Blood Bags (2018)

(electronic whooshing)
(gentle ominous music)
(light suspenseful music)
(glass shattering)
(speaking in foreign language)
(ominous music)
(light suspenseful music)
(eerie music)
(bell ringing)
- Alex.
(intense music)
- Tony!
(speaking in foreign language)
(ominous music)
(heavy breathing)
(suspenseful instrumental music)
(distant cars honking)
(gentle instrumental music)
- You know what I'm gonna
miss the most about Italy?
- The boys?
- The buildings.
- Oh come on.
- Well, each their own.
You're the andrology expert around here.
- What?
- I was just calling you a slut.
- Huh, so I guess you won't be coming
out with me tonight, huh?
- Wait, what's up tonight?
- The party at Chula's, the club.
- Shit, I completely forgot about that.
- You pretty much forget about everything,
unless it's photos.
(knocking on door)
- Ciao, Tracy.
- Ciao, Vincenzo.
Petra, Vincenzo's here.
- I'm not ready.
- You two girls care for a coffee?
- Yeah, one minute.
Un minuto, okay?
- Okay.
- Ciao.
Your boyfriend can't stay
too long without you, huh?
- Hey, it's not my boyfriend.
I just like to hang around with him.
He's very romantic, you know.
- Yeah, sure.
Quickest way into a girl's pants.
- So what?
You only live once, right?
How about you, instead?
You have been here for four months,
and I have never seen you with a guy.
- I don't have time for that.
- Oh yeah, you only have
time for your camera.
- What can I say?
Photos last forever.
- You have very sexy hands.
No really, don't you know?
In Italy we say that long
fingers are a symbol of beauty.
- Thank you.
- So, you already have a project
for the video production class?
- No, I don't like the
idea of using my camera
to shoot video.
I'm here to perfect my
photography, not learn filmmaking.
- Right, right.
Well, I have a couple of good ideas.
- Not another zombie movie idea.
- Sort of.
I'm looking for some stage blood
that's doesn't look too fake, you know?
- I don't think Mr.
Prono's gonna like that.
He doesn't go for the
overly creative stuff.
- Fuck him.
Jesus, what this school costs,
the least I can do is having some fun.
So yeah, fuck Mr. Prono.
Fuck him in the asshole
with a big rubber dick!
(gentle instrumental music)
- You know, if I were
you, I'd keep it quieter.
- Why?
Half of these dogs
think I'm crazy, anyway.
Let them tell on me, I don't fucking care.
- Suit yourself.
- So, Tracy, what do you have there?
- My blog.
- Your what?
- My photography blog.
- There she goes.
- Well that's a lot of old places.
- I'm doing a study on
architectural archeology.
- You should go easy with post production,
and your framing could be improved.
- I hope I can get a few
more pictures before I leave.
- Hey maybe you should check
the hills around Taurino.
Like plenty of old houses up there.
- Really?
- Yes, like half an hour
from here, even less by car.
If you want, I can take you
girls there sometime, huh?
I mean, we can take you.
You know, show you around.
- How about now?
I can't think of a better assistant.
- Wait.
- I don't think I want to
hang out with the girl anyway.
I mean, her pictures are
pretty bad, aren't they?
- Just shut up, man.
What are you, queer?
(gentle instrumental music)
- How about that one?
- No, it's not good.
- How can you be so sure?
You can barely see the tip of your shoes.
- I just know it's not.
I'll tell you when I see it.
(speaking in foreign language)
- Come on, Petra.
We're supposed to be enjoying this.
In a couple of weeks,
you'll go back to Kazan,
and I'll go back to Akron, Ohio.
- Do you really think you
can become a photographer?
- Well, it's not like I have a plan B.
- So?
- So I must make it.
(birds chirping)
- But what if you don't?
- Then I guess I'll live in
my parents' basement forever.
