Bluff storia di truffe e di imbroglioni (The Con Artists) (1976)

Hey, boss!
- Today is the day of visit?
- Why?
- Look! A cockroach.
- I see nothing.
- Are you crazy?
- Sorry!
- I'll transfer you to labor camp!
- The labor camp? Why?
I'll send you to Cap Roux.
Transport is leaving tomorrow.
- Are you sure?
- Yes, and you go there!
- My money!
- Guards, take him!
- Put him in solitary confinement!
- Coming! Don't push!
- I'm going!
- I made the bet that I'll go tomorrow.
- When do I leave boss?
- Tomorrow!
Inside the carriage, faster!
Here's seven and this is ace.
What is this?
- Seven!
- It's ace!
- Again!
- No, I want to go to the toilet!
Well, let's play again. If you lose,
I go to the bathroom, OK?
Again! Watchl!
three, two and the ace. Choose a card.
- The ace!
- This time he will win.
Open your mouth.
I put the ace here!
Watch! I put two above,
and three underneath.
- I forgot where I put the ace.
- Here!
You can not focus, buddy.
- I'll be back!
- Go!
Hey, buddy!
You should knock when you come in.
- Who are you? What are you doing here?
- What you were going to do...
... but I coudn'l managed by myself.
Thank you! Now I can get out!
Where are you going?
Come back, you son of a...!
It hurts!
You bastard! You tricked me!
- What is this?
- Knock on the door when come in!
- Everything all right?
- I can't complain!
- Come on, shake it up.
- I already shook it up.
Come quickly,
We do not have time.
- Jump!
- I said, climb.
Where you put me?
Too bad he's dead.
We could play a game of cards of four.
Change! Put this on!
You will find some money in your pocket.
- Thanks. I enjoyed meeting you!
- And me, opposite.
Get out! Where are you going?
I'm seasick. Thank you
for your kindness! All the best!
Hey, asshole! We didn't help you to
escape to hear that crap.
Start moving or we'll carry you by force!
Persuasive ways are always the most convincing.
Have you seen an angel here
in evening dress?
- Looking for a girl with an angel face.
- Angels in here ...
- Well, and you?
- Everything is on the house, sir!
There's a free seat at the blackjack table.
Thank you! I prefer roulette!
including zero!
I put on the winning number.
I knew that I will win.
I put 24 Red, and I won.
Now give me money, client is always right.
What a luck!
Now I will play a game of poker...
Do you have an open seat?
Thank you!
What do you think?
With or without the ace?
Must know from the beginning.
Excuse me, I am a little clumsy!
I only know how to play bocce.
- Where is he?
- The one who deals the cards!
- Idiot! Who you brought to me?
- It's the one who jumped from the train.
- Not him!
- He even took the jacket and money.
- What do we do? Throw him over the board?
- No.
I do not want scandal on the ship!
When will be fewer customers,
we will listen to what he has to say.
- Call!
- Straight! I won! Right?
- All the money is yours!
- I have a good luck tonight...
First the roulette, then here.
I give you two francs!
I am count Valadieu! You cash it in the Hotel de Paris.
I am well known there.
- It was a pleasure ...
- I would not say the same ...
How about one last hand?
A decisive hand!
It is hard to refuse for this kind of an invitation!
- I deal?
- No, him!
You had to much initiative already.
- Cut!
- I trust you!
- I open it. 50,000FF.
- Raise!
- Me to!
- Pass!
- Cards?
- One.
- Two.
Four cards!
- I can not change four cards?
- Of course! Give him four cards!
- Thank you!
- With pleasure!
- What we are betting?
- All you have won!
I fold!
- I call?
And four aces!
And I have four, as well...
Dividing in half?
- No! The game for you ends here!
- Why?
Now I will make you to stop joking!
Easy, easy!
I'll give it back!
Listen, moron!
You escaped instead of somebody else!
Who are you and...
why were you on that train?
I was the guest of the French government.
An incident at work.
A supply of imported beer.
Pee flavor!
What pee flavor? It was a pee!
I suffer from claustrophobia. When I'm closed
somewhere I have to run right away
And that train was taking me where I had been before,
going to Caen.
We have the saying: "Do not ever go back to the place where you were happy. "
Happy means felice. And my name is Felice Brianzza!
I say Felix!
Italian! 177 cm, brown eyes.
Serious face!
Distinguishing marks: none!
Before I met those two son of the bitches ...
For now, I moved due to
incompatibility with my country authorities.
- What the fuck you want from me?
- To go back to camp Caen.
- It's a proposal or a threat?
- Let's say a job offer.
Not interested in job offers.
- What is it?
- I ask the questions.
You said that you have been
in that prison.
I want to know how did you manage to escape?
It was fantastic!
I was surrounded by iron bars.
All around me was a wall and above
was a passage.
Which means a way to get out of there.
I was not sure that I will succeed
At one point I said:
"I... I will succeed" !
Catch him!
Once he shows his head, I'll shot him!
Wake up! It's lunch time!
You're the one who finds cockroaches
in the soup. Isn't it?
Now you find some soup among cockroaches.
- Cive him a double ratio.
- I do not eat today.
- Why?
- I decided to loose some weight.
It's a good calf fillet!
- What's this?
- Calf fillet.
- You mean, the real calf.
- Yes, sir! Real calf.
You can go!
- Charlotte!
