China Girl (1987)

Come on!
You boys lost?
- Friends of yours, Tony?
Open it.
Come on, motherfucker.
I'm telling you, Ty.
We gotta go back there tonight.
Yea? How am I
supposed to do that?
Tell your bud to go to hell. If he
don't like it, you can stay with me.
What if this guy
doesn't even like me?
Stop fucking around, go for it.
She just danced with
some guy, yo. It's no big deal.
Who asked you? - Come on, man.
What you want her to do?
You want her to stay home every night?
Well, she will. Unless she
learns who to hang around with.
I still don't know what I
did that was so wrong.
You wanna socialize?
Stay in this neighbourhood.
Yeah, and what if there's no one
I like in the neighbourhood? - Why?
'Cause they're all Chinese?
Why don't you just mind
your own business.
This has nothing to do with you.
- That's a load of shit.
We're Chinese, Tyan,
that's how it is.
Can't stay in Chinatown,
you stay home.
Your supper's ready.
She's right, you know. She
didn't do anything wrong.
She's my sister. I'll decide
what's right or wrong for her.
Why don't you just leave her alone?
- Cause she's my friend.
Well she don't need
friends like you.
You're half the problem of all
those bullshit anyway.
I can take care of her by myself.
I don't need your help.
This ain't China, yo.
We'll see you later, Ty.
That's what America does to them.
So? What are you gonna
do about the "Canton Garden"?
Nothing. It don't
belong to us anymore.
Bullshit. That store's mine, man.
We don't do bussiness
in Little Italy, Tsu.
(speaking Chinese)
I don't care.
I don't want no trouble.
I've got enough as it is.
You worry too much, man.
You gotta relax... This is business.
I know what it is, just forget it.
You stay out of there.
Leave that store alone.
So what'd that knucklehead say?
Look, the kid had no bussiness
being down there to begin with,
you know what I mean?
- Yeah, but he knows this.
He gotta be told this.
You must spit on my fucking shoe.
Oh, they are from Flatfish, right?
- Hi, how are you doing?
Oh, look at this, look at this.
- Grand opening.
What does this mean?
There's a whole bunch of them.
Hey, smile pretty.
Hey, Romeo, what's that on your face?
Shit, it's too hard for you, Mercury.
Eh, you look good with
that coltex on your nose.
Why don't you run across the street
and get the fish out to take your picture.
I'll tell you now, Tony... I catch you in
that fucking neighbourhood again
I swear to Christ I'm gonna smack the
shit outta ya, you understand me?
- Told you, I wasn't in that neighbourhood.
That was wrong. How many times I gotta
tell you to stay away from these people?
People? They don't even look human.
Look at them. Did you ever seen
one without a camera in his hand?
Did you ever noticed that they're
squinting even when it's cloudy?
Thank God I ain't stupid...
Hey, Alby, look...all the
dough is ready for tonight.
Can I get out of here?
What's the big hurry?
Eh, I made plans. I wanna go out.
Come on.
Where you going?
I don' know, maybe
I'll go to Rosetta.
Did you bring those
cases up from the basement?
Yeah, don't worry about it. Look,
can I go? Nicky'll take over for me.
Go ahead.
Come over here.
You do what I tell you, understand?
Go ahead, get lost.
Sound like pussy to me.
Hey, where you going, Rosetta's?
Don't I get a kiss? Hey!
What's up, Joe? How's it going?
Hey Tony, I got something for ya.
Where's Alby?
He's working.
Is that Tony?
- Yeah, it's me, mom.
How did things go at work today?
Alright, not bad.
Hey, don't eat a lot of bread,
you'll ruin your appetite.
Ma, did I get any phone calls today?
- No, not today.
Where'd you get the pretty flower?
Rosy gave it to me.
What, ma? - Let me see your nose.
- It's alright.
You're supposed to
change that band-aid.
All right, I'll do it, I'll do it.
- Go change it now.
Ma, where are the band-aids?
I don't know.
Where'd you leave 'em?
Another greaseball.
Where's Yung?
He's afraid to cross the border.
He's afraid of the old man.
What about you?
I don't take orders from nobody.
What do you want here?
- You know what we want.
You making mistake. I have
no store down there any more.
Just 'cause you moved two blocks
don't mean shit.
You're Chinese, your store's Chinese.
And you pay us for protection.
I have no more money.
I pay for everything.
The Chinese do business
with the Chinese.
(speaking Chinese)
You got it?
That's all he's got, man.
You bring us the rest by tomorrow.
Let's go.
Hundred, hundred-fifthy...That's why
we went there for? That's all we get?
What about the money?
- I'll pick it up tomorrow.
What about Yung?
