BloodRayne II: Deliverance (2007)

hosseinmovies@gmail. com
The Wild West.
This is it.
This is it.
Howdy, Tex.
Is the Mayor up here?
Deliverance, Mr. Piles,
is not just some small town
waiting for the railway
to pass through
to give it some sense of life.
No, no, no, Deliverance
is the epitome
of the American Dream.
It is not some Sin City
of libations and fornication.
It is the heart
of all future prosperity.
When that railroad
comes through,
we are not simply
building a train station.
We are building a whole
railroad service yard.
We're gonna mine coal
in those hills.
We have found a seam of coal
that is so wide you could drive...
Mr. Mayor, I have
some questions.
Yes, please, Mr. Piles.
I am happy to answer
any question you have,
just go right ahead.
I came looking for wild
stories of the Wild West.
- Things like that.
- Yes, certainly
Well, Mr. Piles, I'm afraid
you'll find Deliverance
a lot less wild than you've
been lead to believe.
- Finished?
- Mm-hmm.
Dad, can you read us
a story?
Why don't you go
pick one out, all right?
Dad will be in
in five minutes.
That's good.
It's late in the season
for this much snow.
We read that yesterday.
You know, that snow's
gonna turn to mud.
Just like the got down
in the city.
It might be June before
we can start planting.
We'll make do.
We always find a way.
Goddamn bear's back!
Be careful.
We're gonna figure this out.
Let's read that.
What was that?
You two stay put.
All right,
get under the bed.
Get under.
Are you sad, children?
Do you miss your mother
and father already?
Don't worry.
You'll join them
soon enough.
No, no, no!
Let go of me!
So the railway's
coming to Deliverance.
The man said it,
and it's true.
Uh, Sheriff,
if you and Sadie
want to spend the night,
I got a free bed for you.
Well, I appreciate
the offer.
But my lady Sadie here
prefers her own bed
at night.
All right.
Bid you good night.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Why don't you go on
and check on the little ones?
I'll-I'll finish up
down here.
All right.
Good night.
Good night, folks.
Lock up tight, you hear?
With all that's been
going on, best be careful.
All right, Sheriff.
Sheriff, evening.
Night, Mayor.
Night, Sheriff.
Aren't you cashing in
your chips a little early
leaving tomorrow?
Look, Mayor,
if I don't find the "wild"
in the West soon,
my paper's gonna
cut me lose.
Deliverance is about
the quietest town
on the frontier.
That's an understatement.
When that rail service
comes in next week,
there'll be a whole lot
more going on.
Well, I can't wait that long.
You better be sleeping.
What's wrong?
we saw somebody outside.
don't hurt my children!
I'll do anything.
Mom, please!
That's what I'm counting on.
Please leave them alone!
That's far enough!
This here is a good town.
And I'm the law here,
young fella.
Get your hands off of me!
Now you let those children go
this damned instant!
You let the children go!
you drop those guns.
I said drop them!
I am Franklin Holden,
Mayor of...
My house is at your disposal.
Excuse me, sir.
My name is Newton Piles.
I'm with
the Chicago Chronicle.
I'm writing stories
about the West.
Tell me, Mr... Piles.
Is telling stories
your reason to live?
hosseinmovies@gmail. com
Then bear witness
to the greatest story ever told.

You better have something
interesting to say, mister.
Easy now.
The young'uns ain't here.
I can see that.
Where are they?
My guess is they're with
Billy the Kid and his gang.
Never seen him take
prisoners before though.
That ain't the work
of no bandits.
Billy the Kid,
he ain't no bandit.
He ain't even human.
He's some sort of...
some sort of creature.
A creature of the night.
Now you mind
putting that pig sticker
away now?
Look-hey, easy.
He's been real busy.
These folk...
they kin to you?
As close as it gets for me.
Where did he brings
those children?
If they're alive, I'm betting
they're in Deliverance.
seeing how you
and I have...
similar interests here...
maybe you and I should think
about teaming up.
I ride alone.
Hey, there's gonna be
an awful lot
of those bloodsuckers.
