Blue Crush (2002)

I wanna be the best surfer in the world.
I'm gonna be the best surfer in the world, not you.
She's just slotted in there. Look at that wave.
Anne Marie Chadwick getting the best wave of the day.
Anne Marie...
Hey, howzit, wave riders. It's hump day,
Wednesday, February 3.
Waves are averaging 14 feet in 18 seconds.
So there's definitely some size out there
in the water, and it's moving our way.
There's a little bit of morning
sickness out right now,
but it should clean up as the winds pick up...
It's flat. Yeah, right. I'm looking at it.
Anne Marie? What's up,J.J.?
Tell Eden she's a hottie. Hook me up.
Tell her yourself. How's Pipe looking?
Ho! It's going off. It's at least double overhead.
- You better get down here.
- Okay. Thanks, J.J.
Pen. Pen, come on. Get up.
Pen. Get up. It's double overhead.
Lena. Hey, Lena.
What? It's double overhead.
- What?
How's it coming?
I can't get the rails right.
They're too pinched.
You wanna get wet?
I got to glass before work.
It's perfect Pipe.
For real? For real.
- Move it.
- Yeah, move it.
- Move. Let's go.
- Let's do it.
Okay, got my noodles. Let's go.
Turn it up.
- Whoo!
It's going off!
What's up, bro?
Great. The Rat Pack's here.
Hey, what's up, guys?
Hey, Rico, what's up? Hey, girls.
We should have been here an hour ago.
If you would have gotten moving,
we would have been. We're all right.
What's up, Tamayo? Hey, how's it, girls?
How is it out there? Oh, it's pretty nuts.
Broke my board.
It's pretty heavy out there.
Your girl got her head on straight this time?
Does she? You know it.
- Oh, look who's here.
- What are you girls doing here?
We came to surf Pipe.
Why don't you check out girlie bowls?
Why don't you crawl back
into the cave you came from?
Why don't I knock you in the head,
drag you in there with me? Huh?
I like girls that are rough and soft inside.
I'm gonna have to marry you, girl. Let her go.
Seriously, let her go.
We're out of here. Okay.
What's this I hear about
you surfing the Pipe Masters?
It's a surfing contest, not a drowning contest.
Hey, stop hassling my girl.
She's gonna dominate. Let's see it.
I don't mind girls that can charge Pipe.
Chick thinks she can charge Pipe.
That's cool.
You think you can surf it for real?
I dated you, Drew.
I guess I can do anything, huh?
I'll get my boys out there.
We'll block every wave you want.
No matter how big it is, we want you on it.
Let's see what's gonna happen.
- Let's do it.
- Don't talk bubbles to me.
So meet us at the shower at 7:45?
And stay on the inside. Be careful, Pen.
Okay. All right.
Oh. Looks like the reef's breaking down.
Oh, he got shut down.
It's heavy out there. It's fierce.
Ohh.! Oh, he hit the reef.
That's gotta hurt.
I think we should start at the sandbar
and work our way over.
I won't argue with that.
- Yeah! Go, Lena!
I want to get a boat so we can go around
the island and get some killer secret spots.
Guaranteed. There's so many. Oh, God, I know.
Hey! What's this horseshit on the sandbar crap?
You're not gonna win
the Masters surfing the sandbar.
Talking this crap on the beach. "I dated you,
Drew. I can do anything."
This isn't Pipe. Pipe's over there. Let's go.
The Pipe's over there.
The boys are gonna block for you.
Let's do this. Let's go.
Come on.
Whoo! Yeah!
Let's go, man.
Actions speak louder than words.
Oh, that's the view I remember.
What, the one of me leaving?
It's my favorite too.
Come on, pick it up.
Like that wave, huh? Next one's yours.
Welcome to the arena, girl.
Let's get you into something big.
What's up, Anne Marie? Where you been?
Thought you were behind us.
Today's your big day. Let's do it.
Hey, everybody, this is my girl, Anne Marie.
She's with the boys.
She's gonna get some waves. Any of
you get in her way, you're gonna deal with me.
Here we go. Paddle.! Paddle.! Come on.! Move.!
Watch out.! Watch out.!
Spring girl's wave. Hit it.!
Come on! Paddle in!
- Come on!
- Paddle.! Paddle.! Paddle.!
What the hell is that?
- God.! You ain't even paddling.
- Girls can't surf Pipe.
What the hell was that?
What the hell is she afraid of?
- This ain't a beauty pageant.
- Oh, if you do that again, you're barred.
Come on, Anne Marie, you got to do it
this time. No fooling around.
Let's do it.
This one's yours right here. Don't blow it.
Or I ain't gonna help you anymore.
Come on. Paddle, paddle.! This one's yours,
Anne Marie.! Go.! Go.!
Yeah, yeah, yeah.!
You were in the perfect spot.
You were right where you needed to be.
Whatever. That thing was a beast.
Just dropped out.
How big was it?
It was solid. It was, like, triple overhead.
She totally had it. Yeah.
She just needed to paddle a little harder.
I don't know.
It's all in your head. It's all up here.
If you just would have committed,
you could have made that wave.
Whatever. At least she went.
That wave was huge.
- I would have never gone.
- She was perfectly positioned.
If she had the balls to charge...
Why does the sun rise in the east?
What? Why does the sun rise in the east?
Because it sets in the west.
Because that's the way the Earth rotates.
Do you remember that Superman episode...
where he was, like, spinning
around the Earth backwards...
trying to rotate it in the other direction?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah. To bring back time?
- I thought you finished.
- I did. I'm just checking it.
- It doesn't look like you're finished.
- Geez. Stop picking on her.
She's getting it done now.
We're on our way to school.
She should have it done.
- She's just checking it.
- I did it last night. I'm checking it.
Penny.! Penny.! What?
- No ditching.
- Okay.
- It sucks to be you.
- Yeah, it does.
Someone's got to go to college, honey.
Not me.
Oh, shoot! It's Mr. Pakui.
Remember how he had pee stains all the time?
Looks like he learned how to shake right.
Hi, Mr. Pakui. Anne Marie,
This is the eighth time...
your sister's been tardy in the last month.
I know. Traffic... If you think surfing is
more important than school,
we got to make other arrangements.
You know what, Mr. Pakui, The only other arrangement
I can think of is my mother.
