Bloodlines (2007)

Little one.
I think we'll call ya...
Billy Bob.
Yeah, Billy Bob Hackford.
Clearthat table.
Careful, and don't forget
to skin them titties.
I need both them nipples.
Yeah. I need them nipples so you
can grow up big and strong.
We've got a lot riding on you.
Put her on the table.
Keep fighting!
And I swearto God,
I'll split you from your asshole
to your earlobe.
That's right.
You ain't so dumb.
Back up! Back off.
Settle down.
Think about our baby boy.
You sick bastard!
All this you've done...
for nothing!
You hear me, nothing!
Not me or my baby!
/ was stand/n'by my w/ndow
On one cold and c/oudy day
When / saw that hearse come ro/n'
Forto carry my motheraway
W/the c/rc/e be unbroken
By and by, Lord, by and by
There's a better home awa/t/ng
/n the sky, Lord, /n the sky
Got a /tt/e story forya...
the story of St/ckv/e.
'Cept these se/f-r/ghteous paths of gold
/n a b/g Jeep
/'m a/ r/ght
Go ahead
Unt/the sun
/s someth/ng dead
Know/ng the ra/n won't fa/n the c/ty
You fee/ng sorry forthe ground
/t's k/nd of funny
the way th/ngs neverchange
/n th/s town
Fill you up?
How's my Baby Girl?
Well, my ass is kinda sore from the ride.
Amber Lynn.
I'm sorry.
Where you at?
I am...
I'm at a gas station.
It's, uh, over on highway 22.
It's across the street from the old American
gas station that's closed down.
I'm about three hours from school.
So, uh...
How's my Teddy Bear?
Oh, he's been mopin' around like
a lost pup ever since you left.
God, I haven't seen him this sad
since ma and pa passed away.
See, I knew it.
This was a mistake, I'm coming home.
Like hell you are.
I didn't raise no quitter.
Bearwill be just fine.
What if I can't do this?
Oh, Amber, that's horse shit,
We've talked about this.
You're just nervous, like always.
Listen, Baby Girl.
Do you think they would've
wasted a scholarship
on someone they don't believe in?
I guess not.
What's our motto?
The strength is in the Strickland.
It's always there, don't you
neverforget it, okay?
Me and Bearwill always be
here foryou.
You're the best, Brody.
And will you tell Teddy Bear
that I love my gift.
I will, Baby Girl.
We love you.
Be sure to give us a call as soon
as you get to school, all right?
I will, I... I promise.
All right, bye.
Yer all filled up!
How much do I owe you?
Where's your bathroom?
Round yonder.
Ah, fuck!
Ah, fuck.
God, not my mouth. Jesus.
What the hell,
didn't you hear me slappin' skins?
Well, stick herwith the others.
And where the fuck is your brother?
Well, tell him to get his pecker
out ofthem goats and get the pit ready.
Now go on.
Git! Go!
God! That's a
dumb motherfucker.
Billy Bob, Squirm's
always doin' that shit.
You need to train
that grunting dog better.
He's a fucking inbred,
he ain't a dog.
You can't learn him any
betterthan a grunt.
You ain't finished yet, are you?
'Cause I ain't.
You thinking about
them nasty whores?
I don't want them here.
Yeah, well it don't matter
what you want.
It's what pa wants.
That's crazy talk,
you run this family, not pa.
I want us to have a baby...
Goddamn it, that's sick!
You're my fuckin' sister.
You want some little turd snatcher
like Royce or Squirm
popping out of you?
Now get yourturd clippers out
ofthere and get out.
- But, Billy...
- Go on!
Time to go to work.
Sheriffto base, I'm-a be out
at the Stricklands'.
Take a seat, sheriff.
I called the school.
Her roommate said she
never showed up.
What are campus police oing?
You did report it, right?
Brody, my hands are tied
for 48 hours.
Ah, come on.
She's not officially missing yet.
Maybe she just got sidetracked.
It ain't out ofthe ordinary for
a college girl to forget to call her kin.
Amber ain't ordinary.
There's nothing more I can do.
Yeah? Well, there's something I can do.
Listen, I'll call ya if I hear anything.
We're gonna find Baby Girl.
You wanted to see me?
Oh, yeah.
Tell your pa he'll have
to run things until we get back.
I've got a lot of clients
coming in tomorrow.
