Blokpost (1999)

In the strange beauty of the mountains there is no
save the world.
At least, the fact
we still vaguely remember.
Our time is limited
passing day or overnight.
And eternity Gore does not fit
this simple scheme.
We are strangers in this world, like music.
But the urine, it seems
does not notice the contradiction.
For him - it just sounds that
can isolate themselves from precarious reality.
Nickname he was not because of
that "walked" under.
simply the word "may"
he called as "urine".
Early in the morning we enter the village.
Next to me is Lawyer.
Fox tail on a helmet --
his personal trophy, and the reason
constant conflict with his superiors.
Fox he took over 100 meters,
Lawyer imagines himself a great shooter
and threw the command...
requests a transfer to snipers.
The outcome of the Ashes predicted in advance.
No, he did not give the optics.
The army did not like the initiative.
And the talent - is an initiative of nature.
Therefore rifle with me.
In the fight for justice
and a sniper rifle...
Lawyer earned the nickname
and 3 days for lips.
"For the stuffy unarmed Assertive"
by definition, a senior officer.
APCs, where are you? Respond.
Bent neck Sergeant Boeing --
not injured, and another boil.
What we do in the village, knows only
Lieutenant Warrant Officer Boria and Lenin.
The uncertainty
all a bit nervous.
Even the unflappable Kaif smokes
one cigarette after another.
Laser player appeared
Urine from 3 months ago, when cleaning.
The car was just classic.
Such a dramatic introduction to the high culture
fraught with deplorable consequences.
But the urine was a tough guy and kept
the natural innocence and purity.
Soldier Shilov, that there are soldiers?
The soldier - a man.
A man?
Man? This is the most intelligent monkey.
Officer quietly dropped in the sediment, and urine,
as the most intelligent monkey in the division,
few days wash the floors in the barracks
under the divine music of Handel and Bach.
Shoulder Gavrik Krutitsa, nicknamed
Rat, sits our shared favorite Krysya.
Gavrik sewed her camouflage fatigues, but
but she did not cap to wear.
Calm only our dog Castro.
Throughout his short dog's life
People fought, and he used to it.
He is not named in honor of the glorious hero
Cuban people
but because of injuries
received 3 years ago.
We're going on a tip and to
not light the informant,
should check
several houses.
Sergeant, come to this house I will.
It's hot to go far.
Let's won one
there is a good garden: apples, pears.
Offers Freebie. In the first operation
spring, he caught the looting.
- A soldier, what is it? - Comrade
Lieutenant, diapers, freebie.
- 5 days of arrest.
- For what? Freebie.
They took everything, and fell Freebie
in pampers.
In the absence of toilet paper --
thing is very handy.
Okay, we inspect the ashes
out those homes. Falin, Filippov.
Local world populated only
women and children.
Children are small, and women
indeterminate age.
Stop splash, let's go to work.
It seems to us to pay no
attention, if we do not exist.
But all feel - carefully
watch and watch.
Our house - from junction 5 th left.
Understand? Start.
What is it?
- Good day.
- Salam alaikum.
- What happened?
- Scheduled inspection.
- What is the test? Why do
not reported? - So be advised.
The owners, do not let a little water to drink?
Of course, we were not expecting. The table is not covered,
Yes and cordial hosts are not visible.
Boy no less than our surprise,
why mine did not explode.
But stubborn. Local blood. Such
not rest until its not achieve.
On the way out! .. Where? Skeleton!
What you have there?
- Ilya, Ilya, are you alive?
- Oh, Holy shit!
- Wounded, no? - We are part of normal
little water to drink, and then a boy.
Can you hear me or not?
Skeleton, you are alive?
Once hit, two hit, three hit.
And the beats, and beats, and smiles.
- You all right?
- Shut up!
- Right?
- Yes? What?
Pick it up. BTR here!
Back! Back! ..
Back! Back!
- The armor, and fast!
- Castro, to me! Ash!
Wait, Boria forgotten!
Come on.
Rot, pancake.
Aborigines hard time.
- Panikovsky, but what's this?
- Shrapnel naseklo.
I say, the local 2 losses.
We all are safe, light concussion.
- Well, are alive?
- Alive.
For free, just be careful,
A skeleton, who is this?
- Can you unhook.
- Thank you.
- Kostik Filippov.
- Is he skinny?
Now - yes. When came
in SCHOOL, was the thickest.
- Humor.
- Just kidding.
- 'Shot a woman corporal Truhnov.
- Yes.
- And he claims that did not shoot.
- And maybe it was not him.
I just thought
The ash that shot?
when he leaned on the woman
become automatic selection.
