you have a plan.
This is my plan.
Lau, Lau?
Lau, get back here!
You don't know what you're doing.
You don't know him!
Listen to me, Lau.
He'll kill both of us, I swear.
Listen to me, Lau.
Hello? Yes, emergency.
I'm Laura Temmink.
I've been kidnapped.
Two guys. I don't know. I can't get out.
No, I have no idea where I am.
Honestly. I'm somewhere up high.
Can't you check the number or something?
No, now. You have to come right away.
One of them is returning soon and he's
capable of anything. He'll kill me.
No, now.
Hold on.
I think I can get the keys.
I'm getting out.
I'm getting out.
Why aren't you listening to me?
I love you and you me. Yesterday you said...
That lunatic was banging on the door.
- The keys.
- It'll be fine.
- I keep telling you that.
- The keys!
I'm capable of anything, Rico.
Tell me where the keys are. Now!
My right pocket.
- Back on the bed.
- Lau, this is...
Back on the fucking bed.
Lie down.
On your back and don't move
or I'll shoot.
Safety catch, stupid bitch.
Now it works.
- Can't breathe.
- The keys.
Hey, Lautje.
Why don't you just listen?
Come on.
Everything OK?
Her too?
Yes, certainly.
- The money?
- He's got it.
We have to let him know
where it should go.
It's right. Everything's right.
It's going the way it's supposed to.
Our plan is just perfect.
She's going to her site.
- Now.
- Now?
Yes... Now.
Ms. Temmink, it's time.
We're taking you somewhere else.
Hey, wake up.
Hey, wake up!
- She seems to be unconscious.
- Isn't she just asleep?
- Dammit, she didn't get enough air.
- Not enough air?
Because of that ball and bag.
Did you check up on her?
Hey. Hey!
Stay here.
Wake up.
Hey, wake up. Say something!
- Wake up!
- Relax.
I said: Wake up!
- Relax.
- Say something!
- It's OK.
Come on.
Are you OK?
- Are you OK?
- I thought...
I thought everything had gone to hell.
Do me a favor.
Do me a favor.
- What?
- Tell me what to do.
Give orders. Be the boss. Be Victor.
Vic isn't nervous.
Vic is as sharp as a tack.
Vic bawls me out.
That's my Vic.
That's the Vic I love.
That's the Vic I was attracted to.
Get up.
Get the van ready.
- What?
- Put on your coat and get the van ready.
- Right now?
- Yes.
Right now. I'm going to pack.
- Let me pack and you get the van.
- Do as I say.
- Are you sure? I can...
- Now!
No, wait.
Wait. Don't.
No, wait. Don't.
No, no, wait. Don't.
- How did this get into your pocket?
- Don't know.
- Where the hell did you get this?
- I really don't know.
- Tell me where you got it, whore!
- I don't know.
I'll do anything you say.
- Did you call the emergency number?
- No.
- Are they on their way?
- No.
- Did you call the police, dammit?
- No, no!
Tell me!
Tell me!
How? I'm tied up, aren't I?
- Where did you get the fucking phone?
- I don't know.
I don't know. I swear.
Rico, Rico!
- Rico, help!
- What?
Rico, where are you?
How do you know his name is Rico?
- How do you know?
- Because I...
- How do you know, dammit?
- He told me once, by mistake.
- Did he give you the phone?
- No.
- So who did?
- I don't know. I don't know.
Fuck, fuck, fuck!
- Please let me go.
- Shut up!
What happened here?
- I want to go home.
- Who fired the gun?
- Who fired the gun?
- I don't know.
- Tell me or I'll smash your face to a pulp.
- Me!
I did it.
I had to use the bathroom.
I was sitting on that bucket.
I asked him to turn around,
so he did.
Then I got hold of that thing.
I didn't fire at him.
It was an accident.
If you had the gun
how come you're still here?
Well? Well?
How's that possible?
He's going to screw you over.
- How? How?
- He's going to take the money.
All of it. Four million.
We made a deal.
That's why I'm still here.
- He said that if I'd participate, I'd...
- Get money.
It all happened so fast.
You were banging on the door.
And I couldn't get out,
so I thought...
Oh, my God.
Now that you know
you can get back at him, right?
And pick up the money.
Let me go, leave him in the lurch and
everything's for you. I don't want anything.
The only thing I want
is to go home.
What's my name?
- What?
- What's my name?
- How should I know?
- I think you know.
- He told you, didn't he?
- No.
No. Why would he?
- Don't lie to me.
- I'm not lying to you.
- No more lies.
- I'm not lying. I told you everything.
No. I just want to go home.
- Is it ready?
- Yes.
- You're out of breath.
- Yes. I had to hurry, didn't I?
- Something wrong?
- What would be wrong?
I don't know.
I need to take a leak.
- You wait.
- Yeah.
I was thinking...
How did we pick her again?
You picked her.
That's right.
