Blood Bond, The (2010)

My dear, devoted Deva.
Your skills have become
I've been blessed
by your teachings, master.
Come, sit with this old man
for a moment.
You have passed
every physical challenge...
endured the hardship of our ways.
But for you to be fully realised as
a Bharmaja a protector,
I must know if your mind...
and heart and spirit
are also forged anew.
Please recite for me
the 3rd lesson of the Bharmaja.
To stop rather than injure...
injure rather than maim...
maim rather than kill...
and only take a life
when the needs of the spirit...
outweigh the needs of the body...
You have walked far
into the sunlight, Deva...
but I sense a shadow on you yet.
I would know of the road...
that brought you to our temple gate.
It was four years ago...
my first task as a Bharmaja:
to protect my teacher
The Bagwun?
Purma was a nation torn apart
by civil war.
The rebel forces, the PLM,
controlled the North of the country...
the government forces the South
Rebel leader Kin Lompoc's men
detained and executed...
anyone believed to support
the existing regime.
Executions were carried out daily,
brutally and without trial.
The only hope lay with the Bagwun...
a spiritual leader revered
by the people of Purma...
a man bringing a message
of peace to a land at war.
A man I was sworn to protect...
The Purmese government
had provided us...
with rooms at a 5-star hotel...
and a full security detail
around the clock.
Even so,
I sensed danger that night...
What is it?
I don't know.
Something wrong?
I'm not sure.
Deva, why must you always...
look for shadows on a sun-filled day?
The brighter the sun,
the darker the shadow.
That sounds very wise.
It should, you said it.
very wise indeed.
Is there anything else before bed?
No, I feel very content and safe
Alright! Well, I'll leave you then.
The Bagwun is alone.
Copy! Stand by.
We have a very serious problem here.
What kind of problem?
The Bagwun,
he needs a blood transfusion.
So do it.
It's his blood type.
It's AB Rh negative.
It's a very rare blood type.
How rare?
Here is the donor list
with addresses...
and contact numbers, doctor.
Thank you.
We've called all the other hospitals
in the area...
and could only find five donors
on record.
Four in the metro area...
and one man we were treating
for a liver disorder.
He lives up north.
His name is Tremayne.
We still have the address
of the clinic...
where we used to send him
his medicine.
we go with one of the four donors
here in town.
What if you can't find them.
Shouldn't you...
look for this Tremayne as well?
I'm not sending one of my men
up north.
It's a suicide mission.
I'll go.
The PLM own that part of the country
They don't take kindly to outsiders
Unlike your men,
it's possible I can slip in and out
of area quietly...
I can take care of myself.
Yeah, I've noticed
If you want to go, I won't stop you
But you're on your own
Thank you
Here's the information
Long live the liberation
What are you doing here?
Bad news
Did you contact our operators in the city?
They are in process.
Did you see who's name is on this list?
Small world.
Go back to the city.
Kill the other four donors.
And what about Tremayne?
I'll send Logan to keep an eye on him.
I really appreciate this.
But, is there any way
you can make it a round trip?
I'd like to help you.
But I've got medical supplies to deliver.
Where you're going is a real hot zone.
I can drop you, but that's it.
Good enough. Let's go.
So how long have you been flying this route.
Two years too long.
This territory has changed hands more times
than I've had my blades oiled.
We have to use civilian choppers
like this one even to deliver medicine.
Cause you never know
who's gonna be taking a shot at you.
It's a gorgeous country.
Yeah, it would be...
if it wasn't at war with itself.
The village you're looking for...
is 2 miles north from here.
Alright, thanks...
Good luck.
You too.
Mr. Tran
Hey! What's taking so long?
Hey, go see what's taking so long!
So, which way is Apkwat Village?
Two miles this way.
Excuse me...
I didn't call for a girl.
Did Madame Kai send you?
Madame Kai. Don't you work for...?
No. I don't know a Madame Kai.
No, you don't work for Madame Kai, do you?
Who are you? What do you want?
I need your help.
To do what?
Do you know your blood type?
Well, let's just say the day
I need a blood transfusion...
is the day I'm gonna die.
So, you're John Tremayne?
You want to tell me what's this all about?
There's been an attempt
on the life of the Bagwun.
Yeah, I heard about that.
He's the peace activist.
He needs a blood transfusion.
AB Rh negative.
