Blue Crush 2 (2011)

DANA: Hey, Dad, did you get stuck in traffic?
How many times have I told you? No biking on Sunset.
You wanna be some movie producer's roadkill?
I bought you the Beemer for a reason.
Okay, okay. I'll drive it.
Up the 101 Freeway to UC Santa Barbara.
Have you even looked at the catalog I gave you?
You're gonna study fish and surf all day?
I can't even talk to you.
Hey, you've got a free ride to a top school.
You're going, case closed. Why?
So I can score some high-paying job
rotting behind some desk all day to pay for all this?
Okay, maybe "rotting" was a poor choice.
I don't have time for this.
You never have time.
Dad, I appreciate you work hard, I really do.
But I would suffocate in that world.
I'm like Mom, I'm too much of a free spirit.
Where did you get that, "free spirit"?
It's from her journal, Dad.
You should never have brought her to LA.
This is what really killed her, not the cancer.
Dana, give me a break. You were five
years old, you barely knew her.
High five.
YOUNG DANA: (LAUGHS) It's funny.
Get that camera out of my face.
Look at that, it's right over there.
Come on, guys. Come on, lunch is ready.
YOUNG DANA: Daddy, can I try the camera?
CATHERINE: Dana, go get your bucket,
the waves are gonna get it.
Go get your bucket out of the sea.
This is fun.
CATHERINE: Look out, that's a big wave.
Come, let's build a sand castle.
I'm gonna get you. I'm gonna get you.
CATHERINE: Last night I had a dream
where I took my little Dana back
home to South Africa with me
and showed her the Bay of Plenty and Cave Rock,
Vulamanzi Point and Banana Reef.
All the way down the Wild Coast
to Coffee Bay and Bruce's.
Finally we reached Jeffrey's Bay,
the one place I've always dreamed of surfing.
If only I could take her there.
If only she could see these places,
maybe she could see me, too.
But that can never happen now.
I'm out of time.
And I'm afraid I'll never get back home.
DANA: Dad, by the time you get
back from your business trip,
I'll be in South Africa.
I think you and I could use some time apart.
And I think it's time I learned more about Mom.
It's just something I have to do.
Don't worry about me. I'll be
fine, as always. Love, Dana.
First trip to South Africa?
Yeah, it is.
Visiting family?
Kind of.
Well, enjoy.
Thank you.
MAN: Let me guess,
California girl going south to find winter swell.
Is it that obvious?
Well, flight to Durban, surf city.
Roxy sunglasses, ocean hair.
How very CSI of you.
(CHUCKLES) Well, that and The Bomb.
Well, every surfer gets it. Yeah.
I'm Grant. Dana.
Nice to meet you, California girl.
Where you headed?
I don't have a plan.
A real beach bum.
Well, if you make it down south, look me up.
I'll buy you a smoothie at my bar.
It's called Sally Can't Surf.
Cool, thanks.
DRIVER: Taxi? Taxi?
Miss, where are you going?
Where can I catch a bus to the beach?
There are no buses today, miss.
Hey! What are you doing?
Special holiday. Have a good price.
No problem, I'll give good price.
MAN ON PA: Attention, passengers.
This bus is leaving for Durban
City Beach in two minutes.
Move the bag.
I'm sorry, this seat's taken.
Yeah? Who takes it?
Hey, you're late. I saved you a seat.
I'll say. What a creep.
I mean, my name is Pushy.
That's unusual. What does it mean in your language?
Pushy. Like "pushy"?
Actually, my Zulu name is Nokuthula.
Which means...
"Be quiet."
Never seen a white girl riding the bus before.
Well, I've never seen a black girl who surfs.
Well, if you're lucky,
maybe you'll get a chance to
observe it for the first time.
Maybe you'll learn something.
Well, if that particular scenario presents itself,
don't be surprised if I'm not
the one who gets schooled.
That's New Pier.
She throws killer sets almost every day.
Best spot in the city.
Let's do it.
You cool? Yeah, I'll see you there.
Looks decent.
Better than Malibu, I bet.
My advice to you is to sit wide,
smile, wait for a wrap-around set
and maybe you'll catch a little ride.
Don't tell me you're afraid of 4-foot waves.
No, it's not the waves, it's her. Tara.
Wow, Tara can surf.
So, what do we do, just jump in?
Sometimes it's the only way.
It's mobbed enough out here, go surf South Beach.
There's plenty of waves out here, Tara.