Maybe because me and seemed
that he had shot.
Okay, rewrite.
But without these nicknames,
and then - Boeing, urine.
- Urine.
- And without the mat, please.
And where's the mate?
Here, for example.
The word "hut".
This is my hitch such
childhood. Sorry.
Well, write.
Forgive me, comrade senior lieutenant,
Urine and who will?
Mikhail Shilov.
- Well, Ash, how are you?
- Two me.
I do not change.
- Stand up! Attention!
- Well, where the fuzz?
- Comrade Major-General.
- Set aside.
Well, William Teli?
Robin Gudy hard time!
General, our dear father,
homeland, the mother and the grave,
using only
after a lengthy enumeration
our personal "dignity"
after practicing our relatives
to the second degree,
promises to forcibly change the person
our sexual orientation.
Take away this muck!
We are listening to the words of his gentle, comprehending
beauty and sonority of the native language.
- Then came the threat in detail.
- Remove!
Then have the fantasy Bata waned.
- At ease.
- At ease!
Total 8 knees bent.
It's bad when the words do not have enough Bata.
Maybe he's ashamed that a chicken?
Boeing, you.
Well there? And what a red?
Vparil it, or what?
Yes, it is his ambush.
You'd even warned that he wrote.
At first I said that you shot the woman.
I wrote it was. I did not shoot it.
Although it would be necessary.
Who fired?
As she starley? Nothing?
Drive can be rough?
I would have crumpled.
Well, You offered her his services.
As her podedesh something?
You look into her eyes and say:
"Ma'am, may I properdolit."
Oh you're kidding. How can I it
properdolyu when it officer?
And we all that, you think, do there?
Look, See Lawyer bathed left.
Now Boeing is fighting it.
Dimensions, then you saw her?
Shilov! Wali.
Comrade General, we are not to blame.
She's crazy.
Shut up. Run into shit! Shut up.
- What happened there? - It was impossible
otherwise. She would put all of us.
At today - everything.
We were sent away out of sight
the northern checkpoint,
far from the base and close
to peace is not local.
Now 45 days
this will be our home.
- The village is?
- Great.
- Hello.
- I ask, is the village?
- Well, what then do you have?
- Nothing.
Sniper, bitch, get out of fishing line breaks.
In the evening, and morning happened.
- This is where?
- In the storeroom.
How many times asked to bring bags.
Yonder out of fishing line used to shut off ourselves,
and the toilet to go there.
- Facilities to be?
- Yes stop you.
True, we kettle whistled.
And a couple of gas cylinders.
- Sergei, where the cloth, then leave?
- Go Work.
Needle! Needle!
But do not worry, I understood, I understood.
Of the pools will not take.
That from a spring take. From puddles
not take, there is lime.
If the roses wilt, come,
I'll uroyu. Understand?
Well, show your mines.
This is where our mines are. Look.
And over there, local pose.
Do you have any bowl here?
Wow, e-my. Hey, soldier,
whether other, leave the girl.
Love, you know, long summer
evenings porukobludit Maaleh.
Wanker, do not mind.
Listen, as here with the living, eh?
- Yes drives a lapwing deaf and dumb.
- Deaf and dumb?
This is class! So how is she?
No, I mean, as it is? ..
The village, with no imagination.
How can there be fantasy
Fantasy - this is for a Frenchman or German.
And we need simpler and Pobol.
Well, good luck. Keep bananas
Use rubber.
Here is Russia, here is your home
The house in which we live.
Remember this, my boy,
The house where I grew up - Russia.
We return all go
Where relatives and friends where
Where the girls are tired of waiting
Believe me, soldier, and you'll come
In those regions where I grew up - Russia.
Tears of Mother utrem
And father glass nalem
Recall friend-Bratan
We will survive, my friends.
And back in those edges
Where is Russia, where I grew up
Where is Russia, where I grew up
Where is Russia, where I grew up.
For vehicles!
Well, look alive, look sharp.
Yes, the place we are. All clear. "
Well, all with God.
Let's see.
- Take off your finger with a hammer, a fighter.
- Sorry.
In optics rifles Ashes
I get to know the local beauty
the corner - the sea, where people have a rest
from another, the normal world.
The road is well preserved. It leads
the Muslim cemetery.
Next to her, and is our checkpoint.
We are guarding the way into the realm of the dead.
In these places almost never fought.
It is believed that there quietly and calmly.
Rural idyll breaks
only a sniper.
The essence of risk is simple.
It prevents live.
- Sniper... rat shot.
- What?
- I say, it seems, rat shot.
- Shot or "think shot?