You got the wrong guy.
I don't want anything to do with this.
I don't care about the Bagwun.
Doesn't seem like you care about anything
from the looks of this place.
You know..
you're smarter than you look.
Get out.
You're still here, aren't you?
All right, let me get my pants on
and we'll see if we can
figure this thing out. Ok?
Give me the usual.
You here early. Why?
Murphy's law.
What that mean?
Never mind.
Business is booming. Who are they?
They've been here all night
They celebrate some big PLM victory.
Son of the bitch.
Hey! Bartender.
Get us some drinks, you lazy bastard!
Oh, Ok
You? American?
You look like a spy.
Maybe C. I.A.?
Guess again.
What's that?
I said, guess again.
It's okay.
We like American.
America support the PLM, yes?
I don't know. And I don't care.
What about you? Do you support the PLM?
I used to...
before they started
with the suicide bombs...
and killing innocent women and children.
Say that again.
I don't want any trouble!
Are you alright?
Mr. Trinh's office is just up here.
Hey, he's downstairs.
I didn't need you help.
you look like
you had everything under control.
What don't you get?
Why can't you understand.
I'm not your man.
I'm not the volunteering type.
You might not appreciate
the teachings of the Bagwun.
And you might not fully understand
the implications all of this...
Just save it!
Look, I...
I used to be like you.
But not anymore.
And the only thing that...
I'm called on to do in this life...
is to look after myself.
This is bigger than one man's life.
This is more important than you or me.
I'm not putting my ass on the line
for him or anyone else.
Not anymore.
Why are you following me?
Because I have my duty, as you have yours.
You know you are wasting your time
with that shit on me
Hey John, it's been a long time.
How're you doing?
Doing alright Niko. How you been?
What have you been up to?
Fighting the good fight. Who's your friend?
She is just a hooker. What's going on?
Lompoc. He wants to talk to you.
Ok, eh...
Well, I got some other things
I'm doing today.
Tell him I'll catch up with him
later in the week.
Well, to be perfectly honest with you, John
it's not really a request...
Drop the AK, Niko!
Drop it!
- What are you doing?
- Put the gun down!
Hey, John!
Put it down!
Calm down, John!
Ok, here! here...
I put it down... Ok!
Put your hands up!
Hands up!
Get them up!
I had seen guns before,
but never a man shot in cold blood.
Go! Get out of here! Go! Go!
And I wondered to myself,
who was this John Tremayne?
Come on!
Get in!
They're heading south...
What's going on?
Where did you learn to fight like that?
I was trained from childhood
to be a Bharmaja.
A what?
A protector for the Bagwun.
It's my family's duty.
My father was the last Protector.
And now I must carry on the tradition.
So it's a ceremonial position?
As a Bharmaja,
my duties will only end...
when all men are liberated by
forgiveness and compassion.
Good luck with that.
I'm sure it is hard for you to comprehend.
A female bodyguard without a weapon?
No, I... get it.
All that matters is the Bagwun is in danger
and now we must save him.
What is it?
We're being followed.
Floor it!
Pull over!
Ah! The AK!
Turn right!
Whoa! That was intense, man!
Good driving.
For a girl.
He escaped.
He's got help. A woman.
We've had a report
she's connected to Bagwun.
I should have sent you.
Where is he now?
I assume they are traveling East
along the Kher River.
Assume? Assume!
It's just one man!
If we can't take a man,
how can we take a nation?
Everyday! Everyday!
We got worse news!
More soldiers lost,
less new recruits.
If the old man lives,
it's all over!
The revolution, the cause is finished!
If Tremayne makes it to the city,
we won't get another chance.
Don't worry, he won't
He can't!
What do you want to do?
Let's go hunting.
What are we gonna do now?
Come on.
But the city is that way.
The Bagwun is that way.
We can't stay in the open road
with the PLM after us.
That's suicide.
Come on! I got a plan.
What about the gun?
They're no good without bullets.
Or didn't they teach you that
in Bharmaja school?
Why are you so angry?
I'm not angry, you haven't seen me angry.
I'm irritated.
Why are you so irritated?
Cause I'm in the middle of nowhere.
I got no money.
Everything I own is in that hut back there.
Which I'll never be able to go back to.
We can pay.
The Bagwun's followers are very rich.
They can pay you whatever you ask.
Why didn't you say that before?
