Blood in the Mobile (2010)

Minerals from The Democratic Republic of Congo are used in mobile phones
In the past 15 years 5 million people have died as a consequence of civil war in DR Congo
The UN have for years reported links between the minerals trade and the war
Hi, my name is Frank Poulsen. Im a film-maker from Denmark.
The thing is Id like to visit you at Nokias headquarters-
-and make an interview about your corporate responsability-
Maybe you could refer me to some spokesperson?
No, unfortunately I cant do that.
My first phone was a Nokia, and Ive used Nokia ever since.
at one point I had a Sony-Ericsson, but I changed it back to a Nokia.
Can I ask you...? Ive heard-
that minerals used in mobile phones are coming from the eastern Congo.
Im not familiar with thta, so I need to do some research before I answer you.
-No interviews!
Theres a press conference at 10,30, but its invite only, Im afraid.
Do our phones really contain minerals that finance war in the Congo?
And if the world knows about this, why hasnt anybody done anything?
Or is the Congo just too far away?
I cant live with the fact that my phone might be financing war.
I cant keep sending loving text messages to my wife-
-or talk to my daughters, if it has cost lives in the Congo.
If theres blood in my mobile.
My phone company is renowned for their social responsability.
They will know whether there are blood minerals in my phone or not.
-Were here to visit Nokia.
-Okay, whos your Nokia host?
-We have no host.
-You havent been registered?
-Then I need to register you.
-Can I get a business card?
You should talk to our comms person.
They know more about it.
What topic are you interested in?
Ive heard that minerals used in mobile phones-
Come from eastern Congo and have been financing the war there.
And that is a big problem for the mobile industry.
Well, the girls over there can sort you out, so you can speak with someone.
Ill call my colleague and tell her that youre on your way.
We dont have anybody who can comment on that today.
But Ill take your contact details, and then well make sure to get back.
-Its better with a separate time.
-Okay. Thank you very much, Bye.
My names Poulsen. Id like to speak to someone from communications.
Hold the line, please...Theres nobody who can help you right now.
-Okay, but who should I speak to?
-Im not sure at the moment.
I dont have a contact person. Just this one phone number.
I dont know where the person you need to see is located.
This person may be located somewhere else, or...
Oskar Sodergren, Nokia. I cant take your call, but please leave a message.
If urgent, please text me, and Ill get back as soon as possible.
Thank you.
Why wont they talk to me? Are they using blood minerals?
If thats true it hardly matches their description as a human corporation.
If they are blood minerals in my phone, it gives a new picture of Nokia.
Maybe Nokia arent as socially responsible as I thought they were.
Im on my way to the Congo to see where the minerals come from-
-and to see with my own eyes if they are financing war.
Congo was made a private slave colony 100 years ago-
by King Leopold II. He became one of the richest men in the world-
-by selling rubber from the Congo. It was early industrialization-
-and the booming car industry depended on rubber from the Congo.
Today the Congo is extremely poor despite all its natural resources.
During the past 15 years more than 5 million have died in eastern Congo-
-in a war between several armed groups. And it is estimated-
-that no less than 300.000 women have been raped.
How do I find my way into the mining business in a place like this?
I manage to arrange a meeting with Mr. Kampekampe from the ministry.
Hopefully he can send me in the right direction.
It would be best to film me tomorrow, not tonight!
Not tonight.
This night Im not working.
-Im drinking my beer.
Good morning, Mr. Undersecretary.
Here are samples of cassiterite that come from Kivu.
Here we have a sample of coltan, that comes from Kivu.
Theyre used in electronics. Mobile phones, for instance.
Kampekampe says I have to go to Kivu to look for blood minerals.
He also owns a private company. Hes not only working for the ministry.
Hes paid by foreign corporations for helping them to obtain licenses-
-from his own ministry.
But isnt there a conflict of interests-
-being both working for the ministry and for the private sector?
Youre sitting on both sides of the table.
Its good, because I have two experiences.
I can use my private experiencie here.
And I can use my experience here for my private business.
But in my country, in Denmark-
-it would be illegal to be working as a civil servant-
-in a ministry of mining and then be a privater miner.
-I dont have decision.
-Who has?
I dont know. Thats politics. Im not a politician.
Im a scientist. And a businessman.
Not a politician.
Thank you.
The only safe way to fly in the Congo is with the UN peace-keeping forces.
Im on my way to Goma in the northern Kivu.
