Bloomington (2010)

Kirk, Jacqueline...
I'm gonna assign you to Psych 110
since that's the prerequisite
for everything else.
Next semester,
if you decide to double-major
you can beef up your psych classes.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
It says here
your first major is English.
Do you want to go ahead
and declare that?
I have the 209 syllabus.
- Can I just leave it with you?
- Yeah, thanks.
Longest wait list in the entire
department once again, Stark.
I don't know how you do it.
Thank you.
Do you have questions for me?
No. No, sir.
Here's your schedule for the fall,
and a copy of your student manual.
I have to tell you -
my wife and I really loved your show.
We never missed an episode.
That's very nice of you to say.
- Thank you, Professor Hecht.
- You're welcome.
All right, here's your room.
You have plenty of closet space,
so that's nice.
Also, when you set up the phone
if you have any problems
with it just let me know,
'cause it can be kinda tricky sometimes.
Looks like you've got your own bathroom.
That's kinda special.
Here is your key.
You know, it's really rare
for a freshman
to get a single around here.
Yeah, that's what I've heard.
Actually, it's really hard
for anyone to get one.
You will have two quizzes...
a mid-term and a final.
And if you all look at your syllabus
you'll see that the first quiz
is only three weeks away.
For anyone that's interested
I've set up sign-up sheets
outside my office for study groups.
I highly recommend it, people!
Thank you.
Have a nice day!
Your essay topics are:
issues in the 19th century,
prose throughout the 20th century,
and lastly,
literature during the First World War.
Any questions?
Jackie, honey...
We know you're probably busy,
but I just wanted to check on you.
Are you keeping the same cell number?
You said you were.
Anyway, Dad and I miss you
and we'd really like
to hear from you so--
Is this Psych 110, Newbery?
- Am I late?
- Not at all. Have a seat.
I'm Rachel. Nice to meet you.
- Jackie.
- Yeah, we know.
- Sandy.
- Hi.
So, is psych your major, too?
Uh, hopefully it will be
my second major.
I'm registered as English Lit for now.
Did you sign up
for research participation yet?
It's a requirement:
graduate student ass-kissing.
I haven't. Thank you.
Research? Like drug testing?
I heard it's pretty stupid, really.
Like how fast can you
name a color or whatever.
We should all do it together as a group
and get it out of the way.
This must be quite a change for you.
From working on that show for so long.
I mean, did you even get
a chance to go to school at all?
Um, did Newbery say if the mid-term
was gonna be multiple choice?
Yeah, 'cause he totally can't read.
Unlike Stark...
I heard she makes you
spell everything out.
Who's Stark?
She teaches 209, Abnormal Psych.
It's actually a really good class.
I think I saw her once.
She sleeps with her students,
and when the school finds out
they all mysteriously disappear.
I heard they found
a body once in her trunk.
They don't vanish.
They probably just leave the school.
Has she ever tried to do that with you?
I don't think boys are exactly her bag.
I heard she does both.
I heard she was a vampire.
I heard that she's
in the witness protection program
because her dad was in the mob.
Guys, can we please
get back to the textbook?
Is it true that Tyler
was supposed to be gay
and she was going to
come out on the series finale?
I mean, that's why Tyler had
a boy's name and everything.
Cool it with the homophobia, OK?
Who cares.
What homophobia?
It's a valid question.
I'm a fan, I want to know.
I have no idea.
I wasn't on the writing staff.
But you should ask them
if it's so important to you.
According to my sister,
what Prof. Newbery says in class
is actually more important
than what we read on the textbook...
Are they being mean to you?
Do they make fun of you?
No, it's not like that.
It's like there's nothing else
to talk about but the show.
They don't know you yet, honey.
That's all they have to go on right now.
They don't know each other either,
but that doesn't seem to stop them
from having a normal conversation.
I still don't understand why
you wanted to go to college
on the other side of the country anyway.
There's plenty of
good schools here in California.
And you know you probably wouldn't
be having that problem here.
What problem?
Of people being curious about you.
You know you never could
handle that very well.
You're not helping, Mom.
Oh, Jacqueline, don't play the victim.
I'm just saying I still don't know why
you're putting yourself through this.
And you don't even have
Mark to help you anymore.
I don't want to talk about Mark, mother.
All right, all right, sorry.
You think me quitting school
is just gonna make everything better?
Coming! Sorry!
Honey, I have to hang up now.
I'll call you tomorrow.
Get some sleep.
Mom, I'm not gonna be
around tomorrow, can you just--
Here, let me help you with those.
It's funny how these people
can afford tuition but not manners.
So I've noticed.
Is this a projector or a camera?
Oh, neither.
It's an ECT machine. Circa 1940.
So it's like a prop?
No, it's the real thing.
