Blog (2010)

Are you there?
Are you okay?
I'm not sure.
Come out.
Please, come out.
What's wrong?
What's wrong?
Okay, let's go and get them
to have a look at you, okay?
Don't worry, okay?
Come on. Let's go.
It appears that
these thirteen students
deliberately set out
on a course of action
which they began during an end
of schooI yeartrip to Majorca.
And given the end result
and according to the experts,
they must have continued with
afterthe end of the school year
to achieve their objectives.
The Department of Education
and its workers
are responsible
forthe development and training
of the students
enrolled in their centres.
However, individual, secret
and personal decisions
taken by the students
without consulting
theirtutors orteachers
are, legally,
the responsibility
of the individual student.
This department wishes to make clear
that there has been no negligence,
forgetfulness or fault
in the education
or supervision of this group.
My name is Marta Anglada,
I'm 15 years old
and I'm in the 3rd year of senior
school at Herrera Institute.
I love reading,
drawing and writing.
I'm really into History.
I really like animals.
I've got a kitten called Gala
who is black,
and she's really cute,
but she doesn't like being stroked
and she's very unfriendly.
My favourite colour is green.
I think it's a luminous colour,
a happy colour,
a colour that goes with everything
and it always looks good.
It's the colour of nature
of freedom, of hope.
If I had to define myself as a colour,
I would define myself as green.
Go on, closer.
You can even see
the pores in my skin.
I doubt many people
are going to see this, anyway.
Let's see...
It's only going to be seen by us.
Let's see?
But go a bit lower. Lower, lower.
Don't come so close.
Film hertits!
I don't know how you're going
to see my tits in this.
Me even less!
Well, it's going to have
to be like this.
One, two, three, Herrera!
I like old values:
Classical Greece,
Ancient Egypt as well.
The lluminati.
Really it all...
it all gives the feeling of liberty.
Everything was different then.
I'd love to start a secret society.
My life is boring and monotonous
and everything is always the same.
I talked about it with Aurea
and I think that she thinks the same.
Doing it with more people
gives it more importance,
makes it more interesting,
makes it bigger.
I'm not going to tell my parents,
they'd never understand it,
because they never
understand anything.
They don't know what it is,
they can't remember
what it is like to be 15
and to dream
and to see another...
to have another view of the world.
They really wouldn't understand.
Gosh, this is a drag.
Let's see, faith...
Faith is a feeling...
Is it a feeling?
Okay, no.
Faith is...
call me when u cn!
Come on, Paula.
Fuck, don't get distracted.
Come on...
I love it!
coz it doesn't mean anything
But it will mean everything!
What do we do now?
I'm waiting 4 Paula
to call me to ask her to join
We rock! 3
I, Paula,
swear with my hand on my heart
that I will never
let my sisters down in any way.
I swearto be loyal to Makamat
and to never betray us.
I also swear
to defend my sisters
in all situations
and from anybody
and so make and collaborate
so we are one heart,
one mind and one thought.
Anyone there?
Girls it was amazing
The world is ours
We can do anything!
I'll be quick coz
my mom is lurking around
I'm thinking that
We have 2 share this
I think we have to tell...
The more of us we R
the bigger it'll b!
Yeah! I'm here
I'm so excited
I don't think I can sleep...
I think it's awesome
I'm thrilled 2
We need to think about people
we can trust who feel like us
What about Sandra?
I bet she joins 4 sure
Sorry, was having dinner
Yes to everything
Paula, call Sandra!
Aurea, bring the camera!
:) gnite
I love that in Facebook
there's loads of comments like:
I love your hair, I love your hair...
Your hair's really weird.
I love your hair!
But my hair means something,
you know?
When I got my hair cut,
it was all the same,
both sides were the same.
And the crest.
But then, to make it
more my own, I said...
Like I've got two sides,
so I thought:
My outer side is like:
"Watch out, I'm sharp,
don't mess with me. "
And the other is:
"I'm naked", you know?
I'm a softie and very sensitive.
I take a lot of care with
my hair, 'cause I love my hair.
They're getting out of class.
They must be coming.
We were meeting here, right?
She's taking ages.
Aurea, man,
you're a pain with the camera.
Hey, Marta,
wash your hands already.
What for?
Come on, Sandra, man.
You've done it loads of times, you've
taken the leap. Well, go on now.
