Blondie of the Follies (1932)

But I have that date.
I'm not going to let you go.
- Why not?
- They might be a couple of kidnappers.
They are not.
They're in the burlesque business.
We might get in the show.
- Us in a show? Don't be silly.
- Mind your own affairs.
- I'll see you sometime.
- How do you do, Mr. Kinskey.
- Why, hello. How are ya?
I want you to meet my friend, Blondie.
Blondie McClune.
She's the gal I was telling you about.
My best friend, you know.
- Where is she?
- Blondie, come here.
Hey, Blondie, come on, honey.
Meet Mr. Kinskey.
Hello, sweetheart - Come on, get in.
Say, how do we get in here?
- Don't do that.
- Blondie!
Say, what's going on?
That's a cute chicken, that.
Does she live here too?
Oh yes. We've been pals
since we were kids.
She's kind of scared though.
Some people are that way.
Scared? She gave me a sock in the snoot.
Mr. Kinskey, I'm going to talk to her
about that.
All right, honey, see you later.
Don't you stand me up now.
No, I won't. I promised you, didn't I?
I'll be down when I get my things.
All right, kid. Bye bye.
- Maybe you better wait over there for me
- Sure.
Don't be long.
- Bye. - Isn't she marvelous?
Say, I want to see you.
Oh yeah?
You little hick.
When I introduce you to a gentleman
of my acquaintance,
I'll ask you to try and
behave like a lady.
Tell me more, Lady Agatha.
Oh, you're common.
I may be common but I don't pick up
with that kind of trash.
Those two gentlemen are in a position
to open up the way for a career.
Something I've had in mind
for a long time.
You're funny when you're putting it on.
You mean you're going on the stage?
- I suppose that's funny.
- It's funny to me.
What are you going to do, sing?
That shows what you know.
You don't have to sing in burlesque.
Mr. Kinskey says
you just gotta be a looker.
And nobody can say I'm not that.
You're screwy and you don't know it.
Screwy? Listen here,
That's the last time you'll insult me.
Do you hear that?
You little trash.
- I'll kill you.
You cut it out.
Listen, you're getting too fresh.
Lay off my family.
Get your whole family.
Your whole dirty family.
What's all the row?
It's Lottie hitting it up again.
That sounded like a fight.
I'm going to hit that dame
a good one someday.
Who does she think she is,
strutting around?
And get that kid away from here.
Say, what's the matter?
You treat me like a dog.
I'm only your husband, that's all.
Say, Blondie, was that Lottie talking to
those two swell guys down there in that new car?
Shut up and mind your baby, will you?
I better not mind him because
he's liable to catch my cold.
I gave you my cold remember?
That's about the only thing
you ever did give her.
Was that Lottie talking
with those fellows?
I don't know. I mind my own business.
What are you doing? Mending your dress?
Yes. I guess it's too old to mend.
Why can't you be quiet all day
like your father?
Ma? Ma?
- What is it?
- I gotta buy a new dress.
- What for?
- To go to work in, what else for?
- Where's my money?
- Why, Blondie I...
What's the matter, Ma?
Did you spend it? All of it?
- What for?
- I can't tell you.
- Why can't you tell me?
- I promised not to.
- Who did you promise?
- I can't tell you.
Oh gee, what's the use?
That's the last time I'm going to leave
any of my money around here.
I'll put it in the bank.
Here hold it.
What are you blowing up about?
I saved up money to buy that dress.
Where do you all get off spending
my money that way?
Don't look at me. I didn't spend it.
Quit your crying in the stew, Ma.
It's thin enough already.
Stew? I could do with some nice
southern fried chicken.
I tell you, I'm getting fed up with all of it.
Fed up with what?
I've only got one dress.
If anything happened to it,
what am I supposed to do? Go out and beg?
Steal something I suppose.
Get Lottie to introduce you to one of those
swell ginks she was talking to.
She's the wise one.
One of them gave her something.
- How do you know?
- I saw them.
Oh, what a place.
If you don't like it, Blondie,
you know what you can do.
Every time you come home it's, "What
a place, what a place, what a place."
Shut up, Ma, save your tears.
These ladies that work downtown...
These ladies that work is right.
Sock the rich.
If they bring in that new income tax,
oh boy, that'll scorch them.
- Hello, Mrs. Callahan.
- Hello, Blondie.
- Lottie and me had a scrap.
- I know.
I socked her in the jaw.
Why, you silly girls, you!
Blondie, you're with Lottie
all the time.
What's wrong with her?
How do you mean?
You two girls are such good friends,
I thought you ought to know.
She's not herself at all.
Have you any idea of anything
that's worrying her?
Lottie's all right. She's up one minute
and down the next.
I know her.
- I know you do.
That's why I'm asking you.
Yes, I'm coming, I'm coming.
Hi, Pop.
- Hello, darling.
- You've been walking.
The doctor said you shouldn't.
Oh, the doctors.
He said you shouldn't.
Where did you walk from?
- The corner.
- What corner?
Quite a lot of corners today, Blondie.
What do you mean a lot of corners?
- Well...
- They...
They didn't let you out
at the office, did they?
When? Today?
Day before yesterday.
I've been looking for something
ever since.
I told your mother not to tell you.
I thought we were pals.
I thought that I'd land something
before this.
Things are awful bad, terrible bad.
There are several things to be
attended to. The rent and...
I think Ma paid the rent.
- How?
- Never mind.
She didn't go and use your...
You know, your dress money.
- I don't need another dress.
- Oh Blondie.
- Lottie and me had a scrap.
I socked her. Look what she did to me.
Poor baby.
I've got several good leads out now.
And there are several things wrong with
you that the doctors told you about.
Oh, the doctors. I'm all right.
- I'm not so sure about that.
- What do you know about it?
I know about you.
Good evening, Lottie.
Good evening, Mr. McClune.
Where is she going?
I don't know. I think she's nutty.
What's the idea?
I'm going away.
I thought I'd like to tell you goodbye.
Where are you going?
I told you. A career.
I've been trying to get out of
this difficult place for months.
Well, it's wrong.
I know it's wrong.
What do you mean?
Something inside me tells me it's wrong.
If appearing on the stage is wrong,
and having a few decent things
of my own is wrong,
then give me plenty of it.
Good luck then.
I guess you'll be all right.
If you ever need a pal,
you'll let me know, won't you?
Sure I will, kid.
I like you, Blondie.
I've always liked you.
Well goodbye, Mug. Take care
of yourself, won't you?
You'll write me often, won't you?
- Sure.
- Mind you do now.
- I'll be all right.
I know you will.
I know you will.
So long, Mug.
- So long, kid.
All right. I'll tell you the truth then.
I'm going to visit my dear mama.
I saw silly little boys
selling silly little badges
and I suddenly realized
it was Mother's Day.
And I was overcome with remorse.
Oh, you're naughty!
You're a naughty boy.
How is the market?
Oh, that horrid word!
I have a delightful cake
with "Mother" done in pearls
and sugar over the top.
And instead of taking large blossoms,
I thought it would be rather sweet to take
just a little bunch of gardenias.
