Blood Hunters (2016)

Somebody help me, please...
Backup generator
operating at 35 percent.
Oh my god...
Oh fuck...
Backup generator
operating at 35 percent.
What did you do to me?!
Why am I pregnant?
Okay, look, I have a son.
His name is hunter.
Is he here?
Is he okay?
How do I get out?!
Oxy, Oxy...
Okay, what do you...
You want this?
Is this what you want?
What do you want?
What do you want?!
You want this?
You want this?
Give me the fucking door code!
Four, eight...
Four, eight...
Four, eight, three...
Four, eight, three, two.
Four, eight, three, two...
Four, eight, three, two...
Four, eight, three, two...
Four, eight, three, two...
Four, eight, three, two...
Backup generator
operating at 35 percent.
You better get me
the hell outta here.
Hello? Can you help me?
Is anyone there?!
Mom, I need breakfast.
It's disappearing.
Tattoos don't disappear.
You remember your homework?
So, it'll never go away?
That's what
"don't disappear" means.
Okay, you got your phone?
It's like...
I don't know.
You promised you
wouldn't lose it.
Those things aren't cheap!
I think it's in my room.
I'll just...
No, don't.
Just finish your
breakfast, okay?
You're gonna be late.
I didn't lose it.
It's here somewhere.
Don't be mad.
What am I supposed to be?!
You wouldn't last
a day without me.
Don't touch it!
You're gonna cut yourself.
See, this is what
I'm talking about.
Backup generator
operating at 30 percent.
Is somebody out there?
Please help me.
Are you still there?
What're you doing here?
Thank god.
Can you help me?
Still waiting for an answer.
I woke up here.
I can't move.
Can you get me a doctor?
Where do you think you are?
Eastern general?
This isn't a hospital.
There's no one here to help us.
Right now, it's just you and me.
What are you talking about?
Where are we?
You've gotta get me outta here.
C'mon, please.
Just unstrap my hands.
No, no, no...
Please don't leave me here!
You're quarantined.
I'm not risking my life
to go in there.
You're not coming out here.
Less we know each other,
better it is for both of us.
I'm Henry!
So, I'm Henry.
I'm not just a random guy.
I just don't want
to be alone in here.
If it's just you and me...
You want to be alone out there?
We could just start
with your name.
How did you get here?
I woke up,
same as you...
In a room like this.
So we're in the same boat, then.
Now I'm pregnant.
And you weren't pregnant before?
Not a chance.
What's happening in here?
I don't know,
but everyone here's dead.
Unstrap me.
Get in here.
You're quarantined!
Come on.
Unstrap me.
What the fuck was that?
It might come back.
Oh god!
We need to get you some help.
I gotta get the hell outta here.
Okay, let me get some clothes.
Thirty seconds and I'm leaving.
Backup generator operating
at 30 percent.
What's that?
The lights are out.
I found this for you.
Why do you get the big one?
What happened here?
You haven't seen...
I talk.
It calms my nerves.
Yeah, well, silence calms mine.
Hello? Hello? I'm Marion Dobbs.
Someone else alive.
The intercoms are not working.
Please contact me if you can.
You have to hurry.
We don't know how long
the generator will last.
Oh shit.
My water broke.
Oh shit.
We gotta get you sitting down.
Oh god...
Sit down.
The pain shouldn't
be this intense!
That's some heavy stuff.
I know what it is.
I can handle it.
Testing... one, two.
Please tell me
that's not a glitch.
It's not a glitch.
I'm Henry,
and I'm here with Ellie.
Oh, thank god.
I thought I was it.
Where are you?
What wing?
I don't know.
We woke up here.
You're not doctors?
Did you say something wrong?
I don't know.
Maybe she's one of the people
who locked us in here.
Okay, you need to
meet me at the exit.
Okay, how do we do that?
Look around.
What's in the room?
Some empty cages...
Uh, there's a file folder.
"Observational analysis..."
"Doctor prince."
You're in B wing.
Okay, what does that mean?
Go into the hallway
and take a right.
When you reach the end,
go left, take a quick right,
go through the double doors
and take the second right.
Grab whatever light you can.
It's the only thing
that hurts them.
Oh my god.