Yeah, for me. Not you, or Barbie there.
Hey, you stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours.
Yeah? You better explain the
pecking order to her, Push.
Hate to have to educate her the hard way.
Let's go. I hate this aggro vibe.
Hell, no. I just flew 23 hours in coach. I'm surfing.
Gidget alert. Coming through.
MAN 1: You here for your surf
lesson? (MEN LAUGHING)
MAN 2: Hey, Baywatch, how you doing?
MAN 3: Did your daddy buy you an antique surf board?
I got it.
No, you don't.
Wow. Yeah, it was a nice wave.
No, I mean, whoa, you stole one from the queen bee.
Talk about getting schooled.
Yeah, Tara needs to loosen her sphincter up.
Let's go.
Great. Now every knob thinks they can surf.
Out of the way, Barbie.
Hey, I said I had it. Hey!
TARA: Shit!
What do you think you were doing? Shit!
You could have killed me! Get
out of the water, you idiot!
You dropped in on her, Tara!
Damn it!
Why do you have to be such a...
Such a what? God!
That's right. Run away.
And don't come back!
Is that how it is in South Africa?
Screw her.
You snagged the barrel of the day
out there. Right in their faces.
Yeah, but I busted my board!
Better the board than your head.
It was my mom's. I can't replace it.
I can't believe it!
No. No, no.
DANA: This can't be happening.
Your money?
I don't care about that.
My mother's carving's gone.
Yeah. These lockers are pretty flimsy.
You know what? I'm sorry.
Can you just leave me alone? Please?
JOEL: Dana, give me a break. You barely knew her.
(SOBBING) Hi, I'd like to make a
collect call to the United States.
Area code 31 0-467...
PUSHY: You must be hungry.
We're grilling a fish tonight.
Hang up.
Come on, give it one more chance.
What kind of fish?
My dad would freak if he saw me doing this.
(LAUGHS) He would drag me home for sure.
Well, if he knew where I was.
Your dad doesn't know you're in Africa?
Oh, man. You are in trouble, girl.
No, I doubt that. I'm actually not
sure he even knows I'm gone.
Thanks, man.
Thank you. Cheers.
This is where you live?
And these people are my family.
Hey, guys. WOMAN: Hi.
DANA: This might be paradise.
Wait a minute. What the hell is she doing here?
She lives here.
She lives with you? All right, strike
"paradise," insert "hell."
What is her deal anyway?
For starters, she's a professional athlete.
She's the number one on the Roxy team,
and she doesn't let anyone forget it.
I thought I said something about "don't come back."
Yet here you are again, like a bad memory.
It's not just your house, Tara.
No, but there's a pecking order, just like the line-up.
Yeah, well, your pecking order doesn't work for me.
Cops are back. You know what to do.
Not again. We'll take this up later.
Come on. TARA: Let's go!
Come on.
By order of the eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality,
this property is condemned
and must be vacated immediately.
DANA: Care to fill me in?
They want us out of here.
We're a nuisance.
They really want to tear the place down.
This is your final warning.
This structure will be demolished in one week.
By order of the court, this is your final warning.
Piss balloons. Oh!
This is your last warning. You
have one week to get out.
PUSHY: Come on, I'll introduce you to the family.
We laid claim to this beach years ago.
At first it was just a couple of
tents and some surf boards.
Now it's a self-sustaining community.
Really, it's just a bunch of friends who are serious
about goofing off and riding waves.
Welcome. DANA: I like your family.
Best people in the world. I met them all through Tim.
Speak of the devil.
Timothy, say hi to Dana.
Hey. Hi.
You from LA?
Yeah. I got in today.
You staying?
I don't know.
That means you're staying.
Okay, Pushy, let's show her the best part.
You all right?
My humble abode.
Cool. Does it run?
If I have my way, it will. Someday.
That's lots of elephants.
Yeah, I volunteer at the nature reserve.
In between being one of the
best board shapers around.
And our go-to fix-it man. Hence the mess.
But I can move some of this stuff
if you need a place to stay.
Nice try! She's staying with me.
Come on.
Careful, Dana, you've seen how we
deal with blow-ins around here.
She's staying with me, Tara.
Just stay out of my way.
My pleasure.
So, it's not the Hilton, but it's not so bad.
Yeah, I could hang with this for a while.
I see Laura and Sally, all the top Roxy riders,
but I don't see Tara.
I must have missed her somehow.
Uh-huh. (LAUGHS)
Girl has it made, hey?
