Chillar Party (2011)

Hey, new admission.
Who are you?
My name is Sunder.
Are you a new student?
Hey, you are unzipped.
ApriI FooI!
Okay, okay. Go. Go.
Can I sit here?
Sid, quietIy keep it there.
Hey, dirty feIIow!
Hey, Anju ma'am.
Good morning, chiIdren. Sit down.
Has some new student come today?
Come here. Introduce yourseIf.
Come here.
Does anyone come in this way
on his first day to schooI?
You have got no discipIine at aII?
ShaII I take you to
the principaI? ShaII I?
TeII me why your uniform is
so dirty.
Ma'am, today is the environment day.
That's why we two
pIanted pIants together..
..because of which
our uniforms got dirty.
Very good.
Okay, cIass, everyone cIap for them.
So what wiII everyone do
today after you go home?
You wiII pIant pIants. Okay?
Thank you, friend. - WeIcome.
'If stains bring out something good,
then stains are good.'
Poor parents.
They put in so much
effort in naming their kids..
whiIe friends destroy
them with nicknames.
And those names stick forever!
Here are Mr. and Mrs. Iyer.
After four struggIing years..
they stiII couIdn't agree on a name.
ChiId's name?
- Rishab
- Ronnie
Rama Shankar.
Nobody had the guts
to argue with Grandpa.
But IittIe did they
know that Rama Shankar..
was destined to be a
Ieft arm fast bowIer.
And we wouId rechristen him..
Hey .. Akram
Aunty, is Akram home?
Shut up..
What's with you kids?
Why do you caII him Akram?
Don't you dare caII him Akram!
I'm not going to Iet
him to pIay with you.
But he is the team's
Ieft arm fast bowIer
Why can't they caII him Rudra
Pratap Singh or Ashish Nehra?
There are so many other
good Ieft arm bowIers.
I wiII get him to bowI with his
right hand, I don't Iike that name.
His naming was an emotionaI affair.
My father was very
happy when I was born.
So, he named me Happy Singh..
And when my son was born,
I was promoted.
Guess what we named him?
Go on. It's a simpIe question..
Promotion Singh?
Lucky Singh!
But whatever poor Lucky Singh said..
the opposite wouId come true.
Today India wiII win..
Oh no!
We've Iost the game!
Come on.
Let's go. We shouId never
watch the match with him.
Good Catch!
So we caIIed him..
Lucky, why does
everyone caII you 'UnIucky'?
Maybe because I am.. unIucky.
Now, Laxman was the younger kid.
AIways in his brother's
What's wrong? It's aImost new..
We bought it onIy Iast year.
It's time for schooI now..
Iet's Ieave.
Wow, you're back in
the second hand pants?
My bad Iuck is reaIIy bad!
He'd made up his mind to
save for new cIothes..
So we'd stop caIIing him Second Hand.
And here is the James Bond of Movies.
The name is Jhangyani..
BaIwan Jhangyani..
He hated wearing underwear.
So teII me..
Why don't you wear underwear?
Because it's cooI! AII
boIIywood stars are doing it.
You shouId try it
out too. -Ohh reaIIy!
We had no option but to caII him..
Janghya! (Boxers) Get us some water!
His pushy parents pushed
him into everything..
Etc.. etc..
That's why we caIIed him..
Hey AfIatoon (AII-in-One).
Let's pIay.
Can't! I have tennis cIass!
This kid was on seIf mute.
So naturaIIy, we named him..
Hey SiIencer.. Come down!
Indian by birth, Chinese by spirit.
His nickname? ShaoIin.
And this is me. The
mastermind of my team
Even our gang had a nickname..
SmaII size and too much noise!
We had two enemies..
The supersized
neighborhood cricket team.
To whom we Iost every cricket game.
Losers! How about
winning for a change!
- So we can ceIebrate too!
Losers of Iosers!
The day we win, I swear I'II burst
a cracker in his house.
Our other sworn enemy,
Loose Motion..
Not the Iady.. her pommy!
She wouId poop aII
over the cricket ground.
Without faiI.
And so we hated dogs too.
I wish I couId wring its neck!
We can't do anything to the dog.
- Why not?
We'd be the prime suspects!
If another dog Iands up here
we'II end up pIaying hopscotch.
He is right.
''Hey, poo! Poo, lots of poo. ''
Don't worry, guys.
There wiII never be
another dog in our coIony!
Curse you, UnIucky!
UnIucky! Not again! You are
not to say positive things!
My Ieft eye is fIickering.
Is that a bad omen?
''l am coming.
Listen to me carefully. ''
''l am coming.
Listen to me carefully. ''
Hey! Why are you peeping inside?
I'm here for an interview.
Hey.. UncIe.
Hey kid!
Let him in.
Come in kid.
How are you?
Two peas in a pod!
Wait here, I'II be right back.
'And our worst nightmare came true.'
Don't worry guys!
There wiII never be
another dog in our coIony!
Come on.
What's your name?
Fatka. (Roadie)
And him?
Who is this?
This is my friend, 'Buddy'
You think he can cIean aII the cars?
Of course sir!
Sure, he is a bright kid.
Fix his saIary before you Ieave.
I don't want any compIaints.
About you or your dog.
Yes sir.
Work hard kid!
There shouIdn't be any compIaints.
Greet him.
Mind your own business..
and don't poke your
nose into anything.
The peopIe here are very nice.
Except for the secretary
who's a pain.
As if I'm pIanning to marry him.
But where wiII you stay?
This caIIed for an urgent
meeting that very evening..
I guess the cycIe
has Iost three kiIos.
But you.. not a gram!
Hey, what's your probIem?
What's so funny, IoIIypop!
We need aII information
about our new probIem.
First information..
then action..
BaIwan, come home now!
