Blonde Fist (1991)

"Could I come home?"
"And then it will be."
"Like I've never been gone."
"Can't you hear me?"
"Like I've never been gone."
Don't squeeze it like that.
Save that for your husband, girl.
All right, girl?
Nice to see yer.
I tell yer, Charlie's the one,
he's gorgeous!
The most lovely hair.
- What you having, love?
- Nice big cucumber, please.
I'll take five shillings.
Argh. Oh, my God.
Half a crown on John O'Dowd,
- Right, thank you. Yes.
- Yes.
- Ten bob on 'Dowd please.
- All right.
- All right.
- Seven and six on Benn.
Ten bob on O'Dowd, please.
Pound on O'Dowd.
Seven and six on Benn.
Ten bob on Benn, mate.
Seven and six, O'Dowd.
Seven and six
on Benn, please.
Ten bob on Benn.
Argh. Oh!
Mrs Walker, help me get
this girl over behind the stall.
Come on.
Oh, my God.
Oh, Jesus.
Don't worry, love,
you'll be all right.
Me and the girls will
take good care o' you.
Belt him.
Get into him!
- Argh.
- You're doing well now, sweetie...
- won't be long.
- Argh.
I wanna go home. Please.
Just let me go!
Please. Oh!
Argh. Argh.
John! John!
- Argh. Argh.
- Hold on, girl.
Just one last push.
It's nearly there.
Hang on. Hang on.
- Argh.
- There.
Argh. Thank God.
Oh, oh.
- Let's have a look.
- God. Ah.
Now, then, let's
have a good look.
There you... Oh, there you are.
- Arh.
- Ah.
Ah, lovely.
- Ah.
- You're all right now.
Is that you, John?
Oh, John.
I don't believe you.
You promised me faithfully...
...that you'd never
fight again.
And yer drunk.
It's all for you.
For you and my son.
You're gonna be Liverpool's
first heavyweight champion.
This child will never fight.
- Ever.
- Oh, yes, he will.
She won't.
I told yer.
Ow. You're dragging
the eyeball out of me 'ead.
Oh, stop moaning.
It's the last one.
You've got to learn
to suffer for beauty.
Where's Tony?
He's with young Patsy
from along the block.
She's minding him.
She's a good kid.
Never so much as a
moan out of her.
Which is more than I can
say about you.
Ronnie, Ronnie,
it's Patsy, quick.
Who done this to you,
Patsy? Tell me.
Who done it to yer?
- Barbara Crane.
- Barbara Crane?
But she's fourteen. She's near
old enough to be married.
You're only nine.
Well, why did she..?
That'll be the rock
she perishes on.
Me and you are going round to
the Cranes to sort this out.
Mary, keep your
eye on 'im, girl.
And put them spuds
on a low light.
This won't take
me two minutes.
Come on.
No thanks, love, I've got
plenty of religion today.
Tyrone, Porsche, get 'ere.
Get here now, you
tatty-headed little cow.
What d'you want?
Have you seen what your
daughter's done to this girl?
Doesn't seem much
wrong with her to me.
She's just kicked ten different
kinds of shite out of 'er.
Look, you. I don't
know who yer are...
...and I don't particularly care.
But one thing
I can tell yer... Barbara is a gentle,
feminine kind of girl.
She's not the type to
go around fighting...
...with the likes of that.
I mean, she goes
to Tap and Ballet...
...every Sat'day.
I don't know what they're teaching
'er at that ballet school, love...
...but it isn't Swan Lake.
She's just ribboned
the face of 'er.
And I'm tellin' you that there
must be some mistake.
Patsy, is this the girl
that beat you up?
She musta deserved it.
Now go on. GET.
Before I throw a bucket
of piss water over yer.
Yeh stupid melt.
Stupid I may be, but I do
a lovely line in a black eye.
Now YOU GET...
into that garden.
You've asked for it. And don't
say that I didn't warn yer.
Go on, Ronnie, get in.
Come on.
Come on, Ronnie, get her
back now, COME ON.
Twat her. Go on.
Oh, hey, look at 'em fight.
Stop it.
Go on, get 'em off.
- Oh! Urgh!
- Jesus.
That'll do.
Go on, hit 'er, love.
- Ugh.
- Oh.
Now, you tell Giselle...
...If she even glances
at this kid, or any kid...
...she won't live to see
fifteen stone.
Eric, get 'er off me.
Get 'er off me. Eric!
- Get 'er off me.
- You...!
What 'ave you done
to my lovely wife?
- Oh.
- Ugh.
Eric, get off me.
Yer fat bastard.
Quick, the police!
The bastards 'ave called
the police. LEG IT!
A three hundred-pound fine
and a suspended sentence.
They'll lock you
up next time.
You've got to learn to use
your tongue instead of yer fists.
I know.
I think of all these fabulous,
quick witty replies...
...but I just can't seem to get the right
word onto the end of me tongue.
I feel the blood rushing
from me 'ead.
Me fists go white and the next
thing I know I'm boxing with them.
But I enjoyed hitting him.
- The husband.
- You should 'ave been a boxer.
- You'd 'ave made a fortune.
- Yeah.
and I might not 'ave made
such a mess of me life.
Oh, come on, Ronnie.
Things aren't that bad.
- Aren't they?
- Why, what's up?
Mary, I'm on the
bones of me arse.
I haven't got a
penny in me purse.
I've gotta rob to feed Tony.
And I've been up on more
shoplifting charges than the...
...Queen's had oysters.
And it all makes me
feel so angry, I just...
...wanna lash out and punch
the living daylights out of...
...someone's face.
You've seen him,
haven't yer?
He's been released.
We got engaged once.
