Blood River (2009)

What now?
Not bother me.
I always irritate you.
I'm not filling.
No, but you do not let it go.
You have to put down!
- Do not do it.
- Yes!
I will not.
He decided he will not?
I'm not going anywhere ...
Go out!
- Not tonight.
- Yes tonight!
I'm not going anywhere ...
You will.
If you love me,
will change the station, please.
I'm trying.
What happened to that tape
we had?
- Ready.
- My God ...
- That's better.
- Really? Can not find something?
Shall I change back?
Wow. Who is that?
What is he doing here?
Keep going, Clark.
Are you sure it is very hot out there
want me to give him a ride?
Do not you dare.
That crazy guy.
Just look for your key.
I'm new here
I'm still getting the hang of.
No problem.
I put back on the hook wrong.
Okay, you are on 108.
I just need a signature
and you can go.
Thank you.
Busy night for us in Lincoln.
We have three customers.
No doubt.
We have not seen a single car all day.
I am not surprised.
Anyway, enjoy your stay ...
and if they need something
just screaming.
Thank you, we will.
- Are you ready to go?
- Very ready.
Anything at all.
Honey ...
the bathroom is disgusting.
Yes, I do not think we got
suite of five stars.
Thought she
have liked me.
It definitely
liked you.
I guess I'll sleep
with my clothes.
I think I'll sleep in the car.
- Do you want the keys?
- Yes
You forgot something here.
More or less.
So, what can I do for you,
the same blue eyes?
Read my mind.
Bourbon, neat.
Use the same cup,
some memories in it. Good.
If you're saying ...
Why not serve
one for you?
I can not,
I'm working.
I do not think anyone
will not mind.
As I always say ...
in doubt, faint.
Do you think he can hear us?
No, silly.
Are only a few months.
Well ..
just in case.
Good night, Junior.
There is in everyone's life
A fork in the road.
The path of righteousness
and a path of sin.
For every action
is a consequence ...
and for each sin
is a punishment.
You have spurned the punishment
and each trial ...
and I pass
one hand against the other ...
and shall discharge the fury
do, sir ...
for I am His messenger ...
and the Lord commanded.
The Lord commanded.
There is no one there.
- What do you mean?
- I do not know, is weird.
I left the key on the table
with some money.
You left what we?
- Yes, it must cover the expense.
- Okay.
Ready to go?
She has drugs ...
she is addicted.
She only has enough
to survive.
Then she got nothing.
Okay, dear.
It's okay.
She was flawed because
She can not live
without drugs.
She takes morphine enough
to kill an elephant.
- She takes morphine every day.
- Angie ...
God you must trust.
Everything happens for a reason.
We pray to God
help us in the world.
The Lord is merciful.
The Lord is merciful.
Help this woman, God.
Tell me something about this woman.
When she was fifteen years ...
Since then, almost all
the years she required surgery.
One year she had four.
And they gave this medication
pain ...
but now it has become
dependent on the medication.
- That's what it takes?
- Yes
Who takes it?
It takes two for nerves ...
four sleeping pills
and a dose of Demerol ...
every night
I'm enjoying it
this trip, Summer.
I'm just saying
I'm enjoying.
- You changed the text.
- Do not get me wrong ...
I'm still not so
to tell their parents.
I'm just enjoying the journey
much more than I thought it would.
They will be happy.
They stayed with Benny
for two weeks ...
be more willing
to have more grandchildren.
I know, but his father still will give me
sermon on the responsibility.
a baby is not a toy ...
the day comes when a man
must face its responsibilities.
He has good intentions.
I know,
but it is always the same conversation.
a house is not a toy.
a dog is not a toy.
a woman is not a toy.
Well, he is casting his
his own image.
that scary thought.
Honey ...
Baby, you okay?
I do not know.
Okay ...
I'm going ...
alright, alright ...
all is well.
Grab my arm.
Here ...
lean against his car.
- Are you in pain?
- My baby!
I know ...
i know.
- Look at me, look at me.
- God, God.
It's okay, take that shirt,
take that shirt.
