Blood on Satan's Claw (1971)

(Crows cawing)
Go on, girl!
Ralph! Ralph!
(Loud cawing)
Well, here's a how-do-you do.
What is your name, young man?
Ralph Gower, an' it please you, sir.
l wouldn't lie to Your Worship.
You work these fields each year?
Yes, sir, l be ploughman
to Mistress Banham.
Ralph, you disturb me greatly with this tale.
l don't mean to, ma'am.
lf you have unearthed a corpse, man,
summon your local Justice.
- lt's hardly a case for me.
- But it weren't human, sir.
There were a fur.
Fur? Then it was an animal's remains.
- You're wasting my time.
- No, sir, honest.
lt were more like some fiend.
You see, my dear lsobel,
the way these old superstitions die hard.
Come and look, sir, then you'll believe me.
Pray, dear Judge,
do ascertain the truth of his story.
Merely to set my mind at rest.
Very well.
We'll investigate your fiend.
There be the master with a lady.
l would have Cathy for my lady one day.
(Woman) Be that true? You've run away?
Did ye climb down a ladder
in the moonlight?
(Man) Ha, ha! Just so, Cathy.
And her father chased after us with a stick.
l do wish Ralph would run away
with me some time.
(Man) Ha!
Mistress Banham. Mistress Banham.
- What is it, Ellen?
- 'Tis Mr Peter with a young lady.
What's that?
Oh, look, 'tis Miss Rosalind Barton.
l heard he be courting her.
(Mistress Banham) A farmer's daughter.
Be they wed? Shall we have
a new young mistress in the house?
No, Ellen, we shall not.
Be about your business.
Am l fit to meet your aunt?
l pray she will like me.
Oh, you may be assured she will. Come on.
Come on, girl. Come on.
Are you there, Aunt?
l want you to meet Miss Rosalind Barton.
She and l are to be married tomorrow.
Rosalind, l want you to meet my aunt,
Mistress Banham.
You disappoint me, Peter.
The judge was offended
when you did not have lunch with him.
He's a most important man.
'Tis an honour to meet you, Mistress
Banham. 'Tis a grand house you have here.
So, Miss Barton, you intend
to marry my nephew. ls that it?
Well, Ralph?
But sir, it were just here. l swear it.
The plough had turned it up.
- Human remains.
- No, sir. A sort of head, a face.
Of a fiend?
l must surmise, Ralph,
that you're wasting my time.
l nearly lost him. Good day, Ralph.
Good day, Reverend.
Good day, sir.
Friendly creatures.
Ubique opera domini.
This be Reverend Fallowfield,
your worship. He's our curate.
Ralph here claims he discovered
a deformed anatomy in those furrows.
Knew you of any such?
Not since Meg Parsons died.
But strange folk have been seen
to pass this way....
from time to time.
l see.
So, young people, your elders triumph.
lt does not appear that Miss Barton
is the perfect partner for you.
No doubt in other respects,
she will do better.
l hope you will all excuse me if l retire.
l hope the young lady doesn't propose
to stay here,
under the same roof as her intended.
(Peter) Well, sir,
it may not appear correct, sir.
Quite incorrect.
Surely she can go home?
No, sir. That's the trouble.
- Ah.
- Aunt, where shall Rosalind sleep?
The Judge is passing the night here.
Far too late for him to return to the inn.
- Then Rosalind shall have my room.
- No.
No, she can have the attic.
But it hasn't been inhabited
these five years. The room is filthy.
Tush. Ellen will prepare it.
lt's a charming room.
Why does your aunt dislike me so?
(Peter) She suspects you're with child.
There, there, my sweet.
All will be well tomorrow.
- Whose are these things?
- My uncle's.
He died ten years ago.
- Peter, do l have to sleep here?
- Be patient, my love.
l shall come to you at 1 1 o'clock, when
my aunt and the judge are both asleep.
l do love you.
Better you go now.
Your aunt.
1 1 o'clock, then.