I dont know if the Kivus is the right place to go, but I have no other leads.
This seems like the right place to look for blood minerals.
No other place in the world has so many UN peace-keeping troops.
Their mission is to protect civilians against the armed groups.
But the "blue helmets" rarely go far from major towns and main roads.
The UN must know whos making money on the minerals here.
In the UN HQ I contact major Rahman, whos in charge of the Walikale area.
I need to know the exact whereabouts of the mines, and if their minerals-
-are financing armed groups.
-Okay, here we go.
-Okay, gentlmen..
This is a map of the Walikale territory.
Its very important area regarding mining and natural resources.
There are two important localities in the area: Bisie and Kilambo.
Cassiterite and bauxite are two minerals that are being excavated.
In Bisie 15-20.000 people are employed in the profession of-
-carrying and mining the minerals. 1 It takes
two days to reach either of these places.
-And the armed groups of the area?
-I cant speak of those.
Frank Im only going to speak about these facts.
-So you wont ..
Ill speak about Kilambo and the construction of the airstrip.
I already told you about the two minerals being excavated in Bisie.
-You cant say its financing...
-Ive pointed out the players here.
-But you cant say that its financing...? Okay, thats fine.
-Anything in particular?
-I think were there.
-Just have something.
-Right. Thanks...
Why wont major Rahman tell me that the groups are financed by mining-
-when it has been started in UN reports? What is he afraid of?
I get the feeling that even the UN is threatened here.
Of the many mines in the area, Bisie is apparently the biggest.
And it has earned a bloody history in recent years.
I want to see the mine whith my own eyes.
The question is if I can get the UN to fly me out there.
For that I need to talk to Silvy from the press office.
You fly over, and for hours its like broccoli...crop, you know.
Is just like trees, trees, trees.
You dont see anything.
Every once in a while you see a little bit-
-of broccoli fields destroyed, and its a mine.
Even thought the UN is carefull about commenting on what goes on-
-they dont seem to have a problem flying me to Walikale.
Youre going to Bisie?
Where they kill people?
Pay attention!
These people are out of control.
So anything can happen, man.
And you will be deep in the forest. 90 kilometers in the forest.
Its not a joke, so be careful. Be careful.
Lord, we are offering you our day. Protect each one of us.
Let your blessing reach each one of us.
Itll take a copule of days for the UN to do the paperwork necessary-
-for me to get on a helicopter to Walikale.
Jesus, son of god, has been here and gone back to heaven.
He will come back, but we dont know when.
Im a great evangelist.
May the Holy Ghost bless you.
How do I get the information, the UN wont give me?
I find the bar in Goma, where the white people go.
I want to know about the connection between mining and the armed groups.
Im told it can be dangerous to ask too many questions here.
But I find some guys from MPC, Mining Processing Company-
-and I decide to get drunk whith them.
The next morning I wake up in the house of one of them.
Barman wont be interviewed, but last night he told me-
-that his employer owns the license for the mine, where I want to go.
He says that none of his colleagues want to be interviewed either.
But that afternoon he takes me to their office anyway.
My finger...Goma.
Thats where we are.
And the blue patches...
...are what they call exploration, or rather...
-exploitation permits-
-of the main tin and tungsten concessions.
Thes are a spill-over from the Belgian colonial mining days.
What can you tell me about the armed groups in this area?
Well, its actually quite dynamic. Weve done some exploration here.
The geologist moved in here. And suddenly they came out of the bush.
The main road from there to Lubutu-
-30 km, was controlled by the Simba. They took $30 for us to pass through.
And then therell obviously be the 85. brigade.
Theyll have blocks somewhere along this road.
Youll also have general Nkundas crowd around here.
Youll have the Interahamwes in the mountain here. They take taxes too.
Its really dynamic. They set up a place, maintain it and move off.
From Goma to the Bisie mine, where my finger is-
-were looking at about 170 kilometers by plane.
And Walikale, where...
Here is Walikale. Its about 130 kilometers by plane.
-And wheres Bisie?
-Up there.
Is it dangerous to go to Bisie as a film maker to make a film?
It depends on how drunk the people are. How much money they want.
The people from MPC hace waited two years to get access to Bisie-
-while different armed groups have been in control of the mine.
Right now Bisie is controlled by the Congolese army, FRDC.
According to the MPC the army is acting just like the armed groups.
-Colonel Sami is a prick.
