Blue Jasmine (2013)

There was no one like Hal.
He met me at a party
and swept me off my feet.
"Blue Moon" was playing.
You know "Blue Moon?"
I still remember that.
Blue moon
And one more year
and I would have graduated.
But I quit BU to marry him. I mean,
what was I learning at school anyway?
I mean, can you picture me
as an anthropologist?
Is that a joke?
The sex was always great. Well,
he was nine years older than me.
He'd already made
and lost a fortune.
But then he made it back,
and more. I mean, much more.
God, he was dynamic.
Taught me everything I know
about real lovemaking,
not that I care to get too graphic.
Believe me when I tell you.
They tried six medications on me.
Cocktails, they call them.
The only cocktail that helped
was a Stoli martini.
I never trusted doctors.
Doctors put both my parents
in early graves.
JASMINE: I have never
been to San Francisco.
And Hal and I traveled everywhere.
I hear it's beautiful.
I'll be staying with my sister,
Ginger. She's divorced.
Biologically, she's not my sister.
She's adopted. We're both adopted.
I couldn't stand her ex-husband.
He used to hit her.
That's mine. The Vuitton.
My plan is to start a new life out here.
Put everything behind me
and start fresh.
Go West. Was it Horace Greeley
who said that? "Go West."
Oh, there's my family.
It was really nice talking to you.
JASMINE: Oh, I'll call you,
maybe for lunch.
I don't have your number.
Who's that woman you were talking to?
I was sitting next to her on the plane.
She was talking to herself.
I thought she said something to me.
I said, "What?"
But she couldn't stop
babbling about her life.
Where--? Where am I exactly?
You said 305 South Van Ness.
Can you wait, help me with my bags?
I don't know where she is.
She expected me.
The plane was on time.
Yes, I'm-- I'm--
You all right?
I'm fine. I just sometimes get
where I can't take a deep breath
and when I can, it makes me panic
and it makes it even worse.
Could I have some privacy?
Sure, sure.
Hello, Ginger?
Yes, I'm here.
I'm right in front of the place.
It is 305?
Ugh. Well, how long?
What? Where is it?
No, no, I see it.
Okay. Oh, okay.
Just-- Would you please hurry?
My sister left the keys in the bar.
Can you wait?
Is that it?
Thank you.
Oh, thank you.
Have a great day, all right?
So, what do you think?
I love it.
The fireplaces work. I don't
like when they're for show.
It's so light and airy
and the ceilings are so high.
How can anyone breathe
with a low ceiling? The view.
You wanted Fifth Avenue.
Central Park. Superb.
Oh, this space is perfect.
We hardly have to do a thing.
You shouldn't spoil me so.
Well, why not?
Who else am I gonna spoil?
Did I tell you my news?
Danny is gonna be living with us.
Oh, honey.
Oh, that's great news.
I worked it out with his mom,
her lawyers.
Oh, he'll be so much happier
when he's with us full-time.
Happy birthday, Danny.
Kids at school say we're really rich
and that you give money to charity.
Sure I do. You gotta remember
as you go through life
to share what you earn
with the less fortunate.
Not everyone is as lucky
as we are.
Yes, ma'am.
Another bottle of the Margaux.
Excuse me.
It would look perfect.
Wouldn't wash me out?
No, not at all.
Not the way he--
Oh, isn't he sweet?
This song was playing
when Hal and I first met.
I fell in love with the name Jasmine.
WOMAN: Oh, so romantic.
I changed it.
Yeah, Jeanette had no panache.
This song was playing
when we first met.
You know it? Yeah, we met
at a party at Martha's Vineyard.
"Blue Moon."
Come on, boys.
Okay, let's go, Augie.
I gotta get home. Someone's waiting.
We helped Dad
move the furniture today.
GINGER: Oh, really? That's
your idea of taking the boys?
Letting them help you
lug somebody's furniture upstairs?
They loved it. Great exercise.
They-- We ate franks and beans.
AUGIE: Relax.
GINGER: Let's go, Johnny, come on.
Come on. Let's go. Come on.
AUGIE: What's the rush?
What's the rush, Ginger?
You got a date?
It's none of your business.
It happens to be Jeanette, so...
What is she doing in town?
She's living with me
till she gets back on her feet.
She's had a bad time. Yeah.
When she had money,
she wanted nothing to do with you.
Now that she's broke,
she's moving in.
She's not just broke.
She's screwed up.
And it's none of your damn
business. She's family.
She stole our money.
Understand? We could have been set.
That was our whole chance in life.
For the last time, Augie,
he was the crook, not her, okay?
What the hell did she know
about finance?
Don't stand there and tell me that.
She's married to a guy for years,
up to his ass in phony real estate
and bank fraud.
She knew nothing about it?
Believe me, she knew, Ginger.
Okay? She knew.
But when all those diamonds
and minks were flying in,
she just looked the other way.
I don't think so, Augie.
You said it. You said to me,
"She's a phony and had to know."
ELLEN: Jasmine, your country
house is so beautiful.
I'm sorry, but we need an answer on this.
I told you, you change the name
of the corporation.
Operate under Global Innovations.
I don't know if we can.
I think we can, actually.
Pay out of the accounts in Amsterdam.
MEL: Amsterdam.
Whenever I hear them, they're one
step ahead of the Justice Department.
Just hope your house is not bugged.
Ha, ha, ha.
Oh, I never pay attention
to Hal's business affairs.
I have no head
for that sort of thing.
We transfer to the old corporation?
We could. Perfectly legal.
It would be a mistake under that name.
Definitely get in trouble for that.
Just don't file a joint
tax return. Ha, ha, ha.
Don't say that. I sign anything.
I'm very trusting.
Famous last words.
It's called looking
the other way.
Jasmine. Oh, my God.
Look at you.
Look at you.
Oh, I am so sorry for the wait.
Sorry, I think I'm in Paris.
It's okay.
No, it's fine.
Augie's day with the boys.
Well, no wonder you're late.
Hello. Matthew, is it?
Boys, say hello.
I told you about her, remember?
Hi, I'm Jasmine.
Shake hands. Okay, go play.
They're big.
I know.
MATTHEW: I'm getting it first.
Quiet, you two.
Well, they're loud.
Stop running around.
Christ, this kid's got--
What the hell is it? ADD?
Yeah. Your place is homey.
GINGER: Are you kidding me?
No, I mean, it's got a very--
Well, it's casual charm.
God, knock it off,
I need to stay here for a while.
No, I do.
I'm out of cash.
Couldn't pay my rent in Brooklyn.
Can you believe
I had to move out of my home,
take a place in Brooklyn?
But I'm dead broke. Really,
the government took everything.
And the lawyers.
And I can't be alone, Ginger.
I really get some bad thoughts
when I'm alone.
Well, you know, all I can say is,
you look great.
Oh. Now who's lying?
You do.
You know, I was up all last night.
I was so anxious
Yeah? about moving hem
I wasn't sure how angry you still were.
Oh, well...
Another drink? We're celebrating.
Of course, yeah.
Oh, the flight was bumpy.
I didn't eat anything on the plane.
Oh, the food was awful. Here it is.
I mean, you'd think
first class, right?
You flew first class?
I don't know how anyone puts up
with those airlines.
Isn't first class a fortune?
Yes, I was quite shocked.
I thought you were tapped out.
I'm worse than tapped out, baby.
I've run up some serious debts.
So how did you fly first class?
I don't know, Ginger.
I just did.
All I meant was, if you've got
no money, to go first class...
You know me.
I splurge from habit.
Would you stop staring
at my luggage?
Yes, it's Louis Vuitton.
You told me you had to sell everything.
Look, look, look.
These are used, old suitcases.
See, with my initials. Who'd want them?
I sold what jewels and furs
I could hide from Uncle Sam.
God, I hate to tell you about that.
Jewelry is priceless, a great investment
when you buy it at Graff or Van Cleef
until you're desperate for money
and forced to sell,
and then it seems
you can't give it away.
Kids, stop it, come on!
Were you adopted?
We were both adopted.
Born to different moms and dads, but
raised by the same morn and dad.
Could you stop doing
that gun thing? Sorry.
Got migraine from the pressurized cabin.
GINGER: Matthew.
Did you like
the new mom and dad?
Yes, of course--
Aunt Jasmine did.
I ran away from home as fast
as my feet could carry me.
How come?
Our mother liked Aunt Jasmine
and not me.
Oh, stop.
How come?
She had better genes.
Don't tell them that.
Well, am I lying?
Dad said you're glad we lived far away.
They're perfect for the dress
that I'm wearing to the Met Gala.
What's the matter?
Your mind is a million miles away.