Bow season opens.
Where y'all goin'?
Hi, pa.
We've gathered all the girls,
just like you asked.
Pretty soon I'll be
planting your seeds.
She's watching overthem, yes sir.
Now you just rest now.
I love you.
Princess is awake.
Where am I?
Hey! Hey!
You want them to hearyou?
Oh, on second thought,
call 'em, huh?
Yeah, I bet they'd like
you betterthan me.
Shut up, you whiny bitch!
Two fuckin' days you've been cryin'.
- What?
- What is your problem?
She's traumatized.
Like I give a rat's ass.
I'm tired ofhearing her!
Well, I've only been conscious
forfive minutes and I'm tired ofhearing you.
So, come on, just leave her alone.
Orwhat? Huh?
Or I'll make you.
Now, is that a... a threat
or a promise, bitch?
- Or a promise...?
- Stop! Stop!
Please, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
You are sorry.
You just keep your cocksucker closed.
Hey. You'll be okay.
It's gonna be okay.
What's your name?
Hey, Jenny.
I'm Amber.
How long have you been
in this place?
Two days. I think.
What about her?
Longer... But I'm not sure.
They killed him,
they killed my boyfriend.
Jenny, I am so sorry,
I really am.
But I need you to concentrate.
- I can't think about this! I...
- Listen. Shh...
Listen, I can get us
outta here, all right?
- But I need your help.
- You can get us out ofhere?
But I need to know how many
there are out there.
Well, I only saw three...
But there are more.
I heard them all around me.
When do they bring the food?
A couple hours after sunrise
and... just before dark.
We have about four hours till daybreak,
so, you can sleep for now.
You're gonna take me
with you, right?
Shh. Yes.
- You promise?
- Jenny.
Jenny, I promise, all right?
Now get some sleep. Go ahead.
Follow me but
stay on my heels, all right?
Come on.
What about Shawna?
We're gonna have
to send the sheriffback.
It's gonna be hard
enough getting you out.
All right? All right, let's go.
Stay close.
All right?
What are you doing?
- Come on!
- Wait a second.
All right, time's up.
- Oh my God...
- Shh. Shh.
Jenny! No!
Fill 'er up?
Yes, sir.
You run this place?
Yes, sir, all by my lonesome.
About 30 years now,
ever since my pappy died.
Has this girl passed
through here?
Nope. I ain't seen anybody looks
like that 'round these parts.
I'd sure remember her.
Yes, sir, you would.
Could you check the oil too?
Hey, boy! Don't touch dem!
Bear! Ease up.
That picture I showed you,
that's our Baby Girl.
Now, where is she?
Th-they'll kill me.
They won't get a chance.
Now, I'm gonna ask you
one more time.
Where's my Baby Girl?
At the Hackfords'...
The Hackfords got her.
Where might I find
these Hackfords?
You'll neverfind them.
They in the middle
of a 1000 acres of woods.
Ain't even a road leading down there.
- You like pain, old timer?
- No! No!
- No more pain.
- Bear!
Ow! Ow! Ow!
Down the road! Down the road!
Follow the road to the right.
Ow! That's all I know.
They just bring stuff for me to sell.
All right then.
You done messed
with some bad folks!
You don't know bad.
Well, ain't you the smart one?
You see, I like mine kinda dumb.
Leave her alone!
Oh, I'm sorry.
I forgot all about you.
I'm just curious, which one of y'all
had the balls
to plan this little escape?
It was me.
She had nothing to do with it.
Just leave her out ofit, all right?
It was me.
Cut her down.
Get overthere.
Now, as foryou...
She a tough little heifer, ain't she?
You smelljust about right.
You know...
Most girls would puke
at the smell of swimming
through piss and shit
and you just get
right through it, don't you?
You're so special.
So special.
Squirm, you can cut her down.
Keep hertied up.
Let the games begin.
Hey, leave her alone!
Come on, I'll kill you. Come on.
Don't ever come at me,
you freak boy.
You better learn to behave
and play nice...
Billy Bob:
Candy! Down!
Why do you get to
have all the fun?
And what the fuck are you
doin' on the floor?
I don't give a shit.
I asked you to do one simple thing
and you're in the wrong goddamn room.
It's the other girls.
You're a little feisty
slut puppy, ain't ya?
I like that.
Yeah. Y'all my cream
ofthe crop.
