Blood Father (2016)

And a pack of Camel Lights.
I can't sell 'em to you
without an ID, honey.
Then just the bullets.
I said 45s. Mine don't even
take these cheap-ass nines.
I thought you had 9mm.
I'm fucking useless now, man.
I can't even smoke nobody!
Your bitch fucked me, Jonah!
See you there.
Why did he have to talk to me like that?
Let him get his own bullets.
Are we really doing this right now?
What did I tell you about
the people in the house?
We pay them to live here.
To be normal fucking people,
like I did with you.
What's in the house?
I don't know.
Good girl.
And you didn't know
what was in your house, right?
[IN SOFT VOICE] The problem is,
not many people believe you.
I swear to God, I never saw anything.
- I never took anything.
I believe you.
But you want my trust, no?
Then prove it like I did.
Look, grab that gun and go cover
that fucking back door, okay?
Come on.
Okay, don't blink.
- [KID 1] Shut up!
- [KID 2] That's right, butterfinger.
Come on! You...
- You let him intercept it?
- [KID 3] Yes!
[KID 2] Man, you're really...
Whoa! A gun.
- Uh...
Don't do that!
Oh, shoot Teddy, please.
That'd be awesome!
[MAN] It's not here. Where the fuck is it?
Kids, run! Fast!
Shut up!
Fucking daycare center out there.
Where the fuck's our money?
She's a fucking liar!
No! I do not...
Fucking lie to me!
This is what she gets for stealing.
Was it worth it?
She cares more about money
than she did about her husband.
Jonah. Jonah, please don't hurt her.
[MAN] And I can't find shit!
Show me I'm not wrong about you.
Relax, breathe. Breathe. There you go.
This is how you prove it!
You're alive because of me!
No one believes you.
You're already a murderer, baby.
Every bullet here
will be traced back to that store.
Pull the trigger.
Do it.
- [JONAH] Now!
[MAN] Jonah?
Let's go, let's go.
[MAN 1] Happy birthday.
[MAN 2] Happy birthday, man.
Thanks, thanks.
For those who don't know me,
my name's John Link.
[ALL] Hi, John!
And I'm a real success story.
Been sober two years,
one inside the joint, one out here.
Before that, I was
never clean for very long.
Except maybe in the womb, but knowing Mom,
I was probably pickled there, too.
I did a lot of damage.
Lost a lot of people along the way.
Some of 'em stay lost.
It's not like they come back and give you
an "Atta boy" for quitting, you know?
I got a kid I can't find,
except on a milk carton.
Ex that won't talk to me.
Every skill I ever had,
every friend I ever knew,
is now a parole violation.
But you can't be a prick all your life
and then just say, "Nevermind," you know?
I can't fix everything I broke.
All I can do is not drink.
So, I won't do that today.
It's like when I was in
the joint all that time.
Just count off every
fucking day until I die.
Well, happy birthday,
you grumpy old bastard.
Am I allowed to be in a bad mood, Kirby?
Of course. I just think we should go get
some coffee, so you can calm down a bit.
Nah, I got some work.
Got some people coming over
with some bullshit ideas.
Well, they picked the right guy for that.
Seems everybody's full of shit today,
but you.
Well, maybe I just hate birthdays,
all right?
Makes you think there's some
kind of reward for all this shit.
No, there's no reward,
there's just a reminder
from why you're quitting
the people you hurt.
Maybe some people need hurtin'.
With a chain.
Look at the person
that really did this. You.
And if you learn some patience,
there is a reward.
It's believing in something
bigger than yourself.
Kirby, how fucking
patient do I have to be?
I'm here, right? I'm looking
at this fucking mess every day.
There's some people
left me out there to rot.
Sometimes, I just wanna find them
and go say "Hello" with a blowtorch.
Oh, it's a blowtorch now.
Yeah, they deserve it.
All right, that's true, John,
and it might be fitting.
But it wouldn't be proper.
You know the difference
between fitting and proper?
Well, I'm not a trailer park poet
like you, Kirby.
You're gonna have to tell me.
Well, it goes like this.
I could shove my thumb
up your ass right now
and it would probably fit.
But it wouldn't be proper.
That's sweet talk to an ex-con like me.
That coffee still on?
Go fuck yourself.
Okay, you, too.
You know, we've been divorced three years?
I come home from work with that man
sitting at my kitchen table.
But... I'm a single woman now
and I got no intention of going back.
I've done my time.
You done a little time, too? Huh?
Yup, just a little.
That's your little girl?
Why? You seen her?
Missing Link Tattoo.
This is a collect call from...
[LYDIA] Your fucked-up daughter.
[VOICE RECORDING] To accept the charges,
say, "Yes," or press one now.
- Sorry, I did not understand.
- Yes.
- Do you accept this call?
- Ye...
Yes, you fucking robot! Yes, yes!
[LYDIA] Oh, fuck.
I'm here. Where the hell are you?
I just...
I know that it's been
a really long time, I just...
Well, just stay on the line.
Where you been, kid?
I... I left home, a while ago.
Yeah, I know. You scared a lot of people.
I need cash fast. Fuck.
Just enough so I can get lost,
because I am fucking dead.
I'm like this fly that's about to get
splattered on a windshield.
Does that make any sense?
Oh, fuck. I know this is
so unbelievably rude.