And Madelon has them here now.
She's tied them onto the cake with
a huge bow of snow white ribbon.
Mother will cry.
I know she'll cry.
And perhaps I will too.
Can you beat that?
He hung up, the dirty son of...
Well, Madelon, how can I carry that?
- Just put your arm there Madame.
Oh, my dear. Cunning!
Your bag.
Oh, Madelon, we'll have some cocktails,
caviar and a little cold wine.
Tres bien, Madame.
And oh yes,
if anyone calls me, just say
that I'm visiting my mother...
on Long Island.
Oui, Madame.
What's the matter with Alexander?
If you want a pitcher.
- Come in.
- A good man.
Yes, well I saw him play a game once...
- Anybody home?
- Come in, Mrs. Callahan.
Lottie's here.
Lottie's here? Where?
For crying out loud.
Oh, I won't disturb you if you're dining...
Oh, hello, Lottie. Come in, have a chair.
Please don't get up.
Have you had your dinner, Lottie?
Thanks awfully, but I never dine
until after the show.
My goodness, you look as though
your racket was booming.
Oh Pete, the same old Pete, aren't you?
- Sure.
- Lottie!
Oh Lottie, I'm glad to see you!
You look swell.
And what about you?
- What about you, Mug?
- Mug?
It seems like years ago.
- It does.
You seen the new addition?
His name is Horace.
Are those real silver fox?
Yes, they are, aren't they?
- Lace, real old lace.
- That's lace and how.
Would you mind the baby please?
Well well well the same little place.
Oh my.
Lottie, did you get them shoes
made for you?
Oh my shoes? Do you like them?
I found the sweetest little shop
just off Madison.
You might have to make a lot of money
in the Follies. You just have to.
- Why shouldn't the lady have a sideline?
- And why not?
Mother darling, it's been charming
but I must go now.
I thought you'd be glad
to see Lottie again.
We're very glad
to see you again, Lottie.
Lottie? Oh Mother! That sounds
so strange to hear Lottie.
Her name's Lurlene now. Lurlene Cavanaugh.
Lurlene Cavanaugh.
Oh, you've changed your name.
You're married?
- No.
Maybe you'd rather go now.
Yes, well, goodbye! Goodbye!
Lottie is sending me some sherry a friend gave
her and I'm bringing some down.
Yes Mother, they'll adore it.
The madeira.
Thanks, we've no use for it.
What do you want to crab the sherry for?
I like a drop of sherry once in a while.
My, you can still smell that perfume
she had on.
I got a load of that. Kind of makes
you goose flesh all over.
- That's my flower, Pa.
- You've no use for it, Mother.
Bob Musial. One of the best
baseball players in the world.
- Oh, go on.
- I saw a game in which Musial...
Hey, get away from there, Jimmy Blake!
Where's that music coming from?
Is that the rad-i-o?
Radio, Blondie.
That's the last time
I swing my hips into this dump.
And I was trying to do the nice thing.
Jamais plus, jamais plus.
Vite, Andre, a la maison.
- Say is that real french? Or are you kidding?
- Cigarette?
- No thanks.
Oh, that's pretty. "L.C."
- Lurlene Cavanaugh.
- Lucky Chump. - Not really so lucky.
- You're doing great, Kiddie.
Well, Blondie, what about you?
Don't make me laugh.
You said that upstairs.
Well, what about me?
Are you, uh...snagging anyone?
I can't get a kick out of any
of the hicks I bump into,
after seeing how a real gentleman acts.
How do you know
how a real gentleman acts?
In the movies.
I go to them all the time.
Say, Lottie?
What's it like?
- What?
Being made up to by a real swell
refined guy. What's it like? - What?
It's so nice to see you again,
Blondie. I've always liked you.
- We've always been pals, haven't we?
- Of course we have.
Come on in, Blondie. Anyone come?
- Yes, that way.
Come in darling and have a drink, just one.
Pour my favorite, Madelon. I'll be back.
Right away.
- Oh, look at this!
Ah, the jingle of the dice.
What are you doing? Playing backgammon?
- No, dear, we're skating.
You tease. Please sit down.
Don't let me disturb you.
How's your mother?
Did she like the cake?
She adored it but
I'm very cross with you.
Did you hang up or were we cut off?
It's your move.
Darling? Introduce me.
I'm terribly sorry. Mr. Murchenson.
It's your move.
- How do you do?
Murchenson! Oil!
The girls were talking about you
in the dressing room the other day.
We didn't know if it was
20 or 30 thousand barrels.
Isn't that what you get oil in?
- Darling, darling, darling.
Double. It's your move.
Thirty thousand barrels
if it interests you.
I'm so glad to know.
- Nice?
- Uh huh.
It's your move.
You dirty old man!
Just a hurried tub
after the rush of the day.
It's such a comfort.
Oh, Madelon, Madelon.
- How am I doing?
- Do we have any cigarettes?
Oui, Madame.
Cigarettes, are you crazy?
I'm going to kill you right now.
You're crazy.
Stop it! Blondie, I'll sock you
in the nose if you don't stop it.
We're children no longer, Blondie.
Silly child!
Madelon, mon bain, tout suite.
- Madame? Froid ou chaud?
- Tres bien.
- Oh, je suis si fatigue! - Ca ne m'etonne pas, Madame.
- Votre mere va bien aurjourdhui?
- Tres bien, merci.
Hello, little fella.
How are you doing, kiddie?
What's your name?
Don't be scared of me.
I'm not going to bite you.
How cute.
Do you like dogs?
I like that kind.
They come from China, don't they?
China. Yes, I believe they do.
What part of China?
All over.
By the size of China,
there must be a lot of them
if they're all over China.
You don't suppose there's any truth
in the rumor that Chinamen eat dogs?
I hadn't heard that.
There couldn't be any possible connection
between chow mein and chow dogs?
I don't know about that.
- It would be kind of silly, wouldn't it?
- Yes, it would.
That's what I thought.
Thank you very much.
Clever, these Chinese.
I beg you pardon?
I didn't say anything.
I didn't say a word.
Who's that girl?
I don't know.
I like blondes.
How about tonight?
Not so bad.
Not so bad.
Hi, hi, you're doing swell.
- Hey.
Who is that gink?
- Gink?
- Yes, the one who was just here.
That was only Larry Belmont.
You mean to say you don't know Larry Belmont?
He made four million in the market himself.
- Goody goody! I like him.
Of course, you like Larry.
Everyone likes Larry.
I guess I better be going home.
- Must you go, Blondie?
- Yes and thanks, Lottie.
- Lurlene, please.
- Well, Lurlene then.
Gee, this is swell here.
Do you think I could come up and
see you one day when your friends are out?
Yes, do. Give me a buzz.
My name's in the book.
As Lurlene Cavanaugh.
OK and thanks a lot.
- You can find your way out, can't you dear?
- Yes, it's right out there.
- Blondie, you can't go like that.
- Why not?
No, of course not, honey.
Madelon, donnez-moi cette jacket.
Et ce chapeau.
Le petit chapeau, Madame?