I want that suffocating... diamonds
before I say yeah.
So off he goes into town, and what
do you think he brought me back?
An engagement ring?
A tray of them.
Sixteen diamond rings and
not one under twenty pound.
Didn't cost him a penny.
It cost him two years.
Come on, you.
Get yer glad rags out.
Bake that face
in make up.
And let's me and
you go and find him.
Oh, don't worry Ronnie.
If he's out tonight, he'll be spotted
by every compact mirror in Kirby.
What if I see him? He won't
wanna go home with me.
Oh, he'll come back here.
He'll rag your toffees off...
...and he'll 'ave yer on yer best
draylon couch if I've gotta drag him... the scruff of the neck.
Now all I've got to worry
about's getting away from...
...him for the night.
I know, I'll slip him a couple
of Mogadon in a cup of tea.
That's a bit much,
isn't it?
Oh, yeah, you're right.
I may need them meself.
I know, he can have
the Valium instead.
I've got them on standing
order with the doctor.
Don't forget the ladder.
Shush, shush.
"Come on, boy, do
you wanna ride?"
"All aboard,
all aboard, wo-ho".
"Last train to Trancentral."
- Hiya, Mary.
- Hi, Mary.
Hiya, girls, how are
yer, all right?
"All aboard,
all aboard, wo-ho."
"Come on."
"Come on, boy, do
you want a ride"?
"All aboard,
all aboard..."
All right, stranger?
Hello, Mary.
How yer keeping, love?
Not as well as you, by
the looks of yer.
- When d'you get out?
- A few weeks ago.
Have yer seen Ronnie?
Have you?
I wanted to do a
bit of grafting first.
Looks like yer
already have.
She's missed you, Tony.
- I missed her as well.
- Good.
'Cause she's here.
Come on, she'll be
made up to see yer.
It's a bit difficult at
the moment.
Ah, come on Mary,
you know how it is.
Do the manly thing, then.
Leave her alone to
get over yer.
She'll never get over me.
Oh, don't count on it, pal!
There's plenty in here just
itching to get 'old of 'er.
There has been for years.
Sounds like you might
be one of them.
If I was a dyke,
which I'm not...
I'd be more of a man to
her than you've ever been.
Yeah, go on!
Hit me.
I'd like to see you getting carried
out of 'ere on a stretcher.
And another thing.
You wanna spend a few...
...bob more on your
elocution lessons.
You're dropping your
aitches all over the place.
"All aboard,
all aboard, wo-ho".
- He's here.
- My Tony Bone?
- I'd better go over and see him.
- No, don't, Ronnie.
Why not?
Why don't you wait for
him to come over to you?
I've waited for two years.
Do I look all right?
Don't go over to him.
It's okay, Mary,
I can handle him.
But... Ronnie!
"And you've been living
on borrowed time."
"Can ya dig it?"
"You'd better believe it."
- Get outside, you.
- What?
- Get out.
- Get off.
"Yes, I'm packing
your bags."
"Don't touch me."
"Don't, don't you
touch me."
You must have had me
in every taxi rank in Kirby.
"We don't have to
walk anywhere..."
"I have taken all I'm
gonna take from you."
"You kicked and beat me
until I was black and blue."
"This is a love eviction,
a love eviction."
I tired to tell yer, Ronnie.
You should've stopped me.
You let me make a
show of meself.
"This is a love eviction."
- Where are yer going?
- No, Mary.
I'm liable to fucking explode.
Don't let it be on you.
"You're always full
of imagined things..."
..."You're off your
fucking cake, tell her that."
- "It's you, you're a slut."
- I was enjoying a bloody dance...
...that's all.
Oi! Veronica.
- We're leaving early, aren't we?
- Not early enough.
How are yer?
Fine, Tony.
How are you?
Well, you know.
Getting by.
- And Tony?
- Oh, he's well.
As well as can
be expected.
I didn't mean it to
be this way.
She doesn't mean
anything to me.
Has she got her own house?
A car?
Plenty handbag?
'Cause if she has...
...she'll mean more to you
than I ever will.
Anyway, what am I doing
here even talking to yer?
Can I come and see yer?
Leave me alone, Tony, let
me get on with me life.
You're too good for me.
I'm just a working-class girl
from Kirby and I love it here.
I'm not what you want.
I can't talk posh and
I don't vote Tory.
So what the fuck have
we got in common?
You cheeky sod.
Antony, what are you
doing out here, with her?
'Ey, you!
Have him, girl.
Have him with
my compliments.
Yous deserve each other.
You look a mess.
You've got a cheek.
How did you get in here?
It's me job, isn't it?
Getting into places.
Not this one, it isn't.
Now get your arse out as
quick as you got it in.
Who do you think
you are?
Sneaking in here in
the middle of the night?
What it you'd 'ave
woke the baby up?
You'd have frightened
him half to death.
A stranger like you.
I'm his father.
This isn't the time to start
proving your manhood, mate.
Where are yer going?
I've gotta be
But it isn't five o'clock yet,
where've you gotta be at this hour?
Not her.
Not after last night.
But yer home's
here with us.
Why did you wake up?
Don't go.
I'll change.
I'll stop robbing
and I'll try and talk...
...proper and be
what you want.
Oh, please!
I swear on my kid's
life I'll never let you back.
I mean it.
Don't come sneaking back
like a thief in the night.
I won't be the other
woman for anyone.
Fifty-nine come to box
two. Fifty-nine to box two.
- What can I do for you Miss...
- O'Dowd.
What can you do for me?
I should imagine there's
quite a lot you can do for me.
For a kick off, my son hasn't
had a decent meal in two days.
He doesn't look particularly
undernourished to me.