- For dessert, there is just a fruit pie.
- It's my name.
- A beautiful name.
- No "pie" is also not bad!
- You are always joking?
- Yes.
- You're a strange guy.
- I agree. Let's talk a little about me!
- You are a nice guy. Where were you born?
My destiny began at a bright
lucky star, that's why we met.
Tell me I'm right!
Angels shouldn't visit top institution
They begin to believe that something will succeed
and start doing silly things.
I saw you last night at the casino,
and then you disappeared.
I hope you do not have intention
to disappear again. Waiter!
- Are there any messages for count Valadieu?
- Are you count Valadieu? Yes.
They phoned from hotel de Paris,
Russian Ambassador is waiting.
- The ambassador is waiting and you not telling me?
- Sorry, did not know that you are...
You can not see who I am?
Darling, we'll drink coffee later.
We can't keep the ambassador waiting.
- Such a things...
- I'm sorry! You sorry!
- Send bill to my account at the hotel!
- Earl?
Account, with "L" at the end!
Who said Earl?
This doesn't end here, we do
accounts, you can count on it!
What are you doing?
I want to look at your legs.
I'm checking if you dance well!
- You sing well!
- I know how to do everything at its best.
And you too!
- What's the style?
- A very personal.
Refrain. I do not want to give more. Otherwise
all will stop and will look at me.
- You are a braggart but I like you!
- I knew from the beginning.
- Who are you, what you do in your life?
- Bedrooms in hotel rooms.
And we take one?
I do not want you to feel offended,
for me at home is OK.
Leave me alone!
I may return ...
You don't have to do anything.
We've met, we had a good time,
Don't make a long face!
If you do not want to make love to me,
nobody forces you.
- How do you know I do not want to?
- It has appeared...
How it appears now?
Not bad!
If you allow, I can do more.
Come on, work with me!
We can do more!
You're crazy! First you kiss me, then
slap me. I don't understand anything!
What is happening?
I don't understand! Why are you crying?
Get out, Felix! Please!
Do not ask me why!
Go back!
I can not leave you like that! You tremble!
Are you cold?
- Where are we?
- At the hotel. Isn't what you wanted?
- Don't wait for us. You can go!
- Who's gonna pay?
Count Valadieu, Hotel de Paris!
Room with the passport costs 100 francs,
without the passport 300 francs.
- And without the francs, how much?
- Write down only my name.
Add the bottle, too!
To celebrate an event, champagne is a must.
I bet, you celebrate with the soup!
I never met an Italian.
Is it true that the Italians are different.
It's true, we are known for our composure.
- Not like that! You'll rip my dress.
- Rip your dress?
Then we undress.
It's a good idea.
- Keee the tie!
- Please do not look!
I will not watch now.
I see all after ... !
What are you doing?
You promised not to look.
- Who?
- You! Give me a drink!
- View from here is fantastic!
- I'll drink from the bottle.
You want to take it easy,
champagne can go to your head!
I know!
A drunk...
- Champagne sometimes hurts.
- Yes.
You owe me an answer!
I already said no!
I do not work with people like you.
- In your place I wouldn't talk like that.
- Now I said it!
After what you did, I could put you
in jail for another ten years.
Fugitive prisoner tried to rape a girl.
She, along with others clients
is prepared to testify.
This time we have organized things little better.
In your place I would not do stupid things.
And you know my proposal!
Accepting? How do you think you
get out from this situation?
As things stand, I think,
this time I do not have many options.
But you organized everything.
Why you didn't think how I would get out of this?
- There is a solution.
- Tell me!
You must go back to the prison at Caen.
Either by yourself or I will help you.
Once in, what I do?
You organize an escape. But this time,
he has to come with you.
- Who is he?
- Philip Bang!
- This name doesn't mean anything to you.
- Bang ...
- Master Bang!
- It's him!
Now understand! A master in his field.
He will be glad to know me!
- Good!
- A moment! Only one condition!
This one has the bullets which explode in the head?
- You guessed it right!
- I like this job. When do we start?
- Immediately! Immediately.
- We can't start any sooner?
Get him out and try not to make any mistakes.
- It's in your interest.
- Why we do so much?
- It doesn't concern you!
- Concern, doesn't concern!
It's easy to say.
Who pays the costs?
Do you know how much it costs nowadays to escape?
Especially for someone like Bang!
You'll get 40,000 francs!
After delivery!
Let's go!
- Gimpo. That girl is working for you?
- Somehow yes...
- Would you pass her a message?
- I'm listening!
- Do you like it, Father?
- Yes.
If you would listen to my confession,
is yours. A gift for orphans.
I am the prison chaplain.
I should hear prisoner's confessions.
Now is not the right time.
Come to the parish, my son!
Please listen to my confession,
I am the lost sheep...
...need to go back on the right path!
- Well, my son!
- Come, confess your sins!
- Father, one day I stopped a chaplain ...
I robbed him of his clothes and and I took the vehicle.
The important thing is that you confessed.
But please, do not ever do that again!
- I promise...
- Listen to my words, my son!
Say three times Holy Mary, three timas Glory...
Amen! Go with God ... !
I prefer to go by truck.
I'll get sooner!
- Good morning!
- I came to confess the prisoners.
- But where is the old chaplain?
- In hospital...
He is still sick...
But I think that he will get better!
- What's in these boxes?
- Gifts for orphans.