Okay, it's just people
think about things and so on...
But you're not like everyone else.
From the moment you told us
that maybe or yes,
you're different from all the rest.
You don't want
to go back to being...
Stop, stop!
Come on, Sandra.
Aurea, what do you say?
I've already given my opinion.
You've got to go ahead with it.
We've all got to do this together.
Of course.
But we are all together in class.
This is different.
Together in something very special!
Sandra, something very special.
I'm not sure...
This is something that's only
going to happen once in your life.
But if I'm not sure,
what do you want, man!
- If you've got a problem...
- Marta!
We can help you. Seriously.
- Of course.
- We are here to help you.
You know you're really important
to me, but this is...
Well, you're not showing it.
We need you, girl.
Come on, sign.
When I got out of class,
I went with some of my friends
to look at clothes and stuff
and... WelI,
I felt really bad because
they could go into shops
with normal sizes,
which are from 34 to 42,
I guess, I don't know,
and I had to go
into a large sizes shop
because I couldn't fit
into the clothes my friends
were trying on at all.
And... I don't know.
It fucks me up
that I can't love myself.
I can't love me,
which is what you're meant to do,
and I can't do it because...
I don't know...
Because I'm not
like I want to be.
My eyes are really ugly.
They've got nothing,
brown like everyone's.
They're horrible, from the bad pile.
I'd love to have green ones.
Or blue, but more green.
My eyelashes, yes, they're fine.
My nose is like a witch's.
My nose goes down
like a witch's, horrible.
This part of my face is horrible.
I'm sorry.
I'm bored.
And I'm very stressed.
I've got to study physics and
chemistry and I'm just not getting it.
I've got an exam tomorrow
and I'm going to fail
with the biggest zero.
And I can't make notes
'cause they won't do me any good.
Even ifI know the formula
I won't know how to use it.
Because I don't know how to do it,
I don't know...
Nothing, nothing, nothing...
I'm going to flunk.
What can I do?
Stupid physics and chemistry.
I've bought a new eyeliner
because my old one
was worn out and too old
and I've drawn a line.
It suits me, doesn't it?
It's cool.
It's great because you just go "zip"
and it's stays on.
This summer in the town I go to
every year, I met a boy.
I went out with my girlfriends
and they introduced me to him.
I was talking to him all night
and he seemed really nice
and very good-looking.
He had a real cool motorcycle
and he said
he could take me home on it,
but I said no.
But then he said
that he would come and pick me up,
that he'd come and pick me up
the next day
and that we'd be
together again and so.
Anyway, he came and found me.
The next night he came to find me
and we spent the whole night
together on the beach.
I really fell in love with him.
He was older and
I guess he knew what to say
so that I would fall at his feet.
He had just split up
with his ex-girlfriend
and that girl, when she found out
that he was with someone else,
well, she wasn't happy and
she decided to get back with him.
One night I went out with my friends
and I saw them together.
Yes, yes, they are together.
Everybody told me.
And thank God, 'cause
he'd been having a hard time.
How easy it was for him
that I just disappeared.
Today I saw him in the subway
and I hadn't
seen him since the summer.
I don't know
what he's doing in Barcelona.
He didn't see me.
I hope.
I need to sleep.
What did she say?
That we'll talk later,
for me to tell her everything later.
- Tell her what?
- We'll talk later.
Quieten down everybody!
You four, please, join the group.
Come on, Javi.
Hurry up a bit.
Let me introduce you to Miguel.
He's the guide at the museum.
If you have any questions, after...
He's going to show us
a bit of what's here.
Now I'm going to hand this out.
This is some information
which will help you
with the homework
that has to be handed in next week.
Come on, you know
what I'm talking about.
Don't ask stupid questions
and listen to Miguel in silence.
Good afternoon, welcome to you all...
Please be quiet!
This is the museum of ethnology
and we are inviting you to take a trip
through time which will take us
from traditional cultures
to interculturality.
What a loonie of a guide we've got.
What a drag, man.
This is a double drag.
Have you seen a hunk like that.
He is talking
as though it were interesting.
He thinks it is.
Listen, this is shit!
Where have that lot brought us?
At least we're missing class, man.
Look, look.
Where have these people dragged us?
The myth!
What's that?
- Aurea, look.
- Come over here, please.
Long live the bull!
- The what?