It's a good thing you
took all those drugs.
Not the time for an
after school special!
Look, I'm gonna find
something roll-ey.
Don't leave me here alone!
Oh, doesn't feel so good being
on the other side
of things, huh?
Please come back.
I will.
See this smile?
This is my hundred-percent
"everything's cool" guarantee.
Means you've got nothin'
to worry about.
No, you keep it.
I got this.
See ya in a sec.
Oh god!
Backup generator
operating at 25 percent.
Oh god...
Backup generator
operating at 25 percent.
"Turn left...
Oh, thank god!
You must be Henry. Okay, good.
See that security camera?
I would be outside
if that worked.
I had to try.
What is...
Not now.
Henry, I need you to grab
that wire and rip it out.
This one?
Yeah, and I need
you to connect it
to this nodal point
right there...
But only when I say "go,"
not before.
Why are we doing this again?
We're trying to trick the system
into believing the fire alarm
has been activated,
and hopefully that
should open this door.
Can't we just use
one of these keycards?
None of them have clearance.
Please work, please work...
Okay, and...
Oh, fuck off!
Damn it!
Backup generator operating
at 20 percent.
Damn it...
You better have
a change of clothes.
What's next?
There is no "next."
This is the only exit.
This entire place
is underground...
But we gotta hope
for something soon,
because once the generator
reaches zero
and we lose every
one of these lights,
those things are gonna come up,
and you me and him
are all gonna be dinner.
We can call someone!
You're not gonna reach anyone
if you're behind these bars.
Hello? Hi, excuse me.
How many things
are we dealing with?
Enough to kill everyone
who worked here.
So shouldn't we get
the lights up and running?
Shouldn't that be
first priority?
The backup generator has
a failsafe to preserve power.
Once it reaches 50 percent,
we are stuck with emergency
lighting and systems.
Okay, why don't we just
refill the generator, then?
You're welcome to try!
It's right down there,
where those fuckers nest.
We lost the lights for
ten minutes last night.
Ten minutes,
and look what they did.
What are "they?"
I don't know.
But they want blood,
and they will kill
anything to get it.
It's like an addiction.
How the hell did you two
survive the night?
Holy shit.
You're pregnant!
The fuck you think I was sitting
on that wheelchair for?
You are the Guinea pigs!
"Guinea pigs?" For what?
Hey, look, I never saw
behind the curtain, okay?
I wrote their software,
I would come into
fix the bugs...
That kinda thing, that's all.
But you knew that
something was wrong.
Look, they were not about to
tell their dirty little secrets
to a button-masher like me,
but I think it's
safe to say they were
not looking for a cure
for the common cold.
We still need a keycard to
get through this piece of junk.
You know where we are?
I dunno.
They picked us up,
put us in the back of
a windowless Van, drove us here.
We did the job, got back
in the Van, home by dinner.
And you just closed your eyes,
collected your paycheque?
Yeah, and what great life
choices brought you here?
Okay, hey...
Okay, we need to
get somewhere safer.
We've got the sunlight
right here.
It goes down in two hours.
I'm not going back into
that fucking slaughterhouse.
She's trying to help us.
I'm just trying to stay alive.
Somebody out there needs me.
We're five feet away
from getting out.
We're too exposed here.
We need to get to
living quarters.
It should be safer there.
I'm staying here.
I don't give a shit
what you do, okay?
But I'm alive, and there's
a lotta people who are not.
We're right here!
You know what they say...
"sometimes you have to
take two steps back to
move one step forward."
They say that, do they?
Have a poster at home that says,
"if you're running away
from killer monsters,
move two steps back!"
I don't think I'm smart enough
to keep us both alive...
She is.
Y'know that leaves you
at negative one, right?
Two steps back,
one step forward?
You're still one step back.
See? I told you
I wasn't smart enough.
At least she can count.
It's actually math.
Just push me.
This is where the docs
live 365 days of the year.
Wonder what they do
during leap years...
C'mon! That was a good one.
I'll get you to smile yet.
Not a chance.
Backup generator operating
at 20 percent.
We've got everything we need
to survive the night...
Lights, water, and hopefully...
Eat up.
Why do scientists and doctors
need a chapel?
What's the brilliant plan?