Oh, I'm sorry. No, I-- I just got
a call from my sister, Ginger.
Oh, God, she's coming to New York
for a week with her husband, Augie.
He is a piece of work.
I just-- I don't know,
I guess I have to see them.
The one in San Francisco, the builder?
Oh, no, he's a contractor. I mean,
he's-- No, he's a handyman.
No, don't get me wrong.
I love Ginger, I do. She's a dear.
But our paths just went
in totally different directions.
Okay, that happens.
It's terrible of me to say,
but she was never too bright.
You know? And she was so wild
and I, of course, was Miss Perfect.
JASMINE: Oh, you made it.
How lovely to see you.
Hi. Oh, my God.
Hi. Thank you.
Oh, this is my husband, Augie.
This is Jeanette.
Jasmine. I changed it.
I'm finally getting to meet the sister.
I know. Hello. I'm so sorry we
couldn't make it to the wedding.
Just that Hal had some
business in Saint-Tropez.
Couldn't get back in time.
Know what?
You missed a nice little party.
My friend Dennis sang.
He's great. Dennis Rackabuto.
I know. Hey--
Hal! You remember
Oh, my gosh.
How are you?
How are you?
This is Augie.
Augie. How you doing?
Hell of a place you got.
Thank you.
Why don't you come through?
Told you.
JASMINE: Yvette, coffee?
AUGIE: This is really...
Yeah, she's got taste.
AUGIE: It's like what
you see in the movies.
We have so much to catch up on. Can't
wait for you to show us New York.
Why don't you take
our car and driver?
Well, I hope you're gonna come.
I mean, how often am I here?
No, no, I will definitely make some time.
GINGER: Oh, good. Heh, heh.
Where are you staying?
Oh, well, we-- We thought about
asking if we could stay with you,
but we don't wanna impose,
so we got a room at the Marriott.
Oh, the Marriott's perfect.
Oh. Yeah.
I'll have my office contact them
and forward us the bill.
Oh, no.
No, no, no, it's not necessary.
Please, you're our guests.
I insist.
Oh, well, then we insist
on taking you two to dinner tonight.
What? Tonight?
We have dinner plans.
I don't think we can--
Something we can't get out of.
I'm sorry' GINGER: There'll be time.
We stashed the kids with Augie's
sister, we're here for a week.
It's gonna be great.
It is. Okay.
Well, we don't have
a lot of free time,
but we'll definitely take you
to Le Cirque, won't we?
I mean, or Daniel. I mean--
They'd get a kick out of that.
Yeah, absolutely.
I know your birthday is this week.
Let us at least take you out for that.
I love how you're doing your hair.
Oh, thanks. Heh, heh.
You'll have to take me shopping. You
always could pick clothes. Heh, heh.
And Augie's got
some exciting business news
he wants to talk to Hal about.
Don't worry, I don't need to
borrow money. We're flush.
What kind of work do you do, Augie?
Well, you know, I do, like,
repairs, furniture moving,
but I got plans to be
my own boss.
We'll talk about it over dinner.
They're going out.
Hey, could we have a tour?
Oh, yeah, of course. Why don't
you start in the kitchen?
Is there a little girls' room?
Just down the hall.
Five days.
I'll have to invite them
to my birthday party now.
Where did she come up with him?
I always feel so guilty around Ginger.
We've got to make sure
we make their stay extra nice.
My God, five days.
It's so beautiful.
Oh, but where would I wear
a Fendi bag?
Oh, go ahead. It's my treat.
Oh, my God. I love it. Look.
Take the other one off.
No, I like this.
Boy, this is some place
you got here.
I mean, this is unreal.
GINGER: It is.
Reminds me
of when I was a kid.
I used to be a lifeguard.
Start your own construction
company? Great idea.
We came into some money.
Tell him how, Augie.
What? We've been saving this story.
Well, the first 10-, 12,000,
I really worked for.
Put away a little each week.
GINGER: But he's not
telling you the big news.
Why we're in New York.
You tell them.
Okay, I will.
We always play the lottery,
and we never even get two numbers.
Am I right?
AUGIE: Uh-huh.
But last week, we hit it.
We got 200,000 bucks.
Oh, that's fantastic.
I thought I'd drop dead.
That's great.
I never held that kind of money
in my hands. I mean, ever.
He was shaking
when we won.
Me? You had to see her. I had to tell
her, this is a once-in-a-lifetime.
He wants to begin a business.
What do you think?
Well, if you like, I think Hal could
probably help you do better.
You know-- You know, I'm no gambler.
I mean, not with my one chance to--
Hey, come on. We don't know the first
thing about money, but he does.
First thing is how not to give half
your money to the government.
Look, I know there's taxes,
but, I mean, what can I do?
There are ways.
GINGER: You see, Augie? You see?
Suppose I put you in a venture
that was low-risk, but very high-yield.
I'm not talking about 6 or 7 percent.
I'm talking about 20 percent.
Profitable enough?
20 percent?
He's developing a group of hotels
in the Caribbean.
You mean, not starting
my own business.
No, we mean investing with Hal.
Jeez, investing what?
You mean the whole thing?
You need money to make money.
Am I right?
Let them in on one of your--?
The hotel deal or something.
It'd be great for them.
Make a killing.
Pay attention, Augie.
I'm paying attention.
You will make money for them,
won't you?
I make money,
they make money.
God, they're hard work.
Tomorrow I'm taking
the day off.
I've neglected everything,
my yoga, my Pilates.
I've got that luncheon to plan,
the fundraiser
for the Central Park Conservancy.
I've rented them a limo
and a driver,
and I've suggested they go
to the South Street Seaport.
Can you imagine
if they lived here?
Here, for doing your duty.
Happy birthday.
I'm giving it to you now so you can
wear it to your party tomorrow night.
Oh, sweetheart, it's beautiful.
Not bad taste for
a philistine businessman, huh?
A good man is hard to find
Well, you always get the other kind
And just when you think
He's your one best pal
You look around
You find him lovin' another gal
You rave
Yes, you crave
To see that man laying in his grave
So if your man is nice
Take my advice
And hug him in the morning
Hug him every night
Give him plenty lovin'
Be sure you love him right
'Cause a good man nowadays
Is hard to find
I know, it's so extravagant.
Oh, look at that.
He surprised me in the tub, so to speak.
Ha, ha, ha.
Corsica's a bore. The weather's nice,
but it's nothing like Sardinia.
This year you are coming
to Palm Beach, no excuses.
Hey, Jasmine.
Who's that woman?
That one.
Oh, Raylene.
She's a friend.
I love Raylene.
We met in a yoga class.
Isn't she pretty?
She runs a modeling agency.
How long have you known her?
Few years. Why?
GINGER: And you trust her?
JASMINE: Trust her?
Of course I trust her.
What kind of question is that?
She just seems so cozy all night
with your husband.
I wouldn't worry. Hal's not
the roving type, nor is Raylene.
She's a very close friend.
I don't know.
If it was my husband,
I'd keep an eye on him.
you are a suspicious one.
I'm just saying.
Just relax.
I am relaxed.
You shouldn't drink
so much, Augie.
Nobody wants to hear those
stupid Polish jokes, you know?
Oh, I had a drink?
Yeah? Yeah.
Let me tell you, you were half in
the bag the entire night, okay?
Tell me about my drinking.
Give me that.
What's eating you?
If you saw your friend's wife kissing
another guy, would you tell your friend?
Would you tell your friend?
I'm talking.
Tell him what?
Are you listening to me?
If you saw your friend's wife kissing
another guy, would you tell your friend?
Would you tell him?
Bet your ass I'd tell him.
But what if it causes trouble?
Or maybe a divorce?
If you don't say anything,
it could've been a passing thing.
He never knows and he lives on
happy with his wife.
You know, I would tell him,
because that's what a friend's for.
You gotta have his back.
That's why I'd tell him.
It's a tough call, Augie.
I don't know.
What are we doing?
Are we playing charades?
I mean, come on.
Did you see something?
On the street, by accident.
I saw Hal kissing that brunette
who was at the party.
You saw Hal kiss Raylene?
You know her name too?
My God, she gets around.
Oh, we were introduced. Come on,
you got nothing to worry about.
Nobody could ever take your place.
Yeah, believe me, I wasn't
thinking she'd look at you. Heh.
Nobody would ever look at me, right?
You looked at me.
Yeah, once. It was a mistake.
All right, listen.
You think Hal's banging her?
When Jasmine don't wanna
know something,
she's got a habit
of looking the other way.
Thank you for my present.
I got so many comments.
I think everyone enjoyed themselves
and that piano player was--
He was fantastic.
I got his card.