Fuck Yung.
Fuck that.
He don't even fucking care...
Fucking greaseball!
If you'd like a coctail before dinner,
waiter from the bar will take your order.
Enjoy your meal.
20 years ago the Italians
own 40 blocks north of Chinatown.
Now they own three.
Five years from now, you'll
have to go to Brooklyn to get a pizza.
Yung-kan... we have
high hopes for you.
But you must learn
what it means to be a real Chung-tzu.
A gentleman of the people.
Our relationship with the
Italians is of mutual benefit to everyone.
It is good for the neighbourhood.
And a real Chung-tzu does
only what is good for his people.
Peace is good for his people.
Obedience is good for his people.
Bloodshed is bad for his people.
It's simple.
You understand?
In other words,
either you control your friends...
...or we will.
Hey, there's your date.
Yeah, that's terrifing.
Somebody should lift up their
skirt and send him to the hospital.
Come on, man, what's going on?
Forget about it, I'm not going.
What's there to be worried about?
We'll just tell your brother
we went out to play mahjong.
Thanks, you guys
are of lot of help.
Then tell him the truth. I mean, he
has no right to make you stay home.
Last chance...
Nah, you guys go ahead.
I'll talk to you later.
If we see you know who we'll tell him
you've got an asshole for a brother.
I'll call you if I see him there.
Hey, what's going on? You guys
having a party without me, man?
Yeah, something like that.
Ain't no party without me.
Who's coming?
Hey, Tsu.
You know the rules. No one
moves north of Canal Street, nobody.
It's all Chinatown anyway.
And Chinatown is ours.
Nothing is ours until it's given.
Yeah, but the stores here
belong to the triads.
The stores out there
belong to the Italians.
And there ain't nothing for us.
What are we supposed to do?
Hey, just wait alright.
The old man knows we're here.
I'm sick of stinking
like fish all day, now.
You're the one the old man's
gonna name, not us.
He don't even know we're alive.
What can we expect? You're a Dai-lo.
You gotta take care of us.
The old man'll kill anybody that
moves without his OK, me included.
To hell with the old man.
I eat rice while he
dines a fucking duck?
He ain't a problem, you're the problem.
We went to war for you. The
Uncles wouldn't have done shit.
Listen, Yung, by tomorrow "Canton
Garden" gonna bring what they owe.
If they don't, we're going
back up there to get it.
Now, either you're with your
friends or you're with your Uncles.
That's how it is.
We're off the streets.
Nobody goes nowhere.
So I guess the greaseballs can
go on fucking your sister.
You do what you want.
We're collecting on the "Garden".
Then that's it! You're being served.
Are you crazy?
What are you doing here?
Looking for somebody.
How'd you find me?
Come on, everybody knows
where your brother lives.
Leave, go away.
I don't want any more trouble.
Hey, I ain't looking for trouble.
Name's Tony.
Tony Monte.
What's your name?
My friends call me Ty.
- Ty...
Please, someone's coming.
Now, I ain't leaving until you
agree to meet me somewhere else.
Alright, where?
Eh... 13th Street, the metro.
You know where that is?
- Fine.
- Tomorrow, 8 o'clock.
Fucking pouring, man. I'm soaked.
My towel...
You guys, eh...
Give me a minute, okay?
What's that about?
Look, Tyan, nobody's
looking to ruin your life.
You're my sister and I love you.
But you're my responsibility
and you have to do as you're told.
If you got hurt, if you get in trouble,
it's my fault.
You gotta look at
it from my side, too.
Come on, Yung. I can't sit
at home the rest of my life.
I wanna go out.
Well, just stay in the neighbourhood.
That's all I ask.
Why do I have to stay
in the neighbourhood?
There's a world
outside of Chinatown, too.
Think our parents would've liked it?
If I let you do whatever you want?
That's not what I'm asking.
I just wanna go out
and be like everybody else.
But you're not.
You're Chinese.
I know that.
Doesn't make me any different.
Ty, you've got
yellow skin and almond eyes.
You're nothing but a chink to them.
That's why we live in Chinatown.
It's no mistake.
That's the way they want it.
Trust me, I know how it is.
Come on, don't make me
worry about you.
Is he inside?
Yeah, but you wait here.
Wait here.
Let's talk, come on.
You know why I wanna talk to you?
- Yeah.
I want you to listen very
carefully to what I have to say.
This trouble isn't a concern of you.
I wanna resolve it, without your help.
What do you want me to do?
Let these bastards come into this
neighbourhood, like they own it?
- That'll be taken care of.
Yeah, but you taking care of the
situation don't help me. I mean,
how does that make me look?
- It's not your problem.
No, it is my problem.