(distant cars honking)
(door shutting)
(gentle ominous music)
(knocking on door)
(door creaking)
(speaking in foreign language)
(gentle ominous music)
(woman coughing)
(speaking in foreign language)
(light ominous music)
(eerie music)
(steady ominous music)
(trunk slamming)
(gentle music)
(door slamming)
(engine revving)
- My God, is that amazing, or what?
- Well yes.
It sure is something.
Hey, wait.
- This is exactly what I was looking for.
(camera shutter clicking)
- Is that how they do it in America?
You see a place you like
and you just go for it.
- Oh come on.
This place is obviously abandoned.
And besides, we're just a couple of girls.
We're not criminals.
- Try saying that to a policeman.
- We just hit the fucking jackpot here.
- What, what are you talking about?
- Don't tell me you're not dying to see
what's inside there.
- Of all the things I'd die to see,
this is not on my list.
Not by a long shot.
- Oh come on.
We have to go in there.
This is the perfect location,
and I can try out a couple new filters.
- This is very stupid and you know it.
- Please, do it for me.
- Okay.
But this is the last time
you can use the do it for me line.
- I promise.
I'll be gone in a month anyway.
(gentle music)
Don't worry, we'll do
it quick and painless.
(light ominous music)
This is so cool, don't you think?
(speaking in foreign language)
- Classy.
Be a darling and hand me
the tripod, would you?
(camera shutter clicking)
You see, I'm trying to get a Ouija look.
Kind of like a murder
scene from the 1930s.
Black and white, harsh
contrast, lots of depth.
It'd look great with some grain.
- Just call me when you're finished.
- Hey wait, where are you going?
- To get some me time.
(gentle ominous music)
(upbeat music)
(camera shutter clicking)
(buzzing and beeping)
(camera shutter clicking)
- This is so cool.
(gentle music)
(bells jingling)
(speaking in foreign language)
(light ominous music)
(eerie music)
(upbeat music)
(suspenseful music)
(yelling in foreign language)
(camera shutter clicking)
(blade swooshing)
(upbeat dance music)
(camera beeping)
- Hey Petra, I'm finished.
(gentle ominous music)
(distant banging)
(light grumbling)
(suspenseful music)
(door slamming)
(door creaking)
(suspenseful music)
- Polizia.
- Pronto, you see, I need help.
I am trapped in a
mansion, and my friends...
- I don't
understand you lady.
No English, speak Italian.
- Listen to me please.
I'm inside a mansion, a villa, that.
(speaking in foreign language)
- Where are you?
- Yes, yes, a villa.
The address is Via Bava 15.
(speaking in foreign language)
- And your name is?
(intense music)
(camera shutter clicking)
(breathing heavily)
(alarm bell ringing)
(breathing heavily)
- Jesus.
Oh god.
(door creaking)
(intense music)
(door slamming)
(speaking in foreign language)
(distant cars honking)
(muffled yelling)
(speaking in foreign language)
- Stay away from me!
(speaking in foreign language)
- What?
I don't speak Italian.
- You're English?
- American.
- American.
(speaking in foreign language)
- What was that thing?
- The fuck if I know.
It has been on my tail all night
after it killed my, how do you say?
- It killed my friend, too.
Oh my God, Petra, why?
- Oh come on.
Don't do that.
Stop with that shit or
I'll fucking kill you.
Got it?
- How do we get out of here?
- I don't know.
(gentle music)
- Why are you here?
- Money.
We thought this place was
perfect for making some.
Fast and easy.
I guess we were wrong.
- Are you a thief?
This just gets better by the minute.
- You can sit down if you want.
He won't be after us for a while.
- And how do you know?
- The clock, have you heard it?
Every time it rings, that thing,
he takes a break.
Don't ask me why.
What's your name?
- Tracy.
- Tracy, huh?
- And you are?
- My name is Alex.
Do you want one?
- What's that?
- They call them cigarettes.
- No, I don't smoke.
- Oh yeah, right.
None of you Americans smoke anymore.