Come on.
Come on!
Come on!
Come on.
What is it, Clark?
The tire burst.
- I have to pick up the spare.
- Okay.
- What is it?
- What?
- Damn!
- What? What is it, Clark?
- There are no drugs steppe.
- You do not put a spare tire?
I put the spare back in LA,
Then someone came and stole the spare tire,
- I do not know, maybe.
- Who steals a spare?
I do not know, Summer, all I know
is that I put the spare here.
Damn, damn, damn!
Please stay well,
please, it's okay.
Sorry, baby, sorry.
Please stay well,
please, it's okay.
I promise you,
I take her to a doctor, okay?
I'll take it to be examined.
You can see where we are?
Yes, I could see.
There is a town about eight,
nine kilometers in this direction.
As we walk eight,
nine kilometers, Clark?
Summer, listen ...
the motel where we came
is more than 80km beyond.
The city is eight,
nine kilometers in this direction.
Well, I think we should be
with the car? I mean, what if ...
Summer, baby, we saw a car
throughout the day.
If we start to walk
and we walk on this road ...
and a car comes,
he'll see us ...
and will
to the next town.
- I do not know, Clark.
- Baby, it's our only option.
Okay, what's the name?
Show me.
Rivers of Blood.
Okay. So what do we do?
Let's walk.
It seems to be 1000 C.
I'm just saying ...
I wanted to say something ...
Is it broken?
Not any more.
Of course not.
Of course not.
You kidding?
We're almost there.
I promise you.
That's right.
Come on. Raising ...
Support your arm on me.
It is not fun?
Thank God.
Is anyone there?
Is anyone there? Hello?
Nobody. Nobody.
Is anyone there?
Is anyone there? Hello?
Is anyone there?
You must be kidding me.
All right, baby.
Let's find some water.
There's nobody here, Clark.
Come here, baby. It's okay.
Let's find something, okay?
Where are you going, Clark?
- It's okay.
- No. ..
- It's okay.
- Not all is well.
We will find
a little water.
Trust me.
Trust me.
It's okay.
Let's find something. Come.
I worried
with our baby.
Come here, I am too.
I am also,
but it will be alright.
How do you know?
How do I know?
Because we resolve this.
We'll take her to a doctor
and you will be examined.
Listen to me.
We have a little fighter
in there, okay?
He must be laughing now ...
and wondering why
your mother is so upset.
God, I hope so.
You only have to think positive,
I'll take a look around,
see if I can find something.
You stay here, okay?
- Do not go away.
- I will not.
I will not take.
Come on!
Keep track, Clark.
Keep control.
What happened?
Wow, wait a minute.
Are you kidding me?
We thought we were
alone out here.
Sorry to disappoint them.
Nice to meet you.
You have no idea
that it is good to see someone.
Well, it's a great "welcome"
a stranger.
- What are you doing out here?
- We had a car accident.
We had a burst tire,
the worst I've ever seen.
And we do not have a spare tire.
It is a bold man for driving
the desert without a spare tire.
- Actually I had ...
- What is your name, traveler?
Clark Ewald
nice to meet you.
Ewald, how to spell?
As is pronounced ...
and you are?
Joseph ...
how it is pronounced.
Well, it's a pleasure to meet you,
Wow, look at you,
are all injured.
Well, we had to walk the car
far, then ...
Your baby is well?
Yes ..
I think so ...
I hope so.
So what is your story,
The old story
running out of petrol.
I saw this place on the map
and started walking.
I thought I would get
some help here.
Should not have gone to work
is a ghost town.
I see it now. There are holidays
I had planned.
No, not for us.
We are across the state
to visit my parents.
Well, that's cool.
Yes, if we get there.
I have to say ...
I would not mind
stop in the shade.
It's hotter than a stand
hot dog in hell, right?
Yes, clear,
will accompany him.
I would offer you a drink
or something to eat, but ...
Allow me. I always carry a bottle
of rum in my purse.
You never know when you will encounter
lost to Los Angeles.
This kind of thing happens to you
More often
than you think.
