Blonde Venus (1932)

Hey, you guys, wait a minute.
How far is it to the next town?
- Only 10 miles.
- Then it's no use, boys. I'm through.
Just cover me with leaves and tell
my mother I died with her name on my lips.
Time out while we watch Joe die.
Is anyone around here human enough
to give me a cigarette?
Here you are.
And you're the guy who said
this was going to be a pleasure trip.
- It's part of your education.
- Yeah?
You can't leave Germany
without taking a walking trip.
Why can't I?
Oh, look! What's that?
As I live and breathe,
a taxicab in the middle of the Black Forest.
Hey, brother, can you give us
a lift into town?
We've been hiking all day
and we're tired. Tired.
What did he say?
He says he's engaged
for the whole afternoon.
That settles it.
He just wants to bargain. Come on.
We'll pay you well. We're Americans.
- What did he say?
- He says he's a man of honour.
- Theatre? Actresses?
- Actresses? Are they young?
Ask him quickly, for heaven's sakes,
how many of them are there?
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
Did you say you were sailing
in three weeks?
I've cancelled my reservations.
- Three, four, five, six...
- Get out!
- Sit down!
- I wasn't...
They seem disturbed about something.
- Do you suppose we're not welcome?
- Are there six or are there seven?
I'm sorry, Miss,
but I don't understand a word.
- Will you please go away?
- You speak English.
Really quite a surprise.
Have you just come from America?
- Rather a long swim, isn't it?
- Will you go away?
What a charming country this is.
I've half a mind to settle here for good.
Would you mind telling me how long
this is going to keep up?
You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
Now that you call my attention to it,
I guess I am.
Please. We have to be back in the theatre
by 6:00.
Otherwise, we'll all lose our positions.
We wouldn't dream of
being the cause of that.
But if we go...
will you and your friends meet us
for something to eat after the show tonight?
We'll do nothing of the kind.
All right then, my little water nymph,
we'll stay.
I think you are the most
impossible person I've ever met!
Look, Mummy, I'm a crocodile.
Got it.
Missed it.
Got it.
Missed it.
- Look, Mummy, I'm a fish.
- Excuse me, I thought you were a boat.
No, I've changed now. I'm a fish.
Sit up, Johnny. You know I have no time
to play. Father will be back soon.
- Sit down.
- Thank you, Doctor.
Well, young man,
what seems to be your trouble?
Dr. Pierce, I have a rather peculiar request
to make.
I want to sell you my body.
Why do you particularly
want to sell it to me?
Well, sir, in view of your reputation
on this side of the water...
I had an idea that my body
in its present condition...
might be very interesting to you.
Before as well as after death.
- What's the matter with you?
- I've been poisoned by radium emanations.
- What is your occupation?
- I'm a commercial chemist.
I've been working on a process
whereby the various radium products...
can be utilised without danger.
How long have you been working
on this thing?
- Ten or twelve years.
- That's a very valuable idea.
Who made your diagnosis?
I know enough about the symptoms
to do it myself.
- Have you had any blood tests lately?
- Three weeks ago and again last night.
I think I'm good for another eight months,
a year at the most.
I wish I could help you,
but I'm afraid I can't.
Do you know anybody else
who might be interested in my condition?
Look here, Doctor, I need money very badly.
Why, are you married?
I wouldn't have come here if I weren't.
- Any children?
- Yes, a little boy.
- Does your wife know about your condition?
- She does.
I told her last night.
Come to think of it, I've just heard
from a friend of mine in Germany.
There's a specialist there named...
What was that name?
- Been pretty successful in cases like yours.
- Holzapfel? At Dresden?
- Yes. Do you know him?
- Do I know him?
He was one of my professors
when I was studying over there.
He was, was he?
Doctor, how much do you think
it would cost?
Well, the cure is said to take
three or four months.
I should say about $1,500.
- That's a lot of money, isn't it?
- It certainly is.
- Aren't you working?
- Only at odd jobs, one or two days a week.
Let's see. I could let you have, say, $50.
No, Doctor, thank you.
Thank you so much for your patience.
Glad you came to see me.
Bedtime, Johnny.
Daddy, can't I just stay up
10 minutes longer?
- Five?
- No.
- Two?
- No.
Wait a minute, Mummy.
Right in the bull's eye, Johnny.
- Which one are you going to tell me?
- Which one do you want to hear?
- The one about Germany.
- But you've heard that one so often.
- I want to hear it again.
- Ned.
- All set, Daddy?
- You bet.
Go on, Mummy.
It was springtime in Germany...
It was springtime in Germany,
and it was warm.
I had spring fever
and the air was full of blossoms.
Now it's your turn.
Let's see. I was out with
some other students on a walking trip...
and pretty soon we came to a dragon
sitting in an automobile...
who told us there was a magic pool
in the forest.
- And what did you do?
- We went to the pool, of course.
- And what do you suppose we saw?
- What?
Imagine! Half a dozen princesses
taking a bath.
- And what did you do when you saw him?
- I told him to go away.
- And did he?
- He did not.
And what happened then?
The most beautiful princess of all...
said that if I'd go away,
she'd grant me my wish.
- And what did you wish?
- I wished to see her again.
I couldn't think of anything better to wish.
So that night I went to a theatre,
and music began to play.
And out upon the stage
stepped this princess...
and she looked more beautiful than ever.
She was beautiful!
And then your heart began to go like this?
And Mummy began to sing?
And my heart stopped beating entirely.
What happened to you when you saw him?