So, young man,
beware the wiles of women.
l tell you, in confidence,
a long time ago,
l was your aunt's admirer.
l give you His Catholic Majesty,
King James lll.
God bless him and keep him in exile.
(Glass smashes)
(Wind howling)
Peter, is that you?
- (Creaking)
- Ah!
(Rosalind screaming)
Rosalind! Rosalind!
What have you been doing? What is it?
- (Judge) What is it?
- Oh!
(Screaming stops)
What is it?
Come out. The sight of you disturbs her.
What have you been doing?
Let me get in there.
Still, you little vixen. Do you hear me?
- Stay still.
- Rosalind!
(Mistress Banham) Oh! She scratched me.
(Judge) Ellen, fetch Ralph.
l want nails and some wood.
ls there a doctor near?
(Rosalind moaning)
- No!
- She is beyond our reach.
Tomorrow, the men from the bedlam
will take her into care.
The madhouse?
Judge yourself fortunate, young man.
She could never have been
the fit wife for you.
- The fever is high.
- (Cock crowing)
There are so many sick of unknown
maladies in these parts,
l fear a general plague.
We have much to learn.
- Have you some eau de vie?
- Yes, sir. l'll fetch you some.
- What is happening to me?
- Pray, do not distress yourself.
You merely have some distemper,
as yet unknown to me.
l will open a vein
and the humour will, perhaps, pass out.
lf she's bled, 'twill ease her.
lt's all l can do.
You look. l don't want to.
Cathy's afeard.
l heard screams last night.
No. You dreamed 'em, you mean.
l wanna be back to the farm.
There's to be a wedding.
A wedding?
Yeah. l heard.
But Ma sent me and Mark away.
T'ain't right.
l found summat.
Here, let us see.
- No.
- Come on, Angel.
Thou must do a forfeit.
- (Boy) Angel.
- (Angel laughs)
(Cathy) Wait for me!
(Door closing)
(Sighs) 'Tis a sorry day for us all.
Young master's heart is quite broke.
(Tuts) Poor lass.
Whatever will become of her
in that terrible place?
(Horses' hooves)
Mistress Banham. Mistress Banham!
Mistress, where be you?
Did the mistress come this way, sir?
- l think not.
- Well, l can't see her nowhere.
She'm disappeared.
''..and let fall some of the handfuls
on purpose for her
''and leave them and she might glean them
and rebuke her not.''
Tell me, why was Boaz
thus gentle toward Ruth?
- For...
- Yes, boy?
For he were a man and she were a woman.
lt was the will of God that he knew of her.
(Whispers) Go on, show it.
How can you glean any benefit
for your souls
if you will not listen to the holy writ?
As the Lord himself hath said,
''Those who have ears to hear,
let them hear.''
Ann, give me that.
She ain't got nothing, Reverend.
Give me that bag.
Plain vanished, Reverend.
Given up the chase, have you?
(Man) We done our best, sir.
We searched everywheres, hereabout.
ln heaven's name, she cannot have
gone far. Search again. Be off with you.
(Man) Silly old fool. Why don't he go
and search 'is bloody self?
(Door closing)
They've lost the scent completely, milord.
My hounds could have done better.
She must have the constitution of an ox.
She was a sick woman.
lndeed, Your Honour, as you say,
she was a sick woman.
l must confess, sir,
l fear there's something very strange afoot.
Did you hear what Gower turned up
with his plough?
Justice Middleton, l myself
examined the furrows.
There was nothing.
Nothing. Of course.
Unless it were witchcraft.
There have been some cases.
Damnable business, Mr Edmonton, eh?
Fear nothing. The hunt goes on.
Milord, will you sup with me tonight?
Only humble fare but the finest
in the shire.
Thank you, Squire.
l remain here tonight.
The lady was a dear friend of mine.
Naturally. Out of respect.
Well, gentlemen, l take my leave.
There's evil in this house.
You must cleanse your mind
of such fancies.
Would they had taken me with her.
Time will relieve all.
And rest.
Go to your room and l'll go to mine.
my candle.