If I shut down every other wing
and transfer all
the power here...
Shut down everywhere else.
Won't they just come up here?
No, we should be fine.
We'll have light here.
Well, we won't have
light for a minute.
Everything's gonna
have to shut down
while the transfer switches
cycles before it powers back up.
But the candle should
protect us through that.
These candles
have just been lit.
There's someone else
alive in here.
Where are you?
Someone help!
We've gotta help.
They will be dead in a second
if one of those things has them.
If you turn the lights off,
they'll be dead for sure.
Don't. Don't risk it.
It's not worth it.
If I don't,
then we're no better than
the people that put us here.
Who are probably the same ones
who are screaming for help!
If they're doctors,
they'll know a lot more about
delivering that baby than I do.
The longer you stay out there,
the more power we lose.
I have to.
Then take this... but know
we're not gonna waste any time
if you come into trouble.
Okay, be right back.
Say something
so I know where you are!
Help us! We're over here!
Jesus Christ...
Are you a doctor?
No, I'm Henry.
I don't need a fuckin' Henry!
We've got two survivors in here.
One with a severed hand.
Bring them back here.
How are we gonna help?
Anyone there a doctor?
None of us are doctors.
Tell me that's not
a thing in there.
The lights flickered.
It attacked us.
We managed to get it in there,
but it bit off his hand
when we were shutting the door.
No, no!
Hey, hey!
Stay with us!
Stay with us!
He's bleeding out.
Where are you?
A kitchen.
Okay, good.
What kinda stove is it?
What? Why?
You can us it
to stop the bleeding.
There's gotta be another way.
Then let's hear it.
I have a few matches left.
You'll kill him.
- No, she's right...
- You gotta do it.
Okay, let's go.
have a little faith...
I'm not used to doing this
under such pressure.
There you go.
O lord, our god and savior...
How 'bout something
that's actually gonna help?
Grab some alcohol.
Over there.
"Make us strong..."
I'm gonna try and
pull my arm back.
You gotta make sure that
doesn't happen, okay?
Oh, fuck!!
One, two, three...
Everything okay? Henry?
Father, hold him up.
Backup generator operating
at 15 percent.
There is an escape.
We're almost there.
It's got us
trapped in a hallway.
My light's keeping
it back for now.
Any ideas?
Get into a room.
Okay, there.
This one.
It's locked!
Keep the light on him,
then we'll get him back
slow and steady.
What're you doing?
We don't have much time.
You're gonna
strand them in the dark.
As long as his head lamp
is working, they'll be okay.
You're gonna kill them!
The light is their only chance.
Tell them to get close together.
Marion's gonna
redirect the power.
You have to hold tight
for a few seconds.
I don't think this light's
gonna last very much longer.
Thirty seconds, starting...
There's nothing to be afraid of.
God is with us.
I've stared death
in the eye before.
Stay hold of your courage.
Ten seconds.
Oh shit...
What did you do?
I got you full power by shutting
down the rest of the building.
You're welcome.
You trapped us in here.
I'm sorry, but we haven't really
had a formal introduction.
We're the people that just
saved your fucking life.
Who the hell are you?
He's a priest, and...
Who're you?
I'm an intern.
I need to get this wrapped up.
I've got something.
Holy shit...
How are you awake?
I... do you know
what happened to me?
You don't have to answer that.
What are you,
his fucking lawyer?
What did you do to me?
You're in a lotta danger.
How long ago did
the contractions start?
About an hour?
Look, I don't want this baby,
so if you have to get rough...
You have been chosen
for something.
A gift from god.
Don't you start with me!
If this baby is a gift,
it better come with
a fucking return policy!
It's not a...
It's not a baby, exactly.
It's one of them, isn't it?
One of those creatures?
What did you do to me?
We can ease the pain,
but you're going to die.
That's not a gift.
Listen, I've been
working on a procedure.
It would've been against policy,
but there might be a chance.
Okay, so do it!
I need you to
take off your pants.
Better be the best
goddam intern that ever lived.
Well I'm the best goddamned
intern in this room,
How 'bout that?
Oh god.
Okay, we need to
prepare for a c-section.
Henry, write this down.
There's a dispensary
down the hall, okay?
