Bratz (2007)
- Okay, chicas. Ready?
- Let's do it. - Okay, on three. - One. - Two. - Three. First day has arrived. Ready to be ready? Oh, man! The skirt I bought is at my mom's house. I thought you were at your mom's house. No, it's Monday. I'm at my dad's house. Joint custody. What can I say? Has anyone seen my turquoise shirt? You Ieft it here by mistake. Do you mind if I wear? - Oh, of course. - Okay. Turquoise thermaI, tank, and...stripey warmers. Super cute. KiIIer pIunge...shorties, and Ieopard kicks. PIaid skirt, Iame sweater. Jade. What? You know my parents. Just tiII I get out of the house. And then? And then I'm gonna bIow aII y'aII away. I guess none of you wanna know what I'm wearing. Shoes to die for. Lucky guess. Okay. we waIk in together. - Adios. - Sayonara. - Do svidaniya. - Ciao, my sisters. Manny, jandalel jEs el primero da de la escuelal You have ten seconds to get out of there, you IittIe toad. Don't get your bragas in a twist. Perfection takes time, and I'm worth every singIe second. Enough with the hair aIready. Looking good, chica. Yasmin, you wiII pay for this. Bubbie, Bubbie! You were waiting for me? Come on, nios. Get dressed. You don't wanna be Iate. Go comb your hair. And you, you come with me. I got something for you. Buenos diasl Oh, hey. I want you to go get dressed and put these on. Bubbie! I know. So, come on. Pay up. ChocoIate. How do you do that? I'm not teIIing. Nice doing business with you. Come on! - Dad. - What? What wouId I do without you? It's probabIy your mom. I'II get it. TeII her that she's gotta take you to the dentist on Thursday. - Hi, Mom. - Hi. Did your dad give you breakfast? I'II be ready in a minute, 'kay? Okay, beautifuI. Oh, hey, honey, couId you teII your dad he needs to take you to the dentist on Thursday? Why can't the two of you just taIk to each other? I'm the kid. You're supposed to be the aduIts. By the way, the dentist is on Friday. Bye, Mom. Bye, Dad. Jade! Jade! Let me Iook at you before you go. Now, remember, Jade, you have MathIetes, science cIub, room one, and vioIin. Mom, you forgot something. - I did? - SchooI! And speaking of which, I gotta go. Papa. Papa. Take a picture. Hey, what's up, Iadies? Mom. Perfect. Have fun. Bye. C-A-doubIe-R-Y! Where's CIoe? She's here. - Hi, guys. - Hey, girI. Okay, it's a big schooI. It's the first day. We're just freshmen. What are we gonna do? BIend? - Own it! - Right. BFFs! Guys. HeIIo! - Re-huddIe! - Yeah. I'm gonna own cheerIeading. I'm gonna try out for soccer. Yas, you have to join chorus. You know you have the most insane voice ever. Not a chance. Remember kindergarten? Me, ''Mary Had a LittIe Lamb,'' throw-up, 30 kids screaming? Yeah. I think I'II own journaIism instead. I'm ownin' the science. Okay, work the IQ, girI, but pIease don't Iose your passion for fashion. Just to keep Mom and Dad off my back. I'm aIso gonna ruIe home ec. I'm gonna need sewing machines for projects. I'm gonna have the hottest cIothes ever. Break. Wow. Okay, girIs. Now Iet's do it. Now, being president of the schooI is a huge responsibiIity. And it is one that I take very seriousIy. Just sit here, Paris. HeIIo. DyIan, dude, that was a totaIIy-- Avery, Quinn, pIease pay attention. I need to become very famiIiar with the cIique Iunch tabIe assignment chart. Because, as you can see, there are 48 distinct cIiques. Let me break this down for you. You have the goths, the skaters, the disco dorks, the beat boy bIingers, the gangstas, the wanna-be gangstas, the pretzeI peopIe who are into yoga, very different from the greenies who hate anything not made of pIants. Then you have the nerds, the kids who Iike to dress Iike dinosaurs, and the footbaII jocks. Oh, hi, IittIe freshman. I'm Meredith. - So...any cIubs? - Nope. - Interests? - Nope. - Friends? - Nope. Okay. - Loner. - Yeah. - Over there. - I don't get the Ioners. They're Ioners, but they Iike to hang out together. Leave me aIone. Whatever. Next? I reaIIy beIieve very strongIy in renewabIe energy. Eco-maniac. Very good, Cameron. Tree hugger. Now, if you sit at this tabIe, you'II find some peopIe who totaIIy rock the ''paper versus pIastic'' debate. Next! Good morning, PrincipaI DimIy. Oh, good morning, students. Pumpkin pie? - Good morning PrincipaI DimIy. - Good morning PrincipaI DimIy. Yes, Daddy, what is it? You were right. Chapter 10. ''ControI the popuIation. A: Separate the inmates into groups.'' You see, this was your idea. Advanced thinking. Genius. Okay. Daddy? I've toId you this more than 50 times. You may not speak to me during schooI hours. WeII, dear, everyone knows you're my daughter, and I'm very proud of you. Do you want me to teII Mother about this? Oh, no. WeII, I'm busy now, Daddy. Bye. I'II see you at home, then, candy cane. Next. Okay, honey, this is a reaIIy nice tabIe, and I promise it wiII aIways be the same tabIe because I understand that change is reaIIy upsetting. Oh, no! They did not just waIk past us without checking in. Who is that? No one you even need to think about, Cameron. They Iook kind of cooI. Yeah, in a totaIIy trashy, beneath our contempt, maybe we couId find a IittIe spare time to crush them into the dirt sort of way. - Yeah. - No, Avery, we don't crush. We focus on the positive here at Carry Nation High. We heIp them find their way. Or eIse. Yeah! You try beating Carry Nation High Is it just me, or does this aII Iook a IittIe creepiIy weII organized? See you at Iunch! See ya Iater. Excuse me, miss. Are you in the right room? Yeah. A IittIe magnesium, some sodium chIoride, a pinch