Bloodlust: Subspecies III (1994)

(airplane engine roars)
[Rebecca] I came to Romania
to find my sister Michelle,
but the police and the American
Embassy found her first.
This may sound a little strange,
but yesterday afternoon
your sister Michelle
was found unconscious
in her hotel room.
If what you say is
true, the vampire Radu
is here in Bucharest and
your sister is his disciple.
[Rebecca] With the help
of professor Popescu
from the Folk Art Museum...
Oh my God.
I discovered the awful truth.
(eerie ethereal music)
And fell into the clutches
of an ancient family
of vampires.
(creepy laughter)
Let her go.
Drink with me, fledgling.
Savor the taste of your
sister's suffering.
(eerie ethereal music)
Die, you bastard.
(eerie ethereal music)
Come on, Michelle.
[Michelle] I can't.
The sun.
I will wait for you until dark.
(somber angelic singing)
(somber ethereal music)
(somber ethereal music)
(dramatic ethereal music)
(somber angelic singing)
(eerie ethereal music)
(eerie ethereal music)
(eerie ethereal music)
I curse you for your beauty.
For the innocence of your flesh.
For the power you
hold over my child.
(eerie ethereal music)
(eerie ethereal music)
Her blood will give you life.
(eerie ethereal music)
(somber ethereal music)
(Romanian spoken)
Is there a telephone
here, please?
(somber ethereal music)
Bucharest, the American
Embassy, please.
(somber ethereal music)
(Romanian spoken)
(somber angelic singing)
(somber ethereal music)
(Romanian spoken)
(somber ethereal music)
(Romanian spoken)
(eerie ethereal music)
What's the story, lieutenant?
(eerie ethereal music)
What about Michelle?
Sorry, miss.
No sister.
No Radu.
No little witch.
She's in there
somewhere, she has to be.
Please, miss, tell me again
what's happening here.
Who killed Popescu?
[Mel] Rebecca, we
want to believe you.
They're vampires, Mel.
Vampires, Marin.
Or something worse.
Marin, can I talk
to you for a moment?
[Marin] Yes.
Excuse me, miss.
(Romanian spoken)
(eerie ethereal music)
(suspenseful ethereal music)
(creepy laughter)
(suspenseful ethereal music)
[Michelle] Oh no.
Sorry, I'm sorry, please.
No, don't hurt me.
(suspenseful ethereal music)
We're together now, pretty one.
(suspenseful ethereal music)
Mortals have defiled
my sanctuary.
We must fly.
(suspenseful ethereal music)
(Romanian chanted
amid creepy laughter)
(Romanian chanted amid screams)
(chants echoing)
(creepy laughter)
(whirring sounds)
I'm sorry.
Okay there's definitely
something weird going on here.
Some kind of explosion, yeah?
No, it was them leaving.
I could hear Michelle
screaming in there.
(creepy laughter)
Our sanctuary.
Return to Asgathas.
(eerie ethereal music)
Ooh, ooh.
(eerie ethereal music)
Call me when you wake
up, I'll come get you.
Would you stay with me tonight?
I don't want to be alone.
(doors close)
(somber ethereal music)
[Radu] From this night
forth, we shall be as one.
All that is mine, will be yours.
(somber ethereal music)
Kneel before your master.
(somber ethereal music)
Let me out of here.
I will let you out.
I might even set you free.
(suspenseful ethereal music)
When you're ready.
You promised you would
teach me everything.
(suspenseful ethereal music)
First you must learn patience.
(suspenseful ethereal music)
We have all the time in the world.
(suspenseful ethereal music)
(Singing in Hungarian)
(creepy laughter)
Someday, child, when
Radu tires of you,
you'll belong to me, then
you'll know horror.
(creepy laughter)
(suspenseful ethereal music)
(suspenseful ethereal music)
(suspenseful ethereal music)
(suspenseful ethereal music)
(metallic clang)
(suspenseful ethereal music)
(heavy breathing)
(suspenseful ethereal music)
(creepy laughter)
(suspenseful ethereal music)
(somber ethereal music)
Poor Nicoli.
