BloodRayne (2005)

What do you have for us?
I think I may have found
something of interest.
Look at this.
Some say she is an abomination
of nature.
Carnival freaks?
Julius, don't waste our time.
Yes, sir.
What can I get for you?
A glass of absinthe.
Right away, sir.
Flame it, and make sure
the glass is clean.
Yes, sir.
I like you Brimstone people.
You never make a mess of the place.
This woman-
What have you heard?
What might only be
the tall tales of drunks.
This person has tricks
that go beyond the things...
normal people can do.
Come on, folks! Come on!
The amazing Amanda!
Step right up!
See the freak of all freaks!
Ladies and gentlemen...
I give you the beautiful Rayne!
A creature so sensitive to water...
the very touch of it...
burns her skin!
So look on.
You are about to witness
a horrifying spectacle!
Look! Look at that!
Look at that!
Her skin is healed!
Look! The miracle!
Look! The monster!
Your fee.
How long do you think
it will take to get there?
Rayne, are you all right?
I'm working on a plan
to get us out of here.
My uncle- He's a sailor...
and he once told me of a place
where people play all day...
and the trees grow fruits
in every color of the rainbow...
and the sunsets
set the whole sky on fire.
Doesn't it sound wonderful, Rayne?
He'll send for us soon.
I know it.
Until then,
keep this close to you...
for protection.
Good night, my friend.
Good evening, Master Kagan.
Domastir, how does the night find you?
I have some disconcerting news.
Out with it.
There was an incident of blood rage
at the Sherban Carnival.
A dhamphir.
A young woman.
Where is the girl?
There is no girl.
- We'll find her.
- No.
Then she is alive, the little one
who slipped through my fingers.
You must find her.
She poses a threat to my plans.
Send out your best spies, Domastir.
Master Kagan.
Lay still.
Get away!
Kagan is building an army of thralls,
and we're on our way to a carnival.
Am I the only one
who thinks this is madness? Katarin?
Then how do you suggest
we deal with this army, Sebastian?
Brimstone is a shadow
of its former self.
I have yet to see the point
in finding this carnival.
Listen, you two, when has a vampire
ever been held in captivity...
let alone by a circus troupe?
- She may be the one.
- You're focusing your energies on Kagan.
This is what I've decided to do.
Haven't we wasted enough time
with fairy tales?
This is the work of a young vampire
out of control.
- Blood rage.
- Or, perhaps, a young dhamphir.
We have work to do.
Sit still.
Did you see who it was
that bit you?
Rayne, take my sword.
I didn't see anything.
I don't even remember what happened.
You were bitten by a vampire, and you
don't remember anything that happened?
- We should kill her now.
- Please.
She didn't mean to bite me.
She's not a vampire.
She was wearing a crucifix
I gave her when it happened.
She is my friend.
We have more work to do.
We passed a small village
not too far back.
I will see if I can find her hiding there.
With your permission.
If she's what I think she is, we're
likely not the only ones looking for her.
You requested me, Viscount.
I have a message for my daughter.
Dearest Katarin-
All right, Katarin.
Although we've had our differences
in the past...
I beseech you now
to put away all grudges...
for the good of humanity.
It pains me to admit...
that our beloved but weakened
Brimstone Society...
can no longer defeat Kagan...
yet he must not be allowed to acquire
Beliar's artifacts nor legacy.
Thus I turn to you, my daughter...
to help me protect...
the souls of this land.
You and I are the only ones
who know what is hidden...
in Brimstone Fortress-
its value, its importance.
I need you to bring
this artifact to me.
It must be protected from those
who wish to use it to undermine me.
Scratch that.
To undermine freedom
and humanity.
And together we will stop
this madness...
and bring peace to these lands.
Your beloved father,
et cetera, et cetera.
What do you think?
A very compelling argument, master.
You're such a suck-up.
Find your own meal.
Keep away from us.
I will not harm you.
I only wish to kill vampires.
- I'm sorry about your friend.
- He was my brother.
I'm sorry that
we had to leave him there.
- Why did you save us?
- I don't know.
- Where is your family?