Listen, you'd rather rape
a rattlesnake than to fuck up my plan.
This shit's gonna bust up
ourfamily, not make it better.
All because pa brainwashed...
Do as you're told.
All right, y'all,
the freak show's over.
Get the fuck out.
You're a crazy bitch.
Untie me.
What do you think is
gonna happen?
I don't wanna find out.
Untie her.
I think she's better offthat way.
No one deserves this.
We're in this together.
And she's still one of us. So...
Come on, go untie her.
These folks got Baby Girl.
All that matters is ourfamily.
Life or death.
This is for keeps.
Let's go get her.
Billy Bob:
Shut up!
Shut up!
Now this here's the rules.
There ain't none.
Y'all fight till the death.
Entertain me.
- Ah!
- Oh!
Now, this here's the situation.
Now, one of y'all is gonna kill each other
or I'm-a kill you both right now.
Y'all stop wasting my fucking time.
Now, who wants to live?
We got ourselves a winner.
We still got more fights.
Take the live one to my room.
It's breedin' time.
Hold still.
Let's keep movin'.
What's happening?
Please help me.
Oh, I'll help ya.
What are you doing?
Nine months from now.
Afteryou deliver my child,
I'm gonna cut yourthroat.
Is that help enough?
Now I'm gonna be
the first one he tastes.
What's that?
Just coveryour ears, don't listen.
Come here, just coveryour ears.
That... that'll work.
Just pretend that you're back
at the shopping mall.
I should have left you gagged.
Oh, yeah?
Well, come and gag me then.
Hey! You a Hackford?
Careful how you answer, boy.
Where's my Baby Girl?
How you holding up?
I don't wanna die.
I don't.
You won't.
I won't let that happen.
What you staring at, you country cunt?
A dead girl.
Or maybe just a fuck toy.
Play pretty.
Billy Bob:
Let them go.
Just one.
Oh, yeah!
Finish her!
Bye, bye.
Go put that crazy bitch
in her hole.
It's okay...
Jenny, get over here.
My name is Amber and this is Jenny.
What's your name?
Hey, Dawn...
I know you're in a lot of
pain right now, but...
Dawn, what happened?
Oh my God.
They made me kill a girl.
He... he raped me.
He raped me!
You sick bastards!
Shh, calm down, calm down.
They're pl... they're playing
games with us.
They're gonna make you kill her.
And then he...
then takes you and he...
- It's all right,
It's all right, it's okay.
It's okay. It's all right.
Is that...?
You want another round
of ass blastin'?
What, you think you're the first piece of shit
that forced himself on me?
Honey, you need to take a number.
Watch your mouth.
- Her.
No! No, take me! Take me!
- Take me!
Listen, this is my goddamn house
and I'll do the pickin'.
But, since you wanna die
right now, come on.
Oh, baby.
I done just like
you taught me, pa.
You gonna have some
fine grand-young'uns.
Ah, I ain't that bad.
If you're lucky...
And you win.
All right, bitches.
Now, who wants to live?
Get back.
Please, don't make me do this.
Stop fuckin' around and kill the bitch!
Finish her!
You freakin' son of a bitch!
I'm gonna kill you!
You like to play games.
I can't wait to choke-fuck you
and watch your eyes roll back
in the back of your head.
And believe me, young thing,
this mule dick's gonna take
its toll on you.
No, you bitch! I want her awake.
Take her and put herwith
the other girls.
When she wakes
I'll be waiting for her.
And bring out the other girls,
we've got one more fight.
No! No!
No! Amber!
Have fun, boys!
Don't make me come out there.
Get it on!
You pick some real winners there.
You... make me...
Look really bad.
Now, do you wanna fight?
You don't wanna fight?
You know, I'm sorry.
Candy, why don't you come take
this little thing to my room.
Royce, Squirm!
I got a little present forya.
You got an hour before
it goes cold.
Not here! Take her
to the other room.
Everybody, get the fuck out.
All right, mule,
it's time for one more ride.
Oh- H...
That's too bad,
I thought you were dead!
I missed you too.
Dawn? Where's Jenny?
She's out getting fucked.
You weak slut.
- You ain't goin' nowhere.
- I've got to get to Jenny.
But that bitch is already dead.
My brotherwill kill me
if you get out again.
You see, he likes variety, huh?
Candy's so soft and warm.