(Low creaking)
Water, Ellen, and bandages.
Send Ralph to get the doctor.
My lord, when l heard
of Ralph Gower's discovery,
- l was reminded of this old volume.
- (Scoffs)
Mock, sir, if you will.
These sages had access to much wisdom.
Ah, here we are.
Doctor, witchcraft is dead.
And discredited.
Are you bent on reviving forgotten horrors?
How do we know, sir, what is dead?
You come from the city.
You cannot know the ways of the country.
See, this picture.
Did not Ralph describe
such a countenance?
Perhaps some such thing.
(Peter moans)
The drug is wearing off.
His heartbeat is strong.
Doctor, l am leaving soon.
As a favour, might l request
the loan of this book?
lt might merit further study.
No good news, l regret, milord.
l've had to call off the chase.
There's no trace of the lady anywhere.
l fear she is lost to us.
Er... And how is it with the young fella?
The doctor is confident
that Mr Edmonton will survive.
Splendid. Thankful for small mercies.
l have to leave you now.
Ooh, of course. Affairs of state.
Fear not, milord,
the matter is in good hands.
Unfortunate you could not sup with me.
Most unfortunate.
Assist His Lordship there.
Your Lordship,
please don't you desert us.
Squire Middleton will keep watch over you.
l have important business in London.
You shall spread no more rumours,
Ralph Gower. Understand?
Witchcraft. Pah!
Perhaps you will have peace from now on.
There will be no nonsense, sir.
l am father to all here.
They love me but they obey me first.
Have a pleasant journey, Your Lordship.
l shall not forget you.
l shall return when the time is right.
But you must have patience.
Even while people die. Only thus
can the whole evil be destroyed.
You must let it grow.
(Man) Come along. Come on.
Thou'll be man of the house now, Ralph.
Till the master's better.
- Come on, Mark. We'll be home soon.
- We'll be all right.
Oh, she's a devil, that Angel.
She be no friend of mine.
T'weren't her. She likes me.
T'were that thing she keeps.
Oh, l told her she shouldn't have touched it.
Oh Lord, Mark, what'll come o' thee?
Well, l were holding the claw
and Angel were laughing.
- Suddenly l gets this pain...
- Oh, sh. Don't tell.
Say a prayer. l'll say one with thee.
(Cathy) Our Father...
(Mark) Our Father...
- which art in heaven...
- which art in heaven...
- Hallowed be Thy name...
- Hallowed be Thy name...
Thy kingdom come...
T'ain't nothing, Ma. Pain's gone. l promise.
You just sit there.
Cathy, get thee to Scripture class.
l'll go to the doctor for medicine
that will settle thee straightway.
- But Ma, l be perfect.
- Hush, now.
- l'll be back in a twinkling.
- Bye, Ma.
Bye, chick. You come
straight home, mind, after.
- Does tha want any broth?
- No.
- Does tha wanna go to bed?
- No.
You just sit there quiet and l won't be long.
Take an apple.
Wilt thou come and play with us, Mark?
l don't play girls' games.
Angel has taught us some new games.
Please come.
Angel wants thee.
(Bell ringing)
l see only half my class
have deigned to come today.
Mark Vespers is truant, for one.
Oh, no, Reverend, sir. He were took sick.
Have all the others, then,
succumbed to Mark's distemper?
Where's Angel Blake?
(Boy) Angel sends regards, Reverend.
Who spoke?
Says she'm sorry she could not attend but
she had some fearful important things to do.
There is, growing amongst you all,
an insolent ungodliness
which l will not tolerate!
lt's no common disease
which keeps half my class away
(Children) Round and around
and around and around.
(Girl) Ooh-ooh!
(Girl) Yoo-ooh!
Come on.
(Calling out)
Oh! Who did that?
That cost good silver, that did.
That were for Mark.
Save your pains, mistress.
Mark won't need it no more.
What does that mean, boy?
(Laughing) We... we shut him
in the woodshed.
(Fowl clucking)
Mark. Mark.
