Blood: The Last Vampire (2009)

We don't have much time.
Go to work.
Something wrong?
Every blood-sucker you kill
brings us one step closer.
I'm not here for those bottom feeders!
It's only a matter of time...
and patience!
Jesus Christ!
- Hey! Something's not right.
- What?
There ain't no blood-sucker in there.
He's human.
It didn't have the time
to transform, that's all.
You're gonna take her word for it?
What if she just screwed up?
Saya. That's enough.
Get some rest.
I'll be at the hotel tomorrow.
The little bitch is out of control!
We need her.
Saya is all we've got.
We're done here.
Let's go.
Three deaths on the American air base
within a week.
Our Cleaners got there in time.
No one saw the bodies.
The underlings are feeding.
Well you know the old saying:
"when the hungry demons feed
without discretion... "
"... Onigen is near. "
You're about to get your wish.
To face the leader of the pack.
The plan?
The council wants you on the base.
To find more leads.
I don't investigate.
I kill.
Be my guest.
Kill the bottom feeders
and lure out Onigen.
But this time,
let the blood mutate.
I was never wrong.
Doesn't hurt to be cautious, that's all.
And, don't blow your cover
unless absolutely necessary.
The Elder pulled up all the strings
to arrange this.
What's that?
It's a new outfit...
You know, dad, you don't have to
drive me to school everyday.
I can walk.
Don't be silly. It's my only chance
to spend some time with you.
Everyone else walks.
You're not everyone, sweetie.
I'm not a kid either.
Is that why you did it?
To prove that you're all grown up?
Did what?
I was hoping you'd come clean.
That's what grown-ups do, you know.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Well I...
I guess it must've been Franck.
What do you say, Franck?
Was it you who took my car out
for a spin last night?
No, Sir.
Did you sneak off the base
and boogie at the Hippy Shake
until four?
No, Sir.
I can not believe this.
You're spying on me?
I don't have to Alice.
You're my daughter.
People know you and people talk.
Ok, yeah, I'm... sorry,
I should have told you. Just...
You're always busy, day and night,
working on your second star.
You've got to understand we're at war.
We're all at risk, even here.
This is your war, not mine.
That's enough, Alice.
Hey! watch where you're going,
Yes, sir!
Alice would you come back here!
So class, let's give our new classmate
a warm welcome.
Here we go... hem...
Saya, would you care to take
that desk over there?
Good! Now I know you've all been doing
your homework, and you've prepared...'s readings, which will be from
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.
Okey dokey we're gonna start on page 135.
She must be lost...
thinks it's a navy base?
I can't believe they let a jap enroll here.
Oh, next thing you know
they'll think they own the place.
Like Adam, I was created...
Yes sir,
Our story stands
They think it's a CIA plan.
Frankenstein's monster compares
himself with both Adam and Lucifer.
Can you tell me why, Liz?
Hem... 'Cause both Adam and Lucifer
were created by God?
but these are opposite ends of
good and evil... Uh,
to which end does the Monster belong?
To whom, does he reach out
in his anger?
Saya, would you care to join
our discussion?
Me No English...
Yes Alice?
Anger is what makes the monster human.
It's neither good or evil.
Uh, he was abandonned by his creator
just like lucifer.
So God and Victor Frankenstein
both deserted their creations
not because they were imperfect,
but because they reminded them of
their own imperfections...
That's very interesting.
So, do you think that
God is an irresponsible father figure?
- She must be thinking about her dad.
- What did you say?
Piss off the princess and next thing
you know her dad will court-marshall you!
Oh, it's not my fault,
please don't send me to the chair...
- Yes, now can we
- Grow up!
settle down please,
come on, let... let's be nice.
Uh, George,
could you read the next paragraph?
Accursed creator!
Why did you form a monster
so hideous that even you turned
from me in disgust?
God, in pity made man
beautiful and alluring...
Concentrate Alice,
let the mind lead the body.
That's it for today.
What's our motto, team Lupin?
That's the spirit.
I need your help with this,
ok, for the team, understand?
...I think so...
You're dragging down the whole team.
I want you to stay and, practice.
But I have to...
Don't think you'll get a special treatment
just because you're the general's daughter.
I didn't say that.
- I'll spar with Alice.
- And I will be the ref.
No I'II, practice on my own.
Gotta think of the team.
Think of the tournament next week.
- Make a wolf of Alice for me girls.
- Yes, Mr. Powell.
Bring it on...
