Boiler Room (2000)

I read this article
a while back...
that said Microsoft employs more
millionaire secretaries...
than any other company
in the world.
They took stock options
over Christmas bonuses.
It was a good move.
I remember there was this photograph
of one of the groundskeepers...
next to his Ferrari.
Blew my mind.
You see shit like that,
and it just plants seeds...
makes you think it's possible,
even easy.
And then you turn on the TV,
and there's just more of it.
The $87 million dollar
lottery winner.
That kid actor that just made
20 million on his last movie.
That Internet stock that
shot through the roof.
You could've made millions on it
if you'd just got in early.
And that's exactly
what I wanted to do... get in.
I didn't want to be an innovator. I just
wanted to make the quick, easy buck.
I just wanted in.
Notorious B.I.G.
Said it best...
"Either you're slinging crack rock,
or you got a wicked jump shot. "
Nobody wants to work
for it anymore.
There's no honor in taking
that after-school job at Mickey D's.
Honor's in the dollar, kid.
So I went the white-boy way
of slinging crack rock.
I became a stockbroker.
- Get off!
- Two hundred!
Put your money back down!
Yo! Put your money back down!
So I got in at this firm,
J. T. Marlin...
owned by
this guy Michael Brantley...
a salesman among salesmen.
Mr. Brantley!
- Mr. Brantley! Welcome! How are you?
- How you gonna handle these guys?
- They're great.
- You think you can handle this or what?
- I think so. We can handle it.
- You can handle it?
A double scotch on the rocks.
Holy shit, yo.
Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo!
That's the jockey from Venezuela.
He's a sicko. He weighs like 48 pounds.
Whatever. Give me three-to-one
on that skinny little nigger.
Richie, Richie.
Do me a favor, will you?
Just for, like, ten minutes.
Just give it a rest.
Yo, homes, I need some "chocaine."
I need some motherfuckin' nose candy.
I need some cizzi up my nizzi...
'cause I need to get high
like a motherfucker.
Know what I'm sayin'?
So give me some of that nose candy.
Bring that table over here.
Everybody quiet down for a second.
All right. Hold on.
Thanks. I wanted to let you know those
pikers at the N.A.S.D. Are off our ass.
- Fuckin' retard.
- Fuck you. I'm on vacation.
Bear Stearns can call the S.E.C.
They can't find any dirt on us.
J.T. Marlin, once again,
has unlimited trading authorization.
I told you guys.
You can't keep a good man down!
We're superstars now.
J.P. Morgan just faxed over
their congratulations...
and said,
"Welcome to the club."
This also means those teams
headed by Todd and Richie...
who were good enough
to give up their rep numbers...
They can stop cold calling
and start trading again.
Welcome back!
And just to show you
how appreciative I am...
there's a little something extra.
Tell me about it, baby, tell me!
I want you guys
to go up to suite 418.
I handpicked them myself.
We're players now, boys!
Let's celebrate. Salute!
Don't touch the cards.
Don't touch the cards.
- Fourteen.
- Hit me.
Come on, Mike. I told you you
gotta hit the table. Sixteen.
Hit me.
And bust.
Sorry about that.
Fuck! Can't
win a fuckin' hand tonight!
Hey, Steve?
Come here for a second.
You thirsty?
I don't care.
Go take my car and get Mike a Coke
and a falafel. You hungry?
Yeah. Yeah.
Sure. Why not?
- And dealer busts.
- Yeah!
What the fuck are
you so happy about?
Whoa, take it easy.
Roller coaster.
Ups and downs. You know that.
All right. Place your bets.
I was living in Kew Gardens Hills,
running my biz...
giving the Queens College kids
something to do between classes.
- See you guys.
- Fuck you.
- Okay. I'll see you tomorrow.
- I was doing well.
It's strange to think how
that knock changed everything.
Hey, don't get me wrong here.
No, no. I got it.
I don't believe in fate.
I believe in odds.
- He's not gonna let you in.
- Why not?
'Cause he doesn't know who you are.
He'll think you're a cop.
So what? I got a bankroll
that'll choke a hippo. Let's just see.
- Who are you?
- What's up?
- It's my boy, Greg. Oh, shit!
- What are you doin'? Come in.
What's goin' on? Come here, crazy.
What are you doin'?
How're you doin'?
Come in. Come in.
Oh, shit. Wait.
Is that your new ride?
- Him.
- Nice.
- Hi. Seth.
- Hey. Greg.
Nice to meet you.
- We thought we were done for the night.
- Too late to get a couple hands in?
No, no, no. 24-7.
Hey, Steve, could you get us
a couple of sandwiches?
- All right. Give me 400.
- Wait. What about the betting?
- What were you thinking?
- Five hundred, max?
We don't usually
service that level of action...
but I hate
to turn away a new customer.
We might not have enough cash
to settle you at the end of the night.
That's okay.
You can just pay me tomorrow.
All right.
How much you want?
- Five dimes.
- Jeff.
You had to do it, didn't you?
You make me look
like I'm at the kiddie table.
- If the shoe fits, kid. Come on.
- Fuckin' rich man.
- What denomination?
- What denomination?
How about three Puerto Ricans,
two Chinks and a Guinea?
I don't care. Mix it up.
Whatever you want.
What about a Swahili? Jesus.
I don't know what that is either.
You're starting to upset me.
You got your own chips, huh,
with your name on them?
This is no joke.
We used to use the
Bicycle poker chips...
and then some kid started
sneaking in additional funds.
- Who's that? Moyshe?
- No, no. Some kid up the block.
Fuckin' Moyshe.
- So that's a nice car you have there.
- Thanks. A Ferrari.
Yeah. It's a 355,
six-speed transmission, right?
Yeah. It's a synchromesh.
I love it. Nice.
Yo, shit is yellow, B.
Rizzy's the color, nugga.
Yellow's filthy. Come on.
It's Big Bird mode.
All right.
Place your bets.
- Hey.
- You are late.
- I know. I'm sorry.
- Your father is really upset.
- He won't even tell me what it is.
- Jesus.
- Hey.
- What's up, Seth?
- How you doin'? How's school?
- It's all right.
That's a good question, Seth.
You wanna tell us what happened?
- We didn't know if you were comin'.
- Oh, yeah. Traffic was crazy.
Do you wanna wait till after
dinner to talk about it?
Yeah, let's eat first.
- Answer the question, Seth.
- I dropped out.
You wanna tell us why?
Well, I gave it a year, Dad,
and it's just not for me.
I see. So that means you've been
lying to us for six months.
Six months, Seth.
"School's fine, Dad.
My grades are good, Dad."
Let's just leave that for a second.
So you dropped out.
That means you haven't been getting
your student loan checks, right?
Is that right? How are you making
the rent every month, Seth?
I'm running a business,
and I'm just earning a living.
Earning a living? This what
you call earning a living?
- Marty, are those drugs?
- Yes.
- Yes, those are drugs?
- No, Mom. This is an honest living.
And you can ask any one
of my customers.
What do you mean, "customers"?
Where's the customers?
They're children of people
in this community.
How do you think I got these?
Anyway, it's illegal.
You're running a backdoor card game!
How do you think this reflects on me?
I'm a judge,
for Christ's sake!
Are you listening to me?
I'm gonna be honest with you.
You're runnin'a good business.
I think you're a smart kid,
pullin' in some real cash.
But I gotta tell you, man,
this is risky fuckin' business.
I mean, you really honestly plan
on dealing cards to college kids...
when you're fuckin' 35?
You don't think you'll get pinched
in the next couple years?
Maybe it's time to start thinkin'
about down-the-line time.
So, you want me
to come work for you?
What? I guess it'll be like retribution
for me taking all your money here?
First of all, I am not
done with you here, all right?
And, no, you're only gonna
work for me a short time.
You pass the Series Seven.
You learn the ropes.
You're on your own.
Yeah, ask Adam, man.
He'll tell you.
- It's good.
- It's good?
- Yeah.
- I'm gonna be blunt.
We're talkin' about
millions of dollars.
I was making
good money with the casino...
but these guys
were macking it hard.
That's the level
I wanted to be operating on.
So I drove out
to Long Island, way out.
The office was a good hour
away from Wall Street.
Somebody forgot to tell the guys
who worked there, though.
They looked and acted...
like they took the Six train
to Fulton Street every morning.
But it wasn't Wall Street.
It was exit 53
on the Long Island Expressway...
a good hour from
the New York Stock Exchange.
No, no, no, no. You don't wanna act now.
This stock is going to turn.
I'm invested very heavily myself.
We just stay put.
I don't know if you've ever had the
opportunity to purchase I.P.O. Before...
but we have this company that's going
to market in about a week or so.
We're gonna have to move on this now.
This is gonna happen next week.
We don't wanna marry this stock.
We're in; we're out.
What do you mean, you don't buy stock
over the phone? How do you do it?
Smoke signals? Telepathy? World leaders
solve problems over the phone.
I'm not a Charles Schwab.
I don't need your business; I value it.
I'm successful to the point where
I don't need to chase your business.
Hey, kid, get the fuck
outta here!
Over here.
- Have they started interviewing yet?
- No.
- Know how long it's gonna be?
- You'll all be going in together.
But I thought
this was, like, an interview?
It is. It's a group interview.
You'll see.
No, man.
You're a male.
Group interview, my ass.
It was like a Hitler Youth rally,
in retrospect.
The guy who pitched us, Jim Young,
was the head recruiter there.
- Okay, guys. Let's go.
- Between him and Michael, honestly...
they could sell bubble gum
in the lockjaw ward at Bellevue.
I'm sorry, man.
This is my seat.
- Oh, shit. I'm so sorry.