- What have you there?
- Yes, we killed the rat.
No, little one. Animal, Rat.
Where? Take away it!
In the shelter!
You sew the flag that covered the coffin.
She also died in the performance
combat mission?
In fact, the state relies
hymn perform...
or sing. Words knows who else?
Yes, and fireworks are usually shot,
Only, I fear, Ilyich would not understand.
Today we see off in the last path
our friend, that is, our military friend,
who shared with us
all the burdens and hardships of war.
She never complained for a long
transitions, for long hours on duty.
His body is covered
friend from enemy bullets,
insidiously released at the time
raising the national flag.
Rest in peace, dear friend...
No, dear - it is civil.
Rest in peace, comrade.
We will avenge you.
I personally swear like rats destroy
local hazardous guinea pigs.
Bring down here!
You would only ernichat.
Come on, Gavrik
we all understand.
Like hell you do not understand!
Leave me alone.
Ash, as a sergeant Boeing, stubbornly
ignores nicknames, calling us by name.
So ended the first day.
Well, how are you?
Comrade Sergeant, for the time of service
accidents have been reported.
Everything is intact: forests,
fields, mountains and even the blue sky.
Only on the highway, we noticed 2
cow cakes, which left...
- Well everything ready. Cover.
- Post has.
- A cow cakes?
- Ditto.
Egorov, well, if adopted,
then remove them.
Order and cleanliness must
in all soldiers.
- Yes.
- Come on.
But for free.
I love cucumbers are small,
with spiny bumps,
and so seeds were
Hard and sharp little.
These - the best.
Pass the bread there.
- Hey, soldier.
- Stop!
Keep them.
Who are you? What do you want?
- My sister has. Tear it be?
- I?
- Well, as agreed, and I led.
- I?
- It's you, dear, not me
agreed. - A new.
Well, you want it?
She is a young, unable to speak.
Tempting offer.
Only I money with them not picked up.
If only free, for free.
No, better ammunition.
Half an hour 20. Hour 25.
Well, if alone, then 33.
- A call something you like?
- Well invite Masha, so you will be more convenient.
- Well?
- Expensive. 15 per hour.
Well, as new and
first customers, the discount - 20.
Yes, she is not sick, strong.
Eraser I have.
- 1 other cartridge.
- Expensive.
But you touch it, what it
large breasts, hot.
- Well, I decided?
- Okay, persuaded.
- And thou?
- Of course not.
- And why?
- I do not like it.
- And you are not a bargain?
- My fiance is.
- And her fiance have?
- She was.
- Killed? - No, when it is your
spoiled, he refused.
- Now it is useless.
- Okay.
I have nothing to do here,
and there cases of throat.
We must lift bags demining,
gas tank for this, for the kitchen.
On the day of the second lieutenant Boris decided to dissociate itself
from the woods and a sniper with sandbags.
We are doing his tactical plan in the morning
building up and deepening the trench to the toilet.
Engine hiccup in APCs.
We are on the rise here boil.
Ilyin for me to stay.
Ilyin left for me!
Well, I am in the morning or at
If the evening will be. Pools.
I put twenty that
tomorrow not come back.
Hundreds, and that the day after will not.
Skeleton, let's go.
Never mind.
This will zadohlik we found.
How they will benefit, so all and tell.
Do not worry, Dad we did not surrender.
Not so happened, was not given the same.
Ment on a shot from his gun.
But who will decide that there is someone from the machine
shoot! All the bullet right through.
- No, I feel for us all hanged.
- Okay, will understand.
Castro fed?
For service in the Caucasus. 1864-th year.
Well preserved.
Comrade Sergeant,
your lady has long gone.
Yes, it changed position. All clear. "
- Shit.
- Throw on.
- Stop! I'll shoot!
- I'll shoot you, a goat, a pancake.
- Crazy, kamikaze?
- You just grenade pate I have not demolished!
- You're born in a shirt, you know?
- In bronerubashke.
Good for Ayaz nonsense.
Not deceived, woman disgusting.
False alarm. Yes, a false alarm.
So, quietly and unobtrusively,
was 1 more day.
- What happened?
- False alarm! Clear!
In the village went?
Baran, you're a night in mine
field walk. I f there streamers set.
Shit not sink.
Well then there is for you to ???????
specialty: to deepen the trench latrine.
- Why?
- I do not understand, soldiers...
I'm a little jealous of a rat - not for each
grave so touchingly looked after.
The morning is fog,
and nothing happens.
The next day, quietly falls
of life.
Leave the car.
Hands on the hood.
- It's not written in Russian.
- Ask where to go.