There's three vials.
For her pain, we need
the one labeled "h4x5,"
and I wanna try
two experimental drugs,
"h9d13" and, um, "c7x11."
All of the mothers
died in birth.
Don't give her false hope.
That thing will kill
her for sure if we don't try.
She's in god's hands now.
No, she's in mine.
Please tell me
you're left-handed.
Hey, lady, you're
making the incisions.
Henry, to get to
the dispensary...
You want someone to cut into me?
Henry, Marion, come over here.
Hold out your hands.
He's doing it.
No, I've never done
something like that before.
I can't...
Look at me...
The last time someone needed me,
it didn't work out so well.
Okay, well, now's your chance
to make up for it.
"I can."
That's the only answer.
I can.
Marion, you're
grabbing the drugs.
Oh, now you trust me?
But I need you.
Okay, father Stewart can
take us to the dispensary.
My job is here with god.
Well, god called.
He told you to
keep me company...
And this.
What's that?
I'm looking for a keycard
with a level-a clearance.
It'll get us through
the front gates.
Only five people
down here had one.
This is about to get
very personal very quickly.
I won't make any jokes.
I promise.
We don't even
need to say anything.
Who's hunter?
Not even 30 seconds of silence.
I'm nervous, okay?
I write copy all day.
I don't cut into people.
Ah, hunter is...
my dog.
You got your dog's name
tattooed on your wrist?
Did you do that yourself?
Car accident.
Okay, so which one of us is
gonna tell the truth first?
Hunter's my son.
What about those?
I answered your question.
I told you, car accident.
I was driving too fast
down the road...
What's the truth?
I was running
away from something
and I couldn't get
far enough away.
What were you running from?
Hunter doesn't know
about the drugs.
I can't let him find out.
You shoulda let me tell
that car accident story.
It's a lot better.
It's got a twist ending,
It's good.
We're gonna get you
back to your son,
I promise.
Can I get your hundred-percent
cool guy guarantee on that?
Chris was one of our team.
If I confess something to you,
you can't tell anyone, right?
That's correct.
And you'll forgive anything?
Whatever needs to be forgiven.
Forget it.
What do you need to confess?
How old do you think I am?
My uncle always said,
"never speak a lady's age."
Well, I'm almost 50.
I've spent my entire life
being somebody's lackey.
Do you have any idea
what it's like
to be ignored for
almost 50 fuckin' years?
Well, a priest is hardly
the life of the party.
For once I didn't want
to be that person
watching life pass them by.
I wanted the headlines...
What did you do?
I let them out.
You started this?
I knew about the cages,
and I thought it was some
kind of illegal animal testing.
I made sure the backup
generator wouldn't kick in,
I shut down the power,
the cages opened, and...
And the screaming started.
I tried to get
the power back on,
but it wouldn't work,
and the doctors came in,
and there was...
So much blood.
And I just ran and hid.
What is the point
of forgiveness anyways?
You don't see it, do you?
Now what does that mean?
It means there's
a larger plan at work.
Bullshit... people are
dead because of me!
Not because god had some plan.
We are all puppets
on god's stage.
Our paths are
already laid for us.
So, you know my path, huh?
That's what we're waiting
to find out, isn't it?
How about these?
People with "a" clearance
wouldn't be caught dead in here.
Pardon the pun.
Wait, what were
you doing in here?
Holy shit.
Holy shit!
We can make our own cards.
Chris was trying
to re-code the cards
to get through the front gate.
It's taking too long.
We need those
god damned drugs...
And something to cut with.
I have a scalpel in my pocket.
Put it over the flame.
Get the hell back here!
Did you hear that?
I've almost got this.
I've just got to get
the servers online
to access the key card database.
That's not good.
What did you do?
Oh, shit.
You can turn the lights
back on, right?
In order to
activate the servers,
I had to put them on
the lighting grid.
I accidentally
overloaded the circuit!
I've got the last one.
We must leave.
I can fix this from here.
I just need another minute.
Something's inside.
Help me.
There's nothing I can...
Please, you can't leave me here.
Did you get the bag?
Where's Marion?
The light's are out everywhere.
Where's Marion?
She's dead.
Help me get this stuff
out of the bag.