- It's okay. Don't worry about it.
- Fuckin' dumb-ass.
- Get the fuck outta here.
- What?
- Don't talk to me. Don't look at me.
Just get your ass out of that Italian
leather chair and get the fuck out.
Right now. Come on.
Let's go, schlepp rock.
Sit down.
We expect everyone here to
treat their coworkers...
with a certain level
of respect.
Before we start, I have one question.
Has anyone passed a Series Seven exam?
- I have a Series Seven license.
- Good for you. You can get out too.
What? Why?
We don't hire brokers here.
We train new ones.
That's it, Skippy.
Pack your shit. Let's go.
Okay. Here's the deal.
I'm not here to waste your time.
I hope you're not here to waste mine.
So I'm gonna keep this short.
If you become an employee
of this firm...
you will make your first million
within three years.
Okay? I repeat that:
You will make a million dollars
within three years...
of your first day of employment
at J.T. Marlin.
There is no question whether or not
you'll become a millionaire here.
The only question
is how many times over.
You think I'm joking?
I am not joking.
I am a millionaire.
It's a weird thing to hear, right?
I'll tell ya.
It's a weird thing to say.
I am a fucking millionaire.
And guess how old I am.
You know what that makes me here?
A fuckin' senior citizen.
This firm is entirely comprised
of people your age, not mine.
Lucky for me, I'm very fucking good
at my job, or I'd be out of one.
You guys are the new blood.
You're gonna go home with the kessef.
You are the future big swinging dicks
of this firm.
Now, you all look money hungry,
and that's good.
Anybody tells you money is the root
of all evil doesn't fuckin' have any.
They say money can't buy happiness?
Look at the fuckin' smile on my face.
Ear to ear, baby.
You want details? Fine.
I drive a Ferrari
What's up? I have a ridiculous house
in the South Fork.
I have every toy you could imagine,
and best of all, kids...
I am liquid.
So, now you know what's possible.
Let me tell you what's required.
You are required to work
your fucking ass off at this firm.
We want winners here, not pikers.
A piker walks at the bell.
A piker asks how much vacation you get
in the first year. Vacation?
People come and work at this firm
for one reason: To become filthy rich.
We're not here to make friends.
We're not savin' the manatees, guys.
You want vacation time?
Go teach third grade, public school.
Okay. The first three months
at the firm are as a trainee.
You make $150 a week.
After you're done training,
you take the Series Seven.
Pass that, you become junior broker...
and you open accounts
for your team leader.
You open 40 accounts, you start
workin' for yourself. Sky's the limit.
Word about being a trainee.
Friends, parents, other brokers,
they're gonna give you shit.
It's true. $150 a week?
Not a lot of money.
Pay them no mind.
You need to learn this business,
and this is the time to do it.
Once you pass the test,
none of that's gonna matter.
Your friends are shit.
Tell them you made 25 grand last month,
they're won't fucking believe you.
Fuck them! Fuck 'em!
Parents don't like the life you lead?
"Fuck you, Mom and Dad."
See how it feels when you're makin'
their fuckin' Lexus payments.
Now, go home and think about it.
Think about whether it's really for you.
If you decide it isn't...
It's nothing to be embarrassed about.
It's not for everyone.
But if you
really want this...
you call me on Monday
and we'll talk.
Just don't
waste my fuckin' time.
Okay. That's it.
- Hi.
- Hi.
So, what's up?
- How you doin'?
- I'm fine, Seth. What's on your mind?
I feel bad about the way things went
at the house last week.
I just don't feel like we get
anywhere when we talk at home.
Well, I don't know
that there's anything to talk about.
- Can I get you anything to drink?
- No. I'm fine, thanks.
You dropped out
of school, Seth.
You're running an illegal casino
out of your apartment.
You're putting my career at risk.
What is there to talk about, Seth?
Well, I don't know why
we can't just discuss this. I mean...
Maybe you're just not
seeing my side.
Your side? What side?
You're doing wrong.
I'm not your best friend.
That's your mother's racket.
I'm your father.
I tell you when you screw up.
What did you think I was gonna do?
Pat you on the back for the casino idea?
Tell you what
a great entrepreneur you are?
So what do you want me
to do, Seth?
I mean, my God, if I'd called my father
to meet me for a cup of coffee...
to talk about my screwups,
he probably would've laughed.
We didn't have nice little chats
about why I was a bad boy.
I got smacked.
And I didn't do it again.
Much simpler.
Look. I'm just trying to restore
what's left of our relationship.
What the fuck are you
talking about, relationship?
What? Are we dating?
I'm not your girlfriend Seth;
I'm your father.
Clean up your life,
make an honest living...
and then you and I can talk
like normal people, all right?
- Hey, Seth.
- Hi. How you doin'?
- Abby.
- Oh, yeah. I know. I forgot.
It's okay. I never told you.
Besides, the other day
you looked a little frazzled...
so I didn't think
you'd remember anyway.
- Today's my first day.
- No shit?
- See ya.
- See ya.
No, that's not how it works.
If I was asking you to
own 5,000 or 10,000 shares...
of some pink-sheet, bullshit company
with negative earnings...
I'd tell you
to hang up the phone...
call your local broker
and short the stock.
I wouldn't expect your business.
But, Don, I am bringing you...
Seth. Seth. Come over here.
It's not your table.
...F.D.A. Landmark approval.
It's, like, the cancer pill.
No. It's a cancer pill.
No, Don, it's not Propecia P.
It is the cancer pill.
Oh, Donald, please take a chance.
You look pretty.
Thank you.
So you wanna tell me where the fuck
you were last night?
- Not particularly.
- Okay.
This is for you.
I don't know how to better
explain this to you, but...
it's over.
Okay. I disagree.
- Hang on a second.
- Here you go.
- What's up? Is he in?
- I don't know.
Hey. These are the D&B cards.
These are our leads.
- Morning.
- Every card is an opportunity, right?
These are good leads.
People on these cards buy stock.
Your job is to call them
and get them interested in the firm.
You're not actually selling stock yet,
but you're selling the dream.
So get 'em wet. Tell 'em
that in a month from now...
a senior broker's gonna
call them back with an idea.
So who are these people?
Average client's 45 years old,
from the Midwest...
$150,000 annual income,
but loves a hotshot New Yorker
who sounds good on the phone.
So the card won't tell you that. It only
has name, address and occupation.
So you gotta
feel 'em out, see?
"Peter Davis, Vice President,
Parks Telecommunications."
The guy's probably
a fuckin' whale.
So feel 'im out, see what he's got.
Truth is, it doesn't matter these days.
With the Dow where it is now,
everybody wants a piece of the market.
I can close anyone anytime anywhere.
Just give me a phone number.
- Greg, I have John Duncklee on three.
- Not now. I'll call him back.
Now, once you qualify the guy,
you send him a press packet.
It'll be easy, and it'll get you
comfortable on the phone, which is key.
This entire business revolves
around the phone. Play the numbers.
This is a contact sport. The more people
you contact, the better you'll do.
- A good broker makes 700 calls a day.
- What's the phone bill like?
This month
was approaching 400,000.
Listen to me. Even though
you're not selling stock yet...
I want you to remember the code
we have here, okay?
- Did you see Glengarry Glen Ross?
- Yeah.
- Do you remember "ABC"?
- Yeah. "Always be closing."
That's right. "Always be closing."
"Telling's not selling."
That's the attitude you wanna have.
There's two rules as a trainee.
Number one:
We don't pitch the bitch here.
We don't sell stock to women.
I don't care who it is; we don't do it.
Nancy Sinatra calls,
you tell her you're sorry.
They're a constant pain
in the ass...
and you're never
gonna hear the end of it.
They'll call you every fucking day
wanting to know why the stock dropped.
And God forbid
the stock should go up.
You're gonna hear
from them every 15 minutes.
It's just not worth it.
Don't pitch the bitch.
Number two:
Don't write wood, all right?
A lot of trainees are so anxious
to get off the phone...
that they just steamroll the guy
into getting the press packet...
so they can hang up.
Then I call back, and I'm, like...
"Hi. You spoke to a junior
associate of mine last month."
And he's like, "Not interested. Bye."
That's a shitty lead, okay?
That's fucking wood.
The info we send is bullshit, all right?
The most important part is telling them
you have that one great idea...
and that a senior broker's
gonna call them back in a month.
This way they don't think
we just fire off a million recos a day.
We don't want clients thinkin'...
you're pitching something
you read in the Journal, right?
- Yeah. Right.
- Okay, so no wood.
- I'm serious. No wood.
- All right. Take it easy.
Hey, don't even start
that fuckin' shit with me, okay?
I'm tryin' to tell you what's expected
of you and what your job is.
I'm tryin' to make the job easier, okay?
Don't give me any fuckin' lip.
Okay. Okay, so, fine.
What happens if the guy
wants to buy stock right then?
Now you're talkin'. You wanna go
into every call expecting just that.
If somebody wants a recommendation,
put the guy on hold...
stand up and yell "reco"
at the top of your lungs.
First senior broker who gets
on the horn gets the sale.
- Sound good?
- Yeah.
Okay. That suit's dog shit.
Get a new suit.
No, Ma. I told you.
No, I'm not a broker yet.
I'm a trainee. I still have
to pass my Series Seven test.
You're a stockbroker.
You wear a suit to work
every day, don't you?
- Yeah.
- So, what are we arguing about?
- Thanks, Ma.
- You're doing great, Seth.
You're working your way up
from the bottom. Never easy.
What did Dad say about it?
He's very happy.
Shocked, but very happy.
- He's waiting for you to call him.
- Why doesn't he call me?
- One miracle at a time, okay, sweetie?
- All right.