Normally, I would be all,
"Oh, let's catch up."
My point is, I took the bus
as far as I can get tonight.
I figure I can get to Oregon by Monday.
Okay, yeah. How much do you need?
Two g's tops, if I can, you know,
get settled and start working.
What kind of work were you looking for?
Fuck. Fuck. I am so sorry about this.
I don't know, a nanny?
Well, I got the money
right here in my hand.
Just stay put till I get there.
That is so first class.
I can meet you in Santa Monica,
on Third and Broadway.
Okay. Stay put.
[WOMAN 1] They can take us now!
I wanted to buy an eighth.
I hadn't seen him in so many years.
Hey, kid.
Come here. Come on, sit down.
- You're okay. I got you now.
Thank you for coming so far.
I'm gonna pay you back every dollar.
I almost didn't recognize you
in this car, I was... You know...
I was expecting you to be
holding on to the old hog.
Well, that's a parole violation now.
Listen, kid.
Why don't you take a little nap?
What the fuck.
I don't even know where I am
and there are only
five channels on your TV.
You swivel these ears here,
and maybe get channel 11.
Oh. So, I went back in time.
If I turn myself in, do I get this reward?
What a rip.
- Hey, hold still.
Some of my best work there.
- Don Quixote.
- Mmm.
- Kid's got education.
- Yeah.
Wanted to put it in a magazine,
but we couldn't find this motherfucker.
I ain't no male model. No shit.
Yeah, but, dude, I think Sancho Panza
might have melanoma.
Why don't you go outside and play?
You really should have
that looked at, Dennis.
I can't stay much longer.
Uh-huh. Oregon.
No, I don't have to go to Oregon,
I just have to go somewhere.
You pregnant?
That's so medieval.
But I don't wanna say too much
'cause it'd put you in a bad position.
You see, my boyfriend
thought we could get married
so that I wouldn't have to
testify against him in court.
Pretty romantic.
No, no, he was so in love with me,
I swear to God.
I don't even think there was a word
for what was wrong with him.
And he's worried you'll say that in court?
It's terrible, he's gone.
- He's, uh, dead.
- Your boyfriend?
- He got shot.
- Too bad.
- In the neck. Yeah.
- Rough break.
I just feel numb. You know?
I don't even think it's hit me yet
that all of this is happening.
Me neither.
- Like, maybe I'm traumatized.
- Could be.
That's why I have to keep moving.
He was really well connected,
so there are a lot of people
looking for my white ass right now.
Kid, can I say something?
I know what it's like
to come down this hard.
For 30 years, I was drinking
and drugging and fighting
like everybody had it in for me.
Your higher power
can't do shit for me here, Dad.
When I called you,
you said that you had money.
Now, I'm not criticizing.
I'm just saying, it kind of looks like
you miss the comforts of jail.
I can get you money,
if that's what you want, kid.
But let me make a deal.
Give me a week.
One week, you stay clean.
You got people looking for you,
who's gonna find you out here?
- Nobody knows who I am.
- The cops probably keep track of you.
It means I piss in a cup once a month.
My parole officer
has a caseload like, you know?
Give me a week.
If you're on your feet by Saturday,
I'll give you everything I got in this world.
But you gotta stop with the drama.
- [WOMAN] Hello?
- [LINK] It's me.
God, what now? I am done, John.
30 grand is enough for a reward.
I can't do this every time you have
some stupid new plan about Lydia.
- I have a life. I have people over.
You okay in there, kid?
Yeah, I'm awesome, thanks.
Don't take your purse in there.
Can I please just have
one second to myself?
Well, you can live in there if you like,
just leave the purse outside.
I don't know what it is.
Come on, come on! You know this. Listen.
You stumped me.
Dude! You must be tone-deaf!
I don't know it.
Where you hiding the shit?
Tell me right fucking now!
This is not cute. I worked too hard.
This place is clean.
I'm not going down
for a game of fucking hide-and-seek!
God damn it!
You still got all your teeth.
How long you been doin' this?
A month?
- You telling me the truth?
- Yes, that's the truth.
And it's Hank Williams.
- That's what I was playing for you.
- What the fuck?
Hank Williams. That's what I was
playing for you before.
Mom said that you always loved him.
Yeah, well, I guess I just
don't recognize him anymore.
I don't know what I stepped in,
man, but she's here.
My little girl.
[KIRBY] You found her.
No, she found me.
But she's out of her fucking mind.
Well, I remember when I tried to
reconnect with my sister and my ex-wife.
They were not ready to forgive me.
[CHUCKLES] It was destructive.
It was the wrong time
to try to make amends.
Make amends? Kirby, I'm trying to keep
the kid away from the fuckin' floor stripper.
- She's comin' down hard off somethin'.
- Oh. Well, then she needs help, John.
Get her into detox.
Take her to the hospital.
Man, I don't know.
She's goin' on about some kind of shit,
some sort of trouble she's in.
I don't know what's bullshit and what's not
anymore, but I'd just as soon find out
before I start filling out
intake forms, you know?
No, no, no, you're
still thinkin' like a con.
Take her to the hospital.
[LINK] Oh, come on, Kirby.
I just met the girl for
the first time in years,
I just don't feel like handing her
over to a bunch of strangers.
You're the stranger. You didn't
meet her, and she didn't meet you.