Oui, Oui.
- Thanks. I'll let you have it back.
- You don't have to.
You don't mean to say you're
going to give it to me?
- Of course, I'm finished with it.
- Aren't you a peach!
Wow! I bet I look kind of hot in this.
Oh, Lurlene, do I have to go?
I don't want to. I like it here.
if I introduce you to my friends,
will you promise not to make any cracks?
- Me?
- You know, about uptown.
Of course I wouldn't if you said not.
I'm up at Lurlene's now.
She's got to go to the show.
...all grown up.
- Blondie, I'm so glad to see you again.
- Wait a minute, wait a minute.
Wait a minute. What's this?
- Me?
- Yes, you.
- What are you doing for dinner?
- Dinner? I've had it.
What's the idea?
I got to get a girl for Murchenson.
He's big business. All the oil in Oklahoma.
Don't you think you might
consult me about plans, dear?
Don't be silly. What's Josephine's number?
You're not going to call her. I'll call someone.
- Yes, you will.
- I could go if you wanted me to.
That's great. She's cute.
- Thank you, mister.
- Mister yourself.
Unfortunately, Blondie has to leave.
- Come on, Blondie.
- Oh no, she doesn't.
I'm going to talk her out of it.
How about it?
- I don't really have to go.
- But you said you did.
- Did I?
- Are you kidding?
You don't have to go, do you?
- If Lurlene says I do, I do. I guess I better go.
- No, that's silly.
- Stop it, Larry, or I'll be cross.
- You're frightening your little friend.
What's the matter?
Aren't you two speaking?
We've been chums ever since we were kids.
- What are you sore about, Lurlene?
- I'm not sore. You're so absurd.
You know perfectly well you promised
your mother you'd be home.
- When?
- Over the telephone just now.
Are you screwy?
You know we have no telephone.
Screwy? Don't be rude.
You're the one that's rude!
- Now, Blondie, please.
- Don't get fresh with me.
If you have come up in the world, you
don't have to make a fool out of me.
The poor little kid.
- Larry, come here.
- No, no.
I don't like that. I don't like it.
- Come here.
- Let me go.
- Cut it out.
- Come here. Stop it.
Stop it. Who do you think you are?
- Who do you think you are?
- Mussolini.
- You're...
- Say it.
- I'm too much of a lady.
- I was afraid of that.
Let me tell you something.
You can't tell me anything. I'm going.
- Come here.
- Stop it.
What do you mean running out
of people's houses that way?
Not saying goodbye, no hat or coat?
Didn't your mother teach you
any better than that?
What you need is a drink.
I don't drink.
- Smoke?
- No.
- Stay out late nights?
- No.
- Like the boys?
- No.
- Do you eat? - Yes.
That's all right.
I'll take you out to dinner.
- You're fresh.
- Come here.
Where do you live?
- Uptown on the east side.
- Married or single?
Thank you very much.
Lurlene's all right. She just gets
a little temperamental every once in a while.
I guess that's it.
- Just because she's in the Follies.
- She's very, very good in the Follies.
- I'd like to see her.
- And so you shall.
- I'll take you myself tonight.
- No, I'm going home.
- How?
- I'll walk. - We'll walk.
- Going down?
- You are!
Going down?
I've always adored yachts. Do you know Monty Bone's yacht?
- Monty Bone? - I forget how many tons but
a veritable palace on the sea.
"She was a village maiden,
Her life was full of pain.
She met her little Larry
And she lost her name.
..again!" I want you to meet my friend,
Miss Blondie McClune, Miss Cavanaugh.
I've been dying for you two to meet...socially.
- Oh, Larry!
Blondie, what on earth made you
fly away like that?
Like a veritable sky rocket.
Lottie, you're a scream.
Doesn't she make you laugh? - Yes, she does.
She was always like that.
Even in the store.
Just out of nowhere she'd get so hotsy-totsy,
even the customers would laugh.
I asked your girlfriend to go to the
Follies with me. You don't mind, do you?
Why no, I think it would be charming.
If Blondie can go.
Hi, hi, I'm there already.
What about this though?
You look great. She'll lend you
a hat and coat. Won't you, darling?
- Why, certainly.
- She's a peach.
- Bye, mister.
- Mister yourself.
I think I can find something.
Yes, I like blondes.
Lottie, can I come around back
of the stage and see you after?
- I hope you will.
- Oh, swell.
- How do I look?
- Charming.
Say, there's a dame in the box
with Larry. A blonde.
She happens to be a friend of mine.
Oh yeah? Well, you're a bigger sap
than I thought you were.
Aren't they cute? Look at them.
They really are something.
Bye, pal.
Say, how much does do they pay
those girls to be in the show?
About 50, 60, 70 dollars a week.
- Do you think you could fix it up for me?
- Sure.
I'm not pretty enough for a show, am I?
Yes you are. You're very pretty indeed.
- Thank you, mister.
- Mister yourself.
I wish I could dance like that.
Oh, hello.
- Hello, Larry.
- How are you?
I want you to meet a friend of mine,
Miss McClune.
This is the man who owns the whole show.
- Glad, I'm sure.
- How do you do, sir.
She's never been backstage and
she would like to go backstage.
I think that can be arranged.
How about right now?
Oh, fine. That would be great.
Will you ask him to put a word in for me?
- Right now?
- Yeah.
- All right. You stay right here.
- How about that kid for the show?
- No, we're full up now.
Oh, come on. She's cute.
- What is this, another one?
- This only makes six.
- You fellas kill me.
- Go ahead.
I'll see what I can do. O'Brien!
See if we can use this girl.
Turn around.
- Lift them up. - I just want to see
if you're knock-kneed.
Me? I should say not.
All right. I suppose you ought to drop in
about 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.
Thanks, that's swell.
- Ha, ha, ha yourself. - I just got your
girlfriend a job in the Follies.
- Why?
- She's cute.
Yes, she is.
How about a party tonight?
She wants to see life.
- She should see it with you.
- Don't be mean.
I'll meet you over in the speak.
I'll meet you, Larry,
but nothing doing if she comes.
- Why not?
- Because I...
- Oh, Larry. - I'll bring her if I want to.
You're trying to run things.
- No one could run you. - There's a certain
amount of truth in that.
- Come on, you're on.
- Watch your beads. - Fresh.
- Say, you're going swell, Kiddie!
- Quiet.
Say, what's the matter with her?
- Well, the truth: There she is.
- Kiddie! What's eating you?
- Nothing. - We thought you were
awfully hotsy-totsy just now.
- Who's we?
- Larry and me.
- Hey, Lottie...
- Lurlene.
I've got a chance to get in the show.
Isn't that great? I owe it all to you, kiddie.
I like that. I wonder if I could
have one like that.
Blondie, please, I'm trying to make a change.
- Would you be sore if I got in the show?
- Of course not.
Hi, hi, that's great! Say, I love this racket.
This is swell. Ooh boy!
Matches. Hey, Lottie, will you
show me the ropes?
My name is Lurlene.
Oh, I'm sorry. Say, I have to
be here at 10.