You all think you're gonna live forever.
(door shutting)
(gentle music)
(door shutting)
(speaking in foreign language)
(gentle music)
(cell phone ringing)
(gentle ominous music)
(phone ringing)
(speaking in foreign language)
(cell phone ringing)
(ominous music)
- What the fuck?
- That's my phone, it's ringing.
We must get it.
Don't you understand me?
That way we can call for help.
- Fuck you, I'm not going out.
- Listen to me, I can't see.
I go out there, I die, so it's up to you.
Or do you want to stay
here forever with him?
- Shit.
Not my choice, huh?
- No, not really.
- Okay, let's do it.
(cell phone ringing)
(light suspenseful music)
Once I'm out, lock the door.
(door creaking)
(cell phone ringing)
(heavy breathing)
(heavy breathing)
(heavy breathing)
(speaking in foreign language)
(suspenseful music)
(tin clattering)
(eerie music)
(heavy breathing)
(crank clicking)
(gentle music)
(speaking in foreign language)
(suspenseful music)
(heart beating)
(heavy breathing)
(speaking in foreign language)
(light knocking)
- It's me.
Open the door.
(door creaking)
(gentle music)
I found these.
(intense music)
(gentle music)
(door shutting)
(gun clicking)
(speaking in foreign language)
- No wait, please, I...
(speaking in foreign language)
- Please, senior.
I just want to go home.
(speaking in foreign language)
- Please.
(gentle ominous music)
(speaking in foreign language)
(doors shutting)
(gentle music)
(ominous music)
(gentle music)
(door creaking)
(ominous music)
(muffled screaming)
(engine puttering)
(heavy breathing)
(speaking in foreign language)
- Petra.
(gentle instrumental music)
(eerie music)
Kind of like a murder
scene from the 1930s.
- Hey maybe you should check
the hills around Taurino, it's like,
plenty of old houses up there.
- You should go
easy with post production,
and your framing could be improved.
- Photos last forever.
- Just call me
when you're finished.
- You all think
you're gonna live forever.
(gentle eerie music)
- Oh my God, Petra, why?
- You only have time for a camera.
- I'm sorry.
(intense music)
(alarm bell ringing)
(engine puttering)
(ethereal music)
(heavy breathing)
(Tracy crying)
- Please sir.
I don't want that.
Just let me go, okay?
I won't tell anyone, I swear.
I'm just a girl.
- Sorry.
I can't do it.
- No, you don't understand.
I'm an American, I want a...
- I understand everything, now shut up.
(speaking in foreign language)
(gentle ominous music)
- You'd better surrender while you can.
Their enforcements are on their way.
They are coming.
(speaking in foreign language)
- I want my mom!
I want to go home to my family.
- Family.
I have a family too, little girl.
He's my family.
(eerie music)
(speaking in foreign language)
- Oh God.
(speaking in foreign language)
(gun clicking)
(intense music)
(speaking in foreign language)
(gentle ethereal music)
(gun firing)
(gun clicking)
(gun firing)
(suspenseful music)
- Let's go.
(blade whooshing)
(heart beating)
- Shit.
The keys.
- Holy lord.
(suspenseful music)
- You kids go.
I'll take care of him.
- What?
- Go.
(gun clicking)
- Come on.
- Wait, where are we going?
- Trust me.
(heart beating)
(heavy breathing)
- Alex?
Alex, where are you?
Don't leave me alone.
Alex, please come back.
Somebody help me, please!
Please help!
Please, somebody help me, please!
Someone help me, please!
(gentle music)
(breathing heavily)
(intense music)
(metal clinking)
(eerie music)
(alarm bell ringing)
- Come on.
Let's go.
(ominous music)
- Alex.
(alarm bell ringing)
(breathing heavily)
(intense music)
(liquid bubbling)
(engine puttering)
(speaking in foreign language)
- No, no, no!
(gentle ominous music)
(eerie buzzing)
(suspenseful music)