Blossoms in the Dust (1941)

Oh, that really looks
very nice, Frederick.
- Thank you, ma'am.
- Yes. Very, very nice indeed.
- Have the musicians come yet?
- They're washing in the cook's room.
Well, tell them when
Miss Charlotte and Miss Edna come down... play a fanfare.
A fanfare, ma'am?
Oh, you mean like they do
in the circus.
Very good, ma'am. I'll tell them.
Serve the punch at 10:00.
Oh, Frederick, be careful. Very little rum.
It's a young people's party, you know.
Very good, ma'am.
George, you're not even dressed.
Well, well, well.
How pretty you look, my dear Catherine.
- Thank you, dear. But, really...
- Oh, I'm sorry, dear. I'll hurry.
But I've just been thinking how sad it is
losing our two girls.
And both at once.
Oh, we're not really losing them, dear.
You know, a son is a son
till he gets him a wife.
But a daughter's a daughter
all the rest of her life.
Well, I won't be a minute, dear.
- Gus, is Miss Edna home?
- Yes?
Not yet, ma'am.
She took the tandem out about 4:00.
Dear, oh, dear, she'll be late.
Oh, madam, here's Miss Edna now.
- Here, Tom.
Thank goodness you've come.
I know, I know, I know, Mother.
But I couldn't help it.
I had to go to the bank
and get the favors.
I'll dress as fast as I can.
Oh, here they are.
Paper caps, snappers, balloons, confetti.
You look simply lovely, Mother.
Thank you, dear.
- Oh, how beautiful.
Charlotte. Charlotte.
- Charlotte.
- Edna.
Where have you been?
Tell me, do I look like a hussy?
Edna, what on earth do you mean?
Do I? Do I look like the kind of girl
that men insult?
Because I've been insulted.
Why, Edna Kahly.
I went to the bank to cash the check...
Father's check.
- for the favors and things,
and the cashier, my dear...
...the cashier at that bank.
What on earth did he do?
Well, he looked at me and smiled.
And then I took my gloves off,
like this...
...and then he saw my ring...
Damon's ring.
And what do you think he had
the effrontery to say to me?
He said, "If that's
an engagement ring, young lady...'d better get rid of it right quick. "
Right quick.
Must be a Westerner.
I never was so outraged in my life.
What on earth did you say?
Well, I don't know
what possessed me, but I said:
"Why?" And he said...
Well, what did he say, darling?
He said,
"Because you're gonna marry me. "
He didn't.
How perfectly thrilling.
I never was so furious in my life.
It's a good thing Damon wasn't there.
He'd have knocked him down...
...there'd have been a scene.
- What'd you do? Did you slap him?
No. I just picked up the money
and walked straight out of the bank.
If you knew how humiliated I was,
and how cheap I felt.
I'm going to tell Father.
I'm going to see that that impudent
cashier's discharged tomorrow.
Was he good-looking?
Oh, he wasn't anywhere near
as handsome as Damon.
Here's the new bustle, Miss Charlotte.
Ain't it a daisy?
Oh, Edna, I wonder if you know
how grateful I am.
Grateful, Charlotte? Why?
For all your darling parents
have done for me.
Oh, dear, you mustn't feel...
I was such a baby
when I came here to live.
I don't even remember
my own mother and father.
But you've let me share yours
and I love you for it. I always will.
Oh, darling.
Why, think how happy you've made us.
I hope I have.
Listen. Carriages.
It's David and Allan.
Hurry, hurry. We'd better dress.
Good evening, sirs.
- Good evening, Gus.
- Good evening, Gus.
Thank you.
Oh, Edna, I only hope Allan's mother
and father take me into their hearts too.
I love him so.
Why, of course you do, darling.
We're going to be so terribly happy
when we're married.
Well, we mustn't cry about it.
Oh, it's just leaving home and all our
good times together and this dear room.
Well, we'll only be across the street,
after all.
Why, we'll never be separated, really.
We'll be brides together
and young wives together.
And maybe someday
we'll be mothers too.
Edna, how can you?
Mentioning such a thing.
Well, why not?
I don't know about you...
...but I'm going to have
five sons and five daughters.
How do I look?
Damon's the luckiest living human.
I'd say Allan was.
I'd say we are.
Come on. They're waiting.
Here they are.
- Sweetheart.
- Darling.
I'm the happiest man
in the world, sweetheart.
Thank you, Allan.
I hope we'll always be happy.
I'm the happiest man in the world,
Thank you, Damon.
I hope we always will...
What...? What is it, darling?
Nothing, I...
Damon, will you be an angel
and get me a handkerchief from Hilda?
Why, of course, darling.
Why didn't you tell me?
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
Father, I want to tell you about
this man's attention to business... the bank this afternoon.
- You can't tell me anything...
...about Sam Gladney, my dear.
The Wisconsin County Bank
is backing him in a new business venture.
Thank you for the testimonial,
Mr. Kahly.
Do you know when I cashed that check
this afternoon, I shortchanged you?
- Is that so?
- He's come out here to make restitution.
Oh, no bother, sir. No bother at all.
There you are.
Thank you very much.
You may keep that dime
as a tip for your honesty.
Well, thank you very much,
but I'd rather have this dance.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
You see, it belongs to my fianc.
Oh, go ahead and dance with Mr. Gladney.
Go ahead.
You didn't shortchange me.
I counted the change
because I didn't trust you.
You're doggone right, Miss Edna.
I suppose I should have taken
a little more time to get acquainted.
But I leave tomorrow
to go back to Texas, in the flour business.
- How interesting.
- Your father asked me up...
...a couple of times to meet the family,
but I didn't accept...
...because I've been up to my neck
in this new flour mill of mine.
Gee, I wish I'd have known
you were here.
Don't tell me
I'd have rivaled the flour business.
You've come darn near it.
Thank you.
Is this the way they dance in Texas?
Shucks, yeah. We dance down there
to have fun. Why don't you?
We have other ideas of diversion,
I'm afraid.
I believe I've had enough of dancing.
Very well. All right, Miss Edna,
you're the boss.
But I'm not through talking yet.
I don't think you're the kind of a girl
who'd do a mean trick on a man... marrying him when you belong
by rights to somebody else.
- You're insufferable.
- Wait.
When you showed up at my window this
afternoon, my mind was miles away from...
Well, from girls or anything like them.
And when you shoved that check in at me,
something fairly shouted in my ear...
...and said,
"Sam, that's the future Mrs. Gladney. "
Didn't you hear it?
Oh, I didn't mean to be fresh,
but I had to act quick.
I'll tell you what I'll do.
I'm going back to Texas...
...and fix it up for you.
Polish the sun, sweep the prairies.
Spread out the welcome mat
along the old Red River.
And then next spring
I'm coming back to fetch you.
Is that so?
Do you want to know
what time my train leaves tomorrow?
It's of no interest to me whatsoever.
Well, it leaves at 10:58
tomorrow morning...
...if you'd care to come down
and see me off.
Well. Here you are, dear.
Oh, thank you, Damon.
I've just been marking time
with Mr. Gladney till you got here.
- This is Mr. McPherson, Mr. Gladney.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
- The man I'm going to marry.
I've just been trying to dance
with Mr. Gladney. Texas style.
I'm afraid I don't know
very much about Texas.
Well, Texas is a great place.
Greatest place in the world to raise a family.
Have you a family?
Oh, no, no. Not yet.
I've only just picked out my wife.
Well, congratulations.
Would you like to shake on that, sir?
Why, certainly.
Dear, we're missing
most of this lovely music.