Cool. Where did you get it?
I stole it.
ECT, huh?
Is it for recording something?
No. It's for shocking people.
Electroconvulsive therapy.
Why would you do that?
It's a form of treatment.
Does this one work?
I don't know...
I haven't used it in a while.
OK, I gotta go to class now.
Have fun.
What's goin' on?
Not much.
Hey, did you guys know
there's a mixer on Thursday?
You mean for the department?
Yeah. Are you going?
I guess we have to. Are you?
That's my name.
I usually teach 209,
but Newbery had an emergency
so I'm filling in for him.
Can anybody tell me what chapter
you guys are working on?
Um... I...
We watched a video last time, ma'am.
Is that so?
Yes, ma'am.
Was it relevant
to the course in any way?
I think so...
Do you think we can get
an answer before graduation?
It was a video on correlation,
and we stopped on page 34.
Thank you.
Well, when studying correlation
it is important to remember...
You OK?
Freaking vampire lesbo.
Bet you don't have parties
nearly this fun in Hollywood.
I wouldn't know. I've ever been to any.
Hey, look who's here.
What? Who?
Oh, God.
Why does she have to be so creepy?
Do you want me to
call her over here for you?
Didn't you say you wanted to talk her?
I talked to her the other day.
You did?
Lose any limbs?
No, no permanent damage.
Rach, come with me.
'Scary Bery' is finally alone.
I need to talk him
into pushing back the mid-term.
She can babysit herself
for five minutes.
Why are you hiding back here?
I'm not.
I wasn't hiding.
You're supposed to be mingling.
It's OK.
These fucking mixers
are more boring than the classes anyway.
I don't think
we were formally introduced...
Catherine Stark.
Jacqueline Kirk.
Ah, right, the famous one.
So are you, from what I hear.
What did you hear?
Uh, stuff...from my friends.
Stuff from your friends...
What did they say?
That I should stay away from you.
Well, then...
you should probably
listen to what they say.
Are you OK?
Do you want to come back to my place?
What? No!
This is Ethan.
He's the man of the house.
You're like John Wayne in The Searchers.
Wow, you guessed right.
- I did?
- Yeah.
Do I get a prize?
Come with me.
Are you OK?
Are you sure?
Have you ever done this before?
You have?
Once, I think.
You think?
Yeah, but I'm not supposed
to say who with.
She's on TV.
Of course, I understand.
Do you want to leave?
You let me know if you do.
OK, close your eyes.
Don't forget to breathe.
Good girl.
Can I lay next to you?
What should I do now?
What do you want to do?
I don't know.
Are you scared?
Don't be.
- Hello.
- Jackie?
Did you just call me?
How did you know it was me?
Because you're the only one
around here that has a 323 area code.
How are you?
I'm fine.
Good. I thought maybe you were upset...
Or you had turned into a bunny.
No, I'm sorry.
I didn't know if you
wanted me to wake you up or not.
No, that's all right.
Do you want to come over tonight,
maybe have dinner?
I mean, you don't have to.
No, I do... Yeah.
It's unlocked!
Do all the teachers here live like you?
Probably not.
But if it makes you feel any better,
I didn't buy this house, I inherited it.
- Would you like something to drink?
- Sure.
How did you know what I drink?
I didn't...
Maybe I'm just guessing.
But scotch isn't the only
alcoholic beverage in the world.
But you don't seem like
you drink that often.
In fact, you really don't seem
like the drinking type much at all,
so I figured you must have learned
what to drink from somebody else.
And since I imagine you've had
limited contact with peers your own age,
I'm guessing you took cues
from somebody in your family.
You don't strike me
as particularly feminine,
so I would eliminate
your mother as a role model,
which would leave... a father, perhaps?
Stepfather, actually.
Ah... Well, my apologies.
I did have contact with people
my own age, just so you know.
Where did you go to high school?
Uh, it was in California;
you wouldn't know it.
I did my undergrad at Stanford.
I know California really well.
It was just a really small one.
What's the name?
All right, I was home-schooled.
I tried to go to high school,
but it didn't work.
High school's overrated.
You always look so scared
when you're here.
I wish you didn't.
Aren't you?
Nothing's gonna happen.
How do you know?
I don't.
What we are looking for in this formula,
where X is the value
and X minus 1
to the power of 2 is the margin.
OK, thank you, folks.
That's all for today.
He likes you.
- I think he likes laying on my knee.
- I think he does too.
I've got a
pretty comfortable knee though.
Squint your eyes and look closer
I'm not between you
and your ambition
I am a poster girl with no poster
I am 32 flavors and then some
We missed you the past
couple of weeks at study group.
Sorry, I've just been busy
with English stuff.
- I'll totally call you later, OK?
- All right.