I'm sorry.
My condolences, ma'am.
He was a fine scholar and
a delightful gentleman.
He was a crazy old fool.
Such a stupid way to die.
Ma'am, last time we were
here I left some papers
in his office, I was wondering...
Yes, go ahead.
But please, don't disturb anything.
(suspenseful intense music)
(engine starts)
(suspenseful intense music)
(somber ethereal music)
This is lieutenant Marin,
police of Bucharest.
Where is the gate, please?
How do we get inside?
(suspenseful ethereal music)
(Romanian spoken)
(suspenseful ethereal music)
(Romanian spoken)
(suspenseful ethereal music)
For Christ's sake.
Should we drop the
stakes or what?
No, no, just act natural.
Bonjour, my friend.
Hi, Marin.
I'm glad to see you're
finally taking me seriously,
[Marin] It's very serious.
Now why are you here?
To see if Marin is doing duty?
No we're just looking around.
(Romanian spoken)
Look, come here.
Empty graves, missing
persons, dead Popescu,
this case making me crazy.
Have you gotten into the
castle yet, lieutenant?
No, no, it's no one to open gate.
No we need written
permission to enter.
From who?
Oh, Director of Antiquities.
How long is that going to take?
Two weeks.
Maybe two months.
We can't wait that long.
God knows what could
happen by then.
Now listen.
Listen to me, miss.
I wish this case to be
solved as much as you.
Calm down, Marin.
I'm calm but I told big
boss your vampire story.
You know what's happening?
He scream at me for half-hour.
Now I am big trouble
thank you, to you.
Yeah well the trouble
is just beginning, Marin.
Department of police is not
believing in the vampires.
What are you doing
here, lieutenant?
What is your theory?
Your sister is mixed
up in black market.
Antiques, stolen from graves.
Excuse me, lieutenant.
Thanks, Marin.
It's all right.
(Romanian spoken)
[Mel] Rebecca.
[Marin] (Romanian spoken)
You know you really
shouldn't try so hard
to piss people off.
I'm sorry, Mel, but with him
it just comes so naturally.
Yeah I told you, he's not
the smartest guy in town.
But he can be a good ally.
Come on.
(dramatic ethereal music)
Can't believe I'm doing this.
Hey, wait.
My friends, what's happening?
This is Popescu's secret way in.
It's not enough I a
min big trouble, huh?
You want me to be fired too?
Go on.
Okay, go on.
Quickly, quickly, quickly.
(eerie ethereal music)
[Mel] No.
It's blocked.
They blocked the passageway.
[Marin] You are sure
this is correct way?
[Mel] Yes, Marin.
It wasn't like this before.
[Rebecca] Obviously
they were expecting us.
(eerie ethereal music)
Tomorrow morning, go
and talk to big boss.
Speak for yourself, yeah?
Yes, we'll do that, Marin.
Can't wait to meet
him, lieutenant.
(engine starts)
(dramatic ethereal music)
Wait, Rebecca.
Look it's getting late, we
should get out of here
before dark.
I just want to watch the
place for a little while.
(dramatic ethereal music)
They're in there.
(dramatic ethereal music)
Don't let them see us.
We're not safe here.
Come on, let's go.
Come on, we can't do anything
until daylight any way.
Come on.
(dramatic ethereal music)
[Rebecca] Go, go.
(engine starts)
What are you doing?
Just go.
(dramatic ethereal music)
They dare to challenge us?
Your sister is a foolish one.
Leave her alone.
(dramatic ethereal music)
I'll do anything.
Severe the ties to your
mortality, Michelle,
or your pain will turn to pleasure.
She's my sister, I love her.
There's no love between
the living and the dead.
What you feel is hunger.
Hunger for life.
(dramatic ethereal music)
Kneel before your master.
You promised to teach me.
