Bloodline (2018)

(door creaking, gasps)
(techno music)
(tense violin music)
(baby crying)
- Go back to sleep.
- Are you sure?
- Shh... Shh...
Shh... Shh....
Shh... Shh...
Shh... Shh...
It's okay, Andrew.
Daddy's here.
(suspenseful music)
(bell ringing)
How's your mom doing, Ray?
- Okay.
- What about your dad?
- What about him?
- Do you want to talk about
how things have been
since he's been out?
- No.
(bell ringing)
- Was it worth it?
I could recommend that
they not suspend you,
but you gotta promise me
this is the last time.
Do you even want to finish
high school?
(bell ringing)
- Eat a dick.
- What about your uncle?
Has he been around
since the last time we talked?
(bell ringing)
He thinks you'll get
the scholarship?
- What can I say, Mr. C?
I'm good at math.
- Wow. That's great, Chris.
What does your mom say?
- Eh, it's hard for her,
you know?
Without my dad being around,
and she doesn't really have
anyone else,
so having me at home, well...
- It's a comfort.
- Yeah.
I don't want to leave her
- Well, she has to see that this
is the best thing for you.
This is your chance.
- I know, I know, it's...
What if I go and she's just...?
You know, or, um...
uh, I can't handle
the workload, or...
all the rich kids hate me.
- None of that's gonna happen,
If you want, I can come to your
house and talk to your mom.
- Can you?
- For you, I can.
- Thanks, Mr. C,
but I'll handle it myself.
It was really good.
- Glad you liked it.
(bell ringing)
(door opening and closing)
How was he today?
- Busy.
- Holy shit.
(soft sigh)
- Ohh.
- My mom called earlier.
She offered to come stay
after the baby's born.
- Let's see, okay?
I want to try this on our own.
- I just wanted you to know
it was an option.
- Ohh.
Ohh. Ohh.
(soft gasps)
(exhales, gasps, moans)
(medical machine beeping)
- You're doing great, baby.
(loud moan)
- You might want to come over
here, Dad.
Okay, Mom, ready?
(pained moans)
Push. Push.
Push. Push. Push.
Push. Push. Push.
Push. Push. Push
(gasps, baby crying)
- Hello. Hello, sir.
Welcome to the world.
- Hello, my loves.
- Mom, you made it.
- There he is!
Ohh! Isn't he beautiful?
- Marie! You need to wash
your hands.
- Oh! Of course.
I'm sorry, sweetheart.
And how's Mom doing?
- Great.
(soft gasp)
- Look at this big boy.
How much does he weigh?
- Seven and a half pounds.
- Seven pounds, five ounces,
- Evan was nine pounds.
(soft chuckle)
That was quite the labor.
But he was so calm,
never made a peep.
Ohh. Shh...
(baby crying)
There you go.
Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.
(soft gasp)
- Shh.
(sharp intake of breath)
- Not like that. Here.
(baby crying)
- Nurse, may I suggest being
a little more gentle?
This is their first baby.
- Ma'am, may I suggest
you let me do my job?
Because if she can't feed him,
the baby'll lose
too much weight, and then
we'll have to intervene.
There. Like that.
- Well, she's quite the charmer.
Evan, honey...
Why don't I go pick up
some food for everyone, hmm?
Everything is going to be fine,
sweetheart, you'll see.
And if you need me to come
and stay for a while,
you know there's nothing
I'd rather do.
- That's okay, Marie.
I think we'll manage
on our own.
- Yeah, thanks, Mom,
we got this.
- Hmm.
- Hi, Andrew.
This is your dad.
First of all, many
congratulations on being born.
It looked painful,
and a little disgusting.
But you made it. Well done.
I thought we could
take this opportunity
to have a little chat,
mano a mano.
I will never hurt you.
I will never judge you.
And I will never leave you.
I'm not gonna let anything bad
happen to you.
(church bells ringing, birdsong)
(baby crying)
- Shh.
- Should we try a bottle?
- No.
If we give him the bottle,
he won't go back
to breastfeeding.
- Okay, sweetheart.
- Shh.
- Can I help?
- Not unless you can
grow a pair of tits.
- I'll get right on that.
(baby crying)
- Come on, Andrew, come on.
(sharp gasp)
He's not gaining weight.