We he wouldn't to you, I
suppose you're childless, are yer?
- Yes, but that's got nothing...
- I thought as much.
You see, I blame the father.
Can't help himself.
- I'm sorry, but I don't quite...
- He's got this problem.
Women. Can't leave
them alone.
Oh, yeah, he'd go
with any old slut.
Any scabby little whore.
As long as they've got a
skirt on and they're easy.
You should've seen the one
he was with last night.
One smelly trollope,
she looked to me.
Personally, Miss O'Dowd, this
has nothing to do with me.
And then there's this morning.
Ooh, it must've been turned two
o'clock, when who'd you think I should...
...find lurking in my bedroom?
Begging me to take him back.
Stayed all night.
I had to kick him
out in the end.
Now, about my claim.
III just go and check
for you.
You see I'm a little bit worried
about this infection that I've got.
You know,
a woman's infection.
The doctor's told me
it's highly contagious.
Oh, God, it must be all
over Kirby by now.
With him.
There, lad.
You all right, Porsche?
Um, hmm.
Bit of bad news, I'm afraid,
Miss O'Dowd.
Your claim has been lost.
Get me my Giro.
Well, that's not possible.
You've been told that your
claim has been lost.
I want my Giro.
I'm sorry, Miss O'Dowd.
I don't know how many times you
need to be told before it sinks in.
Your claim has been lost.
Bye, Frank, see
yer tomorrow.
Lost me claim,
'ave I, love?
Lost me claim.
But it was extenuating
circumstances, Your Honour.
She was provoked.
By her.
In October '85 you
assaulted not one, but...
...two store detectives in
the centre of Liverpool.
They tripped.
Miss O'Dowd.
They would have had to
have tripped off the top of...
...the Empire State Building to have
received those types of injuries.
They treat us like dirt.
Can you make provision
for your child?
What d'you mean?
I mean, Miss O'Dowd,
that in view of your...
...past record and
previous convictions...
...I have no option but to
sentence you to twelve months... her Majesty's Open
Prison, Drayton Hall.
Twelve months!
What for?
This court is now
Tony, Mary, the baby.
I'll look after him, he'll
be fine, don't worry.
- Oh, Ronnie!
- I'll be all right.
- Mummy!
- Tune into yourself, girl...
...d'you hear?
- Tune into yourself.
- Mummy!
Excuse me, love.
Can I have a word?
You weren't content
with robbing her man.
You had to rob her freedom
as well, didn't yer?
Is she that much
of a threat to yer?
- I've got work to do.
- Oh, have yer?
Well, I suggest it would be
in your best interests... put in for a transfer
as far away as possible.
- Like Outer Mongolia.
- Huh.
'Cos, see you, love... walk the streets of
Kirby at your own risk.
Word's out on you, babe.
You might've got rid of her.
But for every Ronnie O'Dowd
you lot put behind bars...
...there's ten of us
to take her place.
Now, be warned.
The next time I see you... won't be the sharp end
of me tongue you see.
It'll be the heel of my cowboy
boot over the back of your head.
Ronnie O'Dowd.
They've put me
in here with you.
I'm Brenda Doyle.
- What you in for?
- Fighting.
I'm in for armed robbery.
I done the video shop.
Well, when I say armed, it
wasn't with a gun or anything.
- A knife?
- A potato peeler.
I'm dead short-sighted, me.
I thought I'd picked
up the kitchen knife.
Had the same handle.
You robbed a video shop
with a potato peeler?
Wasn't gonna stab
them, or anything.
Well, what were you gonna
do? Peel 'em to death?
- Get any money?
- No.
Manageress said with
weather being so nice that... had been really bad.
I felt dead sorry
for her.
But you're the one
locked up, not her.
Oh, no, I'm not locked
up for that.
It were afterwards, see,
we had no wheels.
So I robbed the
getaway car.
Cortina mark five.
But I can only drive automatic,
and this were manual.
I were doing fifty miles an hour
in second gear.
This gets better and better,
what happened next?
Knocked over two nuns
at a set of traffic lights.
I felt terrible.
One's got a neck collar on, the
other one's lost an inch off her leg.
And, you see, what makes it
worse is that I'm religious.
Well, I don't actually believe in
God but I do say me prayers.
Anyway, it's all right now.
I wrote to the nunnery
asking for forgiveness.
I got a lovely letter back from
the Mother Superial.
She said I should
give up crime...
...and do something
constrictive with me life.
So when I get out I'm
gonna go on the game.
Oh, that'll be
the dinner bell.
I'm starving,
are you hungry?
Not for the pig swill
they serve in here.
Oh, I love prison food, I do.
Instant mash potato, gravy
granules and frozen peas!
Quick, before there's
a queue.
Thanks, Mrs Dunclark.
Cigarette, Doyle.
I haven't got any, Alice.
- I said cigarette.
- I haven't got any.
You were supposed to do my
work this afternoon, Doyle.
I forgot, Alice,
I'm sorry.
I said UP.
I've warned you about this.
How's your arm
coming on?
Oh, I'm sorry, Alice, please.
I really meant to do it, honest
I did, it just slipped me mind.
I thought about her as
soon as I woke up I...
Then take this as
a last warning.
My work had better be
done by the morning shift...
...or else you're gonna be very
friendly with the doctor.
Hey, fat hole.
What did you dare to say?
You heard me.
Fat hole.
- Ooh!
- What're you gonna do for a face...
...when Jabba the Hut
wants its arse back?
You're gonna be very
sorry you said that.
Pick on someone
your own size.
Like a humpback whale.
Think yer up
to it, do yer?
Leave her alone.
And what if I decide not to?
Then I'll decide
to stop yer.