Take my bag, friends.
Do not worry about me, friends.
- Come on, Clark.
- I'm going.
Is the following ...
I serve it for drinking.
No, I should not.
Accept a little water, if any.
A water coming out.
- This is good.
- Thank you.
You want me to take a look
arm. I have some material.
I'm fine, thanks.
Well, if you change your mind.
And the baby of you?
I see you still worried.
Would you mind if I ...
It's okay, just relax.
I felt something.
You still have a glow about you.
The baby is fine.
Well, it's good to know.
You hear that, Clark?
I'm sitting right here.
What is your next step, pal?
Now know this place
It's a good question.
I think back to the road
and expect a car to pass.
I can not believe
we walk up here for nothing.
Well ..
I went up and down
this road a few times.
You may have to wait
a good time.
If you have a better idea
I'd like to hear it.
Well, it's too late now ...
the sun will set.
It will be dark before you know it.
But I think in the morning,
can go to his car ...
take a little gasoline,
bring to my'll take the road.
Well, there are cars out there
maybe we can check them out first.
If gasoline
this lot of rust ...
then I'm Mary ...
and that I'm not.
There is a motel with a gas station
Yes, I know,
is where we came from.
Well, this is the best
I have.
Yes, that sounds like a plan.
Okay, then.
it is better to light a fire.
It's cold in the desert at night.
What do you say, buddy?
Let me get firewood?
Of course, we do.
Everything will be okay, honey?
Yes, I will survive.
- This wood is good.
- Yes
Listen ...
be frank with me,
what are our chances here?
How so?
What are our chances
out of here?
Of being rescued.
- You want the truth?
- Yes
I'd say your chances
are not large.
Well ..
I'll talk to my wife
that all is well ...
and certainly
get out of here.
And you do the same, okay?
So will two liars,
Yes, I think so.
Do not get me wrong,
still want to get out of here ...
but until things change ...
you and I will twist
the truth a little.
You do not have
to explain to me.
But must respond to Jesus.
I'm just playing with you,
We have to stick together, right?
That's right.
Can I keep the secret
also if you can.
So that's what we do.
To the grave.
There is only one more thing.
I do not like people putting
hands on my wife.
If you do this again
you and I have a problem.
Yes, sir, you're the boss.
I was just
being nice.
Cool, be nice otherwise
I do this.
How are you, princess?
Well, considering ...
Owner not want to talk too much ...
but her husband just ask me
about our chances to get out of here.
Well ..
He asked me not to say
what I said to him ...
but I think we
in the same boat ...
everyone deserves to know
what's going on.
Why he does not want
you tell me?
I do not know, maybe he has found
you would panic.
I think we all need to know
the true situation.
What's going on?
Why do not you tell me, Clark?
Say what, dear?
About his conversation with Joseph
just now.
I just ...
I did not want to worry,
that's all.
Well, now I wonder
All conversations, okay?
No secrets.
It seems fair. What you say, Clark?
No more secrets.
Okay. No secrets.
Listen ...
know I never lie
Just do not hide anything from me,
Thanks again
the food.
No need to thank.
This will be your first child?
No, we have a son.
Well, I have a son ...
before Clark.
His name is Ben. He has five years.
Stepfather, that's cool.
Five is a good age ...
not lost to civilization
up to five years ...
- I still have some spirit.
- What do you mean?
- Your child goes to school?
- Yes, of course.
Learning to be a man.
How to get a job,
working for the man.
Got a problem with that?
Got a problem with the authorities?
Here, a picture of Ben.
It's a smart kid.
And to answer your question,
You ...
there are only two authorities
I know of ...
I am one and the other, God ...
and have no problem
with any of them.
You just do not think that children
should be educated ...
Okay, I'm just trying to understand
what you are saying.
All right, man.
It's okay.
as a smokescreen.
You put the children
schools ...
so they do not know
what is actually happening.
They are using their fingers
with mathematics and geography ...
while the crap
is falling over the rest of us.
Well ..
let me say this,
will not always be so ...
as long
bury our heads in the sand.