- I don't have a family.
Dhamphir, Dhamphir.
Follow me. Follow me.
- Got it.
- Come on.
I see a journey in your future.
A journey, perhaps, to within.
Dhamphir, you don't know, do you?
- I will stand.
- I was expecting you.
- There's a reason you're here.
- What did you call me?
Most believe that your kind
are merely legends.
It is rare to see a live dhamphir.
Part vampire, part human.
Mostly they die at birth.
Generally they are exterminated.
You've hidden well.
My tales hold some truth, I see.
- There was a man.
- A man? Kagan?
Kagan's not a man. He's a vampire.
And you are his creation.
He killed my mother.
Dhamphirs are rarely a product of a happy
union between a vampire and a human.
You lie.
Your poor mother.
I will kill him.
Listen to me, Dhamphir-
and this is not easy to tell you...
and will likely result
in great danger for all involved-
Kagan has become
the most powerful vampire...
taking advantage of a land with no law.
I do not care.
How do I find him?
- You are naive.
- Tell me.
He resides in a guarded castle
beyond the dark mountains...
but there are no safe entrances.
there is an ancient talisman...
an eye that Kagan seeks.
If you possess it,
you will certainly get an audience.
- Why do you tell me this?
- Because it's my purpose...
and the prophecy.
They say this Talisman of the Eye...
is kept in the Solambria Monastery
to the south.
Be careful, my child. The Eye
is far more than a mere trinket.
The talisman holds great power...
but it's important
that you move quickly.
You will be doing the entire world
a great service keeping this from Kagan.
I'm not interested in the world.
Only in Kagan.
I thank you.
The fortune-teller had a visitor.
This dhamphir is now in search of the Eye.
Good. She can lead us to it.
I highly doubt that her intent
is to deliver it to her long-lost father.
Kill her. Let her find the Eye
or let her try, then kill her.
A dhamphir should be no match for you.
Your suspicion was correct.
Domastir's on the move.
What is it, my child?
I have been separated from my family...
and have been traveling for three days
and nights without food or sleep.
May I seek solace in your monastery
for a night's rest?
Please come in, my child.
Welcome to the Solambria Monastery.
Enjoy your food,
and then you may rest.
Thank you.
I suggest you follow me.
You're not one of Kagan's, are you?
No. I mean you no harm...
but I must leave now.
I'm sorry.
You cannot leave.
It seems that you absorbed the Eye.
Our order has been guarding it
for centuries.
Why do you protect it?
Because the Eye holds powers.
Why do you think water
no longer burns you?
There are three talismans-
an eye, a rib and a heart.
They all belonged to a long-dead
vampire named Beliar.
He discovered a method to defy
those elements that destroy vampires-
water, sunlight and a cross.
When he was finally defeated...
his body was quickly dismembered...
and parts of it were hidden
all over the lands...
out of the reach of vampires.
If they become united again...
they could make a vampire
powerful enough to control the world.
Beliar's not my concern.
My mission is my own
and not of evil intent.
You are a vampire...
yet you are immune to the cross.
I am a dhamphir.
So Kagan's own offspring
is his enemy?
How is it you know about me?
There has been talk for years
that Kagan was in search...
of a prodigious child.
His bloodline is strong enough
to produce one.
He is our biggest threat.
He has an army of thralls-
humans who choose to work for him
rather than die.
And they can do things
vampires cannot.
Now you understand why
I cannot let you leave with the Eye.
Father! Father!
The monastery's being attacked!
Don't let Kagan get the Eye.
Where's the Eye?
You fool.
Kill her.
Hurry! Let's go!
He's taking her to Kagan's.
You must go back to Brimstone.
Put them on full alert that
the monastery has been attacked...
and the Eye is gone.
Come closer.
Don't be afraid.
- Leonid's lair.
- Why would Domastir bring her here?
Perhaps she needs to feed,
or the sun.
Now that she has the Eye,
we must capture her.
Bring her back to Brimstone
before it's too late.
Domastir, Domastir,
why do you come here...
and insult my palace
with your stench?
I need shelter till nightfall.