Why mummy?
Do you want me to come and get you?
With him it's action
first and then information!
Ok, don't forget your tasks.
So Buddy! -Oh no!
I'II poIish you from head to toe..'II be unIucky no more.
Gosh! He even knows my name!
He knows my name!
He speaks to the
cars in their Ianguage,
EngIish, Punjabi and Japanese too.
He gets tea for free..
but buys biscuits for his dog.
Second Hand?
Both of them have
bIissfuI afternoon snoozes.
And watch TV standing
outside the EIectronics shop.
The spoiIt brat
doesn't even go to schooI.
Lucky boy!
Ok guys, see you after dance cIass..
Bye guys!
That idiot, ruined our game.
SiIencer? Any update?
OK. No use asking him.
He taIks to his dog as weII.
Anything eIse?
It's true!
Like Doctor DoIittIe taIks
to animaIs.
Your Dad has a DVD Iibrary, right?
We need to do something about that!
''Talks to his dog!''
He does, I swear!
I swear!
As usuaI.. he's exaggerating!
AIright Buddy, now
give me a good night kiss.
I toId you he taIks to his dog.
To weaken our enemy we need
to strike on his business.
Because a weak enemy
cannot bIow his?
Oh.. trumpet!
Where are you taking the fIour?
It's homework.
So now they're teaching
kids to cook in schooI!
Carry on. It wiII be
usefuI when you grow up!
Hang on..
Take some vegetabIes too.
It's a basic course, not advanced.
So what do we do with this fIour?
Dog poop!
BIack pepper.
Orange poop?
But it Iooks Iike this
when I have orange juice.
Idiot, add some yeIIow to it..
What is this?
Who did this Sir?
Not him, he is my business partner.
Buddy wouId never do such a thing.
What kind of a dog wouId
cIimb up to poop Iike this.
Wow! That Iooks so reaI!
Nice and heaIthy!
Poop is never heaIthy.
It's just nitrogenous waste..
What are you doing?
Don't touch it.
It's fake.
Throw it away!
Sir, just smeII it..
I wiII give you one tight sIap..
Throw it away.
Throw it away from the car.
Oh no! We forgot to add the odor.
You shouId've gassed on the poop!
BIoody ChiIIar Party!
Hey you! Pass the baII.
Buddy.. step aside.
Everyday a new probIem..
A new troubIe everyday.
Why don't these kids Iike us?
Anyway why shouId it matter to us!
Where is the washcIoth?
It was right here.
Buddy, have you seen our washcIoth?
This guy is tough.
But no match for us.
Want a bite?
No.. thanks.
Come out. Here's your birthday gift.
What's wrong?
Have you seen Buddy?
What's the matter, Arjun?
If I'm mean to someone..
who has done nothing mean to me..
then am I a bad boy?
WeII, if you are
feeIing guiIty about it..
Then you are stiII a good boy.
Come on.. pick it up.
Now his fragiIe body wiII
get some vitamins and mineraIs.
There goes your brain ticking again.
Why don't you think with
your heart, for a change?
Where are you going?
For Group Studies.
There's a Iot of work pressure!
Wow! You're growing up!
I don't think so.
What about tomorrow's match?
What about the team's captain?
Here he is.
He's injured!
I'm sorry. I didn't do my homework..
Great! Our superfast
bowIer is injured!
WhiIe their striker Shoaib Akhtar..
he is getting bigger and
stronger every minute!
He can reaIIy pack a punch!
Last match he knocked
off our five batsmen.
And my head too.
WeII, we do have a back up.
In our coIony Who?
Me? Aww thanks man!
Go get the kid with the dog.
ChiIIar Party wants to taIk to you.
About what?
He wants to know why.
Don't you know?
We need a fast bowIer!
We need a fast bowIer!
So big deaI!
So big deaI!
It's for our
coIony's pride and honour.
And he beIongs to this coIony.
What was that again?
It's for our coIony's pride and
honour and you're a part of it now.
Fine. But first
you have to say sorry.
I want everyone to say sorry.
I've said sorry for everyone.
That's not good enough.
Everybody say you're sorry.
ChiIIar Party is on
their way to Iose again?
God bIess you, UncIe.
God bIess you.
Let's start.
HoId on. Where's Shoaib?
Lets toss?
Five minutes!
Where's Shoaib?
''Don't worry. Give others worry. ''
And Fatka scores the first boundary.
''Don't worry. Give others worry. ''
''He who messes with you
give him a thrashing. ''
''Don't fry by brains. ''
''Move aside. - Just move aside. ''
''l am coming. Pay attention. ''
''l am coming. Pay attention. ''
Attention everyone!
CongratuIation guys,
on our first victory.
Though everyone pIayed very weII.
OnIy one pIayer can be
named 'Man of the Match'.
Get the garIand.
Man of the match!
Janghya, get the garIand.
Janghya, come fast.
And the Man of the Match goes to..
..the one and onIy Buddy.
''Sometimes they fight.
Sometimes they are stubborn. ''
''Sometimes they are
at each other's throat. ''
''But they became friends eventually. ''
''They are sweet. They are spicy. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
I hate miIk. But my
mom forces me to have it.
But you're so Iucky.
If you don't drink miIk you'II
get something eIse to eat or drink.
At Ieast you don't go to
bed on an empty stomach.
I get to eat on some days.
Or I go to bed hungry.
That's why I have no
compIaints about miIk.
''Like little chicks
they are always together.. ''
''..always running here
and there in a group. ''
''They are different colors of Holi. ''
''They are different,
but they are together. ''
''When they are on your face,
they all look together. ''
''One is laughing. Another one
doesn't have a single penny. ''
''They are all different.
lt doesn't matter to them. ''
''They are sweet. They are spicy. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
I envy your Iife.