It's time to light the fire
under the back of some people.
You're a revolutionary.
No, ma'am, I do not.
I'm just the messenger.
What is the message?
Do not say you
should never talk about politics?
Politics and religion.
You're a religious man,
You are right
that I can not try it?
- No thanks, I'm sure.
- This is the right answer.
- Here.
- Thank you.
Well ..
is a beautiful night.
I swear, was the longest day.
Well, I better get some sleep.
Staying up is superficial.
When you are sleeping
you dream ...
and is when you are dreaming
that is when the truth comes.
So where you live, Jo,
where are you from?
If you're asking
where I put my head ...
I'll tell where I can ...
but if you ask
where I live ...
I'll say in my mind.
A man can be king
his own mind.
But what is the advantage of being
a king in his own mind ...
if nobody cares?
My Father cares.
I was not talking
you specifically.
Suppose that, relatively speaking,
in the grand scheme of things ...
you and I are useless.
But in your head you are a king,
so what Big deal.
What is the problem, Clark?
You think you're useless?
They do not listen to you?
People do not respect him?
People respect me.
If people do not see me
what should ...
only means that will be the first
to be burned ...
when I lift
in front of them.
You really
is a revolutionary.
See, a revolution involves something
that is going around.
What I do have a defined beginning
and a very definite purpose.
And what you do, Joseph?
What I want.
I'm free as a bird.
Anyway, I think the girl
want to sleep a little ...
and I suggest you do
the same thing ...
have a walk tomorrow
Yes, you're right.
Meanwhile I will "drain my lizard"
then I will also rest.
Sleep well
we see in the morning.
Yes, sleep well.
- So, what do you think?
- About what?
About Joseph, cute.
It's a little crazy
but it seems a good guy.
You think?
Think. Do not you think?
I do not know.
He seems a bit strange.
- He is just a free spirit.
- Really?
Yes, a "crazy beautiful"
a hippie.
No need to worry ...
they are all "peace and love"
- Really?
- Sure.
I know many guys like him
Of course yes.
Not so.
Now go to sleep.
Good night, Clark.
Clark ...
What is the problem?
You saw my picture of Benny?
No, the last time I was
Joseph when he showed last night.
I returned it!
I know.
This is strange.
I have put
in my bag, but ...
But what?
I do not know, it's weird.
I can not find it.
Okay, must have lost
inside. Let's find.
Joseph, what time we leave?
We? No, no, dear.
You will stay here.
- It will be very far and it's hot ...
- But I do not want to stay here.
He's right.
You need rest, need to take care
the baby she is carrying.
I really do not want
be left alone.
I mean
I'll be safe?
It makes sense, face,
can not leave it here.
I need a man
to help me.
You are a man, right, Clark?
She comes with us.
It looks like it will
"She" is right here!
your car is in this direction.
My car is there are eight,
nine kilometers in this direction.
It's a long walk
for a pregnant lady.
Especially someone
as beautiful as you.
Shall I leave them alone?
You will not leave me here,
So what do we do?
Now, do not be alarmed, but ...
I travel a lot and you can come
find very strange types.
I do not know
I really do not like guns.
Not me, ma'am.
But if we leave it alone,
at least can defend itself.
Summer, he's right.
Stand up, lady.
Now, spread your legs.
Joseph, what are you doing?
I'll teach her how to use the piece.
- Do you mind?
- No.
You are about to shoot a man
or will make a salad?
I'm about to shoot
a man.
Well, then, act as if
shoot a man.
Arm straight and strong.
That, good.
Now, there is no security.
So if something happens,
what will not, but if this happens ...
you gun and pull the trigger,
Gun and pulls the trigger.
That's good.
Now think
is not your man ...
but it is a bad man
Arma ...
Do not point that thing
The victim falls, end of the game.
Justice was done.
I understand.
He's crazy.
Listen ...
get it to sound like.
Okay. I'll be fine.
Is. I sit here
and my brown ...
and shoot anyone
try to hurt me.
This is my girl.
Listen ...
we soon
we can ...
but still be a few hours,
so do not worry, okay?
