Bommarilu (Dollhouse) (2006)

This is the first problem
between a father & son.
The attempts made by the child
to walk on it's own isn't wrong.
Father fears that he might fall.
It isn't wrong either.
But if a father doesn't leave his
son's hand even after 24 years?
I drea.m.
All fathers in this world are...
are you mad to kick my scooter?
Why kick my scooter?
What is your problem?
My father.
What did he do?
He doesn't give me what i want.
Then, it is sure a problem.
But he gives more than i ask for.
How could that be a problem?
Have you gone mad?
You must be lucky to get a father like him.
You won't understand.
You are also a father.
To understand my problems,
ask the mirrors of lifestyle trial rooms.
They will explain.
No. I don't want this.
I want international brands.
- Okay sir.
I want latest trend.
Try this. It's good.
It's for my son & not for me.
He has selected one already.
What will you think if you see
someone wearing this dress?
That's latest fashion.
Youth style.
And now?
- It gives a royal & a dignified look.
What if he tucks in the shirt?
What did you say?
- Youth.
Go & change.
I've come to select a shirt for siddhu.
Wonderful designs.
We didn't have so many
patterns in our days.
It took me 2 hours to select...
got inner wear?
- Yes sir.
It's tough going.
You agree, don't you?
Still, your father's character is different.
This is nothing.
There is lot more.
That one.
- Okay sir.
What is this?
Laughing at my problems, ah?
Sorry. Tell me more.
When i ask him for a pencil,
he gets me a parker pen.
I'll ask for a cycle,
he gets me a bike.
I'll ask forjaggery, he gets me
chocolates from america.
He does what he likes most.
Isn't there a solution to this?
Why not?
I've decided to do 2 things
of my choice in life.
Are your problems solved?
Now i've more problems.
- All fathers in this world are...
sathi, a good servant.
I escaped today.
Sir, please get up.
It's too late.
So what?
Everyday must start as we wish.
Father has got up.
Your wish.
Tell her i'm not here.
- Sathi is not here.
Why did you come half way through?
I need at least half of my salary.
I can't tolerate your practical experiments.
Rs. 50 for applying cream.
- That's facial.
Rs. 100 to curl my hair.
- It's called curls.
Rs. 10 to cut my nails.
That's called manicure.
- She takes away my salary.
Either set up a beauty parlour for her,
or else hang a "beauty parlour" board in
front of the house. - Will you shut up?
Brother, come.
I'll do a facial for you.
How much?
- Rs. 100.
I'll will give rs. 100 extra.
Remove his facial.
And do a facial again for him.
if you come back without having lunch.
Hey gautham...
you forgot your mobile, darling.
Why don't you talk to me?
Don't you have anything to talk?
Is money more important to you?
- Hang the phone, mom.
Shut up.
Siddhu, give me the phone...
hello america, how are you?
I'm fine.
When are you coming back?
I know you won't come.
Get me liquor while coming.
Give me the phone.
What did he tell you?
I heard him say something to you.
I drea.m.
Got ready so soon?
Take this.
I prepared it.
I mean the song was superb.
Why don't you listen to me?
- You have a great future.
You will become a great singer in future.
- Get lost.
Won't you believe me?
What is it?
Accept it.
Yes i accept that i will become
a great singer in future.
Are you coming home atleast this month?
Children are getting ready to school.
- Talking to son-in-law?
Yes daddy.
Tell him not to drive fast.
- Okay.
Good morning grandfather.
Good morning father.
- Good morning father-in-law.
Good morning dear.
I gave you the dam construction data file.
- I'm going through it...
i finished reading it last night.
I've filled the tender papers too.
You just sign them.
Okay father.
He pledged his life for
a mobile & a car.
Siddhu, do you remember
what day is today?
Anybody's birthday?
You asked me 6 months time
to come to office.
Today is the last day.
why are you eating so small pieces?
Take a big piece.
Dip it in chutney.
Now eat. Good.
Atleast you tell him to eat that way.
I eat like you do.
When i grow up, i will be like you.
you will change your opinion
after growing up.
Siddhu, you are coming to office, right?
Actually, i'm doing cad course.
I need 3 more months.
You asked me for a year's time
and i gave it.
Then you asked for 6 more months
and i gave it.
Now 3 months.
Do one thing.
Give me a week's time instead.
I will tell you.
I used ask him some more time.
Why is he asking me now?
Shall i tell you what i know
or shall i find out from him?
Tell me what you know.
He wants you to marry.
- Marriage...?!
Why are you laughing?
Is my problem a joke to you all?
Your father is finding a girl for you.
How could that be a joke?
It is very serious.
He is making me go mad!
We had so many dreams.
Everyone of ours is a love marriage.
But he is a disgrace to our gang.
Every gang will have a traitor like you.
Why don't you understand my problems?
Everyone has problems.
Don't they have problems?
Don't i have problems?
Doesn't she have problems?
Aren't we married?
- A girl on your right is gazing at you.
Don't turn.
Why are you smiling at me?
Trying to flatter me? Get lost.
You won't come up in life.
You shout at every girl you see.
And say that you want true love.
Insult to our gang.
Marry the girl your father has chosen.
Mark my words.
One is my career.
I can't do a job where my job is only to sign.
Two is my marriage.
I won't accept any girl as
my life partner unless i like her.
When did the film "hello brother"
was released?
- He has been saying this since then.
I asked you for a loan
to start a business.
You said you've good reach.
What did you do?
You asked for rs. 2.5 millions
not rs. 25. i need time.
Got it. Everything needs time.
Atleast he is trying. But you...?
Forget about trapping a girl.
Had you ever ogled at any girl?
I don't want to trap a girl.
I'm want to fall in love.
I know about my father very well.
He goes to about 10 shops
to get me a pair of shoes.
He would take a year
to select a girl for me.
But before that i will choose a girl.
Stand by your word.
We will do the rest.
We will somehow find your dream girl.
Hey, girls...!
I drea.m.
Where can we find a telugu juliet?
Let's find her & unite them...
be it any caste, i don't care...
she must be good looking...
be it any religion, i don't care...
she must have a good heart...
a movie star...
or a tennis star...
who do you like?
I drea.m.
Isn't the girl in red sari beautiful?
But her husband must agree...
there goes the college topper girl...
i don't need a mobile library...
here is the cell phone beauty...
- she is always engaged...
look at the tv anchor...
i hate their silly slang language...
she is a billionaire's daughter...
may be not beautiful...
what qualities do you want in her?
Still you aren't clear about your girl?
Before you could find her...
you will 101 years old...
i drea.m.
When in public,
she must address me as hubby...
in privacy, she must call me hey boy...
when i'm naughty,
she must rap on my head...
when i'm tired,
she must caress me...
a little anger...
a little softhearted...
a little selfishness...
she must posses all these qualities...
i need a princess who could
make me understand myself...
yes, i'm telling you the truth.
You have to come to india soon.
But he won't.
- Shut up.
I'll do a special make up on that day.
You must pay me rs. 5000.
Why do i need a make up on his arrival?
You must look good in the video.
It would be better you don't
do the make up.
Madam, you must hike my salary.
Has bujji raised her make up charges?
Work load increases when one more
person adds up to the family.
Nowadays, the girls are very fast.
- Yes. Super fast.
They address their husbands as hey...
the girls are very dangerous.
The other day, i gave lift to a girl.
She put her hand on my shoulders
and said "will you give me lift everyday"
same time & same place.
Selecting a good girl from that
lot is not a mean job.
Selecting a girl?
- Take a look.
She is so cute.
We discussed about itjust a week back.
Not a week.
We took 6 months to find alliances.
And it took a week to chose
the best from that lot.
I know what to do & when to do.
We're going to see the girl tomorrow.
Mother, why marriage so soon?
Why is he scared of marriage?
Tell him.
You are married. I'm married.
And we all are happy.
It's a good alliance.
They feel very lucky to get our alliance.
I think 100 times to take
a decision in my business.
Won't i think 1000 times
about his marriage?
Yes, uncle.
Is he in love with any girl?
Nothing like that.
Then, what is your problem?
Give me a reason why you
don't want to marry.
Be friendly with me.
Say something.
Say what?
- Go.
- i want to talk to you.
Your father said you are creating
lot of problems at home.
Meet me later.
You went like a bravado.
Shut up. He will tell you what to do.
Why are you so silent?
I'm keep on talking.
Give us a chance to say something.
So, that's it.
We are going to see the girl tomorrow.
Sure uncle.
See you.
- We are finished.
Siddhu is aravind's son.
Isn't that enough?
If not your son,
i'll get my daughter married
to anyone of your son.
They said it was about seeing the girl,
but they are talking about marriage.
Don't you understand?
Match fixing!
- Come & sit here.
Sit. We have no formalities.
I've 3 daughters including
my daughter-in-law.
You will be my 4th daughter. Sit.
Is she okay?
Don't think too much.
Select one of the two fingers.
Generally, you are asked to select
one of the two fingers.
This is your father's style.
You have no choice.
You must select one.
Forget about choice.
Be positive.
I feel she is the one for you.
Try talking to her.
Our presence might be embarrassing to them.
They might want to talk in private.
My son has no such formalities...
go & talk to her.
Sit down.
It's alright.
Please sit.
It's alright.
My name is siddharth.
Everyone calls me siddhu.
- My father told me.
My qualification...?
My father told me that you've finished b.e.
My job...
my father told me that you're jobless now.
And what about you?
My father brought me up
in a traditional way.
I didn't mean that.
Friends, love...
i was told that such things
aren't good for our families. father told me.