Why won't you let me help you?
(crying softly)
Here, baby.
(baby's cries overlapping)
(baby crying in distance)
(intense music)
(voices whispering)
- ...kill you, you little shit!
- Get the fuck away from him.
Evan, go to your room.
(man grunts)
- I'm-- I'm sorry, Marie.
I didn't-- I didn't mean to.
- Get out.
- You know I didn't mean it,
right, Evan?
- I promise you, I will kill you
if you don't leave immediately.
You're okay, sweetheart,
everything's gonna be okay.
Mother's here. Shh.
(Marie whispering):
You're okay, sweetheart.
Everything is okay.
(soft gasp)
Shh. Shh.
- I hope you don't mind,
I let myself in.
- Let me know if it gets
too cold at night.
- I will, dear.
Thank you.
How are you doing, Evan?
- I'm good.
I'm always good, Mom.
- Sit.
Tell me.
- I'm okay, really.
But Lauren...
- It's hard for new mothers.
How can you take care of her
and Andrew,
if you don't take care
of yourself?
It's okay, my darling.
Everything is going to be okay.
Mother's here.
(muffled speech)
- Mr. C?
Hey. You okay?
- Sorry, buddy.
Baby isn't really sleeping.
It's just, um...
Just is what it is.
You know?
What's going on with your dad?
Any news?
- Oh, um...
For Andrew.
- Wow, Chris.
You know you didn't have to.
- After everything
you've done for me?
Yeah, I did.
- So, has there been
any word from your dad?
(bell ringing)
- Um...
Try to get some sleep, okay?
(door opening)
(over headphones):
I hope you can understand, man.
I don't think you know
what it's like.
(indistinct muttering)
You know, I lost my job,
I was drinkin'.
You know how it is, right, man?
When your wife's screaming
at you,
and your kids start
mouthing off.
So I just hit 'em.
And I kept hitting 'em.
It was like something broke
inside and I couldn't stop.
I really didn't mean
to hurt anyone. Please, man.
I never meant to hurt anyone.
This rage,
it just comes over me.
Deep down, I'm a good person.
(knocking on door)
- I'm the oldest...
So I can take it.
But he came after James.
So I stepped in.
- You know I have
to report this, legally.
They may send him back in
if he's found
in violation of parole.
How do you feel about that?
(sniffs, coughs)
- Whatever.
He gets what he deserves,
- Ray,
everything's gonna be okay.
(intense music)
(laughter in distance)
(man): Hey!
Fuck you.
Fuck you!
You're a fuckin' traitor!
(car door opens and closes)
- Hey, buddy.
Let me help you.
Hey. Hey, are you all right?
- Huh?
- You need a ride?
- What, are you queer? Huh?
- No, I'm a driver.
Looks like you need some help
getting home.
Everyone could use a ride
now and then.
No charge.
- "What about immigrant rights?"
What about my fuckin' rights?
Fuckin' wetbacks.
Fuck that.
Fuckin' everywhere, man.
Every fuckin' where you look.
Everywhere you look.
It's time the white man took
this country back, hmm?
You hear me?
- I hear you.
- Left here, left here.
Stay in here.
(crickets chirping)
You got anything to drink
in there?
(soft groan)
- Nobody knows you're here?
- Been here a year.
I never seen anyone.
Make yourself at home.
(soft groans)
What the fuck?
Oh yeah, very funny, man.
Let me go, okay?
Let me go, you fucking psycho!
(groans, coughs)
Why are you doing this?
- Louis Jackson.
(breathes heavily)
- Come on, man,
you got the wrong guy.
Just let me go, okay?
I won't tell anyone anything.
I don't even know
who you are.
- Do you know who this is?
(man scoffs)
- What'd that little faggot
say to you? Hmm?
- By "little faggot,"
you mean your son?
- Fuck you! You fucking--
(spitting, laughs)
Oh, yeah.
You're pretty tough against
a guy tied up, hmm?
Why don't you untie me,
see how easy it is then?
- As easy as a grown man beating
the shit out of a young boy?
As easy as a father
taking his big, ex-con fists,
and pounding them into
the flesh of his firstborn?
- Fuck you, you fucking
cocksucker, fuck you!
No, ohh!
Okay, okay. Fuck.
I'm sorr-- I'm sorry,
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
- Louis...
