Blowup (1966)

- It's too long. Nice to see you again.
- Cheerio.
Give me your money. Do it!
Thank you.
Blue 439.
Blue 439. Over.
Blue 439. Go ahead, please. Over.
Phone Weston 0219.
Tell 'em I'm on my way, will you?
Roger. Wilco. Stand by.
- Hello, love.
- Hello.
- Get that stuff developed, will you?
- Yeah.
Right away.
Here I am.
I've been ready for nearly an hour.
I'm catching a plane for Paris
at 11:00, so I can't -
Can't what?
It doesn't matter.
Who the hell were you with last night?
Reg, let's have some noise, can you?
That's good. That's good. Hold that.
Give it to me now. Come on. That's good.
Hunch. Hunch more.
That's good.
That's good.
And the hair back. And the hair back.
Come on. That's great.
That's great! That's good. Good.
Come on. More of that.
Now really give it to me.
That's good. As fast as you can.
Give it to me. Come on. Right forward.
Good. That's good.
Now this side. Lean right forward.
Hand up. Hand up. That's great.
Just touch the face. Just touch the face.
That's very good. And again.
Around this way. Touch the face again.
Good. Now the hair. Marvelous. That's great.
Good. Yes, the hair. Much more. Much more.
Good. That's great. Yes, that's great.
That's good. Yes. Go on. And again.
Oh, hold that, with the hair. Again.
Okay, Reg, flip me.
On your back.
On your back. Go on.
Yes. Now, really give it. Come on.
Come on. Work, work, work!
Great. Great. And again. Go on.
Back. Back. Arms up. Arms up.
Stretch yourself. Amazing. Great.
And again. Go on. Go, go.
That's it! Keep it up! Lovely!
Yeah, make it come. Great!
No. No. Head up, head up.
For me, love. For me.
Now! Now! Yes!
Yes! Yes!
Yeah, hold on.
It's Peter.
Huh? Yes.
Yeah, I've got it somewhere.
I know I have.
Huh? Yeah, hold on.
Reg, take down the address of
that bloody junk shop, would you?
Why, they're fabulous. Go on.
Yes. Great.
Here, you can burn that lot.
- Get the birds down, will you?
- Okay.
Oi! No chewing gum. Get rid of it.
And not on my floor.
You. Arm down.
Six, yeah.
How about the leg
a little further forward?
Put the head up.
Just go. Mouth open. Yes, good.
No, you're - Start again.
Start again. Rethink it.
Rethink it.
Stripes, let the dress just fall down.
Absolutely fall. Keep the stripes steady.
It's very important to keep -
Just let your arms go up and down.
Yes! Very tasty.
Yes, I like it, I like it. Go on.
All right, change position.
Wake up!
Now, you can thank your lucky stars
you're working with me, can't you?
All right, one more.
And a smile now. Come on.
I asked you to smile.
What's the matter?
Have you forgotten what a smile is?
All right, you're all tired now.
Go on, relax.
I can't see your eyeballs anymore.
They're just slits.
Go on.
Close your eyes.
Close your eyes.
And stay like that.
It's good for you.
Sometimes you really dig a girl
The moment you kiss her
And you get distracted
by her older sister
Then in walks her father
and takes you a line
Close your eyes.
That must be five or six years old.
They don't mean anything
when I do them. Just a mess.
Afterwards I find something to hang on to.
Like that... Like that leg.
Then it sorts itself out...
and adds up.
It's like finding a clue in a detective story.
Don't ask me about this one.
I don't know yet.
- Can I buy it?
- No.
Will you give it to me?
Mmm. Thanks.
Tight-faced bastard.
He won't sell me
one of his crappy paintings!
I'll creep down one night
and knock it off.
Mmm, don't stop. It's lovely.
- You look tired.
- Mmm.
I've been all night in a doss house.
They say they've been asked to come here.
Not by me.
Well, we weren't exactly asked.
Sorry. I'm busy.
They're printing some snaps for me upstairs.
Go and fetch 'em.
Couldn't you give us
just a couple of minutes?
A couple of minutes?
I haven't even got a couple of minutes
to have my appendix out.
You're in a whole lot of trouble
Didn't know you had a double
Dab my feet in the water
Thought you was an only daughter
Seen a whole lot of trouble
Wow, Jubilee
- When can we come then?
- Don't.
The others still waiting
with their eyes shut?
Yes, they're waiting,
but their eyes are open.
Then tell them to shut 'em again.
Get rid of that bag. It's diabolical.
Can we come back this afternoon?
- What do you want?
- Just looking around.
There are no cheap bargains here.
You're wasting your time.
Well, I'll just have a look.