Anything about me?
My father told me that
i'm very lucky to marry you.
What else did you father tell you?
He told me to offer prayers
to god to fix this alliance.
Go ahead & offer.
I must thank you for
accepting our alliance.
You are a fun loving person.
He too has lot of energy.
Did you speak to her?
What do you say?
I've given the best to my son till now.
And even now also,
i'm giving him your daughter.
Subbalakshmi, the only daughter
of kakarla koteshwar rao
is engaged to siddharth,
son of addala aravind.
Exchange the proposals.
I drea.m.
Everything is over.
All my dreams are shattered.
I agree that your marriage part is over.
Leave your career to me.
I will make you go mad.
I will kill you.
My father told me about your family.
I'm very lucky to marry you.
She is not the right girl for me.
Okay. I'm not the right guy for her.
You're right.
Siddhu, you are doing too much.
Have 2 pegs.
You said 2...
siddhu, don't feel bad.
Your life will be fine.
Everything is for your good.
You are a good boy.
Good boy?
Am i a good boy?
Am i a good boy?
I drink.
Am i a good boy?
I'm a rowdy.
- No siddhu.
I'm a rogue.
I'm a scoundrel.
You are drunk. Go home.
No. I won't go to that house.
I'll stand on my own legs.
Keep your legs inside.
You'll lose them.
I've lost my life.
My legs mean nothing to me.
Let them go.
What is his problem?
Who is he to decide about my life?
What did you say?
Don't i have courage?
Don't i have guts?
Ask him to come here.
I will tell him that i'm not
interested in this marriage.
Ask him to come here.
Call him.
A bit louder.
He will come.
He is drunk.
- We have come to your house.
Couldn't you tell me this before?
Do i smell liquor?
Didn't i tell you that he will score a goal?
Have milk.
Will you have dinner?
Siddhu, come & sit here.
Atleast have milk.
- No mom.
Did you drink?
- Did you drink milk outside?
Yes father.
How many times to tell you,
it is not healthy.
I won't drink hereafter.
He looks upset for the past 2 days.
Ask him what is the reason.
What happened?
He is smiling & very happy.
Why do you worry?
Will you watch the match?
No. Go & sleep.
It might get late.
Look at those girls.
The gods are here.
- Go & pray for your husbands.
Are you sending us away to ogle at girls?
Oh no! How could you say
that in a temple?
She looks very beautiful, ah?
Forget what has happened?
We married guys ogle at girls.
You are still a bachelor.
Why are you inciting him?
He'll start lecturing about
character & so on.
Even now i stand by what i said.
To fall in love, you don't need to
look beautiful or have good physique.
You need to have a good character.
I butt against the girl's head.
Will love spark in me immediately?
Hey you checked shirt!
You... come here.
You butted & simply walking away.
Didn't i say "sorry"?
Won't i get horns if you say sorry?
If you butt once, you will get horns.
Do you know that?
You don't know that, ah?
Okay. Butt again.
Butt. I've to pray to god.
I drea.m.
Come siddhu, let's go.
Siddhu, let's go.
Hey you checked shirt!
Why are you pushing me?
Hey boy! Come in the line.
why am i offering this without
making a wish to god?
What should i wish for?
I cracked a joke to an idiot
in my college.
He didn't laugh.
Instead he teased me.
He must meet with an accident
without getting hurt.
Did anyone see the jar?
You give it to others.
Wow! God offerings.
Give it to me.
I'll eat everything.
Will you alone eat this?
- Is it yours?
You tell him...
siddhu, you tell him.
You shouldn't eat everything.
It's not right.
You missed her?
What now?
You friends are there for me to find her.
- You...!
That's her house.
We searched nook & corner
to find her house.
When will she come?
How many times will you put
that question to us,
like ganguly waiting for a place
in the indian cricket team.
She will come.
But when?
Wonder how many are there in her house.
She needs time to get ready.
She's a girl and she must do
all the household work.
I'm exhausted doing all
the household work.
Her dress, college bag is ready.
Before she finishes her bath...
did you again bath in cold water?
Calls himself a boxer!
But shouts when hot water falls on him.
Comment about me but not my boxing.
You don't understand things
that you don't know.
I can understand anything.
Look at my medals, trophies
and my well built body.
Took a couple of photos wearing shots,
produced a few fake certificates
and got a job in the temple.
How did they offerjob to a drunkard?
Which one is good?
Then, why did you ask my suggestion?
I'm coming.
Are you mr. Kanaka rao?
- Yes.
The auspicious hour is on
friday at 10 am. - Is it?
Can we have the bride seeing
ceremony on that day?
Bride seeing ceremony?
Didn't hasini tell you about this?
have you arranged the bride seeing
ceremony by yourself?
It's for you & not for me.
My mathematics lecturer.
Her husband is dead just like my mother.
If you both get married, i'll be happy
both at home & in college.
You are talking to much.
I'm going to college.
That window will not open.
I've nailed it.
Why did you do that?
You see through the window
till i catch the bus.
If someone ogles at me,
you pick up fight with him.
I'm fed up with you.
You are still a little girl.
I do all that for your safety.
I'm not a little girl.
It's called suspicion & not safety.
I doubt the boys not you.
These boys are...
why did you stop? Go ahead.
I shouldn't say bad words infront
of my daughter. Go.
These boys give you love letters
and later...
Why didn't you come out to play cricket?
- We have exams today.
Write your exams well.
Don't you recognise me?
Oh you! What is it?
We met in the temple the other day.
We didn't talk much on that day.
- So what?
If possible, we can talk,
and if you agree for a cup of coffee.
We can discuss about anything.
What happened?
- Leave it.
What happened?
Leave it i say.
- Tell me what happened.
She called me idiot.
Called you an idiot?
It is you who shout at girls.
How could she call you an idiot?
- That's our college bus. Let's go.
How many times to tell you?
Why are you after me?
Won't you listen to me?
Though uninterested in studies,
he still teaches us. I'm just like him.
You were after her.
She abused you.
Why drag me into this now?
Is this how all students behave?
You all are not students.
Students of 2001 batch were the best.
There was a boy named siddhu.
He respects lecturers.
He was very studious.
He disliked girls.
He hated love.
He was a perfect student.
I can still remember his face.
Hi mr. Lucky!
Who called me?
- Over here.
Hi siddhu! When did you come?
I was just talking about you.
What brought you here? Any doubts?
Yes sir.
I saw a girl in a blue dress
coming this way.
Stop laughing.
It must be about some books.
No sir.
I invited her for a coffee.
She chided me.
What's up? What did you call me?
I met you in the temple.
So, i wanted to meet you again.
Will you conclude that
i'm trying to ogle at you?
I'm not like that.
I'm from this college.
Inquire about me.
Just because we met in the temple,
doesn't mean you can come to
my house & invite me for a coffee.
What if my father had seen you?
Do you have a father?
What question is that?
everything is fine with boys.
But girls have many problems.
Is that it?
What else do you want?
If possible, we can talk,
and if you agree for a cup of coffee.
How did i agree for coffee without
knowing much about you?
How did you agree?
To decide about your character.
Where shall we go?
Where is it?
- Secunderabad.
Oh my god! There is no driver.
Come & sit.
I missed it again.
Come & sit.
What is your name?
What do you do?
I haven't told my name yet.
Tell me.
- Siddhu.
Nice name.
Ask me my name?
What is your name?
Ha... ha... hasini.
Nice name, ah?
How old are you?
Then, why are you wearing such a shirt?
- It's not nice.
You look aged.
Don't i?
- Don't i!
You wanted to talk before having coffee.
Will you talk & shall i?
- Okay. I will talk.
I will tell you a joke.
It didn't die because the ant
was wearing a helmet.
The joke is over.
Shall we get down from the running bus?
Come. Get down.
It's alright. Jump.
Siddhu, minerva is on this side.
Here? - You want to have
a good coffee, don't you?
Sultan bhai...
- hasini dear, i'm coming.
You must come here to have good coffee.
Didn't i tell you that dravid will
score 100 against pakistan?
He is bhai.
- Greetings.
Who is he?
- My guest.
- Special. Clean the cups. - okay.
You say something...
since we said at the same time,
we'll have guests at home.
Do you believe in these
horns & guests' things?
They are nice.
Where do you learn all such things?
From my neighbourhood children.
- Yes.
Hot coffee.
How are you chiru?
- Superb.
Have you decided about my character?
What else did she say?
She called me an idiot.
She only called me an idiot.
Just sit down.
Are you serious?
I don't know what it is.
For time being, i'm an idiot.
That's all.
I drea.m.
When lovers said that they dream
with their eyes wide open...
i thought they were mad...
but now...
when lovers say that they
could see moon in the day...
i thought they were crazy...
but now...
shahjahan built taj mahal for his love.
I thought he was brainsick...
when people said that there is
nothing greater than love...
i thought they were cheating...
many things have changed
in a short span of time...
even i got drenched
in this love rain...
i drea.m.
When someone said that he had lived
all his life in her memories...
and conquered heaven,
i yelled at him...
but now...
when i was told that salary isn't enough
to buy her greeting cards & pay phone bills...
i laughed at them...
but now...
when people write in the air...
i thought they were sick...
when people stammer often...
i thought it was a hangover...
today i found that it was love...
even i got drenched
in this love rain...
i drea.m.
What starts in eyes & roots in heart
and makes you go wild...
but i didn't believe.
But now...
there would be someone born for you...
but i didn't agree...
but now...
when i was told there exists
an exotic world of love...
i disagreed...
why did i alone miss this joy & happiness?