Just watch Mr. McPherson,
Mr. Gladney.
You'll get some pointers
on how to succeed in a ballroom.
Thank you.
All aboard.
All aboard, boss.
Better get this on the train, boss,
if you're going.
Yeah, all right.
Go on, wave. Wave.
- Edna.
- Sam.
Good afternoon.
Well, where is everybody?
Well, here he is.
- Yep. Here I am.
- Well, at last.
You know, I'm a little flustered.
Only the second time we've met,
and soon I'll have to call you "son. "
And I'm sure this must be
little Charlotte.
- Hello, Sam.
- I think you rate a kiss too...
...for getting Edna down at the station
that morning.
Oh, I knew it was all up with poor Damon
the moment I saw you.
Poor Damon.
He's been happily married
for three whole months.
I'll bet he doesn't even know it.
Where's Dad?
- In the library...
...going over some mysterious matter
with my future in-laws.
- Will you tell them Mr. Gladney has arrived?
- Yes.
- Mr. Gladney.
- Uh-huh.
What stand do you take
on the subject of double weddings?
- Double what?
Well, you see...
...Charlotte and Edna graduated together,
they came out together, and now...
Oh, I see.
And now they want to be hitched
in double tandem, right?
Well, why not?
I think another victim might buck a man up.
- How do you like your tea?
- Me? Oh, straight, please.
- Oh, hello, Dad.
Mr. Kahly.
- You're looking awfully well, sir.
- Thanks. How's the new mill?
Great. We plan on opening next month,
you know.
You remember the wheat
I was telling you about in Texas?
- Yeah.
- Take a look at that, sir. Give me your hand.
Isn't that wonderful?
Texas wheat.
Greatest wheat in the world.
Sam doesn't think much of Texas.
I'll think a lot more of it
when I get you down there.
Mr. Kahly, please.
- That's all I've got with me.
- Oh.
Children... go on with your tea.
We'll... We'll join you presently.
Come, Catherine.
Why, what is it, dear?
They want to speak to you in the library.
I haven't broached the double wedding yet
to Allan's mother.
Why not? You afraid?
Who, me?
I'm terrified.
Let me do it. I'm not terrified...
No, you won't. She's my problem, darling.
I'll brave it out.
All right, darling, go ahead, brave it out.
It doesn't matter.
Go on back, dear, please.
But what is it, Allan?
There's something
we've got to straighten out.
You run along back to your tea.
George, it's time
that child was told a little truth.
- Sarah, please.
- Yes, Mother, stop talking, will you?
What is it, Mrs. Keats?
Well, something has come out,
Charlotte, that...
That might seem to interfere
with your plans to marry Allan.
But what is it?
I haven't done anything wrong.
It isn't true. Whatever they're saying,
it isn't true. You know it isn't.
- I wish you were right, Charlotte.
- Sarah, please.
Unfortunately, it's come to our knowledge
that you were a foundling.
A nameless foundling
with an unknown father.
Sarah, how could you?
- I didn't know I was nameless, Mrs. Keats.
- Except for the kindness of the woman... the license bureau,
it might never have come to light.
Whose business is it but mine?
It's anybody's business now.
It's common gossip.
Was it common gossip
before you started telling it?
George, don't, darling.
Why, Charlotte's an angel.
She's kind, gentle, sweet.
Why, from the day George and I took her,
she's been as dear to us as our own child.
And she's the only one
I'll ever marry, Mother.
Make up your mind to that.
Allan wants to take you away
for a while.
Yes. We'll go to someplace nice,
where no one knows us.
Away from his practice and his family.
Oh, Sarah.
- You'll wreck his life.
- Mother, stop it.
Run along, Charlotte, darling.
I have a plan to talk over with Allan.
Don't worry, dear.
We love each other,
and that's all that really matters.
Everything's going to be fine.
Oh, Charlotte.
Did she agree?
Do we get the double wedding?
Why not?
Did you hear that, dearest?
- Here's to double tandem.
- Edna.
- Yes, darling?
What is it?
I want you to have this.
Charlotte! Charlotte!
Charlotte! Charlotte!
How about amalgamating?
Share losses as well as profits.
Well, maybe you're right, Charlie.
But do you see that sign out there?
Someday it's going to read,
"Samuel Gladney and Son. "
Can't take in partners
without consulting him.
That son of yours
may turn out to be a daughter.
- Maybe you're right.
Sorry to interrupt you...
Mr. Gladney!
You got to get home to your wife
right away.
But it isn't time yet.
- But babies ain't got calendars.
- Holy smoke.
There's your partner.
- Did you call the doctor?
Well, that's the trouble, boss.
We can't find him.
- You can't what?
- Well, Dr. West is gone away...
...on a fishing trip,
and fishes ain't got telephones.
- My sister has a wonderful doctor.
- Call him up right away.
- Take it easy, Sam.
- I'll go and hitch the horses, boss.
- Well, go on. Look, call the hospital.
- Hello, Central, 485.
Keep trying to get Dr. West. Have his wife
get him no matter where he is.
- I will. Hello...
- Keep getting West until you get him.
- Yes, I will. Hello. Hello. Hello.
- Sorry, gentlemen.
I'd like to speak to Dr. Breslar.
Out of my way.
- Who are you, anyway?
- My name is Breslar. Dr. Breslar.
Where is she? Where is she?
She right upstairs.
Stave it off, if you can,
till the doctor gets here.
Just keep out of my way, will you?
Heat all the water you can, at once.
- Plain water?
- Heat it.
- Yes, sir.
- Are you sure you know what you're doing?
I have 60 babies a year. Do you?
Careful, now.
Can't you tell what color its eyes are?
Oh, look at that.
Are you ready for a visitor, darling?
Careful, nurse.
Watch the step there. That's it.
I want to introduce you to my son.
Would you like him beside you,
Mrs. Gladney?
Cover him all up, now,
so he won't get cold.
Look at that.
You see,
this is one thing I disapprove of most.
The time is coming when newborn babies
will be kept in glass cages...
...away from their parents.
Nurse. Take the baby
back to the nursery, please.
Yes, Dr. Breslar.
I'm sorry, Mrs. Gladney.
Doctor's orders, you know.
Remember what I said
about tiring the patient.
All right, doctor.
Come on. Come on. Come on.
Gee, you had me scared, sweetheart.
Oh, Sam. Did I?
Well, I'm all right now.
And so happy.
Well, that's enough for now. Come along.
See you soon, darling.
The record of the case
from the time I took over.
Thank you, doctor.
And you haven't explained to Mr. Gladney
about your findings relative to her condition.
He's trying to say that motherhood,
in a case like your wife's... extremely dangerous.
I didn't know that.
Edna can never have another child, Sam.
Thank God she's safe.
- Or is she safe?
- Oh, absolutely.
Dr. Breslar handled this case
as well as I could've done myself.
Maybe I ought to start charging
as much as you do, doctor.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye, Dr. Breslar.
- Goodbye, Mr. Gladney.
- Oh, goodbye, doctor.
- And a thousand thanks.
- Oh, well.
I hope we have occasion
to meet socially sometime.
- Well, I'm a busy man. Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
I don't even have time to go fishing.
Don't fall, Daddy. Don't fall.
More, more.
- Daddy's sorry, but he's tired.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas again, Cleo.
- Here's some more Merry Christmas.
- Oh, unwrap it, please, Cleo.
- Yes, ma'am.
Here comes Nana.
Looks as though the jig were up.
Doesn't anybody want to go for a nice ride
and get some fresh air?
I don't think it's so good
for folks to stuff their selves with air.