In the gym.
Fifteen minutes.
I just hope you like sitting down,
cause I'm gonna put you... a fucking wheelchair.
Two, four-oh, forty.
Seven and two,
Eight and one,
Ah, I hope she's all right, Mary.
What? She'll be
living the life o' Riley.
I can just see her
now, lying there.
Tucked up in bed with a cup
of cocoa and a Woman's Own.
- Ugh.
- Agh.
Come on,
come on!
- Come on.
- Oh.
Get up.
- Grr-arhh.
- Huh!
- Oh, oh.
- Oh.
Uh, uh.
Uh! Ooh.
- Ooh.
- Urgh.
- Double top.
- That's not double top.
- That's double top.
- That is not double top.
That's double top!
I'll give you double top.
"Irene, goodnight."
"Irene, goodnight."
"Goodnight, Irene."
"Goodnight, Irene."
- "I'll get you in my dreams."
- What are you looking at?"
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to stare.
And stop apologising.
No wonder she picks on yer.
Ooh, you're a bag of
nerves, you, aren't yer?
I get it from me mam.
- Where is your mam?
- Rochdale.
That's me home town.
It's great in Rochdale.
I left home when
I were thirteen.
- And you never went back?
- No.
I went back about
eighteen months...
...later, on me
fifteenth birthday.
"You've put on
weight" she said.
"I hope you're not pregnant."
And you can't
stay here...
...there's nowhere
for you to stop now.
She give me a
tenner though.
That's why I left home
in the first place.
- Because of your mother?
- No.
No, it weren't her.
It were him, me
mam's fella. Reg.
He used to knock her about.
He'd lay into her for nowt.
And it were moan,
moan, moan, non stop.
That's all I remember
about growing up.
So I buggered off.
Did he hit you?
I hate men, I do.
How d'you fancy
breaking out of here...
...and doing a night
on the town?
- Ooh, I don't know.
- Oh, come on.
Just think, all
that lovely ale...
...floating down the
back of yer gullet.
You might even cop off with
a few bits of gorgeous men.
MEN? No, thanks.
I wouldn't touch a man if he
were the last woman on Earth.
D'you mind if I
turn out the light?
- What yer thinking?
- Oh...'s always the kids
that suffer.
What did he do to
deserve a mam like me?
I bet yer a great mam.
Ooh, a quick tempered
fool, that's what I am.
He'll be all right
with Mary.
- Goodnight.
- Night.
Thanks for sticking up
for me with Big Alice.
Why didn't yer bring
the baby with yer?
He had a court order,
I tried to stop them.
Who's got him now?
He's at Wellfield House.
You said you'd
look after him, Mary.
D'you think I just stood there...
...and said "Here y'are
then, take him"?
I'm not asked.
I just wanted to protect
me kid from the state.
Who took him?
Social services.
Once a child ends up... one of them places,
you never get them back.
Not properly.
Well, I'm not having it.
There's nothing
you can do.
Go round to my house,
and in the top draw...
...of me bedside table...
...there's a brown envelope.
Take it. Then go to Tony
Bone and give it to him.
But he's with her.
He's hurt you
Tell him to meet me
tomorrow night.
He'll know where.
And to bring plenty
of money.
Huh, not him, Ronnie.
You're just making a
rod for your own back.
All that's over.
I'm sick of throwing
good love after bad.
And he owns me my son.
So tell him.
That if he
doesn't show...
I'll blow him up
for every job...
...he's done in the
last five years.
And I'll blow him up
so hard, he'll think...
...he's got a cruise missile shoved
up the end of his arse.
You'll only make things worse.
Look me in the eye, Mary.
And tell me,
hand on heart...
...what you'd do if
it was your kid...
...stuck in some home
for the neglected?
I'd be out, and
over that fence... fast as my heels
would carry me.
You'd get caught for sure
unless you're with...
...someone who knew
their way around.
I know Rochdale
like the back of me hand.
Please, Ronnie,
don't say yes now.
Just sleep on it.
Go to sleep, girl.
Go to sleep.
Are you sure you know
what you're doing?
Go to the locker room,
where they...
...keep our outside clothes.
And get me coat,
me shoes...
...the black leather
ones with the big heel.
We've only got fifteen minutes.
Hurry up, girl.
And don't forget
me shoes.
Is that you?
Who'd you pigging
think it were?
- Mr Ed?
- Oh.
Right. Up that ladder.
Where's me coat?
What the fuck are these?
Aren't they yours?
I told yer,
black high heels.
Leather ones.
I can't wear these Cornish
pasties, you dozy sweat.
- It's a big jump.
- It is in these clodhoppers.
Oh, I'm sorry Ronnie.
Put mine on.
We've only got three minutes.
So come on.
Come on.
Whoo! Ahh!
Oh, I'm breathless.
Keep going now!
Ah, Ah.
Brenda, come on.
- Hurry up.
- I can't.
I've got a stitch
in me side.
You'll have a stitch in yer arse
if you don't get a move on.
Oh, hold on, please,
Ronnie. Just a minute.
Brenda we're not on a picnic.
We've just done
one from a prison.
Bolt it!
No, I can't, me
shoe is stuck!
Take them off.
Come on Breanda,
come on.
- Hang on, can't you slow it?
- Wait.
Help me jump on.
Oh, me shoes.
Get me up.
Is she coming?
Oh, me heels!
- She's going nowhere...
- Go away, Miss Marshall.
Go on, shoo.
Go on, get away!
Sorry. Oh, Ronnie
I'm scared!
Oh, shut up, Brenda.
- Go on girl, peg it.
- Ha, ha!
See ya.
Shut up.
- Brenda...