I want you to watch this old clock.
Keep it safe until I return.
And it is cuckoo clock!
- Will I hear it out ...
- All will hear it out!
- I want to speak urgently with the warden!
- Come in, Father!
- Come in!
- Thank you!
- Enter!
- Who are you?
- New warden.
- Who am I?
- I do not know!
- I substitute chaplain!
And because of this I want to tell you
what is the new rumor...
I understand nothing!
New escape is organized,
be careful!
No one has ever escaped from this prison.
- Do not scream!
- Who screams?
- You scream! What's this?
- You do not hear!
- What is this?
- My breakfast. How much sugar?
Two teaspoons.
Tell me what it is!
Two years ago, one Italian managed
to escape through the sewer.
- That's the wall, Mr. warden.
- That?
- Let's see! It sounds hollow!
- Break it! Break it!
- You help him, too!
Break this damn wall!
Faster, please!
It's getting late.
I was right!
Unbelievable! I want to see better.
Continue! We want to see clearly.
What's the time?
I don't have watch with me.
If I were you, what time would be?
Faster, please!
Let us hurry!
There are, nine, eight ...
- There are seven ...
- There are six
- There are five ...
- There are four ...
- There are three ...
- There are two...
One ...
- Tell BOOM!
- Boom!
An explosion at the guard post.
I think that's where they are escaping!
Stay here on guard,
and sound the alarm!
- And you!
- A moment!
I recognize you, you're the Italian who
ran away through tunnel two years ago.
God, I was discovered!
How to do I save myself ...?
I'll take you out of here!
I am that guy from the train.
You do not recognize me?
Damn, doesn't open.
- You have the wrong key, you imbecile.
- Isn't that right? Wait!
- These ones? Yes!
- Faster.
- Hurry!
- Calm down!
How to be calm?
- I don't trust you.
- You think it's the right time for trust and confidence?
- First tell me who sent you!
- If you do not move, I push you with my legs.
- And I can be very violent.
- Hey, Father!
You could be more polite?
With your courtesy you would still remain here.
Can you believe it that someone was willing
to pay 40,000 francs for one ...
- A what ... ?
- How to tell you?
I do not care,
I will not talk to you.
Stop pushing. We arrived.
In here!
Start the engine. Faster!
Do not be nervous.
Want to run or not?
Don't you see that we late?
- Don't worry! Be calm!
- Who worries?
- Come on, move!
- Let me in. You're the one who is moving ...
- Got a cigarette?
- Yes. Immediately!
What cigarette? Better change!
Nobody would believe that we were going to masquerade.
- They are looking for us.
- Can I know for whom you work?
A group of idiots led by a women with cassino on the ship.
She has a friend who is so ..
Why are you asking this?
Because I'm a very curious guy.
They said.
Go and get out Philip Bang!
- Philip Bang?
- Yes.
You have the wrong person.
I'm not Philip Bang.
Not? No!
Look at me!
Do I look like Philip Bang?
- You are not Philip Bang!
- I'm sorry, my friend!
I'll be damned with all this ...
What the ...
What I'm going to tell them?
- It's your problem!
- 40,000 francs down the drain.
- Are you sure?
- Philip Bang was in the cell with me.
He was sent to Caen,
I was in the train in his place.
Listen. Tell me what you know about this guy,
Philip Bang!
Looks like me.
Looks almost like me.
- How old is he?
- He's almost my age.
Wonderful. They will get not him but
will get someone almost like him.
Let's go.
We need to get to the meeting.
- What would you do?
- Organize the change.
- Are you good at it?
- The best on the market.
- What's your name?
- Felix.
- There is a famous name.
- You will find out!
I hate beginners!
You say it again I hit you in the face.
You're stronger than me
and I understand more.
Let's go! Try to collaborate,
A moment!
First tell me what's your plan!
You will be in the car, they did not
see Philip Bang for many years.
I get the money, give you the sign, you come
and then we run away.
- What do you think?
- This is stupid, but it can work.
- What is my cut?
- 50%. Fair enough.
Maybe you prefer 40%?
- When I give you the sign your start.
- What are you waiting for?
I'm going ...
- And...
- Your friend is here.
- He's a little sorrow ...
- In what sense?
He's a little bit broken, aged.
It is true that prison changes a man.
- It's like another man.
- Who cares?
And money ...?
Did you bring money?
We had an agreement.
Money when I bring the man.
- Be calm, do not worry!
- I am calm.
- Yes, that's him!
- OK.
What the hell ... ?
Adolfo ... !
Quick! He's there!
Here he is!
Go after him.
- Do not come in here!
- What to do, boss?
- Go in after him!
- I go!
Do not come in...
What happened?
You are alright, boys?
I told you not to come in!
- Damn ...
- How did you drive?
There is no gasoline, moron!
If you want a ride jump on the boat!
Here he is!
- Are you OK?
- Scoundrel, pork and traitor!
I saved your life. You have a
bad character, you're too nervous.
Too nervous...
I almost got killed.
Nonsense! I wanted to see if you manage to get out.
Now I know you know better.
Yes? Not really, my friend!
- That's my right!
- Nice to meet you!
That's my left!
Now we are prepared to discuss.
You think that we have
something to talk about?
- We can be associates.
- I... associated with you!
Why not?
I put you on probation and I liked you.
- But I do not like you at all.
- What's that you don't agree with me?
