Blood Punch (2014)

I know what you're thinking.
You're thinking... damn,
how wasted was I last night?
I don't even remember recording this...
or you're thinking this
must be some kind of joke.
But here's the thing...
We don't have time for any of that.
You... do not have time.
Now relax. Ok?
Calm down. Everything is gonna be fine.
I just need to show you...
Now that I have your attention...
You need to listen very carefully
to what I'm about to tell you.
Think back on it now...
It's easy to see where
all this was heading.
It's easy to see all the warning signs.
But uh...
You have to understand that at the time... couldn't see any of it.
Cause at the time all we could see...
...what we wanted to see...
...was her.
Milton, was it?
So they tell me you're
really smart, Milton.
Some sort of college boy.
Chemical engineering
degree? Something like that?
Something like that.
Word around the campfire is
your meth lab on campus got
busted right before you graduated.
What do you want?
Just the answer to a simple question.
You see on the one hand
you're bright enough to
almost have a college
degree in chemistry...
But on the other hand you're dumb
enough to have landed yourself in here.
So I guess the real question is this:
Exactly how smart are you Milton?
Smart enough to do this.
I first started using meth...
...when I was 14.
It was...
It was my uncle.
This uncle...
He was physically abusing me...
Raping me since I was 10 years old.
The crank.
Just made it easier to face
what I had waiting for me
in the mirror everyday, you know?
I just... didn't feel like I
deserved any... real happiness.
And then the meth...
Messed me up.
The more I used the more messed up I got.
Well I'm sure there are many
deep psychological reasons
as to why I started using crystal...
But at the end of the day it
really all came down to this...
I noticed that while I was
on the drug I was more alert,
more productive, felt better,
stayed thinner and could fuck like my
ass was on fire for 36 hours straight.
I mean...
I don't know what this shit
is the rest of you guys were on
but it sounds like it really sucked.
Um... excuse me... hello.
I don't know if you noticed
but this is a drug rehabilitation center.
Yeah, the entire reason we're here
is because we want to stop using.
No, the entire reason you're
here is because what you want...
what you all really want...
is some crystal meth.
And the reason I'm here...
Is because I need to find
someone who can cook it.
What the fuck is this?
This is pseudoephedrine.
Common cold medication.
But in the right hands...
In the hand of someone who
knows what they're doing...
Skyler, honey...
to be part of this circle you need just
to agree to be completely open and honest.
How much more honest could I possibly be?
I'm telling you all... I'm
announcing it to the circle...
I need to find someone who
can cook high grade crank
and I need to find them fast.
Bitch, what is your problem anyway?!
I just told you my problem, Claire.
You want someone to cook meth for you...
That's your problem?
No, Claire, that's my solution.
Yeah... well... you can take you...
and your problem... and your solution...
and you can go fuck yourself.
I mean why would any of us wanna help you?
Well there's an ass load of money in it.
And besides, it would have to be
a hell of a lot more interesting
than listening to you whine
about how much you miss
getting butt fucked by
your uncle every night.
You fucking little...
How can you people just fucking
sit here and fucking listen to her?!
Fuck you!
Listen Skyler... um...
I used to do a little bit of
cooking, you know... back in the day.
You know, my uncle's got a job
lined up for me when I get out...
Oh yeah?
On the loading docks at his warehouse.
Stacking furniture, shit like that.
Sounds good.
Well you know, it's a
straight job, steady paycheck.
So yeah...
That should be pretty good.
Hey there, Milton, we could use your help.
Hey, Milt, you got a sec?
So uh...
Let me get this straight. You
actually tried to snort this?
I used the basic ammonia reduction,
I've done it a million times...
Yeah, well not in the last
five years you haven't,
they added time release compound now.
You could try running it through
cold filtering and then pass...
Uh, you can get the fuck out now.
So what about you, college boy,
can you do something with this?
With this? In here?
Well, it would take some kind of genius.
Show me.
And so we showed her, didn't we?
You just had to.
Had to show her we weren't
just another loser in rehab.
Had to prove to her that
we were something special.
The answer to all her prayers.
For what it's worth, she uh...
must have believed it.
Or at least part of it.
Or you'd be dead already.
Glass quality crystal from
over the counter cold meds.
Wow, Milton I'm impressed.
Well don't be too impressed with
me yet... this is the real test.
No, this is the real test.
So you get out of here
in what... four months?
Four months, six days.
Then what?
Go back to college?
Finish that degree?
No school will touch me
now. Not with my record.
But you already know that, right?
It was the start of your pitch.
My pitch...
