Chill Out, Scooby-Doo! (2007)

See, professor? The ancient carvings,
just as I promised you.
So the legend is true.
Yes. It's all here,
just as the manuscript describes.
I've found it at last.
Come, Pemba. The lost kingdom
of Shangri-la awaits.
I am sorry, professor.
We dare not go further.
These lands are forbidden.
Forbidden? By whom?
Look around. We're the only ones here.
...we are not alone.
We should not be here.
He is coming.
No, Pemba. We can't quit now,
not when we're so close.
You do not understand. We must hurry.
Then I'll go alone.
I have seen the creature.
Don't you just love Paris?
The city, the sights, the shopping.
Isn't it romantic, Freddie?
Oh, man, I think I'm in love.
This new cell phone rocks.
It's got hi-def video, an MP3 player,
even satellite GPS.
I'm, like, totally geeking.
Really? How can you tell?
I don't know which is worse:
Fred and his phone,
or you and your newspapers.
I thought we were supposed
to be on vacation.
We are.
You know how I like reading
in a foreign language.
Listen to this, gang.
Climbers on Mount Everest claim
to have seen the abominable snowman...
...a mysterious creature believed to exist
in the high Himalayas.
Oh, no. Not this time, Velma.
I don't care if it's in English,
French or Swahili.
There will be no talk of mysteries
or monsters on this trip.
Do you hear me?
Yes, I hear you.
Can I have my cheeks back now?
Speaking of mysteries, Shaggy and Scooby
were supposed to meet us here...
...over an hour ago.
Where could they be?
Knowing those two, they've probably
been sidetracked by their stomachs.
What a great idea, Scoob.
Like, I've always wanted
to fly an all-you-can-eat airline.
Yeah, me too.
Like, gee whiz. Shouldn't we have landed
in Paris by now?
We're coming up on the drop zone.
Mount Everest, dead ahead.
Mount Everest, tallest mountain
in the world...
...and home to the abominable snowman.
- So you're really going through with this?
- But of course.
I am Alphonse Lafleur,
the world's greatest hunter.
Now, I come in search
of the world's greatest prize.
But I thought the abominable snowman
is just a myth.
How do you catch a monster
that may not even exist?
With a bait no monster can resist.
What can they want now?
Hello, anybody home?
And thank you for flying Alphonse
Lafleur's Le Monde Grande Tours.
We are going to be landing very shortly.
Boy, are we glad to hear that.
Like, my stomach is already coming in
for a three-snack landing.
- You have eaten everything?
- Almost.
Like, I'm still saving the last slice
of peanut butter and pineapple pizza... case of an emergency.
The pooch is still hungry, no?
We have lots of yummy goodies
waiting for you in the VIP lounge.
This is the VIP lounge?
You are on the package tour, no?
I didn't know that that meant
we were the package.
You said it, Scoob.
Like, I think we've just been bumped
from first class to worst class.
Zoinks, like, now, we know
how it feels to be lost luggage.
As if things weren't bad enough,
now my ears are ringing.
Shaggy, cell phone. Cell phone.
Hey, my cell phone.
Like, world's worst vacation ever,
Shaggy speaking.
Shaggy? I can barely hear you.
Where are you guys?
Hang on, Freddie.
Like, I think Scoob and I are about to go
from frequent fliers to frequent criers.
Shaggy? Scooby?
I've lost their signal.
Can't you trace it with that high-tech
GPS thingy?
Oh, yeah. With global positioning, I should
be able to pinpoint their exact location.
Just a little satellite tracking,
and viola!
Wait, this can't be right.
- The Himalayas?
- The Himalayas?
Home to Mount Everest.
And the headline-making mystery
of the abominable snowman.
Now, hold on. Just because
there's a mysterious monster on the loose... doesn't necessarily mean that Shaggy
and Scooby are going to get in trouble.
Does it?
We've got to get to Mount Everest.
Everybody in the van.
Sorry, Daphne, but it looks like you're
trading in your new heels for snowshoes.