- For example, how you divide money.
- Taking about that...
- You can keep my cut as well.
- What do you mean?
I want to say that all that...
has no value.
They pull your leg!
All are false!
- What are you doing?
- Are you crazy?
Belle Duke is an expert in such a matters.
How do you think she became so rich?
She cheated on everybody.
They say that only Philip Bang
could swindle Belle Duke.
Maybe that's why they wanted to get him out of prison,
to take revenge.
Or maybe to get something what he
stolen from her before he went to jail.
It's very possible.
Too bad you're in his place,
with him I'd have fun.
I understand!
- Actually, I could even help him.
- Help him?
You mean, to cheat him out.
To become number one!
It would be a real challenge.
- So. Accepting partnership?
- We must complete what we started.
You're right, we need
some money to get started.
- We need...
- We don't need a lot.
Just for the initial expenses.
Let's say...
How do you want them.
In one package over another or may be in Saco Sheet?
Did not you say that you handle anything?
Now you can prove it!
For the start we need to arrange new clothes.
I know, but I can not think about small things.
A big man, big ideas.
Well, I'll think about it.
Do you know Mecheria trick?
Of course, it's my specialty!
A classy cut for classy person.
- Sleeve puls, here on the left.
- Excuse me!
Hello! I was told that this is
the best tailor in town.
I need a suit.
I afraid we don't have your size.
Do not worry, I fit into many sizes.
Let's see ...
That's not bad.
It has a classic cut.
- Is it a pure wool?
- It is the most expensive.
Price has no importance.
Where can I try it on?
There! Please!
Shirt, tie, shoes,
socks and shaving brush.
- Shaving brush?
- Yes, I want to be beautiful.
- You do not know what it means to be free!
- Free?
Jean-Claude, take care of the mister!
Find and a shaving brush, he wants to shave.
- Countess!
- Tomorrow I will send my driver.
Sincerely, Mr. President!
- Yes?
- I want to buy some fabric!
What kind of fabric do you want?
- A serious gray!
- For coat or suit ... ?
It's for my grandmother.
I'd like to order a pair of pants for her.
I'm sorry, sir!
We do tailoring for the men. And it's rather expensive.
I understand, but you don't know my grandmother.
No. I have to confess, I don't know.
She has so much past, and so much future...
- Please, sir!
- Thank you!
Hey, Quarantino!
- What's a nice surprise!
- Look who's here!
- They released you from Leprosy clinic?
- Yes, finally ...
- Are you cured?
- Incurable!
- How did you get here?
- I ran away.
He run away?
Tell him to leave. If your clients find out about a leper here.....
... you will close the store forever.
That's good.
I must say that I'm very happy.
- How much for everything?
- Nothing. It is a gift from the company.
I don't know how to thank you.
Let me shake your hand!
- No, no! You can go!
- Stop pushing me!
- I do not shake hands with you.
- It was a pleasure for us ...
Goodbye! If you allow me,
I will take a hat.
- And I'll take that, it's full of leprosy.
- By the law, my clothes must be burnt.
- We take care of it.
- You have been kind. Goodbye!
Looking for something important ...
... for my wife.
"Happy Birthday to you..."
- A birthday of your wife ... !
- Of course, I see...
I want to show something unique.
It's unique. One of its kind.
A diamond's brooch with onyx and coral.
- I like, I like!
- Excuse me! It's a real gem.
- Diamonds?
- Yes.
- Unfortunately the price ...
- Price is not important.
- You guarantee?
- Absolutely!
- Are you a jeweler?
- What can I do for you?
I just stepped off the ship
carrying English fabrics.
This is real Prince of Wales...
Are you interested?
- No, I deal with Mr. here.
- I buy 4 meters?
I can not sell less than four rolls,
and I promised it to this gentleman.
- You promised nothing.
- Promised nothing? You here to sell, right?
Why I can not sell?
For example, what is this?
- This is a brooch.
- How much?
- 100,000 francs!
- 100,000 francs for a brooch?
And you don't want me to sell you a piece of
English fabric brought straight from London.
It would look good with your green face.
You want me to get duped!
You do not understood, this is a robbery!
- Stop the thief ...
- Stop him!
- Let me go!
- Where are you going? Catch him!
I saved a brooch.
Here's your brooch!
Thank you!
You have been a real hero.
What can I do to show my gratitude?
Call the taxi, please!
I think I broke my arm.
What pleasure to see you again, sir!
Come in, please!
- How's your arm. Hurts a lot?
- It's nothing ...
- Go get a brandy! Have a seat, please.
- Thanks a lot!
I came to buy that brooch
which attracted me so much.
Here it is!
The brooch that you defended with such a courage.
It's beautiful! What was the price?
As this is for your account and consided
what happened ... 80,000 francs.
It's like free...
You'd accept my cheque, of course...
Honestly, in present time, we do not ...
But in your case ..
No problem... You do not trust.
So many thiefs around... No problem...
I will send the driver to bring my money.
I write a note to my wife.
Right away, sir!
- Maybe I should write.
- It would be very kind of your
- Tell!
- Mon Cherie! My wife is French!
Please, give the new drives, 80,000 francs... make a big surprise to you.
I'm done. Kisses...
No, no!
How do you end the letter
when you write to your wife?
- "Your kitty"!
- No...! "Your kitty"! I like!
Very nice!
- Your kitty ...