Please describe to me
the feelings and sensations
you experience
when beating your son.
- I never meant to--
to hurt them, okay? I...
I just got this thing...
inside of me.
It builds and it builds, and--
and the kids, they push
and they push and they push,
you know?
And-- and then it has
to come out,
and I gotta let it out.
You know?
I would never hurt my boys,
You understand that, right?
- Of course I do.
Thank you for sharing, Lou.
(intense techno music)
- Where'd you go?
- Just went for a drive
to clear my head.
- Hmm.
- Coach let me go into practice
a little late
so I can pick up James
and bring him with me.
- That's great news, Ray.
And your mom?
- She's been doin' great.
I mean,
since my dad took off again.
- I'm glad to hear it.
Where's Andrew?
- He's with his grandma.
You're home early.
- I got lucky.
Maybe it'll happen twice today.
- The doctor said we have
to wait.
- It's a long wait.
You look good, you know?
- No, I don't.
- You do, you look beautiful.
I know it's been hard.
- I'm sorry, I...
I've been difficult.
- Shh. You've been a champ.
- I thought he wasn't eating,
that fucking nurse
saying I was doing it wrong,
and all the studies
say how bad formula is,
and I thought...
...this is it.
I'm failing.
I'm failing at being a mother.
- Forget the nurse
and the studies. Okay?
You're a great mother.
- You don't know, Evan.
You sleep most of the night
and go to work during the day,
and it's just me and Andrew,
and I thought... I thought
I was doing everything wrong,
and I thought if I--
if I can't do this right,
you would take him
and leave me alone,
and I can't be alone.
Not again.
I won't let Andrew grow up
without a family.
- Neither will I.
I'll never leave you two.
(TV in background)
- Can you please
tell your mother
not to watch TV with Andrew?
(TV): Have you tried every
fad diet, one after the other?
We've done them all.
- Oh, you're your daddy's
little man, aren't you, Andrew?
So handsome already.
- Mom.
- Yes, dear?
- Lauren doesn't want you
watching with Andrew.
- It won't hurt him, dear.
He doesn't even know
what it is.
- Mom, Lauren doesn't like it.
- You need to be careful
with her.
She's delicate.
- I know.
- Look, it's not like
I want him around or anything,
it's just...
been a while since
we've heard from him, you know?
Uh, his parole officer called
looking for him.
Did you report the thing
last time?
- I followed procedure.
- Do you know what happened?
- What happens after
isn't up to me.
But how many times
has he just disappeared?
I'm sure he'll just show up.
- Yeah.
Yeah, you're probably right.
- He came over
a couple days ago.
My mom told him to leave.
Told him she would
call the cops.
- Did he hurt you again?
This is not your fault.
Do you want to tell me
what happened?
(bell ringing)
- See you next week,
Mr. Cole.
(Evan): Now, Fredrick,
please describe to me
the feelings and sensations
you experience when raping
your 15-year-old niece, Kelly.
- You've seen her, right?
She may be fifteen,
but she's no little girl.
(cries out, coughs)
- Shh.
Yes, I've seen her.
- Tell me you didn't think
about fucking
that sweet little mouth of hers.
It's not rape if she wants it.
She always wanted it.
Just look at her.
(cries out)
Oh, fuck!
What the fuck, man?
- Please, continue.
- Jesus fuckin' Christ, man!
What the--
(cellphone ringing)
- Hi, baby.
Where the fuck are you?
Andrew's got a 105-degree
We're taking him
to the hospital right now.
- Okay, stay calm.
I'll meet you there.
(cellphone beeping)
- Jesus fuck! Jesus fuck!
- Fuck.
- Fuck! Fuck!
- We're gonna have
to cut this short, I'm afraid.
- Jesus fuck. No!
(cries out)
(gasping, choking)
(breathing heavily)
(indistinct chatter
over speaker)
- Where were you?
- I couldn't sleep,
so I took a drive.
- Thank God you were there,
- Of course, dear.
- He's gonna be okay.
- How the hell do you know?
- He's fine.
He must have picked up
a cold somewhere.
We gave him some Tylenol
to bring down the fever,
and we're running
a couple final tests,
and then you can take him home.
- Thank you, Doctor.
- Thank you, Doctor.
- You're welcome.