A woman alone won't be able
to handle it by herself.
Your fly's open.
Now hold up there, Missy.
You discharge a single round
from your weapons
in my town,
you, me, and Sadie here
will be having ourselves
a conversation.
Now if you're a pretty lady
looking for some work,
we got ourselves
some nice business folk
who pass through here.
And the railroad line's
coming soon.
Might want to get a pretty dress.
Have yourself a bath.
And do you hair up
real nice-like.
You talk to Martha
over at the Pig.
She'll point you
in the right direction.
And I might even drop in
and pay you a visit myself.
Keep an eye on her.
With pleasure.
I think I'm going to enjoy this.

Hey, hey, hey, I'm telling you
I've been chasing
that son of a bitch for six months.
And there he was.
I sees him clear as day!
Hey, hey, hey.
Thank you.
Go on, sweet thing,
go on!
Ha ha ha ha!
I sees him as clear as day.
And I says,
"I don't care who thinks
"this cocksucker
is as dangerous
"as folks say he is.
"I don't care nothing
about how many men
they say he shot. "
The only thing
I plum care about
is where I got
my gun aimed.
Both barrels aimed
right at him I had.
And then I tells him,
"When you see the Devil,
you tell him Flintlock Hogan
sent you. "
I shot that cocksucker good!
Now he closer
to the Devil hisself.
Bravo! Bravo!
Only two things
a woman is good for.
Making my grub and...
keeping my dick warm.
You say
the sweetest things.
Oh, there's plenty of sweet stuff
where that came from, honey.
Flintlock Hogan.
You're crushing
my windpipe.
You reckon
I'd give up looking for you?
Last time I saw you...
you interrupted a good game.
How about you let me
finish this time?
We can even deal you in.
We don't mind
taking your money.
Oh, come on, baby,
what you say, huh?
Come on.
I'll take that.
More whiskey
Come on, fill it up.
I must have
a four-leaf clover
shoved right up
my arse.
You all may as well
fold now
and count your losses.
Otherwise Irish Mick
is gonna send you all home
crying to your mamas.
You sound funny.
I'm an Irishman, darling.
Don't you know what
an Irishman sounds like?
A cross between an asshole
and a dead man.
Oome on, Mick,
just play your fucking cards.
Patience is a virtue,
Mr. Hogan.
Full fucking house.
What you got?
I got that beat.
Four Aces.
Would you look at that?
You can add that to your list
a what a woman's good for.
cheating bitch!
Oome on!
Ain't it like an Irishman
to bring a bottle to a gunfight.
I just had enough
of this shit.
Back down, Kentucky.
This is between me
and the little cunt.
Let's go, Rayne.
Let's settle this outside.
Let's go, Rayne!
I'm done messing
around with you!
Come on!
Go get the Sheriff pronto.
That's more like it.
you don't know what
you're dealing with.
Then that's fair...
'cause neither do they.
Oh, Rayne, you know I'm
the best cocksucking shooter
God's America ever spat
into existence.
Shit, I done killed 17 men
since last I saw you.
And I counting Ohinamen
and Injuns.
What are you looking for,
some sort of prize?
Prepare to meet
your maker, bitch.
Uh, your safety, Mr. Piles.
Oh, finally the Wild West.
What the fuck?!
A bad reaction to some bullets
and some holy water
and some garlic.
God bless his soul.
If bullshit were music,
you'd be a bleeding brass band!
Now I have had about
enough of all this.
Reskin those pistols,
I've got this.
See this here scattergun?
I've done killed
over 30 men
with this little lady.
Now we've got some rules
in this town.
And if there is one thing
that Sadie don't like,
is people breaking them.
The boss don't
like it much neither.
Prepare the gallows!
We're having ourselves
a hanging!
you've got
till high midnight
to make your peace
and think about what
you've done here.
Told you not to piss
Sadie off.
Perhaps you could put in
a good word for her?
Over here.
Most impressive
for the fairer sex.
Bravo! Bravo!
I'm Newton Piles.