- He said the cemetery to his grandson.
- At the cemetery to the grandson.
- Well, I miss them?
- Salon prover.
Hey, kids. How you
with weapons and drugs?
Yes, all, like, clean.
Sit down. Keep moving.
I am not familiar with
in premium bars,
but it seems that the old man
the medal "For Courage".
You see, ordinary Krutitskii,
thing in life --
is good to devour, sweet sleep
and deeper into an ambush. All.
You see, the world is simple.
I am referring to our world.
Must be treated easily,
not complicating.
Once you delve into any
details - everything you lost.
What was with you?
- Who?
- Rat.
Six months.
So, spent a third of life, its
rat life. It's not so bad.
Moreover, not every rat
ugotovleno die from sniper bullets.
You have not lived a quarter, and it
in combat conditions, a third extended.
This, I tell you, a rarity.
Hello, post? Alarm!
And are we supposed to do? ..
Gotcha. Sitting.
We do not know anyone buried.
But whoever carried on a stretcher
local, we will only
source of their misfortunes.
And who is this?
Office sex
Well then, think up?
I'll give you a horn,
if she will work.
Sam himself to serve.
The investigation does not leave us alone,
means things are bad.
Hello. Where is your
can retire?
- With whom?
- For questioning.
It seems that we have decided to seriously
cancer put.
Corporal Truhnov to me.
In the political games over this precarious peace
all of us can put,
and did not notice
such a small loss.
Hey, the soldiers of BTR watermelons take away.
Kaif, podkin my helmet.
- How do I know where you left her?
- Yes, here it is.
- Kaif, let kurnut.
- Hold.
- Well, there, Ash?
- Mikhail Shilov!
Military, and you doing here?
Pro sniper forgotten?
At the post run, march!
It seems that hung over us Shariah Court.
Insulting gesture Lawyer not understand.
Local live on their own, obscure
For us, the laws. This is not Europe.
- Lie down!
- Let's Smoke! Boeing, the smoke come on!
Are you asleep there?
Idiot, Valim here!
I do sniper freak, get it.
I tell you, I have laid.
- Boeing, smoke!
- I swear.
Come on come on.
- Well, what, hurt?
- Yes intact.
- Sniper, twig...
- Come on. Naff.
You saw in the helmet methyl, tangentially,
this badge.
- Come on!
- A little ear is not divorced.
Run! Hurry!
We are parting with even one day.
Well, revealed?
Well understood, understood.
- Kara.
- Shit.
No luck at cards, lucky in love.
Nothing that I kasochku?
So, dear, with you
in today's distribution of 1213...
I am your Bronicas take?
Plus 415...
- This will be...
- 1629.
Yes, 580 ash, and the rest
us with the skeleton.
But what are you guys? Where
I kind of money, then get it?
Yes, it is not our problem.
Okay, I'll go, shall perform the feat.
If anything, think of me National
patriot, and if not, then no.
Like hell I do not see.
- Maybe it off today?
- Can.
Okay, let's try,
only neater. Went.
- What are you, a pancake, greenhorn?
- Quiet, quiet.
- Come get lost
- Quietly, we are here sniper entices.
He thinks that
in the outhouse someone sits.
Wait, and who sits? Here I sit!
What are you, have found the bait?
Come get lost
So be patient for half a minute
half a minute get out.
Let Wali, find live bait!
- It worked, Kaif.
- Crap, and not live.
- Well, spotted?
- No.
- Throw.
- I'll get it.
Look how he would have you
be the first to get one.
- Well?
- Blank.
Hey, soldier, you see that path?
You go to her directly, do not turn
nowhere. Go out to the village.
They will find the 2 nd house on the left.
Boss name is Ayaz.
Tell them that came from me.
He will give you the grass, and once back.
- Understand?
- Kaif, do not send it.
Come on, come on, come on. Pistil not take it.
Stechkin forsake
and then the local take away.
Take another grenade.
- And the second?
- To struggle.
But it is better to take PONT.
Well, cry there, that all podorvesh...
And so, nothing, cheynch good.
Come on, with God.
Kaif sent the urine contractual aul, ie
which is a tacit agreement:
they do not touch us, and we
try not to disturb them.
Oh, as well.
Hey! Sister are you?
Shall! That's service.
- 25.
- Come on.
- 30.
- Come on.
- What, and thou shalt be silent?
- What, I wonder?
Who was with you? Well, with the nose?
A Lawyer. Well, actually,
his name is Ilya.
Ilya... And he was beautiful.
- Who, Lawyer beautiful?
- Yes.
Skeleton, Skeleton, otschelkni her
So Elijah say?