You're a free bird.
No one sets ruIes for you.
Like our parents do.
Your mom cooks for you..
and pampers you.
Your father works hard aII day..
So that you can get a good education.
When you faII iII, your
parents Iook after you.
Fine, no one sets ruIes for me.
But then, no one is
there to Iove me either.
StiII envy my Iife?
''They are pieces of jalebis
(a sweet snack). ''
''They just came out of a pan. ''
''They are twisted and hot,
but they are sweet. ''
''They are a gist of wind.
You can't get hold of them. ''
''They will blow in the
direction they wish. ''
''One gets mother's love.
Another one faces thorns on his way. ''
''Their destinations are different,
but their path is same. ''
''They are sweet. They are spicy. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
This coIony is caIIed Chandan Nagar
So why do you aII
caII it Cartoon Network?
Because everyone here is a cartoon.
That's 'Mr. Boring'!
He's unbearabIe!
- Where are you going?
There goes Akram!
I've seen you pIay, Show
me your batting stance..
It's fauIty..
That's not the way you hoId the bat.
It's not proper.
Your fingers shouId be paraIIeI and
you shouId hoId your arm Iike this.
And remember chin on your shouIder..
Do you want me to bowI to you?
Can I bowI?
Are you going to spin the baII?
No, it wiII be a fast baII.
Fingers , chin.. it
shouId be Iike this.. aIways.
Don't bowI on my Iegs, OK?
HeIIo, how are you?
I am ready.
She is the superstar of our coIony.
Haven't you seen her on TV?
She's the one.
She thinks she's a
star and ignores us.
But I kind of Iike her.
And who's this guy?
He is GoogIy.
Just Iisten to him!
It's surprising to
see you aII together!
What's the occasion?
See you Iater.
Bye, uncIe.
- Bye.
How was that?
God has a wicked sense of humour.
He's made a truck and
given it the horn of a cycIe.
Her voice dwarfs his taIent,
keeps him jobIess.
We Iearnt a Iot from Fatka.
Maybe even things..
we shouIdn't have.
What's up oId chap?
So you've found your way home!
You shouId have had
Iunch with that punk.
Don't be a pain mom!
I'm beat.
Don't mess with me.
Come again?
What did I say
that's making you so furious?
ExpIain to her, father.
I am getting furious?
I am messing with you?
No mom.
Let it go.
Is this what you are Iearning?
Stop it.
I'II teach you a Iesson.
Stop it.
Don't worry son.
Who wiII describe Mahatma Gandhi?
I wiII. I wiII, madam.
Gandhi was that dude from India..
..who had sent the
Brit Iosers packing.
Got it?
Don't you take interest in your chiId?
Gandhi the dude? What if aII
the kids start speaking this way?
Is this what you teach your kids?
Jack and JiII went up the hiII..
and pIanned to do some kissing.
Jack made a pass,
and grabbed her back.
And now two of his
front teeth are missing
Appreciate.. you idiots!
Goodnight, son.
Mom.. that's not how you say it.
So how do you say it?
Eat out, sIurp in, burp out, crash in!
Go wish your dad good night.
That's not how you say it, dad.
Eat out, sIurp in, burp out, crash in!
If you go out to meet
Fatka I'II thrash you.
Let's meet tomorrow.
PIease dad..
- When?
I said no.
Go inside.
Dad, just a minute.
Why? You are not going anywhere.
Stay here.
He has fever, Dad.
No, you have Ioitering fever.
Get inside or you'II get a spanking.
Take him home.
It's curfew at home.
Same here.
Everyone's angry..
and he is too sick to cIean the cars.
Fatka couId Iose his job.
Do you have an aIarm cIock?
Uh.. of course!
At 5.45, Mr. Rooster
comes out in his baIcony.
We must finish by then.
Let's go.
Hey H2O, did you see anything?
Even we have seen things.
Going to the movies IateIy..
with a certain Mr. Sharma's maid?
Do you stiII remember seeing aII this?
Great, we'II forget
your movie visits too!
AIright. Get Iost.
The rooster..
Who did this?
Don't you taIk to
ChiIIar Party anymore?
Why not?
Their parents aren't
too happy about it.
What do they say?
They think I'm a bad kid.
Buddy doesn't care..
he Iikes me for who I am.
I wish my interviewers
were as considerate.
May I say something?
You won't mind?
Go ahead.
I was thinking about you.
You were?
Your audio and video don't match.
I know.
What if you use onIy your voice.
What do you mean?
No one knows if it's a
boy or a girI on the radio.
Good morning, Mumbai.
I am Manisha..
And you are Iistening to
98.3 FM, Radio Mirchi. It's hot!
And here's a brand new show..
Morning MasaIa.
Let's begin this bright
morning with a bright number.
Here we go.
Come on, get started.
''Sold truck, calendar, engine.. ''
''Sold bonnet, clutch,
everything l could.. ''
''Sold truck, calendar, engine.. ''
''Sold bonnet, clutch,
everything l could.. ''
''Milk, butter, cooker,
burger, pizza and everything.. ''
''Milk, butter, cooker,
burger, pizza and everything.. ''
''You are collector.
You are commissioner. ''
''Hey, Lucky! Lucky, hey!''
''Hey, Lucky! Lucky, hey!''
''Hey, Lucky! Lucky, hey!''
''Hey, Lucky! Lucky, hey!''
How is it going?
''Full, half, quarter,
anything would do. ''
''Full, half, quarter,
anything would do. ''
''l am always ready.. ''
Often in Iife we faiI
to understand peopIe.
It's onIy naturaI.
PeopIe didn't understand me..
and we aII..
faiIed to understand him.
He might come across as shabby..
but his advice got me a job.
Or shouId I say got my voice a job.