Right now, she's nothin'
but a chemistry experiment.
You need help with this, John.
Well, then, why ask?
[WOMAN ON TV] Cutting up the veggies here.
We wanna try and keep the vegetables
all the same size so they can...
...and make a fresh herb mixture
with parsley, thyme,
fennel flakes and garlic.
Can I help you gentlemen?
- Yeah. We want tattoos.
- I'm not open.
It says walk-ins. We're walkin' in.
Nah. Come back tomorrow.
I want some Nazi shit on my arm.
Or a big-ass heart
with some bitch's name on it.
Yeah, on my dick.
We got money, old man.
It's bad business turning us away.
Yeah, come on, man.
Don't be judging us by our looks.
I'm not judging. I'm just going to bed.
What if I wanted her name on my stomach?
Why don't you all fuck off?
[KANPOL] We just want to talk to her, man.
We ain't got no problem with you.
What are you? Fuckin' Citizens' Police?
Get off my fuckin' property,
or I'm callin' the cops.
Motherfucker, you on parole.
Nobody calls the cops on parole!
Don't you fucking
turn your back on me, boy!
Straight question, kid.
Can the police handle this?
No, Dad, they'll kill me in jail!
And I won't make it.
- And I don't know what to do!
- No shit.
That fuckin' punk puts a dent
in my door, I'll kick the crap...
I really fucked up.
Shit! Happy birthday, Link.
It's good to finally meet your friends!
Yeah, Kirby, you heard right.
Party at my place.
I'm gonna get blamed for this.
Breakin' parole. Guaranteed.
What the fuck? Son of a bitch. Shit stain!
- Get the fuck outta here!
There it is, aggravated assault.
Return to custody.
See? I missed 'em for ya.
Attempted murder, that's what they'll say.
Thanks for looking me up, kid.
- Dad, these guys are fucking psycho.
You think so?
I'll see you on the inside,
you chickenshit motherfucker!
Hey, kid, they must've run out of bullets.
Hang on!
Are you dead yet, motherfucker?
You okay?
Do you hear me? I told you
not to turn your fucking back!
We coming to get you, motherfucker!
Who is that?
It's the neighborhood watch.
You boys picked the wrong rednecks.
You go tell your boys and girls
to put they hockey sticks away.
- Tell me, is that shit still loaded?
- I don't know, let's find out.
- Come on, man. Let's go.
You know what, I admire you all,
for protecting this fine
trailer park community.
Come on, ese, come on.
You know what? This one right here,
I'm gonna call it a tie.
I'll see you, all right?
[WOMAN] They will be back.
- You okay?
- Fuck!
Easy, easy, easy. Are you hurt?
There's glass everywhere.
Fuck, this place sucked before!
- [KIRBY] John, what's going on?
- Who are those guys?
- Yeah, who are those fucking guys?
Talk to me, buddy.
Tell me what's going on?
Kirby, thank you! Come on.
Wait, you're leaving a crime scene?
Kid's up to her neck in it,
I can't give her up.
John, you gotta wait for the cops! John...
Cops, yeah, we know how that's
gonna turn out. Fucking cops!
John, you've always
listened to me when it counted.
And I'll keep listening, but not here.
I'll call you from the road,
Kirby, promise. Sober as the judge.
John, it's really hard to be your sponsor.
Don't do this to me.
Not now, you piece of shit.
Don't do this to me.
Come on. You damn fucking...
- I'm sorry, Dad.
- God.
I'm so sorry.
I knew those guys from their ink.
There were two Sureos.
And the white guy with the "PEN-1,"
that's "Public Enemy Number One."
He's with the enforcement
arm of the Brotherhood.
Though they're not proud,
they work with EMe,
but only if there's real money involved.
I got no idea how you
pissed guys like that off.
You maybe talking to
the Feds, or something?
No. No, no, no. I'm not
talking to anybody but you.
Yeah, I know. You never stop,
but you don't say anything.
See, that was supposed to be an easy hit.
Take you out in the desert,
rape ya, put a bullet in your brain,
have a bologna sandwich.
Make a real day of it.
What do they want from you?
- I'm afraid of what you'll think.
- Oh. I understand.
You don't wanna spoil the good
impression you made so far.
It's not that funny.
Oh, my God!
I'm gonna pee in my pants, Dad.
You good? You all done?
All wrung out? Finished?
What's wrong with you?
It's time to cut the shit.
What the fuck was so wrong at your mother's,
that you had to run away with those guys?
No, God! I left home a while ago.
I didn't even know those guys.
They sure seemed to know you.
Yeah, they worked for my boyfriend.
He was businessman, he was in real estate.
You tryin' to tell me
we're being chased by realtors?
- No. Well, he managed properties.
- Mmm-hmm.
See, I met him at this party
and we just had this connection.
He was older, he was like 30
and he was really a man.
I was living in a friend's
walk-in closet, at the time.
And he wanted to help, so,
he set me up in this
cute little cottage in the valley.
And all I had to do was take care of it
and look normal.
Except, his people would
hide stuff in the house.
Like drugs, money, stuff like that.
So, he made you window dressing
at one of his stash houses.
No, he really cared about me, Dad.
He didn't mean for this.
I am the one who fucked up.
Kid, you got the mind-set
of a battered housewife.