I could hardly sing, and I could barely wait
until I saw him again.
But you did see him again, didn't you?
I met him later that night.
- What happened then?
- You can never guess.
- We went walking.
- Go on, walk.
Okay, skipper.
And then we came to a park.
Only there was a tremendously large
yellow moon up in the sky.
It was altogether too big and too bright.
But it was dark under the trees, very dark.
This is a tree, Johnny.
- And what happened under the tree?
- Then he kissed me.
- And what happened after that?
- He kissed me again.
And what happened then?
Then we were married.
And then?
And then we started to think about you...
Get out of here.
Would you need that $1,500 all at once?
No, but if I had $300,
I could at least get to Germany.
I haven't yet figured out
a way of paying the rent...
unless I part with the microscope.
So I'm afraid we'll have to postpone
our trip abroad this year.
I could earn that money
by going back to the stage.
I won't have you do that.
But the doctor says you must go away.
If I worked a few weeks,
I might make enough for your passage.
And then we'll find a way
to keep you over there...
until you get well.
It's out of the question.
I won't have you go back to the stage.
- Ned?
- What is it?
I was going back to my old work anyway.
- Will it make you happy?
- It isn't that. We need money.
It's only a question of weeks.
My formula is almost completed...
- and then we'll have all the money we need.
- I know, dear.
But in the meantime, I'm going to do
something to give you a chance to get well.
Have you come to be placed?
- What's your name?
- Faraday.
- What's that?
- Helen Faraday.
- Got an appointment?
- No, I haven't.
You'll have to wait,
all these people are ahead of you.
Thank you, honey. I'll see you later.
Going to lunch, Sally,
be back in 10 minutes.
Morning, Mr. Smith.
You remember me?
What about the job
you said you had for me?
Just a minute, folks.
Just a minute...
You remember my dramatic sketch,
Mr. Smith?
Just a minute, Jim.
You're waiting to see me, aren't you?
Run along, Eddy, I'll see you later.
Come on in, baby.
I beg your pardon,
we've been here a long time!
You'll be here a long time after
she's gone.
Sit down, take a load off your feet.
- When was the last time you worked?
- Five or six years ago.
- Where?
- Germany.
- Can you put over a song?
- I used to be able to.
- How much will you take?
- Anything I can get. It doesn't matter.
Don't tell me you're working
just for the love of your art.
- Who's your boyfriend?
- I haven't any.
- Will you work for $25 a week?
- Yes.
Well, you're in luck, baby.
You came to the right man.
I guess, maybe I can get you $30 or $40.
I might be able to raise it to $50.
That includes commission, of course.
I generally get 20%,
but seeing it's you, I'll make it 15.
- Is that okay?
- Yes.
You know that ain't a high commission...
considering the personal service
I give my clientele.
Why, the minute you put yourself
in my hands, baby...
your interests are closer to me
than my own. Get me?
Get up and walk around a bit.
Let's see what you got.
- What I've got?
- Let's see your legs.
- Is that enough?
- For the time being.
- What did you say your name was?
- Helen Faraday.
No, we got to get something different.
Something unusual. Something that's
easy to say and hard to forget.
Jones. I got it. Helen Jones.
But my name isn't Jones.
What of it? My name ain't Smith either,
but I get by just the same, don't I?
Tell her I'm out to lunch. Hey, wait a minute.
Call up O'Connor's and tell him
I'm bringing him a pip.
You've certainly got me all hopped up, baby.
Yup, you certainly got me hopped up.
So, this is the pip you phoned about.
Where did you pick her up?
I ran across her a long time ago.
I've been saving her for a spot like this.
- Can she croon? What I need's a crooner.
- She can croon in a pinch. Who can't?
I got one good-looker
eating her head off on me already.
- I don't know if I can use another.
- All right, then. All right.
I got three or four spots I can
place this dame without half trying.
Come on, baby.
Wait a minute. What's your hurry?
I didn't say I wouldn't give her a tryout,
did I?
All right.
And if she makes good, it's $40 a week
and her grub the first week.
$50 the next, and $75 if she stays on.
And you take out my 15%
every Saturday night.
- I was figuring on starting her at $30.
- $30?
I don't handle no $30 junks. Scram.
All right. All right. Keep your shirt on.
- What did you say your name was?
- Jones.
Well, we'll change that. Come on,
I'll show you your dressing room.
What time is it?
A little after 6:00. What's all the rush?
You said you weren't on till 10:00.
Yes I know, but I have to rehearse again.
Johnny, darling, I forgot my hairbrush.
It's on my dresser.
Good heavens, where is my music?
- This it?
- Here you are, Mummy.
Thank you, Johnny. Yes, thank you.
Johnny is to have his soup, carrots, toast,
a glass of milk, and a pudding.
And don't let him stay up late.
Here you are, Mummy.
- What's that for?
- Good luck.
Thank you, Johnny. I need it.
- Goodbye, Ned.
- Goodbye, Helen.
I hate to see you do this.
Don't, Ned. Don't make it too difficult.
Good night, Ned. Good night, Johnny.
Good night, Helen.
What time will you be back?
It might be late, better not sit up for me.
Good night.
- Bye, Mummy.
- Goodbye, Johnny.
Come on, Johnny,
we better have our dinner now.
Gee whiz, are we going to have dinner
on our own every night?
I don't know, Johnny.
So you're the Blonde Venus?
Don't tell me you thought of that label
all by yourself.
No, Mr. O'Connor told me
it would help me in my work.
He would. He didn't have to think up
any name for me...
when I helped put this dump on the map.