You look like
a little porcupine when you sleep.
I'm gonna miss you next week.
You don't miss your parents?
Well, maybe they miss you.
I find that quite implausible.
Implausible, huh?
You know, let's switch.
I barely even saw
my mom during Neptune -
like, all six years of it.
How come?
I don't know.
I guess it just sort of happened.
I started crashing at Mark's -
he was my manager -
to avoid the commute,
and I guess that became
a permanent arrangement.
I think her coming here
for Thanksgiving is such bullshit.
She's like trying
to make up for lost time.
Wasn't she on set with you?
Did that bother you?
I had Mark there;
I didn't need anybody else.
I would.
Where's your spaceship?
Oh, I don't have one anymore.
Then how did you get here?
My parents drove me.
All the way from your planet?
Pete, don't bother her, she's eating.
It's fine.
Jacks, do you want some more wine?
Sure. Thanks.
Jackie, what have you been
up to these days? Another show?
No, just school.
Jackie is attending college.
Right here in Bloomington, actually.
College? That's great!
But I really think you should
try to get back on that show.
I love it!
I have my TiVO set,
every Wednesday night, 8:00!
Neptune 26 was cancelled
four years ago, Uncle Keith.
Nonsense! It's on all the time!
It's called syndication.
Pretty sure they're not making
I Love Lucy anymore either.
Jackie is thinking about
maybe going to law school.
So you want to go work
with your step-dad?
I haven't decided that yet.
They grow up so fast.
You were so precious
when you started that show.
How old were you again?
She beat out a thousand
other kids for the part.
Uh, I was 11,
and 1,542 kids auditioned.
You were 12 when you
started season one, dear.
Yes, but I was 11
when I shot the pilot, honey.
That didn't even air.
As far as the audience is concerned
you were 12 when you started.
Is that what these people are?
You know what I mean.
Actually, I don't think I do.
Have you ever actually
even seen the show?
Jacqueline, would you like to
continue this discussion in private?
Don't ever disrespect me
in front of my family again!
Are you afraid that I might ruin your
'mother of the year' reputation?
Do you think knowing every factoid
about that little show of yours
would make me a better mother?
It wasn't a little show.
Why can't you just admit
that I might have done something
really good at some point?
I do, Jacqueline!
I tried to show that
and you ridiculed me!
That wasn't recognition;
you were putting me on display!
You never say anything like that
when it's just the two of us.
Do you want me
to be part of your fan club?
Is that what you want?
You want me to wear a little
I Love Tyler t-shirt?
Am I being put on trial here
because I didn't want to be
one of those hysterical stage mothers?
I didn't breathe down your neck enough?
You hate me because I didn't
force you to go on auditions?
That's not it.
I don't...
Things were crazy back then, remember?
All those shoot dates and
publicity work, people fussing over you.
I couldn't even take you
out to a restaurant anymore
without you being harassed.
You had a big job to do.
I thought you wanted to be left alone.
Why would I want that?
You don't have to stay here
if you don't want to.
Don't worry about me.
I'm glad you called, porcupine.
I missed you.
Let's go back to school now, OK?
Is this all you have?
Come on.
I have a confession to make...
I watched some of the episodes
of your show while you were gone.
I know, I'm sorry!
I couldn't help it,
they were on TV one night!
Well, what did you think?
Uh, well...
You hated it.
No! No, I didn't!
You were great.
You were adorable.
You looked very happy.
I was.
I loved working on that show.
Was it hard when it ended?
but I was already
off the show by that point.
I had asked to be written off.
Sorry, am I being too intrusive?
Uh, I just felt like I needed
a break after Mark died.
I didn't want to be there without him.
And of course we didn't
tell that to the press, so...
there were all sorts
of speculation, drug rumors,
people saying I went crazy...
all sorts of stuff.
Would you ever go back to it?
I don't know.
I'm not nearly as cute
as I was ten years ago.
Or precocious.
The things they had you
saying on that show...
really, what child talks like that?
Well, every genius, teenage,
class A engineer talks like that.
I guess I haven't met any.
Turn the tether propulsion systems
up to 95, 52 degrees,
and call the command center.
Keep the reaction control systems
at 3-5-1, 11 degrees.
This is Tyler, signing off.
And what is tether propulsion?
I have no idea; I never asked.
- It sounds sexy.
- Does it?
You're stronger than you look.
What else did they make you say?
gravitron-polarity generator...
carbon nanotuber...
I can't believe you got
the third one right, jerk!
What about you, Jacks?
If you wanted to hold my hand,
all you had to do was ask.
Holy crap! How did you get an A on this?
Jackie was short-listed
for the scholarship.
You know, the big one.
You should have told somebody.
I just found out like five minutes ago.