This one night, I had friends over
at the house and things just blew up.
Someone broke the sliding glass door
and some dick put his fist
through a wall and...
- Something goes missing.
- Mmm-hmm.
- That's what my boyfriend said.
- Mmm-hmm.
The people he worked for were furious.
But I swear, I never saw anything.
- You didn't know. Nothing?
- No.
- That's the truth.
- Yes.
Then he took me to another house,
where, I guess, the tenants
had stolen money out of the walls and...
...he wanted me to kill this woman.
Maybe to show
that I would do anything for him.
And I had the gun in my hand,
and I didn't think.
I just turned, and I pulled the trigger.
And I...
I killed him.
You killed the boyfriend... The guy?
And are you guys gonna need
any help with any luggage tonight?
- Nope.
- All right. Traveling light.
Hey, man, where'd you find her?
In the fucking delivery room.
Yeah, that's... Okay. Well, got
your room with two double beds.
Checkout's at 11:00 and complimentary
breakfast served till 10:00.
This part's a little tricky,
so I'll show you.
You're just gonna loop
all the way around to 216.
That's you.
I can show you if you want.
- Yeah...
- No, that's all right.
Experts say you could be
paying more at the pump,
if that trend continues.
[WOMAN ON TV] In other local news,
a car that caught on fire
sparked a quarter of an acre...
- What's up?
- Hey.
Did you need something?
No, I just wanted some air.
Oh. Okay, well, we got plenty of that.
Tonight, both LAPD
and the County Sheriff's office
are asking for help
in the search for a missing girl.
She's wanted in possible connection
to multiple homicides
in the Santa Clarita area.
A warrant has been issued
for her as a material witness.
Oh, my God.
Lydia Carson, she's approximately 5'7"...
I'm a fucking celebrity.
...butterfly on her shoulder.
She could be traveling with John Link,
who last resided in Indio.
Authorities have provided this...
I should show you something.
...anyone who sees the pair.
I'm actually supposed to call the police.
Did you?
Missing Link Tattoo.
Dad, Dad, you have to come downstairs.
I'm in the lobby, okay?
And bring everything, and I left
a bunch of stuff in the bathroom.
Don't forget that because
there's probably DNA on it.
DNA? What the fuck?
Don't turn on the lights,
we're probably being watched.
- And hurry.
What the hell is this?
- Did you get the stuff in the bathroom?
- Yeah, I got your shit.
Good, 'cause the cops are coming.
Actually, they might be here already.
So, this cocksucker called the cops?
No, God, Dad! He's helping us.
Somebody's nice to you
and you call him a cocksucker?
It's all right, I got thick skin.
Hey, you know, I came on at 10:00.
That was already there when I got here,
but knowing the day guy...
Fuck! Get the fuck down!
Day guy always fucks the night guy.
Shut up!
They're everywhere.
We're gonna need a new ride.
Okay, I really shouldn't do this,
but room 103's open,
they won't see if you take the back door.
Here. I didn't see you, you didn't see me.
And you're the sweetest person
that I never met.
Grab the VIN. We'll call it in.
[OFFICER 2] All right.
They're gonna impound the Nova.
- Dad.
- Yeah.
What's jail like?
- It's like summer camp.
- I'm serious.
Yeah, they got a big swimming pool.
If you're good, they let you ride a pony.
The cocksucker told 'em.
They're gonna search every room.
Do they protect people?
They're going into that room we were in.
Like if somebody was after me,
would they make sure I was okay?
Like a special cage, or something?
Yeah, that's called PC.
It's for snitches and celebrities.
Yeah, maybe you'll be both.
- Police! Open up!
I can't get caught, Dad. I won't make it.
Yeah, I know.
You stick with me,
I'm not going back either, okay?
Who the fuck is in there? Go! Go, go, go!
Who the fuck is that?
Dad! Dad, Dad, Dad!
- I haven't done this in a long time.
Oh, fuck!
- Oh, my God! Dad!
Lower your weapon!
Dad! Dad!
Oh, my God! Dad!
Come on! Hurry!
Go, go, go!
What the fuck was that?
Our first family car,
and now we gotta dump it.
That guy with the ink all over his face?
That wasn't some gangbanger, baby.
That was a sicario. Cartel soldier.
Used to hittin' cops and judges.
This boyfriend you killed?
I heard the whole goddamn love story,
now, what's his name?
Going on a year out of the joint,
and here I am in a truck full of Mexicans.
How do you spend your entire life
in the California penal system
and not speak any Spanish?
What do you mean by that?
- What, you organizing a fucking union?
- What do you have against them?
Well, okay.
Okay, well, they come up here,
they're illegal and they take my job.
Ah. So, you pick oranges for a living?
Nope, but I'm sure someone does.
Nope, not true.
In fact, I bet you that no white person
has ever picked a piece of fruit
off of a tree, ever.
- What about Eve?
- Eve was not white.
Oh, fuck.
What? You think that
the Garden of Eden was in Norway?
[LINK] Okay.
I gotta ask about somebody inside here,
so you just wait.
This is a bar, Dad.
You're the one who needs a chaperone.
I'll be fine, just stay out here.
She ain't 21, boss.
I'm looking for a guy named Tom Harris,
people used to call him "Preacher."
He still come here?