I've never been so happy before...
i got drenched myself
in this love rain...
where shall we go? Ice cream...
siddhu, you are taking a girl out.
Try to be descent.
I drea.m.
How come you are here?
Got some work?
- Yes.
Finish it fast. We'll go out.
Why is she behaving like that?
Let's go.
Is this the work you mentioned about?
Where shall we go now?
Pani poori?
- I will tell the place.
She took me 10 kms. Away to have coffee.
Gandipet durga dhaba.
Why go so far to have pani poori?
Brother shankar is very near by.
Brother shankar...?
How are you hasini?
- Very fine, brother shankar.
Hello brother shankar.
Who is he?
- Friend.
- Special.
They will clean the plates.
Take it, sir.
Thank you.
- Take it, dear.
Did you buy cell phone?
- Yes. 2 days back.
Why didn't you give me your number?
You never asked me.
You must give it before they ask for it.
Don't you have a cell phone?
I was offered a cell phone
if i become the company's md.
I said "no".
How should i call you?
Ring-a-roses or ring-a-ring-a-roses?
Don't you know what it is?
I will call your number and
cut the call twice.
Answer the call on the third ring.
It's an universal youth code
to avoid problems.
Oh is it?
We used to call it differently.
As what?
We had many more code languages.
Our batch was very good.
We used to enjoy a lot.
- Yes.
But i heard that you were
big bore in your batch.
Who said that?
I had inquired about you in the college.
You used to stay away from girls.
You never spoke to girls.
You must like someone to talk to him.
But you are good to me.
What did you like in me?
You do what you like.
I like that quality.
Yes, you're right.
I have so many friends.
They will have a cup of coffee with me.
That's all.
But no one had ever said this.
You said it right.
I will call you whenever i go out. Okay.
When will you call me?
You neither have to go to college
nor attend any classes.
You have no work.
I will call you.
Make it fast.
You've been doing this for an hour.
It's almost over.
You talk as if you are very busy.
You have no work.
Answer the phone.
You are free, aren't you?
Do i have to do everything in this house?
Calling from icici bank.
- It's for father.
Siddhu, it's me.
You...! Tell me.
I'm going out shopping.
I thought of taking you with me.
Shopping? Which place?
Sultan bazaar.
You are free, aren't you?
I'm very busy.
We will come back in an hour.
Didn't i tell you that i'm busy?
- Really?
Okay. He will be free.
I'll go with him.
Who is he?
- Rajesh.
Rajesh... is it?
Where are you?
Friend's house.
- Who is he? - rajesh...
siddhu, you said you were busy.
Yes, i did say.
Are you both friends?
Your friend is my friend too.
He asked me where he
could get used books.
Go straight.
Take 3rd left, 4th shop.
Thank you
- no need of thanks. It's my duty.
He said this 10 times.
- Bye...
he said that i look like an angel
in this white dress.
I don't like it.
- I hate white colour.
It looks good.
You said you were coming
here with rajesh.
Don't talk about him.
He is a useless fellow.
What happened?
He invited to a flop movie.
What are you going to buy now?
I asked bablu to give it to me once.
But he didn't.
So, i decided to buy one.
Don't worry.
I know this place very well.
I will get it for you.
Too tough. It is so crowded...
didn't i tell you i will get it?
I will get it for you.
Let's go.
I told you won't get it, didn't i?
Wow! Got it?
How much?
I didn't pay anything.
You stole it?
What's the time now there?
Is it?
Here it is 9 am now.
Chintu & bantu are still sleeping.
Stupid phone.
It gets cut when i want to talk
an important matter.
You reduced the telephone bill.
Why are you increasing it?
Bujji, sathi wants make up.
Oh my god!
We are calling from andhra bank.
Seetha, how are you?
- Tell me.
Do you have maths class today?
Yes, i do have.
So, i will wait in the bus stop.
You wait. But i might be late.
- Why?
You can come just like that.
But i have to jump through the window.
I'm going to office.
Don't forget to take your lunch.
- Bye father.
Bye father!
I hear songs.
Which channel?
Mummy tv.
When did it started airing?
It's not tv. My mom is singing.
Do you like to hear?
If you wish to be with me,
i would take you in my embrace.
Will i say no if you wish to come?
She was superb.
Your mom has great future.
My friend says that you have great future.
I'll be waiting for you.
Did you air my voice?
You never listen to me.
You really have a great future.
It's pleasing to see you so happy.
If i have some problem,
you're there to solve it.
What problem?
I mean you are there to make me happy.
Okay. I have an important meeting.
See you later.
Have breakfast.
- No
siddhu, i have headache.
You go to the office.
Give this file to chari,
tell him to check the statements
and send them to audit.
There are corrections in s.s. Construction's plan.
Correct them & send it.
Your brother might come late from bombay.
I told venkat about the iron material.
He is mindless.
He always does the opposite.
Look into it too.
- Okay father.
What are you doing?
Will you go to office in this dress?
Where is chari uncle?
Welcome siddhu.
We have to send the accounts
statement to auditor.
Father called me just now.
The statements are being printed.
You can go to your cabin.
Just sign the papers.
we have to dispatch the designs
to clients immediately.
Your father told us.
But there are corrections in it.
I have corrected it and
informed your fatherjust now.
Okay sir. Yes sir.
Greetings sir.
Was it my father?
- Yes sir.
Did he tell you what to do?
- Yes sir.
Go ahead.
I drea.m.
I can understand your feelings.
He is always like that.
Do yourjob.
Try not to act smart.
If you talk about him again,
you may have to find anotherjob.
What happened to the loan?
Very good. Excellent.
Anyone will sanction loan on
seeing this project report.
Fine. What is the security?
You must pledge something.
We have nothing.
How do i look like to you?
Tell me... actually...
we need a security to sanction
a huge loan amount.
Come with your father.
We will discuss about it.
I will get his signature as a guarantor.
What did i say now?
Since i look like an idiot,
you approached me for a loan.
Asking for a security has upset you, ah?
Rs. 2.5 millions is nothing to him.
His father can give him billions.
Oh really! Who is his father?
Mr. Aravind, m.d.,
ragasudha constructions.
You could have told me this earlier.
- Please sit. - sit.
You could have asked your father
to give me a call.
So, that is not possible either, right?
Is seems someone did medicine
and opened a medical shop.
When your father is the m.d.
Of a big construction company,
why do you want to take
loan for rs. 2.5 millions?
And start a new construction company.
I want to be myself.
You have touched my heart.
Keep in touch. I will try.
Oh no!
I will win.
Is everything finished?
- It will be over.
But i was told that it'll be over.
- Office work is finished.
You play.
They have been playing since morning.
I'm coming...
will you play now?
No. He will play everyone's game.
Come siddhu.
Let's finish off the game.
- You pocket the black.
Only 3 more coins. The bet is for rs. 1000.
Please pocket them all.
Stop. What are you trying to pocket?
Why don't you try this one?
Keep the striker there & slowly hit it.
You play. Pocket the red coin.
Just a minute.
Powder will make it easy.
Hit straight.
Red is ours.
Don't delay. Keep it here & hit.
Have confidence.
Play. Not from here.
He pocketed all coins.
Your son plays so well.
- No.
Don't believe him.
He will lose wantonly.
It's cheating. We won.
Are you upset?
Actually, what really happened is...
sorry? For what?
You must have waited for me.
So, you didn't come then.
But why?
I kept waiting for you.
People wondered why i was waiting there.
I was caught for the first time.
Try to understand.
- Caught?
Like always, i jumped out of
the window to meet you.
My principal was...
stop laughing.
When happened then?
My lecturer taught me all the lessons.
She is a devil.
What happened next is...
it's enough. - Please listen to me...
- i can't laugh anymore.
Please listen to me.
- You can narrate me about the rest later.
I can't laugh anymore.
Hang the phone.
You hang the phone.
- You first.
You hang the phone.
Why are you so serious today?
I never laughed so much in my life.
I never worried so much in my life.
How could a girl handle
so many problems?
Why do you hate maths?
What question is that!
Look. It is full of problems.
You leave now.
I will stay here. It's alright.
I say leave now.
What's wrong with you?
- I said go.
Do you know who we are?
Your seniors.
Don't you know svc salute?
Stop it. It's enough.
Mangina seenu.
Are you kd mangina seenu?
I saw.
- Where?
"Kd mangina seenu loves manjula"
it's all over the college walls.
Still there?
Shut up.
Hasini, you are getting late to class.
Come, i will drop you.
Wait. We need to talk.
We have doubts.
Why should i be here?
- Will you stay here if he tells you?
Sure, i will.
Poor siddhu.
He waited for me all day.
Is that what you told her? Good.
What do you mean?
You know something.
He was with us all day.
We went to bank to start a own business.
Find out from him.
Did you lie to me? Did you?
Don't talk to me.
Say sorry. A thousand times.
- Sorry a thousand times.
I'm a fool.
You were busy asking for
a loan in the bank.
But i thought you had no work.
I'm sorry siddhu.
Hello mr. Senior, is the line cleared?
Mr. Senior, your mom's song was great.
Shall we go to gandipet on sunday?
Stop there.
How did they know about all this?
They are my friends. So, i told them.
Have you told them everything?
That bus incident...?
Sultan bazaar kaleidoscope...?
I told them.
- And that toilet incident...?
I forgot.
Go & tell them. Go.
Don't you have any secrets?
Don't you have anything personal?
What did i do?
They want to know what is
there between us.
What is there between us?
There is nothing.
Tell them that there is nothing. Go.
I drea.m.
I wasn't brought up well.
- What?