I still have to write this
essay, though -
"Why I Should Be The One
To Get All Of Your Money."
One of those.
- Like it matters.
- Sandy.
What do you mean?
I'm just sayin', I think it's great
that you work so hard
even though you
don't have to like the rest of us.
Why don't I have to?
Because you have a career already.
It's not like you'll have to get
a job as a therapist when you grow up.
Why don't you grow up?
You don't know that about her.
I'm not criticizing, I'm just saying.
Jackie, you know I think
you're great, honest.
Yeah, I know.
Do you have to go?
Yeah, sorry.
I just remembered something.
By the way, I signed us up
for that research participation thing.
I can't remember the date exactly,
but it's on the board.
Thanks. See you guys later.
How old were you when they died?
How old was your brother?
Sixteen, I think.
I heard all about
a certain name on a short-list today.
Did they ever find out what happened?
Pilot error, probably.
They never found
anything wrong with the plane.
Of course I've been afraid
of flying ever since.
I mean, I do it if I have to,
I just don't really like it.
All done.
You know,
I actually have my pilot's license.
I got it for the show
'cause I thought it would help.
Of course we made the network
pay for the whole thing.
Oh, smart girl.
Is it true they found the body
of a student in your trunk one time?
Is that what they're saying now?
What else?
That you're in the
witness protection program.
And your parents were in the mob.
And you're a vampire.
Wow, I never knew I had
such an interesting background.
Probably shouldn't deny any of it.
I can tell you this though...
If my parents were in the mob,
then so was Professor Hecht.
He and my dad were best friends.
He was the best man in their wedding.
Actually, I think I have
a picture of him somewhere.
Is that why you're not
afraid of getting caught?
Yes. Exactly.
It's a nude picture.
How many were there before me?
I don't know.
Well, what happened to them?
It ended. They left.
Am I different?
Would you believe me if I said yes?
Do you want me to help
you write your essay?
I'm pretty good at it.
OK, there's perception and reality.
Perception is the confluence
of these two streams.
There's sensation, what you feel;
and cognition, what you know.
You can present the board
with just reality,
facts about educational background,
or you can guide them towards
how you want to be perceived.
An ambiguous image
is open to multiple interpretations
on a perceptual level.
You need to make sure
your essay is unambiguous.
Teach them that
you're the one that deserves this.
Don't just say "I did this one thing",
"I took this one class".
Tell them how to feel about it.
Point them to it,
and fill in the blanks.
Have you ever seen one of those pictures
that are made up of two images
and they're so well combined that
you can't really tell
which one you're looking at?
You don't want your essay
to be like that.
Tell them which one they're looking at.
Anything less and you're
gonna leave the door wide open,
and out goes your scholarship.
Really good.
It's a good start.
Take a look at the last paragraph,
though. It needs some clarity.
Hey, Catherine?
What's your article about?
Boring stuff.
What kind of boring stuff?
You know, the abnormal psych kind.
Like what?
Well, it's based on the theory
of the reversal of self-denial.
I've never heard of that.
What's the reversal of self-denial?
You know what denial is, right?
It's like, if you deny yourself
something for long enough
for whatever self-imposed reason,
the moment you are faced
with any real external imposition,
you're gonna voluntarily want to do
the thing that you were
trying so hard not to do.
Did you just make that up?
Here, have a seat.
Because I'm gonna
demonstrate the theory.
All right.
Now, you know how you're always
so quiet when we have sex?
- Is that a problem?
- No.
I just wondered why, is all.
So I figured, if you're so darn quiet
when you don't have to be...
let's see how quiet you can be
when you absolutely have to.
Are you nuts? Stop.
Hold on to the desk.
Trust me, you're gonna need it.
Did you make a wish?
I did.
- What did you wish for?
- I can't tell you!
Let's hurry up and eat
because I have a surprise for you.
Another one? Ahh!
Yes, but this is a top secret surprise
in a top secret government location.
You see, I'm going to be testing
the Mahoney Principle for Reducing Fear.
Is this retribution
for the library thing?
Absolutely not.
The principle states
that fear can be greatly reduced
by knowledge of the inner-workings
of that which is feared.
Such as,
if a child is afraid of monsters
you should take them
to the set of a horror film.
Once they see how the monster's made
they will cease to be afraid of them.
Trust me, I've seen it happen.
What journal was that published in?
Mahoney is my mother's maiden name.
I totally made it up.
Very cute.
Oh, and you're going to need to wear...
Because if you see it beforehand
you might try to run away.
And we can't have that now, can we?
OK, close your eyes.
C'mon, close them.
- Can you see?
- No.
All right, copilot Stark,
let's get started on our checklist.
What checklist?
C'mon, I'll show you.
You wanna make sure
they're all inflated properly.
This is the propeller...