Is that a gift you've laid
at my feet, Domastir?
How delightful.
No, Leonid, she is Kagan's.
Kagan, the mightiest...
of all vampires.
Funny, Domastir.
I do not see him.
She'll make a fine addition
to my collection.
Touch her and your fingers are gone!
Such a dedicated peon.
Fine. Take her, then.
I have more than enough...
to satisfy my needs.
But none with an eye like that.
She stays.
Remove him.
Help me.
Cut it.
Where did you acquire such a gem?
Give it to me...
and I will let you live.
Give it to me.
You have the Eye!
You give it to me!
Give it to me,
or I'll rip it out of your face!
So, we meet again.
Vladimir, I've always admired your spirit.
It's a shame you must die.
You fool, Vladimir!
The Eye. The Eye!
Let's get her out.
How can you be certain
she'll be useful to us?
She has already been useful.
She stopped Kagan from getting the Eye.
- Yes, Vladimir, but-
- Listen.
I've been hunting vampires
since before you were born...
and there was always one
that I suspected, or hoped, existed.
We have to consider
what she is, Vladimir.
If she was simply a vampire,
crossing the water would kill her.
And there's also that...
which most vampires
are not fond of having.
Where are you taking me?
You should be grateful you're still alive.
We helped each other.
I do not need you anymore.
I should skin you
and hang you on display.
- Where's the Eye?
- It has somehow become a part of her.
It has assimilated.
She must be brought to me alive.
Leave me.
I'll send further instructions.
Does she have a name, the dhamphir?
I have heard she is called Rayne.
What is this place?
Welcome to the headquarters
of the Brimstone Society.
All in good reason, I hope.
There was a messenger killed
in the monastery.
Master, the talisman has arrived.
This dhamphir's inconsequential.
It's Kagan you should be interested in.
There was a Brimstone in Rome.
It has been completely annihilated.
And that's not all.
Kagan has the Rib.
Release me.
What would make us think
that you won't attack?
I told you...
I do not thirst for human blood.
If you have live animals here-
rats, even-
I will regain my strength quickly
and be on my way.
I don't trust her.
I want what you want-
to bring Kagan to ruin.
I speak the truth.
He raped my mother...
and murdered her
in front of my own eyes.
Where is she?
- Where is the girl?
- There is no girl.
I will find her.
we must have faith in others.
I believe you know that it's useless
to fight Kagan alone.
If you wish, you're welcome
to stay here and train with us.
Thank you.
May I have my swords?
All in good time.
Give her what she needs.
Yes, Katarin?
What lies ahead? Will you be
opening up the gates to the thralls?
That's ridiculous.
I am loyal to you, Vladimir...
yet you're breaking the very laws
and teachings you swore by.
Your new found faith scares me.
What will happen to Brimstone
in the event of battle?
I don't have all the answers.
We're growing weak.
Come on!
Physical strength without control
means nothing.
Once again, from the beginning.
They belonged to a friend.
I know someone
that might be able to help.
Our seamstress has prepared
some clothing.
I hope they're to your liking.
Are you all right?
Ever since I got here, there are
these noises that persist in my head.
I'm sure there's some reason for that.
I don't know.
If you're feeling up to it...
you're more than welcome
to join us for dinner.
I don't think the food you have there
will be of interest to me.
You act as though
you're the only one who feels pain.
What do you know of pain?
My father's Kagan.
My mother was killed
before my own eyes.
My mother and father
were both killed...
by Vladimir.
They had turned,
and I was to be slaughtered.
Had he not arrived,
I would not be here today.
Your food.
What, are we sitting
at the table of the children?
We're running out of food.
We have to go to the mainland
and get supplies.
No. It's not a good idea.
- We'll have to make do with what we have.
- We have to eat.
Perhaps your savior
can multiply our supplies.
Won't you come sit with us?
It seems you've become very popular.
I think you've breathed
some new hope into the Society.
- This surprises you?
- I thought they would be afraid of me.
They only fear what they do not know.
Can I see your teeth?
So you're satisfied
with your new clothing?
Yes. Thank you.
in the days since
I received your letter...