And she just so happens to be with her
latest meal ticket in Vegas...
who apparently isn't so cool
with the kid's menu, you know what I mean?
So right now, this is the best arrangement I can do.
You know, Penny's a smart girl.
Yeah, she is.
Just like her sister was.
Is. Present tense. I learned that much
while I was here.
You better watch it, girl.
I'm doing the best I can do.
That's all I can say.
You can do better. All right.
Like, he's so ripping in that aloha shirt anyway.
I thought he was hot.
You did kind of peak in seventh grade.
Shut up, Lena.
Sexually, she means. What is this, like,
bag on Anne Marie?
Seventeen fifty-three.
That's kama'aina price?
No kama'aina for candy. Ohh.
Come on, Leilani, it's breakfast. Yeah.
Breakfast? Right. Sorry, girls. $17.53.
This has corn syrup in it.
It's a vegetable. It's nutritional.
No. It has sugar. It turns into fat.
And fat comes out like me. Okay?
So, $17.53. All right, I've got five.
- How much do you have?
- I got some cash.
- Hold on, I got, like...
- What is this?
I don't know, like 70, 60...
That's pathetic. What is that?
I didn't say I had a lot. I said I had some.
What happened to the five bucks
I gave you yesterday?
I bought food for Sammi.
It's not even our dog.
Dog's gotta eat. So do I. I'm hungry.
- Eat the rest of this Twinkie.
- I don't want it. I want breakfast.
- Twinkie is breakfast. -
It's Keala Kennelly. She's living the life.
Must be here for the contest.
Check thosejet skis out.
- So fine.
- All right, let's fill these bad boys.
Let's get on it. It's gonna be a busy day.
She's with her Billabong sponsor.
Introduce yourself. No.
Why not? It's not weird.
Because it's weird.
Yes. No.
- Hi. Can we have your autograph?
- Yeah, sure.
I'll get you a pen. Thanks.
Hey, I remember this shot. What a life.
She gets a grand every time she's in a magazine.
Five grand every time she's on the cover.
- You surf?
- Yeah.
She gets free clothes,
boards, watches, sunglasses.
The girl doesn't have to open her wallet.
You score one good wave at Pipe Masters...
and you'll get sponsored just like her.
You'll get flown all around the world.
Surf Indo, Australia, Tahiti, you name it.
Surf the world, baby. And you'll get paid
to surf uncrowded, perfect waves.
We'll see you at the contest.
Okay. Thanks a lot.
All you need to do is get noticed.
- Surfer girls.
- Local girls.
You know you're just as good as her.
We gotta go to work, guys.
We're gonna be late, again.
Girls, you're late. I know. Sorry.
- -
As a reminder, our Pro Bowl
guests are arriving today.
They are V.I.P. returning guests and
deserve the highest level of service.
You must remember we depend on our guests...
for the survival of our business.
It's like this one packed for
Vegas and landed in Hawaii instead.
- I'm putting it on. -
Guys, guys, it's up, it's up.
Look, Anne Marie Chadwick.
Look at the picture.
Shit. "A wild card entry.
This North Shore local first gained notice
when she dominated in thejunior NSSA. "
You dominated. No.
Wait. You're wearing my bathing suit bottoms.
"She dropped out of the competitive
circuit after a near-drowning incident."
- Yeah, they love bringing that up, huh?
- That was three years ago.
It's over with. You're gonna go pro,
and you're gonna win this thing.
- I want to be on the Internet. Oh, crap!
- Oh, my God.
- Hello? Is somebody in there?
Be there... I'm stuck.
- Put your shoes on.
- Help me, I'm stuck.
- Help me. Ow! Ow!
- Hello? Anyone in there?
- Where's my dress?
- Will you open this door?
- One second. Be right with you.
- Shoes.
Open this door right now.
I'm not fooling around.
- Oh, my shoes.
- Why was this door locked?
I'm sorry. It gets stuck. Maintenance will come up
and look at it any second.
- What's going on in here?
- Just cleaning up.
We're picking up the clothes.
What happened to all the clothes that was on the floor?
We fold them up and put them on the bed.
I left the clothes on the floor so that
you would know they need to be dry-cleaned.
That's actually why we had the
dry-cleaning bags for that specific purpose.
Then why don't you put them in the bag?
No problem. That's a cute top.
Like, I need for you guys to put all
of my crusty clothes inside of the bag.
What about the bags in her boobs?
Her boobs are as big as my head.
And I have one big head.
Excuse us.
Don't mind us.
- Football players.
- Excuse us. - It's all right.
Paddle, paddle, paddle.
Look at that. They're beautiful.
All right, next time, you're paddling.
How about you take a sweet, luscious
run right about now? Oh, yeah, I don't think so.
You can go for it though.
You're the one in training, not me.
Do you smell that?
Beer's gone.
Oh, damn it. Penny?
Frickin' pain in my royal ass! God!
Yeah. Yeah. Stop it. Stop.
Let go. Let go. You too good for us?
Penny. Penny, get up. Get up.
We're going home.
- I'm not going with you.
- It's not a request.
Go away. Leave me alone.
- Get up. Penny, get up.
- Leave me alone.
- Get out of my face.
- I'm not kidding. - Stop.
- Penny!
- Stop! Leave me alone! Get off me!
You're such a bitch! Get off me!
- Why can't you leave me alone?
- 'Cause I'm all you have.
- I'm all you have.
- I don't want you! I don't care!
You're the one who made Mom leave!
You were screwing up all the time!
You know what, fine.
Fine. Chill out.
- We're over this. Turn the music up.
- You all right?
Thanks for the ride.
I shouldjust send her to military school.
Shave her head.
That ought to send a message.
You guys are such hypocrites.
We totally partied at her age.
We did not.
We were not 14. More like 12.
Whose fault is that?
You guys were supposed to be my examples.
What? Oh, please?
Like we forced you during freshman year to climb
the rain gutter at the Volcom house...
and steal their rum. Oh, shit.
I don't remember that.
Don't worry about it.
We turned out fine, right?
Housekeeping. Housekeeping.
Oh, shit! Ohh!
Aw, that reeks. What is that?
What is that smell? I'm not...
I'm not doing this.
- What is that smell?
- Freakin' nasty, that's what it is.
- It reeks in this room.
- This royally sucks.