Make sure it's nice and smooth.
No nicks or bumps or anything like that.
- Check?
- Check.
That's the engine.
See any dead squirrels?
Dead squirrels?
Sometimes little animals like to
crawl in there and make homes.
Nope, no little animals.
Pitot tube...
Catherine... Pitot tube.
How do you spell that?
It measures pressure and air speed.
Just wanna make sure it's free
and clear and nothing blocking it.
No, no dead squirrels.
Aileron, flaps.
Master on.
Flaps are coming down.
You wanna make sure
your flaps are fully extended.
What do they do?
They make the plane go slower.
Why would you
want it to go slower?
You'd have a hard time landing
if you didn't slow down a little bit.
Oh, of course.
This is an elevator;
it pitches the plane up and down.
- See?
- Well, then check!
And the co-pilot seat.
Are we done?
Don't you want to see the controls?
It's more comfortable than it looks,
I promise.
OK, fine.
- You in?
- Uh-huh
- Cute.
- Thank you.
OK, let me turn the fuel pump switch on,
make sure we have positive fuel flow.
Why do we need fuel?
Switch off.
For what?
For your first flight lesson.
Do you trust our pre-flight check?
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- Ready?
- Yes, yes.
Here we go.
Hey, are you asleep?
This was the best birthday ever.
I like it so much when you're here.
I love you.
Who's this?
It's Wade.
How have you been?
Wade? How did you get this number?
Your mother. I hope that's all right.
Yeah, sure.
What's up? What can I do for you?
Well, first, I wanted to say I'm sorry.
I haven't contacted you since Mark...
you know...
That's all right.
The other thing is, I know
you haven't read in a while,
but something came in
and I really think you might
want to take a look at it.
Are you still there?
Uh, Wade, I don't know
what my mom told you,
but I'm not really looking
for anything right now.
I'm really busy with school.
I know, I know.
I don't want to waste any time...
It's Neptune 26.
They're making a feature film out of it.
It's gonna be a big holiday release
and this time...
Tyler is going to be the lead.
What are they offering?
They're not. Not yet, anyway.
What do you mean?
Well, they want you to read for it.
Read for it? Why would I audition
for the same part twice?
Look, I've been told
it's down between you
and maybe two or three others.
They are very interested.
They contacted me.
Wade, like I said, I'm not really
looking for anything right now.
Jackie, I just want you
to think about it, right?
What's the worst that can happen -
you waste a couple of days
over Christmas break?
Do you really want to see
somebody else playing Tyler?
I'm gonna let you think about it,
give me a couple of days.
I'll call you back on Monday,
and then you decide.
- OK.
- Great!
It is so great to have you back!
I'm not back yet, Wade.
It looks great.
You're kind of quiet today, porcupine.
Am I?
Yeah. Is everything OK?
Yeah, just, you know, school and stuff.
Oh, anything I can help you with?
By the way, if you're
taking statistics next semester,
let me know,
because I have a book you can borrow
so you don't have to buy one.
They're really pricey.
I think I might hold off
on taking that class though.
I don't know if I'm gonna
have time to declare a second major.
Really? Why? You're doing so well.
Uh...I got a call from Wade on Friday.
He's my agent from back in the day.
I thought you said
you were done with acting.
I never said that.
What did Wade say?
Uh, he wants me to audition for
a Neptune feature over Christmas break.
So you're going home for Christmas?
Anyway, isn't that job already yours?
That's what I said.
But, I mean, it has been a while
and it's a much bigger project.
It would be the same part,
but with a slightly different concept.
Are you?
I'm thinkin' about it.
It's kind of scary though.
Apparently there's a handful
of other people reading for it.
I think you should.
You do?
How's your essay going?
Still workin' on it.
Just waitin' to see
how things will turn out.
That's great.
So how does it feel to be back in LA?
Fine, I guess.
C'mon, you know you would
rather be memorizing lines
than some class schedule.
Well, I'm glad I get to do both.
Well, I have the information
about the audition tomorrow.
They want you to read
with some new guy -
a hot new kid
that they want for the male lead.
And here... is your script.
Needless to say, they want that back.
Of course. Thank you.
I always knew you would come back.
You like this too much.
Don't jinx me.
I haven't gotten the part yet.
I have it under control, Dad.
Don't worry about it!
Set the thruster speed for me, will you?
Watch it!
This never would have happened
if you had done
what I told you to in the first place.
Sorry, ma'am.
This wouldn't happen to be
your first assignment, would it?
No, I've just never
received orders from a girl before.
I can't help you there; neither have I.
Crap! Here they come again.
Was that part of the audition?
I don't know.
It's definitely not
the first time that's happened.
Sorry about that, guys.
It'll just be a couple of minutes.
No worries.
I'm Tommy, by the way.