Yeah, your sales pitch.
Well, it goes something like this.
First you remind me that I've got
nothing waiting for me when I get out.
Just, you know... a future of
flipping burgers, pumping gas.
Well, that's probably true.
Right, and then you point out
that I'm too smart for that...
That is would be a shame to
let my talents go to waste.
I sound pretty convincing so
far... what do I say after that?
Well next you insist that I come
and cook crank for you instead.
That's right, you should.
Sure, but here's what
you're not gonna tell me.
When this lab of yours gets
raided, I go to jail... real jail.
And your lab will get raided
it's only a matter of time.
Exactly... a matter of time.
That's why the amount of time
we're talking about here is one day.
One day?
One day and one day only.
That's it.
You're set for life.
Set for life... well uh how
much could I cook in one day?
You tell me... Say you're starting
with a base of 50 kilograms of pure
pharmaceutical grade
pseudoephedrine powder.
That's 100 pounds.
That's 110 pounds.
No one, and I mean no one, can get
their hands on that much pseudoephedrine.
Russell can.
Russell... well who's Russell?
Before we go any further I need
to make sure you understand this.
Russell is dangerous.
A pure 100% psychopath.
Well your psychopath must have
made a deal with the devil...
to get his hands on that much pseudo.
Russell didn't make a deal
with the devil, he is the devil.
He's also my boyfriend.
I see.
So uh... that's the catch.
Catch is... this day we're talking about...
It's tomorrow.
Like tomorrow tomorrow? As
in the day after today...
It has to be tomorrow Milton...
The buyer's already lined up.
Skyler I've got four more month in here
and you think you can come in and...
Russell is breaking us
out of here! Tonight.
Me and the cook, the best cook I can find.
If that's you I need to know now.
It's ok, it's just the storm.
It's not, it's Russell.
He's already here.
Well, where are you going?
I have to make sure he
doesn't kill anybody.
911, What is your emergency?
911, What is your emergency?
911, What is your emergency?
Freeze, motherfucker!
Drop the weapon.
No, it's just a flashlight...
Then drop the fucking
flashlight, motherfucker!
Hands, motherfucker!
Let me see those hands!
Look it's ok there's no reason to...
To what?
Blow your fucking head off?
I don't need a reason.
All I need is a fucking gun!
Russell, no! No! This is him!
This is our guy! This is Milton.
You're our cook?
Well, damn.
In that case Milton it's
a real pleasure to meet ya.
Welcome aboard.
Uh... Skyler never said
anything about you being a cop.
Well, that's cause I'm not. Not anymore...
I just fucking quit.
Hey Milton, look... I mean...
I'm sorry about sticking a gun
in your face back there, huh?
No hard feelings, right?
- Hey, forget it.
- No man sincerely...
I apologize... I mean I
had no idea who you were.
Right? Tell him, baby.
He had no idea who you were.
It's ok.
No man, it's not ok. You know
we're partners now, right?
And as your partner, I'm
gonna insist on providing you
with an opportunity to
make us all fucking rich.
Sure, sounds good.
I mean, you don't sound so sure...
like you wanna get fucking rich.
Does he baby?
You don't sound so sure that
you wanna get fucking rich.
No... hell yeah, I'm sure!
It's the reason I'm here.
But it wasn't the reason, was it?
No... wasn't the money.
There was something else
pulling us up that mountain.
Something stronger.
And let's just take a moment...
to be completely honest
with each other here.
We knew we were headed for trouble.
We didn't know exactly how much and
we didn't know exactly what kind...
but we knew it was coming.
What we didn't know...
was the answer to the only
question that really mattered.
The question that I'm
here to answer for you.
Was... she... worth it?
Well, kids...
We're home.
And uh... you have a buyer lined up,
someone reliable because
your average dealer is not
gonna be able to handle
that kind of weight.
Oh don't you worry about that, partner...
Archer is not your average dealer.
And what about the pseudoephedrine?
Hey. We'll worry about that
tomorrow. Tonight we celebrate.
Right but the pseudo,
I mean, you do have it...
Oh, I've got it, partner...
but here's the thing...
if I tell you where it is
now what's to stop you...
just putting a bullet in me?
Well, I can think of a long
list of things, Russell...
but number one would have
to be the fact that...
I don't even have a fucking gun.
He doesn't have a gun.
Well, you do now.
You do now...
Cozy place you got here.
Real cozy.
It's a hunting lodge, Milton... and
hunting season is a good four months away.
That's the satellite phone,
the one Archie gave you.
Shut it off.
Baby, you're being paranoid. It's
not even getting a signal up here.