I wasn't brought up well.
Thank god! Bye siddhu.
Bye uncles. - Uncles...?
You are married, aren't you?
- Married?
We will meet tomorrow evening.
What's happening!
You didn't scold her even when
she told them your secrets.
- tell me...
let's meet in the party today evening.
Say it again.
Though you shouted at her,
she kept quiet. It means love.
I believe your words.
Everything is fine. But i...
no ifs & buts. Congratulate him.
Congratulations boy.
Stop it.
Congratulate me.
For what reason?
- He made a girl fall...
then, take her to a hospital.
He made her fall in love.
- Love?
Then we'll congratulate you twice.
You were about to hit me.
Okay. Congratulate me.
Why isn't he saying anything?
- He doesn't know the reason.
He made a girl fall in love.
Wow! What a girl she is!
I must worship his father.
Say "congratulations siddhu".
You won't.
Because you are also a father.
Go. Please go.
- He will abuse his father when he is drunk.
Why talk about him now?
Why talk about him now?
What can he do?
Ask him to come here.
I will wait for him. Idiot...
why are you still standing here?
Didn't i tell you to leave?
Ask him to leave.
Do you have a license?
I have lifetime license.
Do you want to know what it is?
Stop your shit & send him.
- Go. Get out.
Leave now. Don't you understand.
Such rogues scare me to
send my daughter out.
- Where?
Come i say.
- What happened?
- What happened, hasini?
What is this?
When everyone was talking
about you in the college...
are you blind? Look at my hair.
Draw properly.
You mean the rings.
Over there.
Will hasini look dull?
Always smiling.
That's it.
You don't even know this.
What about love then?
- Ask her.
What are you doing?
- A small fight.
He drew my face on the wall.
I warned him.
He went pale when i shouted at him.
Why are you so dull?
I got drunk last night.
- Do you drink?
What brand?
- Old rock.
My father's brand. Why do you drink?
I drink to abuse my father.
I was very happy yesterday...
- do you abuse your father?
What will you abuse?
Won't you ask me the reason
for my happiness?
Leave it. What will you abuse?
Bad words?
What bad words?
Please tell me 3 bad words.
Bad words?
What's wrong with you?
You drink & abuse your father.
Won't i like to abuse my drunkard father?
Just 3 bad words, siddhu.
Aren't you coming to the class?
- You go. I will learn bad words.
Bad words? I will teach you.
I know all bad words.
I'm the king of bad words. Tell her.
Shall i talk about your shape?
Shall i admire part by part?
Your lips are like lollipops.
- Enough.
Why are you getting angry?
Get lost you idiot! Macho hero!
How dare you hit him?
Stop being a hero!
Stop fighting.
I drea.m.
Stop beating them.
Please, stop it.
Will you teach her bad words?
- Rajesh is my friend.
Rajesh, he is siddhu, our senior.
Does that mean he will hit us?
I will kill you.
Shut up.
I should've hit you instead.
You call everyone your friend.
Saw how he spoke. Shit.
What's my fault?
Is being friendly with everyone a crime?
Trusting everyone is wrong.
Everyone is not like you.
Even i'm friendly with you.
Can i trust you?
You're bleeding.
- Blood?
How did you get hurt?
yes, he met with an accident.
We are very worried.
- Mom, i am fine.
I could see that. Sleep.
Let him take rest.
- I told you to get a car instead of bike.
Nobody listened to me.
See what has happened now.
Go & find out the latest car in the market.
We will buy one today.
Your brother-in-law...
- yes...
what happened?
- He fell somewhere.
- From the bike.
Careful siddhu.
- Even i told him to be careful.
You talk.
Did you see... stupid phones.
Met with an accident?
- Hang the phone.
I want to talk to you.
My father asked me to talk to you.
I heard that you met with an accident.
Did you have medicine?
Sister gave me.
- Servant gave me.
- Mother fed me.
I feel sleepy. Bye.
Picked up the phone
on the first ring!
Didn't you go to bed?
Tell me, what is it.
I'm going out for an ice cream.
Come siddhu.
Ice cream at this hour?
Going alone?
That's why i called you.
I won't come. You also don't go.
How did you father allow you to go out now?
I gave him 4 pegs of your brand liquor.
He won't get up till dawn.
- You also go to bed.
You don't want me to trust everyone.
And you wouldn't come either.
How is this possible?
I'm telling you not to go out
at this hour. Listen to me.
So, you won't come, ah? I'm going.
One butter scotch.
You said you won't come.
Want to eat?
One more.
- Okay.
Give me a small one.
I have only rs. 10.
Take it sir.
You don't want ice cream?
Give me the bigger one.
- Rs. 25.
Get it from her.
Ganesh, i'll pay you tomorrow.
- Ganesh...?
Is he also your friend?
I told you not to go
why did you come out?
You said you won't come.
Why did you come then?
I will slap you...
poor girl... - ganesh, please...
how could you go when i am talking to you?
Why did you call me?
Unnecessary tension.
Why should you get tensed?
If something happens to you...
what will happen?
Don't you know?
Listen to what i say.
Okay. I won't come out for
ice creams at night.
Smile once, please.
No. Ice cream at midnight?
I said you can come out.
Come out but do call me.
I will take you out.
- Really?
Even at 1 am?
We have come to your house. Go.
Tell me.
How will you go all alone?
Shall i accompany you?
I drea.m.
I dreamt sometime ago...
i fell in love with you somewhere...
you're my imagination...
you're my dream girl...
my heart said you're mine...
i drea.m.
When someone asks me
the sweetest thing in my life...
the first thing that would strike
my mind is your name...
when someone asks me
the happiest thing in my life...
it would be the path you go...
when someone asks me about
the sky's missing blue color...
i would tell them that
it is in your eyes...
i drea.m.
I'll curse myself if i fail to express
my feelings to you...
i'll praise myself if you say
what i want to say...
i'll be myself if you are with me...
else i will go mad...
it's you people who should be blamed.
You proved him in the name gang's honour.
Now look what he says.
- Are we the reason for him to fall in love?
His father fixed his engagement.
Do you know the problems that may
arise if they come to know about this?
So what?
Do you know his problems?
We know him.
We have been with him since childhood.
He doesn't know what kind
of a girl he wants.
But now he says he knows.
Why don't you listen to him?
I'm warning you about the
problems he might have to face.
What problems?
- Stop it.
What are you talking?
We are worried about your life.
- Bhanu, my... life will be very fine.
I'm a good boy.
If hasini is with me,
i will be happy all my life.
I love her.
Does hasini know this?
I will tell her tomorrow.
Tell me.
I ask you something.
Will you answer me straight?
I thought you called me here
to say something.
But if it is about asking me...
go ahead.
What's there between us?
I'm talking to you.
What's there between us?
I'm very serious.
What's there between us?
That's what i'm asking you.
I will tell you later.
- After 5 years.
Minimum 4 and half year.
I don't have that much time.
Tell me now.
Okay. I will tell you.
Don't you have secrets?
Don't you have anything personal?
Just listen to me.
- No. I won't.
Listen to me, i say.
No siddhu.
Now you'll say something.
And if i tell that to others,
you will shout at me.
Please listen to me, hasini.
No. I won't.
Listen i say.
- No i won't.
If you don't, i will tell it to everyone.
- Go ahead.
I will tell it for sure.
- Go ahead.
Hello, you are very beautiful!
I love you.
He has told everyone. Idiot.
Okay, come & tell me.
I drea.m.
Who is she?
Did you tell her?
Did she agree?
- She's my fiance.
I never tried to hide it from you.
If i really did, i would've never
told you even now.
The engagement was against my wish.
But still, the engagement stands.
But that is my problem.
I will handle it.
You don't know how important
you are to my life.
Only after meeting you,
i'm happy for the first time in my life.
And i want it all my life.
If you really trust me, think over it.
I will wait for you.
Have you bought the ticket?
It's your stop to get down.
There you are.
What should i make for dinner?
She looks very upset.
I will prepare something.
I'm coming.
Is it the telephone department?
For telugu, press 2.
- I will crush your neck.
I don't want to be like this.
I don't like to keep brooding
over it for hours.
You said that i do what i like.
You are not interested in
that marriage, are you?
Then, don't marry.
Do what you like.
I trust you.
- Stop hasini.
What do you mean?
I didn't get you.
Try to be clear.
How could you go away just like that?
What do you mean?
I don't want this shade.
Give me another one.
What is the new hair dye in the market?
She will charge you too.
- No way.
What's happening here?
Is this house or a beauty parlour?
Clean it.
Tell him to come to office
from tomorrow.
What happened?
Tell him to come to office
from tomorrow.
What happened?
Ask him.
Tell them what happened.
Tell them.
He is after a girl expressing his love.
What's wrong with you?
Why are you like this?
Who is she?
What is your problem? Tell me.
Why are you like this? Say something.
I love that girl.
You love that girl!
Do you remember you're already engaged?
Your marriage is fixed with a girl,
and you've promised to marry her too.
Do you remember that?
We elders decided it.
Now, you say that...
didn't you like that girl?
You could've told me then.
We did ask you, didn't we?
You could've told us that you didn't like her.
Tell me.
I didn't have reasons to
tell you on that day.
Do you have reasons now?
What is the reason?
You like this girl, right?
I have 100s of reasons to say
that i don't like her.
Shall i tell you all that?
I've 100s of reasons to say that
i don't like her. Shall i tell you all that?
Tell me.
First try to know about her
and then tell your reasons.
Heard what he said?
He wants us to know about her.
But how?
By going to restaurant & theatre
like you did? Tell us how.