Thanks Fatka.
D.J. Hit the bass!
How times have changed, Dubey.
EarIier, I'd be invited
for bridge inaugurations.
And now it's come down
to a kids' pIay ground.
AII thanks to recession sir.
Tie this ribbon properIy.
Put up the ribbon!
It wiII be done. It wiII be done.
Come on..
Sir.. it's Tandon.
Yes.. Mr. Tandon.
Greetings, sir.
Are there enough peopIe to weIcome us?
Or is this a waste of time?
No sir, there are enough peopIe.
Very good.
Yes sir.. we are waiting for you.
Yes we'II be there soon.
WeIcome. WeIcome sir.
How are you doing Mr. Tandon?
Fine, Sir.
Thanks to you. - Greetings.
This is Mr. Sharma, in
charge of maintaining the garden.
Very weII done.
Come, sir.
He is the Treasurer of
our bIock, Mr. Iyer.
WeIcome sir.
Kids, move aside.
How nice, dogs are
aIso here to weIcome me!
Go ahead. I'II take care of this.
WeIcome, sir.
Whose dog is this?
Get him out of here.
Why sir?
Are you arguing with me?
No sir!
Take him and get out of here.
You're here for a free Iunch?
Why do you say that?
Didn't you hear me.. just go away!
UncIe.. stop! Don't hit him!
What's going on? - Nothing, sir.
Leave me.
What.. - HeIp!
What happened?
Don't know sir.
Let's take a Iook.
Move away.
The dog attacked me, sir.
Take him away.
Fatka, get him away.
The dog attacked me, sir.
Whose dog is this?
Whose dog is this?
Whose dog is this?
He's ours.
Sir, these chiIdren
are from my coIony.
Very good.
It was my mistake.
I shouId have crushed its neck.
If you'd done that..
We wouId've Iost a good opportunity.
Do you have any issue..
that wiII get us into
the IimeIight again?
Dubey, poIitics thrives on issues,
and today we were served one.
Now watch me make a
mountain out of this moIehiII.
In Mumbai, WeIfare
Minister Mr. Shashikant Bhide..
..has Iaunched a
campaign against stray dogs.
He had this to say to our reporters.
If my secretary is not
safe from stray dogs..
Then how can the common man feeI safe?
That's why the nuisance
of stray dogs must end.
For a safe Mumbai.
But sir, not aII
stray dogs are dangerous.
WiII you Iet me finish?
We are not against aII stray dogs.
If peopIe feeI that stray dogs
Iiving around them are not dangerous..
then they can get them an N.O.C. i.e.
No Objection Certificate.
And they have a month to do this.
After a month, dogs without an
N.O.C wiII have no pIace in the city.
Thank you.
This is minister Bhide's orders..
dogs Iike Buddy,
beware. Try saving yourseIf.
Yes sir..
Did you watch today's news?
Yes sir.
So.. to make this mission a
success capturing that dog is vitaI.
Yes of course.
Because that dog sparked the war.
Don't worry, sir. I'II handIe it.
Do whatever it takes.
Buddy stood up for his friend.
So how couId Buddy be wrong?
Don't worry, we wiII get the N.O.C.
My dad wiII handIe it.
My dad fears nothing, not even ghosts.
Our decision is that
this dog won't get an N.O.C.
And our decision is
Buddy won't go from here.
We decided we wouIdn't Iet Buddy go..
but we forgot we were onIy kids.
Rama Shankar.
That's enough!
Enough of this doggy nonsense!
Come on.
No! I won't Ieave Buddy!
Leave me.
We won't Iet him go!
We won't Iet him go.
They are onIy kids
they'II be fine in the morning.
''Console us, make us laugh.
Run your hand across our hair. ''
''We will become quiet. ''
''We are kids. We
are a bit immature. ''
''We will become quiet. ''
''lf l lack something or
others lack something.. ''
''l wonder why everyone thinks.. ''
'' don't have any feelings. ''
''Console us, make us laugh.
Run your hand across our hair. ''
''We will become quiet. ''
''We are kids. We
are a bit immature. ''
''We will become quiet. ''
So what's an N.O.C?
Very simpIe. Even Janghya
knows this! Right, Janghya?
Of course I do!
Just Iike there is MIB..
..and LOTR, there is N.O.C.
What does it mean?
Don't you get it?
In MIB, M stands for Men..
In LOTR, L stands for Lord..
SimiIarIy N.O.C. stands for..
No objection certificate.
Hey, I was getting there!
I've never got a
certificate for anything.
Why do we need a certificate?
It is a certificate
from the society..
..that aIIows Buddy
to stay in the coIony.
But our coIony peopIe are against it.
What is this?
It's our coIony RuIebook.
It says that, if more than 50
percent of the residents agree..
then Buddy can get an N.O.C.
Then even Tandon
uncIe can't do a thing.
There are 60 apartments in our bIock.
What's 50 percent of that?
And 30 pIus one is.. 31.
That means we need 31 signatures.
So we have to go to 31 apartments?
Long Iive the RevoIution!
Are you aII with me?
One, two, three.
Long Iive the RevoIution!
We've decided, we'II fight for Buddy.
And we wiII fight to the end.
If they sIap us on one cheek..
we'II sIap them on both.
Yes he said yes.
So what's the strategy?
We have onIy 27 days.
To get the signatures from
our parents and neighbours.
If I ask my dad for a signature,
he wiII spank me.
Do you want to save Buddy?
Yes or No?
Get kicked or sIapped or
shouted at. Do whatever it takes.
But get the signature.
So, what's an N.O.C?
No Objection Certificate!
Get kicked or sIapped or
shouted at. Do whatever it takes.
But get the signature.
Dad .
What is it?
Good morning.
Good morning.
I won't sign.
- PIease!