Old man Popeye thinks I'm kind of cute.
Look. I'm smoking.
I guess I better be going.
Lottie, I'll see you after.
- Who said so?
- Larry.
Say, didn't he ask you? If he didn't, I'll make him.
He'll do anything I say. He's cute.
Sorry Blondie, but I have another engagement.
- There's blood all over the floor.
That's just too tough. It would have been nice
to have you with us. - tears.
Well, toodle-loo.
So long, cuties! I'll be seeing you,
I'm going to be in the show!
The cards say that little blonde girl is
unconsciously not being a friend of yours.
- I don't believe in fortunes.
- Not Larry Belmont's? - Oh shut up!
- Looking for Larry?
- What?
- Are you looking for Larry?
- Yes, I'm looking for Larry.
- He's up front.
- Thanks.
- No smoking, please.
- Get a load of this!
Oh, that's pretty.
What a cute little hat! Yes?
- Hello! - Hello. Where have you been?
I've been looking for you.
- Good night, dear.
- Good night, Larry.
Where are we going?
I know a nice quiet little speakeasy.
Where they have soft music,
soft lights and hard liquor.
I'll be seeing you later...queens.
So long!
That man's here again.
Go ahead, go on.
- Good evening, Mr. Belmont.
- Hello, Arthur.
- How about a little cold champagne?
- Certainly. Private room or your usual table?
- No, I think the bar.
- Go right ahead, sir.
Bar? I've often heard of one of those things
but I've never seen one at all.
- There's Larry.
- Hello, Larry.
- Hello. - Here we are again. - Hurry back.
Aren't you afraid you'd get pinched?
I'll have a strawberry sundae.
Make it two strawberry sundaes.
When our eyes met we both knew
Something unsaid, something true.
Now through the hours we have danced.
I feel the music answer
The rhythm the rapture the urge
So why don't you take me?
Why do you wait?
Dance to the beat of my heart.
The night is passing swiftly.
Why did we ever part?
One little look one little word
The word I am yearning to hear.
You're a darling.
Don't, mister. If you don't mean it.
- Was he always like that?
- Oh yes, he was always like that.
You know, my father's Irish and French.
And my mother, she's Scotch and English.
It's a good combination to come from.
Very good stock. Very fine stock.
My sister, you know she's married
to my brother-in-law. - Oh?
- What does he do?
- Oh, he doesn't like to work.
He's very sensitive.
He says work gets on his nerves.
He'd like to be an inventor, he said.
- Please, Mr. Belmont, we're closing now.
And they have the cutest little
baby you ever saw.
Awfully cute. The baby's really smart.
The baby really is. And you know, my brother...
-You're going to love Pa.
-I'd like to meet him.
Hi! You drive like a streak!
- Comes the dawn.
- I saw the dawn last New Year's.
Say, I thought you were going to be fresh
when we first started out.
But I took a chance because I liked you.
And I like you too.
Don't you know there are certain girls
can stop men from being fresh
just because they're certain girls?
Understand me?
- Yes.
I think you're grand, mister.
- Mister yourself.
This is swell.
I like you.
- Good morning.
- Darling, the house detective.
Hi, Pa, this is Larry. He's seeing me home.
Something tells me, Madame,
that you better get down.
What do you mean?
Hi kiddie!
Pa, this is Larry. Larry Lou.
So you're Pa. She's been talking
about her pa all evening.
Can you walk now, chicken?
Come, Blondie.
- Stand back. I'm all right.
- I think I better carry you.
No, I don't think you ought to.
So long, Larry.
OK, baby, see you tomorrow.
No, you won't.
- Oh no?
- No.
Mr. McClune, there's no need to act like that.
She just had a little bit of champagne.
She's perfectly all right.
Now she's gone bumpty. It's that fresh
air after all that champagne.
Get up off that floor!
Get out of here. You're intoxicated.
I'm not intoxicated.
I'm just a little bit tight.
Good night, Blondie. God bless.
Tell them all how good we've been.
Goodbye, mister.
Mister yourself.
Oh, Pa.
You go to bed, Ma. I'll make the coffee.
She's all right. She's only had a drink.
She ain't used to it.
She's soused to the gills.
My, she must have had a lot of fun.
Did you see the coat she had on?
She must have been up at Lottie's.
That's where she's been all right.
I wish I'd known she was going.
I'd have gone too.
Just for a little fun.
I'm going in the Follies.
- Is that where you've been, the Follies?
- Yes.
Backstage, the speakeasy and the dressing room.
And that Larry Lou, oh can he dance.
Why don't you take me.
Why do you wait?
- Who is this man?
Larry Belmont. It was grand.
Why didn't you ask him in?
I asked you who is this man?
I told you, Pa, Larry Belmont.
Where did you meet him?
I met him up at Lottie's.
He's a peach.
Does it occur to you that
you're a decent girl
with a decent home and decent parents?
I know. What's the matter, Pa?
How dare you stand there and
ask me what's the matter!
When you've kept your entire family up
all night waiting for you.
Thinking you might be hurt. Do you know
we've telephoned everywhere?
Do you know I've been to the police?
You didn't have to do that. I thought
you knew I was up with Lottie.
You were with this man.
Where did you go with him?
I told you I went to the Follies
and then...
And then where?
Then where did you go with him?
- Don't talk to me like that, Pa.
- Talk to you?
I ought to thrash you.
- Oh, stop it!
Shut up, Blondie.
Don't talk to your Pa like that.
You better go and get some sleep. - Sleep?
She's due at the store in 3 hours.
It's not the first time she's been up
all night. What about last New Year's?
The next time anything like this happens,
you can get out of this house and stay out.
Do you hear me?
Anyone would think I'd committed a crime.
Done something wrong.
- And did you?
- No!
- You're drunk.
This man is drunk. Do you know what
danger means?
- With him?
- Yes, with him.
- He's a gentleman.
- He's a no-good drunken upstart.
And you're never going to see him again,
do you understand me?
- I'm going to see him if I want to.
- You're not. You're going to obey me.
Or else get out of this house.
- All right.
I'll get out of this house.
I'll obey you but he was decent, Pa.
Don't stand here and argue with me!
You must promise me never
to speak to him again or get out.
All right, I'll get out.
I'm going to do what I want and I'm
going to live the way that I want!
And I'm going now.
- Come here.
- Let me go.
Lottie, I'd like to speak to you.
- What about?
- May I come in?
- No. Not now.
- It's important.
All right. Come in then.
- Well, what?
- I've quit home.
- Why?
- I'm going on my own like you.
- What do you mean?
- In the Follies.
- You're a fool.
- He said I'd do fine.
And who's he?
He did?
And what other balloon juice
did he whisper until daylight?
Lots. I like him.
- You do?
- Yes, and he likes me.
He told you so?
He was drunk!
It is true. Isn't it?
You are stuck on him, aren't you?
Are you blind?
Why didn't you tell me?
Haven't we been pals?
- He's never done this to me before.
- And I liked him.
If I were his wife...
I could go out and tell the world
how I feel and get some sympathy.
But me?