- Mom?
- I'm in bed.
- How you doin'?
- Hi, baby. How was work?
I know you're not at home with a bag
of cash, waiting for me to call you.
But I'm not some 18-year old selling
the cure for Al DS. I am 46 years old.
I have 22 years of market experience.
I know this business.
So pick up your skirt, grab your balls
and let's make some money.
Here you go, Greg.
I hope this is better
than the last batch of shit you gave me.
- Produced more wood than Ron Jeremy.
- What?
I don't want you to yell "reco" anymore.
Know what you should yell? "Timber!"
Yeah. Mr. Fuckin' Wood.
I hear you fuckin' makin' your calls.
It's bullshit, all right?
If you want them off the phone so bad,
why don't you just hang up?
You should get them excited.
You know, excited?
They should beg for a broker
on the first call. Shit.
Yeah. Howard Young, please.
Seth Davis over at J.T. Marlin.
- No, he's not expecting my call.
- No. Tsk.
- Okay. Yeah. I'll call you.
- Good-bye. Good-bye.
Hang up the phone.
Thank you. That's nice
for you to do that for me.
First of all, there's gonna be a lot of
these regardless of how good you are...
but you happen to suck big,
fat-ass rhinoceros dick.
Well, thank you.
That's confidence-inspiring.
I got this friend who runs this
other firm, right?
He hands out
this book to new trainees.
It's called a rebuttal book.
It looks like a little Filofax.
It's got these index tabs,
but instead of having letters...
like "A" to "B," "G" to "H,"
it has different things like...
"My wife won't let me"...
or "I'm not in the market now"
or "Send me a prospectus."
It has a rebuttal
for any excuse.
Anyway, that's stuff
you'll have to learn later.
The most important thing
you gotta know right now...
is that you can be whoever
you wanna be on the phone.
You know what I'm sayin'? Who cares?
Do what you gotta do.
Change your last name.
Say you're the fuckin' vice president.
You know? Who cares?
Just get the cocksucker on the line.
Yeah, but how can I do shit like that?
Isn't there a compliance officer here?
No. No, man. Everybody does that shit.
Are you kidding?
I mean, even on Wall Street.
You talking about John there?
That guy works for us.
The guy's a fuckin' chimp. Look at him.
The only compliance work...
he's doin' is makin' sure my lunch
is still hot when it gets here.
He's only here because the S.E.C.
Requires it. Easiest job in the world.
Look. I think he's actually
masturbating right now.
- Stay the fuck away from her.
- Yeah.
Holy shit, you slut.
You made the call.
No, no. Don't you dare. Get your
filthy one-race paws off my money.
What'd you bet me?
A month's commission?
- Yeah, and yours too, kid.
- How do you get away with this?
'Cause I'm a Jew,
and I have the mind of a champion.
See this?
Here, kid.
Go get a tan and some Rogaine.
- Watch out for this.
- Fuckin' A.
The only bookie in New York
that delivers FedEx.
When are you gonna
take the test, Seth?
Well, you know, after
the training program's over.
They want you to get a good idea
of how things work there...
before you take the Series Seven,
but it's a great system.
- I'm really learning a lot.
- Are you gonna be rich, Seth?
- Oh, God willing.
- I hope so.
How come I've
never heard of this firm?
I don't know.
It's a smaller firm, I guess.
There's a million others like it
you probably never heard of.
The reason I ask is 'cause I would've
thought that you would've...
joined a firm like Goldman Sachs
or something of that stature.
- Marty, what are you starting for?
- What?
No, no. Ma, it's okay.
The reason is, Dad...
that the larger houses don't really like
to hire kids straight out of college...
you know, unless you went
to an Ivy League school...
or you wanna do cash-flow analysis
for the next 15 years.
They usually like you
to work...
outside their firm for a few years
to get a good sense of the marketplace.
But most all brokers usually start out
in little firms like J.T. Marlin.
That's great. See? He answered
the question. That was easy.
So all you have to do
is close the casino, right?
we talked about this.
- What are you giving me looks for?
- Didn't we talk about this?
- What? I just...
- It was a celebration.
You know what?
I gotta go meet somebody.
I love you, Ma.
See ya.
See ya later.
Nice job, Marty.
Originally, I got in for the cash.
But getting my dad's respect...
That's what kept me there.
So he took some parting shots from time
to time. Whatever. I didn't care.
Not really.
Anyway, the point is,
I had to adapt to this new world.
I didn't really know these guys.
What I did know is that they had
all the money in the world...
and not a clue
what to do with it.
Seth, what's up, man?
- Wait outside.
- Hey, man.
Thought you weren't gonna make it, man.
Sit down. Grab a slice. Have a beer.
What's up?
You think he fucked
Hannah or Sheen fucked her?
- Both of 'em.
- Did he just move in?
- He's been here eight months.
- Life all comes down to a few moments.
"This is one of 'em."
Sheen was kind of a pimp.
Shut up, man. Listen. Gecko's coming on.
"What the hell's goin' on?"
I'm lookin' at 200,000 shares moved.
I wanna know if we're part of it.
We'd better be, or I'm gonna come down
and eat your lunch. Back in two, Alex.
Look. I loved it at forty.
Fifty? It's an insult.
Their analysts? They don't know
a preferred stock from livestock.
They wait till it goes down,
and like gumdrops and sperm counts...
This is the kid. Calls me 59 days
in a row. Wants to be a player.
Oughta be a picture of you in the
dictionary under "persistent," kid.
Yeah? Now, listen, Jerry, I'm
looking for negative control.
No more than 30, 35 percent.
Just enough to block
anybody else's merger plans...
and find out from the inside
if the books are cooked.
Looks this good on paper, we're
in the kill zone, pal. Lock and load.
Lunch? You gotta be kidding.
Lunch is for wimps.
Okay, Fidel,
I'll talk at you.
Very good.
How do you do, Mr. Gekko?
Bud Fox.
So you say, "Nice to meet you."
Hope you're intelligent.
Where'd you get these?
- I got a connection at the airport.
- Nice job, Mr. Clean.
Hey. Get the fuck off me.
- I'm really busy, Seth.
- No. Look, I understand, Doctor.
I'm really busy here myself.
We're gonna come back to you
in one month with one idea only.
If you like what we have to say, great.
We'll do business. If not...
I mean, worst-case scenario, you'll hear
yourself a new business idea...
- That X ray is useless.
- We'll part as friends, right?
Are you working with a million
dollars in the market now?
Who is this?
You're a doctor. Have you heard
of a drug called Phenodryl?
It's being manufactured
by M.S.C. Pharmaceuticals.
Well, listen, okay? It's in the
third stage of F.D.A. Approval.
Word is it's gonna be approved
within the next three months...
and it could be tomorrow
for all I know.
But, you know,
I'm getting ahead of myself...
and you're real busy over there...
so why don't I just send you out
the information...
Wait, wait, wait.
Forget the info.
Let's talk about this now.
What was the name
of that drug again?
Could you hold on
for one second?
I'm gonna get...
a senior broker who's a little more
familiar with that particular stock.
All right? Hold on a second.
One second.
- Got it.
- Sorry.
His name's Dr. Jacobs,
and I'd say that he's definitely...
- Whoa. I don't wanna hear it, kid.
- Okay.
Hi, Dr. Jacobs?
This is Chris Marlin at J.T. Marlin.
- Marlin?
- Right. He's my father.
My associate tells me you're interested
in one of our stocks.
Your wife's on three.
I will call her back.
Yes. M.S.C. Sounds like
it might be interesting.
Might be?
"Might be" doesn't sell stock at the
rate M.S.C.'s going for it, Dr. Jacobs.
- We're talking very high volume.
- I still have to run it by my people.
That's great, Doc, if you wanna miss
yet another opportunity here...
and watch your colleagues
get rich doing clinical trials.
- Don't buy a share and hang up.
- Hold on a second.
- I just want to talk about it more.
- Honestly, I don't have the time.
This stock is blowing up right now.
The whole firm's going nuts.
Hold on. Let me open up
the door to my office.
Oh, my God!
See that, Doc?
That's my trading floor.
I have calls to make to a million other
doctors who are already in the know.
I can't walk you through this right now.
I'm sorry.
Okay, okay.
Let's do this.
Since you're a new account, I can't go
higher than 2,000 shares. I'm sorry.
beyond what I was thinking. 2,000?
Listen. I'm curious. Why can't you
sell me any more than that?
Well, we like to establish a
relationship with our clients...
on something small before we get
to the more serious trades.
Let me show you several
percentage points on this small trade...
and then we'll talk
about doing future business.
That sounds good.
Give me the 2,000 shares.
- Done.
- You sure you can't do better on this?
- I'm sorry, Dr. Jacobs. I can't.
- All right.
- We'll start with this trade, then.
- Great. I promise...
we'll swing for the fences
on the next one.
Do you want that confirmation
sent to your office or your mansion?
Very funny,
Mr. Marlin.
Let me put my secretary on,
and she'll take down your info.
It was a pleasure
doing business with you.
Done and done.
Yeah, baby!
- So, why'd you put a max on his buy?
- What?
Why'd you put a max on his buy?
You didn't tell him
how it works?
He's a trainee. He doesn't need
to know initial sell limits.
Make sure he shows you the ropes, kid.
He's too busy callin' his bookie.
Fuckin' Hebrews. Always lookin' out
for themselves and never the trainees.
- Hey, hey.
- Why don't you go back to Little Italy?
Go make me a latke, dreidel boy.
Abrams, look me up on the board.
The reason I capped him
is in case he's a piker.
See, we're gonna front the money
for this sale...
and if he doesn't send the check,
I'm the one holding the bag, follow me?