My name's "Taxi Belle" Hooper.
Taxi for short.
Do you charge for the first mile?
Say, you trying to ride me?
Don't get the wrong idea.
They call me Taxi...
because I won't ride in nothing else.
Safety first, that's my motto.
Good drinking partners
always make bad drivers.
"Do I charge for the first mile?"
- Hello, Taxi.
- Hello.
How are you getting along, Miss Jones?
Almost ready?
Almost, thank you.
That "Blonde Venus" gag of mine
did the trick.
The house is packed.
I'll have my hands full tonight.
- Why were you late again? Run out of gas?
- Don't crab, I couldn't help it.
- Nick just came in.
- Why tell me?
You're not pulling any wool over my eyes.
I'm sick and tired of this joint.
O'Connor would jump all over me
if it wasn't for Nick.
Look what he gave me the other night.
- Who, O'Connor?
- No, that tightwad wouldn't give you...
the sleeves out of his vest.
This bracelet is a present from
Nick Townsend. You've heard of him.
The politician, loads of jack.
Runs this end of town.
I can hock it any day I like for $1500.
- $1500?
- Yeah, maybe I can get more.
I did him a little favour once
and this is how he came through.
I wish he'd ask me for some other favours,
if you know what I mean.
I told you once before
my name wasn't Georgy.
- And it ain't Oscar either.
- All right, Rudolph, have it your own way.
Are you going to get up,
or are you going to take it sitting down?
Why don't you go back to your table
and behave yourself?
- Come on, guy.
- O'Connor, leave him alone. I'll manage him.
Now look, why don't you cool down
and run along? We don't want any trouble.
- Yellow, huh?
- Yes, maybe I am.
As a matter of fact, I'm scared stiff.
And being reasonably certain that
someone's going to get a punch in the jaw...
I'm going to make sure it isn't me.
Are you going back for more,
or will we go home, you big stiff?
Come on, Mary.
Who hit me?
Sorry this happened, Mr. Townsend.
That's all right, O'Connor.
I rather enjoyed it.
All right, Jimmie, let's go. Trot 'em out.
Say, I wish you'd quit picking
on these fellows.
I've filled every hospital
in town for you now.
All right, boss, I'll do my best,
but I can't help it if these birds get my goat.
- Say, look out where you're going.
- What a fine evening this turned out to be.
All right now, Monsieur.
Table number 14 for this party.
Say, Charlie, is that gorilla real?
Say, lady, if that animal was real...
I wouldn't be here.
Here you are, Miss Hooper.
It's all ready for you.
How's the show going, Charlie?
I think it's going to be pretty good.
- Hello, Nick, darling.
- Sit down, Taxi.
- Do you mind?
- No, go right ahead.
Did you ever happen to hear
a voodoo?
Hear it and you won't give a darn
what you do
Tom-toms put me under a sort of hoodoo
And the whole night long
I don't know the right from wrong
Hot voodoo, black as mud
Hot voodoo, in my blood
That African tempo
Has made me a slave
Hot voodoo, dance of sin
Hot voodoo, worse than gin
I'd follow a caveman
Right into his cave
That beat gives me a wicked sensation
My conscience wants to take a vacation
Got voodoo, head to toes
Hot voodoo, burn my clothes
I want to start dancing
Just wearing a smile
Hot voodoo, I'm aflame
I'm really not to blame
That African tempo is meaner than mean
Hot voodoo makes me brave
I want to misbehave
I'm beginning to feel like an African queen
Those drums bring out
The devil inside me
I need some great big angel to guide me
Hot voodoo gets me wild
Oh, fireman, save this child
I'm going to blazes
I want to be bad
- Not bad, eh, Henry?
- I should say not.
- Where'd you dig her up, O'Connor?
- How do you like her, boys?
- Pretty good.
- Say, O'Connor, I'd like to meet her.
- You would?
- You can fix it up, can't you?
I don't know whether I can or not.
Why don't you go backstage
and find out for yourself?
If you don't think he will, you're crazy.
- Mind if I go along, too, Charlie?
- I knew you'd horn in.
- You don't mind if I come along?
- What if I did?
Be back in a minute, Taxi.
All right, boys. Come in.
This is my good friend, Mr. Nick Townsend.
Miss Jones.
- How do you do, Miss Jones?
- Mr. Townsend.
- Mr. Henry Johnson.
- Miss Jones.
- How do you do, Miss Jones?
- Mr. Johnson.
- Say, Charlie, what's your last name?
- Blaine.
- Pleased to meet you, Miss Jones.
- Thank you, Mr. Blaine.
- Sit down, gentlemen.
- How about ordering something to drink?
What'll you have, Miss Jones?
I don't drink.
- Smoke?
- No, thank you.
- You won't last very long in this place.
- Why won't she?
- She's got too much class for this joint.
- She has?
Beat it, Charlie.
I knew that was coming.
Good night, Miss Jones.
See you later, O'Connor.
- Blaine is the name.
- I got you.
Good night, Henry.
I see.
- Good night, Miss Jones.
- Good night.
- You can run along, too, if you like.
- I was just going out anyway.
You've got about 20 minutes
before your next number, baby.
You're quite at home here,
aren't you, Mr. Townsend?
I don't know. I'm not exactly a stranger here.
Flowers for you, Miss Jones.
Wait a minute. Here we are.
Thank you, sir.
Are these from you?
Were you expecting them from anyone else?
You embarrass me, Mr. Townsend.
You better go now. I have to dress.
What are we going to do about tonight?