Listen, darling, Daddy's anxious to know
what's going on in the state of Texas... it's up to you to go find out about it
and come and tell him.
- No.
- You wouldn't want Dr. West... scold Mummy
because you missed your airing?
- No.
- That's a boy.
And we'll take little Chico with us.
And the engine.
- And the soldiers. And the Christmas tree.
- Don't you think...
...that might be too much of a load
for the poor horse?
- We can only take one toy, Sammy.
- Which one's it going to be, partner?
I guess my old horse.
That's loyalty for you.
- Run along now, sweetheart.
- Come on.
- Watch me drive off, Mummy and Daddy.
- Yes, darling.
Hurry up, there. Get into that coat.
Goodbye, Master Sammy.
- Goodbye, Cleo.
- Away we go, now. Come on.
Have a good time.
We will. Wait, darling.
Look at this, Mrs. Gladney.
Heavens. What a monstrosity.
Well, it's from your aunt Louise, dear.
What? Cleo, do you suppose
you can break it?
Oh, no, sir.
I'm gonna take good care of this.
Give her time.
Goodbye, Mummy and Daddy.
Oh, honey, there they are.
Goodbye, Mummy and Daddy.
- Goodbye, darling.
- Bye, partner.
He would take that old calico horse
with him.
Oh, he's had a lovely Christmas.
You've been pretty extravagant this time,
Mr. Gladney.
Why not? Wheat's still going up.
That only cost me a few thousand bushels.
And I still have a little left.
Not counting what you have
in your pocket.
I don't carry wheat anymore.
What would you like to bet me?
- Well, what odds do you give me?
- Oh, no, no.
- Oh, no, you don't.
- You gotta catch me first.
- Sam. Wait.
- I know you have, Sam.
- Come on.
You're too slow, darling.
- Now, let's see.
- Darling, I haven't got any wheat.
- No. No wheat.
- I'm awfully glad I didn't bet.
You know, I shall never be civilized.
I wonder how you stand me.
Oh, you don't take
such an awful lot of standing.
That's exactly what I was fishing for.
Bother our friends and the reception
and the eggnog and the whole business.
Why, Mrs. Gladney.
And you, a society leader.
I'm surprised at you.
- Tell me, are you happy?
- Oh, terribly happy.
Not a single little thing I'd change.
Except to have Charlotte with us.
How she and little Sam...
...would have loved each other.
She was so gay and so full of fun.
Mr. Gladney! Mr. Gladney! Mr. Gladney!
- What's the matter, Zeke?
- Go back, Mrs. Gladney. Don't come down.
What is it?
- Sammy, speak to me.
- Send for the doctor.
- What about the nurse?
They're bringing her in.
I'm here.
Darling? It's Mummy, darling.
Speak to me, Sammy. Speak to me.
Our baby's dead, Sam.
Our baby's dead.
Oh, I love parties.
- Be careful, Edna. That's precious.
- Oh, I'm so sorry.
I was getting so clever at this too.
There you are. There you are.
It's wonderful music, Edna.
- Oh, thank you, dear, I'm glad you like it.
Why, Mr. Gladney.
Enjoying yourself?
- I am if you're happy, sweetheart.
- Mrs. Gladney.
- Yes?
- Do you think you have time... step into the library a moment?
- What for, Zeke?
- A Dr. Breslar is there to see you.
- Dr. Breslar?
- Yes, ma'am.
- Well, bring him out here.
Darling, don't you think
you better see him inside?
Well, come to my rescue in a few minutes,
will you?
All right, sweetheart.
Oh, good evening, Dr. Breslar.
Hello, Mrs. Gladney.
Your husband once invited me
to come here socially.
Looks as if I picked out
a fairly social evening.
Well, I'm very glad to see you,
doctor. Always.
I'm on my way to the county orphanage
with her.
Seeing you are the only folks I know
with more beds than you sleep in...
...I'd like to dump her here for tonight.
So if it's just the same to you,
she won't be much trouble.
And I'll come back for her
tomorrow morning, and then...
Well, doctor.
This is a pleasant surprise.
Isn't it, darling?
Haven't you two chosen
rather a bad moment for your conspiracy?
I happen to be entertaining Baron Emden.
Perhaps some other time
might've been better, doctor.
The child's mother
had to be sent to the hospital tonight.
There's no need
to take her to an orphanage.
She can be boarded out
until the mother's well.
Give Dr. Breslar a check, Sam.
The mother can't keep the child.
She has to work.
- If I had a child, I'd keep it in spite of...
In spite of what?
Parties, soires, dressmakers
and all that whoop-de-doodle?
- The child's mother is a mill-hand.
- It's a kiddie of a good family, darling...
...whose mother has found it impossible
to earn her own living.
We might protect her.
Get that child out of here.
- Edna.
- I never thought it would work.
Come on, darling.
Why should she adopt babies?
She's much too busy adopting barons.
This is criticism, isn't it?
You're trying to mend a broken heart
by hitting it with a hammer.
Well, do I ever bore you
with my broken heart?
Or anybody else? Do I ever mention it?
- It might be better if you did, sweetheart.
- All right.
Ever since the time I first realized
we were never to have children...
...the day doesn't go by or the night
that I don't feel humiliated...
Do you think I don't know that,
Then why do you bring
another woman's child here to hurt me?
Darling, you're hurting yourself.
Oh, Sam.
Go on and cry.
Cry all you want to, sweetheart.
I'm no good for you.
Somebody else would...
Would be much better for you.
I'm no good.
Watch yourself.
You're talking about the girl I love.
Oh, Sam.
All right, now, darling.
Are you sure this is the place?
This is where they done told us
at the mill, sir.
- Good morning, sir.
- Good morning.
I'd like to see Mr. Gladney.
Oh, yes, sir. Come right inside.
- Does you wants to rest your hat?
- Oh, thank you.
Just step right into the parlor.
- Mr. Gladney?
- Hello, Mr. Gladney.
Oh, no, you...
You are not Mr. Gladney.
No, no, my name's Hedger.
G. Harrington Hedger of Fort Worth.
- Yes.
- Please, sit down, Mr. Gladney.
- Oh, how do you do?
- How do you do? Is this Mrs. Gladney?
- Yes.
- I'm G. Harrington Hedger.
I came to speak to your husband,
if he could spare me a moment.
I think it can be arranged.
Sit down, won't you, Mr. Hedger?
Thanks. You have a nice lot of kiddies.
We think so.
- Hello, sweetheart.
- Hello, dear. This is Mr. Hedger.
- My husband.
- How do you do, sir?
Are you Mr. Gladney?
Why, yes, of course.
What do you think of our little family?
They're very cute.
Just wait till you take a look
at the rest of them.
Are these all yours?
Well, I don't claim them.
They belong to my wife.
- It's a day nursery, Mr. Hedger.
- For mothers who work.
They bring them here in the morning
and pick them up on the way home.
It's quite an innovation.
Yes. You see, my husband
wanted to adopt this little one.
But I couldn't bring myself
to separate her from her mother.
So we compromised.
I take her for daytime...
And she's added 19 others
to the collection.
That's all there is to it.
- Goodbye, Mr. Hedger.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye, Mrs. Gladney.
Now, what was it you wanted
to see me about?
I have a message here from Mr. Jed Fraser
of the Fraser Mills in Fort Worth.
It's rather urgent on account of
the recent decline in the wheat market.
Yeah. Yes.
Well, I... I won't bother you any further,
Mr. Gladney. Goodbye.
- Oh, goodbye, sir. Thank you very much.
- Don't mention it.