What were you, uh, talking to
Raylene so intensely about?
Oh, uh, her husband is thinking
about getting his own plane.
I was just weighing the pros and cons
for her of a Challenger versus a, uh--
Gulf stream?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
She's so pretty.
Bill's out of town for a couple
weeks and she'll be all alone.
I thought maybe we could take her out
to dinner or have her over here.
This is silly, Ginger.
It's Sunday.
It's his day off. He wants
to spend it alone with you.
He's alone with me plenty.
If I'm gonna marry Chili, you're
gonna meet him sooner than later.
I told him we'd show you
the town.
Well, he won't want your sister around.
Will you stop it?
This city is so beautifully European.
Have you ever been abroad?
At all?
We used to sail
from Saint-Tropez to Cannes
and up the coast to Monaco.
It reminds me of the Mediterranean.
There's Chili.
JASMINE: Which one?
GINGER: There.
JASMINE: Who's that with him?
GINGER: I don't know.
GINGER: Hi, hey.
You look beautiful.
GINGER: Oh, thanks.
You smell good too.
You're late.
Eddie. Nice to meet you.
Hi. Ginger. Hi.
This is Jasmine.
Jasmine, hi. I'm Eddie.
This is Eddie.
Nice to meet you. Eddie.
I'm Jasmine.
Ginger told me about you.
Oh, all good, I hope.
I gotta tell you, I was all set
to move in with your sister.
Then she tells me that we gotta
postpone because her sister's in town.
He's joking.
Well, I hope I didn't inconvenience you.
It was an emergency.
Things happen. Right, Eddie?
Could've happened
to anybody.
Told me you never been here,
don't know anybody,
so I brought along this
sad excuse for a blind date.
Best he could do on short notice.
He works with me.
I gotta get a beer.
You want a beer?
Can I buy you a drink?
I have a drink, but thank you.
I'm dropping dead of hunger.
This place has the best clams.
You like clams, Jasmine?
No, no, no.
I'm not hungry.
What the hell are you drinking?
Let me see. What is this?
Is it vodka?
CHILI: This place has the
best clams in the city.
The best are at Manero's.
You're nuts. They don't even compare.
Who cares?
This place is good too. They're fresh.
That's the thing with clams.
You get a bad clam,
you'll wish you were never born.
So, what do you do, Jasmine?
I told you, she just got here.
She's looking for a job.
EDDIE: Yeah?
I know a dentist
who's looking for help.
Oh, yeah?
No, I'm actually thinking
of going back to school. Hm.
CHILI: School?
Heh. To study what?
I don't know. I mean,
the biggest mistake I made
was leaving college in my last year
and not completing my education.
What would you be?
An anthropologist.
Like digging up old fossils?
That's an archaeologist.
Ginger told me the
whole story.
That must be terrible, right?
One minute you're on top
of the world, the next--
Guy turns out to be a crook. Heh, heh.
GINGER: Her husband,
he owned racehorses.
EDDIE: Is that so?
Oh, yes, yes,
for a year or two,
Hal became quite obsessed
with thoroughbreds.
So, what are you gonna
study in college?
Let me guess.
A nurse. Huh?
Is that how
I impress you?
A nurse?
You got something against nurses?
My sister's a nurse.
Nurses are very hot to go to bed with.
They have extensive knowledge
of how the human body works.
Careful what you accuse my sister of.
CHILI: Just saying, I know good nurses.
GINGER: Chili, why don't
you change the subject?
You think you're being charming,
but you're not.
You always stare into space
like that?
I had a friend who used to do that,
but there was something wrong
with him. He was epileptic.
I'm not epileptic.
If you see the waitress,
I'd like another Stoli martini.
CHILI: What are you gonna study?
GINGER: Leave her alone.
It's like the third time you asked.
So? She hasn't answered.
I don't know, but I'll be sure
to keep you informed.
Oh, okay, sorry. I'll back off.
I'm sorry, I don't mean to be curt.
I just don't know what I'm gonna
do with the rest of my life.
What do you wanna do?
Why don't we take her to see the sights?
Then back to my place. She likes vodka.
My buddy's just back from Russia.
Brought me this incredible vodka.
Great idea.
You're gonna love my place.
Yeah, let's go.
Wait till you try this vodka.
EDDIE: All right, man.
I wish my apartment
had a garden.
We didn't take her inside Alcatraz.
Thank you.
They got tours in there, Jasmine.
Ginger said your ex-husband did time?
He'd still be doing time
if he didn't hang himself in his cell.
Really? Like with a belt?
Well, it had to be a belt. Or a bedsheet.
Could be a bedsheet.
He managed to get
a piece of rope.
Plain rope.
You can get anything
if you got juice.
That's some way to go, huh?
Strangle yourself to death?
No, it wasn't strangulation.
When you hang yourself,
your neck breaks.
I wouldn't feel sorry for him.
He hurt a lot of people.
Oh, yeah?
Yeah, including me and Augie and her.
A lot of people are under
the misapprehension you strangle,
but your neck snaps.
Okay, we got it.
He was a bad guy, you know?
He lived like a big shot
on other people's money.
And he played around behind her back.
Jasmine, go and start your cooldown.
JASMINE: Oh, good.
Hey, Jas.
I know you don't wanna go
to the Yankee game tonight.
I'd go to any sporting event with you,
you know, but I just never got baseball.
I thought I'd ask Melanie. She's a fan.
Oh, sure. God, she'll be thrilled.
Hey, Mel?
You like baseball, right?
I love baseball. Why?
I got two season tickets behind
the Yankee dugout for tonight.
I don't have anybody else
to go with me. Are you free?
Absolutely, if you're sure
there's nobody else.
No, no, you'll do just fine.
All right, thanks.
This is where you live? Nice.
CHILI: Hey, grab the groceries for me.
GINGER: I can get this one.
Get them.
You got it? All right.
I got it.
Oh! Oh.
Oh, no.
That's okay, don't worry.
EDDIE: No more vodka for you.
GINGER: I didn't have any vodka.
I didn't have no vodka.
EDDIE: I know about you.
Hey, hey, come here,
come here, come here.
Take it upstairs?
All right.
Eddie wants your
phone number.
I think he wants to call you.
I think he wants to ask you out,
you know, for dinner.
Look, I'm busy at the moment.
He's a terrific guy. Look at him.
Well, why doesn't he
ask me himself?
Because he's shy, you know?
He thinks he's short.
Look, I'm concentrating
on school, okay?
And getting a job.
That's perfect.
Right, he knows this dentist.
No, I have no interest
in being a receptionist.
What did you have in mind,
running a bank?
Is this what you wanted to talk about?
And how long you're planning
on staying with Ginger.
Oh, right. It's just till I find my feet.
We have a lot of big plans.
Don't worry, I'm not gonna ruin
any of your big plans.
No one wants to get out of here
as fast as I do.
I'm sure this is a big comedown
from what you're used to.
It's fine. it's--
I'm grateful for her help.
So you don't want Eddie
to call you?
No, I'm not ready to go out
at the moment.
Ginger said
you had a nervous breakdown.
She tends to be
quite dramatic.
Said you were in the street,
talking to yourself.
You know, I don't think
that this is any of your business.
No, but since I'm marrying her,
we don't have any secrets between us.
What did Chili want?
JASMINE: Oh, nothing.
His retarded boyfriend wanted a date,
but he was too shy to ask.
What do you think of Chili?
He's very anxious to move in with you.
Yeah, I know.
He's got the hots for me.
Can I speak frankly?
You hate him?
I could tell you two
didn't hit it off.
He's another version
of Augie. He's a loser.
Hey, didn't I hear Eddie say
he knows a dentist looking for help?
Oh, forget it!
Jesus, it's too menial!
I'd go nuts.
I wanna go back to school.
I wanna get my degree and become,
you know, something substantial.
I can't just do some mindless job.
Ugh. I was forced to take a job
selling shoes on Madison Avenue.
Oh, so humiliating.
Friends I'd had at dinner parties
at our apartment came in
and I waited on them. I mean,
do you have any idea what that's like?
You know, one minute,
you're hosting women
and the next, you're measuring
their shoe size and fitting them.
Erica Bishop came into the store.
She saw me
and was so embarrassed for me,
she slipped out
thinking I didn't see her.
I saw you, Erica!
Are you okay?
Hey, you got great taste.
Maybe you could do something
in fashion.
Or designing. Yeah?
Yeah, that's true.
Everyone used to say
I'd make a good interior decorator.
There's courses,
but, you know, they cost money.
No, Eve Logan got
her decorator's license online.
On a computer?
I guess you could, but--
Yeah, I'm so computer illiterate.
But I could take a class
in computers.