-Listen, I can still hear you!
Come again. What were you saying?
We were just mentioning...Who do you believe in this country?
So tell me. Who should I believe?
-Us..Of course.
-What...? Who should I believe?
We personally havent got much to gain apart from our salary.
Were employed. Thats it.
Bernard from the UN press office calls me.
A massacre has occurred in the Bisie mine in Walikale.
Bernard works for the UN press office, but cant speak on behalf of the UN.
We agree I can come to his house, and hell talk to me as a private person.
Excuse me, sir. Is it the press or what?
-Yes, were from the press.
-Which press?
Thats not good, sir. Driver, swhitch the engine off.
-Arrest him. Hes filming.
-Driver, switch the engine off!
Dont you be stupid! Im a soldier.
Hes white...Why is he filming?
Just stop the engine!
-Show them the permit.
-Swhitch it off!
-The engine is not the problem.
-Why is he filming?
He has a permit.
It seems that a group of Mai-Mai, who came from a place-
-that is situated 40 kilometers away-
-came to loot the diggers.
Those who are digging in the forest. Digging for whom?
We dont have any idea.
Is it the Mai-Mai or the FDLR, who came back-
-to try to take back what they consider their goods
Their coltan, their cassiterite...Al the things theyre taking from Bisie.
From Bisie...
Whos selling it?
It was under control of the FDLR.
And then came the Congolesse business men...
They used to come and buy and then bring it to Goma.
From Goma to Rwanda or Uganda. And from Uganda to Europe.
To do what? For mobile phones and computers.
And after that... From the money they buy guns.
Of course. They buy guns to continue the war.
Just today I met a woman called Massika.
She has been raped three times.
The first time they killed her husband right in front of her.
Cutting him into little pieces.
And then they asked her to put the pieces together again-
-and then to sleeps on the pieces.
And they raped her on the pieces of her husband. Can you imagine?
They asked her if shed ever eaten chewing-gum.
She said yes. Then they took the penis of her husband, the head-
-and the put it in her mouth and asked her to eat the chewing gum.
You cant imagine whats going on, man.
Walikale...I think youre going there, but pay attention. Be careful.
Because anything can happen.
Anything can happen. If you discover, for example-
-that FRDC has done something wrong-
-you are in trouble. If you find something wrong with the FDLR-
-youre in trouble. If you film something wrong about the Mai-Mai-
-and they see that this can be dangerous for them...You are dead.
So you are in danger in all the sites. Pay attention.
The next day I go back to Silvy at the UN HQ to collect my permit-
-to fly whith a helicopter to Walikale.
Be aware that the FDLR at the moment...
...are on a rampage campaign.
Theyre on a rampage campagin. They strike very strongly at the civilians.
We cant exclude the possibility-
-of them striking some foreigners or other people...
Anything can happen, so theres no way Im sending people out there.
The rule in this specific case is that this is a no-go area.
And the debate is closed. Im sorry. Okay?
I dont know what goes on in Walikale. It seems very dangerous to go there.
I start to doubt whether this project was a good idea.
But i dont feel ready to give up just yet.
To go to Walikale without the protection of the UN-
-I need permission from the national army, FRDC.
Im told that Ill never get permission to go to Walikale-
-because high-ranking officers make a lot of money on the minerals.
They didnt tell you that you must have permission from the army?
-Thats why we are here.
-Thats why youre here...Wait.
There is a commander-
-whos in charge of intelligence for the whole region.
Its him who must decide what we can do.
-You see this.
-What is that?
-Oh, its you, right?
-Its me.
-And you se here.
-Ah, thats very nice.
-You are a Masai.
-Yes, a Masai.
Its my son, who sent it to me.
You know, in the war-
-you have one aim. It is to kill!
Its much easier to do administration in a war than in peace.
Its easier when its war than in peace?
Because you have to feed the soldiers.
They dont do anything. They are only there.
And they must eat. They must drink.
They must wear....You must give them a uniform.
But in a war he kills the enemy, and then he gests his uniform.
He kills the enemy, he gets boots. And a gun.
-Have you been at war, fighting?
-Yes, yes.
This is for when Im going to war.
Then I must go whith this.
This is my blanket.
If you want peace, you must prepare for war.
I keep this for the rain. This I got in Uganda.
This one I got from Libya. Its a kind of uniform.
-I keep them.
-Youve got many.