Look, I'm an old buddy of his,
I'm just trying to hook up with him again.
Does this look like a dating service?
Good enough for me.
What'll you have?
She's having water.
He lived in the foothills, last I heard.
One of the originals, Fontana chapter.
So, then the flea wakes up and he's back
in the Hell's Angels mustache...
Kirby, I'm in a bar.
[KIRBY] Oh, John.
Well, that's not the worst of it.
There's some serious fucking people
tailing us and I don't know how.
What does the guy say?
Look at that ass car go.
This fucking kid's a carnival, man.
She's every loser's lucky day.
Look, I'm goin' to Preacher's.
I'm heading there.
[KIRBY] John, I felt like you were
the first person I really helped.
That's the God's honest truth.
Well, yeah, I know.
Look, I'm not dying, Kirb.
I'm just in El Centro.
Look, tell me where you are, give me
an address, I'm gonna come get you.
I'll call you back, okay?
[KIRBY] Wait, John, no.
Excuse me, buddy.
- Easy, boss.
- Oh, my...
What is the matter?
You pulled my arm out of its socket.
- What? Are you relapsing?
- What, you wanna talk, talk here.
- Away from those animals.
- Okay. Look.
I've been thinking and I have a plan.
I know that it's a crime
not to report a crime,
but other than that, what have you done?
I mean, that warrant is for me.
You could go home.
You could just tip
the trailer back and voila.
I don't have to take you down with me.
I was talking to these guys
and I think that I can
cross the border at Otay Mesa.
Pretty little white chick down in Tijuana,
with no money and a price on her head.
Now that's a hell of a plan, Lydia.
You don't think
I could take care of myself?
Hell, no. Not even in this dump here,
let alone in Guadalajara
or some other turd factory down south.
Within a week, you'll be turning tricks.
That is the most insulting thing
that anybody has ever said to me.
Well, I bet it's not.
How else are you gonna make money?
Look, look, kid. I'm just...
I'm just trying to help you
think straight, all right?
I know what it's like to have
the shit come down on you, okay?
People get caught when they make mistakes
and I just don't want you
to do anything stupid, okay?
About all I know is running.
You spent nine years in prison.
How the fuck is that running?
Okay, surviving.
I just wanted you to go back
to your little place
and not have to do any more time.
I'm a murderer, Dad.
Yeah, I know you are, kid.
And you'll face God for it and so will I.
But not yet.
You let me let you in on a little secret.
I haven't had so much fun since I was 15,
stole a car and drove to Miami Beach.
This shit's a party to a dirtbag like me.
So, stop feeling sorry for yourself
and start listening.
This buddy of mine, he's rich,
he's got connections and he owes me.
Now, he'll help us if I can find out
where he is, I don't know.
And these skid-marks over here,
they know but they're not talkin' and...
I got the address.
Thank you!
Gonna hop up through there.
There's a lot of firepower around here,
but there's a lot of bullshit, too.
Here, hop through here.
Fuck you. That's not funny.
More bullshit?
No, those are probably real.
Follow me.
- Son of a bitch.
- That's me.
- So, they let you out.
- This is my daughter.
They do grow up, don't they?
Well, you might as well go on
inside the hangar and say hi to him.
Careful, you don't
give him a heart attack.
[LYDIA] One of those yours?
Yeah, in another life.
Be with you in a minute.
Let me just finish up here.
Well. I expected you two years ago.
Yeah, stingy parole board,
you know how it is.
It's my daughter, Lydia.
You're kidding.
Lee, I knew you when you were just a pup.
- How are you, sweetie?
- I'm fine, thanks.
- Yeah.
- Mmm-hmm.
Still backing the losers, I see.
Nazis and Confederates.
Yeah, yeah, all losers make me money.
Let me show you around.
So, what's this
collectibles horseshit a front for?
You selling down south?
AK-47s and the like?
No, no, I don't sell that Commie shit.
You know the walls along the border?
They're building them with the
landing pads we used in 'Nam.
Think about that.
That metal I used to
jump on in the rice paddies,
they're using now to keep
the taco vendors off my lawn.
So, who you selling to these days?
You know, I love you like a son, Link.
But I'm not gonna answer questions
from somebody I haven't seen
in a coon's age.
We had a deal.
I want my bike back and I want my money.
Which money is that?
I kept my mouth shut a long time.
You were always the strong, silent type.
You know, the boys should be by later on.
Why don't you hang around, play catch up?
What the fuck for?
I've been sober two years.
Well, maybe someone would like to
witness that with their own eyes.
Yeah! Shit!
Well, can I get you anything?
A soda, or something maybe?
I'm fine.
[BIKER] Yo, baby! Come here!
I bet you feel like
you're surrounded by savages.
No. No, I really appreciate everything.
Thank you.
- You do? Huh?
- Mmm.
I bet you don't know what the hell
you're looking at, or listening to.
These are the last of the survivors.
The last of their kind.
They know this little patch
of desert's gonna be here
long after the rest of this country
cannibalizes itself.
Okay and why is that gonna happen?
Okay, well, it'll happen because
most of you people are too goddamn
comfortable to see it.
You kids don't understand.
This country buys out the subversives.
It turns the rebels into fashion trends.
It did it with the Angels,
it's doing it with rap.
And the corporations
package it up and sell it online.