Last commission month, the kid on Jim's
team wrote a million-dollar ticket.
Stock was down 31/2 points
by settlement.
Fuckin' kid took
a 1/4 million-dollar hit.
- Shit.
- You know how much that hurts?
Besides, the first sell
just whets the appetite.
If he's a whale...
which it looks like he is...
then I'll get him on a day
when there's a real rip.
What's a rip?
A commission.
That's why we work here.
We make huge rips.
No, I don't... I still
don't know how it works.
A two-dollar rip, which is unheard of
anywhere on Wall Street...
means that we're walkin' away...
with two dollars
for every share we sell.
Real money.
That's opportunity.
Jesus, Greg, you show him
where the bathroom is yet?
Yeah, Seth, I showed you
where Chris's desk is, right?
- Richie, do something with this...
- How does Michael afford that?
- Couldn't tell you.
- Okay.
If he's doin' it, he's makin' money
on it. Point is:
Service your client right,
and he'll be back for more.
Show him a three-percent return...
and he'll trust you to
watch his kids for the weekend.
- Abby.
- Hey, Seth.
- Hi.
- You wanna go get yourself a drink?
You want anything?
Oh. Okay.
I thought this was supposed to
be a big broker hangout.
Merrill Lynch. Salomon Brothers.
Mad, big-dick Steve. What is this place?
This looks like the fucking
Christmas party at Mutual of Omaha.
Yo, check this out.
Oh, my God. Would you
look at these monkeys?
So, who do you live with?
You mean, is the little black girl here
takin' care of her grandma...
'cause her mama's
a crackhead?
Yeah, exactly. I thought
it was smack, though.
Boy, you gotta get ahold
of that edge. It's kinda sharp.
I know. It's just that
I get so much shit at J. T...
that sometimes I have
to get in that mode just to...
fend them off of me, you know?
Yeah, I was gonna ask you
why are you there...
because it doesn't seem like the ideal
working environment for a black woman.
No, it isn't. It's just that...
how many secretaries do you know
that make 80 grand a year?
- One.
- Exactly.
- "No, no, no. I gotta call the boss."
- Look at this guy. Check it.
No way.
Vito Corleone.
You don't come all my life...
and then you show up
at my daughter's confirmation.
"Are you standin' up or sittin' down?"
By that time l...
- How you doin'?
- What's up?
- You guys lookin' for a broker?
- Who the fuck are you?
- Easy.
- I'm not doin' anything.
I thought maybe you were lookin'
for somebody to invest with.
- No. Yeah, we're fine. We are brokers.
- You are?
- Yeah.
- You guys with Jacoby & Jacoby?
- J.T. Marlin.
- Never heard of it.
Hold on a second. Who are you?
What do you sell? Car insurance?
We're with this little firm downtown.
Maybe you've heard of us.J.P. Morgan?
- And I'm a black Negro.
- Right.
I know J.T. It's a fuckin' chop shop.
They named it so it sounds like ours.
He knows that firm.
It's a fuckin' chop shop.
They named the firm to sound
like his. What is he, fucking Yogi Biz?
- Shut the fuck up.
- We're not buying it.
And what the fuck is with the suits?
You look like you're on Gotti's crew.
- You look great. Seriously.
- Do you know who you're talkin' to?
- Who are we talkin' to?
- You don't know?
Here's Vito and John Jr.
I don't wanna get involved in this.
We're not bothering you.
We're not.
Patrick, call out the police. Come on!
It's my dad
that's the mess...
but that's not
really interesting conversation.
What about you?
Single mother. No money.
And now I take care of her.
- What's wrong?
- She's got chronic pneumonia.
You know, she smoked for, like,
And it's...
She's just really happy that I have
this job so I can support both of us.
- But it's scary sometimes, you know?
- Yeah.
What about your father?
I don't wanna talk
about my father either.
- Tell me a story.
- What do you wanna hear?
I don't know. Tell me...
Tell me a story about your dad.
Well, I have
so many great ones.
Go on. Tell me.
All right.
Well, I'm ten years old...
and I just
got this new bike.
It's a silver Mongoose,
you know, like BMX.
And I'm skidding out in this puddle
like Starsky and Hutch.
- Right.
- And my foot slips...
and the pedal spins around
hard enough to break my leg.
- Oh, my God.
- But I don't fall off the bike.
- I keep going down this hill.
- And I get really scared, you know?
So I jumped off the bike...
and I landed
behind this parked car.
And I was laying there
for a good half hour.
And finally...
I hear my father's voice up the street,
and he's calling my name.
And I was so happy...
that he was coming
to get me.
And he comes around the car,
and he sees me lying there.
I mean, there was...
there was blood everywhere.
I look up at him...
and for the first time in my life,
I see how much my father loved me.
- 'Cause he was completely frozen.
- Wow.
You know, it hurt him to see me
in that much pain.
So he leans down
over me...
and he slaps me
across the face.
What? Why?
I don't know.
Maybe he was mad at me for
making him feel that helpless...
or it was the only thing
he could think of.
I don't really care
What I think of now is the look
on his face when he saw me lying there.
And that's what I remember.
That's what I miss.
There's your story.
All right. I wanna talk
to you guys about appearance.
Okay? Because most of you
dress like shit.
I don't know what
your financial situation is...
and I don't want to, but you gotta get
yourself at least one decent suit...
because we have a minimum level
of aesthetic professionalism here...
that we have to maintain.
In three months, you can outfit
your whole closet...
but for now get something
to hold you over.
There's an important phrase
we use here.
I think it's time
you all learned it.
"Act as if."
Do you understand what that means?
Act as if you are
the president of this firm.
Act as if you got a nine-inch cock.
Act as if.
And to do that properly,
you need to at least look the part.
So go get dressed. Secondly, it's time
to get your Series Seven books.
Don't get nervous.
If you study, you'll pass.
Then you begin trading
as an S.E.C. -licensed broker.
Then you're a fucking millionaire,
and it's just that simple.
I need 300 bucks from each
of you for the books...
which will be returned
if and when you pass the exam.
And I need that tomorrow.
That is all.
What are you?
Last night's erection?
Yeah, well, you know...
What's goin' on?
We're movin' to the big house, kids.
Isaac here just closed a guy
for 30,000 shares of Farrow Tech.
We're on the big board.
We're in there now?
- Who's out?
- Todd and company. Come on. Let's go.
If you couldn't pull $3,000 together,
your name wouldn't be on my desk.
You're embarrassing me. I'm pitching you
from under my desk. I'm embarrassed now.
Bob. Bob, be rude.
Hang up the phone.
You won't.
You wanna know why?
Because you see value. I am
your kids' college fund, for chrissakes.
I'm gonna pass. The only people making
money passing are N.F.L. Quarterbacks.
- And I don't see a number on your back.
- Take me off your list.
Fine, fine. I'm gonna take you off
my list of successful people.
Hi, Mr. "Dahvis," this is Ron
from the Daily News.
- How you doin'?
- It's Davis, and I'm not interested.
- Sorry to bother you. Have a nice day.
- Wait a minute.
Wait. That's your pitch?
You consider that a sales call?
You know, I get a call
from you guys every Saturday...
and it's always
the same half-assed attempt.
If you guys wanna close me,
you should sell me.
- All right.
- All right. Start again.
Okay. Hi, this is Ron
from the Daily News.
- How you doin' this morning?
- Shitty. What do you want?
It's not what I want, sir.
It's what you want.
Ron, now we're talkin'.
All right. What are you selling me?
I'm offering a Daily News subscription
at a substantially reduced price.
We're trying to reach out to people
that never had home delivery before.
So everybody who already has a
subscription is getting fucked?
- Yeah. I guess so.
- All right. I can handle that.
So, why should I buy your paper?
I mean, you know...
Why shouldn't I get the Times
or the Voice, you know?
The Village Voice is free, sir, so if
you want it, you should pick it up.
But the Daily News offers you something
no other paper can... a taste of New York.
We have the best features, more photos
than any other daily in New York...
and we have the most
reliable delivery in the city.
Now what do you think?
You know what I think, Ron?
I think that was a sales call.
Good job, buddy.
So you gonna
buy a subscription?
No. I already
get the Times.
I know what you're sayin'!
Booked. Booked.
I got a hundred against.
Booked. Someone cover Greg.
Cover Greg.
I hope you guys aren't fightin' over it.
Here. Good money against Greg's roll.
- Put it there.
- Two hundred?
- What is that?
- Nothing.
Damn. Who you gotta ass-fuck
to get a ten around here?
- There's a leprechaun in stall four.
- Whatever.
Hey, Seth, I'm gonna get some reserves.
You wanna come with me?
- Yeah.
- You guys want a shot?
Roll a seven, baby. Let's go.
Quit starin'
and just apologize.
Hey, he doesn't have to say shit,
all right?
Why don't you go back to your Heineken
and shut the fuck up, okay?
Was I talkin' to you?
No, you weren't.
You were talkin' to him.
If you're talkin' to him, you're talkin'
to me and my whole fuckin' crew, okay?
Get the fuck outta here.
What? What?
Get the fuck outta here before
I put you in a mayonnaise jar, okay?
Get the fuck outta here,
fuckin' cocksucker.
He's gonna cry
like a little baby!
You little baby!
Hey, Richie!
Hey, Richie!
Oh, Mommy!
Come on.
You gotta realize these aren't the kids
you and I grew up with, you know?
Remember in Hebrew school,
when a shoving match was a big deal?
Worst-case scenario, somebody
got their yarmulke knocked off.
It's true, man.
These guys are no joke.
They get all tanked up,
throw a quick fist.
Some of them actually enjoy it.
I mean, like, Richie.