Nice to meet you.
It's a real privilege to be
auditioning with you, Miss Kirk.
Miss Kirk?
You're kinda freakin' me out.
So, did you guys shoot
the series on this soundstage?
No, it was two doors down.
I love the way a soundstage smells.
I've never noticed.
We all ready to go?
You set?
OK, from the top.
I have it under control, Dad.
Don't worry about it!
Do you have a flight
to catch or something?
Yeah, we're going home for the holidays.
Gotta show off the engagement ring.
Oh, yeah. Congratulations on that.
I have a pretty big extended family,
so I hope she likes eating ham
because we're gonna eat
at about six houses.
How 'bout you?
Me? No, nothing planned.
You're goin' to see family?
You got friends comin' over?
No, not really.
I usually don't do anything anyway.
Besides, I've got a lot of work to do.
Are those done?
Hey, Wade. It's me.
Is everything all right?
It's 2 in the morning.
Oh, sorry about that.
Have you heard from them?
Uh, no. Not yet.
But you know how it is.
I wouldn't worry about it.
I'm sure you did your best.
I'm gonna go back to sleep now.
No, Wade, wait!
Do me a favor...
I need you to get me
a meeting with the executives.
Even if it's just one of them,
even if it's just for five minutes.
I think I could give them a push.
I'm not gonna be able to get to
this till the first week of January,
if we're lucky.
That's fine.
However long it takes.
Weren't you due back at school
on the 3rd or something?
Don't worry about it.
I'll take care of that.
All right...
I'll get back to you tomorrow.
Hey there, it's me.
This whole thing is gonna take
a little longer than I thought.
I'm probably not gonna be back
until the 10th, at least.
Let me know if you can still
pick me up at the airport.
I mean, I would really like that.
I miss you. Bye.
Here you go.
What did you do to this?
Read it.
You do realize we have to
give this back to them, like, now?
Wade, do you know what these notes are?
It's the convergence of
cognition and sensation.
I'm gonna fill in the blanks for them,
point them to it.
To where?
Look, the reality of it is,
all I've done so far is this little
cult show called Neptune 26.
I don't have a big box office
track record to offer them.
What I do have
is a knowledge of the character
that no other actor has,
and that is what
the audience is looking for.
Now, when they look
at this 'ambiguous image'
they may think they want to
fill in the blanks with some bimbo
whose movie made
a gazillion dollars last summer.
I want to teach them that my insight
is what fits this picture best.
I'm an integral part of the audience's
perceptual set when it comes to Tyler -
a sort of mental predisposition to
a character they already love.
I want these guys to
feel like they need my experience
more than just a big opening weekend.
Tyler's grown, but re-inventing her
would be a mistake.
See what I mean?
Yes, we're on our way right now.
OK, Jackie, let's do this.
Perceptual set...
I can't believe you're
actually studying in college.
Oh, shit.
Hey, guys!
I'll see you later.
Look, I'm really sorry
I missed the appointment.
Did you guys do OK?
Don't worry about it.
We found somebody to replace you.
I have to get to class.
Jackie, where have you been?
I'm sorry. I didn't have my phone.
Did you hear from them?
You got it...
They want you!
Are you serious?
Look, there's a party
I think you should go to.
It's at one of the executive producer's.
It's nothing big, but I really think
you should get to know these people.
You want me to go back to LA again?
No, no. It's on your side, in the city.
That's like two hours away.
I'll e-mail you the details.
Wade, I don't actually have a car.
They'll be expecting you.
And congratulations again, kiddo!
Break a leg!
If you want, I can drive
on the way home if you're tired.
What do you want me
to introduce myself as?
My friend...from college.
Oh, hi.
I'm Jackie.
- Are you Laura?
- Yes.
Oh, happy birthday!
Thank you! That is so nice of you.
This is my friend Catherine.
Nice to meet you.
Jackie! Bill Whitten.
I'm so glad you could make it.
Wade wasn't sure if you were coming.
Oh, he insisted.
Hey, there are some pretty hardcore
'Neptune' fans I want you to meet.
We're doing press already, huh?
You have a good sense of humor;
I like that.
Red wine?
So, where do you know Jackie from?
From school.
You go to school together?
Were you ever a fan of the show?
Not really.
If you need anything at all
just let me know.
It was nice meeting you.
Thanks for doing all the driving.
You're welcome.
I hope you're not the jealous type,
because Whitten told me
they're giving Tyler a love interest.
It's gotta be this guy
I auditioned with.
Tommy, I think.
He was so star-struck when I met him.
I hope he's over it.
You think he has a crush on you?
You're not actually jealous, are you?
I was totally kidding.
Why would I be jealous, Jacqueline?
That is your name, isn't it?
Why are you doing this?