- The little bull!
Sandra, please.
From 1955.
Give me one for Aurea
since she's got the camera.
- If you want I'Il take it.
- No, thanks, Sandra.
- But record the visit.
- Yeah, yeah, calm down.
Come on, please.
Follow the tour, please.
You've got to record the visit,
You're getting distracted.
These objects have been acquired
in ethnographical camps
or are from donations
made by travellers,
private collectors or scholars.
If you come this way...
Don't get distracted by people!
You're here to record the visit.
Come on! Move along!
Have you never asked yourself?
Yes, really?
If cosmic phenomena are the result
of divine intervention
or if there is life after death
or if we can communicate
with the dead or our ancestors.
Also the moral aspect
of the human being
when he wonders, when he reflects
on his own existence,
on his moral principals
or his relationship with the rest...
That... Don't touch, please.
They put the collar on the cows,
for example.
They identified the herd owner
and also stopped them from escaping.
Marta. Maria could do it too,
don't you think?
Yes, fine. well portrayed in Manga comics,
to end in the Ethiopian pavillion.
Maria, can we talk to you
for a minute?
It's just...
I was watching on the computer
the last two episodes
of"El internado"
and I started crying.
It's just there was blood
pouring out of Ivan's nose
and that means he's got the virus.
He's going to die.
And that was the last episode
of the season
and who knows
when the next season will be on.
the max!
Yesterday my mother asked me
if I'd been with a boy and all that.
And I said:
"Yes, Mum, of course!"
Are we crazy? Of course!
It's not something I'm really into,
know what I mean?
I don't know.
I'm not going to get
upset over this.
I sometimes wonder...
I wonder if I have
any personality.
For example, with clothes,
I prefer wearing something...
I feel more comfortable
if my friend likes the t-shirt
or if she says that she likes it,
or my mother or a friend of mine,
ratherthan me on my own.
I choose something if I see
that other people like it,
and if they don't like it,
I won't get it.
I feel insecure wearing something
that other people don't like.
So if I like it, I go and say:
"I like this t-shirt".
But I don't get it
because one of my friends
or my mother doesn't like it.
That is a lack of personality
and basically
it doesn't frighten me but...
It pisses me off.
It's like I'm not independent,
you know?
I always need someone
to approve of what I'm doing.
If not, I don't feel good,
I've got no confidence,
I'm not comfortable.
That's what being bored
and thinking does.
I did really badly.
There were questions
I didn't know in the exam.
But what is she writing?
I don't know, she keeps writing.
- She's going to get a 9 or a 10.
- To make a change.
Now she's getting stressed.
She's finished already, finally.
You'll see now.
So, how did you do?
Come on, Laura! Run, Laura!
Go on, Laura!
I know you're doing something.
I want to join.
I'm sick of always being left out!
Come on!
Yes... I don't know, Dad.
Yeah, I don't know.
I don't know, Dad. Well, I've...
Okay, bye.
Okay, bye.
No, Dad!
We'll talk later, okay?
I'll call you later.
Gosh, what a drag!
Sandra, very good. Very good.
Sit down.
Yago, when you want.
What are you doing?
It's just I want to film it.
You are totally obsessed.
Have you talked to him yet?
And what are you waiting for?
Majorca is the biggest island
of the Balearic archipelago.
Like the other islands...
Talk to him. I don't know...
Just do something.
Julia, please.
Girls, it's...
In this town there have been
various sightings of UFOs.
So cute, he's nuts...
You're so in love, dude.
And... I don't know,
we could visit there.
We could get in contact with them.
They have a blog and everything...
Not the UFOs.
He's superfreak.
Did you see those eyes?
- Have you finished?
- Yes.
Well, then sit down.
Look, Tomas is playing soccer!
- How weird!
- And Alberto's the goalie.
Is that boy sweating? Because...
They're all sweaty, how revolting!
Bea got off with the skater.
No, I didn't.
I did a little job on him
but that was ages...
Bea, a what?
A little job?
- And exactly what does that mean?
- Having a good time, you know...
- Is it finished?
- Shit.
- What do you want?
- Play it again!
- Look.
- Ah, replay.
- Pass me a slice of pizza, please.
- Which one do you want?
Whatever, it doesn't matter.
- This one?
- Yeah, that one.
Hey, your mother...
She's really made an effort.