- Parmenio!
- And I'm called Parmenio.
- No ... ! What's a coincidence!
Parmenio ...
- Abdullah!
-What do you want, boss?
When wife of a jeweler saw negro
she wanted to call her husband.
But she couldn't because the phone
was not working. I cut the wires.
We paid for the brooch with jeweler's money!
Now it's all over the papers.
How we gonna sell it, wise guy?
Felix has thought of everything.
We must find an idiot with money.
There are many of them.
I will use Mecheria trick.
- What is that Mecheria?
- Master always looks stupid.
I put it on number 13!
Again on 13.
- Now ...
- I won!
I won!
Today is my lucky day!
All the money is ours.
Thank you! I'm sorry,
I'm so excited ...
Let's go home, quickly.
- You were formidable.
- I like when you so excited.
- Change our chips, please!
- Right away, sir!
So beautiful.
I'm happy ... !
My wife had such a luck...
- 13 always brings me luck.
- Look at all this money ...
- I buy rings.
- Of course!
Excuse me, ma'am!
It must be yours.
- That?
- Yes, the brooch!
Madame must have dropped it,
when you cashed the chips.
- Suits you.
- I do not understand anything.
Do not be silly!
I lost it at the exchange, haven't you heard?
Give the man a tip! Faster!
Thank you!
But I didn't do it for money.
I said no!
It was a gesture of fairness.
Thank you!
How happy I am! Want to ruin everything.
When did you become honest?
A moment! Inspector Valadieu!
Anti-fraud squad!
- I don't understand!
- We arrested a counterfeiter.
We need a witness.
It takes only one minute. Come with me!
- We have nothing to do...
- Come with me!
- I think that is a misunderstanding.
- I need to ask some questions.
- I swear, Inspector! I was not ...
- Shut up!
Did you give him any money?
- I never seen him before.
- I never gave him anything.
- What are you saying: never?
- I never seen him before.
- You are a thief and a felon.
- Calm down!
- Calm down?
- Why did you slap him?
- She's my wife.
- If she wasn't a women I'd beat her up.
- Quiet!
- Inspector! You have no right. I was insulted!
What are you doing? Now I got slapped.
They gave me money
when I gave them a brooch.
- What brooch?
- That one! Look!
I want you to see it!
A brooch was stolen yesterday.
They write about in the newspaper.
You are all arrested for
theft and fraud.
- Face the wall!
- Do not move. He is very violent inspector.
Inspector! What are you doing?
Let's see! You have something underneath...
Little bit ...
And you buddy ... ? What's this?
Not enough.
Turn around!
Where is the weapon?
And where these false notes came from?
We won in roulette.
He won in roulette!
- On what number?
- 13. Three times!
- 39!
- Shut up!
And brooch.
I bet you she had won it in a beauty contest!
Give me the brooch!
Our experts will determine if money are false or not.
All three of you are arrested.
Sergeant, announce to all the sections!
No need to surround the building anymore.
And wait for me.
You'll take me back to the police station.
- Nobody moves!
- What do we do?
Go! Go!
Get out!
What happened?
- Charlotte!
- Do not tell me that you were robbed.
- Where am I?
- Go, get the money! Thieve!
- Come back!
Wait for me!
No one ever cheated on me twice.
Give the money or I kick you in the...
- You have no guts!
- There is always the first time.
- Let me go! You do not understand?
- I want to know where is my money.
Where did you put them?
You put your hands on them!
Look slightly to the right!
- Wait!
- Stop! You're in my target.
Are not you ashamed?
Rob defenseless girl.
What defenseless little girl?
What statue spoke?
Statue of truth and justice.
Give her the money back.
Excuse me!
I think I fall in love with you.
I love you! It is the first
time I do not lie.
I hope you do not mind, Daddy?
What is this?
- Yes! Why not?
- Dad?
You mean that bimbo ...
She's your daughter?
- Exactly! Daughter of Philip Bang!
- I understood that you are Philip Bang...
...but behind that look, hides a killer ...
Be careful how you talk!
It's not true.
Charlotte is not a criminal.
At the moment, she helps this operation.
- What's wrong with that?
- She works for Belle Duke!
She played that game only to
help me escape. Clear?
You want to persuade someone to
see white which is actually black.
It's simple.
That money is for preliminary work.
Wait, I'll explain.
I propose to work together.
Really, an honest deal!
You have a talent, but you do not have enough style.
I'll take you as an apprentice.
How do you like the idea?
I will find a way to get rich without you.
You're wonderful, Felix!
You dance lovely! Do not forget,
you owe me other seven charlestons.
Seven charlestons!
- Felix. Come, dance with me?
- I'm sorry, I'm tired!
Listen to me, fool!
I worry about your future.
You do not want to be a gigolo for whole life!
What kind of player are you?
Play a hand, lose and leave!
Now it's time to rise the bet.
It's easy to play when you have all the aces.
Only the great players know how to bluff!
Make your opponent to believe that
you have a good hand, but you only have two eights.
It's something else to play cards without
good hand and to defeat them all.
To win the game with two eights!
- So, bluff is bluff!
- What about divide?
Theoretically, half and half!
What means, theoretically?
At the end of the game, one of the two
can steal from the other.
Who's the other?
You will see.
If you want to do Tour de France,
we should officially entere the race.
Where are we going?