I thought you'd be happy for me.
Really? Why do you care what I think?
It's not like it's gonna matter
when you're gone, anyways.
What's...that supposed to mean?
What do you think that means?
You think we're gonna break up
just because I'm taking
a job someplace else?
I'm pretty sure we're not the only
long-distance couple
on the planet, Catherine.
Cute. So we're a 'couple' now?
That is so shitty.
I'm sorry. I didn't... Can we just...
Let's just talk about this
tomorrow morning, OK?
No! I want to talk about it now!
First of all, you need to
do me the fucking courtesy
of at least admitting
we're in a relationship.
Second, give me
a halfway decent explanation
as to why you want to call it off.
Jackie, think about this
in practical terms!
California is all the way
on the other side of the country.
How often do you plan
on flying out here to see me?
Many times. Whenever I have time off.
OK, fine. Let's say you do that.
What are we gonna do when you get here?
I don't know.
The same things we always do.
And what if we see somebody you know?
Are you just gonna say
we're college buddies again?
How are you gonna justify flying here
so often just to see a friend?
Look, if that's what
you're worried about, I'm with you...
I'm totally with you.
I'm not saying I'd be able
to make this public right away,
because I can't.
But I can promise I would never let
this be the reason for us to break up.
Even if there's speculation
or articles, pictures, whatever.
I'm willing to deal with it
because I think you're worth it.
Maybe I don't want to make this public.
I agree. We'll wait for the right time.
No Jackie, there is no
right or wrong time.
Maybe I just don't think
you're worth it.
Hey, guys.
You still go here? I thought you left.
Yeah, Sandy, still go here.
New semester, new assignments...
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.
I get to learn about
the psychosexual stages.
That's as close
as you're ever gonna get to it.
Would you like to switch with him?
I feel like that would make a better
late night reading for two.
I'm sorry, Sandy,
have I done something to you?
Do you want me to leave?
I'm thrilled we have
our very own insider in the group.
I think she's fine with what she has.
Can't you just drop it?
Drop what?
The fucking janitor
knows she's banging a teacher.
That's the only reason
she gets good grades.
Lord knows she's too famous
to go to class like the rest of us.
Sandy, honey, is there something
you want to tell me?
No, I'm happy.
I'm have my own trashy
Catherine Stark sex story
to tell the freshmen next year.
And if they want to know how it ends
they can just check out the special
on coked-up ex-child stars on TV.
I didn't want anybody else
to see me like this.
Trust me,
I don't want to be here either.
Do you really think
this was the wisest thing to do?
She was asking for it.
She's been asking for it.
And you know,
I was defending your name too.
Jackie, I don't need you to do that.
What if I wouldn't have been home?
I don't care.
Why are you dressed like that?
Because I'm going to a party.
What party?
A fundraiser.
Are you going alone?
- Who are you going with?
- That's none of your business.
Can I go with you instead?
- No!
- Why?
Do you feel like signing some
autographs tonight, Jackie?
Miss your fans?
Feel like picking up
some undergrads tonight, Catherine?
You can stay the night if you need to.
You know how to work the TV downstairs.
You can make fun of my job all you want,
but at least I make my own money!
I won't be mooching off my parents'
inheritance for the rest of my life.
I think your show is on tonight.
Try not to wipe it off on the couch
when you're done
jerking off to yourself!
So this is the famous Stark lair...
Catherine, you've got
somebody on your couch.
Yeah, it's that kid from that TV show.
It's called 'Saturn' something...
You know, let's go upstairs.
Hey, make sure you shut off the TV
when you've finished
watching your cartoons, OK?
Zach? I didn't know you had my number.
I'm sorry. Am I bugging you?
Are you busy?
No, it's cool. What's up?
Did Sandy hire you as a hit man?
Is that why you're calling me?
Seriously though, are you OK?
I haven't seen you since that day.
Yeah, I'll live.
So what's goin' on?
Well, there's this party Friday night.
It's not too far from here.
You know, if you're
interested in that sort of stuff.
What kind of party is it?
kind with a lot of booze and loud music?
Typical college party, I guess.
I don't know if you had a chance
to do anything like that yet.
I could pick you up.
Jacks? Did I lose you?
Sure. I'll go.
Enjoying the party?
Sorry about back there.
TJ can be a real asshole...
A very useful asshole, nonetheless.
So this is what you college kids do?
'Us college kids'...
Clearly a group you don't belong to.
Well, you know,
I'm just an urban legend.
I heard all about that.
Where are you goin'?
Back to my dorm.
Not even gonna stay the night?
I have to leave for LA in the morning.
Are you leaving for good?
No. I just have to do some press,
sign some papers.
I'll back in a couple of weeks.
Can I at least
walk you back to your dorm?