- Oh, my God.
- All right. Let's just get started.
Oh, sick.!
What? Ohh.!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God! That...
- I'm not cleaning that up.
- We have to do it.
- I'm not cleaning it.
- We got to get it done. - It's so sick.
No-neck pigs. Ohh!
Help me make the bed, Lena.
Football players are so nasty.
I don't even know where to start.
They think they can do anything.
This is ridiculous.
Oh, sick!
- What?
- Get it off, Anne Marie!
It's stuck! It's not coming off!
- What is it?
- It's a condom.
- Grab it! It's stuck!
- No, don't touch it.!
Get it off! Get it off! Get it off.
- Anne Marie, get it off!
- Put some gloves on.
- Oh, get it off!
- Just relax.
I can't get it if you're friggin' tossing around.
Nasty. Oh, my God!
Oh, sick!
You know what? That's it.
Ooh, wedding and honeymoon in the same place?
Let's go snorkeling. I am not snorkeling
with this hair. Give me a break.
Those masks leave the worst marks on your face.
There's, like, a hundred people spit in them.
Anybody in room 215?
Gentlemen, 2 15?
Anybody in room 215?
No? Anybody in room 215 out in the water?
Suite 215? Is it yours?
Ohh! God!
I swear to God that's a condom.
I'm in 2 15. I think I won something.
I'm in 215. What'd I win?
Hi. I'm Anne Marie.
I'm the housekeeper of your room.
Leslie. O-line! O-line!
Do you have a sec, Leslie? Sure.
Take all the time you want, sugar-wooger.
Step one.
Step two.
And step three. You got it?
Thanks for your time, guys.
- No problem.
- You got schooled by the maid.
I'm on vacation. You don't have...
You still got schooled.
You don't have to clean your room
when you're on vacation.
You got schooled. But you don't clean
your room when you on vacation!
Am I on vacation?
It was gross, It was disgusting.
I don't care what they did.
They are V.I.P. Pay the highest rate.
They don't pay good Money
to be scolded by a housekeeper.
You can pick up your last check next week.
Surf's up, Anne Marie.
They peed on the floor.
There was puke all over the curtain.
Please don't suspend me.
We need the money.
I'm not suspending you,
I'm firing you.
- What?
- Well, if she's fired, I quit.
Me too. Fine.
You're seriously going to fire all of us?
I'm firing you. They quit. So don't get
any ideas about collecting unemployment.
You guys, don't quit. We need to make rent.
You could have stayed down longer than that.
I'm tired of holding my breath, Eden.
God, shejust loves pissing me off.
Look at her. She's not out here to get waves.
Shejust wants to get attention.
What does she see in those guys?
They're such burnouts.
- Same thing you did.
- What?
Cut body and a nice cutback.
Oh, great. She got a bad attitude.
It's not who she is.
Inside.! Got it.! I'm on it.! Get off!
Hey, beat it.!
Hey, hey, hey.! Got it.!
Hey.! Hey, where you been?
I'm on it.! Get off!
Drew, I got it.!
- I had the section. What's your problem?
- You need to grow up.
It's not my fault you broke your board,
you stupid kook. You're a kook.
Don't drop in on me again.
That's right, go home. Beat it.
Can you glue it back together? No.
Yeah, I was just driving by. Okay.
Well, actually, the guy at
the hotel told me where I could find you.
So that was pretty awesome,
you know, surfng.
Hey, listen. I wanted to apologize
for my friend back at the hotel.
Leslie's kind of messy, but when
your ass is hanging out in the pocket,
he's the guy you want protecting your backside.
So next time your ass is hanging back
in the pocket, he's your guy.
I'll remember that.
- What's up, Anne Marie?
- Hey, Ben.
You broke your board. That sucks.
I bet you were charging.
Something like that.
Hey, don't I know you?
- I don't know, maybe.
- Yeah. You're that quarterback, right?
- Yeah, I play some football.
- That's right, huh?
Nice shoes, bro.
Thanks. I was wondering if, maybe,
you've taught anybody?
Taught anybody? Yeah. How to surf.
No. Well, you know,
I've got some free time.
That's nice. Look, I'd...
I'd love to learn.
It's not easy. I know.
But it looks really fun out there.
- You can get hurt.
- I'm sure I could handle myself.
This guy Rick, he'll set you up with
a spongeboard and some baby waves.
- He's gentle.
- And you are?
Not. Right.
- Check it out.
- Who's GQ jock?
Ho ho ho.
What was that all about? I don't know.
He wanted lessons or something.
Anne Marie! Lessons? Money?
We're broke? What?
He didn't say anything about paying.
Well, did you ask?
- You guys going tonight? No. What time?
- Go, go, go!
- I don't know. I'm kinda lost.
- Go get him.
Hey! Hey! How much? What? What?
- How much?
- - I got to call you back.
Oh, shit!
Hey! Watch where you're going!
Hurry up! Go get him. Come on.
- Okay, hurry, hurry, hurry.
- Hey. Hey, listen.
- How much?
- I don't know. What's the going rate?
- Twenty bucks an hour.
- Twenty?
Too much?
- Fifteen?
- The hotel charges $150.
I'll pay that.
Whoa! One hundred and fifty bucks.
For surf lessons? That's it, right?
What else are we talking about?
Got any friends?
- Sure I do.
- Whoo! Yeah!
- What's with the face, Pen?
- What face?
Don't worry, honey.
It's just one afternoon.
You'll have time to get pregnant
and go on welfare.
Good idea. It'll be fun.
- We'll play rip off the tourist.
- We're not ripping anyone off.
Anyone who pays $1,000 a night
for a room is just begging to be ripped off.
I saw those guys walk into Tommy Bahama
yesterday and drop four G's on silk boxers.
How is that possible? It's underwear.
Those guys got money to burn.
They play in the NFL.
I don't care about the money.
Anything is better than this.
Oh, my God!
Yeah, right. Let me out here, you guys.
Penny! Who unloaded the mothership?
I thought his friends would be hot at least.
This is so embarrassing to be seen with you.
You gonna teach us how to surf?
You gonna teach us how to surf?
- Come on, it's 150 each.
- What if we see people we know? God.
Whatever. It's surf lessons.
This is what jocks look like?
- A hundred and fifty bucks.
- Let's go surfing, big daddy.