- With the food.
- Let's not shout too much, okay?
Later, when she's asleep,
she doesn't notice a thing.
Why's that?
- She puts earplugs in?
- No.
- She takes sleeping pills.
- Oh, really?
Like my grandmother.
Come on, Sandra!
It's the truth.
Yago! Oh, Yago!
Look at her face.
She's so into him.
Yeah, and him into her.
But what's going on
between you and him?
I can see you in class.
- Should I turn round, should I...
- And those looks.
- But I don't know ifhe likes me.
- How could he not like you?
Maybe he doesn't like tall girls.
Yago is taller than you.
Well... A bit.
Fine, but he's taller.
But everyone is shorterthan me.
Yeah but in that case, what?
- So what? Being short, isn't...
- That's true.
Hey, I've got taller now, okay?
We always complain
about what we haven't got
- and we want what we don't have.
- Yeah.
I want to have hair like yours
and look at my hair, like a ball.
You guys don't get it,
you feeI comfortable like you are.
- No!
- I'm short and it's horrible.
But you can wear high heels.
What about me?
Should I get my ankles operated?
Should I have my femur removed?
What about me?
Should I have the operation...
Come on, shut up, you are all perfect.
Of course, you're the one
who got off with...
No way!
Fuck! I'm totally fed up!
I didn't fuck so many guys.
Did I?
How many? Three?
WelI, I had a good time!
It's very healthy.
Where do we come from?
Sandra, if you had to, who would
you get off with from our class?
I don't know.
- I just don't think...
- It's really healthy!
With those creeps it's not healthy.
Where do you think we come from?
Look, Oscar.
Who do I like?
- I was talking about Oscar.
- Phew, I got a fright.
But I don't like him really.
It was just a silly fling.
A silly fling.
You're being a real pain!
Look! This is us!
I'm stuck in the middle!
Look! We can see...
Poor Maria, you're squashing her!
No pinching!
She's mine!
- Nobody loves me, Aurea.
- I love you.
Who doesn't love you?
Who doesn't love you?
I love you!
- Marta.
- What?
- Are you sleeping?
- No, and you?
No. I'm not tired.
Look at how cute they are.
They said they were going to last.
Yeah. The poor things
have fallen asleep.
You wanna share a cigarette?
I've written something.
Can I read it to you?
Sure, Marta.
Another year runs through our fingers,
another part of time,
which at our age is an eternity.
Look, at this time, together,
we've laughed, talked,
shared personal things
and very personal things;
we've jumped, danced,
sung, been crazy,
we've gone out, we've played
and we've even,
in the worst cases, cried.
Think how many experiences
we are going to have from now on.
Tonight, I looked up
at the sky and the clouds
and I thought about
how many skies, clouds,
storms and rain bursts
we could share.
How many days we are going
to be togetherthis year;
looking up at the sky and counting
the stars which fit in one hand.
Trying to guess
what the shapes of the clouds are
and looking at the sea from one
of the terraces in the city,
and feeling that this is
the most complete year
that we've lived so far.
It's all going
to work out okay, isn't it?
Of course.
U there?
Yes I am
What U doing?
Nothing... U?
a bit bored... x(
I don't feel well...
I can't go on
with Makamat...
I don't feel comfortable,
it's not the same for me
as for you guys
what?:- /
I don't know, Paula,
I can't see myself
with one... can't see yourself
with a boy?
I've been thinking
about it a lot
and I don't see myself
in makamat
don't worry...
have you talked to the girls?
don't know what to say
it's no easy 4 me...
I'm in a mess
Don't know what 2 do,
I'll talk to Marta
if u want:)
You're the best! 3
np, when I've talked to her
I'Il call u
CU tomorrow
Well, I've found out...
that I've failed two subjects,
and they still
haven't told me my grades
and I'm sure that...
I've failed two more.
I'm going to fail 4 in total.
That's heavy, man.
I don't know what I'm going to do.
It's a pain because
it's going to mess everything up.
Aurea, you record
with the red button, don't you?
You are recording.
Okay, okay.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah. I'm sure.
If something goes wrong
get out of there immediately.
- If something goes bad I take off.
- Of course...
And we'll be together in 5 minutes,
don't worry.
They might expel you.
He's the head of studies, man!
- They'll expel all of us.
- They're not going to expel anybody.