It never occurred to me...
that you would want to be paid
to do the right thing.
Well it should have. Come on!
This might turn out better than I thought.
Sorry Captain,
they got him.
How is he doing?
Shouldn't I be asking you?
His blood pressure is extremely low.
How long does he have?
It's hard to say.
A day at most.
He doesn't look too worried, does he?
Maybe he knows something we don't...
So you want me to go in there? Alone?
They'll be looking for me.
You, not the case.
And Jesse can get us the weapons
we might need.
You know for a Deva...
you can be a bit of diva.
Is that so?
Are you Chang?
Is Jesse around? Uncle Sam sent me.
The last I saw Uncle Sam,
he had a broken arm and two black eyes.
It's good to know he's still breathing.
We need weapons.
This is very bad timing.
We already told the PLM we are dry.
This is not the kind of heat
we need right now.
Tell Uncle Sam not now, not here.
Can I speak to Jesse about it?
Jesse is up there.
But she's not going to like
one of Uncle Sam's girls
coming in and asking for weapons.
I am not one of Uncle Sam's girls.
How much?
Not for sale.
Everyone's for sale.
Leave him alone!
If anybody is going to kill him
it's gonna be me.
Let me get this straight
so I'm supposed to get you guns
transport and safe passage out of here?
That's right.
And I'm doing this why, exactly?
She's with the Bagwun...
And I'm kind of helping her out.
It's always the same old story
with you, John.
I'm just not buying into it any more.
What he's doing is a holy thing.
He's risking his life for the greater good.
Is this true?
If it will help save the Bagwun, I'll do it.
We leave in 40 minutes.
Jane will show you where you can freshen up
Thank you.
So... This is it...
This is our changing room.
It's all yours now.
The towels are in the corner.
Just help yourself.
And let me know
if I can get you anything else.
We... heard about the Bagwun.
Is it serious?
Yes, I'm afraid it is.
We will pray for him.
And... when he's better,
please ask him to pray for us.
I will...
Even though
we'd survived the journey so far,
I feared that worse might lie ahead.
I remembered the Bagwun's words:
A balanced ship survives the storm.
A balanced ship...
I think we're ok.
I'll take you as far I as can.
After that,
you'll have another 2 miles on foot.
That'd be great.
Hey Chang, what's up?
Oh! Nothing much.
Where's Jesse?
She's down south.
New shipment of women coming in.
Back tomorrow.
You lie to me.
I don't like it when people lie.
One more time, then you bleed.
Where is Jesse?
Fuck you! Fuck the PLM!
Who's next?
I should warn you,
this guy we're going to see...
is a bit of a degenerate.
Actually, he's a total degenerate.
A friend of yours? Hard to believe.
Take one more step...
and I will blow your head off.
Ding, it's me...
Me who?
John Tremayne.
You look like shit...
Ding - do you mind?
Oh, yeah... sorry.
But seriously bro.
You look like an old man.
But it is good to see you anyway.
And I see you still got good taste!
How much?
He didn't pay for me.
And you're still getting it for free!
I'm not with him.
Even better. I buy.
You know it may come as a shock to you,
but there are some women in this country
not for sale.
Feisty, feisty.
I like her. Come on, J.T.
Let's have a drink for old times sake.
Hey baby, we talk price later.
All of this, this and this...
This is a rebel's territory now.
These waterways
are the only access to the river...
before Havahava bridge.
No way we can make it through there.
What if we went up river here,
and then cut across on foot?
Yeah. Not so many rebels there.
I was up river yesterday,
passed right along this road.
The checkpoint was deserted.
You want 2 AK's
and a 45 and enough rounds to fight an army
and you want Ding to take you up river?
That's right.
You're my only hope.
And now that I said that,
it makes me realize
how desperate I really am.
But... you have no money.
I guess.
We will just have to work this out
some other way.
Ding, you owe me.
Ding owes you?
Yeah! You remember that time
the 5 hookers...
had your pants down
and were about to cut off your...
Okay, okay, okay!
You're right.
You know I'm right.
I help.
Thank you!
Hey baby! You like Hollywood?
Ding have camera!
I don't understand.
I aimed just like you showed me.
It's not your aim. It's your fear.
What fear?
Fear of the weapon.
When you pull the trigger, you flinch.
That throws off your aim.
You can't be afraid of the weapon.