What's up, girls?
This is Lena and Eden. I'm Anne Marie.
- Hey.
- We gonna surf today?
Watch out. I'll make sure you drown out there.
How's it going? Matt. Nice to meet you.
- This is my little sister, Penny.
- What's up, little mama?
Little surf baby.
You're gonna surf in that?
- Hell, no. I'm gonna surf in my da-da-da-da's.
- In your what?
My da-da-da-da's!
- Da-da-da-da! -
You're wearing nut huggers.
Some might call them that. I call them
nut containers. You're gonna teach me to surf.
One, two, three.
Snap up!
- No duck butt.
- Oh. Oh, yeah.
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- Ohh! -
Are you ready? All right.
Start paddling! Paddle! Go! Go!
Yeah.! Yes.! Get up.! Get up.! Get up.!
Put your head in the center!
Lean forward! Hula hands!
- Come on! Go!
- Whoa! Ohh!
- -
- -
Come on, get back out here!
One more time!
Hey, I'm giving a lesson.
There you go. Come on.
Paddle! Paddle!
- Whoo!
That was so good.
That was so good.
That was incredible. Whoa!
Are you psyched? Yeah, totally.
Let's go out and catch
one of those big ones.
- Out there? Well, sure you can handle it?
- Yeah. Definitely.
Come on, Matt. You got it.
You got it. Paddle, paddle, paddle.!
Harder. Come on. You got to dig.
All right, Anne Marie,
I'm right there with you.
Don't worry about me. I got this mastered.
I am a football player. Oh, shit.!
A couple more, you've got it.
Just a couple more waves.
Dig.! Turtle.! Get under your board.!
Turn it over.!
- Don't give up. Come on. Paddle.
Got to make it over this wave.
Here we go. Paddle, paddle. Hey! Hey!
Get out of the way.! Harder!
There you go.
You okay? Oh, man, that was intense.
It's getting big out here.
Sure you don't want to go in?
No. I mean, are we safe out here?
That depends what you think is safe,
but, yeah, pretty much. Oh, man.
How about this one here?
No, this one's not a wave.
Oh, almost. We'll get you one,
Matt, I promise. Come on back.
Oh, man. Just be patient, Matt.
We'll get you one.
Anne Marie, we're leaving!
Hey, sweetie, why don't you
come over here and help me out a little bit?
Gonna need two of us to carry this thing.
We should go. It's getting late.
I'm not leaving until I catch one.
- How about this one?
- Turn around, quick. Quick.
Eggbeat. Eggbeat.
There you go, Matt. This is it.
Paddling. Start paddling. Go!
Paddle! Paddle!
Stand up. Stand up.
Whoo-hoo! Whoo! Yeah! Yeah!
There you go.! Yeah.!
- Whoo.!
- Yeah!
- Yes!
- There you go.! Goodjob, Matt.!
- Yeah.
- Good job.
- Yes!
Hi. Welcome to the Lanakai.
That's all right. I'm just dropping him off.
Why don't you come in for a drink?
Um, yeah. No, I'd love to, but l, um...
But what?
I have to get back to my side of the island.
You know what I mean?
Uh, no. Why? 'Cause I'm in training.
Pipe, uh, line. Pipeline.
Master. Pipe Masters. Right.
Pipe Masters. Right.
Well, uh, I tell you what. Uh...
I've only got 40 bucks. For what?
For you. For the lesson.
Oh, right. But if you want
to come up to my room,
I'll give you the rest of it, the money.
l-I would really like to do that,
but see those guys over there?
They see us heading up to your room,
half the island's gonna have us
sleeping together by tomorrow.
Really? It's the coconut wireless.
That's very serious. It's great. Yeah.
In that case, you wait here,
I'll come right back with your money.
All right. Well, wait.
I'll come up. You sure?
Okay. I don't want to ruin
your reputation or anything.
Thanks. I'll worry about that.
All right. Okay. You go up the elevator,
I'll go up the back way.
It's so sneaky. It's likeJames Bond.
Just shut up.
Excuse me.
- -
- What the hell is she doing? -
- Hey. Where you going?
- Hey.
I just... I didn't... I didn't know
if that was your room or not.
It's my room. Yeah.
Come in. Okay. Thanks.
- Looks different at night.
- Yeah. It's pretty nice.
I'm gonna... I'm just gonna go...
Yeah. It's right there.
Yeah, I know where it is. Thanks.
What are you doing?
Uh, I'm just trying to find the Money
that I hid.
- What, from the maid?
- Yeah, right.
Uh, let's see.
- One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine...
- Whoa, wait.
That's... That's way, way just...
That's... That's a $1,000.
I'll be here a week. That's $150 a day.
So I gave myself a $50
discount for paying up front.
Are you trying to buy me? No.
No. I just don't want to lose you.
Can I ask you a really weird question?
Yeah. Are you wearing my cologne?
Yes. Uh-huh.
It, uh, it smells good on you.
You should probably get that.
Yeah. Right.
Hey, you.
Yeah? Hey. Hey, sweetheart.
Are you feeling better?
Yeah, I know.
I tried to call earlier, but, uh,
no one was there.
Yeah, I miss you too. I miss you too.
It's been hectic. Matt, I'm gonna...
Listen, let me call you back, all right?
All right.
I love you too. All right, bye-bye.
- Sorry.
- Guess that's why they have
that no fraternization rule.
What do you mean?
Management gets call from irate wife...
wondering why maid is in
husband's room at 2:00 in the morning.
That's not my wife.
Wife, girlfriend, boyfriend.
No, really. It's not my wife.
Look, it's my niece.
Actually, my... my sister's daughter,
Rebecca. There she is.
I swear.
She's beautiful. Yeah, she is.
She's a sweetheart.
Sorry about that. It's just, uh, kinda
strange with the time difference.
I should probably go.
It's getting late.
All right.
Do we have a surf lesson tomorrow?
Definitely. All right.
Bye. Bye.
I thought you were just giving him lessons.
I did. Huh. Yeah, in what?
Penny didn't finish her homework.
- You weren't here to help me.
- She's got to do her homework.
Don't give us shit 'cause
you were out there working it.
Shut up. Don't deny it.
You were working it like a rib
without sauce. Shut up... Ow!
Well, what happened?
Oh, my God. Nothing.