of perchIorate, a soupcon of strontium nitrate, and a IittIe bIing. And... A BernouIIi effect. You are seriousIy superior. We wouId be honored to have you as a member of our science team. Yeah, thanks for the accoIades. Everybody, go Let's go, FaIcons Let's go, FaIcons Last time! Everybody, go Let's go, FaIcons Let's go, FaIcons Now, that's the IeveI I expect from a FaIcon cheerIeader. - Who's got it? - PIease. You've got something better? - Oh, you know I do. - So bring it. GirI, I brought it, naiIed it, Ient it to my friend's kid sister, and I brought it back whiIe you were stiII figuring out the beat. Yeah! What are you gawking at? She's hot. Hot pIayer. SeriousIy. Not bad for a rookie. In fact, not bad at aII. Yes! It's very red. It's very you. You in? Why don't you watch where you're going? Are you bIind? HeIIo? No, but I'm deaf. What? I'm deaf. You don't sound deaf. WeII, you don't Iook ignorant, but I guess you can't judge a book, right? Where do they think they're gonna sit? Give me the seating charts. Hi, guys. I'm Meredith, student body president. I saw you Iooking kind of Iost, so I thought I'd come over and heIp. Thanks, but I think we're good. It's no probIem. I have the seating charts right here. WeII, thanks, but I think we'd rather sit together. But there's reaIIy not a tabIe for that. That's okay, I'm sure we'II find space somewhere. But the Iunch courtyard isn't organized that way. Oh, don't worry. We'II figure something out. - What was that about? - 'Kay. What are you Iooking at? They're just awesome... fuI. AwfuI. Their cIothes? Yuck. ReaIIy super awfuI. To Iook at. ReaIIy. Yeah, I know. What are we gonna do about them, you guys? I'II teII you what we're gonna do. Nothing. Quinn, my system is fIawIess. Hey. Hey, Jade. Look. Come here. Check out this radicaI theorem. You'II absoIuteIy dig it. - Later! - Bye. Hey, Sasha, come sit with us. I gotta go. - Bye, guys. - Bye, Sasha. Yo, CIoe. GirI, come check this out. Oh, my God. Oh, sure. You see? We have no probIems at aII. Jade, I'm stuck babysitting. Come over and hang. Papi made your favorite. Matzo aIbondigas. I have MathIetes. Next week? - I'm booked soIid. Yikes. - Next week? I have journaIism. - How about tomorrow? - We have to make time for each other. - Wanna come over and study? - Let's do it next week for sure. You said that the Iast time. - Where are you? - I seriousIy miss you guys. What's happening here? You're aIways busy! Fine! - Hey, Sasha. - Yasmin, hey, girI. Long time, no see. What are you doing here? We were supposed to go shopping together, remember? Go, FaIcons! No worries. My bad, Yas. I'm sorry. I've got practice with the girIs. Can we do it next week? Oh, sure. Yas, you're the best. We'II do it next week, okay? For sure. I'II caII you. - Okay. CaII me. - Bye. You ruined my hair! Hey, you can take the bus. Yo, Iisten up. That bus is weak. It's cramped up with freaks. And I have no time to show my hair mystique. Word. Weird. - Hi, AIi! - Bethany! Hey, Dexter! Hey, what's up, Iadies? AII right, we can sit down now. Let's sit down. WeII, weII, weII, weIcome back to another wonderfuI year at Carry Nation High SchooI. And now, without further ado, I'm going to introduce to you your very popuIar President of the Student Body, my IittIe poIIywog, my daughter, Meredith Baxter DimIy. Good morning. I am so thriIIed to be here as your student body president once again. I am here to taIk about the taIent show, which I wiII be heading up again. And the fact that besides the coveted GoIden Hatchet, our wonderfuI arts committee is providing a spectacuIar grand prize this semester: a coIIege schoIarship to the schooI of your choice! Isn't that amazing? So you can post your auditions on MySpace-- Hey. Hi. Oh, good gIoss. Peach party? Yeah! I just got it! You Iike it? - I Iove it. - I know. - Yeah. - Yeah. Great Iip gIoss. Yeah, it's so shiny and-- - Yes, very. - Yeah. Shiny. Yeah, so... I actuaIIy have to get to cIass. Oh, yeah, of course. WeII-- Have a good cIass. - Thanks. - Yeah. Okey-dokey. - Back at ya. - See ya. I miss you. Wow, Meredith, starting a new trend at schooI? House frump chic. It suits you. SeriousIy, Cherish, I toId you, you may not speak to me before noon. Is that so I don't have to smeII your morning breath? Or is that the dogs? Did you make your appointment with Extreme Face Makeover yet? VoiIa. Now, you are Fido-fabuIous. Now we are both true fashion icons, aren't we, Paris? Yeah, fetching. Get it? Dog? Fetching? A dog fetches? These are the jokes, peopIe! DyIan, you've been hoIding out on me. AII this time, I thought you were just some cooI jock. DyIan, DyIan, DyIan. What's up? Nothing. I miss it. I miss music. I feeI you, but you don't have to. What are you taIking about? I can't hear. Come here. FeeI that? Yeah, but... it doesn't mean that I can pIay it. True. Come here. Try it. Know something, Whitman? You're a weird dude. But you're okay. You know that? Wanna Iearn a few tricks? - Yeah. - Yeah? I can feeI that on my neck. So what're you gonna do for the taIent show this year, Meredith? It doesn't matter. you know she's gonna win. Just because I'm going to win doesn't mean that I don't owe aII of my fans a reaIIy cooI show. That's true. Hey. What do you think? JuggIing? PIease. That is so not taIent show ready. Hi. Who, me? Yeah. Okay, Paris, we're a team, and Mommy needs your heIp. I need you to go over there. Yes, I do. And I need you to make sure that Cameron stops taIking to the eviI soccer freak. Okay? Okay? Thank you. Wow. Hi, I-- - I'm CIoe. - I'm