What are you doing?
We tried very very hard
to ignore you.
But you just keep getting on our nerves!
Are you insane!
Secure that vehicle!
- Who are they?
- We don't know yet sir.
Step out!
Unlock the doors and step out right now!
- Hey pal! What do you think you're doing?
- Stop right there, fellow.
Ho ho, easy, big guy!
Do we look like viet-congs?
You keep your hands
where I can see 'em, wiseass!
Is that necessary?
General. Michael Harrison,
Director of Operations, C.I.A.
Those men work for us.
- What are you spooks doing on my base?
- That's classified.
Langley sent us to assist
with the war effort.
In what capacity?
Last time I checked,
D.C. doesn't come under you jurisdic...
- Am I talking to you?
- General?
My superior will call you shortly.
Now I suggest we all calm down
and handle this like the professionals
we are. Shall we?
You keep an eye on'em, Franck.
Yes sir.
They were here...
I saw them.
Sharon and...
Linda's head was...
It's ok sweetie, you're safe now.
That's all that matters.
I saw them.
The japanese girl, Franck.
Why was she in our school?
Washington arranged her enrollment sir.
Well, registrar says her name is Saya,
she's the daughter of Motoki Shishikura,
a soon-to-be appointed ambassador to D.C.
You confirm that with our local liaison.
You get a warrant issue to find her.
They cleaned it all up!
Dad look, it's still wet.
We've got to find out
what these guys are doing, Franck.
That could be a problem, sir.
We don't have the authority
to detain Agency personnel.
I'll deal with that.
...I respectfully disagree, Sir!
Then I will have to file an official
complain with the Pentagon...
I understand, Sir.
Dad, Whoever they are,
they've covered up two murders,
you can't let them go!
Cut'em loose, Franck...
Yes sir.
Stand down!
you son of a bitch!
What's wrong with you?
Taunting McKee like that?
In case you didn't notice,
they pulled their guns on me.
We've got to clean up this mess,
or the council will have our heads!
What was the Elder thinking anyway
sending Saya into a high school?
She's older than all of us combined!
The Elder wants to see us.
Something was wrong with them!
Linda's blood was...
Sweetie. You're still in shock,
it's understandable.
You go get some sleep.
You have to believe me!
Mr. Powell knows something!
How can he know anything
if he wasn't even there?
Now would you just go
get some sleep!
Dad, you're wrong!
Alice, that's enough!
Look! Would you just leave it
to the grown-ups!
We'll talk in the morning.
Frank! What do you have?
Ya, just as I said. If there were to be a new
ambassador, I would have been briefed...
Guys with sunglasses and funny hats wave
their cheaps badges around,
and I'm supposed to believe
they're sent by Langley?
Do whatever you have to, find out
who they are and what the hell
they're doing on my base!
Everything according to plan?
Yes, sir.
Rumor has it McKee was calling
Langley and Washington,
very curious about both of you.
Was that part of your plan?
We had a run-in with him, yes.
Having American friends in high places
doesn't mean I'm Uncle Sam.
A little discretion would be nice.
The Council has to remain anonymous.
Our American connections
cannot risk exposure.
Don't get too cozy playing CIA.
I'll take care of it.
Leave it to me.
You have my word, sir.
Here's something to curb your appetite.
A plane crashed in the Okutama Mountains
this morning.
Those are the crew members on board.
What's left of them, anyway.
This is Onigen's work.
Those photos were taken before
we cleaned up the scene. No one else knows.
She's here.
- She took the bate.
- Yes.
Now, Onigen's here, blood will be shed.
I'm sorry sir. Ma'am.
The Onsen opens twenty four hours.
Feel free to enjoy anytime.
Anything else you need?
I see you have no luggage.
Observant and caring.
Your wife is a lucky lady.
If only she thinks so!
She and my daughter are preparing dinner.
It will be ready soon in the dining hall.
I can't believe that!
I'm sorry.
Come out and play, my children.
The feeding season has begun.
Ho, Mr Powell!
How are you? How's life?
Six pence half a shilling.
You can do the conversion to yen.
- Usual?
- On the rocks!
Hi, dear Alice, welcome!
So, what's your poison tonight?
Leave us Hide.
You lied.
You knew Linda and Sharon
were gonna hurt me
and you lied to my dad.
Why me?
What did I do?
what do you want from me?
It's all about you you you, isn't it, uh?
What if you're wrong? Delusional.
You ever thought about that?
