Blood Simple (1984)

The world is full
of complainers.
The fact is,
nothing comes with aguarantee.
I don't care if you're
the pope of Rome,
president of the United States
or man of the year.
Something can always go wrong.
Go ahead, you know, complain,
tell your problems
to your neighbor,
ask for help
and watch him fly.
Now, in Russia,
they got it mapped out...
so that everyone pulls
for everyone else.
That's the theory anyway.
What I know about is Texas.
Down here,
you're on your own.
He gave me a little
for our first anniversary.
Figured I'd better leave
before I used it on him.
I just don't know how
you can stand him.
I'm only an employee.
I ain't married to him.
It's just...
I don't know.
Sometimes I think
maybe there's something
wrong with him.
Like maybe he's sick...
Or is it maybe me,
do you think?
Listen, l...
I ain't
a marriage counselor.
I don't know
what goes on.
I don't wanna know.
But I like you.
I always liked you.
What are you gonna do
in Houston?
I'll figure
something out.
How come you offered
to drive me in this mess?
I told you.
I like you.
I never knew that.
Well, now you do.
Stop the car, Ray!
You know that car?
What's the matter?
I don't know.
I just think maybe
I'm making a mistake.
What was that
back there?
Back where?
That sign.
I don't know.
Did you mean
what you said before?
Or were you just being
a gentleman?
Abby, I like you.
But it's no point
in starting anything now.
- I mean, I ain't a marriage counselor.
- Yeah.
What do you wanna do?
What do you wanna do?
Having a good time?
Who is this?
I don't know.
Who's this?
You still there?
Yeah, I'm still here.
Who was it?
Your husband.
#Put your sweet lips#
#A little closer
to the phone#
#And let's pretend
that we're together#
#All alone#
#Tell the man
to turn the jukebox#
#Way down low#
I know where you
can get those framed.
Why'd you take these?
What do you mean?
Just doin' my job.
You called me.
I knew they were there.
Why'd you take 'em?
I don't know.
Call it a fringe benefit.
How long
you watch 'em?
Most of the night.
They'd rest
every few minutes, then...
they'd get started again.
Quite somethin'.
Hmm. You know in Greece...
they would cut off the head
of the messenger
that brought the bad news.
That don't make much sense.
Made them feel better.
Well, first off,
I don't know what
the story is in Greece,
but in this state
we got very definite laws
about that.
I'm not a messenger.
I'm a private investigator.
And third
and most important,
it ain't such bad news.
I mean, you thought
he was colored.
You're always
assumin' the worst.
Anything else?
Don't come around here
If I need ya,
I'll know what rock
to turn over.
That's good!
"What rock to turn over."
Very, very good!
Give me a call whenever
you wanna cut off my head.
I can always crawl around
without it.
We'll be back after a spell.
Hope you will be too.
Hold it, hold it.
#You're sweet
as a honeybee#
#But like
a honeybee's sting#
Where was I?
You were telling me
about the Ring of Fire.
Oh, yeah, right. Look.
You got all these volcanoes,
And every time one goes "pop,"
you got the equivalent of what?
- Twenty, thirty megatons of T.N.T.
- Meurice.
Yeah, I know, Marty,
pour'em short.
Did Ray come in yet?
You know
it's his night off.
Where was he last night?
How would I know
where he was last night?
I don't know.
Didn't he call?
Marty, this is, um,
an old friend of mine,
this is Debra.
Debra, this is julian Marty.
- Deuce in the corner needs help.
- Right.
How long
you known Meurice?
About ten years.
Ten years.
What are you doin'
Goin' out
with Meurice.
Tell him
you have a headache.
I'll pass.
We don't seem to be...
Look, you wanna hustle me?
I don't wanna be hustled.
You don't?
It's as simple as that.
Oh, it's as simple
as that.
Meurice, I'm not here
if Ray comes, okay?
- Right.
- Right.
Nice guy.
Not really.
What'd you say
your last name was?
Let's get outta here.
You get what you wanted?
Let's get outta here.
Drive me to a motel?
You can stay at my place.
I'll drop you there.
Where are you going?
See a guy.
Ray, don't go to the bar.
I know him.
It ain't a good idea.
I've just gotta see
a guy.
#Sweet dreams of you#
So, it's a deal.
You and your colleagues
find a way to harness this
vast volcanic energy,
and I just sit back and watch
these shit kickers go broke.
Howdy, stranger.
Meurice, sorry about
last night.
No sweat. Wasn't too busy.
You missed a good one though.
This white guy walks in
about 1:00 and asks if we have
a discount for alcoholics.
I tell him to get lost.
Now, Marty's here and I can tell
he's thinking that maybe
that ain't such a bad idea.
Well, what?
What "what"?
Am I fired?
