Blondie (2012)

Very good!
Look straight at me.
Okay, let's take five.
Five minutes everyone!
See you back in 10.
I'm so hungry!
Let's switch to 12.
Ready? All right, let's go.
Very good!
Remember, your chin...
Yeah! Very nice!
Yeah, that's perfect!
One, two, three!
The other side, again!
Very good. Let's go!
You're going to be a dad.
That should be fun.
That's great.
So it'll be in... July?
Well... I don't really know.
I'll have to check my calendar.
I'll call you and we can decide.
I'm busy with the party.
The girls are coming home. I guess
it's time to get this show on the road.
- Or when she's in heat. She's lovely.
- A bit low-set.
- It's never perfect.
- That's true. Nobody's perfect.
Have you seen my purse?
The small one?
- Where are you going?
- I'm going home.
Elsa! Lovisa!
Come on, you two. Time to go!
Do we take it easy
or do we go for it? Take it!
- I'll stay up here.
- Are you ready, or what?
- Huh? Hello!
- You're not dressed.
- Grandma...
- So should I get the food?
Get dressed!
Sweden is so clean;
That's something you forget.
- Hello, mom!
- My little sweetheart...
It's great to see you.
- It's so great to see you.
- Move your bag over there.
- It's in the way where it is now.
- Oh, sorry.
How's the party coming?
Hello? Oh my...
- Hey, sweetie!
- Hello! Darling little sister...
- Good to see you.
- We'll put this away with you here.
- You look great. What happened?
- Nothing. Why?
- Did Janne finally go down on you?
- Cut it out...
- You can feel great without good sex.
- Really? I didn't know that.
- Mommy's tiny little sweetheart!
- Yes...
God, that's a lot of luggage.
Katarina, you'll have to help out.
I don't know what to grab.
I guess I'll take...
- How nice! I've missed this house.
- Everything is the same here.
Great. This place is so calming.
I guess so...
Well, nothing ever happens here.
You'd go nuts here,
you're used to the big city.
That's true, but this is nice
for a while.
Oh, stop it! Turn that off.
- I'm not kidding. I'll beat you!
- Oh, I'm so scared...
Oh my!
- This one is so beautiful.
- I think it's cheesy.
- It's lovely. Don't you have dreams?
- What?
- She hears poorly. Don't mention it.
- What, does she need a hearing aid?
Oh God, you put this on? Come here.
- Whoops...
- You OK?
- Hello?
- Oh good, the food. Let's eat!
Great... Got it.
- Hello!
- Hey, Janne. It's been a while.
- Here, have some wine.
- Thanks.
Will you get some napkins
in the kitchen? This will be messy.
- You want me to go?
- Yes, please.
- I can't believe...
- Elin!
I'm so out of it... Lova,
will you bring the punsch glasses?
- What?
- The punsch glasses, please.
- I don't recall mom ever cooking.
- No, it was rare.
What on earth? I was slaving away
in the kitchen all the time.
- Don't you remember?
- No!
- So what did you make?
- Well, all sorts of things.
- Such as?
- Regular meals. Lova, where are you?
Don't be childish. That's enough.
I'll have a piece of bread.
- Shake a paw!
- Shake a paw. Paw!
- Sit.
- Stay! Look at this!
- One, two, three, four, five.
- Mom?
Why did you turn my room
into an office?
The office?
That was never your room, was it?
- Yes, it was.
- The little ones are asleep now.
What are you doing?
- Did you forget that it was my room?
- You lived in the servant's room.
- Lova stayed in the office a while.
- No.
- Sure. You usually stayed away.
- No, I didn't.
- Didn't Lova stay in the office?
- I stayed in the servant's room...
...for a month before Milan - true.
But my entire childhood...
...was spent in the office.
- I'm sure you're right.
Check out the dork's room.
Look, everything is still here.
- What are you looking for?
- Nothing.
My equestrian prizes!
I was pretty damn good.
I was!
Tomorrow is the big day.
Nothing can go wrong.
Carelessness, laziness, and disorder
will not be accepted.