- Um... it's not unusual
for babies
to run a fever, so...
try not to get hysterical
at every little thing.
- Can we ride back with you?
Marie can take my car.
- Yeah, of course.
(sirens wailing in distance)
- Seems like he's better
already, right?
(sirens wailing in the distance)
- Why don't I
help you, dear? Hmm?
You've had quite the night.
- We all have, I think.
Thank you, Marie.
(baby crying over monitor)
(Marie over monitor):
There, there, little man.
Still feeling poorly?
Hush a-bye
Don't you cry
Go to sleep
My little baby
When you wake
You shall have
All the pretty
Little horses
Hush a-bye
Don't you cry
Go to sleep
My little baby
When you wake
You shall have
All the pretty
Little horses
(intense techno music)
- Hey.
(baby fussing)
Next time, Daddy's gonna
make sure it's done right.
Yes, he is. He's gonna
make sure he gets what he needs.
A happy daddy
makes a happy home.
(knocking, sighing)
(soft music)
I'm trying, Andrew.
But it's hard.
(cellphone vibrating)
(Chris): Mr. C?
It was my fault.
I mean, it's just with my mom,
you know, and...
they were, uh...
I heard around
that he was back, and...
there he was, in my kitchen,
half naked.
And my mom, she's just acting
like this is totally cool,
totally okay and normal.
They're fucked up,
and it just...
Just pissed me off.
I shouldn't have
yelled at him, though.
- It's not your fault, Chris.
Everything will be fine.
I'll make sure of it.
- I don't know what I'd do
without you, Mr. Cole.
For real.
- You went out again last night.
- Chris called.
He needed to talk.
- Shouldn't you save that
for school?
- He's a special kid.
His dad beat
the fuck out of him.
I can help him.
Is that where you were
the night Andrew went
to the hospital?
- Good morning, everyone.
Lovely day, isn't it?
- I have to go to work.
- He just needs
a little space, dear.
- Thank you, Marie.
It really makes a big difference
having you here.
(Chris): Hello?
- Hey, Chris, it's Mr. Cole.
You missed our meeting today.
Is everything okay?
(Chris): Ah, shit.
Yeah, I'm-I'm good. Sorry.
My dad picked me up early
and took me to a movie.
I-I completely forgot.
- Really?
That concerns me,
after our last conversation.
- No, it's good, Mr. C.
He's getting clean for real.
I-I really think it's gonna be
different this time.
He apologized.
Feel really good about this,
you know?
I gotta go. See you soon, okay?
- Hey.
I got kidney stones.
I-I just need to see a doctor
to get something for the pain.
I'm dying over here.
- Get out of here, junkie,
before we call the cops.
- That's not necessary.
- Go!
All the winners
come out at night.
Thank God my shift's over.
(intense techno music)
(footsteps echoing)
(distant clattering)
(techno music continues)
(music intensifies)
(Evan): Hey there.
(music stops)
- Hey. Uh...
I-I was just lookin' for...
- Oh, shh. It's cool.
(pills rattling)
- Well, yeah, I'm a little...
short on funds right now.
- Consider it a gift
from a new friend.
(pills rattling)
(sharp gasp)
(intense music)
- Mark Wells.
- The hell is this?
What the hell is this?
- You told him
you were cleaning up,
yet here you are.
- Told who?
I don't know
what you're talking about.
- No?
I'll give you a hint.
You've been lying
to this person his entire life.
- What?
Look, I-I have no idea
what's going on here, man, okay?
So... please, just...
untie me and let me go.
You made a mistake.
I won't say anything
to anybody, okay?
- Mark,
please describe to me
the feelings and sensations
you experience
when beating your son.
(deep breath)
- You're that counselor.
Chris... told me about you.
I mean, he talks about you
all the time, actually.
- We're not here
to talk about me.
(labored breath)
You've done this before.
How many times?
- This is not about me.
Now, tell me about
how you hurt Chris.
- My wife and I were fightin',
Chris just got in the way,
It wasn't me.
It-it-it was the addiction.
It was the person
that I become when I get high.
(grunts, gasping and coughing)
I have a disease, man.
I-I relapsed.
You're a shrink, right?
I relapsed. Relapse is a part
of recovery, isn't it?
- I'll let you in
on a little trade secret.