When I built this mill,
I made a lot of mistakes.
- Next time, I'm gonna do the job right.
- Sam.
You've lost the mill.
I'll build another one.
Sweetheart, why didn't you tell me?
Oh, Sam, you're tired.
Why, honey, you look ill.
He isn't ill, Mrs. Gladney. He's insane.
Thinking he can pay off all these debts.
Why, he couldn't do it in 20 years.
Maybe you can get him
to go into bankruptcy.
Nobody else can.
He doesn't understand, darling.
None of them do.
You wouldn't want me to fail
in my obligations, would you?
But, dearest, if it takes 20 years...
Would you?
That's my Edna.
And now, ladies and gentlemen...
...what am I bid for this superb specimen
of the music master's art?
Presented to Mrs. Gladney on her
wedding day by her own loving husband.
This here grand piano has been caressed
by the immortal fingers...
...of the world's greatest and foremost
virtuosos of the art of the pianoforte.
So get going, folks.
What am I bid for a starter?
Fifty dollars.
What's that I hear?
Why, lady, you grieve me.
Any bid under a thousand dollars...
- That's all. Now you can close it, Zeke.
- Yes, ma'am.
I hear that Fort Worth is a mighty nice place
to live in, Mrs. Gladney.
And Mr. Gladney sure ain't gonna be
no mill-hand for very long.
The first thing you know,
he'll own a mill once more.
You've been a good friend
to both of us, Zeke.
Our very first luxury
would be to send for you.
Yes, ma'am, Mrs. Gladney.
I knows that, now.
Darling, look what I brought home
with me.
Max. I thought we said goodbye
last night.
Well, I wasn't going to let you ride into
Fort Worth without a bouquet, was I?
How sweet.
Uh-oh. Wait a minute.
Zeke. Get this eyesore down to the
auctioneer right away. He might forget it.
We never could get Cleo to break it.
- Dear?
- Yes, darling?
Is it all arranged?
About the nursery?
It's just been made safely over
to the mothers of Sherman.
And we got the city council
to vote funds for its support.
That's good.
That's wonderful.
Six dollars and 25 cents I bid.
Do I hear the seven? Do I hear the seven?
Six and a quarter, I have.
Who will make it to seven?
Seven I want. Who will make it a seven?
Six and a quarter I have.
Six and a quarter once.
Six and a quarter twice.
Six and a quarter, third and last time.
Sold to Mrs. Brown for $6.25.
Why, Molly, how nice to see you.
We just couldn't resist taking
one last look at you.
Mrs. O'Neill, and Sarah,
and Helen and everybody.
Mrs. Gladney, we mothers of Sherman,
whose lives have been gladdened... your great work at the day nursery
have bought this little...
- This little... This little...
- Momonto.
- Memento.
- Memento as a token...
...of our affectionate esteem, for you
to take to your new home in Fort Worth.
Thank you.
How sweet of you.
I'll keep it always in memory of you...
...and the happiness we've had together
with our children.
Goodbye, you darlings.
I'll never forget you.
I'll send you a picture of Molly.
- Yes, do. Do. I'll write to all of you.
Let me know how things go,
Mrs. O'Neill. Goodbye.
I will.
- Goodbye.
We're gonna miss her terribly.
I've got to love the darn thing
as long as I live.
Hello, Mrs. Gladney.
- Hello.
Hello, Mrs. Gladney.
- Hello, Mr. Jason.
Well, come into the company's
private office, partner.
And sit right down there and take a look.
Put your eye up to that
and tell me what you see.
- I don't see anything but wheat.
- That's all it is. It's a special kind of wheat.
The wheat I've been telling you about.
The Gladney Wheat Wastage Process.
I'm off to register
these papers at the patent office.
Sam, you've been working through your
lunch for six months. As your partner...
...I insist you eat your lunch
and I mail the papers.
Well, hey, wait a minute.
What are you going to do?
Mail the lunch and let me eat the papers?
Oh, Sam, you fluster me so.
Darling, you shouldn't get flustered
during business hours.
- Run along, now.
- Now, eat your lunch.
Certainly, I'll eat my lunch.
- Bye.
- Bye.
That's all, Mrs. Gladney. If you take it
to the post office, it'll go quicker.
Thank you, I'll do that. Goodbye.
- Goodbye, Mrs. Gladney.
- Goodbye, Mrs. Gladney.
Come back here, Joey.
Come on back.
- You mustn't run away from Mama, son.
- He isn't mine. If he was, I'd fix him.
Get back in there and don't you
leave that seat again.
Get right back.
You must look on Mr. and Mrs. Northworth
as your real parents from now on, Clara.
And be an obedient daughter to them.
Yes, sir. I mean, Your Honor.
That's a good girl.
- Thank you, Your Honor.
- Thank you, Your Honor.
Come on.
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Bedlow.
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Bedlow.
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Bedlow.
Here, Your Honor.
This way, please.
- Your name?
Joshua Bedlow.
And yours?
Mrs. Mary Ann Bedlow.
- Why, they're tagged like cattle.
The state can't afford chaperones
for the orphans, ma'am.
They're from all over Texas.
Mrs. Taylor?
Yes, Your Honor.
This boy's name is Tony. Tony...?
Just Tony, Your Honor.
Oh, I see.
The record shows the mother to have
been of reputable family, Mrs. Bedlow.
The baby has not been
very well looked after.
But, doubtless, under proper conditions...
...sufficient food and care,
he will blossom out into...
I'm sorry, Your Honor, but...
Well, you see, judge, we live among
rather conservative people and...
You insist on legitimacy?
Yes, judge.
You'll have to take
the baby back, Mrs. Taylor.
Yes, Your Honor.
But, judge...
Ho, ho.
Where are you, sweetheart?
- Hello there.
- Hello, darling.
- Got a surprise for you.
- Have you?
Oh, darling, you worked all through
your lunch hour again.
I wasn't hungry. Wait till you see
who's going to spend the night.
Oh, Sam.
Why, it's Zeke.
I sure is powerfully glad to see you,
Mrs. Gladney.
What do you know,
he's got a job in Fort Worth.
- Who are you going to work for?
- Why, I'm gonna work for y'all.
Now, look here, Zeke, you know
perfectly well we can't afford you.
Well, if you can't afford me for the work,
then I'll just sort of hang around.
And I know that nobody ain't gonna pay
a man nothing for just hanging around.
Except maybe his eating and sleeping.
Oh, but that wouldn't be fair, Zeke.
Fair to you, I mean.
Oh, but you'll be doing me a powerfully
big favor, Mrs. Gladney.
What have you done
since we left Sherman?
Well, I got odd jobs now and again.
But I didn't seem to get up no interest,
Mr. Gladney.
One day, along come a freight train,
and that freight train said to me...
...he said, "Zeke, why don't you catch hold
and come on down to Fort Worth?"
And the first thing you know,
there I was and here I is.
Darling, we can take blankets out of
the spare room and fix him up in the shed.
- I, uh... I, uh...
- Huh?
Come along.
Well, what does this mean?
Sam, these children were up for adoption
at the court this afternoon.
You didn't neglect to register
and mail those papers?
No, of course not. They went out
on the 2:10. But, Sam...
...I wish you could see
what goes on in that court.
Children are tagged. Tagged like cattle.
These two were turned down
because they were foundlings.
Judge let me have them. He's given me
two weeks to find them homes.
And Sam, I'm going to do it.
What's the baby's name, Mrs. Gladney?
Just Tony.
And it's just two now, Zeke,
but she'll probably wind up with 40.