- I know, Ronnie.
I'd actually love to come
with you but I just can't.
And it's no good you
begging me 'cause I've got...
...too much to do.
Mates to see.
Pubs to booze in.
Oh, Ronnie, please,
take me with yer.
I can't, I'd love to if I was
going home, but I'm not.
I'd do all the cleaning
and cooking.
Help with the little lad.
Please, Ronnie.
Tell yer what.
When I get back I'll
get in touch with yer.
And you can come and stay
for as long as you want.
Can I?
Can I really?
For as long as
you piggin' want.
I'll be off, then.
Where will you go?
Oh, don't worry
about me.
I've got mates
all over the place.
Macclesfield, Oldham,
'Ey, I'll go to Barnsley.
I've never been there.
It's supposed to be
right exciting, is Barnsley.
Ta-ra, then.
Love you.
Hey, Ronnie!
Psst. Mary. Over here.
Huh. What are you like?
Oh, I couldn't stand it
there a minute longer.
- Where's the baby?
- He's in the car with my fella.
Huh, what are you gonna do, then?
Find me dad.
But he's in New York.
Besides you and Tony,
he's all I've got.
I wanna be somewhere
I don't have... keep looking
over me shoulder.
I was born here.
Just behind Bob
Isherwood's stall.
Me mother
had me on a...
...bag of budgie millet.
I don't think she ever
got over the shame of it.
Oh, me poor Ma.
She was dead ladylike.
Couldn't take the hard life.
And with me dad being
the way he was...
...well, he didn't help,
- Why?
- Oh...
...fighting, drinking.
I think it was the
mad fantasies...
...that done her in the most.
Forever coming up
with a new brainwave... get more handbag.
And always waiting for
the ship to come in.
And it did.
Oh, he dreamed about
going to the States.
All his old mates
went away to sea.
And New York!
God, he thought it
was some Mecca.
He meant to come
back and look after us.
He just never did.
Huh. Ronnie, you belong here.
I don't want to
belong to somewhere.
I wanna belong
to someone.
But New York's a
violent place.
How did he look?
The same as ever.
Did he...?
Did he ask about me?
- Huh.
- Bastard.
He gave this
money for yer.
- Is my passport there?
- Yeah.
Mary, just look
at that photograph.
What have you
got on your hair?
Oh no, I look like a
cat on heat.
John O'Dowd.
Oh, you must know him.
Scots fella.
He's loaded.
Lives upstairs
on the top floor.
Oh, love, I've travelled all
the way from Liverpool.
Liverpool, England.
You'd better go back
and check.
I have checked and
I'm certain he's not...
...staying here. It would
show on the computer.
If you'll excuse me.
Come here, lad.
What are we gonna do?
I can't find Granddad.
Hey, honey.
Did you say you were
looking for John O'Dowd?
You don't know
him, do yer?
I sure do.
But they said
in the hotel...
Don't pay any
attention to them.
What would those
shitheads know?
Here, hold this.
Hey. Where are you
going with me son?
You wanna see your daddy?
- Yeah
- Then come on.
How d'you know
me dad, then?
I've known him for years.
He's a great guy.
Are you from New York?
Me, from this hell hole?
Honey, let me tell
you something.
I'm from the real United
States of America.
bluegrass country.
Where they make
the men big.
Know what I'm saying?
Been here over twenty years.
Came with the
show in sixty-five.
- A show?
- Yeah.
I've been in all the big
shows and revues.
Did two year in
Vegas, then...
...Broadway, Chicago.
I can still do the splits and
take my foot right up...
...right up over my
I bet you can.
Were you a good
dancer, then?
Oh, hoofer, you mean?
No, my speciality
was the er...
I'm, ah, your original
tits and ass girl.
Do you think it suits me?
- What?
- My nose?
I bought it six months ago.
You bought it?
I sure did.
I saw the picture
in a magazine.
Tore it out and took it
to a plastic surgeon.
"I want that nose"
I said.
Well sixteen hundred
bucks and two swollen...
...days later, I had it.
Ooh, he's cute.
I've had liposuction.
An ass lift.
And I'm putting
away for a chin job.
Oh, honey, it is just
the greatest...
- ever.
- Oh, I couldn't let...
...anyone touch me like that.
I said that once.
Then one morning I
woke up and looked... the mirror.
And this wrinkled...
...little old lady looked
right on back at me.
I screamed,
she screamed...
...and we both decided
that one of us had to go.
Huh, she went, I stayed.
He's in there.
Hey, how long are
you staying here for?
Well, come by and see
me, I got a couple...
...days off.
And I live in the same...
as your daddy.
Oh, thanks for all yer help.
Don't mention it.
Come on, babe.
Anne Jane?
No, Dad.
It's me.
Ah, you should have told me
you were coming, you know...
I could've got the
place nice and clean.
It was all sort of spur of
the moment, Dad.
How've you been?
Me? Ah, great.
Never better,
I've, ah...
...I've done really well
for myself and that.
This place, just a hiccup,
queen, just a hiccup.
Be out of here soon enough.
Take a seat, sit down.
I'll get a drink.
You told me you
were a tycoon.
Oh, I was kid.
I had everything.
Money, cars...
Oh, yeah.
Everybody in the New York
boxing fraternity...
...knew John O'Dowd.
Well, what happened?
You know, I just, ah...
...a wrong investment here
and, ah...
...bit of bad luck there,
you know.
But I shall, er... on top again.
Just you wait and see.
Ah lass, don't worry
about this.
Just something to put some... in my old
bones, that's all.
Anyway. Listen...
...we've got all night
to talk about me.
I wanna hear about you.
My grandson.
And Liverpool.
He's dead tired, Dad.