- Katti, you know what to do?
- Yes.
Janne can get some infrared heaters
in case it gets cold.
- Really? OK, fine.
- Sure thing.
- What did you say?
- Sure.
- I never hear what he's saying.
- Mom!
I can do the seating arrangement
and set the table.
That won't work, darling. You know
you can't keep track of who's who.
- Just make a list!
- I don't want to do a goddamn list.
Lists are pretty good, actually.
I just know that I can...
- I can't be bothered.
- Well, can I finish?
- You're always going on and on.
- No, I don't.
- Elin can't do just one thing.
- You fucking bitch!
- Don't fight. I can't stand it.
- Neither can I.
I'll take the dogs out.
Come on, boy. Come here, Saga.
Come, come!
Where are the leashes?
Come here, everybody!
There, there. Let's go outside.
- Are you mad now?
- Yes, I am.
We just got here, and you're already
nagging about lists and crap.
- She just leaves when it gets tough.
- Fucking whore, fucking whore...
- Yes, I'm mad. You're all idiots.
- Well, excuse me!
- When did you ever fix anything?
- I fixed these cookies.
- You didn't fix them!
- I put them out, didn't I?
- ass-fuck, thank you very much.
- Janne!
- What is he talking about?
- He gets weird when he's drunk.
- Hello.
- Hello...
Give me a hand here.
Why do you drink like this?
- Fuck you, fuck you.
- I'll pretend I didn't hear that.
Jesus! Goddamn it!
No, no...
- Try to help out, Janne.
- Time for you to have a shower.
- He has no idea where he is.
- I usually don't either.
But I don't usually
get hosed off for that.
Jesus... Just wait a little.
Easy, easy!
Oh, good! I'm absolutely exhausted.
- I'm so tired.
- So was Janne.
- Elin...
- I just meant that he went to bed.
Here? That's unexpected.
Not a word during dinner, and then
he goes to bed when he's not home.
I have to go. Work.
That's fine. Off you go!
- Elin...
- Yes.
Finish this.
You have to learn at some point.
You put away all the dishes
before moving on.
Yes. I'm pretty sure I can handle
putting things in the dishwasher.
- Take care of it now then.
- Yes, sure.
It sucked being at home.
My whole family was there.
- I've missed you.
- Is that so?
- Hello...
- Good morning.
- What do we do?
- Let's go, me and you.
- Saint Tropez.
- Drinks are on me.
Come on, you little psycho!
Go after the ball.
You know... I want the serve.
- Does it have to bounce first?
- Yes, it does.
- Can't we play like badminton?
- No, we can't.
You must know what I'm talking about.
We're just passing each other.
It's not enough for me.
- I want more than this.
- OK, fine.
I want more.
I don't want to live like this.
Yes, there you are!
My lovely little dogs.
There you are!
- Hello!
- Well, there are a lot of us.
- Hey! Don't sneak off, now.
- I've already finished my tasks.
- Nice dress!
- Thanks. You too.
Lova? Lova?
Let's see, this will be your seat.
Darling, no!
Your shoes don't go on the table.
Katarina, let's make standing fans.
- Kisses!
- Kisses...
- I usually do this.
- Not today, Elin. We don't have time.
- Stop being silly.
- What do you mean? I'm not silly.
- Shut up!
- Oh, sorry.
- What's the matter?
- Nothing...
Nothing's the matter.
Everything's fine...
- Something's up with her.
- "Something's up. I'm silly."
- How the hell are you?
- Oh, so you're a doctor and a model?
- Or neither, perhaps. Which is it?
- Fucking bitch!
Come here.
- Thanks.
- Thank you. Bye!
- Come on, girls.
- Hello.
- Would you come with me, please?
- Excuse me'?
- Excuse me? How's the dessert done?
- We're not serving the dessert.
- Why? Who is?
- I don't know. Isn't it a buffet?
- Some things ought to be served.
- It'll work out fine.
Can you take a break?
Hello? Yes, speaking.
- I'm sorry, Kattis.
- What the hell is wrong with you?