This is not going to work out.
Paula, it's going to work.
Aurea isn't going to come
on the trip, anyway.
Aurea is definitely coming
on the trip, okay?
We have to think that...
Sandra has already let us down and
we can't let anybody else let us down.
I haven't let you down...
Sandra is going to be here,
so Sandra is with us.
- She's never going to leave us.
- Yeah, I know...
- And she's got her reasons.
- Sure, she has.
No problem.
- It's just...
- She's going to be him.
I get there and...
- Shit it's hardly a plan...
- Well, man, it's disgusting.
- Don't come too close...
- Your space.
I don't know...
But you've got to be sexy.
Haven't you heard?
He doesn't shower!
Well, I'll work it out.
I guess when I'm there...
Man, I'm not going to be there,
there's going to be
some 40 something old guy
who doesn't shower, stinks...
- How disgusting!
- Okay...
Where are you going to put the camera?
- In my bag.
- No, I'll take it. Give it to me.
Yeah, that's a good idea.
Come in.
Today I'm going to hold your hand...
In general, it is recognized
that the sexual act
contributes to relaxation.
The basic position
is the missionary,
in which the copulated member
is Iying on their back
with their legs open.
The person who is penetrating
places themselves on top,
facing the other one.
- Is she sucking his trousers?
- Yes.
You should see the look
on your faces, it's...
Hey, Aurea, shut up already.
Stop recording so much
and watch the film.
Come on, please...
It's like that!
Shut up, girl!
She's got stretchmarks!
- Where?
- Have you seen them?
Now it's time...
- But what's that?
- What a huge cock!
It looks fake!
Oh my god!
That's over the top!
And in the poster it looks tiny.
But... what the heck is that?
Deep throat.
Girl, yuck!
But why is he spitting on her!
No, up the arse must really hurt.
Only the guy likes it, right?
It's like a lump of shit
coming out of your arse, isn't it?
I don't know...
Of course, because ifit gets
opened up wide, then...
Can you imagine if something came out?
It's disgusting!
Nobody is going to do it up the arse!
- But it must do damage, there.
- And you don't get knocked up.
- Hey, Laura!
- And you explode!
Your arse cracks.
- God!
- She's got a vibrator in her hand.
But only 4 per cent of women
have an orgasm with penetration.
Did you google it?
No, it's true. The clitoris
has to be stimulated.
Bea, you're the one with experience.
Have they all got wrinkles
and about 3000 veins showing?
This woman has got
a huge hole, doesn't she?
So that she can fit that in...
Oh my God.
I can just about fit a tampon in.
- That's not going to fit into me.
- Yes it will.
Don't think 15 year old boys' ones
are like that.
- My hole is about this size.
- Well, use lubricant, Laura.
So that it goes into you better.
It slides in.
Do I put it on or does he?
You put it on him. On the tip.
You put it on your hand and then...
Like jerking him off?
Well, as long as the guy
is already like... But ifhe isn't...
If he hasn't already got a hard-on?
He'll get a hard on
when you're making out.
Boys are wasters.
If not, just rub him a bit
over his trousers and that's enough.
But if we both mess it up
and get it wrong?
Listen to me.
Humans have been fucking
for millions of years.
How are you not going to know
how to do it? It's instinctive.
That goes in and he comes.
And that's all.
I'm not going to know what to do.
You go there,
you do it and that's it.
And how do we position ourselves?
They are never going to take me
up the arse.
The missionary position is the best.
And how do I know
what the missionary is?
He has to be on top.
And you lying down?
You lying down, with your legs open,
and he's between them...
And he puts it in you.
But he's eating her juice, man! Yuck!
- But we don't need to do that, do we?
- No.
I think it should be...
I don't know, special.
Well, more special than this.
Of course, we are all
going to do it together.
Yeah, that's really cool.
But with a boy who is at least...
I'm just not sure.
Boys have always done
whatever they want to girls.
Well not, this time it's us!
One minute.
Remember what we're doing here.
Does it matter if we know the boys?
Is that what's important about this?
Yeah, but you're more relaxed
if you do.
No way! They're there
for what they're there for.
And that's it!
Kleenex boy, it's as easy as that.
So... it will slip, won't it?
Well, you put on a bit of lube...
But if you put on lube,
you can't suck him off...