Yes! See. a good uniform. Its a nice uniform.
-Have you seen my signature?
-Its beautiful. It has a star in it.
-Yes, you have...Yes.
Finally Im on board one of the small russian cargo planes-
-that transports minerals from Walikale to Goma.
Were going to land on a small piece of road in the middle of the jungle.
Is it safe to fly this trip?
Yes, its safe.
-Do you know where this comes from?
And then Im stuck again.
Also here I have to visit the local authorities.
But it is weekend, so I have to wait for Monday morning.
I hear a rumour about a boy-
-who ran away from the Bisie mine during the massacre last week.
His name is Chance, hes 16, and hes worked at the Bisie mine for 3 years.
I heard that a mine had been discovered-
-close to where I live.
I wanted to work and earn enough to build my own house.
The first time I crawled down the hole-
-I could not stay for very long.
I wasnt used to the heat, so I could only stay for 2 hours down there.
Again and again I had to go down, work a lot and then come up again.
It was very hot, and I couldnt handle it.
But I didnt achieve my dream-
-so now I came back to finish school.
I acquire the local authorities validation of my permits.
They are also involved and have some authority over the armed groups.
Their stamps serve as a security from some of the groups I might run into.
If Im going to film in the mine, it has to be quick in, quick out.
I need someone who knows the place well. I go to look for Chance.
Go the other way around, Adam.
Chance isnt there, but his mother invited me to in.
The reason were interested in Chance is that he came from Bisie.
Did he tell you about his experiences there?
As a mother I thank Good every day-
-that Chance wasnt killed in Bisie.
It was Gods will that he survived.
I see that you talked to the administration.
Yes, and we also talked to your mother. For a long time.
And she agreed that you can come whith us to Bisie.
-Im ready.
-Hes ready at any time.
I begin to get a feeling of how big the mine in Bisie must be.
These carriers have walked 90 kilometers in two days with 50 kilos.
Every day 600 carriers come out of the woods with 30 tons of minerals.
When youve gotten your money, move along!
The carriers warn us: There are many soldiers on the road to Bisie.
They advise us to take another path, so we go on the bikes for two hours-
-and then we start to walk.
From here its two days on foot to Bisie.
How do you like it?
Its good.
After some hard days we reach the path that carriers use.
Were right outside the mine now.
The 85. brigade currently controlling the mine is a Congolese army unit-
-that has gone solo and is operating completely on their own.
In front of us the soldiers have a check-point which we cant avoid.
To get to the mine we have to pass it-
-and we have no idea how the soldiers will react.
-Good morning. How are you?
-Im fine. And you?
He is a journalist from Denmark-
-making a documentary about the extraction of minerals.
Weve got all the permits.
Dont let the white man pass without paying 1000 francs. Leave me alone!
We got a permit in Goma from the ministry and military autohorities.
The white man always laughed at us! He calles us monkeys!
In Walikale we talked to the territory authorities and colonel Samy.
And in Biruwe we talked to the commander of the battalion.
How many are you?
-Four persons.
Give me money. You cant film me for nothing.
Give me money!
1000 francs. Give me 1000 francs.
So this is how the armed groups make money on the mining.
The let the local population do the hard work
-and then they impose taxes on everyone.
And to get in and out of the mining area you also have to pay money.
Give me money! You cant film me for nothing.
Now I have arrived. Finally Im here.
This is what Ive been looking for.
In this place people die, so we can get mobile phones.
This mountain is full of improvised mine shafts.
And I get the feeling that the mountain could collapse at any moment.
Five years ago this place was only jungle.
Today 15-25000 people work here.
-How old are you? -Me? Im 14.
People come from far away whith a dream of making money.
But living expenses are so high due to the taxes from the armed groups-
-that most people cant afford to get out again. Theyre trapped here.
Hey, white man. Hes here to see how we got into the holes.
Were going to the hole over there.
-Chance, is this where you live? -No, this is the house.
They came here and started shooting.
People died here. Bullets were flying around, and the pharmacist died.
-The pharmacy over there? -Yes, they killed him.
And the police commander also died.
-Where did the bomb detonate? -Over there. But we ran away.
The mine wich Chance worked in, is almost 100 meters deep.
Chance says it takes so long to crawl down and up again-
-that he sometimes stayed down there for a week before coming up.
Every month people die here, when one of these holes collapses.
Hello, sir. How are you?
Coming down here...And whith a camera?