What the fuck is that, man?
Probably thought I was being
tough back there with that guy.
I was shitting my pants.
- I saw that.
- Oh, great. Thanks.
These fuckin' Guineas, man.
Half of them do coke.
They all drink. Zero capital.
No fuckin' stability. They
make all this fucking money...
and they're always
living three steps ahead.
You know, there's guys who work at the
firm that make a million a year...
and they can't even get a fucking
car loan 'cause their credit's so bad.
It's like everybody is just waiting
for the 15th of the month.
They may have a Porsche, but they don't
have ten bucks to put in the gas tank.
- No shit.
- It's nigger rich.
What is this guy doin'?
- All right. Thanks, man.
- Don't forget what I said about Abby.
I think she's trouble,
you know?
I don't even know
what you're talking about.
I don't know.
I've just worked there a long time.
Just looking out for my friends.
I think she's a whore.
Just telling you.
Well, it's a good thing
you stopped dating her, then, right?
- I'll see you later.
- All right. See you.
Of all the people at J.T. Marlin,
you picked this kid, Davis. Why?
'Cause he's perfect. He's new,
so his loyalties don't run too deep.
He also seems to be the smartest
of this last group of trainees.
The rest of them are fuckin' idiots
compared to this kid.
He used to run a full-time casino
out of his house in Queens.
Now he just picks up the checks.
He'll turn state's, no question.
How are you gonna get to him?
We started surveillance.
We'll get to him.
Hey, Jeff!
Hey, Jeff, get up here!
What's goin' on?
One week I can understand,
but it's approaching five weeks now...
and the profits are down 40% since
the last week I was here full-time.
I'm not you. I'm not gonna
fuckin' kill myself for half the profit.
You get to come in here and just pick up
your fuckin' money, and it sucks.
Hey! Hey, you know what?
This is my business.
You used to make
ten dollars an hour.
Now you're making 1,000 a week,
and you're still not happy?
- What the fuck is going on?
- Nothin'. You can check the tapes.
For what? I didn't say anything.
Are you skimming?
No! No, I'm not skimming,
all right?
I can't handle a 24-hour gig
all by myself.
This isn't fuckin' Denny's.
You know? I'm tryin'
to finish school here, man.
All right. All right, so...
Look, why don't you do this?
Why don't you take on
another partner...
and you can split your share
with him, which I'll up to 65%...
and then you can go to school
during the day and work at night.
I'm already doin' that.
- You are?
- Yeah.
I took Dave on
last month.
And you still can't
fuckin' handle it?
- It's a lot of work.
- Fuck!
All right, that's it.
It's over.
I'm shutting it down.
And get those kids
out of my fuckin'house.
By delaying, you simply restrict
my ability to do my job.
Am I? I'm not trying to...
Look, I didn't get to where I am today
by losing my clients' money.
Put your confidence
in myself and J.T. Marlin...
and I'm telling you,
we'll never have to ask for it again.
Put your confidence in myself
and J.T. Marlin...
and I'm telling you, you will
never have to ask for it again.
Okay, let's do this.
Great. I'm gonna pass you on
to my secretary.
You call me when
the stock doubles, all right?
Sheryl, make it so, baby!
All right. So I got into it.
Do you know how good it feels
to close someone?
To sell someone?
It's amazing.
- What's goin' on?
- Seth just closed a guy for ten large.
- Amazing.
- Do you see what...
You're one of us now.
You popped your cherry!
- Hey, Seth, come here a second.
- Yeah. Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
- I just closed a huge account for you.
- Come here.
What are you doing?
Get away from me.
What the fuck are you doing?
- What is this? Huh?
- What?
Who told you you could
close your own accounts?
- What?
- You violated an S.E.C. Regulation.
You're a fucking trainee.
You know, I just figured
I'd take the initiative...
and, you know,
make you some money.
Greg, I was standing right next
to him the whole time.
I would've stepped right in if the kid
would have gotten in trouble.
You got a cannoli you can
stick in your mouth?
No, you got a menorah
you can shove in your ass?
Fuck him. Come on.
I don't even give a fuck
about the money, okay?
Do you know what would happen...
if every trainee started
handling their own recos?
- The shop would be closed in a week.
- Is this about something else?
What would that be?
Don't you have to go
answer the phones or something?
You know what? Fuck it.
We'll deal with this later.
Don't tell me that's why
I'm not hitting it anymore.
Oh, honey, you were
never hitting it...
and he's not
the reason, Greg.
You are.
Jesus Christ,
they're all the same.
- What's the same?
- Oh, my God.
You scared me.
I'm sorry.
How long have you
been standing there?
I just walked up. I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to scare you.
No, no, that's all right.
Interesting reading?
This? No, this is just
the prospectus...
from the last I.P.O.
The firm put out.
I know what it is. I was just asking
if you thought it was interesting.
You know, you might be the first person
to read a J.T. Prospectus.
Yeah. So, what are
you looking for?
I'm just looking for
some chocolate love.
You know what? Would you like me
to practice my pitch?
- 'Cause I know it turns you on.
- Oh, God.
You know, I saw John Feiner...
shredding a bunch of documents
the other day.
You don't think that's weird?
You say you like the hard sell
and the money.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
And then you question it the minute
you see something a bit off.
No, I'm serious.
Either you need to admit to yourself...
that it's not charity work
and enjoy it, or get out.
But you cannot keep going back
and forth like this. It's ridiculous.
Can you buy a bigger bed
when you get some money, please?
How big is your bed?
Bigger than this one.
You have a huge bed?
- Hello?
- Hi, Harry. Seth Davis at J. T. Marlin.
- How are you doing this morning?
- Fine, thanks.
You got a call from
an associate last month.
I wanted to know if you enjoyed
the information we sent you.
What information?
If you get as much mail as I do,
you probably brushed it aside.
But more importantly, we made
a commitment to get back to you.
Listen, I'm presenting you with
an investment opportunity...
that I think you'll find interesting.
I'm not in the market for that.
Tell me, Harry, are you married
or are you happy?
Actually, I've been married
for ten years.
Oh, yeah? That's great.
Yeah, six years for me.
So, listen. Are you
playing the market at all?
I don't know about playing.
I do own some blue chips.
They were actually
wedding gifts from friends.
Listen, we have an explosive situation
going on right now.
A pharmaceutical company,
Farrow Tech...
has a drug called Parattin
in the third stage of F.D.A. Approval.
- What's it do?
- That's a good question.
That's a very good question,
and this is the best part.
It helps premature babies
develop properly.
- That sounds like a good drug.
- It is. It is.
So, those blue chips you own, what have
they done since you got married?
- Not that much, really.
- We deal in stocks that really move.
Oh, yeah.
They really move.
I'd love to show you what I mean,
and I can do so on a small investment.
I really can't
buy anything right now.
My wife and I are getting ready
to buy a house this month...
and we're trying to save
every last penny.
Look, I don't care
how much stock you pick up.
I just want you to test me out.
I want you to judge me
on the percentages I show you.
I show you 30 or 40%, no matter how big
or small your position is...
you're gonna get excited
about my next idea, right?
- Yeah.
- You'd hand out my business cards.
Right? Do this:
Pick up a hundred shares.
It's the absolute firm minimum.
If I show you...
three or four points on the trade,
it's not gonna make you rich.
On the same token,
if the stock doesn't go anywhere...
you're not in front of your store
with a cup in your hand.
- No, that's true.
- Look, the truth of the matter is...
I could sell you more
than 100 shares...
and feel completely
comfortable about the trade.
But I'm asking you to start small
just to prove what I can do for you.
All right.
Let's try it.
Great. Should I send the confirmation
to your business or your home?
I need to talk to my wife.
No, you don't need to do that.
I'll call you right back.
- I'm goin' to lunch in five minutes.
- I need to talk to her first.
- Harry, you're at work, aren't you?
- Yeah.
What do you do for a living?
I'm a purchasing manager
at a gourmet foods company.
- Does yourjob involve decisions?
- Of course.
When you're making decisions, do you
call your wife and ask her what to do?
Of course not.
But that's a little different.
How is that different?
It's your money. You earned it.
All you're doing is investing it.
I'm not selling crack here.
She's only gonna be happy...
when she sees that you made
a wise investment for the family.
Just think of the flip side.
When your wife does the shopping...
does she call you to find out if she can
use a coupon for Cap'n Crunch?
- Now, come on. That's not being fair.
- No, I know.
Look, Harry. I'm just trying
to make a point here.
Look, we're not talking about
a lot of money here.
Just think what she'll say when you
bring home a big fat check...
because you had the foresight
to see a good thing coming.
- All right. Let's try it.
- Good man, Harry.
You made a great decision,
all right?
Hold on a second.
Do it.
- Yo.
- Hey, what's up?
You passed the Series Seven.
Decide where we're celebrating tonight.
I was thinking that we should
go to the city tonight...
'cause we're always drinking
at those shitty local bars.
I think we should go to
a decent bar with some decent poo-poo.
If I have to look at one more
housewife smoking a Newport...
I think I'm gonna puke.
Let me round up the guys.
We'll come pick you up.
- All right.
- You got it.
Okay, bye.
This guy probably got more rooms
in there than he's ever even been in.
Look at it.
It's fuckin' huge.
Hey, Chris, why do you
still live with your mother?
What do you mean?
Do you ever wonder
how we make the rips that we do?
How is it that we make rips
that pay out...
more than any other
major firm?
You're kidding me, right?
That's the wrong...
That's the wrong question
to be asking.
- Why?
- The only thing to worry about...
is how you're gonna
get laid tonight.
No, I'm serious.