Everyone please come here.
We all will come.
On which road should we all
stand to know about her?
I don't understand
what you are trying to say.
Try to be clear.
What will make us understand about her?
- tell me.
- Try to be very clear.
If necessary...
i will bring her to our house for a week.
Do you know what you are talking about?
About my future.
Please keep quiet.
I drea.m.
Meet her & then give me
one good reason.
I will forget about her.
bring her here.
- what else can i do now?
He'll feel bad if i tell him
the reason now.
Is it okay if i tell you the
reason after a week?
Just 1 week.
Bring her home.
Trying to convince him
in a week's time...!
You could've asked for our suggestions.
You took a decision where he decides.
I didn't know how to tell
him about hasini.
But i had the courage
to tell him about her.
I convinced them to bring
her home for a week.
That's my first victory.
But still...
you know about your father & hasini.
How is this possible?
It must be possible.
Won't i get one incident to convince him
that she is the right girl for me?
But how can hasini come to your house?
She will come.
I won't come.
I'm not asking you to come to theatre,
park or to elope & marry.
To my house.
- It's our problem to prove our love, isn't it?
He is right.
But still, i won't come.
Hasini, we have only 2 choices.
If i leave my house,
i will lose a good family.
If i take you there, i will be happy
to have given you a good family.
What should i do now...?
- Talking about your family all the time.
Don't i have a family?
- Yes, a big family!
There are only 2 people.
He likes drinking & she likes chatting.
Hasini, i want you.
If you want me, trust me & come.
Okay. But my father must agree to this.
Will you come if he agrees?
But how?
There is a man for that.
Kismat kumar, m.a., ph.d.,
making a humble request.
Still i won't agree.
You must agree. I've given my word.
- To whom?
To the college staff.
I've given them my word to
bring your daughter to the tour.
I will lose my honour if i don't.
I will lose my honour if i send her.
- How?
I think there is a boy
who is after my daughter.
I receive single calls,
double calls & missed calls.
Someone in the college must be...
no. No boy in the college
has that many guts.
I'm sure he is not from the college.
How do you know that?
You suspect a lot.
I love my daughter.
It might bring trouble too.
Why do have doubt when a college
lecturer himself is making a request?
That's why i doubt more.
She is my daughter & i'm her father.
- It's true.
She could've asked me, couldn't she?
Why are you seeking permission for her?
Because i'm an idiot.
- Could be.
Your daughter won't ask your permission.
He won't leave me.
And i'm caught in between.
- Who is he?
Did i say so?
- I heard.
If i could convince you to give permission
for your daughter to join this tour,
they gave me this objective
to earn eternal fame in college.
Forgive me if i was wrong. Bye.
Do you have a phone?
- It has a number too.
Write your phone number.
- Why?
How can i live without talking
to my daughter for a week?
So, you are permitting her to join tour.
Though she decided to go,
she respected me by seeking
my permission. - Yes.
As a father, i should keep up my respect.
What do you say?
So, you are sending her to the tour.
Forget about thanking me.
I will get a good name among
the students, right?
If you get caught, your name will
be published in the paper.
I mean the media will get
a news to publish.
It sounded differently to me.
Take care of her.
Take care of yourself too.
Who lied to bring her out?
- Me.
Who will he ask if something goes wrong?
- Me.
So, who has the problems?
- Me.
Where are you taking her to?
Father, she is...
- i know...
she is harini.
- Hasini, uncle.
There are certain rules in this house.
I know.
He didn't tell me.
I could sense that by looking you all.
But they don't apply to you.
You are our guest.
So, be yourself...
...for a week.
- introduce her to others.
She is my mom.
- Greetings aunty.
Your song was superb.
I heard it from siddhu's phone.
She is my sister-in-law.
Hasini, she is bujji.
He did what he said.
He brought her home.
He might introduce her to me.
Keep talking & i will go away.
who is she?
Why did you bring her here?
There is no one to tell you stories, right?
So, he brought me here.
Do you know stories?
I know so many.
Shall i tell you one?
She will tell you later. Come.
Come in.
I like your room.
Today, even i like my room.
My lover in my room!
I can't believe it.
- Believe it.
What did you say?
He said he loves me.
Can't you shut up?
Why did you shout?
- That was when i pinched him.
Pinched him?
I haven't introduced her to you.
She is hasini, a very good girl.
Sathi, a good servant.
Ask me anything you want
i will get it for you.
I want water immediately.
She is superb.
Thank you.
I forgot to tell you something.
They asked you both to come for lunch.
I will get it for you.
Sathi, keep the water on the table.
Please talk to me, mom.
Sathi, did you tell everyone?
I drea.m.
Weren't you taught to use
a cloth while eating?
I was taught to eat without spilling.
She offers prayers before eating.
There are too many dishes here.
I may eat more.
So, i control myself not to eat more.
Why are you so quiet?
Won't you talk while eating?
Since you are new to this house,
they're feeling shy.
Does your father know
that you're coming here?
Yes, he knows.
- No, he doesn't know.
He doesn't know siddhu.
Will he send me if i tell him?
Forget about my father, will you send?
Shall i serve gravy?
- Serve.
Even i shouldn't have agreed
to come here.
But i didn't want hurt siddhu.
So, i came.
My father works in hindu charitable and
endowments dept...
we can visit all temples free of cost.
And god offerings?
- Free, sathi.
Can i tell you something?
You are very handsome.
Do you always talk like this?
No uncle.
I'm new to this place.
So, i'm speaking very little.
Am i right, siddhu?
Does he love this girl?
Say something, lakshmi.
What can i say when he said
it is about his future?
No lakshmi.
If our children go wrong,
we must advice them.
We must show them the right path.
He might not listen to you.
But we must make him understand.
That's why i asked him to bring that girl.
Won't i get a chance to tell him
that she is not the right girl?
Where are you going?
Room shifting.
Going to your room.
Who is coming to my room?
Shall i tell you what i know
or shall i find out from him?
Tell me what you know.
Your father is shifting into your room.
- Father is coming to my room?
Even i was shell shocked.
But later i found that it is your
brother & not your father.
What time you're fixing the alarm?
You won't get up till 7 am, will you?
But you will get up at 6 am.
I'm not used to it.
It was sister-in-law who
gave this time-piece.
Good night.
I was trying to see through
this in the dark.
Did you get scared?
I don't need the full bed.
A small corner is enough.
Are you going out to sleep?
What are these for?
Won't you speak to me?
what are you doing here?
I couldn't sleep properly.
And you?
- Me too.
Because we have only 6 days left.
I was wondering how to bait these fishes.
Only then we can catch fishes.
Why are you coming closer?
I'm very tensed.
So what?
I'm very tensed.
- Don't make me tensed.
Will your tension go if i come closer?
A kiss would clear all my tension.
I drea.m.
I painted a picture and it was you...
it came near and asked me to kiss her...
when i went near pitying her...
she said her heart is with you...
and asked me to kiss you...
i'm in the age to love
and romance...
what's wrong if i take interest in it?
I too love to kiss you...
but shyness is stopping me...
it says there's time for it...
i drea.m.
Chill breeze is making
my lover to shiver in cold...
it told me to entwine you
like a warm hug...
i know how to keep myself warm
from the cold...
stop imagining,
i don't need your help...
why are you asking me to leave
when i wish to be with you?
How benevolent you are on me?
What can i do?
There's something special in you...
it pulled me towards you...
i drea.m.
She's beautiful,
the world is after her...
keep the world out from following her
is what my heart yearns...
there's a thing as my companion
which you don't know...
it's none other than
my own shadow...
breeze will also get tired
walking with you, my dear...
no need to get so dejected,
you are my shadow!
I was waiting to hear
this from you...
i was dreaming for this day...
Sathi, do you know to read paper?
No. I hate reading paper.
- Because i'm an illiterate.
Why are your eyes so red?
I couldn't sleep properly.
It takes time to get used to this place.
Your father has got up.
And he has gone forjogging too.
But he didn't inquire about you.
Why are your eyes so red?
I couldn't sleep properly.
Both of them couldn't sleep properly.
Something fishy...
don't try to know what happened.
You won't get sleep.
Do you want the paper?
Give it.
I will give it after finishing
the sports column.
I drea.m.
What are you doing?
How many times will you tell this?
- Until you say it.
You said you'll tell me stories.
- coming.
Where is the tablet?
Oh my god!
What is it siddhu?
This is my father's bp tablet.
You are giving it to him today.
Angler... to trap the big fish.
Sathi, get me my tablet.
Where were you?
Don't you know to stand next
to me while i go to office?
Do what you've do,
that's enough.
Is this what you call high bp?
First time i'm experiencing it.
Angling for big fish didn't work out?
How to catch it?
It's not a fish, it's a shark.
How about for other fishes...
- no need for angler,
let's lay a net.
- Net?
Mother is calling you.
Did you call me?
Did you see me head butting?
Why did you do it?
Did you see the head butt outside
or the one inside?
Did you butt outside too?
He did it outside, i butted him inside.
You'll get horns if you get
butt once, you know that?
I did it now, will she get horns?
Her husband is poor man!
He can't see her with horns.
Isn't it good?
Does siddhu believe all this?
Believes? He liked this and
chased to ask me for a coffee.
Is it?
- Yes.
I took him to minerva cafe
traveling in a double decker bus,
and had a coffee with him.
- Not about you, tell us about him.
You know, he bunked a function
to have 'paanipoori' with me?
What's going on inside?
You want me to tell what i know or tell
after knowing going on inside?
Tell what you know.
Then i don't know anything.