Weapon can't hurt you.
Try it again.
You're a natural.
The Bagwun says there is no fear.
Only illusion of ego.
A pretty girl like you
Would be more interesting
if she wasn't always quoting the Bagwun.
You think I'm pretty?
Time to go!
Do you really believe that
we're on a mission from god?
I think it's sad that you felt like
you had to lie...
for someone to believe
that you're better...
than you actually are.
If I hadn't of said that,
Jesse would've just thrown us
out on our asses
Do you believe in anything?
I used to.
When I was a kid I believed in god.
Went to church and everything.
then I... joined the military.
And I saw what war did to men.
The hatred.
There was no god there.
And if there was a god there...
it was a god of fear,
the pain and suffering.
Not the kind of god you believe in.
The god I believe in lives in the present,
not the past.
He judges us for who we are,
not who we were.
And he believes
that there is hope for all men.
Even me?
Especially you.
I used to look like Bruce Lee, honey.
Running guns in Hong Kong. Big clients.
Uncle Sam, Afghans.
Big, big money.
Every month, different girls.
I can go for days, honey.
I got him! I saw him go down.
I see the girl.
She's down there too.
We're in trouble.
We're gonna have to split up.
I don't wanna split up.
It's our only chance.
They're 3, maybe 4 of them.
They'll cut us to pieces
in a straight up fight.
We have to out smart them.
You're going to be the decoy...
I don't want to be the decoy.
Believe me, you got the easy part.
I need you to crawl 10 yards that way.
Pop up, give them a burst
and then hit the ground.
And crawl another 10 yards, pop up,
give them another burst
and then hit the ground.
Arcing, arcing to your left all the time.
Arcing to your left.
Pop up, give them a burst.
Hit the ground. You got that?
I'm scared.
You told me you had faith.
Go out there and prove it.
Go on! Go. You'll be alright.
Mun, you okay?
I'm okay, don't worry about me.
Hold your position!
Let's go get that bitch!
No! No!
Mun... You ok?
Mun? Mun!
It's over.
That's why I asked for you five.
I know what is in your hearts.
I will not run,
will not hide,
will not take the coward's way out...
We lived like brothers,
and now die as brothers.
Your father would be so proud of you.
Thank you.
Our act will light a torch.
that will set the world on fire.
Long live the liberation!
- Long live the liberation.
- Long live the liberation.
Long live the liberation.
I keep on thinking
about the man that I killed.
I keep on seeing his face.
He was just a kid.
That's who always does the fighting
and the dying.
Yeah, but you've done this before.
It doesn't make it any easier.
After the transfusion,
I'd like to debrief you.
You know, your government...
reminds me too much of my government.
And that makes me not want to talk to you.
I understand.
There is always a conflict...
between honor and duty.
You of all people should know that.
You know something Captain...
I'm beginning to believe
there's a different way.
Ah, that's why you're here.
Are you ready? Come with me.
Everybody, take cover.
Too quiet.
Anybody feel lucky?
I will go.
ICU! I'm in the hospital!
Give me everything you got!
We need help! Now!
Stay here! Cover our ass!
Got it!
Final push!
You could have made things so much
easier for yourself, John.
We are receiving reports from Purma
that the rebel PLM forces are in disarray.
This follows official announcements
of the death of the rebel leader Kin Lompoc
and the arrest of his second in command,
Mara Guang Di.
a suitable blood donor has been found...
and doctors will operate
on the wounded Bagwun shortly.
You alright?
Yeah, I'm alright. How are you?
I've had better days.
John, what you've done for us...
Did I really ever have a choice?
Yeah, you always have a choice.
The doctor, said that...
because you've lost so much blood already...
that there might be a risk.
I know. They told me.
And you're going ahead with it?
Didn't you say that there was hope
for everyone...
even for someone like me?
Yeah, yeah...
But not like this,
not like this...
I'm sorry, we need to start now.
Have a drink for me.
So you see, it was from John Tremayne.
that I learned the duty
of being a Protector...
In the end, it's all about sacrifice.
It was the hardest lesson of my life.
I wish I had known this John Tremayne.
You were lucky to have such a teacher.
Yeah, such a friend.
There's a part of me...
that lives every day for him.
Go in peace, Deva,
and take something of our ways...
to the world beyond these walls.
I shall...
I promise you,
wherever the road takes me.