Dont do this. I dont like it.
You coming here to film me. Youre looking for trouble.
I can break it!
Have I given you permission to film me?
Why are you filming me?
Watch out! Im going to smash it!
Why are you filming me?
Im just doing my job. Did I ever ask to him to film me?
Is it some kind of punishment that youre filming here?
Did they pay you to bring the camera down here?
Chance, bring the hammer. Get the diggers.
Youre lucky. Bring the carriers.
You have to come down here. The cassiterite is right down here.
Why are you filming?
-Have you found anything? -Yes, right next to Chance.
Chance, you are a slave of the white man.
Hey, stupid! You cant film here.
Chance, do you know its illegal for childen under age to work the mine?
-Yes. -This country is dead anyway.
-Is this cassiterite? -Yes.
Is this really so different from what happened under king Leopold?
Isnt this almost the same as slavery?
Ive just been in one mine. And there are hunreds all over East Congo.
Bisie alone is estimated to produce $70 million a year.
100 years ago Nokia was a rubber boot factory-
-getting their rubber from Leopolds slave colony.
Today Nokia is one of the biggest corporations in the world.
Every third phone on the plante is a Nokia.
Nokia are market leaders on social responsability.
If theyre using the blood minerals, the whole business is likely to do it.
Dear Nokia, tell me youve learnt from your mistakes in the past.
Promise me that youre not involved in this.
Hello. Im here to see Arja Suominen.
-Would you please sign in? -Yes.
Can I see this?
Frank Poulsen.
Arja is in a meeting the whole day.
Do you have an appointment whith her?
Yes, we wrote to her and said were coming. So she knows...
-This I cant sign. -Sorry?
Because it says Im not allowed to film.
Youre working in communications? You must know the situation in Congo.
-Im concentrating on Finnish media. -Maybe you can find somebody else?
-Ill try to find one and will be back. -Allright. Thank you.
-You have to sign it right here. -Well, I cant sign this.
-Ive signed it, but its just.. -Yes, but is...
No, this is mine! You cant take my signature whithout my...
Okay, but you must...Ill show you. I wont take...
This means that you can use the information we give you-
-but if you suddenly hear something then you cant.
Excuse me? Can I please have this back...
But you cant enter the house whithout that signature.
Then we must take an agreement that I can film.
After all I am here to make a film.
Im sorry, but I couldnt find a spokesperson. Unfortunately.
-So? -Were not able to arrange a meeting.
The people who know the case-
-are either travelling or in meetings somewhere. I cant reach them.
Its really frustrating. Ive been trying for a year.
I need a response from Nokia, because you are my phone company.
As a consumer and a world citizen Im very concerned about this.
I do understand your point, but I want able to arrange a meeting.
But I also have to...
Youre doing your job, and Im trying to do my job.
I wont leave until I get an interview or at least an appointment.
Hello, can I speak to Pekka Isosomppi?
Yes, because I was really...
-Sorry... -Im allowing you to film.
-Im allowing you to film.
I didnt want to accept not to film...
Yes but thats fine, now that Im here.
Wow, this is a nice place.
-So we are in... -Hello, how are you?
Im fine. My names Frank. Nice to meet you.
We have taken action since 2001 on this issue-
-When we first became aware-
-that a raw material called coltan-
-coming from Congo-
-can be turned into tantalum.
The materials is used in mobile phones, but also all other electronics products.
-Yes, of course. -Then we went to our suppliers.
Meaning companies that manufacturate parts that are used in mobile phones.
We asked: Can you trace where the tantalum you are using comes from?
But we quicly realized that theres a huge challenge in tracing metals.
There is no mechanism to determine where the raw material is coming from.
Theres no labelling.
You cannot trace or test the material-
-as to which part of a particular metal coming from which mine.
If we have a requirement-
-how can we make sure that it goes through the supply chain.
We need mechanism, and these we are now developing.
So thers a big challenge there. But its a serious issue.
We work on int, and we hope there will be a resolution-
-that will enable us to securely say-
-that we have a responsible supply chain.
Nokia has known about blood minerals for 10 years.
They launch a new phone every third month and even sell them in Congo.
And then they say that they dont know where their minerals come from.
They say its impossible to trace the minerals in my phone.
But its possible to trace all kinds of things.
You can trace a human being from a single hair or a drop of spittle.
I visit the Federal Institute of Natural Resources and Geological Science.