Cameron. Yeah, I know. What cIasses are you in? CIasses? Stuff. CIoe! You are the biggest kIutz ever! You aIways ruin everything-- Oh, no. CIoe! Oh, my gosh. I am so sorry. Oh! No! You didn't! Jade, you totaIIy did that on purpose! Oh, my gosh! My hair! Sasha! You stupid...cheerIeader! You did not just say that! Keep taIking! Someday you'II say something inteIIigent. You know what? You're not as bad as peopIe say you are. You're worse! Food fight! Yasmin, you-- CIoe, this is aII your fauIt! Get down here! Take that! Oh, my gosh! No! Jade! - Oh, my gosh. - Here, want some of this? Enough aIready! Oh, my gosh! Hey, make a hoIe. PrincipaI DimIy coming through! Move it! PrincipaI DimIy's coming through. Oh, hi, Daddy. Lookie. I want to know who did this, or I'm going to-- I'm going to pass this over to Vice PrincipaI SIudge. RoIIo, you take over. It's the four girIs Iying next to the statue. HeIIo. You, you, you, and you. Detention. You started it, cIumsy! I tripped. Excuse me, Princess Perfect. That is so Iike you! You've aIways been the queen of deniaI! You know what? Neither one of you ever thinks anything through. It's aIways me having to pick up the pieces. That's interesting. We haven't taIked in two years. Ever since you dumped us to be queen of the dorks! Me? You haven't spoken to any of us since you went aII cheerIeader. I'm not a snob, I'm just better than you are, yeah! I didn't stop taIking to you, you stopped taIking to me. What're you taIking about, Sasha? At Ieast we don't buy our friends with our daddy's bank account. OnIy because you don't have a dad or a bank account! Stop it! AII of you, just stop it. I can't beIieve you said that to CIoe. That's okay. No. It's not. When your parents got divorced, CIoe and her mom were totaIIy there for you. Don't forget that, Sasha. CIoe. I'm sorry. Can't beIieve I said that. What happened to us? - It's okay. - We were a team. We aIways had each other's backs. SeriousIy. Like when you canceIed your ski trip to heIp CIoe study for finaIs. That's what friends do. What about you, Yas? Remember, you compIeteIy crushed those girIs that used to sIam Jade before she grew into her ears. WeII, she wouId've done the same for me. Big deaI. It is a big deaI. Friendship is a big deaI. Why aren't we friends anymore? I can't even remember. It's the cIiques. We're aII in them. That's just how high schooI works. Sasha, you're a cheerIeader, CIoe's a jock, and Jade, you spend your time between the science and home ec geeks. They're not geeks. They're reaIIy interesting peopIe. Yeah, but I wouId never know that because I'm not in your cIique. So...what do we do? We have to take controI of our Iives, of our friendships. It's our own fauIt. We can be friends with each other and do our own thing, right? Okay. How? We be ourseIves, just Iike we used to be. I miss my girIs. Me, too. I didn't reaIize how much untiI now. BFFs? BFFs! - You smeII Iike pasta. - So do you. I can't beIieve them. This is aII your fauIt, Cameron. Because if you hadn't waIked over and taIked to that soccer joke, I wouIdn't have had to take action. And then Daddy's bust wouId not have been broken. And those bimbettes wouIdn't be in detention and back together creating anarchy in my kingdom. Thanks a Iot. WeII, if aII eIse faiIs, I can use this. Meredith! I don't think this, you know, caIIs for the jump drive, Meredith. Maybe everything wiII be back to normaI by tomorrow. ''Maybe everything wiII be back to normaI by tomorrow.'' Moron. Let's go. I can't stand to Iook at this. So teII me, chica, why so happy? Is there a boy? Come on, you've been hoIding out on me. There's no boy, Bubbie. It's Sasha, Jade, and CIoe. We're a team again! I mean, everyone at schooI is onIy friends with the peopIe in their group, but we've decided to be friends with everyone. WeII, you girIs are doing the right thing. You waIk into schooI, you sociaIize with each other, with everyone. You waIk in with your heads heId high. And you waIk in with these gorgeous new shoes. jSon divinasl jHolal Who's your Bubbie? jHolal You are! Bubbie, they're gorgeous! I Iove them! Ah-ah-ah. Sweet taIk is cheap. Pay the Iettuce. Dos chocolatsl How do you do that? Te amo, Bubbie. Mmm, I Iove the smeII of retaiI in the morning. That's my Sasha. Gosh, guys. I missed you so much. Two years? That's, Iike, forever. So what's the Iatest and greatest? Same oId, same oId, I just wish my parents couId see who I reaIIy am. - The worst. - You know, it's not that bad. It just means I spend a Iot of time changing cIothes in skinny bathrooms. That's so weird. Fashion's Iike your superpower. You shouIdn't have to hide it. PIease, that's Iike a textbook definition of superpower. It's a thing in your Iife that you're reaIIy amazing at, but you hide it from the worId so peopIe wiII think you're normaI. And you, Yas? I started writing some music, and yes, it's sounding pretty good. And no, you can't hear it. - Stage fright? - Yeah. But, Sasha, I mean, it's reaIIy been about missing you guys. Speaking of guys, whoa. - Whoo! - I know, right? Yas, Iook who's waIking by sporting some bad jeans and Iooking fine. Oh, my gosh. He totaIIy just checked you out! Did you see that? He's into you! What, DyIan? Are you kidding me? He hates me. Besides, he is totaIIy not my type. Oh, you have a type. Come on, guys. DyIan is not the Ieast bit interested in me. OMG. It's so obvious. Okay, you are so wrong. He never Iooks me in the eye, he's never asked me out, and he can never even remember my name. Oh, my God. He's crazy about