You wanna hit me, what?
I don't particularly
want to talk to you.
you're not gonna fire me,
I might as well quit.
Suit yourself.
Having a good time?
I don't like
this kind of talk.
What'd you come here for?
You owe me for two weeks.
She's an expensive piece
of ass.
But you get a refund
if you tell me who else
she's been sluicing.
I want that money.
You got somethin' to tell me,
You a fucking
marriage counselor?
What are you smilin' at?
I'm funny, right?
I'm an asshole?
No, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no.
That's not what's funny.
What's funny is her.
What's funny is that
I had you two followed...
because if it's not you
she's sleeping with,
it's someone else.
And what's
really gonna be funny...
is when she gives you
that innocent look and says,
"I don't know what
you're talkin' about, Ray.
I ain't
done anything funny."
But the funniest thing
to me right now...
is that you think
that she came back here
for you.
That's what's
fucking funny!
Come on this property again,
I'll be forced to shoot you.
Fair notice.
Hey, Marty?
Marty, thought you were dead.
You goin' home?
I'm staying right here
in hell.
It's kind of a bleak
point of view,
isn't it, Marty?
I don't want the asshole
near my money.
And I don't want him
in the bar.
We get a lot of assholes
in here, Marty.
- Who was it?
- What?
On the phone.
Was it for you?
I don't know.
He didn't say anything.
How'd you know
it was a he?
You got a girl?
Am I screwing something up
by being here?
Am I?
I can find a place tomorrow,
and I'll be out of your hair.
If that's what you wanna do
then you oughta do it.
You, uh...
You want the bed
or the couch?
couch will be all right.
You can sleep on the bed
if you want.
I'm not gonna put you
outta your bed.
Wouldn't be puttin' me out.
I'll be all right here.
Lover-boy oughta lock
his door.
Lotta nuts out there.
Let's do it outside...
in nature, hmm?
I'd like to have seen his face
when he found the dead end.
Hey, mister,
how'd you break
your pussy finger?
I'm sorry, sweetheart,
my date is here.
She saw me rolling a cigarette,
thought it was marijuana.
Thought I was a swinger.
Isn 't that wild?
Stick your finger
up the wrong person's ass?
You know, you know,
a friend of mine
a while back broke his hand,
put in a cast.
The very next day he falls,
protects his bad hand
and he breaks his good one.
He breaks that too,
you know?
Now he's got
two busted flippers.
So I says to him...
I said, "Creighton,
I hope your wife
really loves you.
'Cause for the next
five weeks, you can't even
wipe your own goddamn ass."
That's a test.
Test of true love.
- I got a job for you.
Well, if the pay's right
and it's legal,
I'll do it.
It's not strictly legal.
Well, if the pay's right,
I'll do it.
It's in reference
to that gentleman and my wife.
The more I think about it,
the more irritated I get.
Could you tell me what it is
you want me to do,
or is it a secret?
It's no joke.
You want me to kill'em.
Well what?
What do you think?
You're an idiot.
So this wouldn't...
wouldn't interest you, huh?
I didn't say that.
All I said was
you're an idiot.
Hell, you've been thinkin'
about it for so much,
it's driving you simple.
I'll give you $10,000.
I'm supposed to...
do a murder...
two murders...
trust you not to go simple
on me...
and do something stupid.
I mean really stupid.
Now why should I trust you?
For the money.
The money.
that's a right smart
of money.
In Russia,
they make only 50 cent
a day.
I want you, uh,
to go fishing.
Go down to Corpus
for a few days.
Get yourself noticed.
I'll give you a call
when it's done.
You just find a way
to cover that money.
I'll take care of the money.
You make sure those bodies
aren't found.
There's a big incinerator
behind my place.
So you want
like a town house?
Your own apartment?
I show you around.
You sure this apartment
is vacant, Mrs. Esteves?
Oh, yes.
I was just explaining
to him...
that he moved out yesterday.
Don't mind Mr. Garcia.
He used to be my brother-in-law.
Looks like the state legislature
is out of session.
Yeah, I thought
this was where they met.
Listen, you're gonna help me
with a problem.
I am?
You're gonna keep an eye
on Marty and Ray.
Make sure nothing happens.
let's show our appreciation
for Lorraine up there,
a registered nurse
from Bolton, Texas.
How 'bout it, gentlemen?
Thanks, Meurice.
Any time.
Hey, you don't have to worry
'bout a thing for a while.
Marty went to Corpus yesterday.
He's in the house.
He's in the house!
What's the matter?
Could've sworn
I heard somethin'.
Door's locked.
There's nothing there.
I guess we wouldn't
have heard anything
if it had been him.
He's real careful.
Fact is...
he's anal, Ray.
He told me once himself.
He said to me...