And I'm cold and hard.
But... he loves us both.
Ding, ding, ding.
That's right, blood's thicker
than water. Bitch...
I tried to be nice,
but you people aren't human.
It's on.
Oh, shit.
I'm going to get Jenny.
Do not move.
I'm coming back foryou.
Why are you doing this?
Shut your hole!
Get it off.
Ow... please.
Please, please, don't do this.
Shut up.
I'll run away, I swear.
- I'll never look back...
- Ugh!
You wanna keep talkin'?
Oh, fuck!
I'm gonna get you out ofthere.
- Shhh!
They're gonna hearyou.
- Shh, shh, shh.
Behind you!
Now I see why
my brotherfancies you.
Hmm, now I get my playtime.
Oh yeah? That was what
your sisterthought too.
I'm done playin'.
We just have to get Dawn,
and then we're gonna get out ofhere.
- Where is she?
- She's still in the other room.
No, don't hurt me!
Oh, Bear.
- Oh, Bear.
- Where's Dawn?
Bear, where's the girl that was
in this room?
All right. Where's Brody?
All right. Let's go find them.
Come on.
Oof! Ugh...
All right, it's time to leave.
All right?
All right, come on, come on.
Oh, Amber.
- Oh my God.
- Oh, Brody.
You're all right.
How many Hackfords are we up against?
I don't know.
But there's a clan ofthem.
Shit. Any more girls?
No, they're all dead.
Okay. Okay.
The truck is here.
We need to move three miles north east
through the woods to get to it.
Okay. Me and Bearwill stay
behind to draw theirfire.
No. No, I'm not leavin' y'all, Brody.
Listen, Amber, you have to.
Get these girls out ofhere.
Don't worry, we got your gear outside.
All right? We'll meet back
at the truck. I promise!
- All right.
- Okay.
- Here.
- Let's go,
Let's go.
Get that goose grease!
I'm ready to fuck.
- Slow down!
I can't understand
a gruntin' word you're sayin'.
- What? R...
- Royce?
- Shawna. Shawna!
They're dead, do you hear me?
They're fuckin' dead!
Go get the cousins now!
All right, listen up.
Those cunt bags escaped again.
I want them brought back here
but I want them alive.
That's my future.
Now go get 'em.
We ain't gonna outrun 'em.
It's time to fight.
Let 'em go.
We'll catch 'em in a sec.
- Go.
Wait! Wait...
I can't go on.
They're coming. We can't stop.
It's all right,
it's all right. Dawn...
- Listen, listen.
We're gonna make it, all right?
All right?
Just stay focused, catch your breath,
but then we have to move on.
All right?
All right. All right.
The car's about a
mile from here or so.
Is she gonna make it?
If I have to carry her,
she's gonna make it.
What was that?
Come on.
Now, you listen to me, boy.
There ain't nothing good
comin' outta this.
Best thing you can do is
protect your sister
and get herthe hell out ofhere.
You don't worry about me.
I'll be just fine.
You've always been strong.
Now I need you to be stronger
than ever before.
You protect your sister
at all costs. All right?
I love you, boy!
Now you go on and get out ofhere.
Go on, get out, man!
It's time to right some wrongs.
This is my land, you fucks.
Go tell pa I'm gonna fix this.
You hear? Tell pa I'm gonna fix this.
Go, go, go, go...
Come on. Come on!
All right.
All right, guys,
I gotta go help my brothers, so...
- I have to leave y'all.
- What?
I'm just gonna leave you for a minute.
No, you can't leave us!
- I can't do this.
- Jenny. Jenny!
I need you to be strong.
All right?
Now, I didn't leave you,
and I'm not gonna leave them.
Take this.
This is gonna give you courage.
You can be strong,
just like this bear, all right?
You can do it.
All right.
We'll be here when you get back.
- What?
- We will be fine.
We'll be fine.
I can't take this!
It's too long.
It's only been a few minutes.
It's dark out there and
there's a lot of woods to cover.
She's not coming back!
Find the keys, let's get out ofhere!
She always makes it back.
What are you doing?
I'm getting the hell out ofhere.
We are not leaving!
It's them! It's them!
- Hurry!
- Ah!
Damn it!
I can't see anything.
- Where are they?
- Calm down!
I'm trying to find the keys!
I don't wanna die!
Got them!
- No! No!