I live here.
I'll take care of it.
You wanna be a wiseguy, Albert?
Well, maybe I ain't got no choice, eh?
The Chinese have paid
plenty for what they've got.
Don't confuse the issue.
Just walk away.
What happened? - I had to
wait for my brother to leave.
Come on, let's go.
Fuck this son of a bitch, Alby!
I don't know what's he talking about.
He's talking about his fucking business.
- Yeah, I shit on his business.
How about that? You know,
Alby, we are gonna be selling
shrew toasts instead of calzones
here, if they get away with this.
Hm? He don't give a shit about us.
He don't give a shit for the block.
He is up in Staten Island waiting
for the next payoff. That's all.
Look, what the fuck do you
want me to do, huh?
Jesus Christ!
- Hey, look at this! Look, look...
Come on out!
Everybody hurry up!
Come to me. Come on!
Everybody out! Come on!
Down this way, come on!
I know you did it!
Everything's ruined!
Look at it, look at it!
Everything's ruined!
Son of a bitch!
I'll kill you!
Bastards! Animals!
Leave me alone!
Everything's ruined now...
What are you doing?
Alby, what are you doing?
- They wrecked the store.
- What are you talking about?
The fucking Chinese
blew up half of the block tonight.
- So what are you gonna do?
- Mind your own business.
Don't fuck with the Chinese, Alby, they'll
fucking kill you! - Get your hands of me!
- No! For Chirst's sake, let
Perito take care of it. - Fuck Perito!
Alby... Alby!
You're fucked up, you know that?
Get that fucking cigarette
out of your mouth,
you asshole. - Hey, I'll
fucking kill you, motherfucker.
Come on!
You want me?
Come on!
Come on!
What do you got?! Come on!
- Fuck you, fuck you!
- Come on!
Come on!
Cut him! Cut him in the face!
- Come on!
You don't listen!
I'll kick your
fucking head! Come on!
Where's everybody going?!
Chinks fucking cut me, Alby!
They cut me, they cut me...
Come on!
Where are you, motherfuckers!?!
Johnny, don't!
- Motherfuckers!
Come on...
It's been an accident.
Let's take him to the fucking hospital.
Just give me a fucking drink...
What the fuck is this?
Who the heck do you think you are?
What are you, a fucking wiseguy?
I'll teach you to be a fucking wiseguy!
Come on, you wanna be a wiseguy?
What'd I tell ya?!
Fucking wiseguy!
You wanna be a fucking wiseguy?
You go to Chinatown again,
and I swear on your mother...
...I'll cut your fucking throat.
He knows what we want.
Get them the fuck out of here!
We must never allow
ourselves to be divided by war.
Or to be interfered with
by police investigations.
All because of few reckless children...
...cannot live within
the tradition of our society.
Our responsibility is
to control our children.
So you like to throw bombs, eh?
They're nice.
What's gonna happen
now if they find out about us?
They won't.
We just gotta be careful.
I'm scared for us, Tony.
Don't be scared.
We can't let
them ruin our lives, Ty.
Nothing matters but you and me.
Wish we would never had to go back.
This sign right here is crooked.
What's up with this tape right here?
Good feast, sure.
Yeah, sure. I gotta win one for you.
Hey, man of the hour. Where you've
been? Thought you'd never come back.
- Hey, Tony. - Hey, how're you doing?
- Haven't seen you
around here for a while.
Hey, Alby.
How are you feeling, man?
- Alright. Where've you been?
- Uptown.
- Yeah, doing what?
- Nothing.
Look at this, look at this.
With the lanterns. Look.
Whoa, they can't even
leave the Virgin Mary alone, Alby.
Look at this, they're selling Budhas
at a catholic feast.
Hey, mama-san! Papa-san!
You got any fish head soup over there?
Get your Budhas!
Hey, Budhas! What do you got,
little egg rolls over there?
They gonna do a good business.
You should be worried.
Hey, those chopsticks you bought me for
Christmas? Get 'em out now, I'm hungry.
Go ahead.
Hey, is that your daughter? Pretty girl.
Shut the fuck up, Mercury!
- What?
- You heard what I said.
Shut the fuck up.
Hey, you don't like it, you go over
there chinks' booth, how 'bout that?
They ain't chinks, they're people, man.
"They're people..."
Why don't you take a look and see
what them people did to your family store?
And what people did
this to my brother, eh?
Hey, Alby, what's this kid whacked on?
Somebody better talk to him.
Who? Somebody like you?
What is this?
Don't look at my brother,
I'm talking to you.
You're making a big mistake, little boy.
That's OK, you fucking racist shit.
Take him home, Alby.