Okay, what do you need?
What am I looking for?
Okay, here, take
the scissors over there.
Does anybody else hear that?
We don't take
the lord's name in vain.
The devil has got you, boy,
but I'm going to cleanse you.
I'm sorry, uncle Peter!
I didn't mean to say it!
This isn't an act of hate.
God is a cruel master...
But through pain,
he shows us his love.
What's wrong with him?
Father, can you
fill these syringes?
Give them to me.
Are you sure you know
how to do this?
Trust me.
This one will help
with the pain.
Get it all out...
Get it all out.
Your life was in
god's hands for a minute.
He must have sent you
back for a reason.
We can't predict
god's plan for us,
but someday
it will make sense.
What happened?
I was on the beach...
Once I start this I don't
know what's going to happen.
Okay, you could...
We have to start cutting,
can you handle it?
Holy shit.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Okay, Ellie, we're going to
administer the other two drugs.
Now, based on my theories...
No, don't give me the specifics.
You're doing good,
you're doing good.
Last one.
We've got to get to
the next layer of tissue.
Cut there.
Take it slow.
One more layer.
Hold on, not too far, Henry!
God, what do I do?
Grab the scissors.
Open the god damned door!
I thought you said she was dead.
Henry, focus... I need you
in here with the scissors now!
Open the door!
We can't stop, Henry.
Keep going!
Ellie, Ellie!
Stay with me! Look at me!
No, you can't stop now.
Finish cutting that layer.
Let's go.
No, focus, Henry!
Grab the scissors.
Grab the scalpel.
Kill it!
Ellie, don't look at that.
Somebody kill that bitch!
Put the scissors down.
It's coming.
I have to pull it out.
I don't wanna see it
when you pull it out.
Now, Henry!
It's coming!
Pull it out or she dies!
Pull it out!
Put it down!
Holy shit...
What the fuck.
Um, a little help?
Is it dead?
Uh, yeah.
It's dead.
How are you?
I'm alive.
Son of a bitch, we did it.
Did I get it?
You left me to die.
We had no choice.
I had to get her the medicine.
You fucking left me!
Please stop!
You need to sew her up.
Can you feel anything?
It's sore,
but it should be worse.
The drugs I gave you will help,
but you're not gonna
be moving fast, okay?
Okay, you want to tell us
what just fucking happened here?
We still have to get
out of here, alright?
It would be helpful to know
what we are dealing with.
We didn't know
this would happen.
Don't tell them anything.
Who are you even
protecting anymore?
This is the only way
to get out of here.
If you want to waste time
answering questions,
then I won't stop you.
You took the time to save
the cards, just not me.
What is this place?
It's a privately-
funded research facility.
Studying what?
By the looks of it,
you guys did a lotta studying.
Ellie, what's the last
thing you remember
before waking up here?
I was running out
into the street.
You were in pain?
Yeah, I couldn't breathe,
my heart was pounding.
You overdosed,
you had a heart attack.
You were dead when the company
brought your body.
That's impossible.
When someone dies, their brain
doesn't shut off all at once.
We discovered if we apply
specific electrical frequencies
to the area of the brain
that stores our memories,
the brain would re-ignite.
So you used my body
for a science project?
This might be the first step
towards reversing death.
How did I get pregnant?
We first tested on a woman.
When she came back,
all her vital signs were normal.
Until we realized
she was pregnant.
We tried again and again.
All the women came
back pregnant.
This doesn't make any sense.
Where do these things come from?
We don't have
a scientific explanation.
That's why I'm here.
Because science can't
handle these questions.
But we can't prove your theory.
Memory is a gateway
to the other side.
A collective unconscious
ties us all together
with everyone who lives
and who has ever lived.
Life death...
Positive negative.
You reached into the afterlife
and brought back a hitchhiker,
a divine creature, sent by god,
to be reborn into this world.
It's nonsense.
No, maybe he's right.
I've been having visions.
It's like I'm experiencing
people's deaths.
It's like I'm there,
I feel everything they did.
You're the first man
we've brought back.
We put you in quarantine.
We didn't know
what would happen.
Hold on, so I come back
with that thing inside me
and what, he gets
a few bad memories?
What else?