I have come to see certain truths
that now give me pause.
I believe that you are right.
Brimstone is lost.
Be sure this message arrives.
- It is of grave importance.
- Yes, Katarin.
The spoils of Rome.
Only one Brimstone remains.
Bring me my thralls.
The time has come to fulfill your oaths,
my loyal thralls.
Scour the land.
Find Brimstone and destroy it.
Bring the dhamphir to me.
Leave no human alive that crosses you.
The promise of eternal life
awaits those who succeed.
Those who fail will find only death.
- Nice form.
- Finally we agree on something.
Vladimir needs you.
He's in the courtyard.
Good match.
Until we duel again.
You duel?
A little.
Your form is weak.
You're lacking passion.
It's part of my plan.
I am tiring you out.
Your plan is lacking passion as well.
I see they have taught you well.
Hardly. I was trained in battle
by a great warrior...
one whom has long disappeared
fighting alongside Brimstone.
My father.
- Where is this warrior now?
- He is now a cursed enemy.
A vampire.
My loyalties lie with Vladimir...
and the Brimstone
my father protected as a human.
And what do your loyalties consist of?
You're a curious one. My purpose
is to fulfill my father's will-
killing the very thing he's become.
It seems all this chatter
has veered me from the task at hand.
You should pay more attention.
Keep your friends close,
enemies even closer.
Vladimir taught me that.
We shall continue this later.
Good evening, Viscount.
Kagan sends his regards.
I assume you were expecting this message
from Brimstone from Katarin?
Would you stop throwing things at me?
You know, Elrick, Kagan has
little patience for ambitious vampires...
especially those that were once Brimstone.
Can a vampire not receive word
from his own daughter...
without being cast as a rebel
in search of power?
- Is that the plan?
- Plans are for humans.
I think destiny
is a more appropriate term.
Where is Brimstone? Tell me now,
or suffer the consequences.
Even you must sense
that change is upon us.
This land has become unsettled.
The future must be held
in the hands of human-born...
and vampire-perfected.
That is an invitation, by the way.
Spare Katarin, unseat Kagan...
and join me in a, shall we say,
more colorful reign.
Kagan's gratitude or Kagan's wrath.
Now, where's Brimstone?
You honestly expect me...
to betray my daughter?
You know, it's funny.
You never struck me
as the paternal type.
Now, get me the map.
Give us our destiny.
We leave now,
and that will be the end of it.
You should travel with Sebastian.
Is there something
you want to speak about?
You should not travel with her.
She's a danger to you.
Kagan is surely out looking for her.
You're an important part
of the Brimstone Society.
Your work defending the fortress...
is essential to
our struggle and survival.
And no one has ever questioned that.
I am not seeking praises.
- I seek to feel secure.
- You are a leader.
Rayne is a fighter.
I will take Sebastian if it pleases you.
Iancu's been a friend for many years...
and a defender of the Society.
We're very fortunate to have him.
Iancu has visitors.
Come for some chops, have you?
We'll be downstairs.
Watch your step.
It's a long way down.
Your kind of place.
We must move quickly.
What are those?
Black powder from China.
We will take them.
Is everything ready?
Take anything else you need.
Holy water.
- A gift from Brimstone.
- Thank you.
Brimstone's attacked.
They're all dead.
- That's not possible.
- It was Domastir and the thralls.
Are there any survivors?
You can't go back.
There's too many.
- They came looking for you.
- How did they find us?
I have dressings for his wounds.
This doesn't feel right.
- How would they know?
- This is what Kagan wants.
To lure back
what's left of Brimstone to him...
so he can destroy us
once and for all.
Domastir will pay with his life for this.
If they want a fight,
a fight they will get.
It was Katarin.
You must choose.
Bargain for freedom...
or leave your children motherless
as a Brimstone martyr.
She's turned.
He's dead.
-Just let me go.
- I can't.
- You will.
- Where are you going?
I'm going on my own.
Everyone who comes near me dies.
They came looking for me and the Eye.
None of those people had to die.
You too will be dead if I stay with you.
- You don't have to do this.