And then when I can handle a computer,
then I can study decorating online.
That sounds too complicated.
Why is your reaction always negative?
I'm just saying.
You know, first you gotta
learn computers,
and then go for a decorator's
license online.
You're afraid
I'll stay here too long.
No, you know--
Just all those courses,
they cost money.
You'll work out here. It's mostly phones
and keeping my appointments straight.
There's the follow-up cards,
which I explained,
and the notices for cleanings.
Any questions?
Tell Dr. Flicker
it's an emergency.
Come on. Come on.
Oh. What?
Yes, a cancellation.
Oh, you want to cancel.
Wait, wait, wait.
You said the 24th.
My husband has an abscess.
Can you just put someone on
who speaks better English?
The software interface
is what provides you, the user,
the ability to control the hardware,
the computer.
Okay, that's the operating--
The operating system
gives you that ability.
I need an appointment
in two weeks.
Is the 10th good for you?
The 10th. Yes, fine.
Oh, better make it the 12th.
Oh, we're all booked on the 12th.
Make it the 14th.
The 14th?
Oh, no.
Is 3 good on the 9th?
Or noon on the 11th?
Can you just settle on a time, please?
Just pick a time.
Remember the yoga class.
Deep breath.
Breathe deeply.
All right, deep breath.
JANE: If you take a deep breath,
you can smell the honeysuckle.
Make a great perfume.
It would.
Your polo pony's in great shape.
Thank you.
No, I have never seen a polo match.
My husband's a fanatic. Not to say he's
good at it, but it keeps him busy.
We got a flight to catch.
Hal's taking Danny to
Augusta for the Masters.
They're golf degenerates.
I'll be home alone.
We'll be back in three days.
Mm. Did we tell you?
Danny was first in his class at Harvard.
He's a math genius.
He's the genius. Dad did a guest
lecture at the business school
and everyone said
it was the best lecture.
Naturally, I became an
instant celebrity on campus.
Hey, I need your signature
on these, baby.
Be careful. Don't get hit by a golf ball.
That's how Ray Becker died.
You know, a little blue bruise
on his temple.
What are you always studying
in your spare time?
JASMINE: Well, I'm trying
to learn to use a computer.
I wanna study
interior design online.
Oh, you wanna be a decorator?
Yeah, it's where
my strongest gifts are.
You know, I have a natural flair
for space and color
and an eye for choosing
soft furnishings.
It's very commendable, but I can't
really have you studying on work time
if it interferes
with the business at hand.
Yes. I'm sorry.
It won't happen again.
Please, see that it doesn't.
I was gonna ask you a question.
Would you have
a drink with me?
A drink?
I'd love it if you could.
Well, it would have to be
a quick one
because, you know, I'm
meeting my boyfriend for dinner.
I was just saying
you can tell awful lot about people
when you look in their mouths.
Are they conscientious?
Are they disciplined? Are they vain?
Or careless? You have
to know what to look for.
Do you have the time?
I have to keep an eye on it.
I've got homework.
This computer thing is proving
a little more difficult than I imagined.
It's funny, really, because I used to
be a straight-A student in college.
You know, but they say every year,
millions of brain cells just die off.
You have good teeth.
I'm sure you get
many compliments on them.
Well, thank you.
You know,
you're a very beautiful woman.
Are you serious
with your boyfriend?
I don't mean to pry.
Heh. Uh...
God, life is complicated.
Have you ever had
any children?
DANNY: How do you expect me to
react when my father is unmasked
as a common thief?
You can't just drop out of Harvard.
No, it's too humiliating.
I wanna die when I see what he's done.
How he lied, stole, ruined people.
I know--
He is a sleazy criminal.
JASMINE: But if you drop out, you will
be throwing away your whole future.
DANNY: You think I could ever
face anybody up at school?
My father, who I bragged
to everyone about?
The financial genius, generous,
the philanthropist?
He's such a phony!
He's a cheap crook.
His charitable contributions
with stolen money.
Well, just think how he feels.
He was arrested in the street.
It's in all the papers.
How can you look at him?
Did you not suspect anything
or did you not care?
What does that mean?
It didn't pay for you to ask questions.
Think I would have allowed him to
set up corporations under my name?
Sign accounts? This is no cake walk.
I could get indicted.
He's done nothing but lie over the years.
He is a con man and a hypocrite.
This is how you respond, by squandering
your life to get even with him?
DANNY: Don't try to find
me, because you won't.
He's a fucking bum. Let's go.
Let's go, let's go!
Get out of the clinch!
Hey. Hey.
CHILI: That's it, pop the jab.
Hey, guys, keep it down.
My sister's trying to study.
When can we stop tiptoeing around?
Pop the jab!
She'll hear you.
Well, I don't care. I work hard all week.
I wanna relax.
DAVE: Let's go, come on.
CHILI: Let's go. Work the body.
The guy's just standing.
DAVE: Look.
ANNOUNCER (ON TV): And Bruno makes it easy,
because he just pushes himself forward.
Her sister, she had millions.
Turned out she married a crook.
Look, where was she
when she was loaded
and you were tending bar,
waiting tables?
Now family's family?
JOE: Yeah.
CHILI: Nice. You can see the money.
DAVE: I know.
JOE: He's right.
Is it possible, without
ruining any of your fun,
that you could lower the TV a bit?
Hey, Jasmine, why don't you stop
working for a bit? Have a beer.
Believe me,
I wish I could.
What kind of work
are you doing?
I'm trying to, urn,
work a computer,
but it seems I have
no aptitude for it.
Hey, listen, I just--
I want you to know,
it's great when a grown-up continues
with their education. Not for nothing.
Well, my goal is to study
interior decorating online.
Why don't you just go
to decorator school?
Well, I have to use my days
to work and pay my way.
As Hal said, "it's not
the money, it's the money."
Yeah, okay, but, you know, life
ain't all work and no play, right?
Ginger says between work
and school, you're cracking up.
Hey, why don't you shut up?
No, no.
I'll admit, it's been very trying,
but I'm determined
to make something of myself.
You don't like working with the dentist?
No, I do not.
CHILI: Well, Ginger said you're
not used to working a job.
Well, in that respect,
I was very fortunate.
He was a handsome guy
with money.
He was a smooth talker and pampered her.
What's she gonna say, no?
I got it.
Why does it have to be a decorator?
Why can't you pick something else?
What would you
want me to do?
Do you want me to wait tables?
Bag groceries?
Hey, Ginger bags groceries.
Well, Ginger and I are
completely different people.
Yeah, she got the good genes.
It's not genetic. You can't always
blame everything on your genes.
If you're prepared to work hard
and not settle--
What, you mean Augie?
She means me.
Oh. Who do I have to sleep with around here
to get a Stoli martini with twist of lemon?
That's what I...
What--? What--?
Oh, Christ, I can't remember.
So Chili was telling me that you used to
have a really nice collection of cars.
Oh, yes, my husband did.
He used to collect vintage
Bentleys and Mercedes.
DAVE: Wow, those are expensive cars.
Yes, they are.
You know, having wealth
is nothing to be ashamed of.
We were very civic-minded.
Yeah, with other people's money.
This guy lost every penny
of Ginger's money.
I tried to bring my sister
and her husband in on a good thing.
I mean, what do I know
about financial schemes?
You'll be very happy to know
that I lost every cent of my own money.
You know, every home,
every stick of furniture,
every fur, every ring
and every bank account,
and still it wasn't enough
to placate the government.
Her husband was a slick operator.
I was there a week,
I knew he was hitting on her girlfriend.
I really need to study.
I need some peace, okay?
I'm not gonna make it
if you turn this place into a nightclub.
I can't. I just can't.
GINGER: All right, all right, all right.
Everybody out. The girl's got homework.
What? Main event's not on yet.
I'm not leaving now.
You know,
she's right about you, Chili.
You drink, you become a jerk.
What about her? She's drink--
Jerk? Come here.
I'm sorry I don't
drive a Bentley.
Let's go to the bar.
GINGER: Bye. Thank you for coming.
Good night.
Jesus, it's a mess.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Ginger, I'm really-- I don't--
I don't know what came over me.
But I have told you before, your taste
in men leaves a lot to be desired.
Yeah, I know these are
not your kind of guys.
I mean, God, don't you wanna
meet some decent man?
You know, someone who can
take you out of this--
What? This hole?
Yeah, I know what you
think of it here.
I mean,
you've got two kids.
You can do better than Chili
and his drunken loser friends.
If I thought I could do better, I would.
So far no one's beating my door down.
You know, he's sexy
and he doesn't steal.
Okay, okay. Do you always have to
make those stupid sarcastic digs?