Don't you know that
S.E.C. Regulations state...
that the maximum rip allowed
is five percent of the sale...
and we're making, like,
four times that?
You just passed your Series Seven;
now you're an inspector or something?
- Aren't you happy with things?
- Yeah, of course.
No, I'm just curious.
You're not curious?
Not at all.
I like being a millionaire.
And you will too,
believe me.
- What's up?
- You need help?
- With what?
- Getting into the fuckin' child's seat.
Come on.
Why did the feminist
cross the road?
To suck my fuckin' cock.
- That's funny.
- Damn straight.
- Order me another one.
- Who U.A.T.'d this beer for me?
- I did. What's up?
- I hate it. Send the shit back.
- What's a U.A. T?
- Unauthorized trade.
Seth, anything killing you yet?
All right, yeah.
You know what I fuckin' hate?
Is getting past the secretaries.
It doesn't matter if you're a broker.
It's still a sales call,
and they fuckin' know that.
- One day I'm gonna open a firm.
- Hold on a second.
You're opening things now?
Kid just passed his test;
now he knows everything.
What's wrong with you? You haven't
even popped your cherry yet.
Hey, whatever.
Let's toast the slut. Here you go.
Bring it up for the kid.
Highest Series Seven score this month.
Big swinging dick,
enjoy it while it lasts.
Do you guys think you could
just try and keep it down some?
You guys are at a ten.
We could use you at a two.
- You got to be kidding me.
- I'm sorry about that.
Why don't you just concentrate
on your food instead of us, all right?
What are you guys eating?
A tube steak smothered in underwear?
Hey, great outfits.
You guys coming from
a city council meeting...
or are you trying to get lucky
with the bridge-and-tunnel crowd?
You tell 'em, girl.
You know what they should do
with you guys?
They should throw all of you
on a fucking island somewhere.
- Oh, yeah. Hey, guess what.
- What?
You're on it.
He got a point.
Way to go, girl.
Here you go.
You take it.
Hey, Harry,
who's J.T. Marlin?
I forgot to tell you.
I bought a little bit of stock.
What'd you buy?
It's this pharmaceutical company.
It's poised for a big jump.
They make a new drug that helps...
premature babies
survive the first three months.
That's great.
Yeah, that's great.
- So how much did you buy?
- Nothing crazy. Just 100 shares.
- At what price?
- Eight dollars. It's okay. Relax.
Okay. So, how'd you
even know who to call?
- Actually, he called me.
- Who did?
Seth Davis, the broker.
He's a really great guy.
He's a family man, actually.
How did he
get your name?
- I have no idea.
- Doesn't that worry you?
It's just... It's okay.
Relax, all right?
- Okay.
- It's a small investment.
And I'm just
testing this guy out.
If he doesn't show us any gains,
I won't do business with him again.
I don't know why the hell
I walked in there.
Things were going well for me.
I had passed the Series Seven
and was closing my 40 accounts for Greg.
I didn't wanna go in.
I really didn't.
But part of me had to know what Michael
was doing in there the week before.
And why would they be walking
into the building next door?
The place was empty.
I should've just let it go.
- Do we have parking?
- Again? Why?
I want the garage.
Do we have the same
security guy or what?
- Are these hooked up?
- Yeah. All that stuff.
If the heat comes and we have to jump,
how long will it take to move the firm?
- Under two hours, literally.
- Everything.
- They'll can make calls that afternoon.
- Okay.
All right. I gotta get back
to that phone call, but...
My first thought was that we
were moving to nicer offices.
Nice thought.
I came to realize it was a quick out
for Michael if things got out of hand.
Miss Halprin. Special Agent Drew, F.B.I.
This is Agent Etkin.
We'd like to talk to you about
your relationship with Seth Davis...
and about your mother's health.
Didn't take me long
to close the 40 accounts.
I was closing five a day, sometimes six.
Just killing it.
Greg certainly didn't
make it easy, though.
But I was focused.
I was about to start making
the serious dough.
I was about to be on my own.
All right. At the house.
Sheryl. Yes!
My first whale. My first account.
My book, baby.
Seth, I hate to bust in
on your little victory speech...
but that's your 40th account.
I'm out of the junior broker program.
I don't work for you no more.
That's true. You're out,
but that account's mine.
What? Fuck that.
No, I keep the 40th.
- No, you don't.
- What?
Wait a minute.
Is this about Abby?
Are you that
fucking bitter?
I made a lot of money for you
in the past three months.
More than any other trainee.
You're not listening to me, all right?
I couldn't do it if I wanted to.
What... Rules are rules, man.
Oh, man!
Don't be a dick.
You know you can bend the rules.
I gave each one of my guys their 40th.
Come on.
Do me a favor. Shut your fucking mouth.
Okay? I'm not talking to you.
You know what? Fuck you.
Fuck you!
You're on my team.
You understand that?
I am not on yours.
Don't you ever
forget that, bitch.
How's everybody doing?
I wanted to congratulate
you all on a huge month.
For any of you
not yet convinced...
these were the top dogs of the month:
Jim Young, $280,000;
Chris Varick, $205,000;
and Greg Weinstein, $190,000.
This month's gonna be bigger.
It's actually gonna be
the biggest month we ever had.
I got a new issue I wanna
talk to you about. Okay?
It's called Med Patent.
They just designed the world's
first retractable syringe.
That means that nurses
and doctors will never again...
have to worry about infection
from dirty needles.
This is not going to be an alternative
in the medical world.
This is gonna be the standard.
We all know that we're here
to make money.
But if we can do something good
like this, it's all the better.
So I want you to go out...
and buy yourselves
a new car.
Go buy yourself a house.
Go into debt.
You are gonna make a million dollars
inside of six months.
Now onto matters of recreation.
We're gonna take a class trip tonight.
So call your moms
and tell them not to wait up!
We're players now, boys!
Let's celebrate! Salute!
What's wrong?
Seth, I know you.
Just work.
It's your father, isn't it?
No, no, everything's great
with my dad.
He's taking me out to lunch next week
on his request.
- Do you know how happy that makes me?
- I do.
You know... I mean,
it's all based on this job...
this very legitimate,
respectable job...
that he can tell his friends about
during the Yom Kippur appeal.
But I'll take it.
I mean...
Oh, fuck.
I'm so fuckin' close.
You know?
And I'm fucking it up.
I mean, l...
How are you
fucking it up?
I went to the Med Patent office
this morning, and there isn't one.
It's cardboard.
There's nothing.
There's no employees.
There's no research
and development. Nothing.
I found out how Michael's
making his money.
We're selling stock
for companies that don't exist.
- Do you know what bridge financing is?
- No.
it's a way to raise capital...
for a company that's
trying to go public.
They get money
from outside investors.
They're the bridge.
And it's perfectly legal...
as long as there's no connection
between the investors and the firm.
But Michael's fronting his friends
as the investors on every I.P.O. We do.
So that's why all the names
on the contracts are the same.
Right. Then he has us
push it all on the open market.
We're basically selling
Michael's shares.
That's where
the two-dollar rips come in.
He can pay us that much,
and it's worth it for him...
because he depends on us
to literally create the market for him.
There's no other firm selling this shit.
It's all artificial demand.
As soon as we
sell off his position...
there's no need to maintain
the inflated price anymore.
- We stop pushing it, and then...
- And then it crashes.
But, I mean, how does that
really affect me?
I'm just selling stock.
There's nothing wrong with that.
So I know now how Michael
makes his own money.
And I know that I'm not working
at Goldman Sachs...
but we already know that.
So how does this
really change anything?
I don't know, Seth.
You tell me.
J.T. Marlin.
How may I direct your call?
I think I'll
just talk to you.
Why are you
calling me here?
Time's running out, Abby.
I need to know what he's doing.
You know what?
I'm getting a little bit tired of this.
I don't even know why I talked to you.
You have nothing on me.
I'm gonna hang up
this phone now.
You're putting all
the deals through.
Your signature's on every sell ticket.
So go ahead, hang up.
We'll send a car over for you
this afternoon.
Goddamn it,
you fuckin' guys!
I'm gonna
keep this short, okay?
You passed your Sevens
over a month ago.
Seth's the only one that's opened
When I was a junior broker,
I did it in 26 days. Okay?
You're not sending out
press packets anymore.
None of this " Debbie the
Time-Life operator" bullshit.
So get on the phones!
It's time to get to work!
Get off your ass! Move around!
Motion creates emotion!
I remember one time I had this guy
call me up, wanted to pitch me.
Wanted to sell me stock, so I let him.
I got every fuckin' rebuttal
out of this guy.
Kept him on the phone
for an hour and half.
Towards the end, I asked him questions
like, "What's the firm minimum?"
That's a buying question. Right there,
that guy's gotta take me down.
It's not like "What's your 800 number?"
That's a fuck-off question.
I was giving him a run,
and he blew it.
To a question like,
"What is the firm minimum?"
The answer is zero.
You don't like the idea;
don't pick up a single share.
But this putz is telling me,
you know, "Uh, 100 shares."
Wrong answer! No!
You have
to be closing all the time!
And be aggressive.
Learn how to push.
Talk to 'em.
Ask 'em questions.
Ask 'em rhetorical questions.
It doesn't matter.
Just get a "yes" out of 'em.
"If you're drowning and I throw a
life jacket, would you grab it?" " Yes!"
"Good. Pick up 200 shares.
I won't let you down."
Ask 'em how they'd like to see
What are they gonna say?
"No"? "Fuck you"?
"I don't wanna see those returns"?
Stop laughing. It's not funny.
If you can't learn to close, you better
start thinking about another career.
And I am deadly serious about that.
Dead fuckin' serious!
And have your rebuttals ready.
A guy says, "Call me tomorrow"?