Shall I wait for you after the show?
I don't know.
I think I'd rather go home alone.
- Honestly, you'd do me a great favour.
- A great favour?
Yes, a great favour.
Will I get a bracelet for it?
- Has Taxi been talking about me?
- She said some very nice things about you.
Well, now, don't get the wrong idea.
Taxi really did me a favour
and only a favour.
And there's nothing more between us
than just that...
although she'd like to give people
the impression that there is.
How am I to believe that, Mr. Townsend?
I'll give you a bracelet.
There's nothing between us, is there?
I don't accept bracelets from a stranger.
There's no reason
why we should remain strangers.
This kid certainly looks like you.
I was waiting up for you.
I guess I fell asleep. What time is it?
Late enough. You'd better go to bed
and get some sleep.
I need some too.
We have a big day ahead of us.
We must buy tickets and pack
and get you off quickly.
Tickets? Pack? Why, don't tell me...
You can't have got the money already.
The manager gave me an advance.
Don't ask me more now. I'm too tired.
Of course, I forgot. You must be tired.
Tell me, Ned, do you love me?
Helen, what's wrong?
Do I love you? You silly little thing.
What a question.
Promise me to get well
and come back to me.
Of course I'll come back.
I wish I didn't have to go away.
I wish I could spend every moment
of my life with you.
Do I love you? You poor little thing.
- Goodbye, Ned.
- Goodbye, darling.
It's only for six months.
- Come back strong and well.
- Of course I will.
- Say goodbye to Daddy, darling.
- Goodbye, Daddy.
- Take good care of Mummy, Johnny.
- I will, Daddy. Goodbye.
- Goodbye, Ned.
- Goodbye.
Goodbye, Daddy.
Goodbye, Ned.
Goodbye, Helen. Goodbye, Johnny.
You better learn to write, Johnny,
so you can send me some letters.
- Mummy?
- What is it, Johnny?
- Has Daddy gone away for good?
- No, dear, he'll be back soon.
I want him to come back soon.
- Hello, Helen.
- I wish you hadn't come here.
I'm sorry, Helen.
I figured you'd need cheering up.
This is Mr. Townsend, Johnny.
- How do you do, Johnny?
- Hello, Mr. Townsend.
- Can I take you home?
- You shouldn't have come here.
Give me that dog, will you, Tom?
- Isn't he a beauty, Johnny?
- For me?
When I was your age,
I'd have given my right leg for one of those.
- Can I keep him, Mummy?
- Yes, Johnny.
Come along, let me take you home.
You'd have to take a taxi, anyway.
I'm no magician.
I can't pick her out of the air.
- I've done my best to find her.
- Did you try her home?
Sure. I tried her home
and I found out plenty. She's married.
- Married?
- And what's more, she's got a kid.
- A kid?
- And her husband's gone to Europe...
for his health.
- For his health?
- He sailed three weeks ago.
She ain't been home all day
and neither has the kid...
and nobody knows when she'll be back.
Maybe something's happened to them.
And me picking a winner
for the first time this year.
Blooie goes my 15%.
Why, the next one I get I'll nail down,
if I have to marry her.
What's the idea of sending for me in a rush?
Hello, Taxi. How are you, darling?
- What's wrong?
- There's nothing wrong.
I got a swell new number
all lined up for you.
I want you to start rehearsing it
this afternoon.
Yeah. There's a catch in this somewhere.
O'Connor, I meant to call you up
yesterday, but I didn't get around to it.
Miss Jones isn't going to work
for you anymore.
What's the idea? She can't quit me like this.
- Who's that?
- Nick Townsend.
After me giving her all this publicity
and working up a swell following for her.
Do you happen to have a contract
with Miss Jones?
- Do you have that dame under contract?
- Have I got a million dollars?
I don't need no contract with my artists.
My word's as good as my bond...
and I stand to lose a lot of dough
if she don't show up.
You ought to see the drop in my business
the last two days she hasn't been here.
I'll talk to you about that later.
Meantime, you just forget about Miss Jones.
O'Connor's isn't a fit place
for you to be seen in night after night.
Besides, you got Johnny to look after now.
Who's going to take care of him
if you keep on working?
You can't make enough money there anyway
to send to your husband...
unless you meet another sucker like me.
And there's another thing I want you to do.
A friend of mine has left town
and his apartment is empty.
I suggest that you and Johnny
spend the summer there.
It'll do both of you a lot of good.
What do you expect for all of this?
Nothing. I like you, that's all.
And I think you've got a swell kid.
And I'm trying to help you both
out of a tight spot.
There's no use trying to fool myself,
or you, Helen.
I'm crazy about you, and I want you
to like me, too, if you can.
You're making it difficult for me not to.
Come on, honey, give me a little kiss,
will you? Just a little one?
- How are you, Mrs. Weiss?
- I'm fine, Mrs. Collins. How are you?
- I'm all right. It's a fine day.
- Yeah, it's a fine day.
- Have you seen Mrs. Faraday?
- No, I didn't see Mrs. Faraday.
- Was she here again?
- Yes, she was here again.
- She's living now with her sister, you know?
- Her sister?
- I thought it was her aunt.
- Maybe you are right. Maybe it was her aunt.
- Or maybe it was her uncle.
- Yeah, maybe it was her grandmother.
- Anything the matter?
- He's coming back.
- When?
- In about a month.
- Completely cured?
- Yes, he's well now.
- What are you going to do?
- Go back to him.
- Do you want to?
- He's my husband.
- I see. You going to tell him about me?