The next part
doesn't make sense.
You were there.
You were on a beach
with your uncle
and he said
god is a cruel master.
Through pain he shows love.
How can you know that...
I complete the circle don't I?
Through her, they're
reaching out into our world.
And I'm reaching
out into theirs.
Guys? It's gone.
What the hell?
But, you slit its throat.
You can't kill
something that's already dead.
But the baby died.
We used all the candles.
How do I tie this off?
Well, okay three loops.
One, two, three.
Okay, how's that?
A little tighter,
a little tighter.
They're in the vents.
Okay, the sun goes
down in 45 minutes,
let's get to the front gate
and come up with another plan.
That's a great idea,
when I had it an hour ago!
The drugs...
No, I have the pills
in my back pocket!
No, the vials.
They worked to kill the baby.
Ellie, we must go.
Just wait for him.
Come on.
They're our only chance.
Hurry, they're coming.
One more.
We must go now!
Hold on!
I got it!
Come on.
Right back to square one.
Oh my god!
We can just close it!
We can shut them in here!
Why didn't you tell anyone
you had that card?
Give it to me.
I have to finish
what you started.
The ending's so clear to me now.
You must see it too.
The moment you
opened those cages...
It was an accident.
She's just been dragging us
around, cleaning up your mess.
Do you think that I had
any idea this would happen?
I dunno, did you think about
anyone other than yourself?
No! Why?
We've strayed so far
from his path.
The world has forgotten
morality and decency.
Look at you...
You spent your life
searching for your next high.
You let envy consume you.
And you...
Worst of all.
God gave you the gift of life,
and you threw it away.
And that's why he's making you
relive those deaths.
He's punishing you.
Through pain,
god shows us his love.
I haven't heard those words
in so many years...
He's telling me what to do.
We can rebuild the world,
but first we have to destroy it.
Behold the lord
cometh out of this place,
to punish the inhabitants...
It won't close.
So tomorrow morning
when the sun comes up,
won't it just fry those
fucking things?
No, the light just
causes them pain.
And they heal fast.
You saw that thing.
They can't die,
once they're out,
they'll just spread
from town to town.
Oh, I am so sorry.
Ellie. Ellie.
Hello, who is this?
Hunter, it's mom.
That's not funny.
My mom's dead.
I know they told you
I was gone, but honey,
I'm right here and you
need to listen to me,
okay something really bad
is about to happen
so you need to get your...
No, no, no, no, no.
Hey, Ellie.
Where are you going?
Mom, I think I know
where my phone is.
Get up, mom.
He can't survive without me.
You'll never make it.
There's not enough time.
They're going to kill him!
Oh, fuck!
I'm not a fucking junkie, okay?
Everyone must've told him by now
I'm just a strung-out loser who
abandoned him for another fix,
but I'm not...
I'm not that person.
And if I don't get back to him,
that's all I'll ever be to him.
No, he knows
you're more than that.
But that's all he's
gonna remember me as.
Ellie, he was there.
He came back for his
phone that day.
Get up mom.
It's okay.
I'll take care of you.
You don't need to
take care of me.
I always do.
What do you mean?
I know about your secret.
I'm always looking out for you.
I didn't mean
for this to happen.
It's okay.
I'm so sorry.
Ellie, this whole time
he was taking care of you.
Fuck, I just never
did anything right.
It doesn't matter what happened,
you just have to be there
for him right now.
Hunter will be okay,
but only if we keep those
things behind that gate.
Do you think that we
still have a chance?
Once the sun sets,
we won't have any chance.
But I think one good choice
can save his life,
whether he knows it or not.
I just need one.
Just one for the pain.
Marion, how do we fix this?
I don't know.
What about the drugs?
Were there more?
That was it.
Okay, what about the generator?
What can we do with that?
If we could get the lights on
for a little longer,
it'll buy us some time.
I tripped the overload device
on the lighting circuit.
The only way to get the lights
up and running is to
walk down there
and flip the breaker.
That's not nothing.
If we go in there, we all die.
We can't fight them.
Okay, then what else does
the emergency systems control?
Heating, ventilation...
How do you kill something
that can't die?
You don't...
You can only slow it down.
This entire
facility's underground.
This is the only exit.