You're above the rest of us.
Why did you even come home?
Here, get in.
- You're a real fuck-up!
- I didn't mean for this to happen.
Yeah well, it did.
So how was work last night?
- You can't ride with us. Get out!
- Honestly?
Get out of the car. Get out!
Get out of my car!
I was at the crayfish party.
Why don't you sing that song again?
Sing it to us. Go on!
"Stina was sitting..."
- So mom had a thing with a German?
- Yes, with several.
- What were their names?
- Helmut.
- All of them?
- No...
Here's to Helmut!
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
For Sigrid-
who turns 70 today.
I'll be darned - 70 years old!
Who would believe me,
looking at her today?
- Well, my dear Ingrid...
- Oh no!
- That funny! I'm not Ingrid.
- No, my mistake.
- A slip of the tongue...
- You're worse than the King.
I think... Wait, I don't know...
I think I'm having a heart attack.
- What's going on?
- I don't know.
What's going on? What's wrong?
- What's wrong?
- I can't breathe.
- Easy! Do you know where you are?
- Yes... Yes, I know.
Don't hover over her, she needs air.
Just stay calm and breathe.
- There you go...
You'll feel much better after this.
Happy 70th birthday!
That's a big deal!
It's a big deal.
We're so happy for you,
and we're proud to be here today.
Having you for a mother
is truly something to be proud of.
At least, I am.
- You want things to be good.
- Things are good.
For you to look at me,
at your daughters, and be proud.
- Well, I am.
- That goes for Lova and me.
You want to be a good daughter.
We want... That's what you want.
We have had such a hard time
finding you a gift.
It's hard to find something
for someone who has everything.
But happy birthday!
Thank you, sweetheart.
That's enough, it was great.
- Cheers, everyone!
- Cheers!
For our mom, who's turning 70!
That's insanely old...
Bravo! Bravo!
What the hell? There's a fire...
There's a fire. There's a damn fire!
- What is going on?
- There's a fire!
- Get a fire-extinguisher!
- Be careful, Janne!
Come here, it'll be OK.
Daddy's going to take care of it.
- You got it?
- Looking good. That's good!
I think it's a damn...
It's just a suitcase!
- Did you put it out?
- It was just a suitcase.
- Hello? We're leaving now.
- No.
- Yes, we're staying with grandma.
- I don't want to.
- They don't want to.
- No, I can see that.
Isn't it better if we do something
fun together? A road trip, an outing?
- Bye-bye, daddy.
- Bye.
- What's this?
- I'm cooking for us.
Does it say potatoes with peel?
It's hard to read.
- Put your glasses on.
- I am, sweetheart.
Not my reading glasses...
It says potatoes, but that's fine.
I'm sure you've rinsed them?
- Yes, I think I did.
- Perhaps you should peel them.
There are so many black spots.
- Are you excited about the dog meet?
- Sorry?
- Are you excited about the dog meet?
- I don't know about excited...
But it's tradition,
so I guess I'll go.
- Lova and I can care for the house.
- Sure.
I'd like... I'm a bit tired
of all this running around.
- Are you cooking?
- Yes.
- Do you want my help?
- Sure. Peel these mini-onions.
- The shallots?
- Right, that's what they're called.
- Aren't you bored here?
- Yes, it's pretty boring.
I'll get it.
Don't you think we've seen enough
of each other?
- The soup was very good, Elin.
- Thanks.
- Where is it from?
- A friend made it one night in Paris.
Mom, is it OK if we stay here
for a while?
- Here?
- She wants us to leave.
- You don't want us here?
- She said so earlier.
No, I didn't say that.
What kind of spices did you use?
You know sometimes
you're a fucking asshole!
Either way, I have a trip planned.
There's a dog meet.
I can't stay here.
- I'm the one who should leave!
- Elin!
I'm messed up, I'm the problem!
I should leave this damn house.
- I'm the one with the problem, right?
- I don't want to hear this.
Stop running,
and start caring about someone else!
Kattis is in there, wanting to stay,
and you don't care worth a damn!