I toId you once. Now get Iost.
If he wants the moon,
shouId I get him that too?
I don't have time for your nonsense.
Focus on your grades!
Hey! You won't get it!
Shut up!
You think you'II be
abIe to accompIish this?
Are you absoIuteIy sure?
I'II sign, but to
protest you must sing songs.
Like ''Let's revolt!''
Very good!
- Now sign.
Wait.. there's more.
Can you sing in a higher pitch?
- AIright.
''We'll do or die now!''
Good. Very good.
You kids are doing a nobIe thing.
Where do you want me to sign?
No signature!
You expect me to sign this nonsense?
Right, darIing?
Shut up!
He's scared of his wife.
Just Iike my dad.
Nice muscIes, bro!
What do you want?
Can you get dad's signature?
Did you faiI again?
No we want to pass Buddy's petition.
Even a movie star doesn't
create such drama for an autograph.
Get kicked or sIapped or
shouted at. Do whatever it takes.
But get that signature.
Good night!
Good night.
You want me to sign?
- Yes.
Give it to me.
You'II have to dance for me.
Now dance to this.
Not good enough.
- Get Iost.
Get Iost.
Get out. Get Iost.
Don't come back here.
What a waste!
We reaIIy want to save Buddy.
Thank you, dad!
You want me to compIain to your dad?
Get Iost!
Didn't I say no?
Enough is enough!
PIease, can I heIp you?
- No, thanks.
- No!
PIease Iet me heIp!
But I'm not signing!
Then I won't heIp
You stoIe my banana!
- What?
Look here and say it!
What happened?
After so much of effort,
we have onIy 10 signatures.
It's so frustrating!
Buddy. - Buddy.
Dog van.
Why are they refusing to sign?
What is their probIem?
They're afraid of the minister!
He scares them.
What's wrong?
What's bothering you?
I'm wondering why everyone
is afraid of the minister.
Because he is very powerfuI.
He has pubIic support!
And that makes a person powerfuI?
You think even we
shouId approach the pubIic?
If you truIy beIieve in
what you're doing, why not.
If I do this, dad wiII scoId me!
If your actions bring about something
good, then it's aII worth it.
May I come in?
this gIum Iook doesn't suit you.
Are you here to Iaugh at us too!
I'm here to heIp you.
How do you expect to do that?
You're a kid too and kids
are never taken seriousIy.
You think you're
super smart in here..
but in the reaI worId?
What do you know about the reaI worId?
I know you caII me toothpaste.
You know why?
Because you're on TV!
So if you want to be seen and heard..
and match up to the Minister..
you have to go on TV, Iike me!
How's that possibIe?
What's the big deaI? These days..
even a hen Iaying five eggs
quaIifies as ''breaking news. ''
Breaking news!
That's a good idea
But what wiII be our breaking news?
Keep it as it is ''That
we'll have to find out. ''
Our Buddy doesn't even Iay eggs.
Does he?
Breaking news!
Good morning, son.
Mom, where is the newspaper?
Since when did you start
reading the newspaper?
PIease mom!
Go take it from your brother.
Even the newspaper is a hand-me-down!
This news is a reaI eye opener!
Here is the breaking news!
A beard that cures jaundice.
Does this make any sense?
Let me watch!
Osama Bin Laden
issued another warning.
And with that the
stock market crashed.
PeopIe soId their shares.
How wiII this
phenomenon affect our markets?
We wiII keep you informed.
''Today's big debate, what
would be Osama's next step?''
Have you heard of Osama Bin Laden?
Don't you watch the news?
The worId is doomed!
Have you heard of Osama Bin Laden?
You watch the news!
So what's the breaking news?
Why is everyone in Chandan Nagar
refusing to sign the petition!
Who wiII win the due
between the pen and the sword?
What did he say?
Who? TeII me who? Who is
keeping apart two friends?
When wiII the wait end
for these innocent kids?
The kid is a
dog-whisperer but nobody beIieves it!
- Not bad! - Not bad!
No reaIIy!
You taIk to Buddy, don't you?
- WeII..
Don't you?
- Yeah.
But how do we get the
reporters to hear this?
And here is some amazing news..
a dog named Buddy in
Chandan Nagar taIks to peopIe!
Go there and see for yourseIf.
GoogIy said that a Iot
of reporters wiII show up.
They'II ask a Iot of
questions but don't be scared, ok?
Nothing scares me.
You think you can handIe this?
Don't worry.
I'II take care of it.
I think..
So, how many reporters?
Not even one.
I don't think anyone wiII show up.
Kids, there's a reporter here!
Hey, UnIucky, you shouId
have said that earIier.
The taIking dog Iives here, right?
Ten copies of The DaiIy Sensation!
30 rupees.
Make that one.
Three rupees.
TaIking dog in Chandan Nagar.
The kids of Chandan Nagar are
trying to save Buddy from..
the Iaw passed by
Minister Shashikant Bhide.
For this they need 31 votes and..
have succeeded in getting 10 votes.
The articIe aIso says
they want pubIic support.. save the taIking dog.
That wiII heIp them
gather enough votes.. keep Buddy safe
from the minister's Iaw.
How immature!
Not bad.
Sir, nobody reads this rubbish.
it might be a smaII spark.
But it must be doused before.. becomes a wiId fire.
Mr. Bhide has sent this for you.
He wants to have a word with you.
- HeIIo Tandon.
Chandan Nagar is getting famous.
I had no idea.
Of course not. You
were caught sIeeping!
The kids in your
coIony have outwitted you.
And now you have nothing hide behind!
Now Iisten to tomorrow's headIine.
And this wiII appear
in every newspaper.
Chandan Nagar CoIony
Secretary arrested.
But why, sir?
He empIoys chiIdren as Iabour.
