Blood Runs Cold (2011)

Hi, Winona. This is James.
How're you holding up?
Yeah, I'm still on the road.
I've got a rough weather here
but I'm fine now.
What about you?
Well, I'm good, thank you.
Hope you get there soon.
You'll love to make the bargain.
But I wanted to check if you're still up for
the interview tommorow?
Look, I've been thinking and I...
I want you to cancel it for me.
Come on, Winona.
It'll will only take an hour.
It'll be fun
No, you listen to me now!
You rent me a house and...
I'm going to stay there for two weeks.
After that...
You can schedule me on anything you want.
I know Winona but...
I'll always help you when you get here.
I'm going to hang up now.
- Talk to you later.
- Wait just one second Winona...
The calculated route contains one or
more unsurfaced roads.
Perform a U-turn when possible.
And how am I supposed to get in
without a key?
Cheap bastard.
Hello? Anyone?
Hi there. What can I get you?
Umm, white wine. Thanks!
Alright, anything to eat?
Here you go.
I was just sitting there in my office, right...
and this ugly fucker comes in.
You know, with an attitude.
And he starts telling me, you know, like...
" I'm going to hold you personally responsible
for the damage to my car "
You know, a caveman.
And you know I try to be diplomatic...
...and tell him that's not really how it works.
And I start telling him about our policy.
And he says..." You know you can take that policy..."
"...and shove it up your ass."
You know, pissed off as hell.
- You know what I tell him?
- No, what did you say man?
I said " That's a fucking excellent idea man! "
So I jump up on the table,
I pull my pants down...
...and I held up all the papers
like a holy scroll...
...and I said " Shove it up there! "
" Come on big guy, you can do it! "
You fucking didn't do that man...
I swear to God I did.
No, he did not.
You never believe me. I did.
Don't they fire you for saying that?
That's not the point, Liz.
Anyway, so...
This guy flips off and he leaves.
You know the sad thing?
That was the best moment
that I've ever had on that shitty job.
I know, man.
It sucks to be an ass kisser.
All the time.
It does, but I mean you know...
Your best memories from the job
is not supposed to be some kind of...
Hey Rick!
Isn't that your ex-girlfriend?
You know... who left you for a job.
What was her name?
- It's Winona.
- Right...
Yeah, Winona.
You should go to her.
He's going to put in some smooth moves!
You should try that sometime.
- Oh, what?
- What do you mean what?
Oh, come on. You're pissed at me again
I can see that.
- Yeah.
- What did I do?
What did you do?
You know what you did.
Oh, you think I flipped you off?
Umm, yeah, you kind of did.
Okay. I'm sorry.
Please don't leave me!
Take me back!
I promise to...
Come here, come on!
Hey, Winona!
Hi! Rick!
- I didn't expect to see you here.
- I'm glad to see you again!
So, what are you doing here, you know
how are things going?
I'm doing okay.
so you're still working with your dad?
Yep. Still working with my dad...
Hey, I've read an interview with you in a magazine.
- Oh yeah?
- Yeah. It was...
Oh, which one was it?
Anyway I don't remember but...
There was a great picture of you in it.
So, do you want to drink or something?
Yeah, sure.
I'm really happy to be able to work with
what I always wanted to do, you know?
and I have a lot of people supporting me....
even if sometimes...
Well... can't be too much.
But let's not talk about me no more.
What about you?
Yeah. There must've been some girls
since we were together...
- Nah.
- Come on!
No, I don't know about that.
You know how it is in this town.
- Yeah, I know.
- Everybody knows everybody.
It's just...
You were always this great guy
taking care of everyone...
to be honest...
I really missed you.
Yeah? You have?
I'm here with Carl...
...and his girlfriend Liz.
They're sitting over there.
- I haven't seen him before.
- No.
I've known him for a while
thru my dad's work.
Big fucking udders, yeah big udders!
Spring milk over everyone, you know...
Carl seems like a real gentleman
Yeah, I think he's like a dream.
So, how long are you planning to stay?
- Hey man, you haven't introduced us yet.
- I'm sorry.
- This is...
- Carl, Rick's best friend.
- Hi. Winona, nice to meet you.
- and his girlfriend...
- Winona.
- Liz.
So maybe we should leave
'cause this place sucks ass.
- Where do you want to go, man?
- I don't know. Anywhere, man.
I don't give a shit.
Well, I really don't know if there's anything open.
Let's go to the party.
Where the fuck do we go?
Do you have to swear all the time, Carl?
Fuck you.
I can call Tim and see what he's up to.
No, don't call Tim.
He's boring as fuck.
We can always go to my place
if you guys want to see a creepy old house.
Are you kidding?
Fuck yeah, we do.
Rick, for real?