Oh, just once, I'd like to have a vacation
that stays a vacation.
Like, elevator going down.
I'm very sorry, Pemba.
I don't know what came over me.
I should never have cut that rope.
Without you, I quickly became lost...
...and wandered in the blinding
snowstorm for hours.
I barely made it back here alive.
It is my own fault, professor.
I should not have taken you
as far as the forbidden lands.
But you did, Pemba.
And now the discovery of a lifetime
is still within our grasp.
The lost kingdom of Shangri-la...
...hidden from mankind for centuries.
Why, it's an archeologist's dream.
And it's right up there,
just waiting for me.
I mean, for us, of course.
It's waiting for us.
You may be right, but you forget.
Something else is waiting there too.
Don't you see?
The abominable snowman must be guarding
the secret entrance.
- That's how close we are.
- No. You do not understand.
We have angered the creature,
and now he will seek his revenge.
That is why everyone
is fleeing the village.
Not everyone, it seems.
- What are you doing here?
- I've brought you some hot tea.
No, I mean...
Hey, I'm listening to that.
Why are you still in the village?
You should be leaving with the others.
I'm not a little girl anymore, Pemba.
You can stop trying to frighten me
with your monster stories now.
Please excuse my sister, professor.
She is as stubborn as a yak.
So, Minga, you don't believe
in the abominable snowman?
When I was younger,
Pemba used to try to scare me.
"The yeti is going to get you."
Now he's going around telling everyone
that he's actually seen the creature.
I am not kidding this time.
The yeti is real.
We may be freezing cold,
but we're coming in hot.
Are you all right?
Did you break anything?
What is this intrusion?
I humbly apologize, most high lama, but...
The monastery is closed. Now, go away.
But look. Two strangers
have fallen from the sky.
May I offer you
something warm to drink?
You must be very cold and tired
after your long journey, huh?
Like, you had us at "warm."
I see you do not enjoy
our yak-butter tea.
Well, I'll say one thing.
You can really taste the yak.
Do you mind if we use your phone?
Our friends must think we've totally
flaked on them.
Like, snow-flaked, that is.
Oh, brother.
I am sorry, but we have no such
modern conveniences here.
Like, wherever here is.
Yikes, Shaggy!
Monster. Monster.
That's no monster, Scooby-Doo.
It's just some kind of creepy carving.
You have discovered
our most sacred chamber.
Like, way to go, Scoob.
Why couldn't you discover
something useful... the refrigerator?
In this chamber,
we offer sacrifices to the yeti.
Half man and half animal...
...he lives in the snow caves,
high on the mountain.
Like, there goes the neighborhood.
What an extraordinary crystal.
May I examine it...
No, you may not.
The crystal is sacred.
Its mystical glow protects us
from the creature's evil power.
- Evil power?
- Evil power?
I have found you.
Look out, Scoob.
It's that terrible tour guide.
Do you know this man?
Yeah. Like, thanks to him,
our grand tour took a grand detour.
My sincerest apologies.
There was a terrible mishap.
I was so worried, that I jumped
out of the plane myself...
...desperate to save you.
Speaking of desperate,
what about the rest of the gang?
They must be worried sick about us.
We're very popular, you know.
I know. Why don't you try calling
your friends from the weather station?
Weather station, eh?
Well, what are we waiting for?
Like, hook us up
with that satellite hookup.
It is a bit further up the mountain.
I can take you there.
The only place you are going
is down the mountain.
I would be honored to guide you
to the weather station.
I'll go too.
With that snow creature out there,
we'll have greater strength in numbers.
We will all climb the mountain together.
Beware, gentlemen.
The yeti is the watcher
of the guarded places...
...a realm of terrible danger...
...where those who seek the unknown
meet their doom.
Like, whatever happened
to "bon voyage"?
Admit it, Freddie. We're lost.
We're not lost.
We're just taking a shortcut.
Across Mongolia?