"In here...
Abby, in here I'm anal."
Well, I'll be damned.
I couldn't believe it myself.
Me, on the other hand,
I got lots of personality.
Marty said I had too much.
But he was never big
on personality.
He sent me to
a psychiatrist once to see
if he could calm me down some.
And what happened?
Psychiatrist said I was
the healthiest person
he ever met so Marty fired him.
I don't think you can fire
a psychiatrist, exactly.
I never saw him again.
I can tell you that much.
I said, "Marty,
how come you're anal
and I gotta go
to the psychiatrist?"
What did he say?
Just like you.
He doesn't say much.
Except when he doesn 't say
things, they're usually nasty.
And when you don't,
they're usually nice.
You ever get tired?
Oh, yeah, I guess.
Catch any fish?
Catch any fish?
Yeah, yeah.
What kind
of fish?
Listen, is it done?
Yes, sir.
You owe me some money.
If you're fucking with me,
you'll regret it.
They look good.
You want a couple?
Just the 10,000
will be fine.
Got something
to show me first?
So it would seem.
What'd you do
with the bodies?
It's taken care of.
The less you know about it,
the better.
I don't believe it.
I'm gonna be sick.
I'm gonna want
that picture back.
- You did say somethin'
about the money.
- Yeah, the money.
Somethin' I gotta ask you,
I've been very,
very careful.
Have you been very,
very careful?
Of course.
Nobody knows
you hired me?
Don't be stupid.
I'm not about
to tell anyone.
We have to learn
to be discreet.
Trust each other.
For richer...
for poorer.
Don't say that.
Your marriages
don't turn out so hot.
How did you cover
the money?
It's been taken care of.
The less you know about it,
the better.
I made a call.
It'll be all right.
You must've gone
money simple.
A murder like this,
it's too risky.
Then you shouldn't
have done it.
Can't have it both ways.
Count it...
and go.
I trust ya.
Who looks stupid now?
What's the matter,
you deaf?
Marty, ya home?
What night is tonight?
What night is tonight?
Tuesday night is Ladies' Night.
Tuesday night is Ladies' Night.
All your drinks are free.
#You're sweet
as a honeybee#
#But like a honeybee stings#
#You've gone and left
my heart in pain#
#All you left
is our favorite song#
#The one we danced to
all night long#
#It used to bring
sweet memories#
#Of a tender love
that used to be#
#But it's the same olds ong#
#But with a different meaning
since you been gone#
#It's the same old song#
#But with a different meaning
since you been gone#
#I, oh, l... #
#But the melody
keeps haunting me#
#Reminding me how
in love we used to be#
#Keep hearing the part
that used to touch
my heart#
#Saying, together forever
Breaking up never#
#It's the same old song#
#But with a different meaning
since you been gone#
#It's the same old song#
#But with a different meaning
since you been gone#
...eighty percent
in the last three years.
What's more,
in two years' time,
we'll be experiencing
what's known as
The Jupiter Effect...
when all the planets
of the known universe
will align up...
'causin' an incredible buildup
of destructive gravitational
Nowin Matthew, Chapter Six,
Verse 18,
the Lord out and tells us...
that these are the signs...
by which we shall know
that He is at our door.
There are many good people
who disagree with me,
but it's my belief
that this Antichrist...
is alive today...
and livin' in
the ten-nation alliance
I spoke of...
This is WKLj midnight.
I'm john Mucee.
These are requests here
we had to dig for.
Abby, you all right?
Ray? What time is it?
I don't know.
It's early.
I love you.
You all right?
I don't know.
I better get off now.
Well, I'll see ya.
And thanks, Ray.
Hey, Ray.
- Why didn't you get into bed?
- I didn't think I could sleep.
I'm surprised
you could.
You called me this morning.
I just wanted to let you know
that everything is all right.
Took care of everything.
Now all we have to do
is keep our heads.
What do you mean?
I know about it,
- I went to the bar last night.
- What happened?
Was Meurice there?
He didn't see me,
Nobody saw me.
- Is it cold in here?
- Well, what happened?
I cleaned it all up.
But that ain't important.
What's important
is what we do now.
We can't go around half-cocked.
What we need is, uh,
time to think about this...
figure it out.
We got some time now.
But we gotta be smart.
- Ray...
- Never point a gun at anyone
unless you mean to shoot him.
And if you shoot him,
you better make sure he's dead.
'Cause if he ain't dead,
he's gonna try and kill you.
The only thing
they taught us in the service
that's worth a goddamn.
Where in the hell's
my windbreaker?
just tell me what happened.
That ain't important.
What's important is that
we did it. That's
the only thing that matters.
We both did it for each other.
That's what's important.
I don't know
what you're talking about.
I mean,
what are you talking about?