I have an appointment with Dr. Frank Melcher.
Dr. Frank Melcher?
Dr. Melcher, you have a visitor. Yes, sir... Youre welcome.
-Come in. Hello, Im Frank. -So am I. Nice meeting you.
Simon is a PhD student.
Hes working on the tin.
Hes looking into options to fingerprint cassiterite.
And Torsten is knowledgeable about coltan.
He was working on coltan.
We will drill a small hole through that sample.
Then we scan the sample for about 2-3 hours.
We then analyse the volume for its composition.
This is the fingerprint. And this is very typical for Bisie.
Here is Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda.
Bisie would be somewhere here. Here is Walikale.
Bisie would be here. In the white area, where there is no geology.
From every grain analysed here we get the formation age-
-the geological age, and we can say: This material must come from DRC-
-or from Mozambique-
-because we know exactly how old these grains should be.
This is a trick about that machine.
So it is technically possible to trace the raw minerals.
That means they must be traced before they are smelted into metals.
This takes place in Malaysia, where Nokias suppliers buy the metals-
-to make the components that Nokia needs.
The German method makes it possible to certify the minerals-
-in the same way it has been done with diamonds.
-Hi. Global Witness? -Yes. Sixth floor.
Would you sign in, please?
Could this be a solution for Nokia and the rest of the industry?
I visit Annie from Global Witness, which tries to break the link-
-between natural resources and armed conflict.
-What do you think about the method? -Its an interesting idea.
But its a long-term proposition. It takes years to put together-
-an intergovernmental certification scheme. The idea is worth pursuing-
-but not to the detriment of immediate action.
Ths situation in eastern Congo is urgent.
Its been urgent for years. So we need both.
We need short terms solutions that can change the situation on the ground-
-and we need medium to long term solutions.
On their website Nokia has said a number of positive things.
They talk about reviewing standards and about being involved-
-in the work of industry bodies. We welcome these steps.
We arent going to reject them. But at this point its too litle-
-too late and not fast enough. Nokia must prove to their consumers-
-and publish what theyre doing. The contracts they have with suppliers.
What kind of proof do their suppliers bring to them.
They hide behind the fact that theyre a big company-
-and that they have their selected suppliers-
-which is what gives them the edge in a very difficult market.
Who they get their stuff from, and how much they pay for it.
But we need to know, in the light of what goes on in the Congo-
-where the stuff is coming from, and they could put it on their website.
The Congo cant wait to get a certification of the minerals.
Till now 5 million people have died in the Congo in a war-
-primarily financied by the electronics industry.
Global Witness has a very simple solution:
The phone industry can pubblish their supply chain.
If Nokia wont do this, Ill never find out if theres blood in my mobile.
Mind the floor, so that you dont...Its slippery.
Saara, my contact at Nokia, arranges for me to talk to Abby-
-working directly with the supply chain.
-Hello, Im Frank. -Hi, Frank.
I have to say that with all the benefits-
-that mobile communication can deliver-
-it is frustrating that the change is not faster-
-when it comes to the challenges within the DRC.
I believe-
-that Nokia as an individual company-
-and also working at an industry level...
...that we are working then-
-as fast as we can to be part of a solution.
But the thing is...Unfortunately its not just down to industry alone.
I wish Nokia could solve this, but we cant.
I think we need to be a bit humble here and say that it relies on...
You are on the top 100 list of companies in the world.
Humility sounds a bit strange to me.
You have 100.000 employees worldwide.
You are the biggest player in the mobile industry.
Every third phone in the world is a Nokia.
We are, yes.
Thats the thing. As a global company and a market leader-
-we have a responsability to be part of the solution as a company-
-but then also help drive things at an industry level.
Its tricky. If we knew the answer, we would have done it a long time ago.
But one recommendation made by several NGOs is more transparency.
To put out your supply chain on your website for instance.
Why dont you do that?
We are committed to improving our transparency-
-and weve seen a number...
It would be very easy to demand from your suppliers-
-that they algo published their suppliers, so you get the whole chain.
That would make a great difference in tracing these conflict minerals.
There are some confidential sensitivies-
-in publishing supplier names-
-both for Nokia and for their suppliers as well.
You mean because of competition from other companies?
It could be competition and new technologies, issues like that.
There are factors to consider when deciding to make a list available.
So on one hand we have the competition-
-which is a race to get profit.
Am I right Competition is about getting the best profit.