Just keep an eye out for road signs
to Timbuktu.
So, Velma, what can you tell us
about this abdominal snowman?
Not "abdominal," Freddie.
It's pronounced abominable.
There are a number of different theories
regarding the abominable snowman.
And there have been many photographs
taken of the yeti's footprints.
Hold it. Back up. Yeti footprints?
What on earth is a yeti?
The yeti is the name used by the local
mountain people to describe the creature.
So the yeti and the subliminal snowman
are the same thing?
Not "subliminal," Fred.
- Now you've got me all mixed up.
- I don't understand.
What does any of this have to do
with Shaggy and Scooby?
There's no mystery there, Freddie.
One thing we know for sure...
...those two always know
how to find trouble.
Scoob, old buddy, how did we ever wind up
on this frozen freak-fest?
I don't know, Shaggy.
Like, what I wouldn't give right now
for a nice warm Scooby Snack.
Scooby Snacks?
Well, why didn't you just say so?
Oh, boy. Scooby Snacks.
Yeah. A whole year's supply of them.
Like, maybe this trip wasn't such a bad idea
after all, Scoob.
Mountain climbing requires a lot of energy,
so we must eat many times a day.
Gee, Scoob, this sounds like a sport
we could really sink our teeth into.
Oh, yeah. That's the good stuff, Scoob.
How about you, professor?
Like, got anything yummy
to add to our impromptu potluck?
- Like, what is all this stuff?
- Don't touch that.
I'm sorry. But this equipment
is very sensitive.
We'd better keep moving.
Gee whiz. His equipment's not
the only thing around here that's sensitive.
Yeah, sensitive.
Man, Scoob...
...the air is so thin up here, like,
I think my lungs are gonna pop.
Yeah, mine too.
We must keep moving.
The weather station is only a bit further.
I think we're being followed.
You see?
What did I tell you, professor?
She is stubborn as a yak.
I was going to leave the village, but then
I heard the weather report over the radio.
There is a terrible snowstorm coming.
I only followed to warn you.
You and that radio.
Every day, all you do
is stare off into space...
...listening to that jabber-mouthed
DJ playing his records.
He's not a jabber-mouth.
His beautiful voice is the only friend
I have on this lonely mountain.
Here, just listen.
And here's a cut from their last album...
...recorded just before the band's
tragic breakup.
The song went on to become
a one-hit wonder...
...after its use in a popular Tv commercial
for furniture polish.
Wow, like, who would've thought...
...that you could get a radio station
way up here?
You can't.
It is just the man at the weather station
pretending to be a DJ.
You have a crush on the weather man.
And now you're tagging along
just for an excuse to meet him.
That's not true. There is a storm coming.
She is telling the truth. Look there.
It could blow us right off this mountain.
We've got to find shelter, and fast.
We'll never make it.
We're going to have to set up
our tents here.
You mean, like, camping?
Out here, with that psychotic snowman
on the loose?
Scoob, old buddy, if there's one thing
I don't like about this plan...'s everything about this plan.
Okay, Scoob.
Like, you've got first watch.
If that big-footed bogeyman
shows his frozen face...
...he'll have to deal with Scooby-Doo,
guard dog extraordinaire.
Yeah. Guard dog.
Hup, two, three, four.
Hup, two, three, four.
Hup, two, three, four.
Like, Scoob, keep it down, will you?
You wanna wake up
the whole neighborhood?
The creature. He knows we are here.
Zoinks, and, like, he doesn't
sound too happy about it.
Mes amis, you cannot quit now.
Sorry, like, Scoob and I
need our beauty sleep.
Not to worry, mes amis.
Come. I show you
something you like, eh?
Like, it's a laser light show.
You see? The traps, they are set.
First I catch the monster...
...then Shaggy and Scooby,
they will go home.
- What?
- What?
Like, I get it now. You're no tour guide.
No, mon frere.
I am Alphonse Lafleur,
the greatest hunter in all the world.
And we're just monster bait
to help you catch that ice-cold cretin.