- Stop it, Elin!
- The hell I will! She doesn't care.
Katarina, you're welcome to stay here
for as long as you want.
But you're leaving, aren't you?
You have a very, very important life
somewhere far from here, don't you?
Since when do you care
about what goes on here?
I was 15, a fucking teenager,
when you sent me to Milan.
- Hey...
- I was a child, and you sent me away!
- You threw a child out of the house.
- Don't you blame me!
Don't blame me
for what your life is like!
I only blame you for being a psycho.
I was 15 years old -
a fucking teenager!
And you told me
I didn't have to come back.
- You know something?
- What?
I'm having an affair
with a guy at work.
He's a medical intern
and a lot younger.
- Oh, sorry. Do you want to know this?
- Yeah.
- What, does Janne know?
- No. Are you crazy?
Well, you stop caring
after a while, don't you?
- Look!
- Yes...
They're getting a bit old.
Perhaps we should trim them.
Should we pick some
to put on the table? I love that.
- Yes.
- Should we?
You or I?
Their stems are tough,
perhaps it's not a great idea.
- Have you gained weight? I think so.
- No, I haven't!
I don't know
if I should ask you about...
Do Elsa and Lovisa need
some stuff as well?
Should I bring something for them?
This is so hard...
Well, yes... Of course.
Hey, I'm sure it'll be OK.
Or, well, I don't know...
- Why is she so mean? I don't get it.
- I don't know.
She drugged me.
That's pretty mean too, right?
Maybe I'm heading for a
collapse one of these days as well.
- Come, sweetie!
- How are they?
Good, except for little Minnie
who's been ill.
She's been to the vet 7 times
this fall. It's awfully expensive.
- But she's much better now.
- And how are things with you?
- See you later!
- See you. Take care now!
There you go, sweetie.
- So V is forward?
- Yep, V.
Why won't he die?
Why can't I shoot him?
- Well, those are your friends.
- But I want to shoot them.
I don't think... That's your team,
I don't think they'll die.
But why don't you focus
on the enemy right there instead?
- R... R... Hand grenade.
- Reload is done.
You're throwing it at your friends,
but that's fine.
- I can't kill them.
- No, but yourself. If you look...
Hello? Right.
Katti, tell me what happened.
What are you talking about?
Just say what happened.
Elin, I'll handle this.
Why don't you go sit down?
- You'll fix it. You know this stuff.
- We have to wait for the results.
Let me know if you're hungry later.
I'll be right next door.
Thank you, Linn.
Will you two stop for a little while?
Come over here.
Even if things between daddy and me
aren't the same as they used to be-
- we will always love you two
very, very much.
We love you so much we almost break.
And that will never change.
No matter what.
It's super-important
that you understand that.
I get that you're tired of us, but...
But I...
Nothing is really working right now.
And I don't understand why.
We miss you. It's not as much fun,
and they're so tiresome.
I sort of thought that...
That it'd be nice to come home
and all, but I just feel...
I'm sorry I'm such a handful
all time and...
Kattis is sort of...
She's always so good.
I don't know...
Elin 15 years old!
First model assignment.
You'd better apologize. Or at least
admit that what you did was wrong.
You were wrong.
You old hag...
You're not the worst mom
in the world.
I did mean it, but you're not.
I was going to tell you when you
came back, but you didn't come back.
Which is standard for you,
you old hag.
Everything usually just works out,
but I don't think it will this time.
Let's drink to that.
So this is where you are?
- This is a guy... What was your name?
- Tommy.
- Hello, Tommy. We're leaving now.
- I don't want to.
Come on. Let's sit down.
Elin, please work with me!
I love you.
- But you're no walk in the park.
- Neither are you.
- Can I have a glass of white wine?
- Sure.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
- Better?
- Yes, a little bit.
You know something?
I was always jealous of you.
It's true!
You never pretend to be
someone you're not.
It's an extremely rare quality.
It's Lova. Hello?
- Yes, well you have...
- One, two, three!
- Monkey face!
- Shut up!
- Exactly!