My grandfather always said:
"Never criticize the music,
until the concert is over. "
What do I care about your grandfather?
Here! See? It's all mine.
I bought this place.
From here we start our game.
From this place.
- Don't joke. Where is this place really?
- That's it!
You mean you bought this swamp?
I'll make a fortune out of this swamp!
What would you do? A factory of
canned frogs and toads?
- There is oil!?
- There's no oil.
- Gold?
- What gold?
My understanding was that in this
we are going to make a fortune.
Can you tell me,
what we are you getting in here?
When bluffing, is not important what you have.
It's important that others believe
that you have something worthwhile.
Have you ever heard
about the Nibelungs?
The great tribe of warriors,
travelers, artists,
They had huge treasure
which always carried with them.
Hundreds years ago they fled and
while crossing those hills ...
...they saw this magnificent valley.
They decided to settle down here...
....and built a fantastic necropolis at this site.
And in this swamp, they
hid their treasure.
Do you mean ...
Beneath our feet lies Nibelungs treasure?
Below is a fortune.
We have the treasure.
No,it's just a scam,
but you believed it.
To create a bluff,
you have to believe in it.
- Let me go!
- Wait!
Look who's coming!
They will help us in this game.
Hello, boys!
- Hello, Michele!
- On your orders, boss!
Hello, boys!
It's a pleasure to see you again.
What is it, boss?
This time we take care of history, the
greatest discovery of all time.
The grave of Siegfried!
- It's crazy, we never succeed.
- What is impossible the easier it is to believe.
- Isn't it?
- It is!
- Why are you digging a hole so close to the water?
- There is always a reason.
When Bang does something
there is always a reason.
- Isn't it?
- It is!!
- Who's that, a Greek?
- Who will fall in this trap?
- What would you say about Belle Duke?
Belle Duke?
You put in your head to swindle this bitch?
- I did it once, isn't it? It is!
- He did it once, Isn;t it?
And he went to prison. Isn't it?
It is!
- You want to try again.
- I have personal motives.
- Not quite. Now we are partners.
- It seems real.
Look who's coming!
- Hello, doll!
- Hello!
- How did you do?
- OK. It's in the trunk.
All must be returned to the museum
before opening of the exhibition.
- It's beautiful ...
- Here's where the money got invested.
- And the brooch?
- I paid the workers.
- Great!
- With this we make a fortune.
- At least a hundred million.
- One hundred million years in prison...
...if we continue with this madness.
Because of your Dad's personal vendetta
we all go to Caen.
See, Michele?
Young people are not able to understand genius.
- Do you have a mustache?
- Sure!
The most important subject in today's auction.
An archaeological rarity.
Bronze Nibelung's statuette,
dated III A.D.
One of the few art works for
this mysterious period.
According to the great German archeologist Kuntz ...
Really very interesting!
Starting price is 35,000 francs.
Who makes the first offer?
She gives 40,000.
Other ofers?
- 50,000.
- 60,000.
- 60,000. Once, twice ...
- 100,000 francs!
Gentleman offers 100,000.
This is a good offer.
Anybody offers more?
We'll not bid.
We can find better price on black market
Ladies and gentlemen, the auction is completed.
Thank you for your participation.
- Send the object at the Hotel de Paris!
- A check will be waiting there. Of course!
Let me introduce myself.
Count Nikker Botter!
I'm sorry, ma'am... I know that
you are a passionate collector,
but I have a passion for relics too,
willing to spend my fortune.
If you are interested in archeology
of that period, come to my ship.
- With pleasure.
- You're expected!
- You were great, Michele!
- I think it was my best performance.
Don't take it to your head,
That's because of the fur...
A sensational archaeological discovery.
Latest news. Special edition.
A sensational archaeological discovery.
Latest news.
- Give me one, boy!
- Thank you, sir!
Tell your father that he has done a great job.
Not many can print such a newspaper.
The title is perfect.
Unbelievable! They wrote about it in the newspaper.
There is a conference on the radio at 3:00pm.
Professor Kuntz will speak.
They aboard the ship.
We will begin transmission
the moment they turn on the radio.
We interrupt the program to transmit
professor Kuntz conference.
I want to comment on the news
appeared in newspapers, which concern...
...Siegfried's tomb discovery,
mythical king of the Nibelungs.
This doesn't correspond to reality,
and that is just a lie.
We are in possession of items proving
Siegfried's tomb existence.
We are carefuly research the artifacts
on the black market, to find their origin.
We hope to shed some light on this
last archaeological discoveries.
It's well known that Nibelungs gave a great
importance to ritual burial...
... and buried the dead together
with all their personal wealth.
At this point we are not able to tell...
...what is the value of this important discovery.
- What is it?
- Pause.
Ladies and gentlemen. We continue the program
with ambient music!
You wanted to ruin everything?
I'm the one who risks everything. You just
keep talking and put the others in front.
Just do what I say and don't worry.
Give me a cigarette!
- You should not smoke.
- Why?
You're sick!
Listen angel... Leave this operation!
I offer you a better future. Do you want it?
I do, but not now! I can not abandon now,
it is very importan to him.
What are you doing? Have you decided, or not?
Okay, but remember that I can bluff as well.
In my style!
Look behind you. Don't hit me!
I have an important message for Belle Duke.
A moment!
Let himcome. It must be true,
otherwise he would be suicidal.
The game continues!
He's an expert who is working for me.
You can talk.