Tell me after knowing. Go
good boy? Don't say it with siddhu,
he'll get angry.
He abuses using choicest
epithets when he's angry.
Siddhu uses bad words?
Yes, that brings to my memory,
once in my college...
- in college?
- Okay friends!
Excuse me! Do you put hands
and legs now also?
What's that?
Okay, tell me.
When few rogues were
teasing me that day,
he beat them black and blue.
Oh god! Got hurt sathi?
No problem, he'll not mind it.
You carry on.
Ever since then those rogues
are calling me as sister.
Why are you tensed?
Unable to tell what i saw.
- No need to tell, keep it in your heart.
Do you know what's happening inside?
I know everything because i planned it.
Is this your plan?
I thought you were class but
you're downright mass.
Angler, net, fishing,
they are all mass effects.
But they do workout well.
Is she talking about me?
Notjust talking,
she's running a soap opera.
I know she's very talented.
- Then present her an award.
Call hasini out.
I don't think she'll come out from
the soap opera midway.
I know how to call her.
He brought her here to let
his family know about her.
But they are knowing things
about him instead.
I don't know what's in store.
Wait, it will stop.
Wait... wait... it will stop again.
Don't you know this is
universal lovers' code?
If i don't lift it now,
it will go on ring.
Is hasini there?
I'm calling from icici bank.
Siddhu, it's me!
Thank god! I thought phone call mad
or make-up mad girl is answering it.
What did you talk to them?
I talked about general things.
I'll tell you later.
Not later, tell me right now.
- Yes, don't make noise.
Can't i avoid it?
You can't.
That is... our regular ice cream jaunt...
yes, it's been long since
i jumped the wall.
It's difficult now, but let's make a try.
How did you catch those fishes?
They say you are a good boy.
That's how i maintain my image at home.
How can those frogs in the well
know about the outside world?
Their world is phone, make up,
kitchen, father. That's all!
They think that's the life.
Poor souls, siddhu.
I too feel pity on them.
Poor souls.
Whatever it is,
our plan has succeeded.
May i ask you a thing
in this happy mood?
What is it?
- It's long time since...
just only once...
- just once...
call me idiot!
siddhu, you're a real idiot.
Sir... sir...
- why are you tensed?
It's time for father's arrival.
Why are you so happy?
It's time father to come,
he must know what transpired in kitchen.
- Yes, everything.
I thought you're real mass,
but you're a front bench favourite.
Hasini, hold this.
Where had you been?
- To seenu's home.
Sister, look how casually
he's lying to us.
No, not like that.
May i teach you?
No need, she needn'tjump
over walls after grown up.
Jump over walls?
Would you like to have juice sir?
Serve him ice cream, he has come
from hot sun, that will cool him.
Ice cream?
Won't you've ice cream
unless it's midnight?
Chintu, come.
- Go away.
I'll also become an idiot
if i go with you.
Everyone is talking and behaving strangely.
Cool off, how can you be not
aware of your own plan?
My plan?
This is the soap opera she was
running in the kitchen.
This one?
Why are you tensed?
Father will be coming at any time.
Hi father.
Why are you tensed?
Nothing father.
- I know it, i'll tell you.
Actually what had happened was...
okay cool, stop your mischief.
What happened siddhu?
It all happened because of you.
When i said about laying net,
you said yes.
I said yes for net but
will you make me the bait?
I don't know whether you're doing
this wantonly or unwittingly.
I said very little but you
told a lot in the phone.
Your sister switched on the speaker.
Thank god, father doesn't know this.
What if he knows it?
I'll take care of everything.
If you talk to anyone in the family...
...will you talk to them?
- No.
Asking me not to talk or
stop putting a pillow next to you,
nobody can do it to us.
It smells like apple.
- Cream is apple flavour.
Don't you've orange flavour?
- Don't talk.
I'll get bored.
You've to mix, apply, wipe after
it's dry, you've lot to do.
You've made me sit idle.
Are you idle?
You've been chattering.
Bujji, take me to the sofa.
I'll watch tv.
You're happy-go-lucky character.
- I'm always like that.
Why don't you start a beauty parlour?
I asked father,
he told me open it here.
I'm bored working on the same faces.
Open it outside.
- I need money for it.
Try for a loan like siddhu.
Is siddhu trying to get a loan?
Don't you know this?
- No.
True, to start a business of his own.
He has applied to a bank for
a loan of rs. 2.5 millions.
Why are you all so scared of father?
We'll not tell uncle about this.
I'll ask siddhu to give you rs. 2 lakhs
when he gets the loan.
I'll stand surety for you.
I drea.m.
What is this?
Uncle... that's... a new girl there...
i was asking about this.
File uncle?
How can this work out?
No father...
- ain't i talking to them?
Notjust rs. 2.5 million,
tell him to ask what i can't
earn in my lifetime,
i'll earn and give him.
Will i earn or not? - You will uncle.
He has committed a mistake by
doing this without my knowledge.
If i keep quiet after knowing this,
it will be a blunder.
It shouldn't happen, what do you say?
Whatever you say is right.
When is your marriage?
Whenever you decide, uncle.
That is... my marriage is
on day after tomorrow.
Tell him that.
I'm getting married day after tomorrow.
We'll tell him uncle.
You're his friends,
put some sense into him.
Thank god! Bye, spare us alive.
We are finished.
This is what you say as
between devil and the deep sea.
Who is this girl?
I beg you.
What's this vamsi, seenu and ravi?
When did you come?
You sent me here, did you bother
to call me at least once?
I mean i've short term memory loss.
What would you like to have?
Coffee or tea?
Is it necessary now?
You said i'll forget you all
once i come here getting busy.
Look, i'm idle here.
Wait, i'll get you coffee.
Sathi, three coffees to uncles.
Oh my god!
How do you live in that house?
He made us go crazy in 15 minutes.
Have you got it now?
Why did they go away siddhu?
I was getting them coffees.
- Are you mad?
What did i do?
What have you done?
You've done a greatjob.
Is it my mistake to ask your
friends to stay for a coffee?
Will these fools die if you
don't offer them coffees?
I'm already tensed over your spilling
the beans about the loan matter.
You said hello to my friends
and embarrassed me again.
Are you mad?
How do i know what had
happened inside?
Yes, you don't know anything,
you don't know how to behave
and talk to people,
you don't know why you're here,
you don't know anything, right?
No siddhu...
hang the phone.
You do it.
I told you to hang it.
Somebody please do it,
i must talk to my second wife.
I'm confused lakshmi.
I thought the girl was his only problem.
I thought i could explain him
and solve it but today...
but... one thing is clear.
The girl isn't his only problem.
There is something else.
Uncle... uncle.
I'm really sorry siddhu.
If you want touch me once.
Sathi, see a new uncle has come.
Oh my god! Why is he here now?
Father is inside uncle.
You know him?!
Welcome, what a surprise!
Sorry kinsman, i dropped in suddenly.
No problem.
Shall i bring you a bp tablet?
- Ask loudly.
Shall i bring a bp tablet?
- Bring.
One for me too.
- Tea or coffee?
I asked for a tablet, not tea or coffee.
- Greetings.
Why is he calling me?
Your father-in-law is here.
- Is he here?
Why did he come now?
Hasini is playing with kids next to him.
Why don't you tell me one good news?
He has brought wedding invitations.
A good news!
I came to give the first invitation to you.
Come son-in-law, please sit.
Are you fine? Actually...
aunty... one more riddle.
Okay, three ants were going in a queue.
First ant said,
there are two ants behind me.
Second ant said,
there's one ant behind me.
Third ant said,
there are two ants behind me.
How is it possible?
How is it possible?
That's what i too asked.
Do you know kinsman?
That is... may be they are
going in a circle.
No, if they are in a circle, the second ant
should also say two behind it.
Isn't it?
Okay, you answer it dear.
May i? May i?
Third ant lied!
Kinsman, we got it wrong,
it seems the ant lied.
Bye... bye.
How can an ant lie?
- Your bp tablet.
No need, the girl eased it with her wit.
By the way, who is she?
She is...
my friend uncle.
Whoever she may be, she's an angel.
- Isn't she?
Bye... bye... bye tablet.
It's butchi kanaka rao!
If i answer it's problem,
if i don't even then it's a problem.
My chain of lies has started.
God save me.
How long do you take
to pick up the phone?
Give it to my daughter,
i want to talk to her.
Daughter? Dear, it's dad.
Daughter... my daughter... not my daughter...
every time you cut the call
citing some silly reason,
today i must talk to my daughter.
Give the phone to her.
How can i sir?
She's somewhere else and i'm here.
Why elsewhere?
That is... it's an excursion.
Bird chirpings, parrots singing,
gushing rivers, waterfalls,
they are enjoying it to the hilt.
Waterfalls? I don't hear anything.
You want sound.
You want to hear the sound, right?
One minute.
You'll hear the sound now.
I've come near the waterfalls.
I've come very close to it. Hear it.
Can you hear it?
I can hear it.
My daughter doesn't know to swim.
Anyway you've come there,
give the phone to my daughter.
Daughter? I'm in a fix.
Sir, i feel very shy to go
near your daughter.
Why are you feeling shy
to give her the phone?
Because she's taking bath.
What are you doing near the place
my daughter is taking bath?
You call me often and
suspect me always,
i don't want to deny you anything,
talk to your daughter now.
Nothing like that, please don't go
anywhere near my daughter.
Talk to her sir, let her take bath.
Hang up the phone!
Thank god! I'm out of trouble once again.
I accepted this when they said
i'll become famous in college.
Not famous but infamous.