Oh, sure. Tell me what happened.
No. Did you get some play? Huh?
- Did you? Did you?
- We kissed for two seconds. It wasn't a big deal.
I'm sure you did.
How much am I supposed to buy that for?
What do you take me for? I don't know.
Seriously. What else? Come on.
Here, this will pay the bills.
There's, like, $1,000 here.
I feel like your pimp.
You must know how to kiss.
Or you must know how to do something else.
Good night, Penny. You're going to bed now.
Hey. What's up?
Look, I hate to be the buzzkill here,
but the contest is in a week.
And I just don't think that it's time for...
I know. But I did promise him
another lesson tomorrow.
- Can't you just blow him off?
- No.
- Why not?
- Because he already paid me.
Exactly. Eden.
I wanted to rent a jet ski tomorrow.
Put you into some size.
Get you ready for Pipe.
I'll meet you at the launch at 4:00.
Why not earlier?
I'll meet you there as soon as I can.
- Where we going again?
- A little spot the hotel does not tell the tourists about.
Oh, my God. You drive like you surf.
I drive like I wished I surfed.
Wow. This is beautiful. Yeah.
I used to come here when I was a kid.
I've been dreaming about surfing all night.
Aw, Minnesota's got surf stoke.
- -
- Watch out.
How many sisters you got, Minnesota?
Uh, five. Five?
Five. Really? You're the only boy?
Uh, yep. Explains what?
Well, that explains it then.
That's why you're not intimidated by women.
Why is that funny?
Because I'm scared shitless of women.
My sisters would beat me on a regular basis.
See, look.
See how I can't extend my finger?
Because my sister
Dana broke it when I was eight...
just because I wouldn't get out of her room.
Because it's broken that way,
when I throw the football,
it gives it a nice little zip.
A nice little touch? Exactly.
Uh, I think we got company.
Oh, great. Yeah, I do. We gotta go.
You know those guys?
Really? Yeah. Prepare to get vibed.
This place is kapu.
That means off-limits to you, haole.
What's up, guys? This is a local spot.
Yeah, and I'm a local. He's not.
What's up, haole boy? Drew, back off.
We grew here, you flew here.
It's not his fault.
What are you doing on our beach,
haole boy?
You don't live here, you don't surf here.
We'll be out ofhere in five seconds.
This is a local spot.
- This place is for the boys.
- You know not to bring this guy here.
Why don't you relax, bro? Bro? You telling me bro?
-Drew, stop it. - You want some of this?
-Don't even touch me.
- Don't touch her.
- What are you gonna do?
I've got his wallet. We're out of here. Let's go surf.
- Drew, stop!
- Linemen aren't here to protect you, haole boy.
Walk away. Stop it.
Why are you being like this?
Don't touch her.
What are you gonna do?
Drew! Both of you! That's enough! Stop!
Get off! Get in the car!
Stop it! Get in the car!
Stop it. Get in the car.
Get in the car.
Walk away. You're an asshole.
I do what I do best.
Relax, bro. You kicked his ass.
You kicked his ass.
You stupid monkey.
Go back to the mainland.
This is bullshit.
And you expected to make it back in time?
I rented a jet ski. I know. I'm sorry.
I said I was sorry a hundred times.
Whatever. She's good, man.
What'd she say?
She's messin' up, man.
Everything okay? Oh, yeah.
We'll be okay.
I can see why the tourists
here never leave their hotels.
Oh, don't say that.
That's not real Hawaii.
They're just... They're just crazy.
They're so protective of their
land and their waves, especially.
And their women?
I'm glad I'm here.
I have to go to practice. I'll get up.
No, no, no. Sleep in.
Are you sure? Yeah. You can sleep.
Bye. Bye.
Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
Hello? Lena, it's me.
- Hey. Where are you?
- Don't worry about it.
- You're at his room, huh?
- It's none of your business.
I just wanna make sure
Penny gets to school okay. Yeah, yeah.
Don't worry about it. What happened?
- I will tell you everything.
- Come on, little hooch.
- Oh, my God. -
- All right. - Bye.
- Room Service. Can I help you?
- I'd like to order breakfast.
Of course, Mrs. Tollman.
What can I get you?
Uh, the blueberry waffles.
Well, aloha. Look at you,
little miss princess.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So the glass slipper fit, huh?
I even went in the pool. Shut up!
You're so irritating.
Was it my fault he abducted me...
and forced me to eat blueberry waffles?
Blueberry waffles? Where?
Nice. Outside.
What are you doing? Helping.
Why? You're not a maid anymore.
Don't be mad at me.
I'm not mad. Mmm.!
These are so good.
You didn't save me any whipped cream though.
Some guy thinks you look hot in a bikini,
and you forget all about the contest.
That's not fair, and you know it.
Champagne? How cheesy are you?
Shut up. I'm not mad.
It's just... I happen to know
that you kick ass out there,
and you worked very hard
to get to where you are.
I know. Pipe is in three days.
Every single sponsor is here,
and it's just you and one other girl out there.
I know. I got it. Okay?
People would kill to be in your shoes.
I got it!
Hey, listen to me.
Contest comes first.
Nothing changes that.
I'm gonna whip it around.
This is it. This is it, right there.
Anne Marie! Hey, Anne!
Anne Marie.!
Eden, I'm over here.!
Get on. Get on.
We gotta get outta here.
I got you. I got you. Hold on.
What's wrong?
- Eden, get outta here! - Oh, shit!
Bail.! Bail.!
You all right? Where were you?
I was right behind you.
I couldn't get in without getting crushed.
You whipped me in way too deep.
You need to kick out earlier.
Okay, are we done with our excuses now?
I wanna go in.
We'll rest for a minute. I don't wanna get
some rest. I almost died out there.
You did not almost die.
You were under for, like, five seconds.
Stop being such a Barbie.
What did you say to me? What?
A Barbie? What is your problem?
All I'm saying is that if you can't handle this,
there's no way you're gonna be
ready for the Pipe Masters.
Then you go. If you're so friggin'
ballsy, Eden, you go.
I can't. I wasn't invited.
I don't know
what the hell you want from me.
What I want from you is to get your own life
and stop living through me.
Get your own dreams.
So that's it.
You're gonna run off and be a pro ho, huh?
At least I have someone
that's interested in me.