You're ready, cowboy?
Just do not delay, okay?
Do not linger. I promise.
If you're lucky will be driving.
It is here, purple pants.
It is a good start.
I love you.
We are just you and me now, Junior.
What was that?
What do you mean?
Do you think it is smart to point
a loaded gun at someone?
Well, it all depends on who is.
Well, you pointed a loaded gun
for me, smart guy.
What is the problem, Superman?
You can not dodge a bullet?
Just do not give me another way,
is bad enough ...
I need you acting strange
like I need a hole in the head.
It will be a fun ride.
Believe me
I'm enjoying more than you.
We can at least try ...
Once you get to my car
and manage the fuel ...
which is the distance to yours?
I forgot, Mr. Prince.
You have to stop it,
Concentrate your mind
what we are doing ...
and not how long it will take
or how difficult it will be.
It's very hot here.
I should have brought his sandals,
Have you noticed how the only people
that really sweat ...
and I mean really sweat ...
are the sons of a bitch who can not
stop complaining about the heat?
I can not say I've noticed.
I mean, you see
a drop of sweat on me, cowboy?
I'm from the city.
I'm not used to it.
Everything, and I mean everything,
is a state of mind, man.
What about death?
If you do not tidy up this car,
we learn.
I know one thing,
she comes to us all.
There is no point crying about it ...
and certainly does not make sense
cry about it before.
- What is funny?
- You, man.
You are like a box
of fortune cookies or something.
Not believe it.
You are very close, is restricted.
You need to drop a little.
You say that like
met me.
I know, boy.
I know him.
You have a job
In ...
is very well paid ...
wears a suit and tie,
makes you feel important.
But in mid-afternoon on a hot day,
you unbutton the top button, right?
His concession to society.
Your badge of honor.
Undid the top button,
I have worked hard today.
You never had a day
working hard in your life ...
never worked until blood
and the sweat run down into the mud ...
- Staining their shoes.
- I see a lot of sweat ...
The rest of the world is
struggling and debating ...
fighting, settling and crying ...
blood, shit, sperm
and tears flying through the air ...
knocking on his face.
Only you do not see, man. You do not see.
Because you
sits in his tower ...
where their shutters down
to protect him from the pain of the world.
You see, I know.
I know you, pilgrim.
Because sometimes, you see much
when it is buried in the mud ...
than when sitting
in his office on the 12th floor.
My office actually
is on the 12th floor.
You see ... I told him.
I know him.
You define your paths.
You, hippies.
I will not pretend that I agree
with them, but ...
Hear what he says, Mr. America.
I'm not a hippie.
It's the way I see
and the things I say ...
is a reflection of their society,
and ideals.
The only truth is here
in my mind.
I'm not a hippie, man.
And you can be sure that
in my mind, fire up their cities.
About the devil ...
you have to know
the truth of the scriptures.
Our ...
How long
is with your wife?
Why do you ask
about my wife?
I'm just trying to talk,
trying to be friendly.
Are married
and six months
before marriage.
It has a good set.
A beautiful wife, a baby on the way,
a big house ...
bet, two cars,
Yes, I am very lucky.
I think some people just
do not know how lucky you are.
Well ..
not believe that
a real person, Clark.
You know nothing about me.
I know a little.
What are you talking about?
I just know its type, is all.
Funny ...
At first I called him a hippie,
And you referred me to his sermon
of how the world is unfair.
Now you're telling me
you know my type?
I'm not talking
on how to dress ...
or the work you have,
or people he meets.
I'm talking
the man inside.
His soul.
You are totally crazy
know that?
I could say the same thing
about you.
The only difference is
I looked in his mind.
You know nothing about me ...
then we cut the crop,
Okay ...
but the truth
appear at the end.
You can not hide
If you do not deal with it
the truth will put you on your knees.
Yeah, and he alone, whose heart is pure,
I do not know what else ...
You are bothering me
with this thing.
This is probably guilty.
This ends with a man.
There is a way back ...
just have to know
when to take it.
Thank you.
I'll remember that.