Okay, so if we
blow up this entrance,
then we trap them in here.
Yeah, but we would
need explosives.
I don't know where to get...
Where to get those
except wait a minute...
The heating system.
It's an old boiler.
We might not be able
to blow up the entrance,
but we can blow up
the entire building.
Bury these fuckers alive.
They aren't alive.
Okay, good, these will
get me to the generator.
I flip the transfer switch
and reroute the power
to the boiler room.
Now there, if we can increase
the pressure on the tank...
but we've got a problem.
The generator is under a wing,
but the boiler is under d wing.
You two have to
make it to the boiler.
I don't know how much
fuel is left,
and those pumps are gonna
suck a lot of power,
so you won't have much time.
But you can't go there alone.
What, are you
gonna come with me?
Look, it has to be me.
I've gotta at least
try to make this right.
Okay well, we need
weapons and flashlights.
You know where you're going?
We'll meet you back here, right?
Yeah, sure.
Good luck.
We ready for this?
It's okay to say
I'm not sure, right?
Let's do it.
This isn't so bad.
Maybe they're full?
It's just over there, right?
Find somewhere to hide!
What're you doing?
Where are you going?
C'mon, you motherfuckers!
Want some blood?!
Want some fresh meat?!
Let's go!
Come and get me!
I've got blood for you!
You hungry?
Back off!
I've had a very long day.
Don't piss me off.
Oh, shit.
You think I'm nothing?
You think you can
walk all over me?
Fuck you!
It's you and me,
you son of a bitch.
Rerouting the power.
How did you do that?
My blood,
it's like they want it,
but it's like some
kind of poison...
It kills them.
Of course. The drugs.
The intern's drugs.
They're still in your blood.
Why didn't we think of that?
Oh shit.
So, we do have some drugs left.
Okay we, we cover
everything in blood.
We need to get to Marion.
This could help her.
We've gotta get down there.
There's only a few minutes
till the sun goes down.
The boiler has power.
Turn it up full and it'll blow.
The power won't last long.
You'll have to hurry.
Get back to the diesel.
If the boiler shuts down,
it won't start up again.
I wish I could join you,
it's just not looking good.
I want to give people
a reason to remember me.
I won't be here
to read the headlines.
Just send them
back to hell for me.
Son of a bitch.
You don't have to do this.
I'm sorry you don't understand.
God saved me for this.
A god that asks you to kill?
You need to have faith.
I do.
Do you?
How did you die Henry?
You relived our deaths,
what about yours?
Have you been fighting it
all this time?
The knife cutting
through your flesh.
Do you remember how it felt?
How many cuts did it take?
Stop it.
Let it in.
I couldn't live with the guilt.
She was diagnosed with
cancer and I left.
She died alone.
Is that what you
want to hear father?
Don't, please.
You don't have to do this.
You can come with us.
All it takes
is one right choice.
But I don't have a choice.
No, please!
Don't turn off the boiler!
No, please don't.
We have to restart it.
We can't there's no fuel.
There's too many of them.
Let's go.
Okay, just give me a second.
Ellie, please,
this is our last chance.
They're addicted to blood.
What are you saying?
I'm the only thing
that kills them.
You'll bleed to death.
I've got to do everything
I can for him, don't I?
Not this.
We already had
our shot out there.
If this our last chance
to do something right,
I've got to take it.
When you die,
how long does the pain last?
Only a moment.
That's not the part
that hurts, though.
It's what you think about
right before it happens.
You have to go.
I don't need your help.
I can do this on my own.
Look at me.
This is my 100% everything's
cool guarantee, okay?
That means everything's
gonna be fine.
Hunter's going to
wake up tomorrow
because of what
you're doing today.
He's going to go to school.
He's going to graduate,
get married...
He's going to have a family.
He'll grow up to be
an amazing parent,
just like his mom.
You're good at telling stories.
Tell me my story.
You and hunter
get a fresh start.
You meet someone amazing.
Someone like you?
No one's ever called me
amazing before.
Don't get used to it.
Told ya I'd get
a smile outta ya.
No, not again.
You'll die.
I just wanted to be known
as someone who helps people.
Me too.
You do?
I just wanted...
I just wanted this.