- No.
- Do you still love him?
- He needs me.
- So do I, Helen.
- Not the way he does.
You're strong, Nick. He's not.
Did Peter Pan have wings?
- Did he have an aeroplane?
- No.
Well, then how'd he fly?
We're going for a walk, Mrs. Faraday.
- Goodbye, Mummy.
- Goodbye, sweetheart. Have a nice walk.
- Hello, Johnny.
- Hello, Mr. Townsend.
- Don't stay out too late, Mary.
- No, ma'am, I won't.
When do I say goodbye to you and the kid?
I kind of wish now I'd never met you.
No, I take that back.
A little of you is worth
a lifetime with any other woman.
Let's end this thing right, Helen.
Can we end it right?
Let's go away for a couple of weeks
together, just you and I.
I don't understand. Haven't you seen her?
Doesn't she come here at all?
Sure I have.
She generally comes around here...
two or three times a week for her letters.
But this time, I haven't seen her for 10 days.
Two weeks, Mr. Faraday.
- Ten days.
- Two weeks.
If you don't shut up,
I'll give you a bust in the mouth.
Two weeks, Mr. Faraday.
Go on, sweep the cellar.
- We have to go back today, don't we?
- Yes.
There's a boat leaving for Europe
tomorrow morning.
I can't stay in the same city with you
without seeing you.
- How long will you be gone?
- I don't know.
A year, a couple of years.
Till I forget you.
I wish I were someone else.
Then I could stay here with you forever.
So do I, Helen, not only for my sake,
but for your own.
- There's trouble ahead of you.
- I know it.
She worked here for three weeks
and then she quit.
I ain't seen or heard of her since.
In this business, they come and they go.
But she wrote me
you put her under contract.
Raised her salary to $150 a week.
- She did?
- Now I know where I've seen you.
You're the guy whose picture Venus had
on her dressing table.
- Do you know where she is?
- No, I don't know.
- But you ask a guy named Nick Townsend...
- Shut up, if you know what's good for you.
Don't mind her. She's cracked.
Wish I could help you locate
your dame, brother.
But I don't know a thing.
In this business, they come and they go.
- Helen.
- Ned.
Where's Johnny? Where've you been?
What's happened?
It's been awful coming here, finding you
gone, not knowing where to look for you.
Your letter said you were staying
another month.
But I cabled you a week ago.
Where have you been?
Where's Johnny? I'm crazy to see him.
I'll bring him as fast as I can.
We didn't know you were here.
Where is Johnny?
You haven't lived here for months.
What's happened?
If someone were to say I'd been
untrue to you, would you believe it?
What do you mean "untrue"?
I had planned to lie about it.
The money you needed,
I didn't get it the way I told you.
- A man gave it to me.
- Is his name Townsend?
It doesn't matter.
So when you told me the manager had given
you an advance and raised your salary...
It was a lie.
Why did you do it?
How else could I have obtained money
so quickly?
I ought to be grateful to you, I suppose.
How much do I owe you and him for my life?
How much, beside the $1,500
I've gotten from you? How much?
That's all.
I'll see that you get it back.
That's simple enough, isn't it?
Well, what next?
I'm here, if you'll have me.
Go on as before?
You saved my life, and I'm very happy.
Let us go and thank this gentleman
for his kindness to us.
Or would you rather I shoot him dead?
It doesn't matter. He's not to blame.
The minute I was out of sight...
you took up with the first man
who could give you the things I couldn't.
What puzzles me now
is why you should want to come back to me.
- I love you, Ned.
- Send Johnny back here and clear out.
Go on. What are you waiting for?
Are you going to take
Johnny away from me?
You've been a rotten mother to him.
You're through with him.
The law will give him to me if you don't.
If you and your friend
try to put up a fight for him...
I'll take the case to court.
And you'll find out soon enough
who's entitled to the custody of the child.
I've been a good mother to Johnny.
Let's not dispute that point, Helen.
Johnny's all I've got left.
Bring him here, or tell me where he is
and I'll get him myself.
No, I'll bring him here.
- Baltimore car, please?
- Baltimore car, next car, 118.
What can I do for you?
I want the police to help find my wife
and child. They've been missing two days.
See Capt. Riley, room 68, down the hall,
third door on your right.
Isn't this your picture, Mummy?
- Why did you do that?
- It was such a bad picture.
I thought it was pretty good.
Where's my hat, Johnny?
Now, don't forget to lock the door.
I'll only be a few minutes,
and then we'll go home and get some sleep.
I'll lock the door, Mummy.
Finish your orange juice.
How about a kiss?
It isn't often that I want a man
But when I do
It's just too bad
I know you're acting hard to get
And yet I've got a feeling you can be had
You so-and-so
You little so-and-so
Look what you've done to me
You're almost twice as bad as whosis again
I ought to take you out
And how have you been?
You this-and-that
You've got me you know what
Is that the way to be?
The Greeks have words
for almost everything I know
But you little so-and-so
You so-and-so
You little so-and-so
How did you get this way?
Although you know
that I have lost my control
You sit and talk about my beautiful soul
You this-and-that
You've got me you know what
Is that the way to be?
The Greeks have words
for almost everything I know
But you little so-and-so
Mr. Faraday?
This is Police Headquarters.
We've got a report on your wife.
She's singing at the Star Cafe in Baltimore.
She and the child
are staying at the Brittany Hotel.
Do you want us to have her arrested?
No, I'm going after her myself.
She checked out about 8:00 this morning,
didn't leave a forwarding address.