And it stays off until we're ready
to call that little weasel and deal...
otherwise I throw it into
the fucking fire right now.
Hey, Milton!
Milton, get in here man, get some
of this good stuff up in ya, huh?
There ya go.
Baby, tell him he can have
one of your cigarettes.
You can have one of my cigarettes.
You don't like guns
very much, do you Milton?
Well... I'll tell you, Russell.
I like 'em a whole lot more when
they're not pointed right at me.
See, that's what I thought.
Now me, I fucking love guns.
I love 'em, I don't give a
fuck who they're pointed at.
But you know what I love
more than guns, Milton?
It's bullets.
I fucking love bullets.
Do you know why?
Probably because they
fit so well into the guns.
A bullet always tells the truth, Milton.
Isn't that right, baby?
A bullet always tells the truth.
Damn fucking straight.
That's why whenever I load my gun I
always like to keep one chamber empty.
Then I spin the wheel of fate...
And I never know which
one the empty chamber is.
Nobody does.
Nobody but the bullets.
I see.
Is that something they teach
you at the police academy?
Or... is that your own kind of special...
You fucked her, didn't you, Milton?
Sorry... didn't I?
Did you?
Did I?
Did you fuck her?
- Milton just...
- Skyler, shut the fuck up.
I didn't ask you a damn thing.
I'm talking to my pal, Milton here.
- Russell, listen.
- No you listen.
I know you fucked her, Milton.
I know you did.
And that's fine.
I don't have any problem with that.
You don't?
See, Skyler did... what she had to do...
to get you here.
But you know what I can't have?
What I absolutely can not risk
is you falling in love with her.
I just met her.
What the fuck does that prove?
Man... I fell in love with Skyler
the moment I laid eyes on her.
She was the hottest piece of 12
year old ass I had ever fucking seen.
Weren't you, baby?
I was the hottest piece of
12 year old ass I'd ever seen.
I'm sorry Milton... but
there's too much at stake here.
I'm gonna have to ask
you to prove this to me.
Well, there's no way... I can't
prove that I'm not in love with her.
I think you should try...
Russell, this is crazy. I've never
used one of these things before.
So what? You just pull the fucking trigger.
I mean, you're not in love with her,
right? This shouldn't be a problem.
Stop fucking around, Milton,
just do it, get it over with.
Skyler, would you shut
the fuck up over there?
Can't you see Milton is
trying to concentrate?
Ok, see what I'm gonna do... I'm
gonna put one bullet in the chamber
- and then I'm gonna count to five...
- No, Russell... Wait!
Ok, wait! No, wait! Wait! No!
What can I say?
I count pretty fucking fast.
- Now, I'm gonna count to five again!
- You know what, Russell?
You're way too fucking stupid
to count to five, so fuck you.
Fuck me?
Fuck me!
Yeah, fuck you, you shoot me, and you can
fucking kiss all that meth money goodbye!
You think I won't, motherfucker?
You fucking think I won't, huh?
Go ahead.
If you two faggots are done
sucking each others' dicks...
No problem.
Just uh... let me ask you one thing.
What, the fuck... what the
fuck is wrong with Russell?
What's wrong with him?
He's a psychopathic maniac.
I told you that right up front, remember?
Yeah, I know you said
that, but you never said...
What kind of psychopathic maniac
were you expecting, Milton?
- The cute and cuddly kind?
- You told me he was dangerous.
I told you he was the devil.
You have to get away from
him, Skyler, you can't stay...
Sure, I'll just go in there
right now and break up with him.
Tell him maybe we should just be friends.
I'll never get away from him.
Not alive anyway.
- Well then listen to me.
- No you listen.
You can't save me, Milton.
I mean, look at me...
I'm a one way ticket straight to hell.
Do you really wanna follow me there?
Only every time I look at you.
Oh shit.
Oh shit...
What was that?
What was what?
It was like... a warm wave went
crashing through my entire skull.
Holy... shit...
Oh fuck me with a chainsaw.
You didn't spike our crank with that
fucking peyote shit of yours again, did you?
Who, me?
Holy shit.
Hey, guys!
I almost got it that time.
No seriously, I was this close!
Russell. I'm...
I'm... I'm beyond fucked up right now.
Well, that's the point, partner.
Just you wait until the peyote
really starts kicking in.
Kicking in? I thought
we were coming down...
Oh no.
We're just getting started.
You see, that peyote...
it's an old family recipe.
You see, I'm one quarter Chacatoy Indian...
I come from a long line
of powerful medicine men.
Yeah, maybe too powerful.