Get her!
Not her, goddamn it!
Son of a bitch!
You little whore.
Ah! Goddamn it.
Get her, you little shit! Get her!
Die! Die! Die! Die!
Oh! Hey, it's okay!
All right? It's me.
Calm down.
It's all right, it's all right.
- It's all right.
- I killed him.
I know.
- I killed him.
- I know. I know.
I know you did. All right?
But you did good.
You did real good.
All right? But we gotta go.
- We gotta go, all right?
- Okay.
Calm down, come on,
come on. Come on. Come on.
Oh, Teddy Bear,
I'm so glad to see you.
Hey, where's Brody?
No... not Brody.
Well, I guess I still have you.
Time to die!
Ooh, goddamn, that hurts, don't it?
No, Teddy Bear.
I need you, Teddy Bear.
Please don't leave me.
No, please don't leave me!
Oh... Teddy Bear.
No, Teddy Bear.
Please don't leave me.
I need you, Teddy Bear.
Please don't go.
No, Teddy Bear...
Why the hell won't you die?
'Cause I'm a Strickland,
you inbred piece of shit!
That's my uncle's,
you backwoods bitch!
Is that all you got?
Ooh, that's a nice little
fuck face you got there.
Oh, it's on now, bitch.
Oh, it's gonna be so fun fuckin' you.
You're so purty.
Home run!
It's breedin' time, bitch.
Oh, yeah, I can't wait
to split you open.
Ah, shit!
You slut!
Breedin' season's over.
What happened?
You all right?
It's all over. They're all dead.
Just got one thing left to do.
I've got to collect my family.
Oh, God. Thank God.
Thank God!
Oh, I thought you were dead.
I thought you both were dead.
Baby girl, it's gonna
take more than some inbreds
to take out a Strickland.
Oh, Brody.
- Ah!
- Oh, I'm sorry.
Me and Bear gonna need
some time to heal.
Well, looks like you been getting practice.
Doin' pretty good there.
You ain't the only badass in the family.
Baby girl keeps her promises.
Yes, she does.
Let's go home.
Yes, sir.
I don't need it anymore.
You've made me stronger
and that will always be in here.
Well, like I always say,
the strength is in the Strickland.
Oh, come on, I'll help you out.
Got a /tt/e story forya.
The story of St/ckv/e.
/t goes /ke th/s.
These back roads have the/rsecrets
Passed on word of mouth
Uncharted tr/butar/es
As you trave/ed c/eardown south
There are p/aces better /eft
A/one and unexp/ored
L/ke mosqu/toes rush/ng /n
An open porch screen door
L/ke mosqu/toes rush/ng /n
An open porch screen door
Now, you won't f/nd no banner
Say/ng welcome to th/s town
'Cause they don't take to v/s/tors
Best not hang around
/f you're /ost or pass/ng through
Keep yourfoot offthe brakes
'Cause once you stop, you m/ght f/nd
You've made your /ast m/stake
'Cause once you stop you m/ght f/nd
- You've made your /ast m/stake
Fam/es have the/r r/va/r/es
Gang /eaders and homeboys
L/ke Montague and Capu/et
Hatf/eld and McCoy
C/a/m yourturf, take yourstand
Each fam/ly must defend
/n the name of honour
- Unt/the b/oody end
/t's /n the name of honour
Unt/the b/oody end
A c/an has /ts r/tua/s
A tr/be has /ts tests
Marks of strength and va/our
And scars to show who's best
/t sets the peck/ng order
And separates the weak
Crown the k/ngs and queens
And cast offthe freaks
Yeah, we'/ crown
the k/ngs and queens
And cast off a/the freaks
Here we go
/nto the r/ng
Ooh ooh ooh
Thrown /nto the r/ng
Where only one surv/ves
/n th/s backroom co/seum
Only one comes out a/ve
To /ve anotherday
To serve the fam/ly we/
To the next generat/on
Born up /n he/
To the next generat/on
Born up /n he/
Steam r/ses offthe asphalt
Tarst/cks to yourshoes
The heat /s unre/ent/ng
L/ke a sultry southern b/ues
These back roads s/ng the/rsongs
Te/the/rta/es of woe and hurt
These back roads keep the/rsecrets
Bur/ed deep /n the d/rt
Oh, these back roads keep the/rsecrets
Bur/ed deep /n the d/rt