- What are you lookin' for?
- Pictures.
No pictures.
What kind of pictures?
Sorry. No landscapes.
Sold. All sold.
- You the owner?
- No. The owner is out.
Expecting him?
What are you doing?
Stop it! Stop it!
Give me those pictures.
You can't photograph people like that.
Who says I can't? I'm only doing my job.
Some people are bullfighters.
Some people are politicians.
I'm a photographer.
This is a public place.
Everyone has the right to be left in peace.
It's not my fault if there's no peace.
You know, most girls would
pay me to photograph them.
I'll pay you.
I overcharge.
There are other things I want on the reel.
What do we do then?
I'll send you the photographs.
No, I want them now.
Ow! What's the rush?
Don't let's spoil everything.
We've only just met.
No, we haven't met. You've never seen me.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Uh, my agent saw you about the shop.
- Did he?
He's a man with a cigar.
Throws ash everywhere.
I expect I remember him.
I probably asked for too much money.
Money's always a problem, isn't it?
Tell him to come back.
Why are you selling?
I'd like to try something different,
get off somewhere.
I'm fed up with antiques.
- Get off where?
- To Nepal.
Nepal is all antiques.
- Is it?
- Mm-hmm.
Perhaps I'd better try Morocco.
- How much?
- What?
The propeller.
You can have it for... eight pounds.
Right. You're in business.
Have you got a van?
You can't take it now.
I must. I must.
- I can't live without it.
- Hard luck.
That'll teach you to fall in love
with heavy things on Saturday morning.
- Is that it?
- That's it.
You can't treat it like that.
It's not a delivery van.
Who cares?
Leave it to me. Something will turn up.
Yes. All right.
But it'd better turn up today.
Blue 439. Blue 439. Over.
Blue 439. Go ahead, please. Over.
Hello, this is, uh...
Get me Flaxman double 2-4-9.
Mr. Walker. Mr. Peter Walker.
Tell him I've seen the junk shop. It's a bit
pricey, but I think the kid'll come down.
Let him ring her right away.
Then nobody else will get it.
Roger. Wilco. Stand by.
Blue 439. Blue 439. Over.
Blue 439. Blue 439. Go ahead, Echo.
Blue 439. Message passed and understood.
Your caller doesn't like it. Over.
Tell him to get stuffed.
What about all the buildings
going up around the place?
Already there are queers
and poodles in the area.
I saw some in the couple of minutes
I was there.
It'll go like a bomb. Over.
Blue 439, what is in the area? Over.
- Forget it. Over.
- Roger. Wilco. Standing by.
You want to use the lot?
Don't you like 'em?
They're great.
We'll use three or four.
Spread through the book?
No. All together.
- And a pint.
- Yes, sir.
- Which one last?
- None of this lot.
I've got something fab for the end.
In a park.
I only took them this morning.
You'll get them later on today.
It's very... peaceful, very still.
The rest of the book'll be pretty violent,
so I think it's best to end it like that. Hmm?
That's best.
Rings truer.
I've gone off London this week.
Doesn't do anything for me.
- I've knocked up a few captions.
- Yeah?
I'm fed up with those bloody bitches.
Wish I had tons of money.
Then I'd be free.
Free to do what?
Free like him?
Someone we know?
That'll be all right.
Good afternoon.
Let me hand it over to J.H. Goodman.
Thank you, Freddy, thank you.
Hello. Could you get me
Frobisher 3-double-2-9, please?
I've only got a sixpence.
Park 1296.
Hello. It's me.
Weren't you supposed to be
going off to, um, Hurley?
Listen. Stay where you are.
Call me soon at home. Mmm.
I've come -
I've come for the photographs.
How did you manage to find me?
Do you live here?
What's so important
about my bloody pictures?
That's my business.
The light was very beautiful
in the park this morning.
Those shots should be very good.
Anyway, I need them.
My private life's already in a mess.
It would be a disaster if...
So what?
Nothing like a little disaster
for sorting things out.
Have you ever done any modeling?
Fashion stuff, I mean.
You've got it.
Hold that.
Not many girls can stand as well as that.
No, thanks. I'm in a hurry.
You'll get your pictures.
I promise.
I always keep my word.
Come here.
Show me how you sit.
Ooh. Who is it?
Oh, yes, that's right. Hold on a second.
Is it for me?
It's my wife.
Why should I speak to her?
Sorry, love.
The bird I'm with won't talk to you.
She isn't my wife, really.
We just have some kids.
No. No kids.
Not even kids.
Sometimes though, it -
it feels as if we had kids.
She isn't beautiful, she's...
easy to live with.
No, she isn't.
That's why I don't live with her.