me! Promise we'II never Iet anything break us up ever again. Pinky swear. Pinky swear! I Iove MySpace. Yeah, that's much. Next! HeIIo! I am Magnificent Mike! Watch as I pIace my assistant into the sword box of death. Prepare to be amazed. Great. You're in. Thank you very much. Next! If I see one more vioIin pIaying contortionist, I'm going to scream. Next! I think we're making this too compIicated. I mean, if we wanna be friends, we shouId just be friends. I totaIIy agree. I mean, we waIk to schooI. And we Iead by exampIe. Come on. Yo, CIoe. Come to us. Serious? Oh, hey, Jade. Come here. Check this out. I'm sorry. Hey, Sasha! Come sit with us! I can't. Are peopIe staring? Oh, yeah. Super awkward. Okay, this is weird. I think it's time for pIan B. Operation MingIe. BeautifuI! Wait. Perfection! No, straighten your Iegs. See, Iike, don't you have any fancy pair of sneakers in your Yasmin coIIection? I mean, anything under 6 inches. I just want to stay verticaI! Come on, stay verticaI! Honey, when I'm through with you, you wiII be pIaying your next soccer game in stiIettos. - You serious? - Trust me. Hey, Dexter. SaIutations, Jade. Hey, nerd. Why is she taIking to you? Jade? She's my Iab partner. Hey, hottie. I bet you and I couId do a Iab experiment without the Bunsen burner. You feeI me? Ugh. I think it behooves you to extend an apoIogy to the Iady. I don't know what you just said, but I think you better mind your own business. Oh, you're gonna cry? Now, wouId you Iike to apoIogize to the Iady? Sorry, Jade. Dude, you ever think about pIaying footbaII? Okay, so, X + Y + Z divided by 3 is? Okay. Let's try this. I think this might make more sense. Oh, yeah. What's a touchdown? Six! - PIus an extra point? - One! PIus a safety? Two. Divided by a fieId goaI? Three? It's good! Number 1 ! Who's number 1? KiIIer rip. Thanks. But I think with a IittIe adjustment, it'd be a whoIe Iot better. Power comes from your core. Like this. See? AII right? - AII right. - Try one. You may want to move, just in case. I'm good. Okay. Oh, no! I'm such a kIutz! I'm sorry. - Are you okay? - No worries. ShouId we try it again? Oh, my God, Cherish. What are you doing? I'm trying to imagine you with a personaIity. Take me to the happy pIace. Take me to the happy pIace. Hurry up. Can't you find somewhere eIse to be a freak? So embarrassing. I'm busy now. Can I ignore you some other time? Didn't you hear, munchkin? Everyone does what I teII them to do. Not from what I hear. Ouch. Oh, whatever, Avery. This is just a temporary Ioss of controI. I can assure you, I wiII bring order back to our schooI. Now, girIs, think. When was I at the height of my popuIarity? - Last week? - Last year's taIent show? - I know this one. - Yes, Quinn? Your super sweet 16. She's totaIIy right. That was, Iike, the most amazing party ever. Remember, everyone was, Iike, sucking up to you for weeks before just to get an invitation. WeII, then, it's settIed. I'm throwing another super sweet 16 party. Um, but you're aIready 16. I'm throwing another super sweet 16. In fact, I'II have MTV tape the whoIe thing. My mom is best friends with the producers. Why is she throwing another sweet 16? I'm not reaIIy sure, exactIy. I'm going to use the invitations to bring organization and harmony back to our schooI. Oh, I get it. No cIiquey, no tickey. You have a visitor. And that'II crush those snotty girIs forever. And then we'II Iive happiIy ever after. BriIIiant! Yo, Cherish, you Ieft your shoes at baIIet cIass. Hey, it's a totaI chick farm. AthIetic and yet very hot. Me Iikey. Me thinky you're a twerp. So what do you think of my hair today? I did this side just for you. Don't you need a Iicense to be that ugIy? Ooh, I Iike 'em feisty. Isn't that Yasmin's IittIe brother? Yeah. What's he doing here? Hey, Iooking good, mamitas. Ugh. Okay, that is truIy gross. Oh, my God. You have the most incredibIe hair ever. I know, right? I'm going out for best hair this year. No doubt. Anyway... why don't you come over here and teII me aII about yourseIf. Are you kidding me? Okay. Here, keep this dry. So, your sister Yasmin. She is so sweet. I mean, what's it Iike having such a perfect sister? Yeah, what's it Iike? Perfect? Ha ha! Have you actuaIIy met her? You're so funny. I mean, she's just so good at everything, right? You think so? Check this out. It's truIy fantastic. Wow. She is precious. I just have to have this for my coIIection. Do you think you couId transfer it to this? Yeah, sure. Meredith's MTV-- my super sweet 16. Yeah, it's gonna be totaIIy even more incredibIy awesome than the Iast one. How excited are you? She aIready had a sweet 16. What do you think she's up to? Does it matter? HeIIo? It's a party. This can't be good. Come on. Oh, my God, how cute is this? DarIing. Love it. ApparentIy so. Come on, girI. Give it up. TeII us what's wrong. I'm not going to Meredith's party. Okay? I can't afford to buy anything new. You guys need to go without me. I mean it. Oh, my God, CIoe. Stop it right now, okay? The onIy way you couId embarrass us is if you don't waIk into Meredith's ridicuIousIy extreme extravaganza. Yeah, and we've been puIIed apart for too Iong. It's not happening again, not for anything, and especiaIIy not for Meredith. But, Sasha, I have nothing to wear. You do now. I have two guiIt certificates. One from my mom and one from my dad. And now one for you. Hey, divorce isn't aII that bad. Now come on, girI, we've got some serious shopping to do! Mwah! Come on! Aah! The maII hath no fury Iike a shopper scorned. Yeah. Good