I myself say.
Why 2 grenades?
And I did as you said, to take PONT.
Duri, said no. Then he found.
Vodka would not drink, I told him forcibly
poured. The nose is pressed, and he swallowed it.
- Well then, the grass brought?
- Well.
Well done, young man.
What are you, parashnik, brought?
I told him: "Come on grass
otherwise undermine everything. "Well, he passed.
I even told him that
more pouring, no miser.
Kind of seasoning, pepper smell.
I have a platoon of smaller offices
as it is called?
Filippov, towel.
I know that you have a regiment of smaller companies,
but I have something that does not help.
Yes blimey! Lights out, I say.
End of line.
So what?
Through shoulder.
- I saw it today.
- Who?
- Oh, Masha.
- So what?
She said that you're beautiful.
She's right, I think so too.
Above us hung a white fall down.
If you look at the sky, then it snows.
I think I never said
Castro, do not worry, it's wolves.
Need to be afraid of people,
and it just wolves.
Misha, Shilov, get up.
Filippov, Kostya rise.
I slept a whole 40 minutes.
Come on, come on. Look
Taras won just no.
At 3 minutes late.
- Post has.
- Fuck you.
- I told you there coffee left. Drink
and then fall asleep. - Well, serve.
Around the quiet and transparent.
Fog shut us from reality
if you were in the old half-forgotten life.
What we listen to?
But all I know. Music.
And over there, 50 meters closer to us
dry black grass.
Over there now - the first.
And the left, there's little red bush
so, here beside him - there second.
Understand, I am apprehensive.
No, I'm starting to itch from it.
Yes? .. Leave.
Where such a luxury?
- Alice brought.
- What is Alice?
The investigator, a senior lieutenant.
So you have that with her?
It is good. That brought the sausage.
There was also a chocolate, but a little.
I ate it.
Only 2 sandwiches left.
- Where's your left hand?
- Here.
And, no, here.
You Kaif said, in what direction
go to the village?
Yes, he stood facing me,
showed the left with his right hand.
So, if you face the village,
I have to go over there.
Idiot, you do not go there!
Not that way, you know?
But why are you? He will be silent,
is weak.
Everything calmed down?
- Do not be afraid of them. We have all of them as cockroaches
passing. - Let go, you fool!
They only can that, at the throat, but
crowd take. One on one is not sdyuzhat.
A lot of us, we have them all
to hold the nail. Understand?
Skeleton! Water is.
Come on, come on, come on, come on.
- Relax, I pokaraulyu.
- Fuck you.
Urine is ready for all the nail to press,
who is a bit different.
For him, everything is clear.
The world is divided into black and white.
Even this strange war is understandable.
Sleep and forget even 1 day.
Good. A blood?
- The third "B".
- Good.
Here, take this.
- And what's this tsiferki?
- Where? It?
- The content of sugar in the urine.
- Why?
Ha, suddenly you are wounded --
so you insulin's put.
- Oh, and there is someone walking.
- Where?
Yes, in the forest someone walking. This is a sniper.
Ash, give optics. I now
this type of take off allowances.
Maybe it's a peaceful resident
or animal, useful and necessary.
Yes I, an animal from a sniper
not different? This is a sniper.
Ash, well, let oar.
I feel his coccyx.
Well, if the coccyx... Kostik, writing
my gun this free lances.
- Stop to shoot!
- There are like.
Not yet navoevalsya, greenhorn.
Well, what have you got there, ready?
- A further 5 minutes wait.
- Come on, come on, imposes.
- Well?
- Yes, shit, as always.
I think I got.
Well just got - go and see.
We are all curious about what you got.
With this high?
Yes, I go there sprinkled grass,
by Kaif tried smoking.
Castro Castro
Eat, eat good, eat.
- Who shot?
- J.
There in the woods someone was walking.
Sniper, I guess. Retreated.
Ilich is, asshole.
Warn your need for tactical
designs, comrade sergeant.
Stand! Stand, banner here!
- Strongly hurt.
- Yes nonsense scratch.
- You put a banner?
- The horse in the coat.
- You're fired, eh?
- J.
- Let's talk, so you rifle
transferred to the optics. - Thank you.
- Well, are you okay?
- Yes, alive, alive.
Well there you have?
They are on the way something was thrown.
A box of some sort.
What a box on the road
- Maybe it's mine?
- Substitute, most likely.
Well, sit down - do not lean.
Probably, substituting for a sniper.
So what?
- Yeah.
- Normally...
I pass.
- 5 in debt and two more on top.
- Well, I also 2 above.
- Yes. Do not worry, now leave.