If you're talking about Mrs. Blake,
I heard her phoning about trains to Norfolk.
Can I have a timetable, please?
- Get this gentleman a local timetable.
- Yes, sir.
Key for 515, please.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome, sir.
Please send a maid to 151.
No, 151.
- 175.
- Johnny!
No, it's definitely 151.
- 198.
- Yes.
- Hope they never find us.
- You bad boy.
- F.
- F.
- A.
- A.
- T.
- T.
- H.
- H.
- E.
- E.
- R.
- R.
- Father.
- Father.
Now, fill the whole page with it.
- Did you call me, ma'am?
- Come in.
- What's your name?
- Viola.
- Viola?
- Yes, ma'am.
Johnny, this is Viola. Viola, this is Johnny.
- How do you do, Johnny?
- Hello, Viola.
Viola is going to stay with you
until I come back.
There you are. You better not try
to get a job in this town, young lady...
if you want to keep out of sight.
I've had that circular for two days.
And there was a man here an hour ago
that I think was your husband.
My husband!
Whoever he is, I've got the feeling
he doesn't like you very much.
And if I were you, I'd keep away
from cabarets altogether.
Please don't tell anyone I was here.
Don't worry. I've got a kid of my own.
Good luck.
85 cents.
- Is that a lot of money?
- No. I'm going to pay it right now.
I'm afraid I can't pay this.
- Why not?
- I haven't any money.
What'd you do, forget your purse?
My little boy was hungry.
We had to eat somewhere.
What do you think this is,
a free soup kitchen?
This is the third time today
I've been gypped out of a meal.
And, by golly,
I won't stand for any more of it.
I'm going to call up the police.
Don't call the police.
I'll wash dishes, clean up, anything.
You going to wash my dishes?
Go back and see the cook.
Come on, Johnny.
I'm going to show you a nice, big kitchen.
Won't that be fun?
- Can I take my sucker along?
- Of course you can.
Vagrancy, Your Honour.
Charged with vagrancy?
Guilty or not guilty?
Not guilty.
Not guilty? Is this your first offence?
Yes, sir.
$30 or 30 days.
I can't pay the fine.
Please don't send me to jail.
I have a boy, 5 years old.
Where is he?
At the Plantation Hotel.
Who's with him?
He's alone. I left him asleep.
A woman who leads the sort of life you do
has no right to the custody of a minor child.
I do the best I can.
I haven't been able to find work in days.
I suspend sentence on condition
that you leave the city within 24 hours.
Take her out.
Come on, beat it.
That dame looked like the Venus woman.
Take a look.
I don't see any resemblance.
She's got a kid, too. I've got a hunch.
I'm going to follow her.
Wake up, Johnny.
Where we going, Mummy?
Help me, Johnny.
- There's that man out there again.
- What man?
Just a white man that's been
snooping up and down the street...
for the last couple of days.
- Where is he?
- That's him.
I meant to tell you about him last night,
but I guess it slipped my mind.
Try and find out what he wants, Cora.
Yes, ma'am. I'll find out right away.
- Are they after us again?
- I don't know, Johnny.
Howdy, boss.
- Hello, auntie.
- Looking for somebody?
No, nobody in particular. Why?
I knows everybody in the street and thought
maybe I might be able to help you out.
No, I wasn't looking for anybody.
Just browsing around.
Thanks just the same.
Just browsing around.
Yes, boss, I can see that.
Just browsing around.
What did he say, Cora?
He says he ain't lookin' for nobody,
he's just browsin' around.
But he can't fool me, no sir.
That white man's up to something.
I know when a white man's browsing
and when he ain't.
I'm going out a bit. Don't let anybody
near Johnny. I've locked him in.
No, ma'am.
There ain't nobody going to get by me.
Terribly warm today, isn't it?
Warm? It's hot.
You look as cool as a cucumber.
What will you have, folks?
I'll have some beer, cold beer.
Make it two.
What are you doing down here, big boy?
Nothing much. Why?
You don't look like the kind of a man
who comes down this way.
I might ask you the same question.
You don't look anything like
these other women.
Give me time.
Couple of schooners.
There you are.
Why don't you tell me
what you're doing here?
I'm not doing much of anything.
On the level, I'm not.
Quit your kidding.
You've never had an idle day in your life.
I can tell.
You're a man who's been up and around.
A go-getter, that's what you are.
Say, you're a pretty smart girl, aren't you?
Am I?
What kind of business do you think I'm in?
Rich man, poor man, beggar man.
- Thief.
- You're getting hot.
Doctor, lawyer...
I give up.
But I know it's something very active
and exciting.
And a little dangerous, too.
I got to hand it to you, baby,
you almost hit the nail right on the head.
I thought so.
Who are you after, a bank robber?
Not this time.
Just a woman and a kid.
But she's given us one of the longest
and toughest chases we've ever had.
How do you know
she's in this neck of the woods?
I know, all right.
I got the whole border covered.
She hasn't got a chance in the world.
You say she got away from you before.
Yeah, I'll have to hand it to her.
I had her all sewed up in Baton Rouge,
or at least I thought so.
But she leaves a hot trail behind her.
The faster she has to travel,
the faster she has to work.
You ought to hear
some of the suckers squawk.
She takes them like Grant took Richmond.
I was only one day behind her in Savannah.
But she played a one-night stand on me
and beat it down here...
while I was following a chump steer...
all the way up to Memphis
and back for the last month.
Well, she had a bit of a rest, anyway.
You sympathise with her, don't you?