Travel the world, surf killer waves all day,
pose for the cameras and get paid for it.
Why don't you try out for the team? I did.
Didn't make the cut.
Why? You can rip, I saw you.
Or... Or?
Or Tara screwed me over.
Wow. Well, I wouldn't put it past her.
Yeah, one big, happy family.
That's what we are.
You jet-lagged?
Maybe a little.
Hey, sister!
Okay, be cool.
I am cool.
No, be cool.
(LAUGHS) Okay.
Look, it's a zombie.
Night of the living Dana.
Food. Give me food.
Voil. Whoo!
Oh, my God. That's, like, the best fish I've ever had.
Well, that's good, 'cause it's
the main course tomorrow.
And the next night. And breakfast.
Hey. Grant. Hey.
Hey, Sugaree.
I don't believe it.
PUSHY: You know Grant?
I met him on the plane, briefly.
Fifty bucks says he was flying first class.
How do you know?
Grant's the only one that can afford a truck like that.
I wish I had one.
TIM: Trust me, you don't want to get mixed up in that.
Come on, I'll show you the giant sea turtles.
They lay their eggs just up the beach.
California girl!
I had a feeling you'd show up before long.
Small world, huh?
Yeah. Pushy brought me here.
Oh, Pushy.
I owe you one. I do, I do.
So, California girl, are you gonna
show us what you got?
I don't know. Come on.
You feel the groove.
Come on. Come on.
Can you hold this?
"Let me show you the giant sea turtles"? Seriously?
Shut up.
California girl can dance.
See ya.
Morning, California girl!
I'm here, aren't I?
Can't believe those two are friends.
They seem so different.
The love of the ocean brings different spirits together.
I think they might both love something else, too.
I'm not going there.
Oh, yeah?
Think I might have seen your lips go there last night.
Maybe a little tongue, too. Right.
Go ahead, girl. You got this. Show 'em what you got.
I'm all over it.
GRANT: Go for it, California girl!
PUSHY: Whoo!
Go, girl!
Keep up, old man. I'm trying!
COWBOY: Go get 'em, Tim.
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!
PUSHY: You don't remember her at all?
Just a few blurry images. You know, like in a dream.
Her name was Catherine.
I was five years old.
TIM: Those are all you have left?
And there was another keepsake of hers,
but it got stolen with my stuff.
She always wanted to show me her homeland.
Your mom was a hottie!
Well, like mother like daughter.
Yes. Check it, bro.
Classic Supertubes. And not a soul out.
When was the last time you saw J-bay like that?
Never. Never.
DANA: She wrote about Jeffrey's
Bay a lot in her journal.
Like it was someplace sacred.
Sacred's the word. Finest point break in the world.
My old stomping grounds.
Oh! When J-bay fires on all cylinders...
And the tubes are grinding from the Boneyards,
through Impossibles right down to The Point...
The holy grail of right-handers.
The holy grail.
She said it was the one place that
she had to surf before she died.
But she never did.
No. TIM: Probably couldn't.
But I will.
I'm gonna surf it for her.
You know what else?
I'm going to go to every one of
those places in those photos.
Do you know what, Dana? You're on Uhambo.
That's what we call it in South Africa.
It's like when someone's looking for...
I don't know. My mom, I guess.
TIM: Or maybe yourself.
In Australia they call it a walkabout.
In the Holy Land, a pilgrimage.
What do you call it in America?
A journey? Boring.
Don't like it. Don't like it.
An odyssey?
Yes. GRANT: I like that.
An odyssey.
TARA: I call it a pipe dream.
You think it's still Endless Summer out there?
It's a long, hard trip down the Wild
Coast before you get to J-bay.
Not to mention winter's coming.
Do you even have a wetsuit?
Then it's sharks in the ocean,
locals who demand total respect,
and a heavy, heavy wave.
Beverly Hills girl here wouldn't last a day on her own.
Who says she's on her own, Tara?
Dana, you and I are going on this odyssey together.
(CHUCKLES) That's good, the blind leading the blind.
I say they pull it off.
Hundred bucks says they don't. And I want evidence.
Pictures of you at all those places. And surfing them.
Of course. You're on.
TARA: She'll never surf J-bay.
GRANT: I could lend you my truck.
DANA: Really?
At a price. You ever waited tables?
One of my waiters just quit.
Maybe Pushy can show you the ropes here.
Sound good? Sounds good.
All right.
Spare set. (TRUCK BEEPS)
Always be prepared.