What is it?
- I know where Bang is hiding.
- Soon I will know too.
- Yes, but you don't know what he prepares!
- What is it?
He's planning something great or insane.
- He says that he has a whole
cemetery of tombs...
... with bunch of statues of pure of gold.
- Be more explicit!
It's weird, I tried to understand it,
but I couldn't.
I know he has invested all he had in that land.
All he had?
You mean and my money.
He bought a pond full of frogs and toads,
with no commercial value.
He says that underneath is...
How do you say...
- A negropol!
- The necropolis.
- Yes! That's what he said!
- Were you there?
Yes, but it's dangerous!
He started digging,
but workers are not specialists.
There are only four starving peasents,
who risk that everything would fall on their heads.
I said that I don't want to be part of that.
Here's what gave me the go!
Currency of Nibelungs. It is authentic.
A true rarity, worth 20,000 francs.
Where's Bang?
Authentic ...
What I'll get, if I'll tell you?
You may keep your head intact.
On the other hand, you can
get your piece of the pie.
I want to get 100,000 francs
and we know each other. Do you agree?
You remind me Beng many years ago.
OK! You will receive what you asked.
I want to warn you that
this time the game is dangerous.
Hello! Prepare the men and "Rolls"!
Professor. You come with me!
- This is for the time when we met,
this is for the time we separated.
- This is for the time I've lost, looking for you
and in the end I found you...
And this one...
Let her continue!
How much did you get to sell me?
And you. You are not a friend?
What are you here for? After the diamonds?
Want to know where they are?
I sold them, to buy this land.
You know why? Because there are
treasures you've always wanted.
If this is what you say,
I'll decide what to do with this land..
Take a look, Professor!
Wait, Professor!
I want to show you something.
This is the map that I made myself.
Do not waste time!
I want personal control.
Sorry, but you can't be trusted.
- Did you see? I think they bough it.
- Do not laugh, it can all end up bad.
Slowly! Be careful!
All can collapse...
What a discovery! Fantastic!
- Extraordinary!
- I found it ...
- I never saw anything like ...
- It is my discovery.
Bring another lamp to get more light.
I found, Charlotte... Charlotte!
- Finally, we succeeded.
- I'm so happy.
I was right.
Do you see Belle Duke,
there is justice in this world.
I worked hard.
These are the results.
Please help me!
I want to see.
- Open, and I want to see.
- Attention, please!
Slowly ...
Conservation status of these coin is perfect.
They are precious.
- Priceles!
- Look!
Siegfried's helmet.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
No. This is the tomb of an official.
A person who was close to the king.
- Of course! I feel it!
- Professor. Are you sure that these things are real?
- Yes!
- Professor is right.
Beyond this wall must be Nibelung's treasure.
- I am sure!
- We'll see immediately!
Tell your men to break down that wall.
- My heart ... Charlotte...
- Dad! We need to do something...
Bring some water. Fast!
Bring the water, send down the water ...
- Attention!
- It's going to collapse...
- Get out of here, quickly.
- Exit out!
- Dad!
- You get out of here.
Get out, I'll handle it.
- Stand up!
- Come on, Dad!
Get out quickly ...
Let's get ... Everything will collapse...
- How did I do?
- I had fun like crazy.
Let's go!
Listen Bang.
I understand that there is a treasure in this pit.
But you need the capital, to get it out.
- I'll find someone to help me.
- You bought the land with my diamonds.
Consequently, it belongs to me.
The contract is in my name.
Nobody can take it!
I wouldn't be so sure in your place.
If you want my land you have only one solution... buy it from me.
- Well, in short. How much do you want?
- I know it costs more but I have no strength to argue.
Let's say 100 million and it's yours.
You don't ask to much...
Price a bit high but...'s nothing compared to what you gonna get.
Imagine the prestige your name will receive.
Belle Duke, the only owner of Nibelungs treasure.
Museums, collectors...
...all will be at your feet.
This is your big chance!
Think about it! Isn't that what you wanted ?
To become a respectful woman.
- Come! Wait outside!
- Are you sure?
You heard what she said.
Get out!
Do you still keep it?
I must admit Belle,
it were the best years of your life.
Yes, but you managed to
screw everything up, you bastard.
I can not forget. You lied to me.
I understand!
Tell me that there is still a hope.
I'm ready to start all over again.
Belle please, forget all that was.
I'm willing to do anything so you would forgive me.
Prove to me that the land is really yours.
Where are the documents?
In a deposit box in a bank
controlled by you for many years.
You know where the key was.
It was here the whole time.
There it is! Did you know?
A notary is waiting outside.
Belle... everything is okay this time.
Let's go to sign.
Come, professor!
- Where are you running?
- I need to go!
- Always leave when it's finished?
- This time, I'm till the end.
My father did all this
only to recover the jewels.
He hid them in the box before
he went to prison.
- Now you understand?
- All this mess...
...have another purpose.
Nibelung's story, Siegfried's grave ...
...invented only to recover the jewels?
No. It doesn't end here. What kind of forger
iI would be if I couldn't transform a lie into truth?
That's impossible.
My Father would not succeed, either.
He did not, but I can.
My specialty is impossible.
This boat has 100 million francs.
For that ammount I'm ready to give what's the best in me.
Do not do that Felix.
You will not escape alive!
- I love you! Jewelry should satisfy you.
- Dad said that you will get a half.