job, girI. - Thank you. - I'm proud of you. Pop your baIIoons to see if you're invited to my MTV Super Sweet 16 party! Now, seating wiII be organized according to groups, so if you don't beIong to a group, you reaIIy can't come to my party. So untiI then, I'II be watching you. Go ahead, pop 'em! Oh, my God, this is so fabuIous. I knew it. It was too good to be true. I just don't understand why Meredith is so eviI. I mean, what are we gonna do about her party? Nothing, okay? We don't go. If we can't go to the festivaI of Meredith on our own terms, then trust me, it's not worth it. Yas, it's gonna be an amazing party! Yeah. And, if we don't go, we can be branded as totaI Iosers and outcasts. But I'm wiIIing to take the risk. I'm with Yasmin. Skip the ego trip. Yeah, I second that emotion. - But, guys-- - Sasha, no. Okay, I hear you. It's just...there's this tragic new outfit out there that's just caIIing my name. But...hey, you know? I'm hanging up and changing my number. HoId me. Oh, honey. You'II be just fine. Come on. No. I agree. AbsoIuteIy not. Don't Iook, Paris. I'd rather die. That's the one. Show me-- I need a IittIe something right there. Thank you. I just Iove me. I Iook so hot. High five. Okay, keep going. Wow. Your singing's amazing. Oh, my God. ReaIIy? Yeah, Iike beyond amazing. SeriousIy? Thanks. But I don't understand. I mean, you can't-- Hear? It's okay. You can say it. It's cooI. I can't hear, but I heard you. Okay. I'II bite. Here. Come here. Let me show you. Sing something. Wow! So that's how you heard me? WeII, I didn't exactIy hear your voice. I feIt your voice. And it feIt amazing. Awesome. Yeah, you are. You have a serious gift. You did sign up for the taIent show, didn't you? Because you're definiteIy winning. Oh, thanks, but no thanks. I can't sing in front of peopIe. I IiteraIIy get iII. It's not pretty. You know what? I can't hear, but I Iearned to spin. You can do it if you reaIIy want to. SeriousIy, it'd be a crime to keep that voice inside yourseIf. What's that mean? Go for it. Mom? Wow. This must be a major party. Mom? Mom, are you okay? You're burning up! Oh, I have to cook the food. I have to cook the food. - No, Mom. - I have to cook the food. Mom, you can't work. You need to sIeep. - Where? - Mom. Mom. Mom, Iook at me! You need to sIeep. Okay. A coupIe hours. You promise you'II wake me up? I promise. Just get some rest. PIease, Mom. GirI, are you joking? It's Saturday morning. - This better be good. - What's wrong? It's an emergency. I need your heIp. - I'm there. - We're there. So we need to make 150 of each dish. Cook? You want me to cook? GirI, I burn water. Yeah, are you kidding? 'Cause there's definiteIy no way I can do this. What's this? Come on, Jade. We can do it. You're a designer. Just think of it as... high fashion for food. Let's do it. CIoe, you didn't wake me up. It's 5:00. I've got so much to-- Who did this? We did! This is amazing. You girIs are absoIute angeIs. Aren't we? It was a breeze. What? Oh, God-- Mom, what's wrong? My servers can't make it. This is the biggest party of my career. Where am I gonna get servers in two hours? We're free. No, wait. Wait. Wait. This is Meredith's sweet 16. Mom, are you kidding? I couIdn't turn it down, honey. I'm sorry. No. No. No. It's okay. I understand. I'm just gonna canceI it. We're in. You sure you want to do it? What's the worst that couId happen? Why the sad faces? CIowns are supposed to be happy. Be happy. Perfect. If you guys want to back out, I'II totaIIy understand. AII right. Everyone's out there waiting for food, and gosh darn it, we're gonna serve it. I just need five IittIe minutes and F.E.R. GirI, I may be wearing circus cIothes and a cIown nose, but I draw a Iine at wearing animaIs. Uh, no. Not fur. F-E-R: my fashion emergency raft. I never Ieave home without it. WeII, I got S-M-K: Sasha's make-up kit. HoIIa! Now that's what I caII cIown couture. Giddyup, Jumbo. Hi, everyone. Hi, MTV. It's Meredith. Isn't this amazing? Hi! Oh, I'm so gIad you couId make it to my super sweet 16 party. Oh, it's so good to see you. Hi, everyone. I know. So cooI, right? Best party ever aIready, and we're just starting. FeIIas, you guys, Iook. Oh, yeah! Oh! I'm so excited to be here. Candy, quiche, and pickIe puffs! Thank you so much for coming. HeIIo? Me time now. It's me. On an eIephant. That was amazing. Get out of my way. WeII, don't you Iook adorabIe. But you're not here to Iook adorabIe. You're here to work. It's CIover, isn't it? - CIoe. - Oopsies. Anyway, we're aII dying of thirst, so you wanna get us a soda? I'II take mine with a sIice of Iime. Oh, you know, make that a Iemon with a cherry. But take off the stem and put in two umbreIIas. One green and, um... one yeIIow, 'kay? Oh, no! Listen, Missy, you-- Sasha. - Step back. - Listen... make sure your friends keep a cork in it because I wouIdn't want to have to fire your mother. Again. Okay, what was that about? Nothing. I don't want to taIk about it. Come on, Iet's work. Ooh! Hi, I'm Meredith's sister. I've had to put up with this every day for 1 1 years. Can you feeI my pain? Yeah, I'm stuck with her. You guys Iook Iike totaI rock stars. I Iook Iike a circus freak. I'II pay you to kidnap me. I'm worth a Iot. I'II do it. That nose is workin' for me. Me Iikey. You're a very beautifuI girI, cupcake. And you Iook cute as a button tonight. Don't Iet anyone kid ya. You're a good dad. Thank you, uh, jeIIybean. May I have your attention, pIease? For our first super fun event of my super evening, It's time for the entertainment: me! PIease hoId your appIause untiI the end. We Iove you! Yeah! Thank you so much. And now, for a reaI treat, I'd Iike to invite my dear, dear friend to go next. Oh, my God. I can't beIieve she's gonna Iet me go first. Yasie, darIing. A IittIe birdie toId me that you just Iove to sing. Come on up here. Come on. - Come on. - No. No, pIease don't. Don't do this to her. She has stage fright! No, stop! This is gonna be fantastic. Raise the roof, Yasmin! We Iove you, Yasmin! Come on, Yasmin. It's my birthday. Show us what you can do. Oh, dear. She is so adorabIy shy. Precious. WeII, I have had the priviIege of watching her sing, and I just want you aII to see it. Hey, come on, you guys. Dance with me. Up! Up! Up! Come on! Everyone! Stop it! Do something about this. I'm on it. Stop it! And now, for my second change of the evening. Ladies and gentIemen, my Aquamarine Meringue. WeII, is everyone having a good time? Is this, Iike, the best super sweet 16 party ever? Do you guys, Iike, totaIIy Iove me? What did she say? Let's-- Let's start dancing. Okay? Hi, MTV. WeIcome to my super sweet 16 party. We Iove you, MTV! My party was totaIIy better than yours. I am so sorry. Foie gras mousse? I'm pretty good at Iip reading, not that good. You Iooked great on the big screen. Oh, don't remind me. So humiIiating. Yeah, don't Iet it get to you. Consider the source. Excuse me! Yasmin! Get back to work. That is not what I'm paying you for. No fraternizing with my guests. Oh, you have got to be kidding me. Shoo! Go! Go! Excuse me! Jumbo, come here, boy! Go. Go, Jumbo, go. Oh, my gosh. WeII, if it isn't CIoe the kIutzy cIown. You're fired. Now cIean up this disgusting mess before my guests see it. Cameron, what are you doing? Get up. Cameron! Cameron? Cameron? Get me a drink? Get your own drink. What? Cameron! Thanks a Iot, Jumbo. Oh, what are you Iooking at? Stop it! Stop it! This is my MTV super sweet 16 party! Everybody go back to your assigned tabIes immediateIy! Thank you. Meredith, are you okay? Do you need a hand? I can knit you a toweI. I know CPR. Look at me! You guys have ruined everything! There was gonna be a cake and dancing and an amazing goodie bag. But now the party's over! You've ruined it for everyone! You...you... brats! Hi, MTV. This is the best party I have ever been to in my whoIe Iife. Happy Birthday, Meredith. WeII, she's brought back cIiques. Ok, so, what do we do now? Sasha? Hey, Bethany. So, we've been taIking, and you're a reaIIy great cheerIeader, and we reaIIy want you to be a part of the team, but if you don't want to hang out with us, then maybe you don't have the right kind of schooI spirit for the job. So you're saying if I'm not a part of your cIique, I'm off the squad? Think about it. Hey. You either need to spend more time with us, or we need to cut you from the roster. Dexter...don't be that guy. I'm afraid that's not up to me. We had a reaI chemistry, Jade. I'm not doing it. Come on, Yas, get over it. The onIy way to get everyone back together is to win the taIent show. Meredith wins every year. You're the onIy one that can break her streak. Maybe so, but I'm stiII not doing it. Next subject, pIease. A chicken! Fine, that's me. El pollo Yasmin. Look, if you sing, I'II spin. ReaIIy? - Yeah. - No. Come on! We'II aII heIp you. You'II sing, I'II choreograph, CIoe wiII spIash the background with her video bIing, and Jade wiII-- What, add numbers faster than anyone? HeIIo, fashion diva. We're gonna need costumes. Now you're taIking, sister. And we're gonna need backup singers, too. - And dancers. - Why stop there? We shouId get everyone who Meredith shot down to perform with us. Perfect! Then you don't need me. Ugh. Okay, how about this? The winner gets a schoIarship. Know anyone who might need that? CIoe. Okay, fine. But onIy for CIoe. But I stiII can't do it. - Why? - Why? Because we don't have a name. WeII, weII, weII. If it isn't the brats? Bratz. CIoe, you're a genius. I am? - Bratz! - Yeah! Ready? 5, 6, 7, 8. I Iove it. Next! I got some great images that I took of the mime. You're awesome. That Iooks good. - You're in. - 5, 6, 7, 8-- Stop! You're kiIIing us. AIabama, AIaska, Arizona, Arkansas, CaIifornia. Boring. HorribIe. HorribIe. You're in. Next! I am PIunger Man! Come on, now. Get up. - Hey, sweetheart. - Hi, Dad. Aren't you supposed to be at Mom's tonight? Oh, Dad, I'm so exhausted, I compIeteIy forgot. You know what? You go on to bed. I'II caII Mom. And I just wanna teII you something. I'm reaIIy proud of you. - You are? - Yeah. You and your friends have put aside aII your differences and made it work. Thanks, Dad. Maybe one day you and Mom wiII do the same thing. Yeah. Maybe. Bratz? Oh-no. No way. Nuh-uh. I don't think so. They ruined my super sweet 16. I am not going to put them in my taIent show. HeIIo, Yasmin? So, you see, it's reaIIy in your best interests to drop out of the taIent show. Or I'II be forced to go pubIic with aII these embarrassing fIaws that I have right here on your friends, Sasha, Jade, and particuIarIy CIover. CIoe. Same thing. I'm pretty sure CIoe wouIdn't want the entire student body to know that when her mother worked for us, things just disappeared. Poor girI. How terribIy pitifuI. You are so devious. Thank you. I mean, I hate to do it, but you can certainIy see my predicament, and yours. Can't you? How pathetic. I can't beIieve you. You spend haIf your time documenting dirt on everyone eIse? You reaIIy need to get a Iife. Oh, I have one. And it is fabuIous. Save it. Just Ieave CIoe aIone. Smart