But even with beautiful girls, you -
you look at them and that's that.
That's why they always end up, uh...
And I'm stuck with them all day long.
It would be the same with men.
Have a listen to this.
No, keep still. Keep still.
Listen. Keep still.
You can smoke, if you like.
Slowly. Slowly.
Against the beat.
That's it.
I can't stand it.
I'm nervous enough as it is.
Can I have some water?
And I'm not a fool, love.
Can I have the photographs?
Of course.
Your boyfriends a bit past it.
Why don't you say what you want?
Get dressed.
I'll cut out the negatives you want.
They'll go.
They're not going.
Don't go.
- Have you bought a propeller?
- What?
You bought a propeller this morning, right?
Oh, yes.
You'll have to give us a hand with it.
- All right?
- Fine, yeah.
What's it for?
Nothing. It's beautiful.
If I had a big room like this,
I'd hang it from the ceiling like a fan.
- Do you live on your own?
- No.
Perhaps I'll put it there
like a piece of sculpture.
It'll look good there.
It will break up the straight lines.
- Are you going?
- It's late.
Do I see you again?
Well, at least tell me your name
or your telephone number.
Thank you.
Hello? Knightsbridge 1239?
No, I'm sorry.
Something fantastic's happened.
Those photographs in the park - fantastic.
Somebody was trying to kill somebody else.
I saved his life.
Listen, Ron, there was a girl.
Ron, will you listen?
What makes it so fantastic -
Look, hang on, will you, Ron?
There's somebody at the door.
He is home.
You weren't expecting us, were you?
Could you manage to make a cup
of coffee between you?
I can make an Irish coffee, if you'd like.
All right, come on.
- Is she always like that?
- Like what?
Doesn't speak.
What's your name?
Ah, forget it. What's the use of a name?
What do they call you in bed?
I only go to bed to sleep.
Look at all these clothes.
Hey, how 'bout this one?
Put it on.
What about you? Help yourself.
The coffee!
- What's the matter?
- She's got a better figure than me!
- Oh, it's not true.
- Oh, no!
Go on, whack her.
Go on. Give her a left hook.
Put you in the ring together.
Oh! Oh, no!
Oh! Oh, no.
Hold her legs.
- Hold her legs!
- No! No, no!
No! No!
Let go of me!
Right, let's move. Out.
You haven't taken any photos.
No. Not now. I'm too whacked.
It's your own faults.
Were you looking for something just now?
- No.
- Oh.
Do you ever think of leaving him?
No, I don't think so.
I saw a man killed this morning.
Some sort of park.
Are you sure?
He's still there.
Who was he?
How did it happen?
I don't know. I didn't see.
You didn't see?
Shouldn't you call the police?
That's the body.
Looks like one of Bill's paintings.
Will you help me?
I don't know what to do.
What is it? Huh?
I wonder why they shot him.
I didn't ask.
Hello, Ron? Oh, love, is Ron there?
No, I just wanted
to take him somewhere. Where is he?
Okay, I'll fetch him there. Bye-bye, love.
Strollin' on
'Cause it's all gone
Treat you right
You make me cry
You're tellin' me you didn't see
The future bore our love no more
If you wanna know I love you so
And I don't wanna let you go
I'm strollin' on
Gonna make you see
I'm strollin' on
You'll find you really love me
I'm strollin' on
Be your turn to cry
I'm strolling on
You wish you'd never lied
You're going to change your mind
But you ain't gonna find
any more of my kind
I'm strollin' on
'Cause it's all gone
The reason why you made me cry
By tellin' me you didn't see
The future bore our lovin' no more
If you want to know
I love you so
I don't wanna let you go
I'm strollin' on
I'm gonna make you see
Strollin' on
You'll find you really love me
I'm strollin' on
It'll be your turn tonight
Strollin' on
You wish you never lied
You're gonna change your mind
You ain't gonna find
any more of my kind
Give 'em a show again.
Strollin' on 'cause it's all gone
The reason why you made me cry
By tellin' me you didn't see
The future bore our love no more
If you want to know
I love you so
And I don't wanna let you go
I'm strollin' on
Gonna make you see
I'm strollin' on
You'll find you really love me
I'm strollin' on
Be your turn to cry
I'm strollin' on
You wish you'd never lied
You're gonna change your mind
You ain't gonna find
any more of my kind
What do you want?
Give me a minute, will you?
Someone's been killed.
Yeah, okay.
Listen. Those pictures I took in the park.
I thought you were supposed
to be in Paris.
I am in Paris.
Here, have a drag.
I want you to see the corpse.
We've got to get a shot of it.
I'm not a photographer.
I am.
What's the matter with him?
What did you see in that park?