Mark. (Sobbing) Mark.
What have they done?
(Crying) Mark. Oh, my Mark.
My Mark.
l'm glad you're here.
l've been meaning to speak
with you, Angel Blake.
Yes, sir?
Your behaviour, Angel,
has been most unseemly, of late.
l mean to complain to your father of it.
Do you like what you see?
Shame on you, child.
Do you like me, sir?
You are beautiful, Angel.
- Do you wanna play our games with us?
- No, no.
Cover yourself up.
We want you with us, sir.
The Lord have mercy on you.
Come with me.
Get away!
l never want to see you in this school again.
Damn you, you old pagan.
Would you like to know
what becomes of your precious pupils?
One of them is dead already.
Little Mark had the devil in him.
So we cut it out.
- (Bell tolls)
- (Man) ''Man that is born of a woman
''hath but a short time to live
and is full of misery.
''He cometh up and is cut down,
like a flower. He fleeth...''
- Come on, then.
- ''..and never continueth in one stay.
''ln the midst of life, we are in death.
''Of whom may we seek for succour
but of Thee, O Lord,
''who, for our sins, art justly displeased?
''Yet, O Lord God, most holy, O Lord most
mighty, O holy and most merciful Saviour,
''deliver us not into the bitter pains
of eternal death.
''Thou knowest, Lord,
the secrets of our hearts.
''Shut not thy merciful ears to our prayer
''but spare us, Lord most holy,
''O God most mighty,
''O holy and merciful Saviour,
''our most worthy judge eternal,
''suffer us not
''at our last hour,
''for any pains of death, to fall from thee.''
''Forasmuch as it hath pleased
Almighty God in His great mercy,
''to take unto Himself the soul
of our dear brother here departed,
''we therefore commit his body
to the ground.''
(Crows cawing)
''Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust,
''in sure and certain hope
of the resurrection to eternal life
''through our Lord, Jesus Christ,
''who shall change our vile body
''that it may be like unto His glorious body,
''according to the mighty working, whereby
He was able to subdue all things to Himself.
''l heard a voice from heaven
saying unto me,
'''Write, henceforth blessed
are the dead which die...
''Even so saith the spirit,
for they rest from their labours.
- ''Lord have mercy upon our souls.''
- (Muffled response)
''Lord have mercy upon us.
Our Father, which art in heaven,
(People join in) ''Hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
''Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
''Give us this day our daily bread
''and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive them that trespass against us.
''And lead us not into temptation
''but deliver us from evil.
- Might l have a word?
- Beg your pardon, sir.
Yes, what is it?
Yes, Reverend?
l might have a talk privately, later.
Very well, Reverend. On my journey home.
- Well, Blake?
- Well, it's about my daughter, sir.
- Well, it's the Reverend, sir.
- What?
He be no true man of God, sir.
Tell the Squire, Angel.
l scarce can tell it.
You see, sir, he called me back to class
the other night,
cos he said l'd been doing wrong.
And he asked me to take my dress off.
l wouldn't, sir.
l ran and he caught me
and tore up my dress.
l were so afeard.
She had nowt on but a shift
when she came home, sir.
And she were bleeding.
He told me if l didn't obey him,
the same'd happen to me as did to Mark.
l didn't know what he meant, sir.
l be so scared, Squire.
The villain. By God,
l'll put a stop to your games,
Reverend Fallowfield.
God willing, the squire
will find the murderer soon.
l'd be happier if the judge were here.
- (Ellen) What's up, Cathy, love?
- Ooh, nothing, Ma. lt's all right.
Don't you fret, Cathy, my love.
His soul's at rest.
Did you see, Ma? lt's not everyone
he calls ''my love'' like that, is it?
(Cuckoo calls)
(Cuckoo calls)
- Hello.
- Hello.
(Whip cracks)
Poor Cathy. We were so sad
about your Mark.
Yeah. Poor Mark.
Has thou seen Ralph Gower anywhere?
Those be fine flowers. What they be for?
For my brother. To put on his grave.