I'm scared, Hal.
Paula said the reason Howard
is leaving Global Innovations
is he's not comfortable with business
practices from a legal standpoint.
Howard Trask is such a pussy.
No, no--
What do you think I have lawyers for?
He didn't wanna wind up in jail.
Jail? Jesus.
Isn't that a bit dramatic?
If I back out now, I hate to tell you
how much money we'd lose.
It's like a domino effect.
One thing would follow the other.
Hey, let me deal with it, okay?
Is there anything you want
that you don't have?
Is there?
So stop worrying
and let me spoil you.
No, I agree. I mean, Howard
always was a prissy mama's boy.
Yeah, mama's boy.
That's the perfect phrase.
Okay, how about Tuesday
the 22nd at 9?
I can't make 9.
How about the afternoon?
All right, 2, 3?
I can't make the 22nd.
How about the 21 st?
We have nothing open on the 21st.
Good night.
Well, he wants me in a week.
Well, another day or two won't matter.
How about the 24th?
Fine. Oh, wait, no.
Go for 9?
That's my colonoscopy prep day.
That's always very special.
Why don't you think about it
and call me?
Before you go,
can you call Dr. Girsback
and tell him I read the x-rays
and we can talk later?
No, no, no.
When you're done,
when you're done.
When you're finished.
Thank you.
Are you feeling more
comfortable in the job?
I hope you're pleased, because I
am determined to make it work.
It fits in perfectly with my class.
Are you getting better on the computer?
Well, I'm sure I'm the worst student
there, but another girl helps me, so...
I'm glad you're relaxing
more into this job.
I'm trying.
Heh, I must say, I like
having you around.
Thank you.
Since you started working here,
have you noticed I've been wearing
more colorful neckties? Heh, heh.
Since you-- I'm just-- Just joking.
Can I--?
Can I make a confession?
I don't know that I should be the
one to hear a confession, doctor.
Ha, ha, ha. Well... Ah.
The way you dress,
I sometimes find very...
Really? I don't think I dress
in the slightest provocatively.
Does it upset you if I tell you
that I, um, find you attractive?
Dr. Flicker, where is all this talk leading?
Well, I'm not the kind of person
who likes to beat around the bush.
I find you a very alluring woman.
I'm flattered, but I certainly hope
that's not why you hired me.
A certain elegance in a woman
has always been enticing to me.
I shouldn't be hearing this.
No, don't be upset.
I'm not upset. Can I just grab my coat?
Don't be upset.
Really, I think if you get to know me,
you'd come out of your shell more.
I'm not in a shell.
Ever gotten high on nitrous oxide?
It would remove your inhibitions.
I don't have inhibitions.
Oh, Dr. Flicker.
Stop being standoffish.
I'm not standoffish.
You should be proud.
You've made a conquest.
Oh, Dr. Flicker.
This is so embarrassing.
I am never coming back here.
I don't have to put myself
through this nonsense.
I gotta take a deep breath.
Oh, now look what you've done.
I can't breathe.
Oh, God, I can't breathe.
I don't blame you for being shaken up.
I'd have that dentist reported.
If I told my boyfriend that story,
he would go to the guy's office
and break every bone in his body.
You can sue him.
That's harassment.
No, I'm never going
into another courtroom.
Ugh. I don't blame you.
My boyfriend's a lawyer.
He's got court stories.
Sharon, do you know any men?
Men that would be
good for me.
I just moved here,
so I don't really know anybody.
If you can't fall in love in San Francisco,
you can't fall in love anywhere.
Someone substantial.
Well, what are you doing
Sunday afternoon?
Not very much.
Tony and I are going to a party.
Come with.
Oh, no, no. I don't think I'm ready
for a big crowd of strangers.
Oh, come on.
It's a big bash someone's having.
There'll be all kinds of people.
Make an effort,
otherwise nothing happens.
Then you blame
everything but yourself.
No, I want to. It's not
that I don't want to.
Can I bring my sister?
For moral support? Absolutely.
And Tony and I will be there.
You'll have fun.
It's a huge party.
Maybe you'll get lucky.
But you have to come,
otherwise I'm not going.
What the hell would I wear?
Oh, we'll find you something.
Oh, God, I haven't shown my face
socially in so long.
Sharon said there could be
some eligible men there.
I haven't been to a party in years.
You know, Chili hates them.
Well, you know what I say to Chili.
It's hard to meet a man you can trust.
Hey, Nat.
What are you doing out here?
I was having lunch in Southampton
and I wanted you to meet Amy Moore.
Oh, hi. Hal Francis.
This is my wife. Honey?
Amy will be handling your contracts for
Empire Solutions and Global Innovations.
She's brilliant. We couldn't
have done any better.
We should get together
on that Empire Solutions thing.
Free on Tuesday?
I'll make sure I am.
That's great.
Are you having an affair
with Amy?
Amy, my lawyer?
Don't give me that. She's very pretty.
HAL: Of course not. What
makes you think that?
Someone made a remark.
What remark?
They saw you having lunch with her.
Taking her hand.
Oh, what crap. Who told you that?
I know who.
That vacuous troublemaker Lydia, right?
Were you?
I had a business lunch with Amy
at the Four Seasons.
Lydia was there.
Did you take her hand?
You think if I was having an affair,
I'd be crazy enough to have it in public?
Well, I don't know.
Sometimes you drink at lunch.
Maybe you were high.
It's obvious she's got crush on you.
You're building a case.
If you were having an affair,
I would be pretty upset.
Well, I'm not,
so don't get your temper up.
I'm just jealous because I love you.
You should be flattered.
You know, I understand
other women have a--
Find you attractive,
but it's their hard luck. I have you.
Yes, you do.
So you're not?
No, I'm not.
Let's make love.
You know, if you were having
an affair, I'd be pretty upset.
Pretty darn angry. I don't wanna be
made a fool of, you know?
You hear me, Hal?
Excuse me. Are you talking to me?
Hey, Jasmine.
How are you? I'm so glad you came.
You must be Tony.
Yes, this is Tony.
A pleasure to meet you.
What do you think? Nice party, right?
It's kind of a mixed bag.
Did you bring your sister?
Oh, yes, she's dancing.
Hey, my name's Al, incidentally.
Oh. Ginger.
Ginger, you dance great.
I never get a chance to, and I love it.
I do, yeah.
You know Sally, the host?
No, my sister brought me.
Wherever the hell she is. I don't--
I don't know where she is.
But you're from San Francisco?
Yeah? Yeah.
What about you?
Okay. Great.
What do you do, Al?
I'm a sound engineer. I put in
people's systems, you know?
I did Mr. Lockman's.
He's the husband of the host,
in case you were wondering.
I do concerts and private, uh...
I like slow dancing better, don't you?
It's more romantic, right?
It is, yeah.
It is.
Hey, you're really pretty.
Yeah, you are. You are.
Really? Really?
I'd rather be someplace else too.
Do I look that uncomfortable?
I'm Dwight Westlake.
Jasmine French.
Jasmine French,
that's a very exotic name.
Well, my parents named me
after my mother's favorite flower.
Night-blooming jasmine.
Come to life after it gets dark.
That's the best offer I've had today.
I didn't say
it was an offer.
I saw you in the other room before,
I was hoping I'd get to meet you.
Well, hope I don't shatter
your illusion.
You have great style.
Do I?
Chanel belt, Herms bag
and Vivier shoes.
Vivier-- Oh, my goodness.
Do you work in the fashion industry?
No, but my former wife was.
She worked at a fashion magazine.
She passed away last year.
Oh. Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm so-- And what do you do?
Nothing as glamorous as fashion.
I work in the State Department.
Well, no, that's glamorous.
In the diplomatic corps.
Don't tell me you're an ambassador.
No, hardly.
But I wouldn't turn it down.
We knew the ambassador
to Mexico.
My husband did.
Your husband?
You have a husband?
No, no. Sadly, like your wife,
he passed away.
But, you know, we stayed overnight
in the embassy in Mexico once.
I work in Europe. Vienna.
Oh, I love Vienna.
Oh, yeah?
We were there once,
Hal and I.
I remember it as being two weeks
of young wine and chocolate cake.
Lovely. My ambition is to come back
after a few years and enter politics.
I'd like to run for office in California.
Oh, how exciting.
Yeah, it might just be an inflated ego,
but I think I'd make a good congressman.
I grew up in San Francisco.
I know California. I like challenges.
You from out here?
New York. Park Avenue.
You know, when my husband
passed away,
I mean, naturally
I was very upset,
so I decided to come out here
and start a new life for myself.
What did he do?
He was a surgeon.
Hm. God, that must be
incredibly stressful.