Hundred dollars a T-shirt for suburban
little princesses just like you.
You know what? You grew up with your mama.
You never knew the world
your daddy rode in.
But your mama wasn't always rich.
She started out with us.
But she married up the ladder.
She became a hood ornament
for the best cars.
How long you been away from home?
I know all about why little rich girls
leave their pretty things behind.
When a mosquito bites you,
it leaves an enzyme
that other mosquitos can smell.
And I can smell it on you, kid.
Everyone can.
So, you can run forever.
But the worst and, I mean,
the worst goddamn people in the world
know that scent and they'll follow it.
Can you dig it?
Sorry to leave you out
there with them animals,
but I was keepin' an eye on ya.
So, is this the old hog?
This is her.
'97 softail with a 570 lift cam.
Shaved the fenders, chromed the front
and dropped her two inches.
- Beautiful.
- Hmm.
I feel kind of jealous,
I thought I was an only child.
Do you think he's gonna
give it back to you?
Oh, kid, he owes me a lot more than this.
I did a seven year stretch,
keeping quiet for that motherfucker.
Then I got done again
for shanking some fucking nobody.
Otherwise I'd have been out.
You got raised by three stepfathers.
Should've been me.
I don't know what to tell you.
So many enemies, so many vendettas.
Fills up your fucking soul, you know?
Play this game with its own set
of stupid fucking rules.
You give your life to it... it's over.
And I got nothing to show for it.
There's nothing I can even say,
except I'm sorry.
I made mistakes and you suffered.
I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, baby.
Morning, Link.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Wake the kid.
This is a loaded firearm and I will shoot.
- The past is long gone.
- Yeah, okay.
Hey, baby.
Wake up, rise and shine.
Hey. Cut it out, will you?
Quit it. Just...
Honey, you gotta wake up.
Okay, there's some kind of
kidnapping going on. I don't know.
I'm up.
[LINK] You gotta be shittin' me.
No, I'm not shittin' ya.
Things have changed, hombre.
I can't let an opportunity
like this slide by.
See a nickel on the ground these days,
you pick it up.
For 30 grand.
Yeah, well, 30 g's will fill
a lot of holes around here, compadre.
I do appreciate
your loyalty in the past. I really do.
But we gotta be professional about this.
We're not gonna turn you in.
We're gonna follow the letter of the law.
She can run on home to her
gold-digging mama and you're free to go.
Take a hike.
Hit the road, Jack. Know what I mean?
You fucking virus.
If you turn us in, the cops will bust you.
- Shut up!
- Goddamn brat!
I was running the fucking Coachella Valley
before you were an itch
in your daddy's sack!
So, don't tell me.
My life isn't an Instagram,
for Christ's sake.
I'm in the fucking history books!
Vietnam, 19th Engineer Combat Battalion,
look it up.
Look it up!
I've dug up more fucking mines
that I could've blown the moon up with!
Do you understand that?
Get the fuck outta here!
Get 'em out of here, Cherise,
before I lose my goddamn patience.
Get 'em outta here!
Keep talking, you senile motherfucker.
- Motherfucker?
- Yeah.
I wouldn't be if you keep your
mother home at night!
Fuck you!
How'd you feel with a fucking bayonet
in your cracked skull,
you old cock-sucking... [GROANS]
Get outta here!
Here's your Nazi bullshit!
- Calm down!
Let me tell you something, pal.
I still love you.
You were the best foot soldier
I ever fucking had.
How 'bout I shoot you right now?
- With your daughter right outside?
- Yeah, I might.
No, you won't, you can't.
You're past that. I watched it, I saw it.
You've changed.
But back in the day...
Back in the day, I kept my
fucking mouth shut for you, old man!
That's what I did back in the day.
You were like a fucking father to me!
Back the fuck up!
Roll it the fuck back, cocksuck!
You know what I'm looking for.
Where's my keys?
See what we got here.
What're you doin'? Stealing from me, Link?
Stealing? You stole every
goddamn thing I ever had.
Now look at you.
You're so fucking broke and pathetic,
I can't even kill you for it.
You even stole that from me!
Stay put.
- Fuck!
Go! They're fucking shooting at us!
The gun!
Jesus Christ!
- We're good, kid. Hang on to me.
- Oh, shit!
- [MAN] Yeah, good idea.
- [WOMAN] Okay.
[LINK] Hey, kid.
We gotta shake a leg, you comin'?
Hey, Kirby. I'm just checking in.
I'll call you back, okay?
Can't give you a number here.
We're on the road.
We're safe, sober, both of us.
Call you back. Thanks, man.
Hey, look, kid, you're crashing now.
Maybe you should take a nap?
Do you ever think about what
the world would be like without you?
If I just went ahead and killed myself,
this would all be over.
Oh, so, that's where we're at.
Givin' up. Fine.
You kill yourself, then I'll kill myself.
I'll take some innocent people with me.
How'd that be?
You think I'm kidding,
Dad, but I've tried.
Yeah, so have I, plenty of times.
Where does that get us?
I took all of my stepdad's pills
when I was 12.
Girls take pills when they want
somebody to find 'em.
I tried to hang myself
when I was 10-years-old.
Well, that didn't work very well.
Do you understand
what I'm trying to tell you?
- Yeah, sure, congratulations.
- I was 10-years-old!