We've seen some real giants.
Fine, long stems they got.
- Where?
- Well, not far. Come on.
Hey! Hey!
- Hey!
- (Cathy laughs) Oh!
(Boy) Come on, then.
(Cathy) Oh!
- (Boy) Gotcha! Come on.
- (Cathy laughs and shrieks)
There, boy.
- Where's Will?
- He'll be back.
- Where we going?
- For the flowers.
- A secret place.
- You said we wouldn't go far.
(Screaming) Let me go!
- (Screaming)
- Whoa.
This be a good game.
We be cannibals and you be our catch.
You're hurting me. Play by yourselves.
Sorry, Miss Cathy.
Aw, come on, play with us.
lt's only a game.
(Bird squawking)
Cathy! (Echoing)
(Cathy laughs)
Oh, the rope!
(Boys laughing)
(Children shrieking and cheering)
- (Angel) Come on, Cathy.
- (Cheering)
What is this? Squire, you're mistaken.
You are charged with ravishing Angel Blake.
And in addition, you are suspect
of the murder of Mark Vespers.
Sir, you wrong me.
We'll take him to the farm.
His memory might improve when he is
taken to the scene of his unnatural crime.
( Harmonious chanting)
(All continuously repeat) Cathy.
(Girl) ''Hail, behemoth, spirit of the dark,
''take thou my blood,
my flesh, my skin and walk.
''Holy behemoth, father of my life,
speak now, come now,
''rise now from the forest, from the furrows,
from the fields and live.
''Hail, behemoth, spirit of the dark,
''take thou my blood,
my flesh, my skin and walk.
''Holy behemoth, father of my life,
speak now, come now, rise now
''from the forest, from the furrows,
from the field and live.
''Hail, behemoth, spirit of the dark,
''take thou my blood,
my skin, my flesh and walk.
''Holy behemoth, father of my life,
speak now, come now, rise now
''from the forest, from the furrows,
from the field and live.
''Hail, behemoth, spirit of the dark,
''take thou my blood,
my flesh, my skin and walk.
''Holy behemoth, father of my life,
''speak now, come now, rise now
''from the forest, from the f...''
(Low growling)
(Growling) My skin.
(Cathy) No.
Ned. Ned, has tha seen Cathy Vespers?
Well, l seen a crowd of young 'uns.
Went that way.
Angel Blake leading 'em.
And Cathy? l heard her calling.
Never seed her.
But they'm often round here now,
singing and playing their games.
No! No!
(Cathy screaming, boy groaning)
Cathy? Cathy!
(Distant giggling)
(Giggling gets louder)
(Squire) The whole countryside
talks of your evil doings.
Now, by God, we will be shamed no longer.
Here is the place. Bring him in.
There. Confess.
Sir, l loved that child.
l know not how he died.
You know and you shall hang.
Come, what was the weapon?
This axe. You see, men,
his silence condemns him.
Merciful Lord.
l found her in the ruined church.
lt were Angel Blake.
Ned Carter saw her
and the children with her.
Release him. We will strike
while the iron's hot.
(Horse neighs)
l have not forgotten you.
Your village has been much in my thoughts.
Oh, you would not recognise it, sir.
Dreadful things are commonplace and
mere children commit the foulest deeds.
Children? What deeds?
They... they murder one another.
We fear that witchcraft has returned.
lt is more than witchcraft.
l am ready to return.
But understand,
l shall use undreamed-of measures.
(Wind howling)
(Distant shouting)
(Man) Come on!
(Second man) There she is!
(Shouting continues)
(Man) There she is!
(All shouting)
Get her!
This way!
Go on!
Get her to speak!
Let's chuck her in, see if she's a witch.
(Screams) No!
- What you done?
- Her's a witch.
- Aye, so we swung her, eh?
- See if she floats.
- (Ralph) How do you know she be a witch?
- We know if she don't sink, she be one.
lf she sink, you done her murder.
- Who is she then?
- l dunno.
They chased her and throwed her
in the lake,
to see if she'd float like a witch.