(dramatic ethereal music)
Destroy her, Radu.
She curses you in her heart.
(dramatic ethereal music)
I shall grant you all I promised,
when you prove yourself worthy.
(joyous folk music)
(door closes)
(joyous folk music)
(somber folk music)
(dramatic ethereal music)
[Rebecca] What does it say?
Man this is some wild stuff.
According to this legend, the
castle was originally
owned by this family of
sorcerers until this Vladislav
guy came along and seduced
the daughter Cerce.
She gave birth to the
monstrous Radu and then
apparently Vladislav murdered
most of the family off,
drove the rest of them from
the region, and claimed
the castle as his own.
This Vladislav sounds
like a ruthless character.
No, apparently he
was the good guy.
(eerie ethereal music)
(eerie somber music)
(creepy laughter)
Michelle, please.
What's wrong?
I can't, I can't.
It's just, it's just
too much right now.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
I'm sorry too.
(eerie ethereal music)
What is it?
(joyous folk music)
Reach out with your senses.
(joyous folk music)
The violinist is a disgrace.
(joyous folk music)
Teach me to fly, as you do.
Patience, pretty one.
Before the mysteries, you
must learn to survive.
To hunt.
To move with stealth.
(eerie ethereal music)
Flex your inner powers.
(eerie ethereal music)
You are a magnificent creature.
(joyous folk music)
(eerie dramatic music)
[Man] (Romanian spoken)
(eerie dramatic music)
Take him.
(eerie dramatic music)
(eerie dramatic music)
(Romanian spoken)
(eerie dramatic music)
[Mel] What, what is it?
I heard a scream.
(joyous folk music)
It must have just
come from the tavern.
(engine starts)
Hey, there's your friend
lieutenant Marin.
I'll be darned.
He's spying on us.
We must go now.
The sun is coming.
I want to see the dawn.
We will wait, until
the pain begins.
Is it true, that the
sunlight can kill us?
What else?
What else can kill a vampire?
Many things.
Kill me, Radu.
You've destroyed me.
Some day, the sadness you
feel will be a sweet memory.
(eerie ethereal music)
I can't bear this any longer.
I love you, Michelle.
I shall love you until
the end of time.
(eerie ethereal music)
I will allow you, a
most precious gift.
(eerie ethereal music)
I hate you.
(eerie ethereal music)
I'll hate you for all eternity.
(eerie ethereal music)
We must go now.
(eerie ethereal music)
Our powers are weakened
with the light.
(eerie ethereal music)
(Conversation in Romanian)
You're going to like this guy.
He's C.I.A. but he's totally cool.
(Romanian spoken)
Bob, it's Mel.
Turn off your tape recorder, buddy,
I've got a favor to ask.
Totally off the record.
(Romanian spoken)
Bonjour, good morning, miss.
What's going on here?
Good morning, Marin.
Truthfully it's a bad morning.
Two peoples gone from
village last night.
A violin boy from Guchama,
a woman from car.
[Marin] Yeah.
Like how?
Gone like poof, disappearing.
Now everybody in village
are talking crazy.
(Romanian spoken angrily)
What is she saying?
That we shouldn't have
gone to the castle.
That we reawakened
something, stri...
Goi, strigoi, strigoi, vampires.
Do you believe me
now, lieutenant?
No, no, no, I don't
believe, it's black market,
this violin boy, he's no good, he's
no good violin for sure.
You are hopeless, lieutenant.
Come on, Mel.
Later, Marin.
(Romanian spoken angrily)
(engine starts)
(Romanian spoken angrily)
(eerie ethereal music)
[Mel] Okay, Bob won't
be here until about noon.
Gives us some time to look around.
(eerie ethereal music)
Come on.
(eerie ethereal music)
Jesus, Marin.
Don't worry, I am only me.
What's happening?
Just exploring, Marin.
Looking for vampire, huh?
Oh, Americans, crazy people.
It's very nice up here.