This land...
...this whole valley...'s sacred Chacatoy land.
Chacatoy legend tells us that long ago...
in a time before time when the
sun and the moon were young...
a great battle was
fought here day and night.
The valley filled to the rim with blood.
As many men were killed as
there are stars in the sky.
And when it was over there
was only one warrior left.
The first Chacatoy.
Imagine what it felt like
to be standing there...
Not a single enemy left.
Not a single friend, either.
Guys, someone is bleeding.
Shh... It's over...
Get some sleep.
Just wait, I wanna...
I want it to stay like this.
I know, Milton... but at some
point you're gonna have to wake up.
What's this?
Your last chance... just get
in the car right now and drive.
Go back to rehab.
Fuck, tell them Russell and I
kidnapped you or some shit like that.
And what about you? What does
Russell do to you when he finds out?
Nothing, Milton, nothing he
hasn't done a 100 times before.
Just leave, Milton, while you still can.
Now, I know what you're thinking...
You're thinking well this proves
that she had feelings for us...
Proves she cared...
At the same time you're thinking well
maybe she just did it to gain our trust.
You know, to dig her
claws into us even deeper.
Doesn't really matter.
Because there is one
thing that we both know.
We weren't going... anywhere.
When I leave here...
I'm taking you with me.
Breakfast time, boys and girls.
The most important meal of the day.
And do you know what I feel like for
breakfast on this beautiful morning?
How does 85 pounds of high
grade crystal meth sound?
How's it coming down here,
partner? Am I a rich man yet?
You're getting there just...
just a few more tweaks.
You looking for this?
Russell, there is plenty
of money for all of us.
This isn't about the money, partner...
and to prove it to you I'm
gonna bury you with you share.
- Does that sound fair enough?
- Wait!
This isn't glass quality yet,
you will not get $1800 an ounce,
not before putting it through my final
filtration process which nobody knows but me.
You take 600mg's of that
blue powder over there,
you filter it with 30cc's of that
stuff into a burner for 19 minutes,
cool it in the freezer... and then
scrape off the top layer of crystals.
How do you know that? There's
no way that you can know that.
Guess you're not as smart
as Skyler thought you were.
A bullet always tells
the truth, right Russell?
What the fuck is going on here?
After everything we've been through,
you're gonna pick this
dickless twit over me!
You lying, double crossing,
two faced, fucking cunt!
Don't you fucking touch her!
Ok, you're both fucking dead!
Will that kill him?
He's probably dead already.
Looks like you're on your own now, partner.
Trust me Milton, it's better this way.
Cause if you really do love her...
you are not gonna wanna be alive
to see what I'm gonna do to her.
It's ok... it's ok, it's ok.
Don't even think about
it, it's fine, it's ok.
Don't even think about it. It's ok.
Ask her how I knew...
Ask her how I knew how to
finish cooking your rock enough.
- Shut up!
- You ask her!
Shut the fuck up!
Ask her how I knew!
Ask her how I knew how to
finish cooking your meth.
Just you ask her!
It's ok, Milton.
It's over now.
It's all over.
Skyler, look I just...
Breakfast time, boys and girls...
And you know what I feel like for breakfast
on this beautiful morning?
What's the matter, partner?
The fuck is the matter with everybody?
Skyler... uh...
I think I've been
hallucinating. Or maybe I am now.
But just tell me what you remember...
The same thing you do.
No, no, can't be.
Milton, don't.
Hey, Milton.
It's time to get your
ass in the kitchen, cook.
What the fuck are you doing out here?
You're not still tripping are you?
I don't know anymore.
Don't worry... I'm just gonna talk
with him and sort this whole thing out.
- No, you don't understand.
- Look, look.
What happened yesterday... I'm
not going through that again.
Ok I can't. It's ok. I'm
just gonna talk with him.
- What the fuck is going on here?
- Look I told you...
- We did this all yesterday.
- Yesterday?
You weren't even fucking here yesterday.
I don't know what the fuck
you're trying to pull...
Gun's not loaded.
What the fuck. We did this already...
this has all already happened.
Look, hey, how about we just head inside
and, you know, we just
talk this whole thing out...
What do you say, partner?
I mean I'm telling you, man,
this whole thing is so fucked up
you're not gonna believe a word of it...
Oh that's fine, cause I'm not
even gonna hear a word of it.
I'm gonna let you bleed out here while
I go inside and carve up that cunt
like a Thanksgiving turkey.
And then I'll be back to finish you off.
So, how did the talk go?
- It fucking hurts!
- Ok!