- Oh, glory. And is she, then?
- No. She sank straightaway.
But none would pull her out.
For a moment, l thought 'twas my Cathy
you were bringing back to me.
Oh, praise God. Ralph, bring her to the fire
and we'll get her warm. Quickly.
Ralph, get me a rag.
Ralph, bring Cathy's bed in here.
This poor lass shall have it.
Ralph, look. Look.
What is it?
Oh, God, l prayed l'd never see that again.
That's what they call the devil's skin.
- Let her die, say l.
- No, sir, she's no witch.
Well, let the squire put her in jail.
- There, at least, she'll do no harm.
- Could we not take pity on her?
'Tis the mark of the devil.
No wonder the villagers were afraid of her.
lt's madness to keep her here.
Doctor, could you not
cut the skin from her leg?
To what purpose?
The skin would only grow again.
Besides, the operation is too difficult.
l... l am not equipped.
'Twas not l who first ploughed up the field.
We'd like to save her, sir, for Cathy's sake.
But we have not the skill.
God grant we may not waste our pains.
lf she wakes, hold her fast.
(Softer moans)
There. Not so bad.
Oh, the Lord be praised.
There, my chick, there.
There, thou be as right as rain.
- We must burn that skin.
- Yeah.
- Destroy it good and proper.
- Yes, yes.
Oh. There's no blood. That's strange.
Yes, very strange.
(Girl moaning quietly)
- Shall l live?
- Course thou shall, child.
What is thy name?
- l'm the devil's child.
- Oh, hush.
Thou art my child now.
No. l must go to my master.
Why do my leg pain me so?
See, thou lucky lass. Ellen cares for thee.
l bring thee flowers.
Soon thou'll be fit to walk as well as l.
Then l shall run away.
Angel wants me.
Now listen here, Margaret.
Angel has gone from these parts.
Thou dost not serve her any more.
Thou stole my master's skin.
Thou shalt pay with thine.
Now leave thy threats
or the Lord will punish thee.
My lord is stronger. Soon he will be.
Come thou and serve him.
We honour thee for it was thee
who first set my master free.
Thou shalt lie with Angel.
Thou shalt lie with me.
Why did l think thou could be saved?
Curse the day l ploughed in Tarrant's field.
Good day, Ralph. How is't with the lass?
Oh, surely you're not afflicted now?
Oh, sir, it is a hopeless case.
She talks of nothing but the devil,
her master.
l was certain we could have saved her.
The news from the village is grave, too.
Every day, someone is missed.
They do say the fiend
has been seen hereabouts,
hobbling on one leg, they say.
(Ellen) Margaret!
- Margaret!
- (Ralph) What is it?
Seen Margaret? She's run away.
(Ralph) Margaret!
Margaret. Margaret!
Margaret? Margaret!
(Ellen) Margaret!
(Ralph) Margaret!
(Ralph) Margaret!
(Ellen) Margaret!
l shall be named. She'll report me
to her godless clan. They'll punish me.
(Ralph) Don't you fret, sir. Margaret!
- Who's that?
- They're coming for us.
lt's the master.
(Peter) Ahoy, there! How goes it with you?
l brought assistance.
(Coach driver shouting)
My lord, we're in a desperate plight.
You can't imagine. The village is going mad.
Welcome back, sir.
The devil himself is coming among us,
like in the book l showed you.
l owe you thanks for that book, Doctor.
Well, dear friends, be brief.
This parish is diseased.
What are the symptoms?
Oh, sir, my poor children, both are gone.
And countless others, maybe.
They give their bodies to the devil.
- My poor Ellen.
- We found a girl has bore the devil's skin.
The doctor cut it out.
Come in. Tell me more of this.
Where is this girl, this devil worshipper?
- She escaped, my lord.
- Ralph, again you just give me stories.
Have you no evidence?
Where, for instance, is this girl
that Peter talks of? This Angel Blake?
My lord, l... l have something here.
- What is it?
- lt's the skin l cut from Margaret.