Hippie ...
Thousands in the world today are being
dominated, influenced, controlled ...
and driven by demons,
without actually being possessed by them.
A person can be so overwhelmed
and vexed by demons ...
is not really different
to be possessed by them.
Some people are so connected
demonic powers ...
Is there anybody there?
They are not themselves.
Devils may cry
or cry with voices ...
using their lips and tongue.
Demons can torment
people ...
and may, in turn,
be tormented by people.
It is a known fact
a legion of demons ...
may be in a person
the same time.
How many of you will laugh?
I say that demons can preach
and they do.
Demons can tell lies,
and do you believe and tell lies.
Demons can make you a thief
according to the word of God.
They can arise,
floor and need rest.
All this is founded
the scriptures.
It is quite possible that at some
time in the past ...
you had your fortune read
by a demon.
Once a demon spear
a boy on fire to destroy it.
It will also launch the water
for the same purpose.
Demons ...
Use in moderation, dude.
Thank God we did.
Of course we can.
Just a walk in the park.
I hope Summer is well.
She's fine.
But it should be more concerned
with their own situation.
What do you mean?
Things are not always
what they seem.
Shame on you, if someone
let the bones out of the closet.
Everyone has a secret
I wonder what is yours.
You want to share with me?
You do not know me, man.
You really did a number
about it.
I open the lid of the tank.
You have traveled
the path with me this day.
You had the opportunity of confession
and repentance and you rejected it.
His only hope now
is telling the truth.
But you will not.
No, you will not.
So be it.
His penance awaits.
I'm getting tired of ...
God! Benny!
What's happening?
Where's Clark?
He will come.
What is this place?
That's where the sinner comes to die.
You did that?
Honey, these people
did it to themselves.
Do not approach me.
How ironic, is not it?
Are you afraid of me now.
Can not wait
her prince ...
back to the city
and save.
But the thought
is at odds with the truth.
What are you talking about?
Man you love ...
is much more dangerous
than you or me.
He sinned.
All he likes
will be crushed.
All that love will be punished.
I'm afraid so.
Get away.
Stay away.
You cried for the weak ...
but they chose
their own way.
They decide their fate when
cheat, steal, lie and fornicate.
When you take a life
or steal a purse ...
or look for his friend's wife
eyed cobiantes.
His actions ...
their lies
weaknesses ...
Clark ...
Clark is a good person.
You're a good person.
But it is weak ...
and blind.
I promise I'll raise the scales.
'll Shine the light ...
the Lord in every crevice.
I light every shadow.
The light will shine in the darkness.
Everyone will know
the truth finally.
Voc ..
have faith in God, Summer?
Do you believe in God?
So if comfort in knowing that everything
What happens here is His will.
And only Him.
Look at you.
You are beautiful.
Is an angel.
Drugs, Summer! Summer!
Do not worry,
are not for you.
This is for you.
No, no!
No need to do this.
Yes I do.
I'm just the bearer.
It is my will.
The life grows within you.
Innocent of the sins of the father.
It belongs to me,
more than you.
It's as if I myself
had planted the seed.
No, no, no.
It is my son now.
No! No!
Can you feel me?
You can not do that.
It's time to leave
dad bravo.
No, no.
You've been betrayed.
And it will take this brand
until the end of his days ...
not to forget.
Now you can scream.
Here he comes.
Honey? Summer?
It's all right, all right.
What caused it?
I'll kill you!
Your unborn child ...
belongs to me now.
This is even necessary, man?
As we get out?
You know even use it?
Shut up.
If not I will kill you!
You can not kill me.
You can not kill me.
I am not of this world.
You created this monster.
You even asked for it.
Welcome to the revolution, man.
There is no revolution, stupid!
We are just you and me now.
There is nothing special about you.
Like all the other useless
and vagabonds out there ...
too busy with his poetry gay
to get a job ...
or take a damn shower!
Now ...
you will tell me everything
I need to know, Joe ...
because it is so
the world works.
Want to talk?
Let's talk.
Yes, I would love to talk.
Who are you?
I'm an angel.