Yeah, it's really creepy.
- Okay. Awesome!
- Are you really sure about that?
Oh, don't be such a drag.
Come on, it'll be fun.
You know, we don't want to get
in your way and stuff.
No. It'll be great!
Besides, I could use some company.
Yeah, you don't want to be alone
in that scary house.
No, it is lonely, you can tell.
Come on, seriously, let's go!
Let's fucking leave.
My manager rented me a place
to get away for a while.
He said it'd be a good idea to
go back for a couple of weeks
to where I grew up.
I don't remember being here before.
Wait till you see the house!
- It's so old and creepy and it's still in town.
- For real?
Yeah, I was really surprised when I saw it.
It's weird than most places.
It can't be that bad if you have
the whole house to yourself.
We'll see.
Well, here we are.
This is nice and warm.
Wow, what a place!
- Can you help me with some things in the kitchen?
- Yeah, sure.
- Guys, make yourselves feel comfortable.
- Certainly, we'll try!
- Liz, is this song okay?
- Yeah, sure.
What a fucking house!
Look at this old stuff.
Can you imagine living out here?
Well, I can imagine making sex with you.
- You're so funny!
- Yeah, I know. I'm fucking funny!
Give me a kiss.
So, what are you supposed to do out here?
Didn't you hate the winter?
Well, I know it sounds strange but
the house makes me relax when I'm here.
And I really need this.
Things have been a bit too much lately.
I'm thinking about moving away from here.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
What about your dad?
Is he going to be alright by himself?
My dad?
My dad is talking about retirement and
I should move on as well, you know.
I've got some friends in France
that want me to work with them.
Since when did you want to go to France?
Thank you!
- My God!
- No, save it.
I thought I heard something strange there.
Was that you, Carl?
You can't be in everything?
- Here you go.
- Thanks.
- You know...
- This place reminds me of your...
- Yeah, this is the best.
And the cop pulled me away and
I realized that I had a flat tire.
and I didn't have my spare tire with me 'cause...
- I'm going out for a little.
- Okay.
So anyways, it was freaking cold
and I had about six miles till...
I don't remember this.
Oh, Carl, it's getting pretty late and...
I don't want to be boring but we should call and get a cab.
You guys can crash here.
If you want.
- Really?
- I have an extra bedroom upstairs.
Really? Awesome! Thank you.
- Sweet.
- An extra bedroom. Did you hear that?
I wonder what I could possibly
do to you up there.
- I need to talk to you.
- Yeah, coming.
- Hey man.
- What's up buddy?
So, Winona told us we could stay for the night.
It makes me wonder...
...what are you going to do about it?
Is that really such a good idea?
You know, you staying here?
You've been together with her before, man.
It shouldn't be too hard for you, man.
Yeah, but... that was different, man.
Different how?
Did you tell her about the apartment?
It's different now, right?
You know, she broke up with me and...
Let's just leave that behind, alright?
Rick, the knight in shining fucking armor...
Listen to me.
Fuck France and all that shit.
You are here now.
The way I see it you really got a shot.
Don't ask me how man
but that's the way it seems.
The way I see it you've got three options.
One... you can just lie on the couch
and masturbate.
Or two... you can try and actually
get together with her again.
Because it seems to me
she would actually like that.
Well you know there's the third option
where you can join me and Liz ...
for a threesome.
You and Liz?
Why not? We're open minded man!
- We all play sometimes.
- Do you?
Well... yeah.
We don't need to get into that.
The point is...
Honestly, with Winona. Talk to her.
I think you got a shot.
Take it.
Good night, Rick.
Whatever you may think about me...
I'm glad that we ran into each other again.
Yeah, me too.
Look, uh...
I'll sleep on the couch.
But if you feel like it...
you know where to find me.
Good night, Richard.
Good night.
How can it get so fucking cold?
What the fuck.
What the fuck.
Is that you?
Where are you?
Carl, is that you?
Hey come on...
Stop fooling around. It's not funny.
Rick! Winona!
Come on, you motherfucker!
Come on, buddy. Where are you?
Hope you like the house. Call me when you can,
people have been asking about you
need to discuss things. Best - J
Is that you?
I'm outside your house, just wanted
to drop off some stuff
but I don't see your car anywhere,
where are you? - J
Hi, this is Winona. Leave me a message
and I'll call you back.
Hi Winona I have tried calling you many times,
starting to get worried.
Please call me back when you see this.
Best - J
- Did you find her?
- I was just down at the house.
- Any call?
- No, I'm sure she's fine.
- Did you talk to her?
- She just wants to be left alone.
- Yeah, if you say so...
- Listen...
I'm on the way back to the office.
and we can...
Hey, wait a second.
I'm gonna have to call you back.
Put it down!