Yeah. Monster bait.
At last, the creature, he is here.
And, like, we're gone, man. Real gone.
What is going on out here?
Like, you don't wanna know.
Like, if I wasn't freezing,
I'd be having a major meltdown.
Shaggy? Scooby? Is that really you?
It's me, Del chillman.
Wow, what are you guys doing up here?
Would you believe it? We're on vacation.
Yeah, vacation.
So Shaggy and the poochie
have hitched a ride, eh?
No matter.
Where they go,
the monster is sure to follow.
Well, sorry you can't call
the rest of the gang.
It looks like the snowstorm
has blocked out the satellite.
But, boy, am I glad to see you guys.
I don't get too many visitors up here.
Oh, boy, hot chocolate.
The last time we saw you...
...all you cared about was
the Loch Ness monster.
Like, what happened?
Nessie was a no-show.
I was so bummed. But then it hit me.
What if I got a job up here
and used my free time... search for proof
of the abominable snowman?
Hang on, guys.
Hello, out there.
Today's weather report:
A major snowstorm is blowing through...
...with highs in the low minus 40s.
You're chilling with Del chillman,
spinning music for your mountain morning.
Wow, this is some groovy collection
you've got here.
So, like, your big assignment
is to be a radio disk jockey?
Well, I'm only supposed to read
the weather report...
...but it got lonely after a while.
It helps to have someone to talk to,
even though nobody's really listening.
Except for this. Check it out.
Cool, huh?
On you, it looks good.
It just showed up one day,
along with this note. Listen.
"Dear Del, I listen to your show
every day.
I hope you never leave the mountain."
Once I heard that, I knew
I just had to keep on rocking, man.
I only wish I could stay longer.
Like, "Signed, your number one fan."
Hey, I've got an awesome idea.
Why don't you guys
be the guest DJs on today's show?
- Like, Scoob and me, as DJs?
- Sure.
You two can stay here
and watch the station...
...while I head out to search
for the other members of your party.
Like, Scoob and I can just
keep the party going here.
Yeah, yeah. Party.
All right, then.
Now, remember, that monster
is still out there somewhere.
So while I'm gone, whatever you do... not open this door.
Don't worry about us.
The last thing we want is another run-in
with that winter-wonder weirdo.
Wow, that sure was a long drive,
but we made great time.
I can't even feel my legs anymore.
Are you sure this is the right place,
I think so, but I'm not sure.
- My cell phone can't find a signal up here.
- Hey, wait.
You can't just leave us here.
No. This mountain is cursed.
The yaks are unhappy,
for they feel the yeti's power.
Come on, girls. We're going home.
Okay. Deserted village, yeti's curse,
creepy yak guy.
Yeah, we're in the right place.
Anybody home?
- Jeepers, this place gives me the creeps.
- Check it out.
Scooby Snacks!
And where there's Scooby Snacks,
Shaggy and Scooby won't be far away.
Don't be so sure, Freddie.
Come take a look.
Hey, those look like
Shaggy and Scooby's tracks.
But why would they be heading
up the mountain?
I don't know, gang,
but I've got a hunch our next clue...
...will be waiting for us in thin air.
Like, greetings, radio listeners.
Shaggy and Scooby, broadcasting live
from the top of the world...
...spinning stacks of wax
for all you frostbitten fans out there.
Right, Scoob?
Hey, Scoob. You wanna hear
my radio voice?
Like, put down your snow shovel
and pick up that thin-air guitar.
It's time to stay in and rock out.
What happened here?
Daphne, freeze.
I'm way ahead of you, sister.
No, freeze, as in, don't move.
Jeepers. Giant footprints.
They must belong
to the adorable snowman.
Hold on, gang.
There's something awfully strange
about these tracks.
I'll say.
This snowman must wear
a size-50 snowshoe.
But look closer.
The creature's footprint,
while larger in size...
...only sinks half as deep into the snow
as Daphne's.
But that doesn't make sense.