Well, I knows where I can get
plenty of help.
Shut your mouth, will you?
How you expect these children
are gonna get to sleep?
Is this Mrs. Gladney's establishment?
That's what the sign says.
Mrs. Gladney and her establishment.
You may wait.
- Does you wants to see Mrs. Gladney?
- I do.
Mrs. Gladney ain't here, ma'am.
She out ringing doorbells.
- Ringing?
She's raising money for the children.
But I had an appointment.
Children always come before appointments
with Mrs. Gladney, ma'am.
Just help yourself to a chair, thank you.
Hello, honeybunch. Hello, sweetheart.
Hello. Hello, son.
How do you do, Mrs. Gladney?
Oh, I am sorry to be so late.
I'm back, Tony.
Look at me, Tony.
- Has he been all right, Cleo?
- Right as he ever is. Poor little fella.
I'm Mrs. Marcus Gilworth.
I telephoned for this appointment.
Oh, yes, Mrs. Gilworth.
I'll be with you in a moment.
Would you mind counting this, please?
The baby's waiting, Mr. and Mrs. Loring.
- Just a minute.
- Oh, thank you.
Mrs. Gladney.
Mrs. Gladney, look at that.
It say 104.
- Did you wash it in nice hot water?
- Yes.
I thought so.
Everybody tells me always use hot water.
And I uses it and then I gets the devil.
Now, Mrs. Loring, here she is.
Come on, sweetheart.
There. Little Janice.
She's going to grow up to be a tomboy.
Just like you were once upon a time.
Why, Mrs. Gladney, how did you know...?
Oh, I spent months finding out
all about you.
You see, it isn't enough just to give a baby
to people who want a child.
They should love the same things.
They should, as far as possible,
have the same characteristics.
That's why I study the child
and its tendencies...
...and I study the parents and theirs.
Then I try to match them.
That's why I know that this is your baby.
Look at her, Dora.
She's making eyes at me.
Why, Janice Loring, behave yourself.
- Janice Loring. Doesn't that sound great?
- Oh, Ned.
You must get her home before her resting
time. And here's her food formula...
...and instructions for everything.
- Goodbye, darling.
- Bye.
Why, Mrs. Gladney, you're crying.
I work like fury to get them adopted...
...and then cry like a fool when they go.
- I'll write to you every week.
- You will?
Of course.
Goodbye. Take good care of her.
Goodbye, Mrs. Gladney,
and a thousand thanks.
Janice Loring. Gee.
- Well?
- It ain't enough money by about $6.
I'll go out again this afternoon.
If I owned the milk company, Mrs. Gladney,
I'd let you have it for nothing.
- Thank you. I hope you do someday.
- Thanks.
Oh, yes, Mrs. Gilworth.
My husband and I decided to give
the advantage of our home... one of your foundlings,
Mrs. Gladney.
- How nice.
- Course, we wouldn't want one that cries.
I see.
Well, will you step into the office?
Oh, Max. I thought you'd never get here.
I'm sorry. I had six maternities
to wind up before I could leave.
I know, I know, Max.
But I've been so worried about Tony.
Here he is.
A redhead, heh?
I've had every specialist in Fort Worth,
and nobody's helped him. Nobody.
- Now, which leg is it?
- The left.
The left.
- What treatment has he had?
- All sorts. I've stopped giving him medicine.
I massage him. I give him sun.
Yeah, that's what he needs.
Especially massage, plenty of it.
There's a new method of massage
underwater. But it takes...
Mrs. Gladney.
When I came here out of the goodness
of my heart, I didn't expect to be insulted.
Oh, Mrs. Gilworth, I am sorry.
But Dr. Breslar has come all the way from
Sherman and he's a very busy pediatrician.
Pedia... Pedia...?
She means a baby doctor.
Yes, I know.
This way, please, Mrs. Gilworth.
I'll be with you soon, doctor.
Oh, doctor. I'm adopting a baby.
Maybe you'd like to help
with your advice.
Come along, doctor.
I want you to see Tony's chart, anyway.
Sit down, Mrs. Gilworth, please.
I'd want to know all about the baby,
its background, parents and so forth.
Oh, yes, indeed. We have to be very
careful about the children...
...and the prospective parents.
- Naturally.
Oh, I suppose you do.
Now, your full name,
Mrs. Gilworth, please.
That's Tony, I'm sorry.
Excuse me, please.
- Will you make this out for me, Max?
- Oh, sure.
Your name?
Gilworth. Mrs. Marcus Gilworth.
- Your husband's occupation?
- He's a member of the board of supervisors.
Two names of people
who would vouch for you.
I said my husband
was a member of the board.
How old are you?
- Well?
- Thirty-seven.
What are you writing there?
Let me see.
Excuse me.
- Any TB in the family?
- No.
- Hereditary diseases?
- No.
- Insanity?
- No.
No insanity? Don't understand it.
Mrs. Gladney, you haven't heard
the last of this.
Adopting babies.
You are aware of the zoning laws
in the district...
...where you run your institution?
Then you know those laws
prohibit the running of an institution...
...such as yours in that district.
The law makes no exceptions, you know.
But I've told you
I'd find another place for them.
We appreciate your good intentions,
Mrs. Gladney...
...but Fort Worth has an adequate
poor farm and city orphanage.
But don't you see? I'm able to get children
into homes, real homes... interest people in adopting babies
who might never have thought of it.
The city has had very few complaints
over our treatment of orphans.
Oh, I wish
you'd stop calling them orphans.
- What do you call them, Mrs. Gladney?
- They're children. Our children.
Every child born into this world
belongs to the whole human race.
Don't you think that's a few too many
for your budget, Mrs. Gladney?
- I move we put this to a vote.
I second the motion.
All right. Those in favor
of granting Mrs. Gladney's request... carry on her work,
signify in the usual manner.
- Those against.
- No.
- No.
- No.
I'm sorry, Mrs. Gladney. If you're
able later on to show adequate funds...
...and a proper building to house children,
we'll be very glad to open the matter.
Thank you.
Why, Max. How sweet of you
to come and meet me, but...
Why, what's the matter?
I think you'd better run home
and see Sam.
He... I made him stop work
for the rest of the day.
- But what...?
- He had one of those fainting spells.
- Oh, Max.
- Don't worry, Edna.
I'm sure he'll be all right.
Oh, Sam.
Silly of me to fold up like this, isn't it?
Darling, look in my inside coat pocket.
Remember when
I used to carry wheat in my pocket?
I was saving that
for your next box of gladiolas, Thursday.
Look at it.
The company has bought out
the Gladney Process.
You'll soon be in the clear.
You must rest now.
What do they want you to do
about the babies?
It doesn't matter, sweetheart.
I'm through with all that.
Don't you let them beat you.
You'll never desert, Edna. Never.
You'll win.
Fight for those kiddies of yours...
...if you have to ring every doorbell
in Texas.
Take me in your arms.
Hold me close.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- What's your name?
- Tony.
- Yes?
- I want to see Mrs. Gladney.
Yes. Come in.
- Oh, did you wish to see me?
- Yes, Mrs. Gladney.
Well, will you wait?
And I'll be with you as soon as I can.
- Hello, sweetheart. What is it?
- I wanna be with you, Auntie Edna.
I know, but there's
lots of other little boys and girls...
...that Auntie Edna
has to arrange things for.
Now, you wouldn't want her
to neglect them, would you?
- Yes, ma'am.
- No, you wouldn't.
I think little Oliver is ready,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard.
Texas Children's Home and Aid Society.
Auntie Edna.