Well, I don't.
She ought to get wise to herself.
The way she's living now
isn't doing that kid any good.
Some people might call it mother-love,
but I don't.
What does a man know about mother-love?
Come on, let's go.
That's just what I was thinking.
I'm getting sick and tired
talking about that dame.
Got anything to drink at home?
You better take something along.
Hello, auntie. Just browsing around.
Yes, boss, I can see that.
- Make us a couple of highballs, auntie.
- Yes, sir.
Mind if I take off my coat?
No, make yourself at home.
What's the matter, baby?
Did I hurt your feelings?
I haven't got any anymore.
You mustn't talk like that.
You seem to be in an awful hurry.
Well, I ain't exactly got a lot of time
on my hands.
I have.
That's your bedroom?
Yes. Want to see it? I'll show it to you.
Come on. Nobody's going to bite you.
Say, who you got in there?
What are you trying to do, frame me?
- Hello, Mummy.
- Hello, Johnny. I'll be right with you.
All right, Mummy. I'll wait.
Say, is that your kid?
I'll give you three guesses,
Sherlock Holmes.
You're Helen Faraday!
What a brain!
What a chump I was.
You pegged me right off the bat, didn't you?
Yes, I pegged you right off the bat.
You've got your badge on your face,
not under your coat.
You and your whole crowd.
You could never have caught me,
not in a thousand years.
And now get out.
And don't forget to tell that husband
of mine that I'm giving the kid up.
Not because he hounded me into it,
but because I'm no good.
You understand? No good at all.
You get me?
No good for anything.
Except to give up the kid,
before it's too late.
- Daddy!
- Johnny!
My name's Wilson, Mr. Faraday.
I had charge of the case down here.
- Is there anything else I can do?
- No, thank you, Mr. Wilson.
When's the next train north?
There'll be a train to Washington
in a few minutes.
A ticket and a half. Section.
I'll be back in a minute.
Johnny, wait here. I want to talk to Mother.
In this envelope are $1,500.
I've been wanting to pay this for a long time.
It's what I owe you for my life.
It would have been better, Helen,
if you'd let me die.
You might as well know
what that money means to me.
It represents my life work.
Had I been able to exploit it properly
I could have made a fortune.
But I sold my rights and now we're quits.
Stay away from Johnny, for good.
Give him a chance to forget you.
That's the only way
you can be a good mother to him now.
Johnny, will you go over
and say goodbye to Mother?
Say goodbye to Mother?
Yes, Johnny.
Will you sign your name here,
Daddy says I should say goodbye to you.
Aren't you coming with us?
No, dear, I've got to pack. I'll come later.
But there's nothing to pack.
Why aren't you coming with us?
I'll come later.
Be a good boy and go with Daddy.
When will you come? Tomorrow?
Yes, tomorrow.
Gee whiz, I wish you were coming now.
How about a pillow, sister?
I don't need a pillow.
Go on, beat it.
Get out of my way.
Snap out of it, kid.
Tomorrow is another day.
Maybe for you, but not for me.
Why, what's the matter with tomorrow?
I'm going to kill myself tomorrow,
that's what's the matter with it.
Me, too. Make a hole in the water.
Why are you going to kick off?
'Cause that's the way I feel.
Isn't that reason enough?
That's no reason for anything.
I've got a good reason. Haven't got a dime.
Never had any money and I never will have.
Is that all? I can fix that.
In this envelope are $1,500.
It represents my life work.
Had I had time to exploit it properly,
I could have made a fortune!
Queen of Hearts, that's me.
Queen of Hearts!
Get out of my way!
You don't get out of here...
- I'll crown you.
- Oh, shut up!
I'm not going to stay in this dump anymore.
I'm going to find myself a better bed.
Don't you think I can? Just watch!
Hello, Townsend, how's the market?
I don't know. Just flew back from Venice.
Going back to the States?
Yes, day after tomorrow. How's the show?
It's just one of those revues.
I, for one, don't think I'll sit through it.
Say, what do you happen to know
about this Helen Jones?
You don't mean to tell me
you're interested in her!
I didn't say I was, did I?
They say she came over from South America
about five months ago.
When she got here, she used man after man
as a stepping stone.
Then all of a sudden,
Paris went wild over her.
That's all I know, except they say
she's as cold as the proverbial icicle.
- That's pretty cold, isn't it?
- It's cold enough for me.
Hello, Helen.
Well, if it isn't old Nick himself.
I expected you to pop up some day.
If this is a dream, Helen,
I hope I never wake up.
Let me come backstage, will you?
I seem to remember
you came backstage once before.
If the moon began to waltz
Or the sun did somersaults
Do you think I'd care or stop and stare?
I couldn't be annoyed
If the hens refused to lay
Or if bulls gave milk some way
Do you think I'd care?
That's their affair
I couldn't be annoyed
If everyone stood on his head
And on his hands he wore shoes
I'd still eat crackers in my bed
What have I got to lose?
If you ate soup with a fork
Or if babies brought the stork
Do you think I'd care?
I'd still declare
I couldn't be annoyed
Well, Nick,
did you succeed in forgetting me?
Forget you? I should say not.
I haven't stopped thinking about you
a single day since I last saw you.
How long has that been?
Must be more than a year now.
It certainly is great to see you again, Helen.
How have you been?
How did you happen to come to Paris?
How long have you been here?
Thank you.
I've got a million questions to ask you.
Better not ask them, Nick.
I'd rather not talk about the past.
Well, let's talk about the present.
Are you happy?