I know what I saw.
What you see,
has got nothing to do with what's real.
You look around, you see an air base,
run by daddy, flying his B fifty-two's
to wipe out gook farmers in rice paddies,
fighting his righteous war.
But you don't see the real war.
The one that's been going on since the
beginning of time between your kind and mine.
And the end is upon you.
Brought on by your self-deceiving godliness,
and your pretentious moral high ground.
We will come out the victors.
Welcome to the other side of
the looking glass!
And now, it's time to die!
Hey! hey stop!
Stop now please!
No... oh no!
Let her go!
No, no!
Get down.
He's getting away!
He's wounded!
Get closer!
Get closer!
What is it? She's near?
Mr. Powell...
Sharon and Linda.
- All of them...
- They never existed.
What exactly were they?
They take on human form.
It's the way they live.
So I guess you're not really
a student, aren't you?
Are there more of those...
things out there?
More than you can imagine.
Anything I can do?
It's not your war.
Go home.
And forget everything.
And leave you fighting them alone?
I can take care of myself.
My dad is the general at the base.
I can tell him, and he may...
Don't tell anyone!
You want to live,
you want your father to live?
Then don't!
All right he wouldn't believe me anyway.
be really careful. Okay?
Did they see you?
No, sir.
Are these weapons?
No, I don't think so.
There were a total of four cases.
More seem like standard issues,
as far as I can tell, Sir.
From the Agency?
Well, that's if these guys are
actually from the agency at all.
Call up the tech guys!
What in God's name are these things?
Slugs, snails and puppy dog tails.
I'm here to talk, that's all.
How dare you enter my home uninvited?
My apologies.
Old habits die hard.
I've been with the Agency
one day too long I guess.
What do you want?
Did you authorize the burglary, General?
You're not taking it back.
It's evidence.
Of what?
That's for Central Command to decide.
Wait! General.
I know we started off
on the wrong foot, it's... my fault.
But we're on the same side,
I assure you.
The side that murdered two
high school girls?! I don't think so!
I have come here to give you Saya, General.
She's not with the Agency.
I can't be held responsible,
she's out of control
Where is she?
Get this down, Franck.
Hotel Yuzuya. Togoshiginza Street.
Ni-Cho, five seven
Hang on. Tell me the street again?
I know it.
It's in the Shinagawa ward.
About thirty minutes from here...
You left me with no choice, General.
I can't leave the case with you.
Who are you... people?
Saviors of the human race.
The Council has been around since
before your grandaddy's grandaddy
stole his land from the Indians.
We walk a higher path, General.
Run, Alice, run!
Dad! Dad!
Oh... Dad...
Alice... Get off the base!
You're... not safe... here
I don't know what to do...
Alice, leave...
I love you, sweetie.
Dad! Oh, dad!
They were taken at the Onsen Hotel.
She's looking for you.
It's time we fight back
Everything is being arranged. But...
It's not going to be easy.
I don't care!
The Council finds Onigen for me,
that's the deal.
It's already taken too long.
You ever think about the future,
after this?
There is more to life than Onigen.
Not for me.
How did you find me?
They killed him!
You were right.
She showed.
Copy that. I'm on my way.
Take her out!
Take her out now! Do it now!
Do it! Now!
Hurry up!
The people you work for!
They killed my dad!
- I don't work for them!
- You're lying!
Thank you.
I kill the blood-suckers.
They provide me what I need to survive.
That's all!
Why my dad?
I'll find out from Micha...
Give me the girl, Saya!
This has nothing to do with you!
Don't mess with me, halfling!
Put down the gun!
Put it down!
He killed McKee.
Are you insane?
What the hell do you think you're doing?
My job! I've cleaned up
the mess, haven't I?!
You're making a bigger mess!
Not upon I'll get that girl!
I'm not gonna tell you again!
You're not really gonna shoot me Michael?!
Try me!
Okay, you win.
But don't think I'm not gonna tell
the Elders all about this.
Be my guest.
Caus' I'm not the one jeopardizing
our mission.
You're getting soft, old man.
Maybe. But not stupid!
You all right?
Who's stupid now?
We have to go!
You drive!
Radio free Japan.
Top of the hour.
The commanding officer of right
Air Force base
General Howard R. McKee
has died from a heart attack.
The general was discovered in critical
condition at his home a few hours ago
but doctors on the scene were
unable to resucitate him.
Authorities are asking your help in finding
his daughter Alice McKee,
who fled the base in an air force truck
shortly after earing the news.