It's very nice.
Very nice father.
- Very nice.
Come to board of directors'
meetings dressed like this.
How well dressed others
come to the meetings.
I felt let down by his dress,
so i got him this dress.
Isn't it good?
- Okay father.
That's it.
Siddhu, come here.
I too got one for you.
Some day you too have
to come to office.
It will suit you.
Siddhu, new coat? Very nice.
But you don't like white.
You go inside. It's nice.
You don't like white, right?
- Go.
It's really nice, father.
Are you doing it wantonly
or unwittingly? I don't know.
Will you behave like
a good son with your father?
Idiot! You are...
i abused myself.
You needn't go out
to call me on phone.
Thank god! You smiled.
Sathi, get the car ready.
Don't move. - Look she's trying to
make me a new bride.
Do it fast, we'll reach only
after the marriage.
Where is siddhu?
Father-in-law, siddhu & my husband have
gone out to buy a gift to vamsi.
Hasini is also coming with us, right?
Aren't you coming to the marriage?
We are coming.
They are coming it seems, sathi,
i'll go along with them,
i don't need an auto.
I drea.m.
Do you remember all my instructions?
Must be silent, decent and
stay calm. That's all, right?
All three mean the same, right?
All three look the same but
very difficult to maintain it.
Greetings sir.
- Greetings.
I'm very happy that you've graced
the occasion with your family.
Bujji is finished.
Am i not telling you?
Why are you calling me aunt in public?
Have i embarrassed you?
Forget about this,
it looks like siddhu is trying very hard
to keep embarrassments away.
I'm trying hard to save
my honour in my own home.
Forget it, by the way
what's the final result?
I studied something else and
writing something else.
I'm confused.
Don't you like this marriage, manju?
Looks like she's out to
spoil my marriage.
I loved him to marry.
Why are you so shabbily dressed then?
Come here.
Come to do the bridal make up.
- Coming.
What's this new get up sir?
What else can i do?
You said love excursion,
i said holiday sight seeing.
He said be careful.
That man is calling every hour to
talk to his daughter and killing me.
Why are you worried sir?
Just two more days only.
Be free like us.
- Is it?
After hearing you,
i feel little relieved.
Where is manju?
Where is hasini?
Where is charmi?
Why did you push me?
Is it for fun?
No serious.
Serious is okay, i hate fun.
Already i'm tensed.
Where is hasini?
Where is trisha?
Who are you?
Sathi! A good servant.
A servant should be like servant.
Is a lecturer like a lecturer?
- I'll be like this.
How does he know that i'm a lecturer?
What's this sir? You didn't invite me
to your son's marriage.
He didn't invite me too,
how can i invite you?
- Greetings.
Why are you conducting your
son's marriage in a temple?
This is too much for what he has done.
He eloped with her.
I caught him in secunderabad station,
and arranged this marriage
to save my honour.
Your son is much better
than my son,
my son threatened to commit suicide
if i didn't agree to his marriage.
Will you give in if they threaten you?
Don't we have the right
to think about their welfare?
You are too much.
They don't need good or bad.
Look at them!
Is there anyone well
behaved amongst hem?
They forget the world
if they get what they wish.
Respecting us,
if they come with the girl and say
i love and want to marry her,
think about it,
won't we think about it positively?
Won't we think about it positively,
come on tell me?
Is there anyone amongst
the crowd like that?
My clothes are getting soiled.
Look there, seniors meeting
is in progress.
What are they discussing?
What will they be discussing?
They will be abusing their sons as fools.
Youth is crazy, love is wrong,
they will be saying,
if we take a girl and tell,
father i love this girl,
is there at least one father
to think positively about it?
It's time for taking the vows,
we must present the sari, come.
Did i disturb you?
No... no... we were discussing
about sons...
what have they done?
They did what they wanted to do.
Which these people didn't like it?
That's all!
What are you up to?
Uncle will look ugly with horns.
- Shut up! If you butt him again...
leave me... leave me.
Why do you always boss over me?
Okay, promise not to butt him.
I'll try.
- Try?
Granny, look what he's doing.
It's common in love.
You carry on son.
It's time to tie the knot,
play the band.
Ready... tie the knot.
How grandly i wished to
celebrate his marriage!
I had to see this!
Okay, it's over now, forget it.
Uncle, come.
I drea.m.
Near lal darwaza...
near golkonda fort...
on the banks of river yamuna...
drums are being played...
whether it is italy or england or our india...
love is love wherever it is...
oh god! Is it fair?
Why do elders are always against love?
Oh god! What's this trouble?
Weren't these elders youth
once upon a time?
What do you really want to say?
I drea.m.
Did we ask when you beat us?
Did we ask to thrash you?
Did we fed you with love
on your request?
Did we say no?
Did we pinpoint it to you?
We never suspected your love
and affection.
If you really respect us so much,
why all this drama then?
Will children forget us
after falling in love?
You want us to marry your choice
for bringing up us for 25 years...
you want us to punish
all our future life for that...
come aunty... please come aunty.
Do you know aunty
is a very good singer?
Mother please... aunty please...
o greatest flautist!
Come fast...
radha is waiting for you here...
o butter thief!
Don't delay any further...
i'm chanting your name...
a virgin is waiting yearning
for you under the tree...
there's a little hidden in my heart...
i drea.m.
They talk about love...
they chant love mantra...
you forget reality in
the dreamy youth...
you create trouble...
you blare over loud speakers...
you never accept
young lovers with heart...
you never give up
your adamant attitude...
decide between us or love,
right now...
we can't compare your affection
with our love for a girl...
we can't decide between the two eyes...
siddhu, hasini's father!
what happened?
- Your father.
Hey buffalo! Why are you falling me?
Go... go... hide.
Are you drunk?
Go... go away from here.
Don't come here drunk.
Who are you falling on me? Go out.
Why did you come again?
What happened?
Why are you rushing out?
My father.
What's this nuisance? Stop it!
Who are you?
Is it you?!
What did i do?
What else is left for you to do?
What you should've done?
I told you many things before
going to the marriage.
Did you follow at least one?
I thought it's okay if you behave
decently before my dad.
Despite my warnings,
how dare you butt him?
Not enough with your antics,
your goddamn father too...
you're abusing me, right?
Why are you abusing my father?
He deserves it.
He came drunk to the temple
and created a scene.
Don't you abuse your father
after getting drunk?
Don't talk as if you're a good man.
Don't talk like this again.
I drea.m.
It's me!
Don't you have any sense?
Aren't you satisfied with
the damage already done?
Do you've to mention about
my drinking habit too?
I said sorry, please leave it.
Do you know how my image
was in my home?
It's totally disfigured now.
For them now i'm a rogue...
a drunkard...
how can you become so cheap instantly?
Anyway they will come to
know about this someday.
You don't talk.
How my parents will bad for not bringing
me up in a disciplined manner?
Will i have any value with them?
Will they accept our marriage?
What's my father's idea is?
I shudder to think too.
Won't you think about me?
I love you, right?
What else do you want?
Think before you utter anything.
You did the mistake and
should i think about it?
Should i?
- Come home, son.
How long will you think? Go home.
I'm scared to go home.
Seven day test ends today.
Can you live without hasini?
Why hesitation then? Go home.
What your father decides
tomorrow isn't important,
what you decide tomorrow
is more important.
If a necessity arises,
go against him.
Why are you laughing now?
Siddhu sir too did same like this
when he came to office.
Your kinsman is on the line,
can i give him the call?
Say i'm busy and will call him later.
Father, building work is over,
we've to decide about the painting.
This is what we use regularly,
it is good,
this is new product,
it will be good if it clicks,
if you decide between these two...
let's decide it tomorrow.
Are you thinking about tomorrow?
He hasn't got used to this like me.
Anyway whatever you do
is for our benefit only.
- Father.
No need to take risk,
okay the regular old brand.
Sir... sir... father is calling you.
Had your breakfast?
Everybody here knows me
well as a father,
i'm not alone,
all of you together is me,
i'm also not alone, father.
I know it.
I've understood it.
I never went wrong as your father,
and never will in future too.
So i've come to a decision.
I too have come to a decision.
- Let me finish it first.
First listen to me.
- I started it first, right?
Father please...
can i say something uncle?
Hasini, one minute.
Father, i...
- uncle, i am rejecting him.
I'm leaving.
I don't know how to talk uncle,
now also i intruded into
your conversation,
i don't know whether
this is right or wrong,
but i feel i'm not suitable for siddhu.
When you told him to bring me here,
i had doubts how you could know
about a person in 7 days,
but i've come to know after
coming here that we can,
i don't know what you've
come to know about me,
but i've come to know
a lot about siddhu,
once he told to me talk
few words if it is possible,
now he asks me not to utter a word.
Earlier he used to call on phone
to say sweet nothings,
now he calls on phone
only to scold me.
What he liked in me once,
today he says he doesn't like it.
But i'm not leaving because
siddhu is abusing me.
He used to do it earlier too.
It had traces of love in it.
Now it is missing.
I never felt loneliness in my home
when i was alone also,
though there are so many
people around me here,
i feel lonely.
I'm not a hypocrite to behave differently
inside and outside the home.
I'm scared of becoming a hypocrite
if i stay here, so i'm leaving.
I came here like a guest and
leaving like a guest.
If i had hurt anyone here,
please forgive me.
Bye aunty.
I got an auto for you.
I drea.m.
You promised to tell me a story.
Though it is unbelievable truth...
though i know you'll never come back...
why isn't my heart accepting the truth?