It's a Land Rover.
You drive it hard, you put it away wet.
We can do that.
Thanks, Grant. You sure you
don't want to come with us?
Nah. We can go for a spin later,
perhaps, when you get back.
Midnight, maybe. Just you and me.
DANA: You're not that lucky.
Here you go. Document your odyssey properly.
Tim, where did you find a Polaroid camera?
Junk shop in Durban. Dug up some film as well.
That is so sweet of you.
I got one more thing.
Tim, this is amazing.
Do you know how few people can fix a board like this?
You fixed her board, dude, and you just got cheek.
Be careful.
Tara may be half-joking,
but there's a lot of bad things
that can happen out there.
You have a long highway ahead of you.
(SINGING) Life is a highway
Thank you.
(SINGING) I wanna ride it All night long
(SONG PLAYING ON STEREO) ALL: Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're goin' my way
I wanna drive it all night long
"And I reached it just as dawn broke,
my favorite time of the day.
"Difficult to find, almost impossible to leave."
That is some poetic shit.
I mean, that's deep.
Think so?
Sounds like she was a first-rate mom.
She was.
At least I think she was.
I mean, I know she was a free spirit.
Shit, all I know is what's in that book.
In the memorable words of my
dad, "I barely even knew her."
You know, I bet you are a lot like her.
I hope so.
I live every day with the fear that I'll never know.
Yes. I can see it.
See what?
There it is!
It's a Land Rover.
Like Grant said, you drive it hard and put it away wet.
PUSHY: Hello.
Well, that was rude.
Looks pretty free-spirited to me.
MAN: Yeah.
Dana and Pushy's odyssey, step one, complete.
Put it away wet.
Hey, man, put it away wet.
Hole in the Wall.
Cha-ching, baby.
Don't count your pennies just yet.
The rule around here is the new girl cleans the toilet.
Oh, come on.
Relax, it's not so bad.
Except when some oke barks the dog
after too many klippies and coke.
A what? You know, parks a tiger.
Blows chunks.
Oh! Gross.
And by the way,
just in case you were wondering
what's in this odyssey for me...
I was waiting for this.
In exchange for being your trusty guide,
you will teach me how to pull off your 360 floater.
You're gonna try out for the Roxy team again?
You are not the only girl on a mission.
Hell, yeah. Here.
ON RADIO: This is Spike from Wakescape
with your swell update.
That frothy low that's been spinning off Antarctica
has intensified over the last 24 hours.
If it keeps spinning like that,
we're due for a macking southerly groundswell
to hit the East Coast, so you guys
in J-bay better start waxing up.
And now back to music... You hear that, Flash?
is gonna be all time, bro.
Thank you. Fix the radio, man?
Walk this way. Straight. On foot only.
Thank you.
Long way in, hey?
Uh... Pushy?
I guess we should step aside.
Yeah, seems wise.
Your mom went to some pretty far-out places.
Yeah, like Beverly Hills.
You know, maybe that old guy was yanking our chain.
Or maybe he wasn't.
This is why surfers invent words.
Invent words?
You know, like "gnarly" or "stoked."
So, what do we do, just jump in?
Sure, you go first.
DANA: Okay, the aerial 360. Watch and learn.
Go for it, Push! Come on!
You're good. Try again!
DANA: Look, because you ride goofy you
have to nail this on your backhand.
It's a lot harder, Push.
PUSHY: No kidding.
You're gonna go down, round and up.
ON PA: From the flight deck this is Captain Glen Ross.
We're beginning our final descent into Durban.
Please fasten your seat belts,
we'll be landing in 10 minutes.
Mango smoothie, easy on the ice, Push.
Look. Dana, I think we just got off on the wrong foot.
'Cause believe it or not, I'm kind of rooting for you.
What, like you were rooting for
Pushy to join the Roxy team?
She told you I sabotaged her?
Yeah, that's bullshit. The truth is,
(LOUDLY) she surfed like crap.
I was there. She was out of shape and unprepared.
Come on, you know it takes hard work
and commitment to be on a team.
Some people have it, some people don't.
I think you might have it, Dana. Might.
There's an open tryout in Jeffrey's Bay next Saturday.
And since you're headed that way anyway...
Yeah, it's not my scene, Tara.
But Pushy will be there.
Sweet. So will I. Good.
That's for you, Push. Don't work too hard.
Even if I do make it to J-bay,
she'll never let me make the team.
Well, maybe that decision's up to you and not her.