move. Hit 1 , 2, 3, 4. Yas, come here. You have to see this. We are so tight. Check. Watch, show her, ready? Wait. Wait. Guys, wait! I need to teII you something. I'm dropping out of the taIent show. I just can't do it. - What? - What? I'm sorry. It's just, you guys kind of puIIed me into it. And I never reaIIy wanted to do it anyway. This is a joke, right? No, it's not. It's just not my thing. It's kind of stupid. Stupid? No, what's stupid is... is that I'm aImost getting kicked off of my soccer team and you, you're the one dropping out? Whatever. I don't want to taIk about it. You don't wanna taIk about it? Can we taIk about the fact that my grades have dropped? How seIfish can you be? What happened to sticking together? I guess I'm just not feeIing it anymore. Sorry. Right. Okay. WeII, I guess if you're not feeIing it anymore, then we're not feeIing you. You know what? Come on, girIs. We're through here. Oh, and Yasmin? DeIete my number from your ceII phone, okay? Mine, too. Yeah, sounds about right. I tried to protect them, but I Iost them instead. Ah, cara mia. They're your best friends. TeII them the truth. You don't know Meredith. Maybe you shouId Iet them decide. Est bien, mi nia. Est bien, mi amor. Bubbie te quiere mucho. Okay. Brown. BIue. BIue. Brown. Why aren't you girIs getting ready? Mom, we're not going. Not going? Why? Yasmin baiIed on us. Yasmin? She just quit the show. We thought our friendship was more important than anything. I mean, after everything we've been through. We put it aII on the Iine. I can't beIieve it. Yeah, it doesn't make sense. Maybe something's wrong with her. You girIs have been friends forever. Don't you think that you at Ieast owe it to Yasmin to Iook a IittIe bit deeper? Find out why she did what she did? Sasha, I have something to teII you guys. - Like, face to face. - Okay. Look out your window. Ladies and gentIemen, weIcome to a night of magic. Before we begin, I'd Iike to introduce you to our iIIustrious ceIebrity judges who wiII be voting for me. I'm totaIIy kidding. Ugh. I can't beIieve Meredith wouId stoop so Iow. Wait, did I just say that? We shouId've known you were just protecting us. I didn't teII you. Yeah, but we shouId've known anyway. Yas, we want to do the taIent show with you. But, guys, remember Meredith? Whatever. If we Iet Meredith scare us into quitting the show, then it's aII over. She's gonna make our Iives miserabIe for the rest of the year. Yeah, and it doesn't matter if we win. We gotta stand up for ourseIves. Show some attitude. So Iet me get this straight. You guys want to stand up on stage, in front of the whoIe schooI and risk everyone Iaughing at us and thinking we're Iosers untiI we graduate? Exercise? Yeah, I get enough exercise. Just pushing my Iuck. Ba-dum-cha! Anyway, what do termites eat for breakfast? Oak-meaI. Get it? Oak-meaI? That was just hiIarious. ReaIIy. ReaIIy wonderfuI. - Thank you, guys. - It's hiIarious. Stiff competition. Our next act is simpIy amazing. Ladies and gentIemen, Iive from Carry Nation High, Meredith and the Meredettes. # You know it's aII about me # # You know it's aII about me # # You know it's aII about me # # You know it's aII about me # # Don't hate me 'cause I got it goin' on # # It's just me, I'm hot, never coId # # I can rock it any way that I choose # # I'm so good, oh, yeah, I make up aII the ruIes # # I can't heIp it if I set aII the trends # # Everybody wants to be my best friend # # It's infectious, come on, don't you be jeaIous # # Just join in this Iove fest # # You know that it's aII about me # # It's aII about me # # Oh, yeah, me, myseIf, and I # # It's aII about me # # Ma-ma-ma MySpace, I have 10 miIIion friends # # Text me, BFF tiII the end # # Page me on your ceII and press ''send'' # # Diva what? Diva who? Diva where? # # That's me # # DownIoad aII my crazy new hooks # # UpIoad aII my video Iooks # # So buy my ringtone, fashion Iine, and cook books # # Diva what? Diva who? Diva where? # # It's aII about me # # It's aII about me, me, me, me, me # # Everybody knows it's I # # It's aII about me # # Don't bIame her # # I'm so beautifuI # - # Not her fauIt # - # I'm pIatinum and goId # # She's the queen # # And my reign is supreme # # So foIIow the Ieader, you're aII on my team # # I can't heIp it if I set aII the trends # # Everybody wants to be my best friend # # It's contagious, and it's so outrageous # # Grandparents, grownups, and kids of aII ages # # You know Madonna ain't got nothing on me # # Bu-bu-Beyonc ain't got nothing on me # # Cha-cha-Christina ain't got nothing on me # # Diva what? Diva who? Diva where? # # That's me # # You know it's aII about me # # I'm a speciaIty # # You know it's aII about me # # I'm an anomaIy # # You know it's aII about me # # Who eIse couId it be? # # UpIoad, downIoad, text me, page me # # MySpace, YouTube, don't erase me # # Indoor, outdoor, I'm so cIever # # That's why I wiII ruIe forever # # Me # Get off my stage. Go! Wasn't that awesome? Ladies and gentIemen, without further ado, Iet's see who you have chosen as this year's most taIented student at Carry Nation High. Judges, the enveIope, pIease. Wait a minute. There's stiII one more act. No, the show is over, with a capitaI over. Hey, Iisten, the girIs signed up, they deserve the right to perform. - He's right. - Oh, pIease. I know the ruIes, but thanks anyway. Hey, those are my parents you're taIking to. You wiII not disrespect them Iike that. Have you considered anger management? Oh, Meredith. Bag it. - Introduce us, CIoe. - Wait! Are you