I could just break my heart
and keep quiet about it.
Or get the big "Ha, ha" from everybody.
Poor Lottie.
Poor Lottie.
I've been an awful fool.
Why didn't you tell me?
You just don't tell those things.
You could have told me, Mug.
Get into bed, kid.
And I'll tell you an earful.
The girl ain't bad.
You better telephone the store at 8
and tell Mr. Robinson Blondie is sick.
She's up on Park Avenue
having breakfast with Lottie.
Champagne and caviar.
I wish I was a dame.
You think she's with Lottie?
Sure, that's where she is.
She'll be back.
You lay off her, Pa.
You give her a line like you did this
morning and she'll never come back.
You're just an old fashioned father.
The kind you see in the movies.
That stuff don't go anymore.
Let the girl have her fling.
She's all right.
I guess I am a bit old time.
Hello, Pa.
Hello, Blondie.
I'm sorry.
Darling, I'm sorry too.
- I didn't mean to blow up.
- I shouldn't have lost my temper.
I thought I'd stop in and see you
on the way to work.
- You're late for work?
- I figured this was more important.
- How did you know I was here?
- Where else could you be?
- Like it?
- It's very nice.
There's a big bedroom there and
a kitchen and maid's room there.
You can see all of New York from here.
Would you believe there could be
such places? Come here.
Look at this. You see that?
That's where we live. Way off up there.
Way off.
Way off.
Oh, Pa.
I'm really going in the Follies. I've got
a date at the theater at 10. And I'm going.
In the Follies?
- Sure. What's wrong about that?
- Oh, nothing.
- Blondie...
- Oh, Pa, don't start.
I'm not going to start. I've finished.
- Not with me, Pa?
- No, Blondie.
I'll never finish with you. Never.
What I meant was I've finished
being an old time Pa.
I've thought it over carefully.
Fathers shouldn't...
shouldn't try to stop a kid from doing
something she wants to do.
That is, unless it's very wrong.
And you never could do anything
very wrong, could you?
- You know I couldn't, Pa.
- I know you couldn't.
Is the Follies all right then?
They pay well.
Where will you live?
here for the time being.
Lottie said I could.
You couldn't go in the Follies and...
live home?
It's such a long way uptown at night.
but I'll come and see you
all the time though...
We'll send your things down here.
Unless you want to come
up home after them.
I don't need anything from there.
Lottie said she'd lend me everything.
Isn't she a pal?
Yes, it's fine.
It's really fine.
Don't mind me, Blondie.
I'm an old crab. I don't mean to be.
It is fine. It's really fine.
Goodbye, Blondie. Good luck.
Anyone would think I was going away
forever. Aren't you glad?
Take care of my girl.
Take care of my baby.
It's fine. It's really fine.
I'll see you.
It's fine.
- Has he gone?
- Yes. He's gone.
- Bless you.
- Thanks.
If you're going to the theater, you better
hurry. I'll get you some practice clothes.
- Donnez-moi les...
Oh, the practice pants.
Pour mademoiselle-la.
Lottie, you certainly are a pal.
I like you, Blondie.
I've always liked you.
So glad we're pals again.
It sort of seems like home, doesn't it?
But remember one thing.
Hands off that Larry number.
- I promised you, didn't I?
By the way, we're going on a yacht tonight.
Murchenson, the oil man.
The palace. Palace on the sea!
- Goody.
- We'll get you some clothes.
- Swell.
What's the matter, Blondie?
Aren't you happy about going?
Oh, sure.
You don't have to if you don't want to.
It's fine, Lottie.
Really. It is.
- It's a mackerel, I tell you!
- It is not, a mackerel!
- I tore my dress.
- It's not a tragedy, you can have it mended.
- Hello hello! It's a pleasure to be aboard!
- Welcome.
You know Miss McClune, don't you?
He gave me a funny look the other day.
You remember?
He's got naughty eyes!
- You haven't by chance seen Larry here?
- He's in the back.
I'll leave you two children alone.
Hello, boy. Isn't this a divine boat?
- Divine.
- The palace on the sea.
Why didn't you call me? I should
have come aboard with you.
- Why did you bring her here?
- Why not?
For Murchenson?
- Why not? Jealous?
- Perhaps.
What do you mean introducing her
to this racket?
Racket? What are you talking about?
She's a nice kid.
You're heading her off the track.
I suppose you were holding her on the track.
With two arms. Like this, weren't you?
- I've great respect for her. She's a decent kid.
- And I suppose I'm not.
I didn't say that.
Why do you persist in making things
as uncomfortable as possible?
You know as well as I do that...
- Go on, say it. We're through.
- Bluntly, yes.
I...I made arrangements today.
- Money doesn't mean anything, Larry.
- I'm afraid it does.
- Hello, Lurlene.
- Hello, Josephine.
- How are you?
- Hello, dear.
I see you've brought the...
charming little blonde with you.
- She's very sweet.
- The Follies are very fortunate.
- You're a pretty girl.
- Thanks.
I like blondes.
- I've never been on a yacht before.
- No?
Steward, champagne. Hurry up.
You must come often.
- Yes, I'd love to.
- Hello. How's your pa? - OK.
Would you like to take a look
around the ship?
No, she doesn't want to take
a look around the ship.
You don't want to take a look
around the ship, do you?
What do you say?
Wait a minute.
I want to talk to this young lady.
I'm an old friend of the family,
as you know.
Are you serious?
I was never more serious in my life.
All right.
- Wait.
- Wait a minute.
- I want to talk to you.
- What about?
- You're a nice kid. You ought
to watch your step. - Thanks.
- I'm very fond of you.
- Thanks again.
- I'm serious.
- Yes?
You don't want to play around
with people like this. It doesn't mean a thing.
If it doesn't mean anything,
what about Lurlene?
I'd rather not discuss that. It's over.
I don't want to talk to you.
I'm going.
What did you mean about Lurlene?
Has she been talking to you?
I'm not saying. But you know what I mean.
Indeed I do know what you mean.
And I understand you perfectly.
Well that's that then.
But don't you think you might give me
a chance for some explanation?
I'm not in love with Lurlene. You know
what we were talking about last night.
A certain kind of girls.
- I won't hear a word against Lurlene.
I wouldn't say a word against Lurlene.
It would be silly.
- Silly, when she loves you
the way she does? - I admit I'm wrong.
- What good does that do her?
- None.
I was just hoping it might help me
clear myself with you.
- You're different.
- How am I different?
I've been thinking about it all day.
You see, I only have one feeling for you.
A feeling of respect and affection...
You're tired of Lurlene. And I'm just new.
- That's not true.
- She's my friend.
- She's also my friend.
I know that and so does everybody else.
- All right then.
- All right then.
- Now what?
- Oh, go away.
Break! What's the idea?
Goodbye. Remember what I told you.
Hi, Lurlene.
- And you promised.
- I won't see him again.
Tell me something.
If we really were washed up,
would you like him for yourself?
Oh Lurlene, don't be silly.
Come on, you can tell me.
I don't know!
We're pals.
Come on, you can tell me.
- I tell you I don't know.