Now, you run along out into the sunshine
and we'll be together this evening...
...the whole evening long.
- And will you play me some music?
Yes, of course I will.
All right.
Come along.
- Is that little fellow up for adoption too?
- Not until we get him well and strong.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard, your son.
He's just as I've always dreamed.
- I guess he'll do.
- You guess?
There's kind of a suspense, though,
wondering how he's going to turn out.
Well, Mr. Howard, the average isn't bad.
You see, there's Andrew Jackson,
for instance, and Andrew Johnson...
...Rutherford B. Hayes,
James Garfield...
...Stonewall Jackson,
Billy Sunday, Booker T. Washington...
...Cardinal Hayes and Lloyd George.
You don't mean to say
they were all orphans?
Every one of them.
Come on, Oliver. That's the boy. There.
Oh, look, Ted.
He isn't unlike Andrew Jackson.
- Well, I guess we'll take a chance.
- It's no chance, believe me.
It's the best investment
you ever made in your whole life.
- Bless you. Goodbye.
- Goodbye, Mrs. Gladney, and thank you.
- We'll invite you to his inauguration.
- I hope so.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
Oh, Cleo, ask Dr. Breslar
to bring down little Frederick.
- Will you come in, Mr. La Verne?
- Sure.
- Sit down, won't you?
- Thanks.
I've... I've just received your baby's tests
back from the hospital, Mr. La Verne, and...
- You're not gonna take the kid.
- Oh, no. Oh, no, it isn't that at all.
Everything's in order
for you to give the baby up...
...and for me
to find a good home for him.
Gee, you had me scared there
for a minute.
The reason I sent for you again,
Mr. La Verne... because you're all he's got
in the world...
...and I thought
you might like to say goodbye to him.
I see.
Hello, doc.
Hi, you little sucker.
Hello, Frederick.
Where are you going to be from now on,
Mr. La Verne?
Over the border in Mexico.
I'll be managing a dance hall.
- Oh, is that permanent?
- Sure.
Oh, look here, I don't know
how to hold a kid, Mrs. Gladney.
You see, I never let parents separate
from their babies...
...without doing everything
to make them realize what they're doing.
Here. I'm afraid I might drop him.
Oh, go on, please.
I wish you'd take him with you.
You could engage a housekeeper
where you're going...
...and make a little home for him.
Listen, you're never going to find
another soul in all this world...
...who'll be as close to you
as your own son.
Now, look, Mrs. Gladney...
...I wasn't even gonna let my wife
keep the kid if she lived.
Now, what am I gonna be doing with him?
You might grow to be great pals.
You could bring him up to be
a fine young man, keep him out of trouble.
Meaning he'd keep his old man
out of trouble. Is that it?
Well, it would be good for both of you.
Now, don't dramatize things, Mrs. Gladney.
Will you take this?
You know, that's the trouble
with you girls that never had a kid.
I'm going to take him upstairs
to be disinfected.
So long, kid. Keep your pants pressed.
What's eating him?
Nothing. Your little son
will be well cared for, Mr. La Verne.
Well, that's fine. It's been a pleasure
meeting you, Mrs. Gladney.
Will you come in?
Sit down, won't you?
Mrs. Gladney, I have some money
that I haven't any use for.
- I'd like to give it to you for the children.
- Oh, thank you.
- Why, this... This looks like quite a sum.
- It's around $ 700.
Why are you giving me this money?
I was adopted from an institution myself,
Mrs. Gladney.
- Goodbye.
- Wait a moment.
Where are your adopted parents now?
Well, this is May, isn't it?
That's the season in Cannes.
I suppose my mother would be there.
My father's in New York.
He's always busy.
I wanted to give you the money. You put
children in homes where they belong.
- Goodbye, Mrs. Gladney.
- Wait.
- Can you tell me what's troubling you?
- I'm afraid I can't.
- Have you a child?
- No.
- Are you going to have one?
- No.
Never. Never.
Come and sit down.
Tell me about it.
Maybe I could help in some way.
I'm engaged to be married.
We'd made such plans, Alfred and I.
I've just found out
that I haven't a right to a name.
To any name.
I found it at the record of my birth.
The record I'd have to show
when we went for our wedding license.
Would he care?
I'm not gonna see him again,
Mrs. Gladney, not ever.
Just a minute.
Tell Dr. Breslar
I want to see him immediately.
Yes, Mrs. Gladney.
Will you let me have your purse?
Let me have what you have in it.
- There isn't anything in it.
- Please.
Please, let me have it.
Max, throw this...
Throw this away, will you?
...for years
I've been haunted by something...
...something that once
came very close to me.
The injustice of branding
innocent, little, nameless children... records where everyone can see.
On birth certificates...
...of branding them all through life,
in marriage licenses...
...passports, legal documents.
It's cruel, inhumanly cruel,
but there's a way it can be stopped.
I realize that now.
Max, the word "illegitimate" has
gotta be removed from the vital statistics.
But, Edna,
illegitimacy has had to be recorded...
...since the beginning of records.
Then it's time it's stopped.
This didn't just happen, Max.
There was a purpose in her coming here,
and if you're as fine as I think you are...'re not going to cheat
the man you love.
You're going to marry him right now.
Fight for his happiness and your own.
I had a friend as dear to me as a sister
who had the same problem you have.
She died for it.
But I know now she didn't die in vain.
Max, I used to think
that taking little nameless babies...
...loving them and finding homes for them
was all that could be done...
...but it isn't. I know that now.
I know my course,
and it's as clear as daylight.
Every human being born into this world
deserves the right... make its own good name
without bigotry and prejudice.
I'm going to fight for that right
for every child in Texas.
And it's because there's only one way
to remedy this tragic situation...
...that I appeal to you for help,
and that way... to remove the word "illegitimate" from
the birth records, past, present and future.
I don't like to discourage you, but I'd say
such a bill had no chance of being passed.
Would open up a hornet's nest.
Why, it would be a direct blow
at the sanctity of the home, Mrs. Gladney.
Sanctity of the home?
But that's exactly what I'm fighting for.
One can't override the tradition
and prejudice of centuries, Mrs. Gladney.
What you propose would arouse
the antagonism of so-called good people.
Surely that's what leaders are for,
to fight intolerance and overcome prejudice.
How would you think of proceeding,
Mrs. Gladney?
People have hearts.
Let's try to reach them somehow.
- Auntie Edna.
- Yes, darling?
Why do you go away and leave me?
Auntie Edna had to see a lot of senators
about helping all the little children.
Are senators people?
Some of them are.
- Auntie Edna.
- Yes, sweetheart?
- Do you love all the other little children?
- Of course, darling.
- More than me?
- Oh, my darling.
Why, Auntie Edna loves you more
than anything in the whole wide world.
She doesn't want to leave you.
Not ever.
Not for one single little moment.
Then why can't I go with you
when you go away?
You can when you're well and strong.
You'll be my little escort and protector.
Keep me company and look after me.
When I get big,
will I be your big protector?
Of course, darling. Always.
You don't take care of children here.
All you do is play with them.
Gramophone music, animals
on the ceiling, lions, giraffes, elephants...
- But babies couldn't see them on the floor.
- But babies couldn't see them on the floor.
- Did you just get in, Edna?
- This morning.
- Take a sleeper?
- No.
Well, what do you think you are made of?
Cast iron?
- Does that hurt you now, sweetheart?
- No, ma'am.
- What reaction from your senators?
- Oh, the same old thing.
"Not since the Magna Carta, madam,
has so radical a procedure been suggested. "
That's funny, Auntie Edna.