- I can't stand my own crappy jokes.
- What? They're awesome!
- It's OK. They're always crappy.
- Ouch!
- Cigarette burn - hello!
I saved Elin when we got here.
Or when I got here, I mean.
She was about to go home
with a construction worker.
- His name was Tommy...
- Classy!
What? You think I'd find a guy here
that I'd take home and fuck?
- Would you?
- No, I wouldn't.
- Really?
- Really? Well, maybe. I don't know.
- I have a confession to make.
- OK...
I convinced mom to not celebrate
Christmas once, just to piss you off.
- She really did. And you were so mad!
- Yes.
- OK, well... guess what I did?
- You looked as if...
It was my fault you had to cut
your hair. I put chewing gum in it.
What? Goddamn you!
I knew that it was you.
Such a bitchy thing to do.
Oh, I used to call Social Services
and ask them to come get Lova...
...because we can't afford her.
- Right, we were poor.
- Yes, we had one child too much.
- That is so mean.
She believed me! She did everything
I asked, she bought stuff.
Yes, so that I could stay.
I didn't want to go to foster care.
And I used to call Children's Rights
on speaker phone in front of Lova.
- And she did it often too.
- God, you're awful!
- And I believed her every time.
- Damn it, Elin...
- I have something to confess as well.
- It's about goddamn time.
- You're all talk.
- No, but it's best...
- We'll listen. Sorry. What?
- I...
I had my first period yesterday.
- Well, I am a bit younger than some.
- I got blood in my panties.
- What is it?
- Well, I just...
I used to steel 500 kronor-bills
from mom's wallet.
- That's the most pathetic thing ever.
- We all did, even I!
- Still?
- Yes, still.
It's really bad.
Completely fucked up.
I don't know what I'm doing.
I know that it seems as if I do,
but I'm completely clueless.
Seriously... who the hell are you?
Sorry! You're handsome
and everything, that's not it...
Come on!
- What are you doing?
- Nothing.
- You see where he is...
- Teamwork, that's good.
- Oh, will I get shot now?
- Yes, because you're just walking on.
- There.
- There, right! OK then...
Mom abandoned us, and now I...
I've abandoned my family.
For you.
God, I don't know what I'm doing.
You're such a jerk.
Elin? Time to wake up.
What time is it?
Oh my... This is so nice!
And dogs! A lot of them.
Can I take you coat?
Morn, do you want anything?
Can I get you something?
- She just wants to be home.
- You don't know that.
I can sit right there.
- You live here. You know that, right?
- Yes, I know that.
Well, that's good...
It usually comes back with time.
- It seems to come and go.
- That happens.
We can help by telling her
about things, how it's been.
Cerebral hemorrhage and stroke.
Don't get lost in the words.
- Can I talk? Not about her.
- Absolutely.
I've done a great deal of thinking.
It's as if
I've woken up from a dream-
- or as if I've been asleep
for many years, but now I get it.
- Right, here you go.
- Thank you.
- I feel that this is my fault.
- It's not just your fault.
But I let everything
just fall apart... Yes.
I've quit drinking.
It feels damn good, it really does.
It's like a new kind of clarity.
My thoughts are clear. I'm me.
It's an awakening.
I can see... how it ended up like this
between you and me.
And that's a good thing.
I have to go. Take care of yourself.
Where did you go?
I should have never left.
I should have...
I would have liked to...
I should have been there with you.
- Not have let you go away.
- But...
I should have...
You were so little;
I should have been there with you.
I didn't see you... How foolish.
It was all so foolish.
- Oh, sweetie. Can't you stay?
- I have to go home to work.
- I'll come back soon.
- My little sweetheart.
- I'm not that little anymore.
- No, you're really not.
- Has anyone seen my flat iron?
- Are you leaving as well?
Yes, I am. I realized
I want to get back to London.
There are a bunch of things
I want to do there.
- I'll be staying for a while.
- That makes me happy.
Oh! Let's take a photo.
- Why isn't it photographing?
- You have to push the button.
There it is.
- A bit closer.
- It's blinking.