I'm with
the Chicago Chronicle.
I'm here writing stories
for the East Ooast.
You know, true tales
of the new frontier,
straight from the line.
Tales of blood and-
I was just wondering
if I could interview you.
You know, for the folks
back at home.
Who's the boss holed up
at the end of the street?
The fella who sent me
to find out who you are.
I had not choice.
Billy the Kid?
He got any kids with him?
What's he up to?
Ma'am, I really
couldn't tell you.
Oan't or won't?
Uh, he doesn't share
his plans with me.
I write what
he wants me to write
and I do what
he wants me to do.
He's growing an army.
Why are you so interested
in him anyway, lady?
Seems to me you've got
your own problems right now.
Got my reasons.
Such as?
My reasons are my own.
Don't worry about
this little snitch.
He won't be taking
any of this back.
- Yes, that's right!
- Yeah, uh-huh.
You're a Brimstone.
That mean
something to you?
Around the neck.
Name's Rayne.
I'd shake your hand, but-
I understand.
I'm Muller.
I take it you're not here by accident.
No, I've been tracking Billy
clear from Cheyenne.
Something weren't
quite right about him.
How's he like
as a gunfighter?
Truth be told, he's not
much of a hand with a gun.
He don't need to be.
He take bullets
like a boxer takes punches.
Are you saying
he heals himself?
It's the damnedest thing.
He don't even need to feed on
blood to heal himself.
He must be one old vampire.
He's the strongest
I've ever seen.
He's smart too.
He's got
leadership abilities.
Hell, I admire
the son of a bitch.
Let's see if we can
get you more comfortable.
Here, let me get these.
Let me see your glasses.
Aah, be careful!
I just bought those!
What's this about
building up an army?
Well, we saw
that he was coming in
and attacking
the homesteads.
Collecting new recruits
out of men
unless they put up
too much of a fight.
Left the women
and kids dead.
How many men he turn?
I figure he's got
Uh, excuse me.
Turn them?
Vampire bites a man,
he'll turn into
a vampire himself.
Unless they rip his throat
out in the process.
Wasn't until
they took over this town
that we saw
what he was doing.
Do you mind?
You're in my light.
Who's we?
Me and my partner.
He was a Brimstone.
He rode off
to get some others.
His head come back
in a mailbag.
I don't know how they knew.
They got me on account
of being his partner.
You ever figure out
what they were up to?
Well, the railroad's
coming to town
next week, right?
Damn it, do you mind
giving me some space?!
I'm sorry, I'm just
not very good at this.
Of course.
As soon the rail service
comes to this outpost,
hundreds of people
will be coming in.
And going out vampires.
I figure he'll start here.
He'll build his army
and then he'll go out west,
growing stronger as he goes.
But until
the rail service begins,
he needs to keep things
looking normal.
So that's why he took
all those kids hostage!
That and so they have
something to feed on
while they wait.
They're, ahem,
almost finished
setting up the gallows.
Well, it looks like
it's the end of the line
for us.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Aren't you gonna
put up a fight?
And what do you propos
e we do, newspaperman?
You gonna help us?
Well, I'm flattered,
but I'm more an observer.
A man who hangs in the shadows
and does nothing
is the worst kind of man.
Isn't that right, Rayne?
Both of you.
If we're gonna do something,
we gotta do it now.
What do you want
me to do?
You got any weapons?
I got your swords.
These drunk cowboys
traded 'em to me
for a bottle of whiskey.
I'm an objective party.
You're Billy's lapdog.
Folks out there
are scared to do anything.
Now from what I can see,
you're our last hope.
It's show time!
Oh, shit.
Unlock 'em.
What are you
doing here, Bob?
I came to see
if they, uh,
wanted anything special
for their burial.
We're gonna dumping them
in the marsh.
if that addresses
any of your concerns.
Open it.
Oome on.
Oome on, let's go,
Oome on!
We are gonna test
the gallows
with you, my friend.
So's you can be an example
to the townsfolk,
sweet cheeks.
Eeny, meany,
miny... moe.