This will be sufficient.
l mean to run this devil of yours to earth,
if he exists.
These dogs know
how to tear the devil's heels.
But sir, many are afflicted.
lnnocent folk may be hurt.
Leave me to judge who is innocent.
Angel, are you here?
lt's me - Margaret.
l come back to you, Angel!
(Girl) Who calls Angel?
Margaret. ls it tonight? Am l too late?
(Angel) Tonight.
Save me, Angel. The dogs are after me.
What has thou done, Margaret?
Nothing. l'm afeard.
Let me come with thee.
- (Distant barking)
- Yes, Margaret.
Come to me.
(Margaret gasps and cries)
- Telltale bitch, thou set the dogs on me.
- Course l didn't.
- Get me out of this.
- What dogs? Whose dogs?
l don't know,
they've been chasing me for miles.
Ah. They could be from the farm.
- Farm?
- Edmonton's. They kept me there a week.
- What did thou tell them, Margaret?
- Oh, nothing.
Oh! Nothing. l swear. Get me out of this.
They just kept you there?
Yes. Oh, let me out.
Art thou ready to give thy skin tonight?
Art thou ready?
Let me see.
They did it to me.
There was nothing l could do.
They took it from me.
Save me, Angel.
Thou b'ain't worth saving, Margaret.
Let the dogs eat thee.
(Barking getting louder)
- (Grunts)
- (Screams)
- What is your name, woman?
- Get it off me!
Who set traps for you?
Why do you set the dogs on me?
Bring her.
- Over there.
- (Margaret panting)
Bind her.
Leave us, Ralph.
(Margaret) Ralph!
l do not wish to hurt you.
But l will have the truth. Do you hear?
l don't know what you mean.
l have one mission here.
To destroy your practices.
No consideration will prevent me.
So speak.
- You'll do better than that.
- l didn't kill no one.
Who will know,
when you're swinging from the gibbet?
Tell me, where is Angel Blake?
You saw her in the woods.
She was the one who trapped you.
The bitch.
lf Angel has returned,
where does she meet her followers?
Where is your meeting place?
Anywhere that's hidden.
No, no, tomorrow night. lt's past.
Tonight! Where?
ln the old church, like before.
My master will take his form
and the last one will give a limb...
And then... And then...
- (Sighs)
- That is all l need to know.
You be too late.
My master will be complete.
He'll be too powerful for you!
You don't have no chance.
- (Squawk)
- Oh!
(Banging continues)
(Ellen) Ralph.
Thou must not give me such frights.
- What's wrong with thy leg?
- Nothing. Don't touch it.
- Art thou alone?
- Yes.
- There's no one else here?
- No. Why do thee ask?
- Where's Mr Peter?
- Down the village with the rest of them.
Has thou not heard? The judge be
causing a great purge. Thou'lt be missed.
They may come for me.
What's wrong, Ralph?
We'd better go down the village.
As thou loved Cathy,
don't breathe a word to no one.
No, no. No.
- No one goes to the spare room now?
- No.
Ralph? Don't go up there!
(Man) There's going to be a riot.
(Man) Here we are. There we are.
Go on. Out.
Three muskets. Are there no more?
- No, sir.
- Them guns ain't no use against the devil.
- Are you one of his clan?
- l, sir? No, to be sure.
- My daughter's there, sir. Don't shoot her.
- Her daughter be a ruddy witch.
We're to hang 'em all, every one of them.
- What are we waiting for?
- Hold on!
- lt's the judge.
- What are we waiting for?
What are we waiting for?
(Shouting stops)
So we are ready.
My good friends, we go about
the most fearful business.
Only the most strict discipline will save us
in our hour of trial.
Let those who are not resolved
remain behind.
Let us go.
Ellen, what are them lights?
(Low creaking)
(Low knocking)
(Knocking getting louder)
(Distant chanting)
(All) Sanctum fundamentum salve.
(Nasal growling)
(Warbling chant)
(Chant gets louder)
Aah! Oh!
(Children scream and cry)