No, it's not, son,
because there isn't any comeback.
But the Magna Carta went through.
You are wasting your time, Edna.
You are acting foolishly.
You are wearing yourself out
with a wild-goose chase.
You have got to save yourself
for what you can do.
I need Sam, Max.
I need his courage to go on.
Mrs. Gladney.
- Yes, Zeke?
There's some ladies in your office
that says they've got to see you right away.
- Very well, and I wanna see you, Zeke.
- Yes, ma'am.
Dry him and put his brace on,
will you, Max?
No, I want you to stay, Auntie Edna.
- Oh, Dr. Max will put the brace on.
I want you.
Buckle on the brace is a little loose, Max.
We'd better get it fixed.
Yes, I see.
Here, darling.
When did you buy me the horsie,
Auntie Edna?
Oh, a long, long time ago.
- You take good care of that.
- I will.
Just a minute, Tony.
What is it that you wanted me to do?
- Edna.
I'm sorry I upset you.
I lost a case last night.
Oh, Max.
The Eldridge boy.
I brought him into the world.
His parents are taking it pretty hard.
That would be a wonderful home
for little Tony.
- For Tony?
- You have done a great job, Edna.
He'll be out of that brace
before you know it.
Mrs. Gladney,
what is it you wanted me to do?
Come here, Zeke. You'll have to rig up
a crib for a couple of newcomers.
Two more babies, Mrs. Gladney? I can't.
All right. You tell them so.
I'm not going to.
I declare for goodness that...
Deuces wild.
- I'm gonna fix them up right away.
- Well, I thought so.
- Any mail, Tess?
- Yes, a little.
What about my birthday note
to Janice Loring?
- Oh, I mailed it.
- Fine.
- Good morning, Mrs. Gladney.
- Good morning.
What can I do for you?
Mrs. Gladney, we've come to demand
that this long fight...'ve been putting up
for immoral legislation cease at once.
Immoral, ladies? In what way?
Because it encourages the young
to be bad.
We realize you think you're doing right,
Mrs. Gladney.
But nice people have to be segregated
from those who are evil.
What do you mean by "evil"?
And by "nice"?
Look out here a minute, please.
There are 12 children out there.
I happen to know that three of them
are what you term "illegitimate. "
I'd like you ladies
to pick out those three.
This is your answer to our request, then?
Somebody once told me I'd never desert.
I hope I never shall.
This is your final decision, then,
Mrs. Gladney?
I'm afraid so.
I'm sorry.
Very well.
Come, ladies.
- Good day.
- Good day.
Look here, Max.
It's from Senator Cotton.
"Dear Mrs. Gladney,
I have at last created an opportunity... introduce your bill in the legislature
next week. "
What's that?
"The opposition, however,
is pretty strong...
...and as I have not had time
to prepare as I would wish... had better come at once to Austin
and advise our committee...
...on the points you state so ardently. "
Max, I leave for Austin today.
- This afternoon.
I beg your pardon, Mrs. Gladney.
I hate to butt in this way,
but I'm in a hurry.
The name's La Verne. Bert La Verne.
- Yes, I do.
- Come on in, Charlie.
Mrs. Gladney, I have cause to believe
you took that kid of mine...
...and turned him over to somebody
with plenty of dough.
Who is it?
That's a question I can't answer,
Mr. La Verne.
Now look here, Edna.
I know you're not running this place
for your health.
You took my kid
and sold him to somebody.
So I'd like to collect on him myself.
- I think you'd better be on your way.
- Max.
Now, who is it?
Who's got my kid?
You're wasting your time, La Verne.
Okay, Charlie. Give her the letter.
I'll see you in the morning.
But don't you see, Your Honor...
...I'm pleading for a father
and a father's rights.
Some time ago, my client...
...almost out of his mind
through the death of his beloved wife...
...took his little newborn son
to Mrs. Gladney.
He asked Mrs. Gladney
to keep the child...
...until he could make a home for it
This, Mrs. Gladney promised to do.
My client then went to Mexico
and found work.
Hard work. In a cheap dance hall.
But he didn't mind the hours
or the humiliation...
...or even the heartbreaking exhaustion,
because he was doing it for his son.
He saved every penny he had...
...until at last he had enough money
to send for his child.
His little Frederick.
My client wrote Mrs. Gladney,
asking for the little one.
She refused.
Then we started to investigate.
And we learned that a paper
Mrs. Gladney had forced him to sign...
...the day he brought the child to her...
...had been a legal relinquishment
of the child for all time to come.
Yet even so, judge, the love my client
bears his child is great enough...
...that if he finds the boy getting along
all right, as Mrs. Gladney claims...
...he's willing to sacrifice
the only thing in life that he holds dear.
And go his way alone.
All I'm asking, judge,
is to see my little boy... know he's happy.
According to the law, a parent
may demand knowledge of a child...
...only if there is any doubt
as to the environment in which it lives.
My client has such a doubt, judge.
Mrs. Gladney, you will tell
the complainant where his child is.
If you refuse, I shall be compelled
to confine you in jail for contempt of court.
I'm ready to go to jail, Your Honor.
Judge Hartford, my client is
putting up a fight in the legislature...
...that requires
her immediate presence in Austin.
Is there any way sentence
can be postponed?
If you refuse to answer,
Mrs. Gladney...
...the law insists I find you
in contempt of court.
I'm ready to go to jail.
Mr. Rader.
I have reason to believe
that I'm not qualified to try this case.
I'm going to ask that it be transferred
to another court.
For your information, Mr. La Verne...
...there's a very adequate law
against blackmail in the state of Texas.
Go on to Austin, Mrs. Gladney.
And God bless you.
This court's adjourned.
Was it the baby he adopted?
We, in this country, gentlemen,
are blessed with a constitution...
...conceived in the sublime
and unshakable faith...
...that all men are created equal.
I ask you how, under that constitution...
...we can endure the law of illegitimacy
as it stands today?
How can we let little children...
...from the time they are old enough
to understand the meaning of the word...
...ponder on its dreadful implication?
Mr. President.
The law is no place
for quixotic and expensive illusions.
Mr. President.
It would cost the state of Texas
hundreds of thousands of dollars...
...for the reissuing
of old birth certificates alone.
Order. Order. Order. Order.
Chair recognizes Senator Cotton.
Mr. President.
Persons branded as illegitimate...
...must pay the same taxes
everybody does.
And yet they cannot enter the civil service
of their country.
They cannot marry
without exposing their tragedy.
They cannot have children
without passing on that shame... a black and bitter heritage.
Bravo, senator.
- Mr. President. Mr. President.
The passage of this bill in Texas
would result in anarchy.
It'd leave our families,
our loved ones unprotected...
...and open to association
with creatures of shame.
If those who transgress the moral code...
...aren't punished for breaking the rules
of decency...
...what's left to hold society in check?
Do I hear correctly,
Mr. Senator? Punished?
Mr. Senator, did you say punished?
Order, order, order.
I declare a 10-minute recess.
Go ahead, Mrs. Gladney.
Members of the Senate may walk out
if chivalry is dead in Texas.
Thank you, Mr. President.
If you don't know what it means
to a mother who loves her child... give it up to strangers
knowing she'll never see it again...
...never hold it in her arms...
...never hear it call her "Mother"...
...come to my home in Fort Worth
and see.
I'll show you punishment
that will haunt you all the days of your life.
I've put hundreds of little
nameless babies into respectable homes.
Fine homes.
And all of them,
without one single exception...
...are growing up to be
morally fit and strong.
This is resolving into the old argument
of what shapes human destiny:
Heredity or environment.