Maybe I stay here
today, with you, huh?
Suit yourself, Marin.
Just don't be surprised
at what you see.
(eerie dramatic music)
Hey, bud.
Jesus, Bob.
Hey, Marin, it's
okay, he's a friend.
Everybody cool here?
[Mel] Yeah.
Bob this is Rebecca; Rebecca
this is my friend Bob.
Hi, Bob, nice to meet you.
And lieutenant Marin,
Bucharest police.
I know.
Hello, C.I.A. Bob, huh?
I thought you were a
smuggler at first.
No, sir.
[Marin] Okay.
What's the target here?
We've got to get inside.
You think we can make
it up this wall?
Give it a shot.
You got the stuff?
Weird shopping list, buddy.
What are we, vampire hunting?
It's your show, man,
I'm just doing a cameo.
Spotty bag, light tight,
100 percent opaque.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, lieutenant.
Night-viewing device.
Don't want to mess
with it in daylight.
You're going to love this.
Silver bullets, melted
down from my neighbor's
antique crucifix.
You owe her $500, pal.
She started out asking $750.
Nice work, Bob.
Hey, man, it's my pleasure.
This makes six rounds
each, that's if
we're all participating.
Ma'am, you know how to use it?
Think I can handle it.
No, no, no, no, no.
Are you with us, Marin?
Okay, but don't
tell big boss, okay?
Yes, ma'am.
What are you doing?
I'm going up.
Bob and I are old rock
climbing buddies.
Are you a climber?
We'll find a way to get you in.
Be careful.
Don't you worry.
(eerie somber music)
Think we can make it?
No problem.
(dramatic ethereal music)
Your turn, man.
You can do that?
That's why I climb with him.
(eerie ethereal music)
Good luck.
(eerie ethereal music)
(eerie dramatic music)
Thanks, man.
(eerie dramatic music)
Good climbing, man.
We're in.
Okay we're going to go offline now.
Unless you have an emergency,
don't call us, we'll call you.
(eerie dramatic music)
(door squeaks)
(eerie dramatic music)
Sounds like trouble ahead.
Female voice, we're
going to check it out.
The witch doesn't sleep by day.
(eerie dramatic music)
(screams amid creepy laughter)
Hands up, grannie.
(eerie dramatic music)
(eerie dramatic music)
Bob, come in.
Mel, please, answer me.
(eerie dramatic music)
(creepy laughter)
Hello, hello?
(Romanian spoken)
It's too much mountains for radio.
We should go for help.
We can't leave yet.
What if they got away?
Okay, we wait and see.
(eerie dramatic music)
No matter what
happens, don't hurt Michelle.
Yes, of course.
You understand what
I'm telling you, Marin?
Yes, don't hurt sister, yes.
(eerie dramatic music)
Wait until it is most
dark, so no one will see me.
(eerie dramatic music)
(eerie angelic singing)
(eerie ethereal music)
Don't touch me.
(eerie ethereal music)
Be kind to me, and I
shall bestow upon you
a priceless treasure.
(eerie ethereal music)
(eerie ethereal music)
Your blood grows bitter.
Soon you'll be mine, completely.
(eerie dramatic music)
(creepy laughter)
The throne is mine.
My treasure.
(eerie dramatic music)
Give it to me, at once.
You defy me?
[Radu] It belongs to
the fledgling, Mother.
I bestowed it upon her.
(eerie dramatic music)
You are forbidden my spoils.
The only treasures
are my birthright.
(eerie dramatic music)
They are mine alone.
Anger me not, Mother,
for there will be,
a bloodbath.
She is the cause
of your treachery.
Destroy her.
She is my chosen disciple.
She acts as your
master, you are her master,
as I am yours.
I have no master.
She must die.
(eerie dramatic music)
Forgive me, Mother.
(eerie dramatic music)
(intense dramatic music)
You dare to desecrate me?
(intense dramatic music)
Curse you forever.