Who was that? Who?
The guy in the truck.
Just some oke asking about the surf here.
(LAUGHS) He didn't even have a stick.
So, you don't know him?
Nah. Never seen him before.
I think I just saw the guy who stole my stuff.
What? You sure? You only saw him once.
Pushy, I need to get my mom's stuff back.
What's so important about this stuff anyway?
I mean, I know it was your mom's, but...
It just... It just is.
Tell you what. Shift's almost over.
Go home. I'll cover for you.
Thanks, Push.
How's the odyssey coming? It's coming.
Yeah? Yeah. I'm just waiting on the water now.
Yeah, I'm tracking that for you.
You still got a couple of days
before the big swell comes.
Thanks. No problem.
Is it me, or do you smell like an elephant?
Hey! Elephants don't smell.
That's pure man-sweat you're taking in. (EXCLAIMING)
So, you had a long day at the reserve, I smell.
Long but good.
You wanna see some pictures while I get cleaned up?
Sure. Yeah?
TIM: See the way they take care of one another?
Looking after the old ones, sick ones, young ones.
I heard they even mourn when one of them dies.
Yeah, yeah, I've seen that. Unfortunately.
You lost one?
Rare, but we do have some poachers around here.
Gotta hand it to 'em, though.
After they mourn they just close ranks,
the family reorders itself and they just move on.
Is that why you're drawn to them?
What do you mean?
You know, the family thing.
Kind of like what you've created here.
Well, aren't you a smart girl.
Not so smart.
I'm probably the last person you should be listening to.
Hey, where are you going?
You're not the only one that has to shower.
Got a hot date tonight.
I'm going dancing with Pushy.
Hey, let me know about that swell.
First time in Durban, sir?
Well, first time in about 20 years.
Hey, sister.
This is it. This is where I grew up.
And it's the best spot for kwaito music and dancing.
Careful, sister.
Come on. You never seen a white girl dance before?
I'm teaching you my moves, show me some of yours.
Okay, then. Watch how it's done.
PUSHY: Go, sister!
DJ: Hello, everyone. Let's kick it
in here all night. You're ready?
Why are you here? What the hell
do you want in my business?
You keep looking for trouble, I will
show it to you. Do you hear me?
Dana! Shit, that was him!
DANA: We have to call the cops.
Cops don't come to the kasie! Dana. Dana!
This is insane.
Dana. This is not worth it, whatever it is.
I just wanna see where he goes,
and we can come back later for help.
Come on.
Dana. What?
You don't know what you're dealing with.
We have to get out of here. Shh!
(WHISPERS) Pushy. That's Grant's truck.
Grant's never been anywhere near this part of town.
Now, let's go. Please.
Pushy, look.
Come on.
Always be prepared, right?
Come on.
DANA: Oh, my God! Pushy.
Look. He's coming.
Let's go. Run!
Hey! Get them!
Get them!
Come on, come on.
PUSHY: Go, go. Go!
If we make it through this, I'm gonna kill you.
Leave us alone!
(HONKING) Look out!
Come on, go!
Jump! Jump!
Well, you happy now?
"Happy"? What do you mean?
You know, I have to live around here!
You might wanna think about that once in a while!
This is getting out of control, Dana.
Hey, come and get it. It's firing.
Where were you last night?
Out with a couple of mates having a few.
What are you, my wife?
Funny, 'cause I saw your truck in the Umlazi township.
Umlazi? Why would I go there?
We saw your license plate, Grant.
We also saw what was inside of your truck.
I reported it to the police.
Used to have a term for kooks
who got in way over their heads
on a big day at Supers,
shark bait.
I think I'll take this one in.
DANA: Yeah, you do that.
You didn't call the cops.
I bluffed. And he didn't fold.
I'm not done with this.
She's 18. She's my daughter. I need to find her.
Sir, she's an adult.
We can put her photo in our database
and put out a missing persons alert,
but I'm afraid there's not much else we can do.
Look, how do I access the database?
I can't believe I let that creep con
me into actually liking him.
A guy so opposite to everything I believe in!
What's so funny?
You're not that different from Grant.
What? What's that supposed to mean?
He's got a rich daddy. You've got a rich daddy.
Face it, you're both just spoiled kids playing
at being surf bums for a while.
And making trouble for the rest of us.
Where the hell is this coming from?
You think because my father's rich
that I don't care about things?
That I don't feel pain?
You care about what's important to you.
What? You're dangerous.