That argument has never been answered yet
by the scientists.
Then ask the scientists to come to me.
I'll tell them.
I never knew a child take a wrong step...
...that couldn't be traced to the ones
who are bringing it up.
To misunderstanding.
Lack of honesty.
Lack of heart.
She's evading the issue.
If this law goes through,
it will encourage bad girls to have babies.
Bad girls don't have babies.
Life can be made
so much more beautiful by love... sympathy and understanding...
...that it ever can by intolerant rules
and laws and regulations.
I've seen hearts broken.
I've seen a pure and innocent
young life...
...destroyed by the inhumanity
of this man-made law.
For it is man-made.
God has placed no dishonor
on these innocent and helpless victims.
Oh, believe me, gentlemen,
there are no illegitimate babies.
There are only illegitimate parents.
Merry Christmas Eve, Mrs. Gladney.
Here's a telegram for you.
Why, Zeke, I thought you and Cleo
had gone on to your party.
Not yet, Mrs. Gladney,
though all the nurses is gone.
If you're nervous here alone...
Oh, I'm not alone. I have little Tony.
Yes, ma'am, Mrs. Gladney.
Merry Christmas, Mrs. Gladney.
Merry Christmas.
- Here's a Christmas present for you.
- Is this for me?
It sure is. The best you ever had.
Why, this is Tony's.
Merry Christmas, Auntie Edna.
Darling. Darling.
Look, I can walk.
Oh, my darling. My darling.
This is the bestest Christmas
we all has ever had.
Ain't it the truth? Glory be.
May I walk all I want to, Dr. Breslar?
The more the better.
But you have done enough
today, old fellow.
It's getting late now.
Way past your bedtime.
Oh, no.
Tony. Tony.
You have to hang up your stocking.
Don't you know?
Yes. Now, run along, dearest.
- Good night, Zeke. Good night, Cleo.
Good night, Tony.
Get your shoes off, sweetheart.
I'll be right in.
- Good night.
- Good night, Dr. Breslar.
Good night. Sleep well
and dream of playing football.
Good night, Mrs. Gladney.
Good night, Zeke.
We'll get him a bicycle next Christmas.
Good night, Mrs. Gladney.
Good night, doctor.
- Good night.
- Have a good time.
I'm taking my own mistletoe.
Well, Max, the ordeal's over.
"Birth certificate bill passed
by healthy majority.
Merry Christmas. T.R. Cotton. "
Good work, Edna.
No, Max, the credit isn't mine.
It's hers. Charlotte's.
Have it your own way.
Well, Edna, one ordeal is over,
the next is all ready and waiting for you.
Why, what is it, Max?
Come on.
There we are. You got him?
Here, put the pin in it.
That's right.
I don't wanna get my clothes pinned.
Now that's got it.
Now, let's hope Santa Claus
fills it way up.
- So your name's Tony?
Yes, sir.
This is Mr. Eldridge. Mrs. Gladney.
- How do you do, Mrs. Gladney?
- How do you do?
He has a swimming pool, Auntie Edna,
right in his own yard.
And seven puppy dogs and a pipe organ.
Your little ward and I find we have
a lot in common, Mrs. Gladney.
Have you?
What are you doing down here?
I came down to hang up my stocking.
Yes, well, go back to your room at once.
Now, be careful going up the stairs.
- I'll be right up to put you to bed.
Yes, Auntie Edna.
I suppose Dr. Breslar has told you,
Mrs. Gladney...
...that my wife and I
recently lost our little boy.
I know. I'm sorry.
Leta hasn't been well since it happened.
There seems to be a question
that she may not be well again.
I mean ever, Mrs. Gladney.
I see.
This Christmastime is very hard on her,
remembering back to other Christmases...
...when we had him with us.
The doctors feel that if they could
put another child into her arms...
...a child that we could keep,
that would be our own... might make all the difference.
Dr. Breslar told me about little Tony.
And now that I've met him,
I feel he'd be ideal for us.
- Why, we took to each other right away.
- I can't let you have Tony.
It's a question of her reason, Mrs. Gladney.
Of her life.
I'm sorry.
Well, if I could give you money
for the home.
That couldn't possibly enter into it.
The boy belongs somewhere else.
I'll see that the home does its best for you,
and as soon as possible.
Thank you, Mrs. Gladney.
I'll leave you my address.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
Goodbye, Dr. Breslar.
And a thousand thanks to you
just the same.
This isn't the first sacrifice
you have ever been asked to make, Edna.
And it won't be the last.
You must think of the boy now. Of Tony.
If it hadn't been for me,
Tony would have died.
I gave him his life.
He loves me.
He belongs to me.
Yes, Edna.
You gave him his life. His body.
But he needs more than that now.
He needs a home. A normal home.
And he needs a father, Edna,
and a mother.
One that belongs to him.
This isn't a home. It's an institution.
I could leave here, can't I?
Leave here?
Why not?
Give up the home? Desert?
I want Tony.
Here's my letter of resignation
to the board.
- This means the breaking up of the home.
- I've done enough for the home.
It's time I started thinking
of Edna Gladney.
That is not Edna Gladney.
You don't understand, Max.
I'm going back to Wisconsin
to make a home for my child.
Edna, the day that Sam
was taken from us...
...he said something to me
I've never told you.
He told me he thought
God took your baby from you... that thousands of homeless babies
might have their chance to be loved.
You don't understand.
Maybe Sam was wrong.
- What are you doing, Auntie Edna?
- We're going away, sweetheart.
Right now. Tonight.
I'll get your hat and coat.
- Who is that?
- I don't know.
Oh, good evening, Mrs. Gladney.
I've got a couple of Christmas presents
for you.
Hello there, lady.
I'm awfully sorry, Mr. Harrigan,
but the home is closed.
- The holidays.
- Well, you'll have to stretch a point...
...for these two. We found them in
a spot that was just raided.
Oh, sure. We're always being raided.
My mama's a...
I'm thirsty.
Come here, dear.
I'll get you a drink.
- Why, this child has a raging fever.
A fever?
What's a fever?
Is he okay, lady?
Yes, he's going to be all right.
- Go to sleep now, dear.
- Okay.
Mrs. Gladney. Oh, Mrs. Gladney.
We just got your message, Mrs. Gladney.
This is Leta.
Good evening, Mrs. Eldridge.
How do you do, Mrs. Gladney?
Is he ready?
In a moment.
Oh, wait till you see him, honey.
- Tony, darling.
- Is it time to go?
It's time to go, sweetheart.
Get up.
- Where are we going, Auntie Edna?
- Not far.
And Auntie Edna's decided that you're
such a big boy now, you can go alone.
Oh, no, Auntie Edna.
Listen, dear.
Do you remember the nice man with
the swimming pool and the puppy dogs?
- And the pipe organ?
- Yes.
Well, his wife's a lovely lady,
but she's very unhappy.
She's unhappy because
she wants a little boy very badly.
She hasn't got one.
So they want you to go
and stay with them.
And they'll love you always.
And you'll be their little boy.
And then I can come back to you,
Auntie Edna, can't I?
Well, no. I don't think so, darling.
Because, you see,
I'm just your Auntie Edna.
And I'm lots of other children's
Auntie Edna too.
This lovely lady will be your mommy,
your very own mommy.
And you'll have a daddy too,
like other lucky little boys.
Come along now, sweetheart.
I mustn't cry, must I, Auntie Edna?
No, you mustn't cry.
Oh, my darling. My darling.
My baby. My little boy.
Thank you, Mrs. Gladney.
Oh, thank you.