A base's psychiatric describes
the teen as unstable
and cautions that her life may be at risk.
Saya! Are you okay?
Wake up!
Saya! Wake up!
Your blood...
Why did you save me?
I'm not your kind.
It was the right thing to do.
The right thing...
I used to know right from wrong.
Life used to feel right.
Kato raised me, in that moutain village,
where I called home,
Where I found the only friend in my life.
Happiness and love was within reach.
But then, the dark dream came!
In the dream, I killed him,
love was gone,
replaced by blood.
Saya sama!
Then I woke up, and it was not a dream.
What's happened?!
Come, my girl.
We have to go.
Take your father's sword!
I don't understand.
This sword has gathered dark powers
from all the demons it has slain.
It's a blessing, and a curse.
One you're yet ready for.
But we have no time:
demons have found us.
Don't come out till I tell you to!
Don't follow me!
We go together!
It's time to be on your own my girl.
What are you going to do?
My duty.
No, Kato!
Stay out of sight until you're truly
ready to face the demons;
Now go and don't look back!
You're okay?
You're thinking about your father?
just all the little things.
What about you?
Your family?
My mother,
I never knew her.
My father,
he died, days after I was born.
Onigen murdered him.
The oldest, most powerful demon.
My father's most loyal retainer,
Kato, saved me,
he took me into the mountains.
Cared for me.
Trained me to be strong.
To be like my father.
At the end, he died for me.
Many a night Kato told me
about my father's murder.
How demons deceived him
in the most dispeakable way.
That day I finally understood:
I'm my father's daughter,
but I'm also the evil that killed him.
...Since that night,
time stopped.
I live for one purpose,
and one purpose only.
To kill Onigen.
That's my duty!
Kato was right.
Demons can't conjure up human souls.
Promise me one thing also,
Never doubt yourself.
You're human.
I promise.
So much pain.
So much struggle.
Silly girl.
She's close by. Bring her to me.
Still holding a grudge?
The halfling owes me!
Don't be ridiculous.
Her power is far beyond
what it used to be.
We will see about that!
Let me out.
You go alone.
Too dangerous to stay with me!
It's our war now!
Come on!
Come on!
Are you okay?
Yeah... yeah.
Dad... Don't go.
It's me!
It's me Alice!
Please wake up!
Okay, let's go!
This isn't really happening.
Any of it.
You' re alive!
He isn't real!
This isn't really happening.
None of it!
He's alive...
No! No!
You finally found me.
And I found you.
Look at you, my girl.
Eaten alive by guilt over a single human.
Yet, not a glimmer of regret for having
slaughtered so many of your own kind.
I'm not your kind!
You are, after all,
your father's child.
I see you've taken good care of his sword.
Show me your true form Onigen!
What do you want to see?
The demon...
...who murdered my father.
The demon...
...who I'll kill!
You knew all along, didn't you?
Deep down in your heart.
I, gave you your strength.
I, gave you your power.
I, gave you immortality,
my daughter!
Silly girl.
You've suffered long enough.
Come to me.
I've waited a long time, Saya.
For you to gain your strength.
To be ready.
You think the more "demons" you kill,
the more "human" you become,
don't you?
How naive.
The truth is,
the more you kill,
the more you unleash your power.
You come to your true nature.
Don't you see?
You've been doing everything you could,
to become what you don't want to be.
To become me.
It's your destiny, silly girl.
Leaves fall, forest grows on.
The future, lies in you...
Let her go!
Alice! Alice!
Don't you see now?
Which half of you gives you strength,
which half makes you feeble?
Let it all out
Unleash yourself
You gave birth to me.
And you can kill me.
But you're nothing to me!
You don't know
what it means to be a mother!
Kill me, my daughter.
Kill me.
And become me!
Are you okay?
What's the point?
You don't believe me.
These monsters.
You said one of them attacked
the army truck you stole.
But when we found you at the bottom of
the ravine, you were alone.
They cleaned it up.
The Council.
They killed my father.
Yes, General McKee.
Mortally wounded by the side arm of
the Sergeant Frank Nielsen.
Sergeant Nielsen lost his son
in the war three months ago.
His psyc evaluation show, instability.
And this girl, you mentioned.
Saya I believe.
Her name, her identity were false.
In fact we believe
she's not even Japanese.
Where is she right now?
She's out there.
Searching for what?
Searching for her way back.
From the other side of the looking glass.