How could I weigh more
than a snow monster?
There's got to be
a reasonable explanation for this.
Hey, gang, over here.
And that is the last thing I remember.
I don't know what happened
to the others.
Don't worry, Pemba.
By reading the footprints in the snow,
we should be able to reconstruct the attack.
From the looks of these tracks, I'd say
Professor Jeffries snuck away on his own.
But why go climbing by himself at night,
in the middle of a snowstorm?
What about Minga?
I do not see her footprints anywhere.
It's like she just vanished.
Well, gang, it looks like
we've got a mystery on our hands.
Jinkies, look.
It's a radio.
That's Minga's. She never
goes anywhere without it.
Then she must've dropped it
as the creature carried her away.
You mean, Minga has been kidnapped
by the abominable snowman?
Oh, this is all my fault.
I should never have returned
to the mountain.
And what about Shaggy and Scooby?
They must still be out there somewhere.
Oh, Scooby-Doo. Where are you?
Like, that's right, old buddy.
It's Scooby and Shaggy.
They're on the radio.
And now, for all you
mountain music lovers...'s time for your
mid-morning traffic report.
There's a six-yak pileup
on the Tibetan tri-level... you backed up all the way
to the K2 off-ramp.
So if you're traveling by yak
this morning...
...try to give yourself
an extra day or two, folks.
What is it, Scoob?
Can't you see I'm broadcasting here?
Hey, you're right.
Like, I forgot to check the temperature.
Oh, better wear
your mittens today, folks.
It's a chilly 15 degrees below zero
out there.
And, like, with a hundred-percent chance
of snow monsters!
Ladies and gentlemen...
...we interrupt our scheduled program
to bring you this special report.
Like, live, as it happens.
Hang on, folks. I've just been handed
this important bulletin:
Like, "Help!"
Table for one, monsieur?
Like, your menu, sir.
Okay, Scoob, hit him
with the old one-two.
Yeah, one-two.
Come on, champ.
Give him the old double, backwards,
super-duper Scooby spin.
We're trapped, Scooby-Doo.
- Help!
- Help!
Jinkies, we've lost them.
We've got to get
to that weather station, and fast.
It is not far. You will see it
just over that ridge.
I am going to search for Minga... the monster's cave.
Pemba's right. We should split up.
Daphne, you and I will head over
to the weather station.
No, thanks, Freddie.
I'm going with Pemba.
Okay, that's...
You can pair up with Velma this time.
Lucky me.
All right, gang.
Let's solve this mystery before Shaggy
and Scooby wind up in the deep freeze.
You think you can outsmart...
...Alphonse Lafleur, eh, beastie?
Like, what took you so long?
A couple of more seconds and we
would've been abominable appetizers.
What did I tell you, huh?
You must think like the creature, no?
Okay, maybe not so much thinking
next time.
You come for Lafleur, eh?
No, no, no.
Lafleur has come for you.
Oh, no.
Monsieur Lafleur, he's gone.
Zoinks, like, lucky him.
Hang on, Scoob. I'm hitching a ride.
We made it.
Scoob, old buddy,
point this balloon toward coolsville...
...and let's go home.
There's the weather station,
directly across the valley.
Listen, Freddie.
Do you hear that?
- Fred? Velma?
- Del?
Man, I thought you guys were in Paris.
You've got to be kidding me.
I asked them to fill in for me on the radio
while I went out to look for the others.
Meanwhile, Shaggy and Scooby were here,
with more monster than they could handle.
Maybe there was something else
the snowman was after...
...besides Shaggy and Scooby.
According to these inventory records,
a few of your helium tanks are missing.
- My what?
- Helium tanks?
Yeah, we use helium to fill up
the weather balloons, but...
They're missing?
What would a snow creature want
with pressurized helium?
Take a look at this.
This is so weird.
That looks like a seismograph.
A device used
to detect underground vibrations.
I knew that.
And it's picking up some really strange
vibes deep inside the mountain.