And everyone else gets dragged along for the ride.
Hey, you volunteered for this ride, remember?
Yeah, well, maybe I'm getting off your bus.
I'm sick and tired of living someone else's dream.
This is your dream, too!
Right. And we both know Tara
is not gonna let that happen.
You're giving up?
Just leave me alone, Dana.
You know what? Maybe Tara was right about you!
No commitment and no guts!
Yeah? Thanks.
No problem.
Hey, Dana. Hey.
Well, I guess I need a place to stay. Just for one night.
I'm headed to J-bay tomorrow.
WHARF RAT: You can stay in our room.
Yeah, the more the merrier.
COWBOY: Look, I think it's your lucky day.
This cowpoke was gonna bunk with
Flash and Pete over in Tim's bus.
Seems like a good opportunity for you to, you
know, do some thinkin' up in my room.
Thanks, Cowboy.
Come on. I'll help you get set up.
Thanks, guys.
Have a good night. Nice dreams.
Sorry, boys.
MAN: Hey, if you change your mind, I've got condoms.
You know, Tim says swell's comin'.
Yeah, I guess.
Shit, right in time for the Roxy tryouts.
I wonder if Tara's really gonna be there.
Yeah, I heard she left earlier today with Grant,
so I reckon you ought to plan on her being there.
She left with Grant? After all that?
I don't think she knows.
I mean, does any of us really know what happened?
Thanks for letting me use your place.
You got it.
CATHERINE: Dana! Dana!
I'm out of time and I'm afraid I'll never get back home.
Dana. Dana? Dana, where are you? Dana!
Pushy. Everybody, get up!
Get up!
Everybody, get up!
Everybody away from the house now!
Attention. DANA: Pushy!
The eThekwini Municipality, by the order of the court,
is hereby demolishing this condemned building.
Any occupants are hereby advised
to vacate immediately.
DANA: Pushy!
Pushy! Shit.
Damn it. Pushy!
COWBOY: Everybody move to open
sand for a head count. Go!
Go. Come on, let's go.
Pushy! Dana, I'm here.
I was looking for you.
Go! Run! Come on!
Pushy! Dana! Come on! Come on!
Holy shit! There goes our home.
Wait a minute. Tim. Where's Tim?
Tim! ALL: Tim!
MAN: No way, that thing runs!
Attention. Unofficial vehicles are
not allowed on the beach.
All aboard. Who's coming aboard?
Bus leaves in five minutes! MAN 1: Where to?
Jeffrey's Bay. It's confirmed, swell
of the decade is on its way.
MAN 2: Let's go to J-bay.
Thanks for coming after me.
So, you going?
You? Only if you go.
You never give up, do you?
Then hell, yeah, I'm going.
It's time you finished your damn odyssey.
You and me, we've got an appointment
with destiny in J-bay.
Hell, yeah, we do!
Look after yourselves, okay?
MAN: Get on the bus, man!
DANA: No way.
You saved it all?
PUSHY: Hell, yeah.
Tim! Hey, hey.
I'm driving. Come on.
Thank you.
Come on! Dana, Pushy, run! MAN 1: Get on the bus!
GIRL: Come on! MAN 2: Move it!
Hello. I'm looking for my daughter.
Her name's... You're Dana's dad.
Yeah. Is she... Is she here?
Nope. The whole family's on the odyssey.
Chasing the swell, you know.
Well, except us folks.
Family? Odyssey?
Mmm. They're headed down to Jeffrey's Bay.
But they got three days on you.
And Lord knows where they'll take off after that.
What's the fastest way there?
You okay?
I'm good.
You know, we're technically homeless now.
Well, we still have the bus.
Yup, and a big, weird, stinky family to fill it.
I'm just glad Pushy and I are good again. Yeah.
Man, I hope she makes that team.
Tryouts are this Saturday, that's two days away.
It's really great how you supported her.
You're a really special person, Dana.
Yeah? Do you wanna write me a song about it?
I already did.
Oh, my God! You did?
Yeah. How's it go?
It's complicated.
No kidding.
Come on, let's hear it.
It is.
Go for it, Tim!
Thank you.
Okay, fasten your seatbelts, hold on to your chickens,
we flyin'.
MAN: Yeah!
We made it.
We did.
Whoa. I can see why your mom wanted to surf it.
Why everyone wants to surf it. Yeah.
But maybe it's a boy's club for a reason.
That wave is a bone crusher.
What's wrong?
I don't know.