Oh god, fuck, fuck, no it hurts!
It's ok.
Tonight is gonna be rough but you'll
live. And tomorrow you should be fine.
I need a doctor! I need a hospital.
You had your ear shot
off yesterday, remember?
And then this morning, all better.
But that means tomorrow he's gonna be...
If he is you need to
understand something...
You can't reason with
him. You have to kill him.
- No, no there has to be another way.
- He was gonna kill you!
Maybe not, maybe if you didn't
give me the gun... maybe...
Milton, you're not getting it.
He was always gonna kill you.
That was always the plan.
From the very beginning.
And you knew?
From the very beginning and
you still brought me up here?
I begged you to leave, Milton. I
took the bullets out of his gun...
- Why? What changed your mind?
- You did.
None of this is real. I must be dreaming...
or I'm still hallucinating or...
Does that feel like a hallucination?
Feeling better?
Good as new. Just like you said.
And what about the rest of what
I said? Given that any thought?
- Yeah, I...
- Breakfast time, boys and girls...
You know what I feel like for breakfast...
I think you were right.
What the fuck is going on here, Skyler?
Well we've now killed my psychotic
ex-boyfriend three times...
and it would appear
that he won't stay dead.
I know, but what is this some kind
of time loop, like a gypsy curse?
Is the universe giving us a cosmic
test or am I just going fucking crazy?
It's a problem, Milton. That's all.
Just a problem.
Just a problem...
A puzzle, and any puzzle
can be solved, right?
Especially by smart guys like you and me.
We need to compile all the information
we can on this phenomenon...
You know, all the evidence,
all the hard facts.
Everything that we know.
Well there must be 10,000
different ways to kill somebody
in this place.
Let's just try every single mother
fucking one of them and see what happens.
We began by taking
inventory of our supplies.
And by meticulously recording all
incoming data as time went by...
or should I say... as time stood still...
...because the same full moon
appeared in the sky every night.
And... as for killing Russell...
Well, we kept trying.
And... trying.
And... trying.
And... trying.
And... trying.
And... trying.
And... trying.
And... trying.
We also tried not killing him.
We tried to just leave. We tried to
get as far away as we possibly could.
We tried to just put it all behind us.
But no matter how fast
or how far we'd go... matter where we
went or what we did...
...none of it seemed to matter.
Cause when morning
came... and it always came.
We find ourselves... right back here.
Every... single... morning.
We're stuck in some kind
of time labyrinth... a maze.
Well if this is a maze
there's gotta be a way out.
There also has to be a way in.
Something must have triggered it
and started this whole
thing in the first place.
Something or someone.
The night before all this
started, in the woods,
he told me he came from a long
line of powerful medicine men.
Trust me, Milton, Russell isn't
capable of any supernatural voodoo.
- He didn't cause this to happen.
- Maybe not...
But maybe...
Maybe he knows what did.
You mother fucker, you are fucking dead!
Yeah, yeah, yeah... I'm a dead
man you're gonna fucking kill me...
blah blah blah. Let's skip all that...
I need to ask you a series of questions.
Or what, you're gonna torture me, Milton?
Seriously, cause I really don't think you
have the stomach for that kind of thing.
You know you're right, I don't. That's
why the first time I tortured you,
I uh... I let you off easy.
I killed you after one hour.
What the fuck is going on here...
No, I'll admit that's pretty weak but uh...
But look... I got better at it.
Check out the handiwork on this one...
This one lasted about four hours.
I know...
And then this one...
You'd have been proud of this one, Russell.
You really, really would have been proud.
This one... lasted all day.
Oh god, help me. No.
Oh god, ok, ok, look... Milton, I...
I'm begging you... just... I'm begging you.
I know you're begging me Russell.
I know you are.
But here's the thing...
So did they.
Well... It's not Russell.
He doesn't know anything?
No but that first day,
the day I cooked the meth.
He knew something back then.
He knew every single step
of my filtration process.
And nobody knows that. But he did.
- Should have asked him.
- I did ask him.
I asked him very very hard.
There's something I need to show you.
So... here we are.
Where are we?
I think you know, Milton.
Isn't that why you brought the gun?
After you.
I know this must be hard...
but you need to detach yourself
emotionally from all of this.
You tried to kill me.
Look around, Milton...
I'd say we did a hell
of a lot more than try.
The plan was to kill you
from the very beginning.
I told you that.
You never said that you
had actually done it.
You didn't tell me that you had actually...
I told you the truth.
I was with Russell before and
then I wanted to be with you.
I changed my mind, you changed my mind.