Then maybe the next place to search
for clues won't be on the mountain...
...but in it.
Anybody home?
Minga, are you in here?
- Are you all right?
- I'm fine...
...but I think I just stubbed my toe
on a clue.
Helium? How strange.
And look, the gauge is on empty.
I'm starting to think
this abominable snowman...
...may be less snow and more man.
Okay, Scooby-Doo, you got us up here.
Now, like, how are we gonna get down?
Like, don't look now, Scoob...
...but I think our stock
is about to take a serious plunge.
Well, what do you know?
That wasn't so bad after all.
Do not be afraid, my young travelers.
Zoinks, like, who's afraid?
I am.
I am wondering.
What are you doing
among the gravestones of the spirits?
- Gravestones?
- Gravestones?
Fear not, honored ones.
Your good karma has at last
brought you to safety.
Welcome to the lost kingdom
of Shangri-la.
Wow, the vibes in this place
are too groovy for words.
And, like, it's done wonders
for your complexion.
For thousands of years...
...this mystical valley
has been the source of eternal youth.
Those who discover Shangri-la
can never grow old... long as they stay.
Like, what is it now, Scooby-Doo?
He pulled my tail. Pulled tail.
Like, you say somebody pulled your tail?
Hey, like, those chimps must think
we're a couple of chumps.
Oh, yeah?
Like, nobody makes a monkey out of you,
right, Scooby-Doo?
Apparently, I spoke too soon.
This way, my friends.
You may stay as long as you wish.
You know, Scoob, I could
get used to a place like this.
Yeah, me too.
According to the data
from the seismograph...
...this should be the right spot.
The underground vibrations
must be coming from down there.
Come on, gang.
It's time to put this mystery on ice.
Boy, Scoob, that High Lama
sure seemed like an awfully wise man.
But, like, you'd think,
he'd have remembered... tell us where to brush our teeth.
Gee, for such a peaceful people,
they sure had a lot of creepy paintings.
Yeah, creepy.
Check this guy out, Scoob.
Like, he must be the god of bad breath.
And who's this?
Like, talk about a bad hair day.
Somebody paint this guy a hat.
Now, this guy's
the ugliest one of them all.
You're not kidding, Scoob.
Like, who'd be his date for the prom?
Tyrannosaurus rex?
I mean, with a face like that,
he could go as himself for Halloween.
Like, he's so ugly, he probably
has to sneak up on himself in the mirror.
Zoinks, it's the abominable snowman!
And, like, I don't think
he appreciates my honesty.
We gotta find someplace to hide
from that bipolar polar bear.
Like, check it out.
This tunnel's got a split personality.
Shaggy? Scooby? Is that you?
Guys, it is you.
And, like, Shaggy too.
Don't even think about it.
Hey, guys. So, what happened up there?
More like, what's happening down here?
Was that an explosion?
Check it out.
Like, where did you guys come from?
I'd love to catch up,
but we can't stay here.
This cave could collapse at any moment.
It's some kind of crystal cavern.
Now, this is what I call
an underground scene.
Look. There's somebody down there.
It's Professor Jeffries.
Fire in the hole. So I did.
Oh, Professor Jeffries, you are brilliant.
Simply, marvelously brilliant.
Come on, gang.
I've got a plan to catch
this crystal-craving creep.
Once I get down
this desolate mountain...'ll be nothing but room service
and warm, sunny beaches.
The crystal!
Like, looking for this?
Come back here with that crystal.
Finders keepers.
And, like, losers snoozers.
Mush, Scoob. Mush. Mush.
Hit it!
A textbook example of how to catch
a would-be snow monster.
What? No, you've got it all wrong.
I'm not the snowman.
It all makes perfect sense.
Professor Jeffries has been using
the legend of the abominable snowman... scare everyone off the mountain.
I hate to interrupt, but it looks like
there's still a few scares left... this snow-monster mystery.
Come on, gang, we gotta skedaddle.
All aboard the Snowman Express.