I'm not afraid. I'm gonna surf it for my mom,
but I just can't help feeling that
I'm missing something.
What do you think it is that I'm searching for?
Like, what do you think this is about?
I think you should turn around.
What? You mean go back?
No, I mean turn around.
Hey, Dana.
Right. Well, I'm gonna go.
Give you guys some space.
Tim. Tim.
Dana's dad is here.
Oh, wow.
The hell I am!
I am not going home.
Dana, I came halfmay around the world...
I didn't ask you to!
I'm your father! Yeah? Since when?
Look, I know you're going through something,
but you have your future to consider.
You have school starting in the fall...
That is your future, that is your school. It's not mine.
So... So what?
You're just going to hang out here, surfing and...
I mean, Jesus, Dana, what are you doing here?
I mean, help me out here, 'cause
I'm trying to understand.
I mean, you wanna be like your mother, is that it?
Follow in her footsteps?
I mean, let it go, Dana. She's dead!
You really have a way with words, Dad.
Dana, I...
Go home.
Just go home and leave me the hell alone!
DANA: He thinks that just by coming
here, it shows that he cares.
Well, it does.
Just saying.
What, you too?
You know, what you're going
through is a really big deal.
Whether you realize it or not.
You lost your mom.
We're sorry about that.
But are you ready to lose your dad, too?
What? No. That's not what...
Maybe it is.
Maybe that's the missing piece of the puzzle.
Maybe that's why you're really here,
to figure out the rest of the puzzle,
before you lose that, too.
Aren't you a smart boy.
Not so smart.
Hey, listen.
Unmistakable party sounds.
Hell, let's crash it. I could use a distraction.
DANA: It looks like there's a lot of Roxy people.
May be a chance to make a good impression.
PUSHY: I don't know about this.
Congratulations, you made it.
Yep. I'll take that 100 now.
Not just yet. She still has to surf Supertubes.
I will.
Change your mind about trying out for the team?
Nope. And neither did Push.
She'll be there. Really?
That I can't wait to see.
Really? What...
How you doing? How you doing?
Crap. Come on.
Hey, Grant.
We need to talk.
Man, you don't wanna do this.
People have told me things.
I don't wanna believe them.
I wanna hear the truth from my friend.
What things? What are you talking about?
Please, tell me it isn't true, man.
Tell me it isn't true about the tusks.
I'm outta here. Answer the question!
Is it true?
Hey, hey, stop it!
Back off. This is between the two of them.
PUSHY: Come on, guys, that's enough.
That's enough!
I needed the money, bro.
I'm broke.
I was just the middleman.
I made a stupid mistake!
GRANT: What, so you...
You bailing on me, too?
Give me one good reason I shouldn't.
HOST ON PA: We know what it means
and we know what it takes,
so to us you're all winners.
I'm telling you,
they're gonna recognize me from last night.
"There's that troublemaker."
Pushy, be serious.
They probably didn't even notice us.
Nice seeing you again.
Thanks for ruining the party last night.
TARA: She's okay. I know her.
Seriously. She's cool.
Put this on over your wetsuit and wait to be called.
Thank you.
So sorry.
HOST: Welcome, ladies, to the Roxy team tryouts,
here at Phantom Reef in the surf town of Jeffrey's Bay.
It's one heat per girl, two girls per heat.
You go head-to-head, and you only have 10 minutes.
So, give it your best.
And if that isn't enough pressure,
here to comment for us today,
straight from the world tour,
Roxy's own Sally Fitzgibbons, and Laura Enever.
Hey, girls, I just wanna say I know what
it took for you to be here today,
because four years ago, this was us.
And make no mistake, the competition's tough.
Especially since we're only looking
for one more Roxy team rider.
By the end of today, one of you
is going to be one of us.
HOST: Let the games begin!
Heat number one, Savage and Nahoma.
Heat number two, Jackson and Dottie.
Heat number three, Hoffmeyer and Saville.
Okay, next heat.
Heat number four, Cochran and Knotts.
Weak backside. You'd kick her ass.
Okay, let's have our final heat.
Kamalo and Bahn, you're up. Okay.
All you need is one good ride.
One, and you get to keep that vest.
Okay? Let's do it.
Okay. Okay.
Kamalo and Bahn, let's go!
Do me proud.
MAN: Right, Pushy! WOMAN: Go, Pushy!
Come on, Pushy! Come on!
Yeah, Pushy!
SALLY: You know, these girls worked
so hard and sacrificed so much.