And then we have dying children, raped women, millions of dead.
This is just to understand the dilemma here.
The recommendation from several NGOs is to publish your supply chain.
Youre not doing this because you want to make more money?
No, thats not what Im saying.
Im simplifiying it, but in a way isnt it so?
I dont think we can compare...
I cant see how we can compare, you know.
We need to be doing everything that is possible-
-to stop...
...or to use our influence to address the issues.
We are looking at how we can be more transparent-
-and maybe in the future but at the moment-
-there are issues of sensitivity...
I feel like throwing out my phone. But im addicted to it.
I still want to be able to call home and hear how the familys doing.
Apparently there isnt a single phone on the market-
-which is guaranteed conflict mineral free.
I want Nokia to take responsability for the minerals they use.
I go to the US Over there theyre working on a law in Congress-
-that will make blood minerals illegal.
I visit Raise Hope for Congo, who are some of the peoples behind the bill.
They are experienced in pressuring big corporations and seem serious.
Wellcome. Ill give you a tour and introduce you. This is Chloe.
-Chloe is our office manager. -Hi.
This is where our interns sit. Senna is one of our lovely interns.
This is Laura. Laura, this is Frank and Lars...
-Youre all wearing the same T-shirt. -They are our campaign T-shirts.
David Sullivan is our in-house conflict mineral expert.
-Hi. -Hello
Why would they hesitate doing anything about it?
It costs them money.
Audit cost some money. This is a time for recessions.
They say their sales are falling. But if you look at the latest figures-
-all cell-phone companies increased their sales over the last year.
It is a wonder why they havent taken more steps on this minerals issue.
They need to see more public pressure, before theyll take action.
If the people in Finland, who control Nokia-
-know about this, and they keep on doing it-
-what does that tell us about these people?
Part of the challenge, when youre trying actually-
-to compel these companies-
-to change their policies and devote real resources to a problem like this-
-is that at the one time youre trying to... pressure them, and at the other time youre also working with them.
They all have their corporate social responsability departaments-
-whose job it is to meet with people like us and try to convince us.
And most of these people when you talk to them-
-are appalled about whats going on in the Bisie mine.
They dont want their company to be associated. They want to fix it.
But they tend to be some mid-level corporate responsability person-
-who doesnt have the authority or the budget-
-who doesnt have the ability to demand the resources-
-that are commensurate to the problem in Congo.
The people here emphasize the importance-
-of working on multiple fronts.
They not only lobby the industry, but also on a political level.
At the same time they create awareness through an internet campaign.
We launched the campaign 'Raise Hope for Congo'-
-that advocates an end to use of conflict minerals.
One of the founders, J. Prendergast, organizes celebrity activism-
-and gives speeches on Congo and the connection to our phones.
Hes a former advisor for the Clinton administration.
-Can he finish his dinner? - Sorry. You can finish it.
This issue makes my heart sink, but if we come together and speak up-
-we can become the first college in the nation to go conflict mineral free.
People talk about the countries being corrupt. But who is buying?
Left to their own devices these companies wont change behaviour-
-until there is consumer demand for change.
Wow... That guy knows what hes doing.
Were doing Darfur Thursday, right? Thats cool.
-Great. -Sure. My pleasure.
I noticed yesterday that you dont say. Publish your supply chain.
You say: "If you make a phone that is conflict mineral free-
-well buy it". Is there a difference between these demands?
Transparency is one element of it, but its not enough.
If Apple and Wal-Mart and a few of these big companies say:
Within a year we want to see conflict free products-
-or well get our stuff ourselves. Then the refineries will do the rest.
Its human nature. This is how business is run.
They got to keep their costs down and will use slave labour if they can.
Until someone says: "Slavery!" And theyll say: "Sorry! Well stop".
It disturbs me when people say theyre doing their best. Its disingenous.
Its inaccurate. And it slows down the effort to try and get a solution.
Who suffers from that kind of deception? The people in Congo.
Finally Im meeting the politician who initated the bill in Congress.
35... Its 1037 to...
Jim McDermott...
-Were here to see McDermott. -Alright. Let me get him.
-Do we follow you, or...? -No, just wait here.
-Hi, How are you? Im Ed. -Im Frank.
Weve finished up a meeting. Are you going to film walking in?
If its okay. Weve been doing this all the way through Congo...
-Can you just turn it off? - Alright. Are you ready?