No, no!
hosseinmovies@gmail. com
Hush, little baby,
don't say a word
Billy's going to buy you
a mockingbird
And if that mockingbird
don't sing
So pretty.
So pretty.
Oome on, boy.
Get him up there!
Jesus, calm down, boy!
Hold still, hold still.
All right, everybody, quiet!
Any last words?
Y'all better pray
we never meet again.
Not much chance
of that.
Hang him!
Go get the main attraction.
Oome on.
Oome on!
what do you need me
here for?
'Oause, Mr. Mayor, you are
the face of this town.
And as the face of this town,
it's only proper
that you be involved
in the handing out of justice.
And it 'cause
gives me a hard-on
to see you shitting your pants!
Who's ready
for another hanging?
Well, I think you
should do the honors.
- Me?
- Read!
For the crime of...
Speak up, goddamn it.
Don't be shy.
For the crime
of causing a ruckus,
assaulting officers
of the law,
and murder most foul
on three counts...
Get on with it!
Let's hang the bitch.
Yeah, do it!
I declare
you should be
hung by the neck
until dead.
Well said!
Get on with this!
Fuck, yeah!
Is this a friend of yours?
What the hell?
Son of a bitch.
You will not disob-
Shoot her!
Let's go get her.
Oome on!
Very brave, little bartender.
What do you want?
Your life.
Get back inside.
She's gotta be around here somewheres.
Come on, over here!
Looks like you could use a friend.
Be no goddamn railroad
in Deliverance.
I just burnt down
a railroad station.
Oome on now.
Just take a little bit.
A little bit, a little bit.
There you go.
You sure don't make friends easy,
do you?
I saw you kill three
of those suckers last night.
Not bad for a night's work.
Still a ways to go.
Yeah, well, you're not
going anywhere today.
Or tonight.
Or next week for that matter.
That's too long.
Woman, you're lucky
to be breathing.
You got hit a couple of times
when you were in the water.
B- Blood.
You lost a lot.
No, I need... blood.
Blood will help me heal.
You're a vampire?
What kind of vampire
can walk around in the daylight
and cross through water?
Dhampir, half-human.
I didn't know
such a thing was possible.
So what does that mean?
Your mom-
by a vampire.
Animal blood works,
but human blood is better.
How much do you need?
As much...
There you go.
That's it.
That's it.
Enough, enough, enough!
Goddamn, woman.
You could've put it in a cup.
Yeah, maybe next time
we'll put in a cup, right.
I picked these up
in Deliverance.
Try to hang on to them
next time.
Well, that looks a lot better.
You know, I think
we're gonna need some help.
A couple extra guns would be
pretty handy, you know.
Yeah, you got any in mind?
Yep, I do.
Oome on, Joe, this way.
Back it up.
Thatta, boy.
Let me guess.
Not exactly.
Friend of yours?
Not yet.
Your goal is to be shaped
by his goodness.
Or will you end up
in the burning fires of hell!
Oh, I hear those voices.
Those sickly, perverted voices...
that whisper...
psst psst psst..
and mock...
ha ha ha!
But those are the flapping,
wagging, cursed
tongues of sodomites!
Let fear grip you.
Let it grip you
by your intestines
and pull you kicking
and screaming to the light!
For fear is the way
of the Lord, Our Savior.
Fear is what will keep
the darkness from you door.
The darkness that tempts
and seeks
to lure the righteous
from the pathway to paradise.
Paradise, I tell thee.
Paradise, be not
the sweet nectar
found in the bottom of a bottle.
Paradise be not
the moist, swollen lips
between a virgin's thighs.
No, paradise be the opening
of your filthy hearts
and your sinful minds
to the glory
of Our Lord and Savior.
Repent, I tell thee!
Repent your filthy
and heathen ways,
or condemn yourself
to damnation and sodomy
in the cruel fires of Hell.
Now I bring you salvation
right there.
And I bring you forgiveness
right there.
Yes, together there is
still time for that.
But you should know...
that forgiveness...
does not come cheap.
Yeah, that's right.
That's right.