Angel. I'm crazy about you, but I can not
leave things half finished.
A bluff is a bluff.
You have to play till the end.
Sign! Now business is completed.
The last operating business we were
playing at the green table.
This was once ...
Old roulette is here.
What about that, Belle. I bet everything!?
- I agree! The land for the money!
- I agree!
Wait! Not you!
Neither you! Choose a color!
- Black.
- I like Red.
- A moment! The game is suspended!
- Get out, it's not your business!
You play with my money.
Take away this Judas! What are you doing,
You want yours 30 silver?
No, I want all.
Because from this point, I'm you partner 100%.
- It seem you the right to know.
- What do you mean by that?
That your money will become my money.
It's crazy. Let's play.
I feel that today is my lucky day.
Maybe for you, but not for your daughter.
- What happened to Charlotte?
- Calm down!
You risk that you would never ever see her again.
She's in my hands.
You will hold her again only if you
accept my conditions.
Was I explicit enough?
Charlotte! My daughter ...
Charlotte ...
I have found my weakness, but be careful.
If only touch a single strand of hair ....
... I swear, I'll break your neck with my own hands.
Take those damned money!
- Belle! The land is yours! I sign!
- Stop it!
I want to get out of here alive.
You'll sign only when I'm in safe place with the money.
I need speed boat with a full so I can leave the country.
When I have it, you will receive phone call.
- Only then can you sign.
- Do not believe him, Bang! He is bluffing!
- Get him it out of here!
- Leave him alone!
My daughter's life is at stake.
- Belle, please. Give him what he wants!
- No!
Bell. I beg you on my knees!
The land is yours, what's the big deal.
I want my child back.
I beg you, help me to retrieve my daughter!
Well, give him a boat.
I'll get you on the edge of the world.
I promise!
Will be hard to keep this promise.
Between red and black
always wins zero.
Nobody knows like me to throw the ball!
Please! This time I will be kind to you.
Make yourself at home ... son of a bitch ....
You know something? I always thought
that you have a split personality ...
but I understand why you always use
your bad side.
How do you feel?
Give him some whiskey!
Thank you!
This is your speed boat!
Hey, Bang! It's for you!
Hello! Dad!
It's me, Charlotte!
- How are you, my child?
- Everything is okay.
- You can sign.
- Sign what?
Contract, Bang!
Hello, police?
Escaped crook Philip Bang is hiding...
... on the flating casino of Belle Duke.
I repeat.He is hiddig on Belle Duke floating casino.
We'll catch him at the speed boat!
Come quickly with me!
Be careful! Rope!
Cut him off!
Let's see how your friend is doing!
Do not worry, my people
will not let him to escape.
Which way should I go?
- To the other side.
- In that part?
- Yes!
- Do not worry about me!
Felix will succeed!
What an awful end...
Belle! Police is coming.
Commissioner Trevoux fom Homicide.
Thank you for retaining the fugitive!
Take him!
Please, Inspector!
Only a minute!
Bang, please believe me.
I did not denounce you.
I want to be together again.
I know that high-ranking person.
- You know!?
- What?
- I prefer to go with them!
- Go!
Damned fool you are.
It's all over for you.
You will remain in the prison for the rest of life.
- I wanted to help you, remember...
- Bye!
- You move faster!
- What?
Wait, Inspector! Commissioner Valle.
We were ordered to take the prisoner.
And you should clarify the role of Belle Duke
in the whole affair.
I expect the office to get full report.
Just go! You come with me!
- How many of you?
- Do not joke, I have a black belt in karate.
Bang. How did I play??
They believed in everything, idiots!.
Who called the police?
I think that was your crazy friend.
He didn't figure when Big Bang organizes plan
he forsees everthing.
- Unfortunately, not this time.
- What are you talking like that?
Look who's coming!
Now what?
We have to play to the end, Michele!
Stop! Get out!
At your age still playing with the dolls?
Why the face?!
I told you that I know how to bluff, too.
And you're alive?
How did you manage to do that?
I took six motorcycles and put
five manequines on them.
I jump on my bike and said "go"!
Then I came out here.
It's easy!
Rascal! I'll kill you!
Will you stop it?
Run after me like after a bull.
Come here, you!
Explain everything!
Let me recall the memory!
When I entered that boat shed...
...I didn't stay in but exit on the other side.
And the explosion?
- I triggered it myself.
- And the money?
- Where's the money?
I want to know where the money is.
- Where are the money?
- I don't have it with me!
- I'll rip you apart!
- I'll break your skull.
- I gave them to Charlotte!
- Eee, Charlotte...
- I have given money to Charlotte?
- I trust my future wife.
What are you doing there? We have no time.
Look who's coming!
Who's coming?
Run, quickly!
Let me be in the front!
You cover my back!
- Did you see good organization?
- And you saw the scenery?
You've been cheated on, Belle Duke!
Imbeciles! They have escaped again.
I'll kill you all.
I'll find you, Bang!
You son of a ...!
- Did you expected such a finale?
- No, you were great...
- Where's the money?
- In the back, Dad.
- Show him the money!
- Show me!
Damn, money ...
All money ...
It was going to well!
- They are all...
- All here ...
- Pull.
Faster. I knew you will not disappoint me.
It was not easy to tie them one by one.
I had to make a hundred million knots.
Translation from Italian/Russian courtesy of YAFI