- Also, two more.
- Yes, the exact time I have.
- Well, I too have two.
Thus, Filippov, Falin, to the post.
- Well, let's be disclosed?
- Come on.
I do not think that local planted the mine.
But do not want to risk.
Time is much
and patience lawyer even more.
- It is your own?
- No, we had been planted.
Careful, maybe it's mine!
This from a dog.
Is this a sign that they
refer to us as dogs?
I do not understand.
Good day. Today
good weather, is not it?
Will it?
Take it for free.
No, well, if you want to retire,
then come, I podezhuryu.
No, no, we can not.
We are at battle stations.
According to the regulations are not supposed to.
That evening when...
Well, I'll come in the evening.
At my cousin like.
Stand! Hands.
Boeing violated an unwritten rule:
Women and children are not checked.
- Shorts shoot?
- Come on.
It can be understood. A couple of strange.
Thus, julienne with profiteroles.
If cooking cartridges for over an hour
they are converted into harmless iron,
who is going to Freebie
pay for an imaginary sister.
Ilya, are you here?
Good evening. This is for you.
I did not gave flowers. It is beautiful.
You're good... and beautiful.
You too.
In the distant past adolescence
spurs of the mountain I finally found.
Kostik, if you are already composing haiku
then follow the classical structure:
encircle one septisyllabic.
Then this: The shadow of a flying bird
Froze on the white snow. Where she's the hurry?
If you are so clever, do not understand
you are in the army are doing.
Move, scholar.
Move, scholar.
Kaif, and you with a cough from the guard mow?
Ayaz! Ayaz!
- Come.
- Good evening.
- And we are asking you.
- Sit down, sit down.
With claims of your sniper.
In a single day of your holiday
And our position is no life there.
That went to talk to agree.
You understand, everyone wants peace,
ie, to stay alive. There is.
And your sniper us all day
under the earth holds,
so I'm not saying
to calmly go to the toilet.
- Quiet speak.
- Yeah.
So I say gone, I say,
discuss your damn sniper.
What he shoots and shoots
like a wound, how much in vain.
Still want to live.
You are warriors, we are also soldiers.
We are obliged to serve,
Although we do not like this.
For all you do not speak.
Yes, but here are a few days instead of your
grass some pepper slipped.
So Kaif... Well, he lit --
almost died.
- Ayaz...
- That's coming down to grass.
Folly grows in abundance around the roadblock,
Kaif but prefers not to risk
collecting it among the abundance of mines,
which put all of whom either laziness
for many years.
Well, for the soldiers.
Kaif, wait, wait.
Kaif, wait.
- Do not take it anymore, arm stiff.
- My mother.
- You're with her that the whole evening
well spent? - Well, almost.
A ring where?
It seems, on the floor left in the house.
Wait a minute.
Not ssy, let them.
All Wali.
Kaif puts on a footpath
homemade banner,
violating unwritten
agreement with the local.
A little revenge for the shame
and fear in the house Ajaz.
No, all intact. Normally all!
More on this day
nothing happened.
Do not get so sour.
The Kremlin, the Kremlin...
I am the eighth.
Hello, Kremlin, Eighth answer.
- Supports.
- The same place.
- I agree.
- Revealed?
- 2 Quest.
- Jack, not Quest.
- Street.
- Straight, but not straight. Players.
- Yes, no luck, so unlucky.
- Flash.
Oh, finally! I am the eighth.
Eighth, yes!
Regarding grub bother.
I pasta covered with mold.
Pasta covered with mold.
What? What caliber? Ugh.
No, this is not encryption! I
"historian" on the radio to fly.
Boeing, ask how
there "Rotor" played.
- What?
- Ask as "Rotor" played.
Covered with mold.
Rot, your mother!
- Ask as "Rotor" played.
- Hey, hello! Listen...
The Kremlin, you do not know
as "Rotor" played?
What? What scouts?
No team football.
They are called scouts.
You used it yet "Dinamo" was named.
What? .. And you ass. This ass
this with your ears, you know?
You're in Russian learn to speak, a goat.
Do you hear what you have done in the air?
As in Las Vegas, if not steeper.
So. So what? If Cash give
going, we can throw off 20%.
I pass. I'll go and talked
with her psychoanalyst.
I'll share can forgive... if
go forth to the post in its natural form.
Only Bronicas and with a gun.
- Well, everything.
- Well, what with the "Rotor" - then?
Ah, yes. What with the "Rotor" - then?
Yeah, understood. Well, everything.
In short, vezite grub.
Yes, the end of the connection.
Well then, have won?