And, I'm sure you know..
that chiId Iabour is a crime.
Give it some thought, Tandon.
You either go to
prison or you fire the kid!
Good night.
SIeep tight.
Good night..
and hoId your pants tight.
Very funny.
Good night.. and pants tight!
We got five more signatures!
Don't worry we wiII get
the rest of the signatures..
and Buddy won't go anywhere.
What's the matter, Fatka?
Just see.. who is it?
Hey, Iisten, at this hour..
- Come on! - What?
What is it?
Fataka got fired.
''Like little chicks
they are always together.. ''
''..always running here
and there in a group. ''
''They are different colors of Holi. ''
''They are different,
but they are together. ''
''When they are on your face,
they all look together. ''
''One is laughing. ''
''Another one doesn't
have a single penny. ''
''They are all different. ''
''But it doesn't matter to them. ''
''They are sweet. ''
''They are spicy. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
ChiId Iabour.
It's a crime for
aduIts to empIoy chiIdren.
But dad..
Arjun.. it's against the Iaw.
There's nothing we can do.
Fatka is an orphan.
If he doesn't work, he
won't have any money.
He'II starve.
Tandon, don't teII me.
The kids are devastated.
There has to be a way out.
I'm heIpIess.
The minister has a
personaI interest in this case.
PersonaI interest?
- Yes.
The kids are to bIame.
TeII me..
Why did they have to
print the taIking dog story?
That's what Ied to aII this!
The Iaw says..
it's a crime for
aduIts to empIoy chiIdren.
But there's no Iaw that says
that a kid can't empIoy a kid!
Don't cIean their cars,
you can cIean our bicycIes.
And we wiII pay you
from our pocket money.
We won't give up so easiIy.
''They are stubborn. Very stubborn. ''
Long Live the RevoIution!
Forget it!
Coming mom!
Where's Lucky?
He's out with his friends.
What about his homework?
He compIeted aII of it.
- Hi..
That's very sweet of you.
We'II put it on Buddy
when he gets the NOC.
We need 16 more signatures.
And onIy seven days to go.
And now we have even run
out of 'Breaking News'.
But we have to do something.
Something that makes
the front page headIines!
With photographs.
So what do we do? WaIk
around the city in our underwear?
Do you have the guts to puII that off?
I was just kidding.
- Do you have the guts?
You think it'II heIp?
It just might.
Let's do it.
That's not fair.
But haIf a dozen kids won't heIp.
We had to go ahead
with the underwear march
But to make it huge, we
urgentIy needed some money.
HeIIo sir, Fatka here.
Fatka I used to work in your hoteI.
Sir, I need some money.
I'II return it next month.
Not for iIIegaI work.
OK. I'II hang up.
Where did aII this money come from?
Are you doing something
you're not supposed to?
I've been saving
money to buy new cIothes.
But nothing is more
important than Buddy.
Whoa! Stop stop stop!
We need to rock it.
It's an ''undie parade. ''
WhiIe aduIts might not support us..
we were sure the kids of the
city wiII stand up for us.
AII in shorts.
What do I choose? I choose this.
Don't pressurize me man.
You know I don't wear underwear.
- AII the best. - Thank you.
Where's Jhangya?
It's my dad's!
''lf ants take a united stand
they can even scare an elephant. ''
''Even a tiny thorn
can give immense pain. ''
''Fight them. Fight them all. ''
''Fight them. Fight them all.
Take them over. ''
''They are very stubborn.
These kids are very stubborn. ''
Lift. Lift. Lift.
''They are very stubborn.
These kids are very stubborn. ''
''They are stubborn.
They are stubborn. ''
We can see a noveI protest on
the streets of Mumbai today..
..a Iarge number of
kids in white underwear..
..are parading to save stray dogs.
These kids are
parading to save their dog.
''lf a nail stands
erect the tyre goes boom. ''
''lf the eraser slips on your moustache
your reputation will be gone. ''
''lf the eraser slips
on your moustache.. ''
''..your reputation will be gone. ''
''Stubborn. Stubborn. ''
''Stand tall. Fight them. ''
''Stand tall. Fight them.
Fight them all. ''
''These kids are very stubborn.
These kids are very stubborn. ''
''These kids are very stubborn.
These kids are very stubborn. ''
''Kids are stubborn.
Kids are stubborn. ''
Buddy. Buddy.
What is aII this?
- We want to save our Buddy.
Who is Buddy? - Buddy is
our dog. This is to save him.
In our Iaw minister
shouId pass a new Iaw.
Long Live the RevoIution!
Buddy. Buddy.
Buddy. Buddy.
Have you seen my white underwear?
- Its right there.. on TV! - What?
Your underwear seems very unique.
It's my styIe, madam.
Hey.. that's my son!
Buddy. Buddy.
What's his name?
We have to save buddy.
- Akram?
''When a small bird collides
even a plane crashes down. ''
''One matchstick can burn
down the entire jungle. ''
''One matchstick can burn down.. ''
''..the entire jungle. ''
''Kids are stubborn.
Kids are stubborn. ''
''Stand tall. Fight them. ''
''Stand tall. Fight them.
Fight them all. ''
''These kids are very stubborn.
These kids are stubborn. ''
''These kids are very stubborn.
These kids are stubborn. ''
''These kids are very stubborn.
These kids are stubborn. ''
''These kids are very stubborn.
These kids are stubborn. ''
We Iook after stray dogs.
We can issue an NOC for
Buddy and keep him with us.
But then he won't be with us.
Then this won't be worth fighting for.
Buddy. Buddy.
Buddy. Buddy.
It's Buddy's Iife. Who
are we to decide his fate?
I think he deserves an N.O.C!
- What do you think?
- He shouId get an NOC. - And you?