That AA stuff is total bullshit.
All Chris wants is to know
that his father loves him,
like every other kid,
and you betray him
over and over and over again.
Because you like to get high.
You could give a fuck
about your son.
I know you, Mark.
We've met a thousand times.
Now, why did you
really come back?
- I love my son.
I want to get better.
I want my family back. Please.
Please. Ahh! I swear!
I swear!
I just want a chance--
I just want a chance
at a relationship with my son.
Hmm? As a father,
you gotta understand that.
I'm begging you, please. I know.
I know you think
I came back for the money.
I didn't. I didn't know.
- What money?
- Chris didn't tell you?
His mom, some uncle she hadn't
seen in years left her...
I don't know, man,
I-- please, please, just...
I don't know, man, please.
I know guys like you.
Prison's full of 'em.
Monsters hiding in plain sight.
You'll never really be
a father...
or a husband.
You'll never love anybody else
that much.
What are you gonna do?
What are you gonna do
when they find out
who you really are?
- Thank you for sharing.
(sharp groan)
- Mom?
- Hi, honey.
- What are you doing, Mom?
- Just a bit of gardening,
- I saw you, Marie.
- You're not taking him
- I need you to come with me,
all right?
I'm gonna take care of you now.
Doesn't that sound great?
- You get the fuck away
from him.
(man): Come on, we gotta go.
(Marie shouting, grunting)
I am never gonna hurt you again,
I promise.
Everything's gonna be okay.
- You're a good boy, Evan.
Mommy loves you,
and I'm never gonna let
anything bad happen to you.
Everything's gonna be okay.
- I'm glad you're taking care
of yourself.
- Did you go for another drive
- Mm-hmm.
- I need to know if you're okay.
- It's been stressful,
but I feel better.
- I need you here with us, Evan.
- I'm here.
(TV in background)
- Honey...
I thought you told her
not to watch TV with the baby.
- I did. Sorry.
(news reporter): In other news,
shock and horror today
at the Pine Street Development,
abandoned and sitting empty
since 2008.
A woman walking her dog
in the area
was stunned
to discover the body
of an adult male buried
amidst the deserted property.
(Lauren): Marie, please,
don't watch TV with Andrew.
(news reporter): Three victims
have been confirmed,
but police believe
there may be more.
- I'm sorry.
It won't happen again.
- Okay. Thank you.
- It's my fault.
I hated him.
- It's not your fault, Ray.
- I hated him,
but I didn't want him dead.
- Ray, I promise things will
get better with time.
- How the fuck do you know?
- I know.
Kelly, let's talk about this.
How you feel about
what happened to your uncle?
- He wasn't the best dad,
but he was my dad,
and he was changing.
He really was, Mr. Cole.
Whoever did this
took away my only chance
to ever really know him.
You know, the real him.
- Chris, I know this is hard...
But do you really think he was
gonna be able to stay sober?
I'm sorry for the pain
that you're going through.
I know it's almost impossible
to find any glimmer of hope
in these moments, but...
Don't you think that this is
maybe a blessing in disguise
for you and your mom?
- How could you even say that?
- I've known many men
just like your father.
My father was just like him,
and he did to me the same things
your father was doing to you.
He was never gonna change.
I think deep down
you know that.
- No.
He was spending time with me,
he was going to AA,
he was getting help.
- He lied to you.
Don't you think
it's a bit convenient
that he shows up clean and sober
right when your mom
gets some big inheritance?
- How did you know about
the inheritance?
- Well, you told me
in our last session.
Don't you remember?
- No.
I don't remember that.
- Well, I can understand that.
Periods of high stress
can affect memory.
It's quite common, actually.
- Yeah, okay, sure.
You're probably right.
- Chris.
We're not finished talking
about this.
- Uh, I'll see you.
I'll see you later, Mr. C.
- Good afternoon, ma'am,
I'm Detective Overstreet.
Is this Evan Cole's residence?
- Yes.
- And you're Mrs. Cole?
- Yes. What's this about?
- Well, I just need to speak
with your husband, Mrs. Cole.
Is he home?
- No, but he should be shortly.
- I can wait.
Mr. Cole,
I'm sure you've heard by now
about the burial site
that was uncovered over near
the Pine Street Development.
- I heard.
It's horrible.