No, I mean, he had a heart attack.
I'm sure that's what gave it to him.
You have children?
No, no.
No, there really wasn't time.
And what about you? Hm? What do you do?
I guessed you were in the arts.
Am I right?
Well, you're close.
I am an interior designer.
I really have hit the jackpot.
I meet this exotic creature,
not only is she charming
and elegant and single,
but I just bought a new house.
One I've been looking at.
It's in Marin.
Overlooking the Bay. My dream house.
I meet this woman, and she turns
out to be an interior designer.
Written in the stars.
You have to look at it.
I would love to.
Maybe you can help me with it.
GINGER: I never slept with anyone
the first night before, you know?
Yeah, that--
But dancing with you
got me all hot and bothered,
so, you know...
Well, you were so sexy.
I mean, I knew right away
that you were gonna be good in bed.
I knew it.
Did you?
I said to myself, you know...
You know, I thought for sure
we were gonna get caught.
I didn't care. I mean, I--
I couldn't wait. There's no way I was--
I had to have you right then and there.
You know...
You know what clinched it for me?
Because you were so smooth.
Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Well, that's-- I just--
But, you know, I--
I don't want you to think I'm
just easy, because I'm not.
No, I-- You know what I think?
You're a fun-loving person.
I am.
That's-- Yeah.
And that's what I am.
I can see that.
I'm easygoing by nature.
That's what I--
I bring music to people's lives.
You're very sweet,
you know?
I never had
a sweet guy before.
I hope I--
I hope I didn't get you in trouble
with your boyfriend.
No. You know, it's not like
we're engaged, so...
You know, I'm free. I'm free.
I'm glad to hear that.
Oh, God,
I'd better get back.
My lunch hour's
almost over.
But we-- You know what?
We have time, though.
For what?
Let's go in the back seat.
Yeah, come on.
Jesus, what are you?
It's just...
Are you one of those sex addicts?
I am for you. Come on.
Ha, ha. Are you? I thought so.
One more.
Nobody's around.
Not many people.
GINGER: We gotta make this quick.
I got tinted windows. It's perfect.
What time is it?
Seven thirty.
MATTHEW: My turn. It's my turn!
God, he told me he'd call me yesterday.
I wanna play with it!
JASMINE: Can't you two stop
fighting for a second?
I've got a throbbing headache.
You gave him both here
and your cell number?
Of course I gave him both numbers.
Unless he's been delayed
in Washington.
Still, he could have phoned.
Don't think he figured you were lying
and bailed out?
Look, could you stop saying I was lying?
God. Okay, I may have dressed up a few
facts, omitted a few unpleasant details,
but in the main, I mean,
my feelings, my ideas, my humor--
I mean, isn't that who I am?
People reinvent themselves, don't they?
Do I have your permission?
GINGER: You better take more
of those pills. You're shot.
Oh, Jesus. Would you please--? Matthew,
turn off that pounding. Please, Matthew.
Can't stand it.
Were you at a party Sunday afternoon?
Who says?
I got a friend who's a bartender.
He saw you at a party.
So you were dancing with a guy.
GINGER: So what?
I asked her to come with me, okay?
I was nervous about going to a party
where I didn't know anyone.
Is that so? So the two of you
were in the corner
playing kissy-face.
Give me a break.
We couldn't go to the ballpark
because you weren't feeling good.
Hey, don't treat me like property.
I had a headache when you called.
And then I decided to keep
my sister company at a party.
I don't buy that.
Since when am I taking
orders from you?
JASMINE: Can you please
not fight in here?
I don't think I can take it. For some
reason, my Xanax isn't kicking in.
Who's this guy
you're fooling around with?
I told you, I didn't like you
rushing me into anything, okay?
Is seeing other guys her idea?
No, it's my idea.
I don't think it is. She thinks I'm a
bum, like your first husband, right?
You told me.
Guys, give me a break.
By all rights, I should be living here.
What do you mean?
Didn't you want a guy here
for the kids?
So they grow up with a father?
I need to clear my head.
We're talking about getting married.
Now she's taking you to parties
and telling you
I'm not good enough for you.
If I catch you
Give her some space.
with somebody else--
Get out!
You keep out of this, okay?
It's got nothing to do with you.
You beat it, Chili. You've been drinking.
Hey, maybe that's for you.
Ginger, she's not somebody
you can count on. I am.
Don't pick it up. I don't want him to
think I'm waiting for him to call.
CHILI: What the hell's going on?
Hey, give me that.
That's the guy, Al.
Hi. Yeah, but you're
calling at a-- Get off!
Give me that.
You call here again, I'm gonna
bust you in your fat fucking face!
Hello. No! No!
Give me that. Give me that.
Look what you did,
you drunken asshole!
You were right,
he's no better than Augie!
Don't drag her to parties to meet men.
Get out!
I didn't drag her out to meet men,
but if she has a brain,
she'll dump you in the garbage and
find someone she deserves for once.
When are you moving out?
Get out!
I'm sorry I don't come from Park Avenue,
but I don't steal people's money.
I am not some lying jailbird!
Get out or I'll call the cops, okay?
She doesn't care about you.
She's a phony!
Get out!
She didn't care about you
until she fucking needed you!
Get out!
That's my cell phone.
Where is it? Oh, God,
the kids were playing with it.
Oh, where is my
goddamned cell phone?
Hello? Dwight?
Yes, can you just hang on a moment?
I'm just in the middle of something.
Hello, how are you?
No, no, no, it's just some business
I had to attend to.
Oh, no, no.
No, that's fine.
I know how hectic things can
get in the nation's capital.
Uh-- Well, I'm actually
meeting a client
for a drink in the Fairmont,
so why don't you pick
me up in the lounge?
No, no, no, 3 is perfect.
Okay, bye-bye.
DWIGHT: I'd like to make this wall higher.
JASMINE: Oh, well, it's lovely.
I knew you'd like it.
JASMINE: Oh, and the
garden is so established.
Oh. It's beautiful.
Yeah, it's all right.
The porch is so charming.
I can see why you love it.
I have to get someone to take care of it.
The orchids, oh.
Oh, this...
This is spectacular.
I think it's incredibly cheerful.
Oh, look at the flow, and the light.
I mean, it--
it goes a ways that way as well.
I have a million ideas immediately.
Oh, yeah?
Oh, the fireplace. Reminds me of
those places in the Hamptons.
So delightful.
You've done work in the Hamptons?
We have friends out there.
All right.
Yes, I've done a number of
beach houses.
Let me show you the view.
Well, I can see--
Oh, my God, it's enormous.
I had no I-- You could have
3- or 400 people out here.
DWIGHT: I don't have that
many friends, but sure.
The view, it's just breathtaking.
DWIGHT: Andrea and I used to
do a lot of entertaining.
I bet you did,
living in New York.
JASMINE: Well, now you're
talking about my specialty.
You know, I gave the best
dinner parties in the city.
Come here.
I'm shocked.
Heh, heh, heh.
Oh, yeah?
What's your reaction, really?
Well, my reaction is
you can do it again if you like.
Oh, yeah?
My man rocks me
With one steady roll
There's no slippin'
When he wants to take hold
I looked at the clock
And the clock struck 1
I said, "Now, daddy
Ain't we got fun?"
He kept rockin' with
one steady roll
I've always wanted
a canopy bed. Look at this.
Oh. Yeah, that looks interesting.
It is, right?
Is that mid-19th century?
I have no idea.
Yeah. Well, no, all the pieces are here.
I do-- I love the posts,
but these beds, they're just--
Well, they're
not very wide.
Oh, yeah? Well, we're not very wide.
Oh, Dwight.
We could do the top
in a muslin or linen--
Yeah, yeah, whatever you think.
Well, it's not--
You know, last night
when we were making love,
I realized how removed
from the world
I've been since Andrea died.
I know, I know. I...
I think when something's right,
you just...
You know it immediately.
Oh, yeah?
I looked at the clock
And the clock struck 3
I said, "Now, daddy
You're killin' me"
He kept rockin' with
one steady roll
Do you--? Do you hear that?
Can you hear the bass, though?
Like, the bass and then
the high-end definition.
I'm definitely
gonna get one. Yup.
I'm giving you this one.
No, you're not.
Yeah, I am.
Oh, my God. Heh, heh, heh.
Come here.
You're so sweet.
You're sweet.
You're sweet.
You wanna dance?
Isn't this dancing?
AL: Yeah, this is slow
dancing, which is really...
GINGER: What? Ha, ha, ha.
Well, it's the key, I always say
to good lovemaking.
GINGER: Is that right?
MATTHEW: Where do you
think Mom is tonight?