- I'm going to find the Heart.
With two of the talismans,
I will stand a chance against Kagan.
How do you expect to find the Heart?
I can hear it.
Good-bye, Sebastian.
Just wait. Wait.
Stop. Here.
You can wear this with pride.
And here.
This will protect you.
Sir, we've searched the entire grounds.
There's no sign of the dhamphir.
She is not amongst the dead either, sir.
Perhaps she was never here.
We must return to Kagan.
She could be on her way there now.
- Prepare the boats!
- Yes, sir.
The Heart.
Perhaps there's some truth
to this prophecy after all.
Even if she has the Heart,
she can't face Kagan alone.
Nothing yet.
- Are you certain that it's down there?
- Are you questioning me?
My grandfather placed it there.
I would not risk all on folktales.
Why did we let the others die?
It was them or all of us.
We sacrifice animals to survive.
Brimstone is no different.
I will kneel before no one...
nor will I sit here under
Vladimir's command and await death.
I will not allow Kagan
to take away our freedom.
The Heart will go to my father.
And if you want to live, you will
secure the entrance until I return.
Yes, Katarin.
She's not coming.
It's too late.
Have faith, Sebastian.
She will be here.
I am here for Kagan.
What is she doing?
I have brought the Heart for my father.
Give it to me.
Come on.
You have what you want.
Now take me to Kagan.
All in good time.
Take her.
Well, Sebastian...
I'm afraid there's only one way in.
Get in!
The dhamphir has come to her senses
and delivered the Heart.
- Shall I bring her in?
- No, not yet.
An historic night.
Prepare to witness
the beginning of a new era.
Clear the room.
- Clear the room!
- Thralls! Forward!
Come on!
Capture them alive.
Take them to the dungeon.
To the dungeon!
There may be more. Leave them
in the cell for now and scour the castle.
The rats will be eating well tonight.
Enjoy your stay.
And you, my dear,
you will stay here until the ceremony.
- I know nothing of a ceremony.
- The Eye, dhamphir.
The ceremony to extract the Eye.
- Are you all right?
- Yes.
It is good to know
that you are both alive.
- I fear we're the only ones.
- What of Katarin? Is she still alive?
If not, then she died with honor...
fighting for her people.
What do you know of this ceremony?
It's an ancient vampire ritual
created to protect the talismans...
in case they fall
into the wrong hands.
What will come of me?
It is only a legend
said to remove the soul.
I do not know
what is going to happen to me now.
I hope that you know
that I am not foolish enough...
to think that I'm going
to prevail against him.
But I do not intend
to stop fighting for a second.
Nor will we.
Open up.
And bind her hands.
It is time for the ceremony.
- We've got to find a way out of here.
- Well, let's get out then.
Even in absolute defeat,
you're still not humble.
If I'm defeated
and you're so powerful...
then why must I be shackled
when surrounded by your thralls?
You're still a risk. I should thank you
now that Brimstone is eradicated...
and you have so kindly
handed me the Heart.
I would never have believed
it would have been so easy.
If you live through this,
which is unlikely...
you may remain here in my castle.
I would sooner rot in your dungeon
than sit at your table.
So be it.
Let us begin.
Thrall, my companion is gone.
I don't know
what's become of him.
Stand back.
Can't believe that worked.
Please continue.
This is the end of Brimstone.
You have the Heart.
Give it to me.
You will have to cut it from me.
So be it.
You're strong, Rayne,
but not skilled enough.
Give me the Heart,
and I shall spare your life.
I would choose death
over seeing you as my ruler.
You're interfering with fate.
With the talismans joined...
vampires shall rule the earth.
As if your interests are noble.
For centuries, we've been cursed to
the shadows, slaughtered by the fearful.
Have you not always longed for freedom?
You condemned me
the day you raped my mother.
I will see she has vengeance.
Ungrateful bitch.
Choose to be human
and die like one.
I will find her.
- The talismans.
- I don't care. Kagan is dead.
But what about you?
No! No, no.
Please. Please.
Please, you don't have to leave me.
It's my time.
Kagan's finished.