Why does this seem so familiar, huh?
Run away when things get tough.
I'm stressed out. I think
I'm gonna ditch my kid... Shut up!
and run away with some guy I met in California.
Shut up! I'm not kidding!
Sounds a little bit too familiar.
Leave me alone.!
Like mother, like daughter.
- Shut up! - You're just gonna quit?
Get outta my face.
You're gonna prove these guys right?
Assholes who think that you can't surf
Pipe because you don't have the balls.
I guess so then, 'cause I quit.
I quit!
You're not a quitter. You're just scared.
Hey. Oh, my God. What's wrong?
Are you okay? No.
Yeah, Rochelle Ballard rips.
Oh! Closeout!
Wiped out. Sorry, Rochelle.
Where's Anne Marie?
Who cares? Let me play.
Hey, it's my turn. You got beat.
It's hump day... Wednesday.
We've got that high-surf advisory in effect...
for the north-and northwest-facing shores.
Sounds a little bit too familiar.
Like mother, like daughter.
This is your dream.
This is what you were born to do.
- Don't throw it away on this guy.
- Eden.!
You're not a quitter.
You'rejust scared.
I'm gonna be the best surfer in the world.
And it's just you and one other girl out there.
It's just you and one other girl out there.
- What are you doing?
- Nothing.
Wow. You look... What?
Where'd you get that? What?
- The dress.
- From a store.
- He bought it?
- Yes, he bought it. So what?
So I can see your boobs. Great.
I think she looks beautiful. Thank you.
- She looks the way he wants her to look.
- Like Baywatch Barbie.
- Penny, shut up.
- Is he gonna buy you implants too?
Penny, I just can't do this right now, okay?
Man, that girl could rip.
Who is that? You.
That was the first time you beat me
at the Menehune contest in Haliewa.
You were such a cocky little shit.
Always talking all that trash
and how you would be number one.
I was so pissed at you 'cause
I knew you would be.
All talented and shit.
The boys were spinnin'. Remember that?
They had to throw up some bullshit
rule barring you from the boys' contest.
I'm gonna be late.
He's leaving in a few days with a tan,
and what are you gonna be left with,
a pair of shoes?
I wanted platinum.
At least it's an "E." It is?
It'd better be. He said it was.
Everybody think I'm sexy.
I'm the sexiest... You ain't sexy.
He don't know anything.
Very Tiffany's.
He likes your little sum-sum.
A little lovin' one night.
And then you get yourself a little upgrade.
That's good enough.
Good evening, miss.
Welcome to the Lanakai.
Jimmy, are you kidding me?
It's me. It's Anne Marie.
Holy shit! You look insane.
Thank you. God. All right.
Wow. You look...
Weird. No. Gorgeous.
Let's go show you off. Oh!
This is great. This is great.
Now it's time for a few of you lucky
men to learn how to do the Tahitian hula.
- Do we have any volunteers? -
Some intelligent men.
Some men of size.
Here I go.
- All right. Wish me luck.
- Come on. Let's push it up.
Get those hands up in the air.
Rip it! Rip it!
Come on. Let's go. Everybody.
Throw your hands in the air!
Hey, howzit, wave riders!
We got that high-surf advisory posted again.
Right now, it's a macking 15 to 20 feet.
Out in Pipeline tomorrow,
the girls have the place all to themselves.
What are we supposed
to talk about with her anyways?
Windex, I guess. Or Comet.
The only person who knows anything
about Windex or Comet in our house...
is Carmen, but not me.
I hope she doesn't think he's gonna marry her.
Of course she does. Prince Charming
come to save her from the toilets.
And get some of that ten million a year.
Oh, God. Matt and the maid.
Oh, my God. Did you guys
check out that dress? Hello?
Where does she think she's going
anyway, the prom?
I thought her shoes were totally cute.
Trust me on this. He made her up.
The whole Matt Tollman makeover.
Did you see the shoes, the dress, the bracelet?
His classic line.
Oh, my God.
Do you guys remember the Denny's waitress?
Oh, that's right.
I knew she looked familiar.
Matt loves to slum.
That's just how he is.
Come on. That's his style.
He likes those cheap little...
Cheap Barbie...
Here. They're all yours.
Oh, my God. Oh.
My God. Was that just her?
Oh, it was. She was here.
Our dancer tonight is Chief...
What's your name?
Leslie, but everybody
call me "Poon Daddy."
Aloha, Chief Poon Daddy!
Oh, yeah.!
Ow.! Baby, go.!
Come on.! Shake your thing.!
Let's hear it for this guy.
Isn't he great?
You got milk in those coconuts?
Shake it, shake it, shake it.!
Oh, yeah.! Oh, yeah.!
Anne Marie. Where you goin'?
Anne Marie? Stop?
What the... Oh, man.
Uh, Anne Marie, uh...
Anne Marie.
Anne Marie.
What the hell are you doin'?
I don't know, Matt.
What am I doing?
The other day, when
I was ordering room service,
the guy on the phone called me
Mrs. Tollman, and I didn't correct him.
'Cause for a minute,
I liked the way it sounded.
And I was just wondering if the
Denny's waitress felt the same way.
You know what? I'm fine, okay.
I know what I am, and I'm fine with it.
What? Who are you?
I'm the maid that you slept with on vacation.
I'm the great story you tell when
someone asks you how you learned to surf.
You don't trust anybody, do you?
Can I? Can I trust you?
To do what?
I mean...
What do you want?
What do I want? Oh, my God.
I want...
Penny to quit smoking and to go to college.
I want... I want to be able
to pay the phone and the electricity...
and the rent all in the same month.
I want a girl to be on the cover
of Surf magazine,
and that would be great if
that girl were me, but any girl would do.
And I want...
I mean, I wish my mom would come home.
And I really, really want
to win Pipe Masters tomorrow.
That's what I want.
Well, do it.
Matt, you don't understand, okay?
Pipe... Pipe is the heaviest wave in the world.
Okay, you don't just get worked there.
You die. People die there.
And what happens when I just...
when I paddle out and
I don't take off on a single wave?
I don't care if I make a fool out of myself,
but I do not want to embarrass my family.
And that's what Lena and
Eden and Penny are. They're my family.
Just tell me what to do, please.
You want me to tell you what to do? Yes.
You know what to do.