Why, because I wouldn't stay dead?
Because I kept coming back?
Because Russell isn't smart enough
to find a way out of this place.
But you are...
So this is how he knew
my filtration process?
He watched me do it.
He watched me do it over and
over right before he killed me.
I didn't want you to have to see this.
But you need to start
looking at it for what it is.
New information. More pieces to the puzzle.
I should kill you right now.
Should you?
If you pull that trigger...
Won't I just wake up in the morning with
no memory of this, just like you did?
Just like Russell does now.
I mean... What exactly are
you fishing for here, Milton?
Are you expecting me to get all weepy
and tell you how I'm just
so deeply in love with you...
Are you hoping I'm gonna start reassuring
you about the size of your dick?
It's like I told you, I was with Russell
before and now I wanna be with you.
That's it.
That's all I've got to offer
you, take it or leave it.
You said you wanted to follow
me straight into hell, right?
Well guess what... we're here.
Good morning.
Sleep well?
Like the dead.
So you're well rested then?
Ready to move forward and meet
the challenges of a new day?
Not quite.
There's something I need to give you first.
Go on Milton, give it to me.
I just did.
Breakfast time, boys and girls,
the most important meal of the day.
And do you know what I feel like...
It's geographical. It has to be.
- Geographical?
- It happened with Russell...
it happened with with me. We have to
assume this phenomenon is environmental.
"Any who come to this most sacred land
and spill the blood of their fellow man...
will be cursed to remain within
the circle of blood and violence."
So we began this circle of blood, we
started it all when we killed Russell.
Well, no, technically you
started it all when you killed me.
Whatever... The most important thing is
- is that we stop it.
And it doesn't say
anything about getting out.
No, but it does say this...
"And for as long as they lay
their heads on Chacatoy land
time will not move forward
for them but will stay still."
As long as they lay their
heads on Chacatoy land...
We've tried leaving... Plenty of times.
We've gone as far as we
possibly can in every direction.
So we have to go further...
We have to get off Chacatoy
territorial lands altogether.
We could fly out of here.
Well I've checked the maps...
there are no airports...
This airport is not gonna
be on any of those maps.
It is breakfast time, boys and girls...
- Why didn't you...
- I didn't because it's not my turn.
- No, today is your turn.
- No yesterday was my turn.
I did it for you yesterday, remember?
- How could it possibly still be my turn?
- Because...
What the fuck are the
two of you talking about?
Your turn... your turn
to do what motherfuckers?
We just need to do what
we came here to do...
in the first place.
Tell Archer we're coming
in with the full load.
So this Archer... You know him?
We have history.
History, huh.
What kind?
Just let me do the talking.
You know I'm gonna have to frisk you.
He could do it.
But then your fingers wouldn't get
that little trip down memory lane...
- you were hoping for would they?
- Bitch let me tell you about my fingers!
Oh Nabiki...
Play nice now.
Skyler! We don't frisk Skyler, baby.
She's family.
What do you say, Skyler...
You carrying anything I
might wanna know about?
Well Archer, you might
wanna know about this.
And you definitely wanna know
about all 85 pounds of that.
Well, well, well... step into my office.
Let me get you guys a drink!
The good stuff for you.
Cheeky Nabiki!
That's the real shit right there!
That's what I'm talking about!
Who cooked it?
It was you, right?
Just tell me man, I gotta
know. It was you right?
See uh...
Here's the thing...
Skyler should have told
you that I have one rule.
One rule only... I never do
business with people I don't know.
I don't know you, Mr.
whatever the fuck your name is!
My name's Milton.
Nice to meet you, Milton!
See... now I know you!
Whereas Skyler here... well...
Her, I know.
I mean shit, how old were
you when we first met?
Or should I say how young were you?
Young enough not to know any better.
See you might say I was Skyler's
first... employer... yeah...
You might say I was Skyler's
first... a lot of things.
Isn't that right, baby?
$1800 an ounce, Archer,
that was the deal we made.
No! That was the deal I made with
Russell and I don't see Russell here!
Which means he must be dead.
$1600 an ounce.
Must be...
Archer we're in kind of
a hurry... $1300 an ounce.
Ok, uh... so tell me...
How does a soft ass, cookie
dough, pansy ass pussy like you...
put down a mad dog mother
fucker like Russell, huh?
Lots of practice.
Lots of practice...
Lots of practice.
$1200, $1200 and a flight out of here.
Done! Wooh!
Under one condition. You and Miles stay
and have one more drink to celebrate, huh?
Hows about breaking out a
bottle of thou finest champagne.
Music, baby!