One thing, I know we said
that it doesn't matter
who we do it with and all that,
but would it be okay
ifI did it with Yago?
I don't know...
Okay, fine.
Do it with Yago.
Are you sure?
Of course, girl!
You fancy each other.
That's a good idea.
What a cutie.
Thank you so much, Marta.
And the rest of us,
how are we going to arrange it?
- By a draw.
- Why not?
Voting papers.
Okay, I'll go and get some paper.
how about we share out the rest?
Shall we open them?
Who did you get?
Come on, telI.
And you?
- And you?
- Mario.
Well, that's that.
And you, Aurea?
Today has been a very hectic day.
We watched a porn film.
I'll tell you about it tomorrow
because I'm a bit traumatized
and I'll tell you tomorrow.
I'm going to sleep,
I'm exhausted, okay?
It's better if I tell you know.
Otherwise, I won't be able to sleep.
I knew what we were going
to see, okay?
But then they put it on, okay?
And, well, like it all began
as a bit of a joke.
When the woman, like...
When the woman was...
touching his dick and the guy
was saying "suck it, suck it... "
And I don't know...
The guy opens up her pussy
and he begins to lick it
and everything...
I was like "What's he doing?"
The woman had a pussy like this.
And then when he came... Shit!
Really disgusting.
It's like... I don't know.
People watch this and I don't know
if it turns them on or what
but it's disgusting,
it'd make you vomit.
Really, I could see
the woman was suffering.
And I'd say
she wasn't feeling any pleasure
because that fucking hurts.
How could that not hurt?
I don't know...
Just thinking
that I have to do that...
It's like... It can't be like that.
It can't be like that, can it?
Well, I hope it's not like that
because if it is...
I had a bad time.
I thought, like... I want something
that's more romantic,
more, I don't know...
With love and all that...
and not like that.
That's just
wham, bam and thank you.
No way, that's that.
It's not going to be like that.
It's my first time,
it's going to be romantic
and we're all going to do it together
and that's that.
Hey, look, Aurea!
- See you outside.
- Okay.
How stylish!
She's great, isn't she?
Girls, the time has arrived.
In the end it's going to be
the whole class.
So far, everything's fine.
Nobody suspects anything.
It's definitely going to be fine.
Marta I want u to know
that what we r doing
is very important to me.
This year is like history
Without u
nothing would have
been the same.
U've taught me
to be a part of something
With u and the girls
I know I can get over any fear.
I've learned that
I'm never going 2 be alone
Thnxs 4 everything
Today I held your hand
And I won't let go
Today my promise is true
With an open hand
I shout loyalty
I promise you with this
Thatmy heart won't change
Write the truth
to understand it
And so escape
from boring reality
To do,
to understand what we're planning
Won't be easy at all
Nights without sleep
Working out our dreams and plans
The cabin is really cool!
What are you doing?
- Come on!
- Oh, please!
- The bathroom is amazing.
- Let's see?
Oh my god!
There's shit on the cushions!
That's disgusting!
There are little soaps
in the bathroom!
I'm going to keep them all, okay?
I love them!
I'm going to keep them alI, she says!
What a thief!
Can I have this cabin?
I really like this column...
- Wait. Let's shut the door.
- I'm going to give Mario...
- Hello!
- Hello, Sandra.
Hey, how is it going?
- Good.
- Awful!
- I'm not going to like him.
- Don't worry, you'Il be awesome!
But with this down here.
He'II be very excited!
They will all be excited!
- Paula?
- Yes?
- Are you okay?
- Yes.
What's this?
Does anybody
want something to drink?
- I want a Coke.
- A Fanta.
- What is this music?
- Check out the crowd!
What a DJ!
We're going to Majorca!
we are aware that we can fill a void
in just one instant and forever
if we decide to awake the power,
the power wilI be ours.
Do you want me to go in with you?
No, don't worry.
I'm here, okay?
What is it?
I have been bleeding a bit recently.
Since when?
Three weeks ago.
Three weeks. Okay.
And the blood loss is abundant?
What type of loss? Like the period?
When was your last period?
Take this.
If you don't explain it to me,
I can't help you.
Come on, Maria, calm down.
It was meant to be a secret...
A secret?
What secret?
I'm pregnant.
Well, don't worry.
We'll work it out, okay?
All the class is.
Why have you done this to me?
Keep still, it'll be just a moment.