- Did you know all three men
had one thing in common?
They all have relatives that
are students at your school.
In fact...
I believe you see all
of the students in question.
- Yes, of course.
they're very upset.
It's very hard on them.
I'm sure you know, Detective...?
- Overstreet.
- ...Overstreet.
All my clients are children
at risk.
Many of them have problematic
family lives--
drug abuse,
criminality, mental illness.
Often their family members
are at risk themselves.
And our school
is a regional high school,
with over 5000 students, so...
- Yeah, well, uh...
We have several options that
we're looking into right now.
How long have you been
a counselor there?
- Social worker.
- Oh...
- Little over a year.
Are you saying that you think
that I might have something
to do with this?
- It raises some red flags.
But I'm just covering
all my bases.
- Of course.
- You understand.
- We've all got a job to do.
- Mmm.
(quietly, pen scribbling)
Now, where were you
working before?
- I'm happy to send my
employment record if you like.
- Uh... okay.
Thank you.
And, uh...
Here's my card.
Any information
will be helpful.
I'll show myself out.
Uh, Mrs. Cole...
Has your husband had
any late night absences
that you've noticed?
(Marie): Of course not, officer.
My son is a very dedicated
father and husband.
- Mrs. Cole?
- No.
Nothing like that.
- Are you a heavy sleeper,
Mrs. Cole?
(baby crying)
- Excuse me, Detective.
- Oh, no, no.
Here you go, Mom.
- Thank you, Marie. Shh, shh.
- Thank you.
- Don't.
- What is it?
- Nothing.
It's nothing.
Oh, hello, Detective.
Evan's still at work.
- I'm not here to see
Mr. Cole, ma'am.
- What is this about?
- Um...
Do you know Chris Wells?
- He's one of Evan's patients.
- Did your husband ever see him
outside of his office?
- No.
- Are you sure?
- What are you trying to say,
- How long...
have you...
known your husband?
- Three years. Why?
- You know where he lived
before you met?
- Uh, near the desert.
I really don't see why
this matters at all, Detective.
- Uh, well, a year
after he left Hemet,
police uncovered a site
not unlike the Pine Street
- What does that have to do
with anything?
- Maybe nothing,
but it's my job
to see connections,
and right now, I have to say,
I'm beginning to see something.
- Do you know
where your husband was
the night of Thursday,
March 26th?
- I do, actually. He was
at the hospital with me.
Our son was running
a high fever,
and we took him into the E.R.
- Uh...
Now, this camera is
at the corner
of Third and MacDonald.
Now, is this on the way
to the hospital from here?
'Cause I have to admit,
I don't know
this neighborhood very well.
- Do you have kids, Detective?
- Never had the urge.
- When you have a baby,
everything changes.
But not like everyone says.
It's like you're going crazy.
You never sleep.
The baby cries all the time.
Every little thing feels
like a crisis.
I can't even describe to you
what it feels like
to be filled with love and
total panic at the same time.
- Yeah, well,
I'm sure it's very difficult,
Mrs. Cole, but--
- My husband deals with people
in crisis every day,
and he was coming home and
feeling like he was in crisis.
He took drives, alone at night,
for some space and peace,
and do you know what?
I totally understand.
And I gave him that space,
and trusted
that he would come home.
And he did.
He always did.
- Hmm.
Give me a call if you think
of anything else...
or you just want to talk.
Because from where
I'm standing,
it's just a matter
of time.
- Thank you, Detective.
I'll keep that in mind.
That detective came over again.
- Oh, yeah? What'd he want?
- Asked me a bunch of questions.
About where you lived
before you moved here.
And he also asked me
where you were
the night we took Andrew
to the E.R.
- Really? What'd you tell him?
- That we were at the hospital,
of course.
- Well, hopefully
he won't be back around
to bother you again.
- Hopefully.
(TV in background)
- I'll tell her to turn it off.
(Evan): Mom.
(TV): Police are trying
to find a connection
between Caroline Herrington,
a nurse in pediatric care
at Temescal Hospital,
who was found on a gurney
outside the morgue,
having been
brutally murdered.
It seems the killing occurred
in the staff locker room
as Miss Harrington was finishing
her night shift. What a week.
Well, after that, I sure could
use some good news.
Over to Brian with--
- Turn it off.
- Of course, dear.