Sent to Earth
by a just God ...
to punish the weak
with the flaming sword of vengeance.
This is your day.
It's your turn to be judged.
Judged by what?
Really want me to say?
- I do not know who is speaking.
- You know, yeah, man!
Yes, you!
I see in your face.
You feel it.
Every hour of every day
every time.
When I see your eyes poisoned
and no soul, I feel your pain, man!
I feel your pain!
- Scroll through my veins.
- Shut up!
It is my curse.
It's my curse, man!
What are you talking about?
"Beware of false prophets
which come to you in sheep's clothing.
For they are ravening wolves "!
- Stay out of it, Summer.
- Clark?
Stay out.
Take care of it!
Yeah, you can handle it.
Please take good care,
is not, buddy?
I think not.
You do not care about anything.
You are about to discover that there are
some things that can not control.
Really? Really?
I think it will be very easy
tied with you in that chair!
Do not commit more sins, man!
It will only bring more disgrace
for yourself!
So I think I will be
a fucking bastard, is not it?
Now you tell me everything
I need to know. As I go from here?
Clark, no. No!
- Clark, no.
- Let me go!
- You can not do that!
- Let me go!
Here comes the devil.
As I go from here?
As I go from here?
As I go from here?
As I go from here?
You have no idea who I am.
Pilgrim, have no idea
who I am!
No! No!
What did he do to you?
I just want to go home.
There must be a way
out of here.
He must have a car
or something.
Clark, you cut his finger!
What happened to you?
I have to go further, Summer.
Look at me.
This is our only chance
out of here.
But deliver us from all evil.
Hail Mary, Mother of God, pray for us ...
- Wake up.
- Amen
Wake up, asshole.
Now there is nothing which does not
you to leave.
So if you value your life useless
tell me what I need to know ...
and all this can stop.
Why would I want to
to stop?
All it
has a consequence.
That's why we're here.
Welcome to your hell!
As well,
is why we are here?
The tire blew!
It was pretty ugly, right?
You did that?
No matter who,
or how, or when.
The only thing that matters
is that you are here.
Here for what?
Do not talk to him, Summer.
Do not listen.
Your husband is not what it seems.
Do not talk to her.
Do not say a word for it!
He is one of the bad guys!
Shut up!
Not even Clark?
Listen, you and I are talking,
you tell me how to get out of here.
I have said all I can.
Only you can ask for forgiveness.
Only you can get
But you will not.
With each breath,
you add layer upon layer ...
sin upon sin.
I could not tell the truth
even if he tried!
He told his wife
what he found in the car?
Shut up!
What does he mean?
Tell her, Clark.
Do not hold back.
What he is talking about, Clark?
I do not know what he's talking about.
- Now you have two secrets.
- Clark!
I do not know!
I will not hesitate this time.
You can not kill me, man!
You have no idea
than I am able!
I know exactly what you are capable,
but can not kill me ...
but will not leave.
Where is your car?
Where is your car?
I'm not joking this time!
All right, man ...
you got me.
I'll take it from here ...
but I take it
a place before.
That's going to be.
Take us where?
Take us where?
I show you everything.
At the River.
All answers are on river.
Then you can kill me.
If what you want.
If it is what you want.
I do not know, do not.
Okay, I'm in control.
Why took my picture
- Do not talk to him, Summer.
- Ask him.
You and I have nothing to say
each other, then keep walking.
You do not like to talk, like, Clark?
- Have you talked to Benny?
- Did what?
Sorry about that.
What he is talking about, Clark?
What about Ben?
I do not know what he's talking about.
We keep moving, please?
How do you know my son?
I know a thing or two
about Ben.
I know he has five years
and currently Ronson, eight.
What did you say?
He is quite fragile, is not it?
- Especially now, is not Clark?
- Shut your damn mouth!
How do you know Ben?
I know everything about everyone.
So, when someone gets out of line,
I can be there.
And I'm watching you
long, boy.
Keep walking.
What's going on?
As he knows Ben?
I do not know
I must have said something to him before.
He knows where he studies, Clark.