He's done in.
I should put him to bed.
Come on, Tony.
It's okay, Tony.
Shall I tell yer a little story...
...about the
bunny rabbits?
The Lonsdale Belt.
Should've won it many times.
I had the muscle, you
see, and the speed.
Just wasn't given the
opportunities, that's all.
Why did yer leave?
Ah, had to leave.
I didn't mean to do it.
It was just part and parcel
of the game, you know...
...the knuckle.
It's a weapon, you see.
Wasn't a bad lad.
Christie Morgan.
Not a bad fighter.
One punch, wasn't even a
hard one, either.
He just didn't get up.
Just lay there like
a side of beef.
It was manslaughter,
they called it.
Mates got me on this ship.
Liverpool, Cardiff,
New York, the Caribbean.
And I saw the
lights of Manhattan.
And the people.
Knew then I'd
never go back.
'Cause I couldn't
go back.
I was trapped in a movie.
Movie called America.
We didn't half miss you, Dad.
Oh, fuck it, anyway.
Oh, don't worry, Dad.
I'm here now.
Me and Tony.
We'll take care o' you.
Ah, honey.
You should never
have come.
Oh, I can handle it.
Listen, honey.
Let me tell you a few
things about John O'Dowd
Okay, so he's a drunk.
But he's a good guy.
You know when he
first came over here to...
...the States,
I sort of...
...well, you know.
You should get the
hell out of this dump...
...and come out on
the town with me.
I can't. What
about me dad?
Honey, you aren't
gonna see him...
...until he's drunk
himself sober.
Oh, hell.
He'll be okay.
We'll catch him later.
Oh, why not.
Hmm, pearls is so
sophisticated on a woman.
- They're unlucky.
- Oh, not these ones.
My, aren't they exquisite?
You know, pearls
really complement...
...the skin of an older...
A more mature woman.
You're not that old.
Did you ever see
that film, Shangri La?
Where the beautiful
young woman goes out...
...faces the real world and
turns into an old crone?
Yeah, why?
They could've based
that film on me.
You know, I've got
his nightmare...
I'm walking
down Fifth Avenue...
...looking good, feeling great.
And then suddenly, twang.
My ass lift falls,
and I look like shit.
You could never look
like that.
Because you're not ugly
inside or out.
Anyway, there's no
sense dreaming...
...they cost
four hundred bucks.
Huh, I could never
afford them.
Now, look at this.
This is tres you.
No, I like my drawers
with a little bit of...
...gusset in them.
Anyway, what
would I look like... that with my
big shoulders?
A man in drag.
Peach goes with your eyes.
But my eyes aren't
peach. They're green.
Well, look at the
shape and from of it...
...oh, you've got
to have it.
Let me buy it for you.
Don't you like it?
No, it's gorgeous,
it's lovely...
...Lovelle, it's really
feminine and fluffy.
But I just don't like to
spend money on meself.
I prefer to spend
it on little Tony.
Can I help you?
Yes, I'd like to know...
Oh, what's she like?
Come on.
I know he's been waiting
for me, haven't yer?
- My Tony.
- Ah.
Do you know,
I thought I...
- It's raining.
- ...would've seen him by now.
Are we in America?
We're in America now.
And I haven't really
seen him yet.
Well, you know he'll be
in a bar somewhere...
...getting stoned
out of his head.
- Oh.
- Unless he's run out of...
...his money, I
mean your money.
Oh, well, he'll
stop now that I'm here...
- look after him.
- Oh, I doubt it, hon.
Your old man is sick.
III with the booze.
Why only last week
I found him bad...
...and I mean really bad.
Spitting up blood...
- ...and all.
- Oh.
He still thinks he can
take on the world.
Just hadn't got the
strength for it any more.
Well, I have. Let's go
and find him, Lovelle.
Come on, Ronnie!
Oops. Oh.
- Oh.
- Oh, fuck.
Come on, Dad.
Legs up.
He's so weak.
I'll tell you what.
Tomorrow you spend
the day with your pop.
And then in the night time
we'll hit the town together.
Oh, I don't know.
Ah, come on.
Spread out a little.
Wait, Lovelle.
Close your eyes.
- Ah, what for?
- Close your eyes and see.
Ah! Oh!
It's them!
Oh, you didn't buy
them for me did ya?
Not exactly.
Ah, that is the sweetest,
loveliest thing...
...anybody's ever done.
But you aren't the
only smartass in town.
Told ya peach
was your colour.
- Oh, Lovelle, it's lovely.
- Ha, ha.
See ya tomorrow
I don't believe you.
Now look at you.
Look at the place.
Jesus Christ, what a
bastard you are.
What sort of woman
are you?
Oh, get out of my face...
I'm outta your life and
you know what?
Here y'are, Dad.
I've got yer a nice
big breakfast.
Ah. I don't think I
can manage that.
Oh, try some.
Just a little bit.
Oh, come on, Dad, an
empty sack won't stand.
I'm in New York
to be with you.
Yeah, I'm, I'm sorry, kid.
Tell yer what
we're gonna do.
I'm gonna take you
down to the bar.
My local. Gotta
meet my mates.
I've got, ah, hundreds of
'em all over the place.
That sounds like a great
idea, when? This afternoon?
No - no, no.
Now, this minute.
Celebrate you and my
grandson arriving in New York.
Dad, I don't want
you to go boozing.
Leave it out, knock
it on the head.
It just helps me clear
my mind, that's all.
Have you got any
money? Urm...
I don't know, just
a bit, ten dollars?
You're sick,
look at yer.
I don't want a
fucking lecture.
Are yer gonna give me
the money or not?
Of course.
You can have
anything you want.