Anyone passing before me...
i think it is you...
your image is permanently
etched in my eyes...
though i am in crowd...
i'm still lonely...
in the world of loneliness
you left behind for me...
though eyes are wide open...
though you are a past dream...
i'm still wandering in that dream...
i drea.m.
You said you got 99 marks
in mathematics,
i signed it,
i told you to be docile,
you said impossible,
you said you'll live a life
of your own choice,
i said okay,
do you know why i gave you
this freedom of choice?
I trust my daughter.
You broke it.
Hereafter i'll follow your orders.
In the moonlight of
your friendship...
can i take it as i spent
few days in that bliss?
In my thoughts...
in the pain i go through...
this night of pain is never ending...
friendship of smiles...
fragrance of bonding...
the boon of first love
that i lost forever...
i drea.m.
Hello kinsman! It's me.
Thank god i got you on phone
after 3 days of try.
Sorry, i forgot in my busy
work schedules.
My tension is raising everyday,
because i'm father of the bride.
Marriage date is fast approaching,
we haven't decided about many things,
let's meet and decide immediately.
I'll come & meet you in 2 days,
i'm really sorry sir.
Okay, bye.
Why are you so dull?
You've seen, haven't you?
They are making calls,
what am i to answer them?
They are actually...
don't put longface, i hate it.
Please tell him.
Tell him.
Why are you also gloomy as if
something bad had happened?
Why is everyone so dull?
What can i do if the girl
leaves on her own?
I did what i can do.
Will any father accept for any girl
to stay in home for 7 days?
Why did i accept? For him.
She left on her own.
What can i do?
It's good that she left.
She couldn't stay here for 7 days.
Would she live here all her life?
Siddhu, face reality at least now,
you don't know what you really want.
Do you know?
- Do you really know what he wants?
Did i bring him up all these years
without knowing that? - Yes.
- I'll go hammer & tongs at you.
Why are you talking about the girl?
What do you know about him?
Will children behave the same
outside like in home? No.
Do you know how he
behaves outside this home?
He jumps walls at midnight,
he tells lies,
he beats people outside,
he drinks,
do you know what he does
after a drinking bout?
- After a drinking bout?
Isn't it enough if i say he drinks?
Mother, please leave it.
I'm not talking about your future,
i'm talking about my son's future.
You did the mistake but
accusing him. - Me?
Mother please...
- you did...
did i commit...
- father...
why are you requesting him?
- Mother, please!
I did the wrong,
i'll come to the office from tomorrow.
I'll marry the girl you fixed.
Siddhu, wait.
She accuses me and you're leaving
accepting it as your mistake.
What's going on here?
I always think about this family's welfare,
is that my fault?
I strive every minute to give my children
a good luxurious life, is that my fault?
Tell me, what is my fault? Tell me.
- It was all your fault.
It was all your fault.
Enough father... l'm fed up with
what you've done all these years.
Enough of the things i lost,
i don't want to lose anymore.
What did you lose?
Still didn't get it?
What hasini had when she
came to this house,
what she didn't have when she left
this house, that's what i've lost.
Father, i lost happiness of
little pleasures because of you.
You always thought of making
your son a great man,
and give him a good life,
but you never cared to know what i want
and how i want to live my life.
I always think many times
when it is about you.
You think every time
it is good for him.
Did you think at least once
whether i'll like it?
You're satisfied with giving
more than what i ask.
You don't know the pain of denying
what you really want.
I know it.
You'll know my likes & dislikes
only if you talk to me, won't you?
If there's any problem,
you'll talk to my friends,
talk to me dad!
Look into my eyes & tell me,
be friendly with me dad.
That's what i say every time.
You'll say but never follow it.
Because you like everything
to happen as you wish.
This shirt!
You select it, you say it's super.
You'll convince me that
it is the best for me.
Do you know how i feel then?
I felt like tearing it and
shout hoarsely, i don't like it!
You'll send me to office,
i'll also go.
But you'll finish the job
before i reach office.
Staff in the office jeers at me.
You invite me to play
a game of carom.
I want to play but you think
of helping me to win.
You ask me to strike black, white,
or say be careful with queen,
you hold my hand and...
if you play my game too yourself,
why should i play then dad?
If you teach me how to eat also...'s not going down the throat, dad.
You don't know.
Unable to live as you like,
unable to do what i like,
i'm living a hell of life, dad.
Frustration, anger, irritation,
without knowing where and
how to release it from the system,
one fine day i shouted
at mother also.
Mother stopped talking
to me since then.
When my mother can't
understand why i'm like this,
how can a girl understand me, dad?
She left.
She has gone saying
siddhu is not suitable for her.
I promised to give a good family
before inviting her here.
But i'm saying, this family
has lost a good girl.
What do you want me to do now?
I must marry the girl you fixed.
I'll marry but i'm telling you
one thing clearly,
the things you gave me till now,
this shirt, bike, and other things,
those things don't know i hate them,
but dad the one coming now is a girl,
someday she'll find i don't like her,
you'll feel sad then
about spoiling my life,
you think you've won
as a father till now,
but to make you win i've been
losing for 24 years, dad.
After years of losing,
some fine day when i look
back at my life,
i'll find only you all over my life.
I'll not be there.
All these years i wasn't happy, dad.
I was trying to be happy.
In future too i'll be like that only.
But i've a request dad.
Please don't give that i don't
like and expect me to be happy.
I drea.m.
Father... what happened?
- Dear hubby.
I was happy thinking
that you all were happy.
I never thought i was robbing
your happiness to be happy.
I don't know.
I really don't know.
Getting a 10 million profit in business
wasn't a big deal for me,
but i told everyone with pride
about buying a good shirt for you.
But i never thought i was hurting
you to enjoy that happiness.
Sorry son.
Couldn't you've told this to me?
Why did you hide so much of
sadness for so long?
Why didn't you tell me?
For this only.
I know you'll be sad on hearing this.
You can tell a father who never
cares about his children.
You're a great father,
thinking about us only,
guiding us through life
holding our hands,
your happiness was in it.
I wanted to give that happiness
all your life, dad.
I can't give you up at any cost.
I tried very hard to free myself from
your hold without your knowledge.
Dad, you're still holding my hand.
Sorry son.
You faced all this because of me.
I'll solve this myself.
Let's stop this marriage at any cost.
You be happy with your life.
- Go son, i'll take care of everything.
Apply turmeric to the
wedding invitations.
Welcome, you've come first time
after the engagement,
i'm very happy.
Look, who is here? Get a coffee.
- Please sit.
Is everyone fine at home?
I drea.m.
Have you come to talk to her?
You carry on.
I've come to talk to you.
Go ahead.
Uncle, let's cancel this marriage.
Thanks dear.
Surprised to see me say
thanks instead of sorry.
If you hadn't come to our home,
i wouldn't have come to
know my son so well.
If you hadn't walked out of home,
i wouldn't have realised my true self.
He told me what he has lost in
these 24 years because of me.
I can't give him back everything,
except you.
If i give you to him, its like giving him
back the 24 years of lost life.
As a father this is the
only chance i've to win.
Will you help me to win?
I'll not accept any of
your explanation,
you're young and inexperienced,
he's old, what happened
to his wisdom?
Don't abuse him, it was my mistake.
That's why i'm here,
please listen to me.
What will you say?
I'll cut your throat, it will be painful,
please bear it, isn't it?
Look son, a marriage cancellation
will not affect a man's life,
how much painful it will be for
a woman to cancel a marriage?
You can'tjudge it.
Uncle, you're thinking
about engagement,
i'm talking about life after marriage,
life is more important
than engagement, uncle.
I'm not suitable for subbalakshmi.
I tried very much to tell about me
and know about you.
When i saw you spoke
every word added with father,
i thought you were also
brought up like me only.
I felt we'll not be happy
with this marriage.
I should've told this then,
i'm sorry for the delay.
I am really sorry.
You said okay to this marriage
after hearing your father,
i'm telling you today about myself,
will you say okay?
What can she say?
She's just a little girl.
I'll tell father.
My father got angry for
committing one mistake,
i've promised him to do as he says.
Father, till now i did what
you had asked me,
for once please allow me to say,
he says he'll not be happy
in this marriage,
why do you still insist?
Cancel it father,
i don't want this marriage.
Won't i get married if he rejects me?
What do i lack?
No dear...
- please father.
Don't say anything.
Even if you manage to make him accept,
i'll not marry him.
Thanks siddhu for coming out
with this before our marriage.
I'll talk to your father,
his anger is justified,
i too got angry when siddhu
proposed to bring you there,
i asked should i've to stand on
road to know about you?
But it has come true.
My entire family is standing
on the road.
For your sake.
Look there!
Everything went fine, isn't it?
Why are you still abusing?
The real story started just now.
These fathers are...
for taking my daughter
to your home for 7 days.
I felt like chopping your
entire family into pieces.
But when i see the same family standing
at my doors for my daughter,
i'm very happy.
I'm very proud of the
way i brought her up.
But still i refuse to give my daughter's
hand in marriage to your son.
I too brought up my son very well.
- Did you really?
Do you know what your son
says after getting drunk?
Getting drunk?
Father... i mean you.
He abuses wildly.
Okay, my son is using bad words for me.
I committed mistake, he abused me.
Will that make him a bad man?
As a son when he can't
respect his own father,
how can he respect his wife
as her husband?
He will... l'm confident.
If you want i'll send him
to your house for 7 days,
if you still say no, i'll accept.
Are you stuck there?
Is that the girl's house?
Whatever it is your father
did the right thing.
You proved yourself to be a good son,
prove yourself to be a good lover too.
Okay siddhu...