Somebody tells you they got money
problems buying 200 shares is lying.
You know what I say to that?
I say, " Look, man.
Tell me you don't like my firm.
Tell me you don't like my idea.
Tell me you don't like my necktie.
But don't tell me you can't
put together 2,500 bucks."
And there is no such thing
as a no-sale call.
A sale is made
on every call you make.
Either you sell the client some stock,
or he sells you on a reason he can't.
Either way, a sale is made.
The only question is,
"Who's gonna close?" You or him?
And be relentless.
That's it. I'm done.
When I say this man was a loser,
I was saying to myself...
"What are you doing getting
involved with a divorc?"
It didn't work the first time, it won't
work the second. That's your phone.
- I should let you go. I'll scoot.
- Yes?
- Hi, Harry. How you doing?
- Seth, did you get my calls?
Yeah, I'm sorry.
It's just been crazy around here.
What's happening with Farrow Tech?
It's down five points.
I think we should...
- I wanna sell it.
- You wanna sell now? The stock's down.
You don't make money
buying high and selling low.
So what's going on?
Tell me why we shouldn't get out now.
All right. Here's the deal.
I told you things would happen
in 60 days. It's only been 20 so far.
The situation here is explosive,
and I wanted to get you involved.
I've been busy gathering information.
The stock's down for tech reasons.
It just came off the restricted list,
but it's still the same company.
As a matter of fact, Farrow's been doing
nothing but signing more contracts.
- It's looking like our next big one.
- Guys, listen up.
Harry, I'm sorry.
Can you hold on a second?
Hey! Shut the fuck up!
I just got word from Michael.
The rip on Farrow Tech
is now three dollars.
Harry, listen to this.
Jesus Christ.
What's going on over there?
See what I'm saying? People know!
The whole place is going nuts.
It's already up a point, and it just
came off the restricted list.
I'm advising all my clients
to get in on this, and heavy.
You get the same stock we picked up
at eight, only now it's at four.
- When it was at 8, I said it'd go to 20.
- Yes, you did.
It's still going there, probably higher.
This doesn't change anything...
except you're making more money
than you did before.
I liked it at eight. I love it at four.
It's an average down for you.
- A what?
- It's called dollar-cost averaging.
If you own 100 shares at 10 dollars,
and you pick up another 100 at 5...
that's 200 shares
at 7.50 a share.
If I get you involved at 10,
I take you out at 15...
how many points did I make you?
- Five.
- Exactly. But at seven and a half...
if I take you out at 15,
that's 71/2 points.
- That's better, isn't it?
- Yeah, but l...
Let me close the door
to my office. One second.
I also have a bullet on it.
A few days ago, Dan Dorfman on CNBC...
put a heavy buy recommendation
on Farrow Tech.
Listen to me. I just called
a broker friend at another firm...
and had him pick me up 50,000 shares
under my sister-in-law's name.
I'm gonna put all my kids
through college with this stock.
I have 1,000 more calls to make.
I have to call every one of my clients
and give 'em the same opportunity.
You remember when we first spoke?
I told you that this firm...
only has six or seven
great ideas a year?
Well, this is one
of those ideas.
I remember you saying something
about wanting to buy a house, right?
How'd you like to pay for it
tomorrow in cash?
- Are you serious?
- Serious as cancer.
Okay, all I have is...
the 50,000
from our savings account.
Seth, you got a call
on line three.
Look, that's my secretary.
I have to go.
What's it gonna be,
This kid is really good.
God, he's gonna
go down hard.
You think I wanna live in this apartment
the rest of my life?
Sometimes I wonder.
I'm the one that got the raise.
Try and remember that.
- I'm the one that goes out every day...
- You can't keep using that.
I've told you a million times
that I will get a job.
But you forbid it,
then you use it against me.
We'll buy the house!
With what?
That was our savings, remember?
The stock's gonna go up!
Seth promised!
No, get out of it.
Sell it all tomorrow morning.
I spoke to Howard Goldberg
over at Prudential.
You lied again,
you unbelievable piece of shit.
You lied to all of us.
He told me
about J.T. Marlin.
It's a chop shop, Seth.
You've been selling
their shit all this time.
How many people have you fucked over?
Tell me. How many?
All that bullshit
about them...
wanting you to know
how the business works.
The great training program,
All the profits you made
for your customers?
Did you do anything for them?
Did you make them any money at all?
Oh, God. I'm done with you, Seth.
This is it. I've had it.
I don't wanna
see you again.
I don't want you to come to the house.
I don't want you to call.
This is worse than the casino.
You've been stealing.
Look at me.
You're destroying
people's lives.
I'm telling you,
he's about to make a move.
No! I can't afford
to leave him out there any longer.
This girlfriend of his may have
already tipped him off.
- He could run at any time.
- She hasn't, sir.
How could you
possibly know that?
And if you're right
and she's so loyal to you...
then why hasn't she given us
any information yet?
I want Davis brought in
by the end of the week. Period.
There'll be a lot of heat coming down
'cause of what Farrow Tech did.
So be smart on the phone.
Calm people down.
The stocks dropped 86%
from yesterday's close.
I don't want people dumping
their shares, understand?
Isaac, I got a Mr. Klastow.
He's super hot.
Fuck! I gotta deal
with this guy now?
You wanna transfer
your account out? Go ahead.
You're gonna transfer to some broker
who doesn't owe you shit.
I'm sorry we couldn't foresee this when
we first came to you with the stock.
I lost you $60,000.
There is no one who wants to make
that money back for you more than I.
When's the last time
you closed something?
You couldn't close
a fuckin' window, you moron!
What the fuck is this?
What is this?
You think I'm gonna sign
a sell ticket for you?
What'd I just say?
Get him back on the phone
and explain the situation to him.
Get on the phone! No one is gonna
unload today, you hear me? No one.
You're a mutt.
Seth, I've got a Harry Reynard
on the phone.
Yeah, put him through.
- Hi, Harry. I was gonna call you.
- I want my money back.
- Look, Harry,
- I know you're pissed.
We had a setback, but don't worry.
It's become a gold stock.
I plan to bring you eight or nine points
over the course of this year.
People are talking about it
like it's the next Microsoft.
Listen, I'm in a heap of trouble here.
I need that money back.
It was supposed to be a down payment
for a house for my family...
and now we're gonna
lose the house.
- It's gonna rebound.
- Seth, I need the money back!
I'm sorry, Harry.
I can't do that.
Please, Seth,
I need the money back!
I have to go.
Hello? Hello?
If he calls back,
I'm not here.
J.T. Marlin.
- Seth Davis.
- May I ask who's calling?
- It's Harry Reynard.
- He just stepped out for a meeting.
Oh, God! Damn it!
I wish my dad could've stepped
into the casino just once.
He would've had
to be impressed.
Four employees, an organized payroll,
huge client list.
It's funny looking back.
The illegal business I was running...
was the most legitimate thing
I had going.
I looked my customers in the eye
and provided a service they wanted.
Now, I don't even
look at my customers...
and I push them something
they never asked for.
What are you
doing here, Seth?
I thought I told you
I didn't want to see you again.
I need to talk to you.
What is it?
I want out of the firm.
Great. Leave. I don't care
what you do anymore.
I'll tell you this, your coming here
is unacceptable to me.
- Do you want to cost me my judgeship?
- No.
I can't have any connection to you.
I wanna get out of the firm
like you told me to.
- I just need your help.
- What do you need my help for?
You're getting out.
Fine. Whatever.
I don't care if you stay there or not.
Just get out of here!
I wanted to...
There was this investment
that I wanted to tell you about.
Oh, Seth. Please.
You've gotta be kidding me.
No... I mean,
you can make a lot of money.
- Seth, you listen to me...
- We could make a couple big trades...
that J.T. Marlin
wants you to invest in...
and then when
the next I.P.O. Comes out...
No, stop. Are you asking me
to go in on a stock scam with you?
What, are you out of your fucking mind?
Are you nuts? Listen.
I think it's time
for you to...
Do you remember this day?
Yes, of course.
I bought you that bike.
Do you remember what happened
about a month after that?
All right. What is it?
What do you want from me?
Do you remember when I broke...
when I broke my leg?
Yes, Seth, I remember
you broke your leg.
What is it? You were hysterical!
I had to get you to stop!
My fucking leg...
was broken.
I'm sorry...
I'm sorry I couldn't...
get the job
that you wanted me to have.
But... I mean...
Who gives a shit?
'Cause I'm good
at what I do, Dad.
I'm good at what I do!
And the casino...
The casino was a fucking business...
and I ran it
pretty fuckin' well, Dad!
- And to think that I closed it for you!
- Wait, wait.
When did you close it?
And then I got this job 'cause I thought
it was what you wanted me to be doing!
Seth, wait a second.
When did you close it?
And I tried... I tried to make
the changes that you wanted me to!
And I'm leaving J.T. Now!
I'm just asking you for this one thing.
Just this one thing, please!
Help your son!
I can't, Seth.
I can't. I'm sorry.
What are you
gonna do now?
I'm still gonna do it.
I have a friend that'll go in with me.
If I do it right,
I can take J.T. For at least 300 grand.
- My father can go to hell.
- Seth, my mom.
- I'm sorry.
- I don't think you should do it.
- I think you should just quit.
- I told you...
I've invested
too much time in this.
I have no more money
coming in anymore...
because Jeff tanked
my fucking gold mine.
I need this.
I could hook you up with my friend
that works over at Smith Barney.
- I know you can get a job there.
- Doing what? Ticket running?
You think coming from J.T. Marlin,
they'll let me trade? No fuckin' way.
Why are you so against this?
What do you care if I pull this off?