Yeah, I knew a 10-year-old kid.
Killed his whole family with a rock.
What the fuck does that mean?
Why don't you ever listen to me?
I'm listening, okay?
- Look, feel this, right up here.
- No.
Yes. Come on, it's important.
Feel it, come on.
Oh, my God! What is that?
Yeah, drove my bike off a cliff
on the PCH, split my head wide open.
Now, the point is, I meant to do it.
But they saved my ass anyway
and that's a steel plate in my head.
- And look at this.
- No, I don't want to.
You're a fucking cyborg.
I opened up my wrist in prison,
then I got sepsis.
Spent two months in the prison hospital
watching game shows
and then I really wanted to kill myself.
All right, you win.
No, no, no. There's no winning or losing.
You either wanna wake up in the morning,
or you don't.
And if you can't find
a way to live with yourself,
well then, why run?
Why come to me? Why do any of this?
- I don't wanna die.
- What was that?
I don't wanna die.
That's right. You don't wanna die.
'Cause you're a 17-year-old kid
and you got a lot to live for. Okay?
You may not wanna wake up tomorrow,
but the day after
that might just be great.
Might be the best fucking
day of your life, you know?
You don't wanna miss it, right?
Great, keep doing the hair.
I'll be back in an hour or two,
I got a meeting.
I need to talk to an old friend.
If something happens to you,
how am I gonna know?
I'll give you Kirby's number, okay?
If something happens, you call Kirby...
So, if we get separated,
I'm supposed to call your sponsor?
Kid, look.
This is something I really need to do.
I promise I'll come back.
I'll be back before you're a blonde, okay?
- Okay.
- See ya.
I lost my ID.
Here to see Rios.
I know.
- Dad?
- [KIRBY] Lydia?
Kirby? What happened?
[KIRBY] Is your father there?
No, he's not back yet. Did he call you?
Yeah, earlier, he did.
He told me you were in Yuma.
Listen, I'm worried about him,
I'm worried about both of you.
Is he in trouble?
I don't think it's safe
for you to be there alone.
I think you should go to a public place,
someplace crowded.
Don't trust anybody, Lydia.
Stay in a crowd. Listen to your instincts.
You missed me so much, I have to
pull strings to get you back inside?
Conjugal visit. Kiss me, no tongues.
- How are ya?
You are one ugly dude.
- Shit! You look like a public defender.
- Yeah.
- Please grow back the beard, please!
- I need your help, man.
Yeah, you need me to
teach you to tie a tie.
No, no, no. It's my little girl.
That guy I asked you about.
Did you get the message?
Nephew of Alfonso Angel-Diaz. El Padrino.
Still running the family business
from his cell in Juarez.
The kid was keeping
stash houses for him in LA.
The cartel sent him
there to get rid of him.
He was too loud, too proud,
causing problems with the family.
Well, he was causing problems
for my little girl, too.
He's not with us anymore.
So, you don't need a paternity test?
No, but I do need protection for her.
Any of his crew sets foot inside,
they won't make it across the yard.
Yeah, but there's some
professional on her tail.
Some cleaner from south of the border.
This punk accused her of stealing.
Now, I thought it was just
his guys that wanted her dead,
but it's more than that. Why would
they send this kind of firepower?
Don't you get it, bro?
Jonah was taking the money
and I'm not talking a few grand,
I'm talking millions.
And he was pinning it on her
and his other tenants.
Thought she was an easy fucking mark.
But you know what? He's lucky he's dead.
'Cause what they would do to him,
be a lot worse, bro.
A lot worse.
Anybody sets foot on the inside,
I'll deal with it.
You need a line to El Padrino,
I'll get it for you.
But you gotta teach
your girl some judgment.
Then you gotta teach her how to hide.
She gotta live right,
brother, clean and straight.
'Cause people like this,
they can see in the dark.
You got to teach her
how to stay in the sunlight.
Stay loose, bro.
Get loose.
Doing my best.
[JONAH] Lydia?
You didn't expect it to be me?
How's the movie?
What movie?
You always lie like a child.
I can see you right now. I'm watching.
No, you're tracking my phone.
[JONAH] You think I'm using a fucking app?
You have no idea what I lived through.
Underground doctors, blood transfusions.
I don't ever get to live
in the regular world anymore.
I'm sorry.
[JONAH] Fuck you. We're so far past that.
But you want to see your father again?
You come talk to me face to face.
You're lying.
Turn around.
I didn't know what I was doing, Jonah.
It's like I wasn't even there.
I can't live with myself, okay?
I don't know what else I can say to you.
I was good to you, Lydia.
I put you in a nice place.
I gave you everything you needed.
I took better care of you
than anybody in your life.
And you tried to kill me.
Look, come...
This is still bleeding.
Come here.
I have your name on my heart
and you can't even come close to me?
Where is he?
You try to run,
and we're gonna have to kill you.
- Lydia!
- Come on, kid. Pick up.
Where are you, kid? Come on.
Come on, Kirby, come on.
Kirby! What're you doing, man?
What's happening? Kirby?
Good news, old man.
Your sponsor says
you should start drinking again.
Who the fuck is this?
Talk to your friend.
Hello? Kirby?
Sorry, Johnny. I did my best.
The fuck? Kirby?
You had a snitch for a sponsor, old man.