sure you want to do this to your friends, Yasmin? WeII, then, it is my responsibiIity, as your student body president, to Iet you know who these brats reaIIy are. Exhibit A, the fashionista. I say Imposturista. She Iies to her parents, to her teachers, and to you. This is who you think she is. This is who she reaIIy is. Here's the deaIio. I'm not either of those girIs Meredith showed you. I'm both. I Iove science and math and my parents, a Iot, but I have a passion for fashion. It's how I express who I am. And if I can't do that, I'm nobody. I want everyone in my Iife to accept that. Sorry. Pathetic, isn't it? WeII, nowhere as pathetic as this. Exhibit B, the soccer jock. AII-American girI, the perfect daughter, you decide. When her mother desperateIy needed a job, my famiIy was kind enough to offer her empIoyment as our maid. And how did her daughter repay this kindness? By steaIing my favorite, most beIoved doIIy. Ow. StiII hurts. Look, it's true. My mom did cIean Meredith's house. She wouId do anything to provide for us. My mom... My mom is my hero. But I never took your doII. ActuaIIy, I did. You were using it as a doorstop. I eavesdropped on my sister. And then I betrayed her. Yasmin, I'm very sorry. Most of my friends think I'm a tough jock, but I've been taking baIIet since I was 5. And you know what? I Iike it. I cheated on my pop quiz and my midterm, and my finaI. I'm Bubbie, and I am a chocohoIic. - Hi, Bubbie. - Hi, Bubbie. Meredith, this one's for you. # We got that Bratitude # # It's not that attitude # # We got that Bratitude # # Yeah, come on # # There's a voice inside of me # # Set it free, set it free, set it free # # And it Iives way down deep in my souI # # Let it go, Iet it go, Iet it go. # # Come with me on this ride # # Soar with me through the sky # # You can't hide, you can't hide, you can't hide # # Everyone, Iisten up # # They say my Bratitude is just an attitude # # Gonna take the Iatitude # # To say that it's okay # # It's not a pIatitude # # To feeI some gratitude # # So show your Bratitude # # To the worId today # # Express yourseIf and you'II see # # Set it free, set it free, set it free # # One on one, aII together, you know # # Let it go, Iet it go, Iet it go # # BeIieve in aII you are # # Let your spirit soar # # This power wiII open the door # # Now you know, Iisten up # # Ay ay ay ay # # It's not an attitude # # Ay ay ay ay # # It's not a pIatitude # # Ay ay ay ay # # To feeI some gratitude Ay ay ay ay # # Bratitude # # You know my Bratitude is not an attitude # # Gotta take the Iatitude to say that it's okay # # It's not a pIatitude to feeI some gratitude # # So show your Bratitude in each and every way # # That's what we caII # # Bratitude # # That's what we caII # # Bratitude # # There ain't no difference who you are # # No ifs, no buts, no maybes # # Just foIIow our Iead, be fearIess # # There's no Iimit, don't you worry # # B-rat tat tat tat # # The Bratz got your back # # So get up on your feet # # Let's take it to the street # # To everyone you'II meet today # # We got it # # We'II share it, we'II show it # # Want the whoIe worId to know it # # We got it # # We'II share it, we'II show it # # Want the whoIe worId to know it # # They say my Bratitude is just an attitude # # Gonna take the Iatitude to say that it's okay # # It's not a pIatitude to feeI some gratitude # You go on that stage, and I am never speaking to you again. You know what? That's the best offer I've heard aII day. # There's a voice deep inside of me # # Set it free, set it free, set it free # # One on one, aII together, you know # # Let it go, Iet it go, Iet it go # # B! Bratz styIe we'II be bringin' # # R! The right way to be singin' # # A! We aIways keep it reaI # # T! Stick together, it's the deaI # # I! TeII me, girI, what Iives inside # # T! To be true and aIways try # # U-D-E! Express yourseIf # # Express yourseIf # # Riding high with our Bratitude # # That is why we got Bratitude # # We can fIy with our Bratitude # # Don't deny we got Bratitude # # Riding high with our Bratitude # # That is why we got Bratitude # # We can fIy with our Bratitude # # Don't deny that # # We got # # Bra-ti-tude # # Hey # Oh, that was so good! Yes! Yeah! You were aII absoIuteIy wonderfuI. And the winner is... It's a tie. It's a tie. WeII, we-- That's a first. So I guess we just-- We'II, uh-- I'd Iike to present the GoIden Hatchet to Meredith Baxter DimIy. I reaIIy didn't see this coming. I won, I won, I won, I won! Look, everyone. I won. - Thank you. - Yes. Now, the schoIarship goes to the Bratz! Meredith. Tom McShavie, Vice President, MTV Networks. - Great show. - Thank you. I caught your MTV My Super Sweet 16, and it's got the best numbers to date. You in the pooI. Outrageous. My idea. Smart girI. Oh, but you four girIs, whoa. You have got superstar written aII over you. - We do? - They do? Without question. We're having a movie premiere next Saturday night. How wouId you girIs Iike to be the featured act on the red carpet? Two words. Uh, duh! Fantastic. - We'II be in touch. - Oh, no way. Oh, my God, the red carpet! Oh, my God, the schoIarship! Which... we want to give to you, CIoe. You're going to coIIege, no ifs, ands, or buts. For reaI? Oh, I Iove you guys! We are truIy best friends forever. BFFs! Even better. Bratz! I totaIIy wouId've won that schoIarship. WeII, dear, there's aIways the next time. No, there is not a next time. I'm graduating. Oh, yes. CongratuIations, dear. Easy, easy, easy, girI. Whoo! SubtitIed By J.R. Media Services, Inc. Burbank, CA |