Are you in love with anybody?
I'm not in love with anybody,
and I'm completely happy.
Funny, isn't it?
No, it's tragic to me.
Wish I were necessary to your happiness.
But I guess I never did mean much to you.
Maybe you did.
Anyway, nothing means much to me now.
It's better this way, no chains at all.
I haven't a care in the world.
You're lying. Where's Johnny?
Home, I suppose, with his father.
Say, I know you better than that.
All this is fake.
You care more about Johnny
than anything else on Earth.
What if I did?
I'm going back to the States
day after tomorrow.
Come with me and look up Johnny and
break that crust of ice around your heart.
What's the use of talking
about the impossible?
I'm not allowed to go near him.
Are you divorced?
Well, chuck all this
and come back to America with me.
Come on, Helen, give me a break, too.
My life isn't complete without you.
As soon as we land,
I'll manage it so you can see Johnny.
Let's forget all that.
I don't want to see Johnny again.
What for? I'd go to pieces.
Excuse me, please,
but they are calling for Madame.
It is marvellous. The house is sold out
for two months in advance.
You see, Nick?
I couldn't leave even if I wanted to.
Drop in again before you go.
I don't think I will. Goodbye, Helen.
As you like. Give my regards to New York.
I'm going to reserve a cabin for you, Helen,
in case you change your mind.
The boat train leaves tomorrow at midnight.
Without me.
Sorry about the pudding.
You see, I never tried making one before.
It's pretty good, Daddy,
if you only eat the middle.
Johnny, do you know who that is?
No, who is it?
Do you remember Mother, Johnny?
Sure, I do. Is that her picture?
- I don't think I can do it, Nick.
- Nonsense, you've got to see him.
Come in.
- What is it you want?
- My name's Townsend.
- Who?
- Nick Townsend.
I suppose you have
a very good reason for coming here?
As a matter of fact, I have, Mr. Faraday.
Your wife wants to see Johnny.
- Where is she?
- Right outside the door.
Who's that, Daddy?
It's bedtime.
Start undressing, will you, Johnny?
I'll be with you in a few minutes.
Do you mind going now, Mr. Townsend?
I'm very tired.
So you have no intention
of allowing Helen to see the boy.
Look here, Faraday.
I'm going to marry Helen.
I've just read the papers. Congratulations.
Between you and me,
I wish she hadn't wanted to come here.
But she's out there, waiting.
I've been teaching Johnny
to forget his mother.
It's been a pretty tough job
and I don't intend to have my work spoiled.
I see.
You're not so very well off financially,
are you?
That's nobody's business but my own.
Would it be worth, let us say...
$1,000 to let her see him for 10 minutes?
$100 a minute?
Surely, Mr. Townsend,
you can afford to be more liberal.
I'll raise it to $1,000 a minute.
$10,000. How about it, Faraday?
I suppose you feel pretty good
the way you can throw money around.
$10,000 for 10 minutes
doesn't mean very much to you, does it?
It doesn't mean anything to me. I can
throw money around the same as you can.
Let her come in for nothing.
Come in, Helen.
Johnny's in the bedroom.
Gee, Mummy.
- Oh, Johnny!
- I'm glad to see you, Mummy!
Where you been, Mummy?
Daddy told me you were never coming back.
It's so good to see you, Johnny.
Johnny, you're so small and thin.
- But I'm awfully strong.
- And so dirty.
Daddy said I didn't have to wash tonight.
Do you wash yourself now?
Would you like me
to get you nice and clean for bed?
Oh, boy! That would be swell.
Tell Mrs. Faraday, if you will,
that I'm going back to the hotel.
I'm leaving my car for her.
Good night.
There you are, Johnny, nice and clean.
- Are you going away again, Mummy?
- Of course not.
If you do, will you be back tomorrow night?
Yes, Johnny.
Please tell me a story
before you go, Mummy.
- Which one do you want to hear?
- The one about Germany.
You know, "It was springtime in Germany."
I haven't heard that for a long time.
- Father knows it better than I do.
- But he says he's forgotten it.
Ask him again.
Oh, Dad.
What is it, Johnny?
Mummy says you do too know
the story about Germany.
- I told you I've forgotten it.
- But try to remember it.
It was springtime in Germany
and you were out on a walking trip.
Well, let's see.
I was out on a walking trip
with some other students...
and as I remember it, I was very happy.
And then what happened?
I've forgotten.
Don't you remember you came to a dragon
sitting in an automobile?
Yes, I remember that.
And you went and saw a lot of princesses
taking a bath, didn't you?
Yes, I suppose I did.
What did you do then?
I told him to go away,
but he wouldn't until I granted him a wish.
What was the wish?
He wanted to see me again.
You didn't want any other wish, did you?
No, I was very sentimental in those days
and very foolish.
Why were you foolish?
That night you went to a theatre, didn't you?
Yes, I went to a theatre.
And then you saw Mummy on the stage
and she was very beautiful.
And then your heart went like this.
I didn't know much about women
in those days.
You're telling it all different.
You tell it, Mummy.
What happened when you saw him?
- I don't know, Johnny, dear.
- Don't you remember, Mummy?
I could hardly sing.
What happened then?
You could never guess. We went walking.
Please walk, Mummy.
And then you came to a park and
there was a dark tree and a yellow moon.
You're not doing it right at all.
You're supposed to kiss each other.
Better be a good boy
and go to sleep, Johnny.
- Your mother's got to go away now.
- All right, Daddy.
Let me stay with you both, Ned.
That's where you belong, Helen.