I won't get sore. Come on, tell me.
I guess I might.
- You might?
- Yes.
You might?
You might?
- Jim just the same, was he abroad?
- I'm going home.
- Why home?
- I'm tired.
Look here, you weren't very friendly just now.
You won't get anywhere
with little Miss McClune.
I'll promise you that. Good night.
We'd like this room if you don't mind.
- Steward, steward.
- Yes, Madame.
Can't you bring a boat or something?
I'm leaving for the shore.
Yes, Ma'am.
- Oh, steward.
- Yes, Madame.
- Are you discreet?
- No, I'm English, Madame.
Oh, no. I mean...
Can you keep your trap shut about this?
- Yes, Madame.
And can't you find some women's doodads
or something that we can wear?
Ladies bathing suits only, Madame.
There's a boat leaving now, Madame.
Thank you.
Thank you for the loan of the dress,
Lurlene, and for everything else too.
If I hadn't gone home on Mother's Day,
I wouldn't have you on my hands now.
I should have known better.
I'm not on your hands.
- I'm being blamed for everything.
- For what?
For getting you in this racket.
For leading the precious white lamb astray.
What kind of a line did you
give him anyway?
I didn't give him any line.
But he warned me.
- Yes, against me.
- Oh no, he was grand about you.
- Grand about me? Grand? Grand?
I know how you feel. Because
I know how I feel too.
You don't have to tell me how you feel.
Didn't I see you? And you promised.
I'll never see him again. Never never.
Why not? Why not?
He's lots of money.
He got you in the show.
Why not?
- Because I promised you and...
Because he belongs to you.
Why don't you go home and forget it?
I can't forget it.
Be good enough to go home anyway.
I'm through with you for keeps.
Well, go home!
Say, who are you ordering about? Maybe I don't
want to go home. Maybe I like it here.
Everyone's laughing at you.
You don't know what it's all about.
Go back to the store.
You don't belong here.
- Maybe.
- Good night then.
If you could only see yourself!
Trying to be something you're not.
- Get out!
- I won't get out.
You'll see if I don't know
what it's all about.
I'll keep my promise to you about Larry.
But there are plenty of other men.
And I'm going in for a big time, kiddie!
- Oh, yes?
- Yes!
Excuse me now, please.
Miss Lurlene Calabash.
But I've an engagement on the poop deck
of this palace of the sea.
With its owner, Mr. Murchenson.
- Cut it out, cut it out!
I won't cut it out. You watch my smoke!
Got a match?
- She's charming, Murchenson!
- I like blondes.
I want you to take these up to
my mother. But be careful not to break them.
And this note too. You can take
them around the park if they want to go.
I shan't need you until theater time.
- Is Miss McClune in?
- Yes, sir. Won't you come in?
Miss McClune will be here, sir.
- Thank you.
- Hello, Larry.
- I got your wire so I came.
- That was nice of you.
Gee, that's uh...
- Charming.
- Thanks. Won't you sit down?
Not there. Here.
- Yes.
- Yes, ma'am.
Will you have tea or a drink?
- I think it had better be tea.
- Oh yes, tea. Tea.
I've been reading about
your polo on Sunday.
- Oh?
- Yes. Oh, Larry, I've someone coming.
So if you don't mind being bored with me...
I won't say what I have to say until they come.
Oh. OK.
By any chance,
have you an evening paper?
Certainly. Evening paper, please.
It's been three months now.
- Since what?
- Since we've spoken to each other.
Oh yes, that party on the yacht.
I remember.
I haven't spoken to Lurlene since then.
Neither have I.
I don't hold any grudge against her.
I shouldn't think you would.
You should feel very grateful to her.
After all, she introduced you
to the larger life.
I am grateful to her.
Well, that's that.
The market's gone all to blazes.
It's good for the bears though.
I sold short today.
You're well advised.
I am.
Getting wiser.
I always have been wise.
Yes, I think you have.
- Sugar?
- One.
- Cream?
- No, thank you.
- Cinnamon?
- I think so.
You think so? I can smell it
all the way from here.
The customer's always right.
Not always.
What's on your mind?
I haven't got much time.
I'm boring you.
You couldn't bore me.
Situations bore me though.
I'm getting so I distrust everything
and everybody.
It's old age creeping up on me I guess.
- You look very well.
- So do you.
It isn't fair for one person
to have all that charm.
How does it feel to be a success?
Miss McClune wears this,
Miss McClune smokes that.
I've been reading about you.
You're laughing at me.
Wouldn't want me to cry over you,
would you?
You couldn't cry over anyone.
Even if you tried.
You mean I'm not sincere?
I was sincere with you.
And you know it.
- And now?
- Now's another day, isn't it?
- Yes. Funny, isn't it?
- Very funny. That's why I'm laughing.
It will be a lucky girl
who gets you seriously.
The lady who did get me seriously
turned out to be very lucky.
And who is that?
Well, if this isn't a palace of luck
in a circus,
I don't know what is.
Step up, boys and girls,
and take your chance on the bigger life.
Stop it.
I'm sorry.
Don't go. I asked her to come.
I'm sorry. Pardon me.
Please come in. - What for?
- I want you to.
All right.
Just in time, Larry.
I told you to throw that thing away
six months ago.
No. You gave it to me.
I hope I'm not disturbing anything.
Looks like old home week.
Won't you sit down? Larry has to hurry.
Now that I'm here, it's a wonder he
doesn't jump right through the window.
I'm saving that till the market
reaches the bottom.
Your eyes are just a little bit...
watery, aren't they?
- I've been worried.
- Yes.
You look it.
I felt I was the cause of
breaking you and Larry up and...
We haven't spoken to each other,
either of us since that night on the yacht and...
I felt that I might be the means of
bringing you together again.
You know that you care for Larry and...
I'm sure that Larry cares for you.
I don't know what I did
to him to make him change.
Yes, what was it, Larry?
What do you want me to say?
I want you to say that...
that you'll make it up with Lurlene.
I'm sorry. We understood one another perfectly.
Until you walked out we did.
- It was a mistake. It all started in fun
- Fun?
I don't mean to be unkind about this
thing but there was no real love in it.
You know that.
- How do you know?
You didn't love me.
That's true, Larry.
Did I ever say I loved you?
- No, you didn't.
- I didn't.
It's my fault and I'm terribly sorry.
I'll do anything in the world
to make amends.
I admire you, but to pretend to love you
would lead to all kinds of things.
It's been a mistake.
So why go on with it
for your sake as well as for mine?
But you did love her.
You must have loved her before.
- Before what?
You belong to Lurlene.
My dear child,
I don't belong to anybody.
I think we're taking this thing
much too seriously.
I know why you brought this about this afternoon.
It was a very sweet thought but it's impossible.
We're friends.
If there's anything in the world
I can do for either one of you kids,
please let me know.
Bye, darling.
I never saw you looking better in my life.
Thanks, Larry.
This big gay life isn't all it's cracked up
to be, is it? - Goodbye, mister.
Mister yourself.
Some champagne. Very cold.
Have you got some? Good.