Why dont I put my coat on.
Frank just explained that you travelled and you went to Congo.
Youve seen all these atrocities-
-and youre sort of offering the solution.
Youre supposed to be the happy end here.
-Something like that. -Jesus...
When you think of how you can stop the mayhem thats going on-
-and the awful things they are being perpretated on women and children-
-and everyone else, one of the best ways-
-is to get your hand on the money and stop it.
So we put this bill together to say-
-that you have to use minerals-
-that have come from a traditional, legitimate source-
-not through the back door of these warlors-
-stealing and using people and using it to fight a guerrilla warfare.
From my point of view-
-you cannot-
-reap the benefits of civilisation-
-on the backs of that kind of cuelty and awful treatment of human beings.
We have to do what we can to stop it.
I believed we had some values in our part of the world.
Some virtues we could be proud of.
The mobile industry is still growing explosively.
Today half the worlds population has a mobile phone.
I have most likely been paying for war-
-ever since I bought my first mobile phone 15 years ago.
In the same period Nokia has grown into one of the biggest corporations.
I want to talk to the CEO of Nokia.
Nokia are no worse than their competitors.
But my company must do more to stop the madness in Congo.
Hello again.
We have an appointment with Saara Tahvanainen.
-Please sign in here. -Yes.
Saara, my contact at Nokia has reluctantly agreed-
-that I can come back to their HQ one last time.
The CEO wont talk to me. I get half an hour to interview.
-the director of Nokias department for social responsability.
-Hi, Pekka. This is Frank. -Hi, nice to meet you.
What Im here for is to... I realize that people here at Nokia-
-are not evil people, who think its good that children suffer in Congo.
But either way, this problem has been know for...10 years?
Also here in Nokia. What has Nokia done since 2001?
Weve been working whith the industry association GeSI-
-which is a consortium of electronics manufacturers.
Weve commisioned a study and have been working with some of the NGOs.
And weve discussed the issue with the suppliers of these metals.
What we try to achieve in the first place is-
-to scope the problem in its entirety-
-so its not just claims-
-but a comprehensive understanding of the flows of materials in the chain.
Youre talking about 'first step'.
And you realized this 10 years ago.
The first step is about the international community to do something.
Its not sufficient for us to do anything on our own.
Our influence and power in this situation is very much limited-
-to our fraction of purchase of these materials.
What do you think... Ive been following these boys in Walikale.
Ive been telling them that Im coming here to film you guys-
-and they way youre suffering. And then Ill go talk to Nokia.
For they are the ones making a profit from your work.
And now Im here in Nokia.
What can I tell these boys? If we look at the near future?
You can always tell, and I think thats very important-
-that theres always hope, and theres hope for a better future.
But the solution is complex, and the road there is very complex.
And societies dont develop quickly.
But the most important thing is-
-that we have a concern.
And the concern is not just among companies.
Its among consumers, citizens and governments.
Im optimistic as a matter of fact-
-that there will be a solution ahead. Its not going to be easy or simple.
It cant be solved through little tricks-
-but its a sustainable and long term solution.
Yes, its a long road.
So it will take years-
-before the boys that I have met-
-will see any changes.
That is one thing. This is a hard thing to tell them.
I have to go and say: "You risked your lives making this film.
We were hoping that it might help change something.
I have to tell you that its not very likely that it will be very soon.
I actually have bigger hopes for your film.
It has a great opportunity to bring this to attention in the western world.
You shouldnt be too pessimistic about your opportunities.
But I think our time is now very much up. I have to move forward.
-Now your schedule is...-What time is it?
-Its two oclock. Your plane... -I have a flight to catch.
Ive been working on this for so long, and this is my one chance to talk.
You have some harsh critics in the NGO world.
They say that nothing is happening in this area.
They say theres a lot of rhetoric, but not very much action.
Many years have passed. This is not a new problem. Its ten years old.
I was really hoping you would in some way admit it.
For thats your only chance to look good by saying:
"We admit we havent been doing enough, or that in some way...
Why admit something just for you to get a good film-
-if we dont feel that we have something to admit?
Repensemos nuestros consumos.
En la Argentina repetimos este modelo colonial, les vendemos nuestras materias primas y compramos los
productos manufacturados.
Digamos no a la Megaminera, a la minera del saqueo
No a que haya sangre en el celular!
No compremos todos los aos un telfono, intentemos pensar!
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