(intense dramatic music)
(fire cackles)
Now I have it all, don't I?
Pretty one?
Let me drink from the bloodstone.
You're not ready.
Its power will drive you mad.
I killed my father, my
mother, my entire bloodline.
For you.
What will you grant me in return?
Forgiveness for what
you've done to me.
There is not enough
forgiveness in the universe
for all I've done.
Miss Morgan.
Miss Morgan.
I'm from the U.S. Embassy.
I'm a friend of Rebecca's.
I would very much like to help you.
I know Rebecca would too.
This mortal has seen too much.
Please, sir, no.
[Radu] Feast upon him, Michelle.
[Mel] No.
See the fear,
pulsing in his veins.
No, please.
Savor the sweetness of his agony.
(eerie dramatic music)
Please, miss Morgan, don't.
We can get you out of here.
Drink, Michelle.
Forget you were ever mortal.
No, please.
[Rebecca] Michelle,
can you hear me?
[Rebecca] Michelle, it's me.
Can you hear me?
(eerie dramatic music)
Please, Michelle, answer me.
(eerie dramatic music)
Mel, please, somebody.
Can anybody hear me, please?
(eerie dramatic music)
Michelle, please,
it's Becky, please.
(eerie dramatic music)
Mel, where are you?
(eerie dramatic music)
I can see you.
If you can hear me,
please answer me.
(eerie dramatic music)
Michelle, Mel, somebody please.
Please answer me.
This mortal love you bear
is a threat to our existence.
Please, Radu, I
have to speak to her.
I'll come back, I promise.
(somber ethereal music)
I'll do anything, if
you spare her life.
Very well.
(somber ethereal music)
Your sister's life in return
for your absolute devotion.
(somber ethereal music)
(somber ethereal music)
(somber ethereal music)
Don't come any closer, Becky.
Come back with me, Michelle.
I can't.
I have to stay here.
(somber ethereal music)
You're so cold.
(somber ethereal music)
You're dead.
(eerie dramatic music)
(eerie dramatic music)
You have to go now, Becky.
Not without you.
Please, or he'll destroy you too.
What about my friend?
(eerie ethereal music)
He's Radu's prisoner.
Please, please take me to him.
Such a sweet reunion.
He's dead.
(eerie ethereal music)
This gun is loaded
with silver bullets,
and I will use it if I have to.
I want you to release my
friends and then Michelle
and I are leaving, and you
better not try and stop us.
Do you understand?
(eerie angelic singing)
(eerie ethereal music)
(eerie dramatic music)
Thank God.
Let them go.
(eerie dramatic music)
[Radu] As you wish.
(eerie dramatic music)
Okay, Michelle,
let's get out of here.
Take them, fledgling.
(eerie dramatic music)
Let there be a bloodbath.
(eerie dramatic music)
Come on, Michelle.
We're leaving.
(eerie dramatic music)
Kill me, Becky.
(eerie dramatic music)
Get out of the way, Michelle.
(eerie dramatic music)
Please, end this nightmare.
(eerie dramatic music)
Michelle, don't!
(eerie dramatic music)
No, Michelle.
You're mine.
(eerie dramatic music)
(eerie dramatic music)
(intense dramatic music)
The daylight.
(eerie dramatic music)
(eerie dramatic music)
[Rebecca] Come on, Michelle.
[Michelle] No, I can't.
Leave me.
(eerie dramatic music)
Please, let me die.
No, miss Morgan, we're going
to get you out of here.
[Mel] God.
God, no.
(eerie dramatic music)
(eerie dramatic music)
Cover her, cover her.
Cover her!
(eerie dramatic music)
No, no, no!
The bloodstone.
Give it to me.
(eerie dramatic music)
Give it to me and I
shall set you free.
(eerie dramatic music)
You want it?
Go for it.
(eerie dramatic music)
(eerie dramatic music)
(intense dramatic music)
(engine starts)
(intense dramatic music)
(eerie ethereal music)