I found her through her father.
- In the Fortune 500.
- Exactly.
Or actually...
Didn't you read it or something?
- We talked about it yesterday, remember?
- I wouldn't ask otherwise.
Yes, me.
I saw her in a magazine.
Of course.
Goddammit, man.
What would I do without you?
You proposed her.
Come here.
- Why?
- Come here, I said.
I love you.
I love you more.
It's time.
What's that?
- What?
- Her face.
She was nagging.
- I had to scare her.
- When?
When you were getting the van.
What does it matter?
Give me your keys.
- Why?
- They're useless to you now, aren't they?
Come on. Let's go.
What do you mean?
We're getting the money.
- Wasn't I going to stay here?
- Too dicey.
Too dicey?
In case something happens there,
it's better we're together.
Hey, Rico...
I need you.
I want us to do this together.
But if something happens
and we don't make it, she'll die.
Come on.
Got the coordinates? Good.
Within half an hour the money is there
and you're gone.
I told you we're with a group,
so if anyone stays behind near there...
...your daughter will die. Understand?
We're watching things there now.
We see everything.
If you try to screw us over,
she's dead.
Let's go.
Over there.
Go and get it.
- Me?
- Yes, you.
- Is it safe, you think?
- You heard me, didn't you?
That guy's crapping his pants
because of his daughter.
We've been screwed over.
We've been screwed over, goddammit.
Why are you crying?
- We haven't been screwed over.
- What?
- So where's the fucking money?
- It's been delivered somewhere else.
Somewhere else?
But you were just talking to him.
- So why did we dig this pit, dammit?
- For you.
That pit is for you, Rico.
Not at first, but now it is.
We haven't been screwed over.
I've been screwed over.
By you.
Me? What's wrong all of a sudden?
- You said you loved me.
- I do, 200 percent.
Shut up.
Did you tell her my name?
- No.
- Does she know my name?
Only your first name. I swear. I swear.
What else does she know about me?
Vic... remember at first in jail?
I was scared. I was so scared,
but you protected me. You, Vic.
Vic, please.
Believe me, you're the only one.
- The only one for me.
- Is that right?
- Yes, honestly.
- Do you know what you did?
Do you know what you did?
You're dead and so is she.
I have no choice.
Vic, I love you.
I love you, don't I?
Vic, please, please.
You're tired of her
and you're a liar.
Everything was fake. Everything.
- Every kiss, every time.
- That's not true.
That girl...
Did you kiss...
That was it, Ms. Temmink.
You won't feel a thing.
It'll be over soon.
It's Rico's fault. That bloodsucker.
That con artist.
If he hadn't tried to screw me over,
you'd be home with dad tonight.
But now...
I can't run the risk. Understand.
I've got nothing against you.
But I have no choice. I'm sorry.
Rico, you're bleeding.
You have to go to the hospital.
You need help or you'll die.
Come on.
Let me help you.
Rico, you'll die if I don't help you.
Give me the gun
and we'll go to the hospital.
- Back against the wall.
- OK.
Rico, please uncuff me.
I can't keep this up.
- The keys.
- Rico...
- Give me the fucking keys, Vic.
- You love me.
I know you love me,
no matter what happened.
I felt it.
That wasn't fake.
You can't fake that.
What the fuck?
What's he talking about, Rico?
Give me the gun.
We still have a future together.
Oh, come on!
He loves me, asshole.
You love me.
You love me. I just know.
Give me the gun. We'll go to the hospital
and have you sewn up.
Tonight we'll be on a plane.
Hey, it's OK.
Rico, don't.
Everything's fine.
Everything will be fine.
You're my kind, beautiful Rico.
- Rico, don't.
- You love me. We both know that.
Let's just go. Away from here.
Come on.
Away from everything.
Us, you and me together.
I knew it.
No matter what happens...
...we belong together.
I can't keep this up. Please.
Uncuff me.
Baby, uncuff me.
Uncuff me.
What? Why...?
If you'd just listened to me...
What do you mean?
It could have been so good,
but you didn't want to listen.
Rico, don't leave!
Rico, don't leave me here!
Rico, uncuff me.
Rico, please!
Rico, you were right,
I should have listened to you.
I love you.
Rico, goddammit, don't leave me here!
Goddammit, asshole, uncuff me!
Your phone.
Do you have a phone?
He screwed both of us over.
I'm going to die here.
He's the biggest asshole of all of us.
Both of us he...
Yes, give it to me.
Give it to me.
Give it to me. No. Please.
Please, give.
Yes, yes, give.
Throw it.
No, no!
No, no!
The police states there's still no sign of
Laura Temmink, missing since Monday.
She's the daughter of real estate tycoon
Leo Temmink.
And it's still a mystery what happened
to the four million in ransom money...
...that was paid earlier this week.
In an emotional statement,
Laura Temmink's family...
...has begged the perpetrators
for a sign of life.