And, "Rotor" - then? And God knows,
he is for "Torpedo" is sick.
But with the donkey is what?
I somehow did not understand.
And that Aborigines on our wave
Egorov Egorov.
- For free!
- I!
- Egorov, where we have a toilet?
- What is the toilet?
- Male.
- Ibid.
- Where are you walking?
- So it's not me, it's Fidel Castro.
What is Castro? Freebie this dog.
All the corners marked.
Walking is impossible, the stench is terrible.
Okay, Egorov, once more I see,
'll all tongue licking.
Yes, I see. And why in Berzo something?
- Asphalt something hot.
- Okay. I do not mind, let the boots.
Mother Tanya. Gorka pancakes with shit
cat. Sergeant!
Begone! Go away, Shoot!
Comrade General, during the objection
Service has happened.
- Private Krutitskii...
- And what's this?
Ladies and gentlemen, on machines
I'll remember this,
dried Heracles.
Skeleton, you do not know how to
French say
... that everything is fine,
just not enough meat and vegetables?
Why do you want it?
Well, it's a humanitarian mission.
Possible on a freebie fruit nadybat.
Truhnov, to the point!
Marafet move.
Speak in English.
Eurostandard will understand.
Good morning, Comrade General.
All right?
I have a - yes. And you
that the narcissus is?
Washed. Podmenki no.
We can keep fighting. There is.
To assist the civilian population,
disarm the bandits.
With power we have very good, only
vitamins is not enough fruit. There is.
- Listen, why the soldiers he was naked?
- A. .. You need to understand.
He died 6 days ago girlfriend.
Her name was Krysya. She was buried over there.
- Its a sniper shot down.
- Why did you do it here, not at home?
Well, decided to make an exception. There is.
She was a local.
- What do you know about the incident
village? - Mm.
Full investigation of
We regret the incident.
But she began to shoot first.
The woman, from local, she began
shoot first.
- Do you understand?
- We have no such information.
The soldier, you do not understand
who is to blame.
Stay here. Come.
Here, it is our flag.
He prostrelyanny, just in stock
spent a long time, Mickey Mouse eaten.
Loopholes... Usually the guys here
shoot, but I'm not a fan.
Well, there, with my decided?
I am not giving their soldiers.
Well? Military toilet. "
Run! Quickly all here!
Comrade General, take in Figure
hence this tour.
They go by the crowd, the best goal
for the sniper did not invent.
Yeah, actually it's time
collapse "EBSE" them.
- You listen to folk music? - Yes, yes,
folk music. Follow me.
- Jaunty you have a fighter.
- Yeah.
Well either.
If you're in Canada,
can call me.
Okay. Always will.
Well, cosmopolitan,
Raised in Canada?
First, a nudist toilet cleaned.
Time went.
- You exploded?
- No, the old road jerked.
Take the men, look what is there.
Hey, Freebie, and what these
on my grave, did not it?
Wept over the body of the deceased,
bourgeois sentimental.
Well come on, you in shit thrown.
Yes reassure him!
At the stretching Kaifa blown only
Local set. Amateurs.
Copper wire.
Skeleton, here!
- Let Parmidol.
- I ended.
Shilov, a syringe!
Parmidol and ephedrine had long been used.
Most of us in ampoules water.
His pain I changed
y Kaifa on cigarettes.
Here, you can and on the right hand wear
we do not need someone else.
Let Parmidol.
That's all? Sam you reach?
Hey, you reach himself?
- Yes it will. Won local run.
- So, all leaving. Quickly!
Truhnov leaves.
- Come on!
- Why?
I said, Come on, soldier!
Parmidol's put this in vain. I recognized him.
It was he, instead of grass that trash shoved.
Maybe it was not him.
Similar - all on one person.
The local severed left hand.
He provided emergency
medical care. Emergency.
Yes, the bomb-yourself,
which confirms the copper stretching.
No, we're not idiots,
that the copper used.
Naturally, they will blame on us,
No, it's you listen to me...
Skeleton, as in the word "syringe"
letter "T" is written?
Yes, write what you like.
Word of a non-Russian.
Explanatory will. Will APCs
will explanatory.
All? Yes, and tell, waiting.
- Well, what do they say?
- Guess with a 3-times.
Well, local people say we stretch
put on their lambs,
meat to profiteer.
- Good - 5.
Yes, this is nonsense. Shepherd's that saying?
Well, it would have asked.
That's exactly it... That he
it says.
- May I?
- What is it?
There is. Explanatory.
- Syringes-t-ts.
- May I go?
- Go, ordinary T-Shilov.
- Yes.
Oh, pancake, loony.