No, Matt, I honestly don't.
Just be the girl I met on the beach.
Who? Who was she?
A girl who'd never ask a guy what to do.
Good morning, everybody.
Welcome to the Pipe Masters...
here at Banzai Pipeline
on the North Shore of Oahu.
You're gonna be watching
women's surfng history today...
as these girls take
on the deadliest waves in the world.
Imagine the Niagara Falls dumping
into two feet of water over hard-rock lava...
with razor-sharp reef and underwater caves.
It's gonna be a macking 20 feet.
Good luck to all the ladies
competing today at the Pipe Masters.
They may be the best in the world,
but they're gonna have their hands full today.
If you're going down to watch,
it's not a day for a dip in the water.
Anne Marie, you all right? Mm-hmm.
You guys get out here.
I'll go find some parking.
Pretty much an impossible
score at this point.
She's way behind, but
she's still gonna try and put it on the line.
Looks like she's goin'for this one.
Oh.! She broke her board.
Any day at Pipeline, it's critical,
but today,
one false move and
the consequences could be disastrous.
More surfers have died here
than any other spot on the planet combined.
This is the first time the girls
have gotten to compete at Pipeline.
The entire surfcommunity is here today...
every sponsor, talent scout, the entire surf media..
looking to find the next surfsensation.
Get one good ride here today,
and you'll put yourself on the surfng map.
Out there all by
herself is Lynette MacKenzie,
now that Megan's on the beach
with a broken board.
She's in on a nice one. She's comin'in.
You really have to commit
if you are gonna get those waves.
But I'm sure it'll better
the score she already has.
Good luck, Layne.
Thanks. I could use it.
I'm here for the competition.
Are you a volunteer?
She's a competitor.
You need to sign this release form.
"In case of death or dismemberment"?
Thank you.
You'll be in heat four with Kate Skarratt.
You can go ahead and
wait in the competitors' area.
Thank you. Good luck.
It's looking pretty solid out there,
isn't it?
Oh, my gosh.
There's Kate Skarratt.
She kills at Pipe.
And there's Rochelle Ballard.
She's queen ofback door.
- Oh, my gosh.! Layne Beachley is...
- I know who they are.
What? I'm... You're good.
I'm just saying... they're...
they're really good.
Come on. Let's go.
Hey! What's up, man? What's up?
Where's parking around here?
Anywhere, I guess Whatever you can find.
Looks like she's goin'on this one.
Hey. Hey, Anne Marie.
Look what I found.
Next heat, Keala Kennelly.
Hey. Just driving by.
What's up, surfer girl?
- Do the damn thing. -
- Shit.
- Twenty-foot swell on the rise.
Pretty weird out there.
It's a super-clean, west-northwest swell.
Pipe and back door are both open.
Yeah. Just be patient. Don't get too anxious.
It's four-wave sets with
Don't take the first wave of the set.
Third wave looks the best.
Here comes Kennelly taking off. Steep drop.
She makes the bottom turn. She's fierce, man.
Gets covered up.
Oh.! She makes it out.
Let's give her a warm round
of applause. I'm way out of my league.
Hey. No worries.
Just go out there and have fun. "Fun."
Up next, from Australia,
we have Kate Skarratt in red.
She's a goofy foot,
which favors her at Pipeline.
Loves charging big waves
and has taken first place at Teahupoo,
another barreling left-hander in Tahiti.
Surfng against her, we have wild card
entry, Anne Marie Chadwick,
a formerJunior NSSA champion
who dropped out of the competitive circuit...
after a near-drowning incident
at this very spot just three years ago.
Five, four, three, two, one.
We've got 20-minute heats today
with the top four waves scoring.
Wave selection is critical.
If you pick the wrong wave,
wipe out, get caught inside...
You could spend the rest of
your heatjust trying to get back to the lineup.
How's it goin'? Good.
Nice set approaching.
Got good sets out the back.
We have really good consistency
with swell. It's on the rise.
Probably gonna get up to
about 15 to 20 feet.
Kate Skarratt's goin' on this one.
She's paddling, gets to her feet.
Makes the drop. Solid bottom turn.
Look at that pit.!
She's setting her line, racing to make it out.
Trying to get to the shoulder.
Traveling... Oh.!
She didn't quite get around that last turn.
She'll get some kind of score for it.
Looks like it's a 4. 1 that came in on the board.
Water patrol's checking on her.
Looks like she's okay.
If she doesn't need a ride,
she can paddle back out.
So Chadwick all alone by herself
out there, yet to even score a ride.
Go, go! Paddle!
Headed for her first ride.
Backs out. Shit!
- Beautiful wave. She's not gonna get any more like that.
- What a waste of wave.
She should've gone.
That would have opened up perfectly.
When you're out there all alone,
you can psyche yourself out. You can do it, girl.
- Chadwick will have to wait for the next set.
- What are you doin'?
Kate Skarratt's paddling into
one of the best waves of the day.
Oh.! She's a little overextended and goes down.
-Hope she's okay out there.
-Kate Skarratt down. - Ooh.
Great pickup.
Gets her on the sled, out ofharm's way.
Hang on.
Okay, everybody, as the ski comes up
on the beach, please give them some room.
The water patrol needs some space to work.
Skate Skarratt has gone down
on that last wave.
They're carrying the backboard down.
This isn't good.
We need Dr. Leland Dao to report to the medical tent.
Leland Dao, please report to the medical tent.
We need you down here immediately.
Come on. Come on.
Charge it!
Go, go, go! Go! Go!
Go! Go! Go!
She sets her rail.
Makes the drop. Textbook. Oh.!
It's setting up perfectly.
Look at that. Beautiful wave.
She should get a nice score for this one,
high enough to take her
into the next round.
- Oh.! -
- Oh, she got so worked. -
I don't see her. Where is she?
Man, is she all right? Where is she?
Anne Marie's taking a heavy beating out there.
Grab my hand.
I got you. Hang on.
Not that she cares right now,
but thejudges' scores havejust come in...
and they've awarded her a 4.6
for the last ride,
which will move her into the next round
over Skarratt.
- Anne Marie!
- Are you okay?
- Is she gonna be all right?
- Is she gonna be all right?
She'll be okay. Just give her some room.
Is she gonna be okay?
I think so.
I'm gonna put some ice on it.