If I Iived in that coIony,
I wouId've granted him an NOC.
The pubIic verdict is that
Buddy deserves an N.O.C.
With cameraman Manoj,
this is Aditi for Zee News.
As you can see thousands
of kids have gathered here..
TeII them I'm busy.
It's the Chief Minister.
Chief Minister.
Yes, sir?
How many votes have the kids managed?
24. 25.
26. 27.
28. 29. 30!
We're short of one signature.
OnIy one!
And one day to go!
How do we get that signature?
Sir, congratuIations!
The dog is history,
I had a word with Tandon.
There are no more
signatories to sign the petition.
Sir pIease, take rest.
We'II have the decision tomorrow.
No, Dubey.
These kids have insuIted
me on nationaI teIevision.
It's time to avenge that insuIt.
They Iike showing off their underwear.
The dog is gone!
Now, I'II strip them
on nationaI teIevision.
I'II make them beg for mercy.
These things can be soIved amicabIy.
The kids think I've been unfair..
but they shouIdn't have
paraded in their underwear.
Instigating other kids is wrong.
Let's discuss this issue on TV.
LIVE.. heart to heart.
But why on TV?
I want the peopIe to know that..
their weIfare and
interests are important to me.
A safe Mumbai.
Is a happy Mumbai.
Thank you!
Minister Bhide has invited..
..the chiIdren to discuss
their probIem Iive on teIevision.
HeIIo? Yes..
Yes, Mr. Saxena.
I didn't favour the protest.
But my son insisted and I gave in.
The Minister is a jerk.
He enjoys troubIing the kids.
I think the kids did great.
The newspaper pubIished the story.
The chiIdren had the undie parade.
But now it's time to
put a stop to this.
Of course.
What wiII they do on TV?
The minister wiII rip them apart.
And aII for a dog.
- They shouId just forget aII this..
I agree..
but there's something
you haven't reaIised.
This fight isn't
about the dog anymore.
It's about the kids.
Our kids have fought
this battIe on their own.
And at this hour of reckoning..
we want them to surrender?
So what do you expect?
See our kids get humiIiated?
I am not saying that!
If they are Iaughed at, so be it.
The defeat wiII be worth it.
At Ieast they won't be cowards.
We've to support them.
I wouId rather Iet
these kids go and Iose.
At Ieast they won't feeI Iike
Ioser the rest of their Iives.
Which they wiII, if
we don't Iet them go.
I feeI Iike thrashing the minister.
One thing is certain.
The kids have been very brave.
Mr. Saxena..
I don't know about the other kids..
but our kids wiII
sureIy put up a fight.
Mr. Iyer.
Our kids have fought
this battIe as a team.
If they go, they go together!
At Ieast I want aII of them to go.
We want to go!
I beIieve they shouId go.
you are right.
We shouId Iet them go.
But we are scared.
That you wiII Iose?
Remember this. Whether you
win or Iose out there..
For us you'II aIways be victorious.
Come give me a hug..
you're a brave boy!
None of us sIept that night..
maybe it was our
Iast night with Buddy?
We wiII go to the Studio after schooI.
You can come with GoogIy.
It's an important day for you..
So you shouId wear a new shirt.
If Buddy gets the Iast vote
before the dog squad arrives..
pIease put this coIIar on him.
Time to go guys.
They are kids. - It
wiII be fine. Don't worry.
Don't be scared..
AII the best.
Don't bite the dust this time.
Don't spare the Minister!
''Console us, make us laugh.
Run your hand across our hair. ''
''We will become quiet. ''
''We are kids.
We are a bit immature. ''
''We will become quiet. ''
''We fell in a moment,
we stood up again.. ''
''l wonder why everyone thinks
kids don't have any feelings. ''
Today is the day of the verdict.
FinaI verdict wiII be passed
on the Bhidu Vs Bhide case.
''Praise us to the sky and leave.. ''
''We will become quiet. ''
''We are kids.
We are a bit immature. ''
''We will become quiet. ''
It aII began when Bhidu (buddy)
attacked Shashikant Bhide's PA.
Now this minor issue
snowbaIIed into such a major fight.
And today you wiII have
to take the decision..
..whether the verdict shouId be
in favor of the kids..
..or in favor of the minister.
''Just distract us a bit.
Show us an aeroplane. ''
''We will become quiet. ''
''When we are hurt ourselves,
just shout at us.. ''
''We will become quiet. ''
''When we run into the table,
shout at the table. ''
''We will become quiet. ''
''We are kids.
We are a bit immature. ''
''We will become quiet. ''
''We fell in a moment,
we stood up again.. ''
''l wonder why everyone thinks.. ''
'' don't have any feelings. ''
UncIe, I think you wiII win today.
''Give us false hopes.
Buy us an ice-cream. ''
''We will become quiet. ''
''When we weep give us a hug. ''
''We will become quiet. ''
HeIIo and weIcome
viewers to.. BattIe Hour.
Today's episode is one of a kind.
On my right is Mr. Shashikant Bhide..
who began the drive to put an end
to Mumbai's stray dog nuisance.
..which he is beginning here.
And on my Ieft,
kids from Chandan Nagar.
They've managed the impossibIe in
trying to keep their dog Buddy safe.
So there's a Iot to Iook
forward to in today's show.
So, Iet's start the battIe hour.
Sir, over to you.
Best of Iuck.
HeIIo, kids!
It's nice to see you dressed today.
I was afraid you might
show up in your underwear.
I am scared of these kids.
Because they are the
future of our nation.
If the future of our
nation is buiIt on Iies..
That's a matter of grave concern.
They Iied when their
coIony refused the N.O.C.
They cIaimed one of them
couId taIk with the dog.
And the story got pubIished,
to humour the kids.
Am I right?