Golf steady, but broad
You run the edge to edge
Horse can not be mine.
Run you bring me
In their native home, that is from the
From the edge of the field evenly.
Where own mother, yes Mlada wife
Waiting for me, his eyes wept.
Only the field, it hurts the field wide
For my horse, for me
Y w gray, but the old, painful field
It hurts the field extensively, although even.
At Old Slavonic superstition,
bareback - a symbol of death.
The day ended, another 1.
Krutitskii, let's go.
Unbutton it.
- Quiet, quiet!
- Quiet, wake up. Sleep, baby.
Bayushki Bayu-Bayu,
Do not write on the corner.
There will come a gray bull
And paint your pod.
Rat, for the post!
Yes I can see.
Ready! Everything.
Egorov, uncover.
Back, I say!
Back, back. Stand!
Wait, wait, that the case?
Stop. I say, stop.
No mob.
We did not come here for this.
No mob.
Everything will be fine.
You are there all mad poshodili.
What are you talking about?
There is a decision to communicate
ordinary conscripts Krutitsa...
... the local police station.
I am a soldier, they would not give up.
Let questioned here.
This is a trial experiment...
... which insist
local prosecutor's office and the FSB.
What the hell
investigative experiment!
If we surrender it to them,
We guys do not see!
Yes, I will accompany him.
I came specifically for this.
Order signed by the unit commander.
You are obliged to obey.
This joint investigation
with the local prosecutor's office.
- Are you with them at the same time?
- You forget, Ensign.
If a guy something to happen,
I have, bitches, out of the ground will get it.
What! But because of such goats as you
is still shooting going.
Shut up.
Excuse me, comrade senior lieutenant,
but I'm on his words not refuse.
- I will inform the command of your behavior.
- And it is your right. Flag in hand.
Our general, Dad, betrayed us.
Illich gave Ensign, with whom
served with a half dozen years.
Because of the lamb... arrested.
Kaif said it, checking
will I be silent.
A rat "hanged" is not only
homemade banner, but then
... that he, an ordinary Krutitskii,
fired at the woman in the village.
Well, let's go, let's go.
- Nesi.
- What?
What, me masturbate? Time has gone!
Good. Single.
No more shoot --
getting dark already.
Well then go out and walk back and forth
shall see, will shoot or not.
- Well there Ilyich?
- Do not calmed down yet. Come.
Forgive me.
We are all sorry, Lord.
I'm sorry. Forgive me for being weak.
In my weakness I'm sorry, Lord.
After all, he knew, knew that it was impossible
give, and give! Give it back!
Lord, what then will it be?
What are we doing? What are we doing?
We put an end forever? ..
Now is our turn!
In the gun! Alarm!
More than we gave them one, nobody
not give up! This I promise you!
- It will cost them dearly!
- Oh, God.
- Comrade Lieutenant, let's morning
will arise and go all the fighting. - What?
- Well, the morning will stand quietly and let's go.
- Shut up!
Andrew, calm down. Come.
What are we doing here?
The guys are tired, and worry
There are no reasons.
Worry - no,
a scream is a scream!
You explained to me that here these
boys doing? And you yourself? I?
- And I, old fool, that I doing here?
- Come on, calm down.
This question is asked by everyone, but I do not know
anyone who could answer it.
I had forgotten that may be
so calm...
Me too.
How much are you still here will stay?
For me little.
And for us a lot.
Because of the rain I'm hard of hearing,
but the lawyer is wrong.
We still have to live here for 32 days.
I was at Boeing the day released.
Today I put this bastard.
Occupy a position in the field to a completely
open space near the ditch,
I have an eye on,
The main thing - to wait patiently
and well camouflaged.
Will begin to shoot, flog him and all.
Yes, you can, I'll take your helmet?
- And then I tail tightly screwed,
too lazy to detach. - Yes, take it for God's sake.
A tail can be seen a kilometer.
Thank you.
Nothing goes.
- Skeleton, you keep people in the back,
I - fuel tank. - Yeah.
- What is it they cast? Something soft.
- Go see.
Turn it down.
- Well, there, Lawyer?
- Heavy something.
But soft.
There Rat. Kostik, there Rat!
At first I did not understand who
then look - his ear.
Lord, how he could fit in there?
It is small.
Well, that is not very big.
In the optical sight figures of soldiers were
small and looked like a toy,
and shoot them was
absolutely terrible.
Her name was Manimat.
In his 14 years of incomplete...
... she did not even know the name
this rifle, just treat it
as a good loyal friend,
which is not fired for her...
... and do something wonderful for what
and was invented by the people.