Oh, she's got a date tonight.
Oh, that's cool.
I wonder where she is.
Well, I don't think she's
at Chuck E. Cheese.
I'm gonna babysit you.
I'm a good babysitter.
You know?
You should babysit. I used to
babysit when I was a teenager.
It's how you make
extra money.
Mom said you never did any work,
because you were so rich.
Well, I didn't know
what I wanted to become.
And Hal, my husband,
he swept me off my feet.
"Blue Moon" was the song that was
playing. You know the song "Blue Moon."
Yeah, but I always wanted
to do something with my life.
You know, I had energy.
I didn't just shop and lunch
and go to matinees.
You know, I ran charities
for poor people
and, you know, raised some money
for museums and schools.
You know, with wealth
comes responsibilities.
I wasn't just some mindless consumer
like so many of my so-called friends.
Though I won't say
I dislike buying pretty clothes.
Tip big, boys.
Tip big, because you get good service
and they count on tips.
You know, someday
when you come into great wealth,
you must remember
to be generous.
Mom said you used to be okay,
but you got crazy.
Yeah, and then you
talked to yourself.
Well, there's only so many traumas
a person can withstand
until they take to the streets
and start screaming.
That's right, boys, they picked me up
on the street talking to myself
and gave me something
called Edison's Medicine.
Why Edison?
Because they use electricity
to get you thinking straight.
See, everything
unraveled so quickly.
You know, I started experiencing
anxiety and claustrophobia
and this acute fear of death.
You know, I had nightmares
and a nervous breakdown.
I mean, you must have heard
of Prozac and lithium.
Well, all those drugs
just made me worse.
Of course, you know,
I probably did suspect
that not everything Hal did
was always 100-percent aboveboard.
Christ, I mean,
you'd have to be an idiot
not to think his phenomenal success
was too good to be true. Heh, heh, heh.
But a cheat is a cheat.
And when he had other women,
I just flipped out.
You know, and one thing led
to another and...
But that's all history, boys.
I met someone.
I'm a new person.
DWIGHT: Get everything?
Yes. These in the kitchen?
I can't believe how much you paid for it.
I know it's ridiculous
and it's old.
God knows if it even works.
We have the terrace for a telescope.
Watch the stars over San Francisco Bay.
Mm. And the moon will
look incredible through it.
Ever seen the moon through that?
Oh, I can imagine.
Hey, can I ask you something?
You ever think
you could see yourself
married to me?
I have it all planned, but obviously
you can say no if it sounds terrible.
All right? But you come with me
next month to Vienna.
We live there for a few years
and I can teach you to waltz.
And you can have all the chocolate
cake and wine you want.
And then we come back and I get
serious about my political dream.
And then we adopt kids
and we live in the house
that you're gonna do such
a fantastic job making beautiful.
What do you think? Downside for you
is you have to stand next to me
and smile at photo ops
when I throw my hat in the ring.
So you're saying you love me.
Can't you tell?
I hope I didn't cause you to become ill
over the prospect of being my wife.
You know, sometimes I get
these headaches.
You always take Xanax
for a headache?
I'll admit, my heart's
beating a little fast.
Yeah. Ooh, your
hands are shaking.
I wanted you to want me
and now you do.
Thank you so much.
Have a nice day. You got it?
Okay, I'll take that.
What are you doing here?
You know why I'm here.
I told you not to bother me.
You're sleeping with Al.
You're not gonna make
a fool out of me.
Chili, this is not the place
to discuss this, okay?
Sir, is there a problem?
No, there's no problem.
Ginger, Ginger, I love you.
Ginger, what's going on?
What happened?
No, I just need a-- Just need a
break from everything to think.
All right, look, I blame this on Jasmine.
No, she's just looking out for me.
Look, I'm not gonna lie to you,
okay? I don't like her.
You meant nothing to her
until she needed you.
I'm working, Chili.
I'm nuts about you, Ging.
I'm nuts about you. We're gonna do
all these things together, big things.
What great things, huh?
You're a grease monkey.
And I'll be bagging groceries all my life.
She's cuckoo, baby. She talks to herself.
You told me that yourself.
I need space.
Just give me some space,
I can't sleep.
I'm a nervous wreck.
Oh, for chrissake.
I can't get you off of my head.
Stop it. Will you stop crying?
There's people around.
I don't know what
I'm gonna do without you.
Oh, my God.
CHILI: I don't.
Stop it. Stop it, please.
I got this, okay?
Would you like to sit in my office?
No. But I appreciate it.
Look, who's this guy, Al?
What does he do?
You know what he doesn't do?
He doesn't make scenes
where I work in public.
Come on, brother.
Would you like a Kleenex?
I love her so much.
It's okay. There's nothing to see, okay?
You seem up.
He's taking me to pick out
an engagement ring tomorrow.
Wow. How great.
What's that smell?
Did you break a bottle of perfume?
Al doesn't call it perfume,
he calls it a fragrance.
That's sweet.
But if I may say,
you may have doused yourself
a little over-abundantly with it.
GINGER: God, I'm always
nervous it will wear off.
He's taking me
to his favorite jeweler.
You think Al is a
step up from Chili?
JASMINE: Anybody
is a step up from Chili.
He's such a gentleman.
Well, then he's definitely
a step up.
GINGER: But in bed,
he's no gentleman.
Wait till he takes a whiff
of my new fragrance.
It's French.
MAN: Yeah, I'm on my way. Yeah,
I'm on my way over right now.
NORA: You're late.
Oh, God.
I'm still shaking. What-S the matter?
I think Hal is having an affair.
With Lisette Boudreau?
Who is she?
That French girl.
The Jordans' au pair.
What do you know
about this?
You're the only one who doesn't know.
I've known about Hal's affairs for years,
but it's not my business.
How did you find out?
The Ritz Hotel in Paris called.
Hal left his Rolex there.
But he told me that he was going
on a business trip to Chicago.
If he'd said Paris,
I would've gone along,
and I didn't know what they were talking
about, so I did some checking and...
I knew this day would come.
I'm surprised it took so long.
Who else?
Victoria Alter.
This au pair.
That trainer he used to take
to baseball games.
Oh, my God.
You know how many people
have said to me he's doing his lawyer,
the Chinese dragon lady?
Can we get the waiter? I need a drink.
Yes. Waiter.
WAITER: Yes, ma'am?
NORA: This again.
Right away. Thank you.
WAITER: Absolutely.
Yeah, is Al there?
Al Munsinger, yeah.
Yeah, uh--
I know he works
in the Audio Department, yeah.
Yeah, I'll hold.
Al Munsinger, yes.
Al, where the hell are you?
What? I don't get it.
Why couldn't you come?
Who found out what?
Who's Ellen?
Yeah, I--
I didn't understand you had a wife.
No, you never said.
DWIGHT: My mother was
very impressed with you.
JASMINE: Really?
Yeah. You two had a discussion
about her collection of pewter.
Yes. I love pewter.
Hal used to have his beer
out of a pewter mug.
And your dad?
My dad can be very critical sometimes,
but he was very taken with you.
Well, don't worry,
I won't pick out too big a stone.
DWIGHT: Yeah, nothing larger
than the Hope diamond.
Hey, Jasmine.
You don't remember me?
Of course I remember you.
What a surprise.
Yeah, surprise, surprise, huh?
This is Augie.
Dwight. Hi.
How you doing?
I was married to
her sister.
Years ago. Years.
Wasn't that many years.
She makes it sound ancient.
Congratulations. Ginger said
you got a new job up in Alaska.
I could've had my own company
if it wasn't for you
and that crook you married.
I don't think it's the time and place.
Oh, really? You think I wanna lay oil
pipe way the hell up there in Alaska?
I got no money.
Christ, can't you put this behind you
and move on? I've moved on.
Take it easy. I don't know who you are--
Right, you don't, so stay out of it.
I saw your son.
Yeah, that's right, Danny.
Remember him?
Lives across the bridge in Oakland,
works at a music store. Antonio's.
He's doing pretty good.
He's married.
I think he's finally over
Hal's suicide.
Danny's in Oakland?
Let me tell you something,
Jeanette, Jasmine,
whatever it is
you call yourself these days.
Some people,
they don't put things behind
so easily.
You have a son?
Yes, I have a son. He's not-- Biologically
he's not my son. He's my step--
Hal's suicide?
I can explain it all later.
Can we just--?
Not until you tell me what's going on.
Not in the street.
I want to know.
I know. We'll go somewhere quiet.
Get in the car.
Don't talk to me in that tone of voice.
Of course we can't get married.
You lied to me up and down the line!
No, I wanted to tell you.
Are you delusional?
Didn't you think I'd find out?