No, it's OK.
Bye, Zach.
Today, uh, we're going to go over
the basics of anxiety disorders.
Generalized anxiety...
Panic disorders...
Obsessive compulsive disorder,
better known as O.C.D.
There are two main approaches...
to understanding them:
the learning... and the biological.
If you will open your books to page 562
you will see an overview
of both of these.
Come in.
I think these work better.
Are you sure a one-bedroom
will be enough?
With the money you're making,
I'm sure you could've
gotten something bigger.
Do you want me to set up
the utilities for you while you're gone?
No, I'll take care of it.
Do you know how to do that?
I think I can probably figure it out.
You know, if something happens
you're always welcome to move
back here again...if you want to.
You've said that.
I meant it.
I'm not gonna need it.
You don't have to feel
threatened about it.
I was just offering you something.
I think the word 'threatened'
actually applies to you
more than it does to me, really.
I gotta finish packing up
before I leave tomorrow, so...
You know, It'll be hard getting used
to not having you around here again.
Same here.
We'll make do.
I search your profile
For a translation
I study the conversation
Like a map
'Cause I know there is strength
In the differences between us
And I know there is comfort
Where we overlap
Come here,
Stand in front of the light
Stand still,
So I can see your silhouette
I hope you have got all night
'Cause I'm not done looking
No, I'm not done looking yet...
Each one of us
Wants a piece of the action
You can hear it in what we say
You can see it In what we do
We negotiate with chaos
For some sense of satisfaction
If you won't give it to me
At least give me a better view
Come here,
Stand in front of the light
Stand still,
So I can see your silhouette
I hope you have got all night
'Cause I'm not done looking
No, I'm not done looking yet
Need some change?
The machine's been broken for weeks.
I don't think they're gonna
fix it anytime soon.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
I heard you're leaving for good.
For good is a long time.
More like, for the time being.
You never know.
What's up?
Good luck with your
sophomore year, Sandy.
You too.
No. Returning, actually.
I wanna make sure I'm not missing any.
Hi. Is the May edition
of the Journal in yet?
Give me one sec.
- Hey.
- Hi.
How's your article going?
That's good.
How's Ethan?
- He's good.
- Good.
I see they let you
finish out the school year.
- Same for you?
- Yeah...
Lucky me.
Stark, one May edition of the
Journal of Applied Psychology.
Thank you.
Well, good luck,
if I don't see you again.
Hey, Neptune!
What happened to Saturn?
C'mon, you know I've always been
a closet fan of your show.
Are you, uh, doing anything right now?
No, not really...
Now you're stronger than you look.
They got me workin' out
five days a week.
Personal trainer and everything.
No more pasta for me, though.
Oh, you poor thing.
Do you hate me
because of what happened to you?
No, I don't hate you.
You know I've wanted you from the
first time I saw you in Hecht's office?
And the first time
you came over here I remember thinking,
oh, my God, she's gonna
have a heart attack and die.
C'mon, I don't think I've ever seen
anyone so scared in my entire life.
- I wasn't scared.
- Really?
So you were just
faking it for my benefit?
OK, maybe I was a little scared.
OK, maybe I was a little terrified.
But you can't tell me
that you don't know
that everyone around here
is afraid of you.
I can't do anything about that.
You're intimidating.
What did you think I was gonna do?
How would I know?
Right, 'cause I'm a vampire.
I totally forget that sometimes.
You're old enough...
I should get going.
I gotta get some sleep.
I thought your flight
wasn't till tomorrow night?
It's not, but I have
an interview in the morning...
with some stupid magazine show.
They want footage of me
walking around campus or something...
I don't know.
Do you want a ride back to your dorm?
No, it's cool. I'll walk.
What are you gonna do now?
I don't know.
I'll be OK.
Well, you have my number...
the one with the 323 area code.
Take care of yourself, OK?
You too.
So Jackie, did you find it hard
to adjust to college life
after working for so long?
Uh, actually I think it was harder
for them to have me here.
But I found my little space eventually.
I heard you have, like,
three majors or something.
Just one, actually.
I'm trying to double-major,
thinking of going to law school, maybe.
Anything you'll find hard
to leave behind?
Uh, the laundry room...
Definitely the laundry room.
Are these staying here?
Why are we whispering?
They're shooting some
TV show downstairs.
No, I'll take these.
- I'll be over in a minute.
- OK.
I'm glad I came here.
I'm glad I went through this.
But you're going right back
to where you came from.
Well, there's no place like home,
as they say in the movies.
OK, I think that's all we need.
- Thanks so much.
- Thank you.
A pleasure as always.
So is Tyler going to be
commander now or what?
It's a whole new ship,
a whole new universe out there.
You'll just have to wait and see.
Fair enough.
Ready, guys?