And we're gonna need that all
in cash, Archer, right now.
Course, of course, of
course... ah let's see um...
85 pounds at $1200 dollars
an ounce that's gonna be...
Fuck I don't know, let's just call it...
Let's call it one million, six hundred
and thirty-two thousand dollars.
That's my Skyler.
Hows about that bottle of champagne.
Hold your fucking fire!
You're fucking shooting each
other! You fucking hear me!
Fucking stop your fire!
Fucking assholes!
Ok... Jesus.
Fuck, now! Jesus! Fuck!
Just stop! Fuck.
Ok. When I hit the fucking
switch nobody shoots at anything
unless it is standing right in
fucking front of you, you hear me?
Ok. Fuck.
Here we go.
I am so glad that I let you
do all the talking back there
or else, you know, that
could have gone really bad.
- I told you Archer and I have history.
- Well not anymore.
How are you doing back there?
Oh you know... still breathing,
still riddled with bullets.
I pulled over ok? I...
I had to pull over...
Where are we?
We're no where Milton.
We're absolutely nowhere.
Oh my god, you'll be alright, ok?
I'm just going to lie you down. Ok? Ok?
Don't worry hey... hey
I'm gonna go for help, ok?
Ok Skyler... just don't worry, alright?
I'm gonna get help.
Hey! Hey! Hey!
It's gonna be ok.
I'm gonna get help, ok?
I'm gonna get help, alright? Alright...
Not a single enemy left...
Not a single friend either.
Skyler, you gotta listen, ok?
I need to tell you something.
I know you do, Milton...
But you really need to wake up.
Skyler! Skyler!
- Milton!
- Skyler!
- I really thought that was it for us.
- I know, I know.
- I thought we were...
- We aren't.
Breakfast time, boys and girls,
the most important meal of the day!
And you know what I feel like for
breakfast on this beautiful morning?
We can't go on like this, Milton.
Something has to be done.
I know.
Someone has been a busy little bee...
I've been doing some thinking.
Well it's about time.
Chacatoy legend says that the
great battle lasted for months...
brave warriors fought both night and
day under the light of the full moon.
A full moon that lasted for months.
It wasn't months... it was the
same day and night over and over.
This thing that's happening
us... It's happened here before.
The cannibal trappers, the gangster
shootout, the religious cult suicide...
It happened to all of them.
They c here and they spilled blood...
It's what triggers it, that's
what starts this whole cycle.
And what stops it?
You know, don't you?
You found a way for us to get out of here.
Well not us.
Not both of us.
What do you mean?
Well look at them, Skyler.
How do they end?
How does every single one of them end?
With one person left.
A sole survivor.
That's it.
- That's the only way out.
- It can't be.
One person left standing. One.
- Why should...
- Well does it matter?
All I know is that if this is a
maze that's the door out of here.
- And only one of us fits through it.
- So if we wanna end this...
You kill me... or I kill you.
Ah... so that explains the
sudden urge to redecorate.
But I think we both know
that if you wanted to kill me
you would have done it already.
I don't wanna kill you.
Ok, but I'm guessing you're not exactly
open to the idea of me killing you.
No, I'm not too crazy
about that notion either...
but unless I'm mistaken...
...we're all out of options.
Not necessarily.
Well you kill me or I kill you,
that's the only way to end this.
Who says we have to end this?
Well you mean...
Stay here?
Why not?
Maybe the answer to this whole thing,
maybe the real way out
is just to never leave.
We'd have everything we need right
here... Unlimited food, water...
We'd have each other. And
think about it, Milton...
...time is standing still for us...
We could just stay here together,
never get old, never die.
This thing we're stuck in...
maybe it isn't hell after all.
Maybe it's something else.
Like what? Heaven?
As close to it as we're ever gonna get.
Breakfast time, boys and girls,
most important meal of the day...
We still have Russell to deal
with. Every single morning.
Small price to pay for heaven.
Allow me.
Boys and girls!
Where the fuck is everybody!
Smells good.
This is gonna be a lot
harder than I thought.
What is?
I want you to know that this
isn't something I planned.
I honestly didn't know I was gonna do this.
But you knew, didn't you?
Couldn't be sure.
Well now you can be.
Tell Archer I'm coming
in with the full load.
We don't have to frisk Skyler, baby...
She's family.
Done! Under one condition, stay
and have a drink to celebrate.
Hows about breaking out a
bottle of thou finest champagne.
Will ya?
- 85 pounds at...
- 1,632,000 dollars...
That's my Skyler...
Oh, and Archer...