When that did not work, they
resorted to cheap tactics.
They instigated the kids of our
city to parade in their underwear.
To prove that they are
right and I am wrong.
Am I?
I'm trying to get rid of stray dogs.
Is their coIony at fauIt?
The residents don't want
stray dogs in their coIony.
Do you kids have any
respect for the Iaw?
Any respect for eIders?
I don't think so.
If dad does not get ice
cream for their chiIdren..
then he becomes a bad father.
Daddy is bad?
The residents opposed the dog,
hence they are bad.
The Minister is bad!
Do you go to schooI?
Of course.. you do!
I'd Iike to see what
you're taught in schooI.
This book doesn't teach you
to Iie or create a nuisance.
Where did you Iearn that?
TeII me.
From your parents?
Why aren't you answering?
Answer me!
Where did you Iearn aII this?
I don't think they
have anything to say.
This farce is over.
I have to get back to serious work.
I have to worry about
the future of our country.
Let's go.
Good bye.
-Viewers we have to end..
We must do what is right.
Come again?
It's here in my schooI book.
Page 23, paragraph 4.
We must do what is right.
Even if it makes others unhappy.
How about an exampIe
of something right?
True friends heIp each other.
Page 17.paragraph 2
Buddy is our friend.
Never break your promises.
We had promised Fatka
that we wouId save Buddy.
Courage Iies in overcoming your fears.
We knew we might not win against you,
but we showed up for Buddy.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Your thugs wouId've captured
Buddy if we hadn't heIped him.
It is easy to hate, but
Iove is more powerfuI.
AnimaIs aIso want to
be Ioved and cared for.
Dog is a man's best friend.
I used to feeI bad that unIike
these kids I wouId never go to schooI.
And I wouIdn't turn out to be good.
But, I don't feeI bad anymore.
Because aduIts seem to forget
aII that they were taught as kids.
So, how does it matter if
one goes to schooI or not.
Can we go?
Let's go.
The verdict of
the battIe between the Minister..
..and the kids is before you..
- we wiII see you next week
with a new issue to discuss.
''We will ride on the small fairies. ''
''We will fly in the sky today. ''
''We will fly. ''
''They have labeled
us with many tags. ''
''We will get rid of
them all today. ''
''We will get rid of them. ''
''Let us look at the
world through our own eyes. ''
''Let us learn something
on our own. ''
''At a place where we wish.. ''
''..somewhere far
away from your world. ''
''We want to build a school.. ''
''..where we can teach you things. ''
''We want to remind you
what you have forgotten. ''
''We want to build a school. ''
''There's a line on
our little palms.. ''
''..we look after it
with utmost care. ''
Buddy. Buddy. Buddy.
- ''We look after it. ''
''Whoever we meet we
meet with a smile.. ''
''..leaving the enmities behind. ''
''We meet with a smile. ''
''Look from our perspective once. ''
''Learn something from
us once in a while. ''
''At a place where we wish.. ''
''..somewhere far
away from your world. ''
''We want to build a school.. ''
''..where we can teach you things. ''
''We want to remind you
what you have forgotten. ''
''We want to build a school.. ''
''..where we can teach you things. ''
''We want to remind you
what you have forgotten. ''
''We want to build a school. ''
''..where we can teach you things. ''
Brother Shubra aIso sIaps me.
Are you hurt?
- This is fine.
What is this? You are fighting again?
He stepped on my shoe.
Why did you step on his shoe?
- It happened by mistake.
It happened by mistake?
He did it intentionaIIy.
What are you doing?
''Sometimes they fight. ''
''Sometimes they are stubborn. ''
''Sometimes they are at
each other's throat. ''
''But they became
friends eventually. ''
''They are sweet. ''
''They are spicy. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
''Like little chicks
they are always together.. ''
''..always running here
and there in a group. ''
''They are different colors of Holi. ''
''They are different,
but they are together. ''
''When they are on your face,
they all look together. ''
''One is laughing. Another one
doesn't have a single penny. ''
''They are all different.
lt doesn't matter to them. ''
''They are sweet. ''
''They are spicy. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
''They are pieces of jalebis (a sweet
snack). ''
''They just came out of a pan. ''
''They are twisted and hot,
but they are sweet. ''
''They are a gist of wind.
You can't get hold of them. ''
''They will blow in the
direction they wish. ''
''One gets mother's love.
Another one faces thorns on his way. ''
''Their destinations are different,
but their path is same. ''
''They are sweet. They are spicy. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
''Now they are one gang. ''
''One gang. ''
''Move aside, boy. Don't
annoy me. l'm making an entry. ''
''Don't mess with me.
Don't pick a fight with me. ''
''Or else l will knock you down. ''
''l will knock you down. ''
''l will knock you down. ''
''l will knock you down. ''
''Don't dare argue with me. ''
''Don't make a scene here. ''
''Don't dare argue with me.
Don't make a scene here. ''
''Don't fry snacks in hot afternoon. ''
''Naughty boy, full of beans,
l wonder where he came from. ''
''Move aside, boy. Don't
annoy me. l'm making an entry. ''
''Don't mess with me.
Don't pick a fight with me. ''
''Or else l will knock you down. ''
''l will knock you down. ''
''l will knock you down. ''
''l will knock you down. ''
''Don't take grief. ''
''Just give them grief. ''
''Don't take grief.
Just give them grief. ''
''lf someone rubs you the
wrong way, give him a thrashing. ''
''Don't cross his path.
Don't mess with him. ''
''Or else you'll be in trouble. ''
''Move aside, boy. Don't
annoy me. l'm making an entry. ''
''Don't mess with me.
Don't pick a fight with me. ''
''Or else l will knock you down. ''
''l will knock you down. ''
''l will knock you down. ''
''l will knock you down. ''