I haven't done anything funny.
What was that?
You ain't even acting
like yourself.
First you call me 5 in the a.m.,
saying all kinds of nice things
on the phone.
And then you come
charging in here
scaring me half to death...
without even telling me
what I'm supposed
to be scared of.
If you two had a fight
or something, I don't care.
Just as long as...
Pick it up.
Well, that was him.
- Who?
- Marty.
What's going on
with you two?
All right.
You can call him back,
whoever it was.
I'll get out of your way.
You left your weapon behind.
Hi, Meurice.
This is Helene.
Helene Trend, you know?
I'm calling 'cause I wanna
know what the remark about
Sylvia is supposed to mean.
She says you're full of shit,
and, frankly, I believe her.
And, hey, I love you too.
You better call me soon...
'cause I'm going to
South America tonight...
Listen, asshole.
It's Marty.
I just got back
from Corpus Christi,
and a lot of money's
missing from the safe...
a lot of money.
I'm not saying you took it,
but the place was
your responsibility.
And I told you to keep
an eye on your asshole friend.
Don't come to the bar tonight.
I got some busi...
Damn. What is this?
The bar's still
gonna be closed tonight.
I've got some other business
to take care of.
But tomorrow I wanna
have a word with you...
and with Ray,
if you can find him.
I hope you're planning
on leaving town.
- You got a problem, Meurice?
- No, but you do, cowboy.
Have you been to the bar?
You shouldn't have
taken the fuckin' money!
Look at me, man.
I'm serious.
You broke in the bar
and you ripped off
the fuckin' safe.
Abby warned me about you.
You know what your problem is?
You're too fuckin' obvious.
The only two people
with the combination
are you and me and Abby, maybe.
These fucking things
are nothing but coffin nails.
Hey, look, Ray.
I don't give a shit, you know?
I know Marty's a hard-on,
but you gotta do something...
say you're sorry,
give the money back,
get the fuck
out of here or something.
It's very humiliating,
preaching about this bullshit.
But I'm not laughing,
Ray Bob, so you know
it's no fucking joke.
Lover-boy oughta
lock the door.
I love you.
That's a stupid thing
to say, right?
I love you too.
You're just saying that
because you're scared.
You left your weapon behind.
He'll kill you too.
Where is everything?
In the trunk.
In the car.
- You leavin'?
- Isn't that what you want?
- Wanna come with me?
- I gotta know
what happened first.
What you wanna know?
You broke into the bar.
You wanted to get your money,
and you and Marty had a fight,
and somethin' hap...
I don't know.
Wasn't it you?
- Maybe a burglar broke in...
- With your gun?
Nobody broke in, Abby.
I'll tell you the truth.
The truth is...
I've been feeling sick
the last couple of days.
Can't sleep.
Can't eat.
When I try...
The truth is...
he was alive when I buried him.
Just a second!
what's the matter?
I think Marty's dead.
Can I come in?
That's bullshit.
Marty called me
after he was jacked up.
I don't know where Marty is,
but he's not dead.
Now, you relax,
and I'll go find him.
And stay away from Ray.
The guy's gone nuts.
Turn it off.
Just turn it off.
- No curtains
on the windows.
- So?
- I think someone's watching.
- So what'll they see?
Just leave it off.
He can see in.
If you do anything,
the neighbors will hear.
You think...
Abby, I meant it...
when I called.
I love you too.
You're scared.
All right.
You got some
personal property of mine.
Now, what did you do...
I don't know
what the hell you two thought
you were gonna pull off.
I'm not afraid of you, Marty.
Well, ma'am, if I see him,
I'll sure give him the message.
#You're sweet
as a honeybee#
#But like a honeybee stings
You've gone and left my heart
in pain#
#All you left
is our favorite song#
#The one we danced to
all night long#
#It used to bring
sweet memories#
#Of a tender love
that used to be#
#Now it's the same old song#
#But with a different meaning
since you been gone#
#Now it's the same old song#
#But with a different meaning
since you been gone#
#Ah, oh, ah#
#Sentimental fool am l#
#To hear an old love song
and wanna cry#
#But the melody
keeps haunting me#
#Reminding me how
in love we used to be#
#Keep hearing the part
that used to touch
our hearts#
#Saying, together forever
Breaking up never#
#It's the same old song#
#But with a different meaning
since you been gone#
#It's the same old song#
#But with a different meaning
since you been gone#
#We used to dance
to the music#
#Make romance to the music#
#Now it's the same old song#
#But with a different meaning
since you been gone#
#It's the same old song#
#But with a different meaning
since you been gone#
#I, oh, I
Can't bear to hear it#
#It's the same old song#
#But with a different meaning
since you been gone#
#It's the same old song#
#But with a different meaning
since you been gone#