Tell the bitch that if she takes one
more step towards that champagne...
...I'm gonna stick this so
far up that stank twat of hers
she's gonna need to get it aborted.
Oh ho!
See uh... you better spend
that money fast, baby!
A fucking grenade, that's
some balls there, Skyler!
Don't fucking shoot!
Fucking love you, baby!
Fuck... Jesus!
And let's see... smoking or non-smoking?
Take one wild fucking guess.
So that's pretty much it.
That's all I have to offer you.
And I'm leaving you this message
because my work here is over.
'Cause the rest is gonna
have to be up to you.
'Cause when it comes to that one question.
The one questions that's left, the
one question that really matters...
All I can do is tell you what I now know.
Give you all the pieces to the puzzle.
You're the one who has the final answer...
because if you even receive this message,
if you're even listening to me right
now, it can really only mean one thing.
That you need to man up and go
and kill that fucking cunt...
...once and for all.
And it doesn't even matter whether
deep down she's good or she's bad...
What matters is that
there is no good or bad.
No right or wrong, no black
or white, no good or evil...
What matters is that your only ever gonna
be one of two things in this world...
...or dead.
You didn't actually kill
Russell yesterday, did you?
Boys and girls!
You made sure to leave him alive...
That's why it didn't work!
That's why we're still back here.
I wasn't the only one left...
Russell was still alive.
Goddamn, Milton! That was nicely played...
No, seriously. Bravo.
I'd give you a round of
applause, but you know...'s not really
practical at this moment.
Well, I guess I had to know.
Had to find out the truth.
I'll tell you the truth.
You know what I felt when I woke up
and found myself back here this morning?
Relieved that you weren't dead.
Relieved that I'd be seeing you again.
You'd say anything right now.
You would tell me anything.
I'll tell you this...
I felt something I never
thought I'd ever feel again.
I felt happy.
I felt...
I hate to break up this touching moment...
...but the three of us have
a little unfinished business.
Wake up, sleepy cakes.
Wakey wakey.
All that really matters...
All I can do is tell you what I now know.
Can you believe this shit?
So I guess now is the time
where I blow you both away
and walk out of here a fucking millionaire.
I mean that's what you'd
do to me, isn't it baby?
That's what I'd do to you.
What about you, partner?
Could you do that to me?
Could you do that to her?
Not without a gun.
That's the thing, huh...
Only one of us is gonna walk
out of here with that meth...
Well, let's be honest.
None of us deserve it.
So I say... none of us should
have any kind of say in the matter.
I say... we leave it all to fate.
I say... we let the bullets decide.
Ok! Here's how this is gonna work.
There's gonna be one
bullet in the cylinder,
we each take a turn spinning the chamber...
snapping it shut...
and pulling the trigger.
And then we just keep on
passing the gun around,
round and round we go until
there's only one of us left.
And that last lucky son of a bitch...
that's the one of us that
gets to walk out of here.
Walk out of here for
good. Once and for all.
So who starts your little
merry-go-round ride, Russell?
Seeing as you're the only one of us
that hasn't had their heads blown off,
a couple dozen times...
I thought it should be you.
But... seeing as how I'm a gentleman
and this whole thing is my idea...
I thought I'd get the ball rolling.
But make no mistakes, we're gonna keep
on going around and around until...
Milton, no!
Milton stop!
We don't have to do this
Milton. This can all end here.
This will end here. I promise.
We can be together forever
Milton, just like you said.
Just put down the gun.
I know you love me, Milton.
I always have...
But who you love...
That's your own fucking business.
Milton, no!
Jesus Christ, Skyler.
I knew you were into some
kinky shit... but goddamn!
It's over.
It's tomorrow.
There's a storm coming in. We might
have to spend the night up here.
Why not? Looks warm and cozy enough.
Seriously, Skyler... what
the fuck happened here?
Well, you know how it is, Archer...
couple of drinks, couple of laughs.
Couple of million dollars
worth of crystal meth...
4,248,000 dollars...
Deal I made with Russell.
Well, what's, uh... left of him.
We have a new deal for you.
Let me guess...
You take all the meth and I take a bullet?
You drive a hard bargain, Skyler,
but, deal!
A silencer...
Uh, Archer, can someone
please explain to the bitch
that we're all alone in the
middle of the fucking woods...
I'd like to say this was
nothing personal, Skyler, but...
...that wouldn't be telling
the truth, now would it?
Probably not.
Let's just say I'll see you
in hell and leave it at that.
Yeah, Archer... maybe
I'll see you in hell...
Or maybe...
I'll see you tomorrow.