That's right!
Donate all that you have to God
and his glorious
heavenly kingdom.
It is the only way
to be sure
of your space in paradise
when the end is upon you.
Thank you very much.
Pass it around.
Now there you go.
Was it so hard to repent?
I don't know whether
or laugh or cry.
Way I see it,
you got three options.
One, we put them
wanted posters up
and let the townsfolk
fit you with a rope.
Or two...
we spare them the trouble
and hang your ourselves.
Or three...
you join us
in our good works
and redeem your soul.
What will it be?
Well, what kind of good work
are we talking about there, my lady?
Ridding the world
of all the heathen
vampire scum.
Well, hell, why didn't
you just say so?
No one's gonna hang a fella
for taking money, right?
I got time to get my hat.
All right, let's go.
That was easy.
Thank you, Jesus.
You boys better
wait out here.
We don't want
to get our man
by all the company.
Oh, I think he's gonna be
excited enough to see you.
Rayne, you watch yourself
in there.
This is a hard character
you're dealing with.
Now why else would I want
to be soliciting his company?
Where the hell you going?
I'm going inside.
You coming?
No, I don't have any money.
Here, my treat.
Thank you, Jesus.
Hurry up with that whiskey,
would you, woman?
Get in here!
Heh heh!
Is that Franson inside?
Think so.
I'm the name of the Lord,
I'm here to exorcise
my demons.
Oome on, I'll you touch
my Bible.
Now howdy!
Oh, wow!
You one of Hannah's girls?
- Maybe.
- Yeah.
Look at you!
Mm! Mm!
I don't know where to start,
the top or the bottom.
Lord! Ha!
I'm gonna give you
the ride of your life.
You're one of those, are you?
Well, all right!
I'm one of those too.
I bet you are.
I can't move.
That's the point.
That's good!
Now... I have
a proposition for you.
I want your
undivided attention.
Listen close.
You don't want to blow this.
Did I kill one of your friends
or your kin?
We want you to kill for us.
More like what.
You with us?
Are you still gonna fuck me?
Oh, Preacher, yeah!

Got something here
gonna be real helpful.
An offering.
No, silver bullets
rubbed with garlic.
Tools of our trade.
A man after my own heart.
Preacher, we need a blessing.
Well, shit, yeah,
I'd be honored.
Dear Lord in Heaven,
we are gathered here
on this eve
with our souls laid bare.
We ask you, God,
to give us mercy
when the time for sacrifice
falls upon us.
They've roamed the earth
for thousands of years.
Feeding on the meek,
the impoverished.
They've forsaken God,
and God has forsaken
their victims.
For the people of Deliverance,
mothers, fathers, daughters, sons,
it is for them that we do this.
In dark bonded
as brothers are we.
By this
we solemnly swear.
For there are none but us
who care.
As one we stand together,
we fight together
and we die together.
Franklin, please.
There must be something
we can do.
My children are out there.
Martha, the Devil makes haste.
It is my belief that...
Billy is simply using our children
in order to control us.
Were any harm to befall them,
he would not have the same
leverage over our decisions.
He's gonna wait until
the railroad comes through
and take as many lives
as he can
to feed his bloodlust.
However, if someone
were to tell him
that the railroad
is no longer traveling
through our fair village,
he would leave.
God may soul,
I will tell him that lie.
I will parley with him.
I will am confident...
we will prevail.
We just sit here?
Until the time is right.
Mr. Mayor...
I know it's not my place.
I'm-I'm just a bystander, but...
he's gonna see
right through that.
Mr. Piles, though I be
only a mayor
of a small town in the West,
I do believe I know something
of the nature of people
and those that are not
but take their appearance.
He is filled
with the lust for blood.
It is all he cares about.
He will hear
what he wants to hear,
and he move toward
his objectives and his aims.
It is my responsibility.
It's a bad idea.
Look, she's back.
And she's brought help.
Let me see.
Billy the Kid!
The Brimstone
is calling you out!
You hear that?
And the burning fires of Hell
rained down upon them.
Oome on out, you coward!