This is gonna be great
for both of us.
Seth, I just have
a bad feeling about all this.
- I gotta go.
- Seth, I need to talk to you.
I've just got to
figure something out.
I need to tell you something.
Please don't walk out.
Abby, can you come in here
for a second?
Yeah, Mom, one sec...
Seth. Fuck.
Mommy, what's going on?
Okay. Get that. Let's go.
- Mom, where are we going?
- Let's just go.
Yeah, I know.
You went too far this time.
Well, then, when you'd figured it out,
you should've said something.
No, he certainly
hasn't helped any.
But he loves you, Seth.
Do you know that?
It's important
that you know that.
Line three.
- Seth Davis here.
- Hi, Seth. How are you?
- Dad?
- Yep.
Listen, can I change your mind
about doing this I.P.O. Scheme?
No, I'm sorry.
I've already gone in
with somebody.
Well, then, I'm gonna
help you out with this.
You're gonna do it with me?
No, Seth.
You know I can't do that...
but at least I can make sure
you don't get caught.
I know somebody
over at Ellis Proud...
and they can talk to you
about it.
So, why don't you come over
to the house tomorrow night?
Thank you, Dad.
I'm so glad you called.
Me too.
Okay, kiddo.
Tomorrow night.
So, do you wanna
talk to me, or... I mean...
I don't know
what to tell you.
Let's think about this whole thing.
If you pull this I.P.O. Deal off...
and I'm associated with you,
what do you think will happen to me?
- But they can't prove anything.
- Who says they have to?
I'm gonna lose my job unless I put
some distance between us right now.
Who cares about that?
I'm gonna take care of you.
Look, you are the one real thing
in my life right now.
Get out of the car, please.
You are under arrest for violation
of 26 S.E.C. And N.A.S.D. Regulations.
What the hell is going on
out here?
Seth, I'm gonna get you
out of this.
- Just don't call my father.
- Get back in the car, Abby.
Why is he here right now?
He didn't do anything.
Seth, what the hell
is going on?
- You've been talking to them about me.
- Of course not!
- What is he doing here right now?
- Seth, are you sure?
Of course I'm sure.
I didn't say anything.
All right. That's it.
I am out of here in three seconds...
unless you can
charge me with something.
Can I change your mind
about doing the I.P.O. Scheme?
Well, then I'm gonna help you out.
I know somebody over at Ellis Proud.
At least I can make sure
you don't get caught.
Oh, my God.
So, what
do you want from me?
I want you to testify.
- Well, what are you offering?
- Full immunity.
- And what happens with my father?
- He won't do any time.
Seth, I haven't done
anything illegal.
So, what's the deal, then?
The deal is I lose my judgeship
just going along for the ride.
- I have nothing to do with that.
- What's that supposed to mean?
Are you gonna release the tape
to the press?
Makes your case more glamorous
with the involvement of a federal judge.
- No. No, no. No deal.
- Why?
No, you take my father out the back,
and you bring him home.
He has nothing
to do with this case.
I swear to God, if he ends up
in one newspaper, I do not testify.
And I mean that.
For me, it'd be worth
going to jail for.
- You serious?
- What do you think?
Before we get ahead of ourselves,
just what are you offering?
I'm gonna hand you this case
on a silver fucking platter.
I know everything you don't.
I know how it all works.
I know how Michael
makes his money.
I know how he hides it.
I know who he goes in with.
I even know where he moves
if you guys get too close.
I know everything!
So tell me what happens now.
You go back to work tomorrow
like nothing happened, for one day.
I need your client book and your whole
"C" drive backed up onto floppy.
- And we have to hold you overnight.
- Just a minute, please.
Please, I want a couple of moments
alone with my son.
- I'm sorry...
- David, let's give them a moment.
I am so sorry.
I am so fuckin' sorry.
Seth, just let me speak.
When I came up to you
behind that car...
it was the hardest thing
I ever had to bear...
because all I wanted to do
was make your pain disappear.
I don't even know how
to describe the feeling.
I just want you
to know one thing.
Not a day of my life has gone by
that I don't think about that moment...
that I don't dream about being back
there just to have one more chance.
I am more sorry
than you will ever know.
You know that E! 's got
that bathing suit thing going.
French Riviera.
It's on tonight.
The guy was an idiot. He acted like
he was from Staten Island. No...
Hi, you've reached the Reynards.
Please leave a message.
Thanks. Have a nice day.
Hey, Harry.
It's Seth Davis.
- Are you there?
- Isaac, your mother on line three.
You know, about the way
things went, I just...
I found a way
to get your money back.
I just need you
to call me back, all right?
George, get me a coffee.
So call me.
- Hi.
- What's up?
- I want to talk to you about a client.
- Yeah.
- His name is Harry Reynard.
- I don't know him.
I think you should,
because we're about to lose him.
He dropped $50,000 on
Farrow Tech this week alone.
And you want to do what?
I want to keep him here.
I think that we should give him
a chunk of the Med Patent I.P.O.
We don't hand out I.P.O. To somebody
who had a bad day on the market.
Look, Michael, this guy
is a fucking whale...
and he's gonna do an obscene amount
of business with this firm.
- You're somehow sure of this.
- Yeah, the guy completely trusts me.
He doesn't even need the money.
He owns the biggest
foods company in Wisconsin.
He just wants to know
we're gonna do right by him.
How many trades has he made?
But he made a second trade
a week after I opened him.
Look, the guy's pretty fuckin'
sour on Farrow Tech...
and he's gonna walk.
I just think we need to make him
a little money on this next I.P. O...
and let him
take it for a ride.
What did Greg say?
He's busy closing somebody.
I didn't want to bother him.
Well, go get him.
Hey, Greg.
Michael wants to see you.
I don't know what he told you,
but I've had it with this shit.
This is a business, all right?
He should be making calls...
not in here bitching about
personal petty shit between me and him.
Seth was talking about giving
Med Patent I.P.O. To Harry Reynard.
What... Are you
fucking kidding me?
First of all, I don't even
know this guy Reynard.
No way. He's totally unreliable.
What are you doing?
Guy dropped 50 large
on Farrow Tech this week.
That's great. But I have lots of clients
who deserve I.P.O. More than this guy.
Clients who've been
with me six months...
taken losses
and continue to trade.
- And he's one of 'em, asshole.
- You see what I'm dealing with here?
- What do you mean, "he's one of them"?
- He's one of Greg's clients.
I opened him when I was
closing my 40 accounts for you.
I'm just his contact here.
He's your client.
I'm not gonna
make a dime off this trade.
No wonder the guy's pissed off.
His own broker doesn't even know
he's a fuckin' client here.
Give him 10,000 shares.
He just can't sell it
before we say so.
- Great. Okay.
- No joke, Seth.
He cannot sell it
before we sell it.
- At least six months, you understand?
- Absolutely. Absolutely.
Greg, I'm sure you don't
have a problem with this.
Can you get the fuck
out of my office?
What the fuck are you doing?
Stand up! You cannot sit down
for the rest of the fuckin' day!
You cannot sit down
ever again! Okay?
Seth, line two.
- Hello?
- It's time, Seth.
Get going.
I'm going to lunch, boys.
What's this about?
You okay?
I need you to sign a sell ticket
for a client of mine.
Fuck Greg!
Let's fuckin' deal with...
- Let's talk to Michael.
- No, wait. Wait, wait.
Chris, I got arrested
last night.
The F.B.I. Arrested me.
The F.B. I? Why the fuck
would the F.B.I. Arrest you?
Because of my involvement
in this firm.
Your involvement in the firm?
What the fuck does that mean?
Come on, Chris.
You know what that means.
No, I don't know what that means.
What does that mean?
- What the fuck did you tell 'em?
- No. No.
No, they knew everything, man.
They had photographs.
They had... They had
tape-recorded conversations.
They brought my father in,
you know. I mean...
- Chris, there was nothing I could do.
- What did you do?
Chris, the F.B.I. Are gonna
raid the place in 20 minutes.
What the fuck
are you talking about?
Fuck, Seth!
Come on, man.
I asked you for months
about shit going down here...
and you told me
to shut the fuck up.
You said get ready
to be a millionaire!
That's right. Shut the fuck up.
That's all you had to do.
Didn't you learn anything?
I learned how to fuck people
out of their money.
Harry Reynard just lost
his life savings.
And he wasn't a whale.
He was just some poor schmuck,
and I took him.
I did everything that J.T. Marlin
taught me to do...
and I made up his mind
for him.
What do you want me to tell you?
That's what we do here.
What? We lie?
We're liars?
Seth, this...
Who are they coming for?
They're coming
for everybody, everything.
You know how hard I worked
to get where I am?
No, Chris, you need
to forget about that.
It doesn't mean shit.
Right now at this moment
is what you should be thinking about.
What are you gonna do
in the next 15 minutes?
They're gonna come in here,
and make sure that we never trade...
another share of stock
for the rest of our lives.
- But we can do something.
- What's that?
Harry, my client.
I need a senior broker
to sign a sell ticket...
so he can take his shares...
and dump 'em on the open market
and make his money back.
Come on, Chris. Come on.
What's the difference?
Do one thing right here.
Just sign it, please.
Thank you, Chris.
I'm so sorry.
I'm plagued by "what ifs"
these days.
What if Greg hadn't
come over that night?
What if I hadn't
forgotten my bag...
or seen Michael walk
into the building that day?
What if I had
skipped over Harry's card?
What are the chances?
What are the odds?
That's what I think about.
Hey, I ran a casino.
It's the next step I gotta figure out,
'cause I'm no lottery winner.
I tried slinging crack rock,
and I never had a jump shot.
I gotta find a job.