(weatherman): Thanks, Diane.
Sunny skies and 72
all weekend.
It's a good one
to pack up the--
(Chris, at a distance): Mr. C?
Come out here, Mr. C!
- What is it?
- It's Chris Wells.
I'll take care of it.
It's okay. I got it.
(pounding on door)
- Mr. C!
Mr. C!
- Chris.
Hey. You all right?
- I know it was you.
- What was me, buddy?
- I know you killed my dad.
- Chris, you're drunk.
- I never told you
about the money. I know it.
Which means he told you.
- Calm down.
Let me make you some coffee,
and we'll talk.
- I don't think so, Mr. C.
Tell me the truth.
- I would never do anything
to hurt you.
You're like a son to me, Chris.
I just want the best for you.
- Evan.
- It's okay, Lauren.
Take Andrew back to his room.
It's okay.
It's okay, Chris.
You'll be all right. Shh.
Shh. You'll be okay.
It's all right.
(Chris crying)
Shh. It's okay.
You're gonna be okay.
Come on, let me take you home.
You sleep this off.
- Don't touch me!
(door slamming)
- I'm sorry about that.
He's confused...
(baby crying)
I got it. Sleep.
I like to think that
I'm a good man, Andrew.
That I help people.
(Evan over monitor):
But sometimes life
backs you into a corner,
and you just don't have
any choice. You know?
(chuckles) No, you don't,
do you, pal?
Not yet.
But no matter what, I love you.
I'll do whatever it takes
to keep us together.
(door closing)
(no dialogue)
(intense music)
(baby fussing, music stops)
- He's hungry.
Here you go.
I think our Evan
is in a tough spot, dear.
Don't you?
It wasn't easy for him
as a boy.
He was... different.
But Evan was a good boy.
And he's a good man.
He learned the hard way
that children
need to be protected...
that families
need to be protected.
But now you have a family
of your own to protect.
the cost of that
... can be a little high.
It must have been hard
for you too,
as a little girl
with no family.
I can't imagine
what you went through.
- It was horrible...
the things I had to do.
- Thank goodness Andrew will
never have to go through that.
We do everything we can
for our sons.
Don't we, dear?
- Hi, sweetheart.
- Hey, babe.
Can you do me a favor?
- Of course.
- Can you watch Andrew
after school?
- Oh. Uh...
- I need to get out
of the house for a few hours.
Go get my nails done,
go to the grocery store--
I don't know.
Anything that doesn't involve
getting puked on.
- Sure. Of course
I'll watch him.
- Thank you, sweetheart.
I'll be home before bedtime.
(deep breath)
It's Lauren, Mrs. Cole.
Listen, I heard what you said
last night.
I believe you.
Um, I'm afraid.
I'm afraid for Andrew,
and I need to do something.
Thank you. See you there.
- Did Lauren leave already?
- She said
she was going shopping.
- Yeah.
She said she needed time.
- And you believe her?
- Lauren would never...
She needs this family.
- What about the boy?
(Chris): Mrs. Cole?
Do you really believe me?
- He did it, Chris.
But the thing
that makes it so sad,
is that he did it for you.
I'm really sorry, Chris.
- Lauren.
(news reporter): In a shocking
suicide confession posted
to Facebook late last night,
Christopher Wells,
honor student,
just awarded a full
scholarship to Stanford,
has confessed to the three
"Deadbeat Dad" murders
uncovered here last week.
The revelation
has sent shockwaves
through the community,
not only because
of the brutality
of the murders themselves,
but because of the student's
youth and academic promise.
Fellow students are organizing
a candlelight vigil,
but sources say
there are mixed feelings
in the school halls.
Detective John Overstreet...
(Lauren): Hello, Detective.
- You know,
it's a different world.
These kids put everything
on the Internet.
You have any idea
how he could have gotten access
to your files?
- I let him get too close.
Let him, uh,
hang in my office
when he was trying to get away
from everything.
Maybe I shouldn't have.
- Well... with the, uh...
confession and the, uh, suicide
with the victim's own weapon,
not much else to look into.
And I'm sorry for your loss,
Mr. Cole.
- Thank you, Detective.
- Well, I will, uh...
I'll show myself out.
- Goodbye, Detective.
Thank you so much
for stopping by.
(eerie music)