You're not out of this race yet,
Jeffries, old boy.
The crystal is mine!
The lost treasure of Shangri-la
is lost no more.
You can have it. And, like, what a deal.
It comes with a matching snowman.
This is going to hurt!
I was right. That hurt.
- Is everybody okay?
- Yeah.
What about Shaggy and Scooby?
They must still be inside
the mountain somewhere.
Okay, gang. I've got a plan to catch
this freezer-burned bogeyman.
But we'll have to work fast.
Come on. Del, you are driving.
Right on.
Jeffries, old boy,
nothing can stop us now.
Hey, professor.
Don't look now, but I think
you're about to get schooled.
Like, I can't see a thing, Scoob.
How about lighting one of those candles?
Zoinks, like, that's no candle.
It's a stick of dynamite!
We made it, Scoob. We're alive.
Whatever you're doing, Scoob,
like, do it faster.
Like, far out.
Come on, Scoob.
Like, let's shred this mountain
before it shreds us.
Way to go, Scoob. Way to go.
Like, who knew you were such a hot dog?
Hate to be a back-seat boarder,
but, like, what happens...
...when we run out of mountain?
Okay, I think that should do it.
Man, when they hit this baby,
it's gonna be sweet.
Way to go, guys.
The slope looks perfect.
Once they hit this last ramp,
they'll catch air over the monastery wall...
...boosting right into the trap we made
from the climbing ropes.
And not a minute too soon.
Here they come.
It's Shaggy and Scooby.
They're headed right for the trap.
Man, Scoob, that was one epic ride.
Yeah, epic.
Sorry, old chum, but this mountain is just
not big enough for the both of us.
Yeah, man. It worked!
Hang on, Velma.
Oh, I'm hanging.
They're not gonna make it.
Del! Jinkies!
A flying abominable snowman?
My mind is blown.
That's no snowman.
Try snow-woman.
Minga Sherpa has been
behind this monster mystery...
...from the very beginning.
She used the helium tanks
from the weather station... fill her monster costume.
That's how the yeti was able
to climb so easily.
And that's also why
the monster's footprints...
...didn't sink very deeply into the snow.
I'm very sorry.
I never meant to hurt anyone.
But I don't understand.
Why did you do it?
All I really wanted was to listen
to Del chillman on the radio.
You see, I am your number one fan.
When I learned that you were going
to be leaving the mountain...
...I brought the yeti to life
as a way of keeping you here.
So, like, that's why she's trying
so hard to scare us all.
She just wanted to convince Del
to stick around.
Wow, that's so...
I mean, it's real cool, mama.
As for Professor Jeffries...
...he was just using the legend of the yeti
to cover up his scheme.
And I would've gotten away with it, too,
if it weren't for you meddling kids...
...and that mountain-climbing mutt,
Who, me?
So, like, is the abominable snowman
just a myth after all?
No, mes amis.
- Alphonse Lafleur?
- Alphonse Lafleur?
The abominable snowman is real.
Like, you're alive?
Amazingly, I survived my terrible fall...
...from the high cliff.
As I lay unconscious in the snow...
...something rescued me.
The next thing I know, I found myself...
...out on the mountain, all alone.
I can remember nothing else.
Zoinks, like, I think,
you remembered plenty.
So there really is
an abominable snowman?
Right on.
Sorry for all the trouble I've caused.
Gee, Minga,
what you did is so romantic... a kind of twisted way, which I like.
I'm just not sure where we go from here.
I've got an idea.
Oh, I am loving the Paris.
Like, us too.
They say Paris is for lovers, right, Scoob?
Well, I'm in love
with this springtime spread.
Oui, oui, Shaggy.
Where's Freddie? He was supposed
to meet us here an hour ago.
Can you believe it, Scoob?
My ears are ringing again.
It's your phone.
Like, hello.
Guys? I think I got on the wrong plane.
Here we go again.
Now where?
Like, step on it, Scoob.
Next stop, the Amazon jungle.