It takes real guts just to be out there.
That's gotta hurt!
Looks like purple needs to shake
it off and get back out there.
LAURA: Nice riding for yellow, though.
Should be a good score.
Okay, watch the outside.
Come on.
What's that?
I remember this girl from last year.
Yeah, so do I.
Only a handful of black female
surfers have ever competed,
so we're witnessing a little piece of history right now.
How did you find this?
Well, it turns out when Grant found out it
was your thing that that guy stole, he...
He knew?
Only after you found his truck and yelled at him.
But he took his sweet time getting it back to you.
Probably because of you and Tim.
You know, male rivalry and all that.
HOST: You've got one minute.
One minute to go in this heat.
This is it.
One minute to go in this year's Roxy team tryouts.
Come on, Pushy!
This is your time, Pushy. Represent.
She better get her ass going.
SALLY: She's really going to have to get
moving to get around this section.
Come on.
Come on, Pushy!
Okay, surfer's in position. She's paddling hard.
LAURA: Okay she's up and riding.
What's she gonna do?
Come on, Pushy.
Oh, my God!
Nice one.
Oh, my God! She did it!
She pulled it off. She did it! Yeah!
Wow. That was the best surfing we've seen all day.
Well, it took a long time coming.
Yeah, it was a slow start by purple,
but that aerial really made up for it.
We'll have to see what the judges have to say.
Wouldn't wanna be in their seats.
HOST: Everyone, gather around.
We're gonna have an announcement
in about two minutes' time.
You got it, okay?
HOST: That was a lekker ride.
You need to work on your consistency, though.
And you need to read the waves.
So, we've got a big decision to make here.
It's okay, you've got this.
You killed it. You killed it.
What do you think? So, we're thinking there's only...
HOST: Okay, ladies, I know it's
been a tough competition.
You should all feel like winners.
Unfortunately, there's only one
space left on the Roxy team.
And our overall winner today
is Pushy Kamalo.
ALL: (CHANTING) Pushy! Pushy! Pushy! Pushy!
So, welcome to the team.
What took you so long?
Thank you.
And I want to thank all of my
friends for feeding the fire.
ALL: Cheers.
And I want to thank you for keeping me going.
Thank you.
Will you guys give me a few minutes?
Take all the time you need.
I'm so proud of you.
So, do you come here often?
Once every 20 years or so.
Can I show you something?
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you.
No, it's just
seeing these,
it brings back memories.
Your mother and I, we...
We took the same trip that summer we met.
I know. That's why I wanted to show you.
I also wanted to apologize.
I didn't mean what I said last night.
It's weird,
but these past couple of weeks
I've learned what it means to be part of a family.
I understand.
After your mom died,
the truth is, I couldn't handle it.
I just... I shut down.
I shut down when you needed me the most.
You did all right, Dad.
You always found a way to take care of me.
Too much sometimes.
I know.
And I was wrong about that, too.
I tried to control you.
I was just so afraid of losing you.
Just like I lost her.
And now I've lost you both.
You haven't lost me, Dad.
I think it's time.
You're home now, Mom.
One more thing left to do.
Hey, what's it like out there?
It's firing.
Do you reckon they'll let me in?
Yeah, I'm sure if you show a
little respect you'll be fine.
It's actually pretty heavy out there.
You sure you're in the right place?
Yeah, I'm sure.
Okay, good luck.
MAN 1: Hey, locals only.
No lifeguards here, sweetheart.
It's too hot for girls. Seriously, get out of here.
MAN 2: Just leave before you kill yourself.
All right, guys, guys. Just chill, all right?
Just let her through. She's cool.
Good luck.
I'm outta here.
MAN 1: Think you're tough?
MAN 2: Hey, kiddie beach is down the way.
Go on, you don't belong here. Get out of here.
Just go home.
JOEL: Looks huge out there.
This is it.
Where is she?
Oh, shit.
I mean, she'll be fine.
I think.
Let's go up top. Better view.
MAN 1: Hey, you okay?
Watch the waves.
MAN 2: You're tougher than you look.
When you go, go. Don't hesitate. Go for it.
MAN 1: Come on, you can do this.
MAN 2: Go for it, you can do it.
Man, she's got it.
Looked pretty free-spirited to me.
Did you get what you wanted?
I'm so proud of you.
Thanks, Dad.
Your mom would have been, too.
MAN: Hit us with it, Cowboy.
Wait, tell us what she was doing.