Have you got a date?
- Not till theater.
- Want a drink?
- Sure.
- I have some champagne coming. Very cold.
- What brand?
- Heidsieck.
I always use that.
- Yeah?
- Sure.
Hurt your hand?
You know where you hold me
in the ballet?
That's where your nails have been
every night.
Tough. I've hated you.
You thought I was seeing Larry?
- You weren't, were you?
- I promised you, didn't I?
Yes, it is nice, isn't it?
I'm having my apartment done
in silver and black. Modern.
- Oh, swell.
- Sure.
I bet it'll be fine. Lay that right here
and we'll take care of it.
- Where is he?
- Who?
The big cheese.
- You mean Mr. Murchenson?
- Yes.
- He's duck shooting.
- Poor little ducks.
I could marry him if I wanted to.
- Oh, yeah?
- You don't believe me, do you?
- Sure.
- I'll prove it to you.
You remember that little document,
that private thing I told you to put in the..
- Bring Mr. Murchenson's last letter!
Where is it?
Here it is.
Bring me the telephone.
I wonder who that is? We'll see. Hello?
Hello? Yes, this is Blondie.
How are you doing?
Swell. Say, that's a nice coat
you've got on there. - It's tweed.
- I've got one like it in gray.
- Yeah?
Listen, come on over. Lurlene's here.
- Say, I'm going.
- Don't be silly. Pipe down.
We're going on a pip!
Bring the whole crowd over.
And an orchestra! Say, that's
gonna be swell!
Come on over. All right, we'll wait for you.
Are we going to have fun, or
are we going to have fun?
Why don't you marry him? It's millions.
I couldn't marry. Only for love.
And that's just flown out of the window.
- It's flown for you too, hasn't it?
- I'm used to it.
I wish I could get used to it.
Poor baby.
Here's how, kid.
- Here we go.
Kiddies, come on in!
The party's going grand!
How are you? The evening's grand.
Ah, an orchestra!
What happened? I come in with a girl.
How are you, boys?
We'll discuss that later.
Where have you been, Jimmy?
I just come from Grand Hotel.
Don't ever take your gal
to see Grand Hotel.
One look at that guy Barrymore
and you're out.
You become a crumb.
Barrymore's got this or that.
I ain't got this or that.
And when you ain't got this or that,
you become negative.
And that's positive.
It gets me sore. A lot of girls rave
about that Barrymore profile.
I got more profile
than all the Barrymores put together.
What does it get me?
What does it get me? Now listen.
Don't take your girl
to see Grand Hotel
because one look at that Barrymore
and you're out.
Wait a minute. Let me diagnose.
The theater was dark.
There was a certain tension.
And he was seated.
Or rather she was. In fact we all was.
- So what?
- So what?
We were holding hands so cuddly,
when suddenly along the corridor,
who comes along but Barrymore?
Was he after pearls? No.
He passed along the passage.
There was four passages.
You left out a passage.
Thank you.
Did he take the wrong passage?
He took the right passage to room 178.
Wait a minute.
And then he opened the door.
And there lying on the bed,
in her own environment,
The grief of it.
The pain of it.
There lay Garbo.
Who are you? Why are you here?
To breathe the air you breathe.
I'm nuts about it.
Oh, that face.
Why does it look at me like that?
- Because I'm a cad.
- A cad?
How tired you are.
I am tired.
So tired.
I want...
Miss Vronsky!
You're telling me!
I want to be alone.
What a mama.
Please, let me stay.
Well, just for the week then.
- Just for the week?
- Yes.
This is Miss McClune. Yes?
What is it?
Yes but...where?
22...Remember that.
Get my hat and coat.
22 Water Street
I'll be right there.
What 's the matter, Blondie?
Who was that?
My coat! Get me my coat! Quickly!
- Get the coat, will you?
- My coat! Hurry up!
Hey, girls, who are you looking for?
- Is this Water?
- Yes.
How do I get in?
Around the other side. You can go
this way if you like.
- Oh, yes.
- Give me a hand, Mike.
Which way do we go?
Right up that way.
- What are you doing?
- He hates them.
- I'm Miss McClune. What's the matter?
- We got the doctor as quickly as we could.
- Where is he?
- He fell from his chair and struck his head
- What's the matter? Are you the doctor?
- Yes
He hasn't seemed right for a long time.
- Are you a daughter too?
- No. Can't you get him to a hospital?
It isn't his head.
That's merely a scalp wound.
Pa, it's Blondie.
Why can't you do something?
What are you standing around for?
Blondie! The doctor says it isn't his head.
It's his heart.
Oh, no.
Please. He's...
- Say, will you do me a favor?
- Sure.
When Blondie McClune gets off,
tell her that Larry Belmont's over at the
speakeasy and wants to see her right away.
Going to a speakeasy?
- Sure, he's off for Europe.
- Say, what was that?
When Blondie gets off, Larry Belmont
wants to see her at the speakeasy.
You mean he asked for Blondie McClune?
Sure, you heard me.
Going to a speakeasy? You'll be fired.
That would be just too bad, wouldn't it?
- Where's Blondie McClune?
- Here.
Blondie! You're wanted.
- Who wants me?
- A messenger.
Larry Belmont's screaming for you.
- Larry Belmont?
- Yes, didn't you get the message?
I didn't get any message.
Larry Belmont's over at the speakeasy.
He wants you to come right away.
Try to slip over if you can.
- I can't.
I think he's going to Europe tonight.
I told the girls to tell you.
- They didn't tell me.
- He just asked for you again.
Get my things. I'm in a hurry.
And when is the boat sailing?
I don't know.
An hour and a half, two hours.
- And then you'll be in Paris.
- Oui, oui, vive la France.
I wish I were going.
I'd love to go to Paris.
Why don't you? You've got
plenty of money, haven't you?
Money? Yes, I have the money but...
- But what?
- Larry.
When are you coming back?
- I don't know. When the market gets better.
Who knows? Drink up.
- Sure. Champagne, please.
You shouldn't be here
while the show is on.
I can't serve you.
- No? Try and throw me out.
Same old Lurlene.
Even though things aren't, Larry..
I hate to think of your going.
The boat might sink.
- By golly, I never thought of that.
No, you wouldn't.
Pardon me.
Surely. Hurry back.
Hello, funny face.
You're going away. Why?
- I'm tired of things.
- What things?
Fun and the market, the market and fun.
Work and play and all the nonsense
that goes with it.
Pa died, you know.
Yeah, I know.
You could have sent me a little note.
I'm sorry.
- My little girl.
- Don't say that.
That's what he used to call me.
My little girl. Just like that.
You are a little girl. You always have
been and always will be.
Larry. Take care of yourself.
Don't drink. Don't get not to caring.
I love you. Don't you know that?
I'm not drunk. I've never said that
to you before, have I?
- Then why are you saying it now?
- Because I'm going away.
Away from you and away from myself.
I think that would be better
for both of us.
We're not good for each other.
Come on, come on.
Come on, we're late.
- Oh Lurlene, you're wrong!
- What do you mean, I'm wrong?