Hey! I'm alright, I'm alright.
Take him home. Take Ghandi home.
Take this chink-lover home.
Go ahead.
Go ahead, put him to bed.
Good night, Ghandi...
They're not "people".
Give me a beer, alright.
Hey, you,'re still working on
those egg rolls? I'm hungry, let's go!
What's the matter with you? Why do
you fight with friends over nothing?
- He ain't my friend.
- Well, he's my friend.
He just gets me mad with
all that shit about the Chinese.
- What do you mean?
- It gets on my nerves.
Since when are you so
sensitive about the Chinese, eh?
I ain't, it just bothers me, alright.
- Yeah, why's that?
- It just does.
You're not answering my question.
What do you want from me, Alby? I'm sick
and tired of his shit, he's a fucking asshole.
What's wrong with you?
These are our friends.
You were born in this
neighbourhood. Don't forget that.
Come on, huh?
What are you gonna
do about the store?
Let me worry about that.
You've got people out there.
We're closed.
It's the Uncle.
Enrico, I've prepared a
twelve course meal.
- I love it.
- You like it?
How do they make it?
Ah, if I told you,
you would never eat it...
Why don't you get us some drinks.
I'll get you a waiter.
No, you take care of this.
- It's beautiful.
- Just feel free.
Like family tonight, alright?
Enjoy it.
I'm so glad you are here to join us.
Veal and... J&B.
Where's your cousin?
I don't know.
Well, you should.
He's your responsibility.
Look, what we want is peace
in the neighbourhood again...
...we can't have it
as long as he's alive.
We want you to find him.
There's an old custom in China.
It's called ganbei.
Ah, look at that guy.
He can really drink, huh?
Hey, asshole.
Let's go see my cousin.
The Italians saw them
by Christie street.
They followed a block and then shot 'em
and left 'em in the middle of the lot.
Two of the guys followed
and brought them back.
You should've helped me. We could've
settled our differences afterwards.
I warned you not to cross the Uncles.
What did you expect?
I expect that my cousin
will fight by my side, man.
I expected you to help me.
You knew I couldn't.
No, I didn't.
I didn't wanna fight the whole war, man.
I just wanted a piece of the action.
We're just poor Chinese kids.
We got nobody to help us.
You gotta get out of here.
We'll go back to Hong-Kong.
The Unlce will never forgive you.
Doesn't matter.
You know, in our people tradition,
I had to just die in here.
It's close, the guy on top
ain't Chinese no more...
Did you have any problems getting out?
- Nah.
How do you say "I love you" in Italian?
Ti amo...
Ti amo.
How do you say it in Chinese?
Ngoh oi neih.
Ngoh oi neih...
Hey, what are you
guys doing over here?
Nothing, we're
just hanging out.
Well hang out someplace else.
Let's go, take a hike.
Come on. What are you, deaf?
Let's go, move it.
Let's go!
Chinatown's this way.
You're fucking crazy!
What's your problem?
You don't listen!
Come on!
Mom, I'm gonna go. You want anything?
- No.
Where's Tony?
I don't know, he went out.
- He say when he'll be back?
- No, he didn't say.
This kid's unbelievable.
Look, when he comes back, tell him
I want him downstairs right away.
What's the matter with you?
Cause all week I'm asking him to
help me set up and he disappears.
Will you leave him alone,
he's only a baby.
That's no excuse, ma.
Alright, I'm gonna go.
You gonna come down later?
Yeah sure.
I'll see you at the festa.
And be careful.
- What the fuck do you want?
- I wanna see your brother.
Dude, fuck off!
Come on!
Oh, Alby...
Dio mio!
Alberto! Dio mio!
Son of a bitch!
Come on!
Signora, my condolences.
If there's anything I can
do for you... Anything at all.
Can you give me back my son?
Can you bring back my Alberto?
Look at this motherfucker...
Where's Tony?
I don't know.
Figlio mio!
Alberto mio!
Come on...
Look, we know who they are and we're
gonna fucking kill 'em! - They are dead!
Everything will be taken care of.
We know who did it.
What are you gonna do, huh?
Kill more people?
Alby's in there because nobody gives a
shit about blowing somebody's brains out!
You keep quiet!
No! I wanna know how you're gonna
bring my brother back by...
...slashing on somebody's
fucking throat.
You fucking shit!
You fucking murder!
That's enough!
You're a liar, aren't you?!
That's enough, I said!
Take him out of here now!
Move! Come on!
Your brother is on his way.
You ready?
- Get away from him! - No!
I love him, Yung.
Just come with me.
We're going back to Hong-Kong.
You're no longer Chinese, anyway.
Come on, let's get outta here.
Someone! Help!