Lift your head.
Just lay there and relax for a minute.
If you tell me to be the girl on the beach
right now, I'm gonna kick your ass.
So how are you feelin'? I've been better.
My, uh, my first NFL game,
I got blindsided by Warren Sapp.
I tell you,
I've never been hit so hard in my life.
I lay there praying something was broken
so I wouldn't have to get up and finish the game.
You think I'm faking?
No. I know you got rocked out there.
Just like I did. But Leslie sat me down,
said that was the hardest I'd ever be hit
and that I would regret not going back in.
So l... I went back in.
And you won the game.
No. Actually, we lost.
And I got my ass kicked.
But there's this one beautiful pass...
one perfect spiral right into Omar's fingertips...
and a touchdown.
Look, I can't talk you into goin'back out there.
It's... It seems crazy.
But I know how good you are, and
I know how much this means to you.
I just don't want you to spend
your life wondering what could have been.
Heads up on the beach, people.
Big set approaching.
Hey, everybody,
we have a set out the back.
Watch your kids.
Watch your belongings.
The water is coming over the berm.
It's dangerous out there.
The water patrol already has their hands full,
so we'd appreciate it if you'djust back up.
Here today we have a rising swell,
so I wanna give a little word
of warning to everybody to watch out.
Guys, look, this is really not a good time.
Can I get a picture?
What? Can we get a picture?
We're working these chicks here.
They think you're some kind of
great hockey player or something.
You're kidding. No joke. We wanna get this thing done.
Sorry my pits stink.
That's just the way it goes. Let's go. Right here.
Smile. You're on vacation.
This way, this way.
Fluff your bangs a little bit.
A little more attitude.
Beautiful. One more.
All right, great.
Hey. Hey.
You goin' back out there? Yup.
It's just a stupid contest.
It's not worth getting hurt over.
I'll be fine. Hey.
- What? - Be careful.
- - That sounds the start of the next heat.
Chadwick's pretty much got
her hands full this next round.
Keala Kennelly from Hawaii.
She's a charger.
She'll go on anything.
She goes like a man out here.
Bit of a paddle battle going on out there.
Looks like Chadwick and
Kennelly are paddling for the peak.
Chadwick's got the inside position.
-Lf a big set approaches, she's gonna get
-the first wave. - Come on, come on.
This paddle battle is really about
who's gonna get the first wave.
Chadwick in position, heading
for the first wave.
Starts to paddle. She's goin'for it.
Oh.! She... She pulls back.
Kennelly's wide open. She catches a wave.
Time and time again, man.
She's out, making it look so easy.
But, folks, it's not easy out there.
Chadwick starts to paddle.
She paddles for it.
Doesn't quite get it.
What a waste of wave.
That's gotta hurt when
you know you need a score,
and you're going up against
one of the best surfers in this event,
and you don't go.
Plenty of time being allowed
here for Kennelly to get back in position,
and she's paddled right inside of Chadwick,
and she's looking to catch her next wave.
Keala Kennelly. Hands together,
ladies and gentlemen.
Keala Kennelly. A great two-ride out
here at the Pipeline.
Keala's got sack.
She goes like the men out here.
For some reason, Chadwick has yet
to even ride a wave. I don't know what's going on.
I don't know if she's just psyching
herself out or if Keala's putting it to her.
What are you doin'? What?
You gonna take a wave or
just sit there like a buoy?
Look, you're never gonna catch a wave
sitting all the way over here.
Follow me. I'll get you into one.
Give the crowd something to cheer about.
Let's get you a wave. Come on.
Follow me into the lineup, and
I'm gonna tell you to go on a wave.
And when I tell you to go, you gotta go.
Paddle your little heart out.
You can't hesitate. You can't pull back.
You can't hold back. No fear, all right?
'Cause if you hold back
for a second, you're gonna eat shit.
Come on. Follow me.
It looks like the next set's approaching.
This is the one. Go.
Paddle! Paddle! Go, girl! Paddle! Paddle!
You all right? I'm okay, I'm okay.
Get back out there then.
- - With only two minutes left in her heat,
Chadwick struggles
to get back into the lineup...
so she can catch a scoring wave.
Chadwick has yet to even score
a good ride, a scoring ride.
She needs to redeem herself.
Keala is absolutely dominating this heat,
and Chadwick needs to put
a scoring ride on the board.
Ouch. Are you all right?
That was nasty. It's okay. I want another one.
- You want another one? That's the spirit. - Yup.
Shake off that last wave, and let's do this.
Less than 20 seconds left.
Feel that adrenaline. Use it. Come on.
Anne Marie Chadwick
only has one more chance.
On the outside. Here comes
one of the best sets of the whole day.
We have lines stacked to the horizon.
Here comes a set. This is the one.
All right, come on. Go.! Go, go.!
Go, girl.!
- Chadwick's out there. - Paddle hard!
- Go! Go! Go! -
This is yours.! Don't pull back.!
- Go, go! - Go.! Go.! Go.!
Oh, my gosh!
Oh, my gosh!
Oh, shit! Yeah!
- Whoo! - Yeah!
- Whoo! - Oh, she makes it.!
That's my bitch!
Yeah! That was insane!
- Whoo! - Waiting for thejudges'scores.
They're coming in.
Looks like unanimous tens across the board,
but not enough to overtake
Kennelly and move into the next round.
- But she is a hero with the crowd here today.
- That's my sister! Whoo!
That's my sister!
Just words don't explain it.
For Anne Marie Chadwick
to get a ride like that...
with the entire North Shore
surfng community watching...
That was insane!
We're so proud of her.
Can I have your autograph?
Can I have your autograph?
I taught her everything she knows.
That's our girl.
That was awesome. Thank you.
Hey, you should, uh,
check out the board. Boards By Eden.
Hey, Anne Marie. Excuse me. Hi.
I'm Jessica from Billabong.
I'd love to talk to you about being on our team.
- Wait your turn, honey. - Okay.
- Does she know she got beat?
- Nice, isn't it?
Hey. Yeah!
You did the damn thing, girl.
Thanks. Hey.
Hey. You were so amazing.
Oh. Are you okay? I'm so happy.
Oh, that was insane.
But I still think you
owe me a few surf lessons.
Oh, yeah? Wanna go out there?
Only if you're gentle.
Not a chance.