You can have this.
When you've ate your
breakfast, not before.
Oh, no, you don't.
If you think I've
travelled halfway...
...across the world to sit
and let me and my child... you kill
yerself on booze...
...well, you're mistaken.
Now get that food ate.
Come on, Tony.
Can I have the
money now?
Can't we spend
the day together?
Are you gonna give
me that fuckin' money?
I just gotta go out.
I won't be long.
Look, I...
It's not really me when I...
I know.
I don't mean to hurt
you, kid.
Will you come
back, Dad?
Yeah, 'course I will.
Had this stored
in my place.
Thanks, I'll just
put it over here.
You look fantastic.
So you like
my new outfit, huh?
- Fine, ain't it?
- Oh, I love it on yer.
Why, where
are you going?
Where are WE going?
I can't go out, Lovelle.
Oh, this is the
Mrs Skudlapski, this is
the English lady I was...
...telling you about.
Hello, sweetie. Me and
your mom are going out...
...for a couple of hours.
Now you be real good...
...with Mrs Skudlapski.
I can't leave me baby
with a complete stranger.
Oh, it'll be all right.
I've known her for years.
She has a
heart of gold.
I can't go out, Lovelle.
Look, I spent twelve
dollars on a manicure.
And I practically took
out a second mortgage...
...on this do.
Do you like it?
Oh, I was gonna
have my usual colour...
...Golden Dreams,
and then I thought...
...the hell with it.
Let me go for...
...the Coral Caresse wig
instead, and...
...hope for the best.
But me dad isn't back yet.
And what if comes
in and finds me gone...
...and the baby left
with a stranger.
You know as
well as I do that...
...when John O'Dowd comes
falling through that door...
...he ain't gonna
know what day it is...
...let alone worry about
where you are.
You know how he is.
I'm really
worried about him.
He went out
this morning...
...and he looked the
colour of boiled shite.
You need a night out.
A girls' night out.
Look, I'll tell yer
what we'll do.
Tonight we'll go
out on the town...
...and have
ourselves a ball.
And then tomorrow
we'll take him to a doctor.
A good one.
There isn't anything you
can do about it tonight.
Oh, lighten up.
You're in New York.
And it's one hell of
a place to be on a...
...Friday night.
I'll go an' get me slap on.
Oh, no, he's
monster bad!
Oh, I think he's cute.
He's thick. He's as dim
as a two-watt bulb.
He didn't speak
two words... me the whole time
we were in there.
And YOUR fella!
Oh, isn't he a
living doll?
He's only twenty-five.
I know. I'm old enough
to be his... big sister.
Anyway. I don't wanna
drag him down the aisle.
I just wanna
have some fun.
Oh, I want a sweet
young thing to...
...throw me all
over the bed.
Tear my clothes off
and make love to me.
There's nothing
wrong with that, girl.
Just don't expect me
to do the same with...
...Duncan Donuts
Did you see the
size of him?
He's bound to be
in proportion.
Look, I'll tell yer what.
Why don't you do
yourself a big favour...
...and have the
both of them.
What'll you do?
Well, I've got me travel
vibrator with me.
I mean, what more
does a girl need?
I never go anywhere
without me bits...
...just in case.
So, where you guys
gonna take us then?
Well, where would
you like to go?
I'd like to go here.
What is it?
Pulling hair, and
scratching out eyes?
It might be.
But why don't we
go and find out.
Yeah, why don't we?
What d'you say?
Well, we live in a
democracy, sure, lets go.
Ooh, I haven't been to a
fight for such a long time.
Neither have I.
Ah, taxi!
Ladies and gentlemen.
We did expect
to have a real...
...fight here for you
here tonight.
With our own Brooklyn
Heights Helen.
Her opponent couldn't
make it from Jersey.
Huh, I can't say I
blame her.
We're offering
one of you...
...ladies the
opportunity... step down
here and go just...
...three minutes
with Helen.
You just have to stay
up for three minutes.
And you could win yourself
a thousand dollars.
So come on.
Any of you women
out there tonight?
How much is a thousand
dollars in English money?
Why, you thinking of
giving it a shot?
Yeah, I am.
Why honey, you
can't be serious.
You're not a fighter.
I can stay in the ring longer
than three minutes.
I bet yer she can't.
Oh, honey, you've had
too much champagne.
No, I haven't.
- Here yer are, mate.
- Hey?
I'll take her on.
Shit, she means it!
Huh, but what about
your pretty little face?
You'll never get a
nose like that again...
...I should know.
...couple of rounds with that?
Ha, ha!
And what's your name?
Mind your own business.
Well, well,
what have we here?
Gonna tell us
where you're from?
Liverpool, England.
Do ya have a job?
Yeah, I'm a fucking
...and what is this? The
Johnny Carson show?
Okay, lady, have
it your own way.
Look, lady, it's not
too late to turn back.
Helen's fuckin' tough... sure you wanna
go through with this?
- Ugh.
- I've got fifty bucks...
...on ya, Helen.
Come on!
Oh, you dirty bitch.
Oh, ooh!
Come on, come on.
Murder her.
Yes, yes!
Come on!
- Ugh.
- Ooh!
You did what to him?
Well, it wasn't my fault,
I couldn't undo the ropes.
Anyway he asked for it,
How long's he been
in there like that?
All night long.
So I fixed
myself a drink...
...painted his toenails...
...and had a
bubble bath.
He won't ask for number
thirty-one again in a hurry.
Oh, Lovelle, is that you?
I'd just turned nineteen
when that was taken.
In my second big revue.
"Moon Glow."
Wasn't I beautiful?
You still are.
Made the second
page of "Variety" too.