Didn't I see you? You can't kid me. I know
more about kidding than you'll ever know.
You hear me? You little viper!
I could have taken him away from you a million times
if I wanted to. I was only saying goodbye to him.
- You were not!
- You're crazy! Oh, shut up!
We had a girl almost killed
on the end of that whip.
Her partner was careless.
I wouldn't go on if I were you.
Will you stop your talking?
Stop your talking!
Somebody stop her. She'll kill her!
Keep it up, keep it up.
Act as if nothing's happened, now.
Come on, nothing's happened.
Let's have a light there, don't crowd.
Step aside, please. Step aside.
What happened?
I think she was over at the speakeasy.
- Did you call an ambulance?
- Yes, we did.
Run the show.
Come on, guys, get going.
Quiet, you, quiet.
Let that be a lesson to you kids
to stay out of that speakeasy.
All right, Lonnie.
Geez, Blondie was a swell kid.
That Lurlene I'd like to crown.
You know they've been fighting
all evening?
- What's the matter with those two anyway?
- It's just one of those things.
Hello, darling, come on in.
What's the idea?
A little going away party.
Who's going away? Blondie? Where?
Home, sweet home.
- Hello, darling.
- Hello, everybody.
Come on in.
- Blondie, you look great.
Come on, have a drink.
What's the matter with you all?
You're all dead.
This is a party it isn't a funeral.
Oh, what service.
Give me some champagne.
We're gonna have a pip of a party.
This is going to be fun. How are you?
This is grand.
I'm going on a pip. We're going to have
a swell time. How am I doing, kiddies?
I love your hat, Blondie.
- Thanks.
- It's darling.
How am I doing?
- Drink up, come on.
- OK.
I beg your pardon.
Ma, shall I punch that maid in the nose?
Better not.
Did you see the way she looked at me?
Anybody would think that I was rat poison.
Ma, I wonder if this is hers.
You know, a lot of things
here were presents.
Everything's packed.
Everything she's taking home.
I never knew she rented this place furnished.
She could have sold a lot of these things.
- Pardon me!
- Certainly.
She never told me her business.
- Hello.
- Hello, darling.
- Where have you been? You're late.
- Why don't you come up and stay with me?
No, I'm going home. The day and the month
for this palace of luck is up today.
I'm celebrating. Come on, have a drink.
- But Mr. Murchenson said you don't have to go.
That's very kind of Mr. Murchenson but
little Blondie has to go. Simply must.
You can't go back to that dump.
Are you referring to the McClune Manor?
- The place for little lame ducks is at home.
- But you're going to get better, kid!
Come on, drink up. Who cares?
- I care, Blondie.
- I know you do.
Don't spoil the party now.
Everything's going great.
- Hi, kiddies.
- You're a wonder.
- Don't make me laugh. - You make me feel like a...
Now listen, don't start that all over again.
It was an accident.
- It wasn't an accident.
- It was.
- It wasn't.
- Was too.
It wasn't. I hated you.
That was an accident, wasn't it?
Isn't everything an accident?
Blondie McClune arrives.
The toast of the town.
She suddenly retires to the
seclusion of her home.
Everything's an accident.
Don't kid yourself.
You never know what's around the corner.
Look what's coming around the corner now,
get a load of that!
Hello, Lottie. My, this is cute.
Can I take it home for the baby?
- No, dear, it belongs to the apartment.
- Well, it's cute anyway.
I wouldn't let Ma have
any more to drink.
It's popping right out of her nose.
She'll be having sinus for a month.
What time is it?
I think I better be running along.
Where are my pegs?
- Ah, Madame!
- Ah, Monsieur! How kind of you. Do you mind?
Thank you so much.
All right kiddies, here's lots of the joy water.
Everybody have a drink.
Hello, Larry. I'm glad you came.
- Will you sit down? I'd like to talk to you.
- No, mister, no.
- What is this, a goodbye party?
- Yes. It's the windup. The finish.
- Where do you think you're going?
- I know where I'm going.
I'm going home.
- Uptown?
Uptown eastside, yes.
- What about Murchenson?
- Finished.
- What about me? Am I finished?
- There was nothing to finish with us.
- No?
- No. Come on.
- What do your doctors say?
- What do doctors say?
They look you over. They smile.
They hurt you. They shake their heads.
They're noncommittal. I think that's
what the word is, isn't it?
What do you think you're going to gain
by going back there?
Just the place for me. Not so bad really. It's fine.
- Do you know the place for you?
- Home.
- With me always.
- No. Now don't be serious.
It's very nice of you to say that but...No.
- Is it because of these?
- Perhaps.
- But if you were well?
- Well? That's another story.
But the way I am, I'm no good to anybody, am I?
- You think that makes any difference?
- Of course it does.
Come in and have a drink.
I'm giving up the apartment at 6.
For the new tenants. Come in.
- I've got to be going.
- Goodbye, mister.
Hey, kiddies, come on.
We've got to get out of here at 6.
It's six o'clock now. I'll get you a car.
Drink it all up tout suite.
Come on, have some champagne.
Come on.
Bye, darling, I'm going.
- Must you?
- Yes.
- You let Larry go.
- Of course.
- I'll come up and see you.
- Mind you do.
- So long, kid.
- So long, Mug.
She's a peach, isn't she?
Blondie, why don't you come over to my place.
I'll give you a party after the show.
No. It's after the show for me now.
This is the last party
Positively the last public appearance
of that celebrated dancer, Blondie McClune.
Hurray! Come on, Ma.
Seriously kids: I'm not trying to be theatrical.
I just wanted to see you all,
wish you good luck and you know...
I'm happy, really I am.
This could have happened to anybody.
When anything like this happens,
all you have to do is keep on laughing.
Hi kiddies! How am I doing?
Home, James, and don't spare the horses.
My, who are you? The police?
- Can we come in, please?
- No, we're all asleep.
What's the row?
You might as well come in.
You'll wake up the whole house.
- Come in, gentlemen.
- Thanks.
What do they want? What do they want?
Oh, what do they want?
Do you know what time it is?
It's a quarter past three.
- Say, the joint's full of men,
I think they're after you. - Who are they?
- Search me, I don't know. A lot of old geezers
with black bags. - You're kidding aren't you?
This is the funniest thing last.
- What do they want?
- You better go and see.
- Sorry to disturb you.
- It's Larry Belmont.
It's important. If you don't come out,
we'll have to come in and get you.
Get me my things.
- Oh, I see. You mean they could
break the leg again and reset it? - Yes.
- And that would do the trick?
- Undoubtedly.
- Blondie, come in and sit down.
- Yes, you better sit down.
- But why?
- These men are specialists.
I've dragged them from their homes,
their clubs and their hospitals.
They know the history of your case
and they've seen the x-rays.
And they're convinced that
you could be completely cured.
- No, mister.
- It's true.
- Isn't it so, doctor?
- Yes.
Yes, if your wife would come down
to the hospital we could...
- I'm not his wife.
- But you will be.
Won't you?
OK, mister.
Mister yourself.
subs by bobhangsit 2012
revised by ironhills 2017