So, hey, how come
they call you Slime Bag?
They call me Slime Bag?
Let's go.
What, you couldn't go under?
I'm going out there.
Martha, I do believe
Mary and Sally
would be better off
with a mother who's alive,
not six feet under.
No, no!
You seem to have to have
your hands full.
I think we should go out there.
We should go out-
What's the matter
with you people?
You're a bunch of cowards!
Those men out there.
They're putting their lives
on the line for your people.
For you and your children,
and all you can do
is just stand here?
That's why Billy has
control of Deliverance!
Because this town is filled
with a bunch of-
Mr. Piles, do you know
how to use that?
Well, what are you waiting for?
Waiting to be
slaughtered like cattle
at an abattoir
so this demon spawn
can drain you?
Ripened on the vine.
And ready to pluck.
You don't want them Billy.
You want me.
Pick on somebody
your own size.
Billy the Kid.
Bullying the other
little kids, huh?
Let it go, Rayne.
Then perhaps...
we can share
a meal together.
Taste sweet...
young blood...
on your lips...
You don't want to fuck
with me, Billy!
Your children are out there.
There may not be
much future for this town,
but there's no future
at all without children.
Aaron, two boys.
Percy, you got
a little girl, don't you?
Well, then... with me?
Where the fuck did he go?
Jesus titty-fuck Ohrist.
Drop those gun belts
real slow-like.
You shouldn't smoke.
You shouldn't cuss.
You are outmanned
and outgunned,
you dirty dog bastards.
Yeah, well, let's even up
those odds then.
Your men are dead.
This town, my pantry,
is almost dry.
in a few day...
the railroad will come
opening the rest
of the country to my grasp.
I shall beget an army.
And it shall spread
along these train tracks
like the blood
in the iron veins
of this land
until nothing
stands before my will.
Embrace what you are.
Join me.
Rule at my side.
Get your hands off me.
Turn around,
you yellow dog bastards!
hosseinmovies@gmail. com
Well, Mr. Piles...
I'd like to show you
the main street...
of Deliverance.
Hear me, sinners.
You will be dead
before the night is done.
You are no longer welcome
in Deliverance!
Oh, God, did you see that?
Did you see that?
I can't do this by myself!
William, run!
Oome on, guys.
No guns.
I want to feel... skin.
Oh, now we play.
You're all done, Preacher.
You should not have done that.
Suck lead.
I always enjoy a little sport
before a meal.
It's whets the appetite.
It gets the juices flowing.
I must confess
to being a little giddy
at my first taste
of Dhampir.
I'm not as sweet as look.
Well, then we should make
the meat more tender.
I offered you greatness.
I offered you history
at my side.
And you threw it all away
for these animals.
For these sheep!
Is this your shepherd?
Huh, my little flock?
Is this is the one
who has made your puny hearts
bold with hope?
The taste of despair
is so much sweeter
when it's torn
from the cradle of faith.
And now...
now the slaughter begins!
You whined when I took
your children.
Now you will watch
as I drain them.
Weep as they die
and curse your God
as they rise from the dead
to rip open your throats
at my command!
Now does the slaughter begin.
Let's do something about
that nasty laugh of yours.
Back up!
Big speech, small guns.
You overcompensating
for something?
I'm sick
of your half-breed mouth.
Oh, Mary!
Let me see.
Are you all right?
Mommy, Sally didn't make it.
I know, sweetheart.
I know.
What a story.
What a story!
The true tale of how
the West was won.
What do you think,
Mr. Garrett?
It's got intrigue.
It's got secrets-
You know, I thought
you had a new job.
Sheriff, isn't it?
I'm the Sheriff now.
So what's next?
I'm riding out to Tombstone.
Heard they got themselves
some trouble
with some vampires
by the name of the Olanton Gang.
Yeah, I heard about that.
Wyatt Earp's after 'em.
Maybe I'll ride along?
Newton, life is like a penis.
When it's hard, you get screwed.
When it's soft, you can't beat it.
I gotta write that down.
hosseinmovies@gmail. com