What were you thinking?
I don't know what I was thinking.
Everything happened in the past.
You and I loved each other--
That it would just vanish?
Didn't you think I would find out,
if not today, eventually?
Like after we were married? Is that what
you wanted, to wait until it was too late?
For your future plans where you
needed the appropriate wife?
I won't say it wouldn't be an issue,
but that you could stand by,
deceive me until I married you--
No, you mean till I trapped you.
Your ethical behavior is equal to your ex.
I wasn't deceiving you. I loved you.
I found out by chance, by sheer chance.
Okay, if it's over, it's over.
I get it. You're not marrying me.
I brought everything on myself.
I've only got myself to blame.
I did it to myself again, as usual.
You and your stupid
little French whore.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Let me out of the car.
Let me out of the car.
How are you gonna get home?
I'm not going home. Let me out.
Let me out of the car!
Hey, remember to tell her
when she gets here, okay?
GINGER: Believe me,
she won't care.
She is half out the door.
Yeah, well...
I didn't start out not liking her.
I think she had it in for me
from the moment she met me.
Well, I like you.
Now, that's what counts,
not how she feels about you.
You know, I'm sick of her
calling you a loser,
or always pushing me
to find a better man.
You know, in my book,
you're no loser.
You're twice the guy I met at
the party she dragged me to.
Oh, yeah?
Well, I love you.
I know.
I love the boys. I think
they love me too.
They do.
When I thought I lost you--
You didn't lose me, baby.
I almost lost you.
JASMINE: Is this what you
gave up everything for?
To sell secondhand
musical instruments?
I asked Augie not to
tell you where I was.
What happened?
Why did you disappear like that
and never contact me?
I couldn't find you when I needed you.
I know the whole story, I found it out,
so don't act so surprised.
Are you having an affair
with Lisette Boudreau?
Oh, Jasmine,
I can't do this without a drink.
No, don't tap dance.
You never went to Chicago.
You took the Jordans'
au pair to Paris.
I know what's been
going on.
Can we talk about this, please?
You bet we can talk about it.
Can you do it calmly?
I wanna talk to you about
what's going on, but you're always so--
How do you expect
me to react?
You've been sleeping
with other women for years.
I mean, Raylene,
your secretary, our trainer.
This is different.
This is serious.
Lisette and I are in love.
Wha--? What?
Are you crazy?
I'm sorry, but I need you to hear what
I'm saying. Lisette and I are in love.
What does that mean?
What does that stupidity even mean?
It means that we are making plans
for the future together.
I'm sorry. I'm having
trouble understanding.
I know this comes as a shock, but
I have to be honest with you.
You wanna be honest.
That's the biggest joke of all.
I've had casual flirtations
in the past.
They didn't mean anything
until now. This is different.
Are you out of your mind?
She is a teenager, for chrissake.
She's an au pair.
I mean, are you crazy?
Christ, this is hard for me to tell you!
It's hard for you? What about me?
This is so humiliating for me.
I mean, it is bad enough that
everyone knows you've been unfaithful.
But to throw me away for this
stupid-looking little French--
I will take very good care of you.
I'm sorry.
I can't breathe.
I can't breathe.
I don't know what I'm--
What am I doing here?
Oh, God, this is unacceptable.
This is not gonna happen.
You're not going anywhere.
This is unacceptable.
Jasmine, you're having a tantrum.
Don't you touch me!
Don't you touch me!
You are having a tantrum.
Stop, stop.
What am I doing here?
Pull yourself together.
I can't--
When you calm down, we can talk
like two civilized adults
about the arrangements
we have to make.
HAL: Until then I'm gonna
check into a hotel.
What am I doing here?
What am I doing here?
Yes, I want the number of the FBI.
Can you connect me?
The FBI.
Mr. Francis?
Hal Francis?
I'm sorry, sir, we have
a warrant for your arrest.
We have a warrant for your arrest.
Is this some kind of a joke?
No, sir.
It's best if you come with us now.
Under arrest for what?
Sir, come with us now.
We'll settle this downtown.
Do you have a warrant?
I do.
Gonna handcuff me?
We are.
I wanna talk to my lawyer.
You'll be able to call your lawyer.
But we'll warn you, you have
the right to remain silent.
Anything you say can be held
against you in court.
Okay, okay, let's go.
Let's go.
Jesus Christ Almighty.
What am I being arrested for?
We can discuss this downtown, sir.
As disillusioned as I was with
him, I hated you more.
The moment I did what I did,
I regretted it.
I don't wanna discuss it.
It's past. It's over.
You can't take back
that phone call.
I need you, Danny.
I don't wanna see you, Jasmine.
I want the past past.
I've become a different person,
thanks to my wife. I'm off drugs.
Just, please,
don't spoil everything.
Just get out of my life
so I can move on.
Heh, heh, heh.
Definitely. Heh, heh.
have some champagne.
Chili brought some over
to celebrate.
We're back together.
Heh, heh, heh.
I'm sorry, I'm not
in a celebratory mood.
I don't think I'd find that news
anything to celebrate about.
Hey, come on, Jasmine,
let's not dig at each other, okay?
I'm moving in, and she tells me
you found a rich husband.
Gonna be a big shot in Washington.
We made up.
She begged for my forgiveness.
GINGER: And he cried like
a baby and apologized.
CHILI: I didn't cry.
Bullshit. You cry all the time.
But we're moving in.
It's something we planned for a long
time and maybe if we'd just done it--
Oh, for chrissake.
What's wrong with
your self-esteem?
There's men who'd never think
about ripping the phone out of the wall.
Hey, leave him alone.
You're always picking on him.
No, you choose losers, okay?
Because that's what you think
you deserve.
That's why you're living like this and
that's why you'll never have a better life.
I'm-- I'm living--
I'm living like this because
you married the biggest loser of all
and went your own sweet way
while he pissed away my one big
chance to make a better life.
Come on, let's not ruin
our celebration, okay?
Come on, she's happy, we're happy.
Let's let sleeping dogs lie.
He's right. I'm not gonna be
drawn into defending myself
when all I wanted to do
was bring you in on a good deal.
I'm moving out of
this place today.
I just gotta get
myself together.
Dwight asked me to move in with
him, as I expected he would.
He wants me to finish
decorating his home.
Then we'll marry and
we'll move in together.
He's one of these men
who's lost without a woman.
It has to be the right woman,
who's a plus for his career.
And I have the social skills
required for his future in politics.
For the next few years,
we'll be living in Vienna.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
I'm gonna take a shower.
I'll send for my luggage.
I was pretty angry at some of the things
she said, but I kept it on the inside.
I'm tired of her knocking you.
You know?
Don't even think about taking
that last slice of pizza.
What? Why?
That's my slice of pizza. Don't take it.
Oh. Is it really?
Last slice belongs to the man.
You're putting too much on the hips.
Is that so?
Yeah, if you wanna keep me around--
This slice is yours?
Don't touch it. Ginger, I swear to God.
Is this yours? Is this yours?
Ah! Ah!
That slice of pizza is mine.
CHILI: That's mine.
CHILI: That's mine. That's mine.
GINGER: Ha, ha, ha.
CHILI: Oh, that's mine.
Those are definitely mine.
GINGER: Is that yours?
CHILI: Mm-hm.
CHILI: Mm-hm.
that's yours, okay.
It's fraught with peril.
They gossip, you know,
they talk.
I saw Danny.
Yes, did I tell you?
He's getting married.
A weekend in Palm Beach
means I can wear...
What could I wear? I can wear
the Dior dress I bought in Paris.
Yes, my black dress.
Well, Hal always used to surprise me
with jewelry.
Extravagant pieces.
I think he used to buy
them at auction.
It's so obvious what you're doing.
You think I don't know.
French au pair.
This was playing on the Vineyard.
"Blue Moon."
I used to know the words.
I knew the words.
Now they're all a jumble.
A good man is hard to find
Well, you always
get the other kind
And just when you think
He's your one best pal
You look around
You find him lovin' another gal
You rave
Yes, you crave
To see that man
laying in his grave
So if your man is nice
Take my advice
And hug him in the morning
Hug him every night
Give him plenty lovin'
Be sure you love him right
'Cause a good man nowadays
ls hard to find
I said, a good man is hard to find
You always get,
yes, the other kind
And when you think
He's your only one
You find another mule
Kickin' in your stall
You rave
Yes, you crave
To see that man
laying in his grave
So if your man is nice
Take my advice
And kiss him in the morning
Kiss him every night
Give him plenty kisses
Be sure you kiss him right
'Cause a good man nowadays
ls hard to find
Yes, I say
That a good man
Yes, a good man is hard to find