You know who I am?
I know your daughter better than you do.
You should've taught her
to shoot straight.
So, you're not dead.
You just killed the best fucking friend
I ever had, motherfucker!
No, that's no friend.
You fill him with a bottle of tequila
and he can't keep a secret.
Where's Lydia? You got Lydia?
Where the fuck is Lydia?
She might be dead.
No. No, she's not.
You're a fucking psycho,
but you know one thing.
She's the last streak of sunlight you're
ever gonna see in your whole fucking life.
Shut the fuck up.
You know nothing about me.
Yeah, I do. I know all about you.
That's why you're gonna
stay on the fucking phone.
Whatever you're gonna do with Lydia,
you need to do something else first.
You need to deal with me.
Really? Why should
I give a shit about you?
Well, 'cause I know what you're doin'.
I know about your family
and the money you took.
Yeah? You hear me?
I heard you.
You're killing people
to cover your tracks.
Make a big fucking show
to prove it's not you.
Lydia told me about the houses,
she told me everything.
And I got a line straight to
your uncle in fucking Juarez.
El Padrino, you know him.
I know he doesn't think too much of you.
I can get a message to him.
You're still on the phone
because you know this is real.
And you know he's already watching you.
You think he's letting you
use one of his best sicarios,
that Zapotecan monster with you?
Just for you?
He's there to keep track of you,
too, motherfuck!
He gets the order from Uncle,
bang, he takes your fucking head off.
You're a businessman, yeah?
This is the best deal
you're ever gonna get.
You kill me first.
Kill me in front of her, if you have to.
Let's just meet.
And you trust me
to let her go when you die?
I don't fucking trust you at all.
All I'm asking of you to do
is keep her alive until I see her again.
Okay. That's sweet.
The old man wants his last chance.
I'll call you in 10 minutes to this
number and give you a meeting point.
No, you put her on the phone or no deal.
Put her on the fucking phone right now!
Baby, I'm coming for you.
Have a little faith.
That's it.
I can't believe you'd have the nerve.
[JONAH] Okay, old man,
leave Highway 78 at mile marker 114,
head north into the desert.
Alone, no guns.
[JONAH] What the fuck is he doing?
He's showing us he ain't strapped.
[JONAH] Let's get this shit over with.
Move away from your bike!
Nice and slow.
Stop there. Stop!
Spread your legs.
Spread your fucking legs!
Put your fucking hands together!
Come on, get him in.
We're going for a ride,
- just in case you were followed.
- Move. Move!
Come on, get in.
You will see her, you will see her.
Get in. Get in!
Hi, kid.
Go, get that.
Come here, baby. Come here.
Fuck! Fuck you!
Fuck! Fuck!
We gotta jam! Motherfucker's up there!
Where is he?
You're hit.
- Did you see him?
- No.
Okay. Fuck.
Okay, I saw him that time!
Okay, I got an idea.
I'll lay down some cover fire,
you run to the other car.
He won't be able to track you there, okay?
He'll be takin' shots at me,
he won't even see you. Get going!
- Dad, you're hurt!
- Get in the other car and fuck off!
No, no. If you think that I'm leaving you,
then you're out of your fucking mind!
- Do not run until I start firing!
- No!
- I'm gonna count to three. One!
- No!
- Two...
- No!
Count to a million if you want to!
If you think that
I'm leaving here without you,
then you don't know me!
All this time, and you never
even fucking knew me!
What? Okay. Okay.
- It's nice to meet you.
Okay, I got another idea.
Let's go together.
- On your count or mine?
- Yours.
- Okay, let's go!
- Okay.
[GROANS] God... Go, go, go!
- Dad!
- Hey. You okay?
- I'm okay.
- Good.
Oh, no! Oh, fuck!
Dad, he's coming.
I don't know where he is.
Yeah, he's coming. Come here. Come here.
Be still.
- Be very, very still.
- I'm so sorry.
I got him! I got him! I got you!
Oh, shit!
This is not good. Oh, fuck!
Dead motherfucker!
The other one. Get your head down.
- There's the other one, the boyfriend.
- Stop, stop!
- He's out there.
- Dad, he's gone. He's gone!
- Where did he...
- He's gone, okay?
I gotta go get us help.
No, you stay here.
Don't leave me, stay here, please.
Yeah, yeah.
Just let me look at you.
Your hair came out good.
Look, kid, I'm really bad.
Here, take this gun.
I got nothing better to give ya.
I never gave you anything
and now I got nothing to give you.
Dad, Dad! That is not true.
I lost ya...
Dad! Look at me! Look at me!
You did not lose me.
I am not lost,
I am right here with you, okay? Okay?
I'm not gonna leave.
- Okay?
- Okay.
Look at me.
- It's just you and me.
- Okay.
I'm not gonna leave, ever. I promise.
You sure are a good girl.
You sure are. You sure are.
On your knees! Hands behind your head!
[LYDIA] A year ago, I stopped running.
I stopped listening
to all of my worst instincts
and all the worst people.
I'll just tell you this.
I've been sober a year.
I miss my father so much,
that I can't sleep some nights, but...
...I tell myself that
he's watching over me.
Sometimes, there's this shame
that almost breaks my back, but...
I tell myself,
"When you owe your life to someone,
you better live it."
So, I just say...
"Thank you."