Ah-huh, well,
not just me.
A few of the girls
from the line.
I'll show ya.
I keep everything from my... business
career in here.
Press clippings.
Now where is it?
Here it is.
This is me.
And this is Jean Page.
Missy Page, we called her.
Always interfering
and gossiping.
She ended up on a commune
where they practise free love.
And that's
little Yvonne Walker.
She was always
looking for a husband.
Got one in the end
too, real rich.
Made his fortune
in vitamins.
Not that it done
Yvonne any good.
She took to the refrigerator.
she's so huge...
...she wouldn't even
fit through that door.
Ah, I guess they all did
pretty well for themselves.
And what about you?
I made the classic mistake.
And what was that?
I believed them when they
told me they loved me.
Hold on, honey,
I'll just get that.
Yes, this is
Lovelle Summers.
Who? No, I don't...
Oh, last night?
Sure, yes, hi.
How ya doing?
It's him.
- Who?
- Last night, the man from...
...Knuckles, remember?
Sure I remember
your proposition.
But look, it's like this...
...we don't reckon that
a thousand's enough...
...not considering that you
charge twenty bucks a head...
...just to get into
your place.
No, that kind of money
really doesn't interest us.
Three grand.
No, that still doesn't have
the right ring about it.
Now, why don't
we say ten grand.
Hey, wait a minute, mister.
You think is some
dumb cheap fuck-up...
...from 42nd street
you're talking to?
I've been in this
business for years...
...and I know what you guys
are raking in down at...
...that place of yours.
Uh, well, we'll think about
it and get back to you.
Ah, yeah, as soon
as possible.
You're not gonna believe it.
He took it, he took it.
- Oh.
- Five grand just to step...
...into the ring.
Ten grand if you win.
It's how do you say?
Plenty handbag.
I just know me dad is
gonna be dead against it.
I'll have to go, Lovelle, and
sort it out with him. Huh!
I've left the baby
with Mrs Skudalapski.
She's probably off
her cake by now.
Hiya, love.
How ya keeping?
Howdy, doing
great, thanks. Yourself?
Not fighting.
Not you.
I've been fighting
all me life.
Look, your mother
was a lady.
And I promised her...
...there'd be no more
fighting ever again.
Was that before or
after you left us to...
...fend for ourselves?
I did that to
save you from it.
Don't give me
that crock o' shit.
I've been reading
it in your letters...
...since I was
a little girl.
And I believed it.
Just look at yer.
It's my funeral, huh?
That's where
you're wrong, pal.
You go to that fight
over my dead body.
America hasn't been
good to you, Dad.
And you know it.
It's too hard here.
Too cruel.
I can't wait to get
you back home.
Have you got any idea
what these things have...
...done to my life?
Could have been a
manslaughter charge.
I've heard enough.
I can take the booze,
the filth, the fantasies...
But I can't take any more
manslaughter-charge stories.
Christie Morgan's still alive.
- I killed him.
- You liar.
He's as fit as a
fiddle and propping up...
...the bars in Kirby.
You left us, Dad.
Me and me mother.
You left us because
you're self-centred, selfish...
...and hard-hearted.
You didn't care about us.
You wanted the
American dream.
But it isn't a dream,
is it?
It's a nightmare.
Look, Dad.
Look at me.
I know you
don't love me.
I know I'm like some
painful memory...
...come back to
haunt yer.
But you're an alcoholic.
And you'll die if you
don't stop and get better.
I can get you well in Kirby.
I'll have plenty of
money to look after yer.
Okay so I've run away.
I know I should
have brazened it out.
But I'm gonna go
to that fight tonight...
...and I'm gonna win us some
money to take us home.
You go.
And you're never
gonna see me again.
I need you there tonight.
To give me strength.
Just don't come back here.
Just get on an
aeroplane, and go home.
I'm going nowhere
without you.
Ladies and gentlemen.
I give you
Liverpool's own...
...Blonde Fist!
Come on, Liverpool!
And her opponent tonight...
...and you've seen her
win every fight she's...
...fought here - Crazy Sue!
Now you all know the rules.
Betting is only allowed
up to the first five minutes...
...of this ten-minute fight.
Ten minutes, I thought
it was only three.
Lady, we're talking...
...ten thousand dollars.
Last night was a fluke.
Hm. She ain't gonna get
away with it so easy tonight.
We'll see about
that, buddy.
Don't worry
about her, honey.
She's nothing.
Oh, wish me luck, Lovelle.
Come on!
come on, Sue!
Sue! Sue! Sue! Sue!
Huh. Huh.
What yer playing at?
Call that fighting?
Feet work.
Use yer feet!
Take no fucking
- Ugh.
- Give it to her, now!
That's it. Go on, do it.
Go on, Liverpool!
Put her away,
Yeah! Go on,
go to it.
Go on, go Liverpool!
- Go!
- Ugh.
You'll have to leave
it twelve months...
...I've sort of got this date
that I just can't get out of.
Will you ever
come back, John?
What do you say, kid?
I doubt it.
But it's not too late.
Why don't you come with
us, I've got the money.
What would I do
in Liverpool?
I mean, at my age?
Oh, they'd love
you in Kirby...
...they really would.
I'll never forget yer.
You're dead special.
Take care, honey.
Take care of
your pop.
Bye, babe.
- Bye.
- Ta-ra, Lovelle.
- Bye, Tony.
- Bye.
- Oh.
- Don't go.
We've made it, Dad.
We're home.
I bet you never thought
you'd come back...
...the way you went.
In style!
I got something
for yer.
Ah, made it myself.
Not the engraving, though.
Had it done in New York,
before we left.
Oh, Dad!
- Yes!
- My girl!