Summer, it's crazy
Listen, you and I have
to be united now, okay?
It is here, ladies.
What is this?
My God.
You killed all those people?
I have never killed a person
in my life.
All these souls
did it themselves.
If it makes you feel better,
all of them deserved it.
Great, has already shown us.
Now, as we get out?
I have not shown anything yet.
It's time to give
a closer look.
I will not do
these games with you.
Not a game, Tarzan and Jane.
He said he would help him after
show and that's going to be.
Can you hold for me down?
Of course.
Thank you, Jane.
God has made community
To live as brothers
Arm, all together
We walked without stopping
Jesus Christ is with us
He is young as we
Shut up, I'm losing
patience here!
Praise the Lord
Say what is happening.
Glory, glory, hallelujah
Glory, glory, hallelujah
Glory, glory, hallelujah
Praise the Lord
Dead man walking!
Dead man walking!
What is this?
His final resting place.
The final resting place
Clark, where is Ben?
Tell her, Clark.
- Tell where Benny is.
- Where is Ben?
Now is the time.
Finally, open your heart.
Open your heart!
Clark, where is Ben?
Where is he?
Where is Ben?
Where is Ben?
Where is his stepson, son?
Tell me where is Ben! Where is Benny?
Tell me where is Ben!
Tell me where he is!
It is time to tell the truth?
You will tell the truth,
open your heart.
Clark, please!
Tell me where he is.
But you will not.
Where is Ben?
Where is Ben?
It was Summer.
- No!
- He's gone.
No, you're lying!
This is not happening.
This is the destination
the journey of his life, Clark.
This is the consequence
everything you've done.
Clark, please.
tell me what is happening.
You have sinned ...
and this is the return of the misery that launched
on the other thousands of times.
What sin?
I never did anything!
You do not, but he.
No. No!
No, no, no!
"Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women.
Blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners ...
and at the hour
of our death, Amen. "
It's okay.
All right, dear.
He suffered for sins
her husband.
It's not for me
tell what he did.
Just know that all
What happens here today ...
has the approval of God
and only Him.
Should you trust in God, sister.
Believe in the Almighty.
Give me the gun, Summer.
Give me the gun.
Who are you?
Summer, it's me, baby.
What are you doing?
Who are you?
What did you do?
I did not do anything, Summer.
I do not know who is speaking.
What did you do?
Honey, what are you doing?
He says it's his fault.
So what did you do?
Summer, did nothing.
I know, Clark.
I did nothing.
What did you do?
You do not know me.
My son is dead, Clark!
What did you do?
Whatever I say!
I just want to know what you did.
I can not tell you.
I can not, Summer.
Just tell me what you did.
Tell the truth, Clark.
"For the truth shall make you free."
I just want to know.
I know the truth hurts, baby.
But the lies ...
lies kill.
Just tell me what you did.
I. ..
I can not.
Tell me.
Tell me! Tell me!
Say what you did!
I can not tell you, Summer.
Point and squeeze.
I'm sorry.
I can not tell.
I'm sorry.
"Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy name.
Come to Thy kingdom.
Be done Thy will,
on earth as in heaven
Bread our daily
Give us today.
Forgive us our trespasses as
we forgive those who trespass against us.
Lead us not into temptation.
But deliver us from evil.
Lead us not into temptation.
Amen Amen "
What did he do?
It's not for me to say.
I can only say it was bad.
And why me?
Why am I being punished?
Your sin is apathy.
Somewhere deep in your soul,
you know what it was ...
and yet did nothing.
And so you betrayed us all.
I wish it could come with me.
Who are you?
I am the future of the world!
But the world
not know it yet.
In every life there is a choice.
A fork in the road.
There is the path of righteousness
and the path of sin.
You can walk the path of sin
for many days.
You can even start to like it.
Until one day you see me,
coming your way.
And when you do,
you better come back and run.
Back to the bifurcation
and take the other road.
Where are you going, dear?
Where you are, dear.
Because if we cross paths
is too late.
And I'll burn it.
- Thank you.
- Nothing.