Ching yan (The Beast Stalker) (2008)

Don't let Captain see you like this
Time to eat, boys
Food, finally
Tommy, the Fung Nin Road case...
Did you apply for informant expenses yet?
I'll do it today
Hurry, or they won't tell us anything
Management is complaining you order too much
You're always over-budget
Whoever orders, pays
You ordered everything
So I'll pay
Here's Captain
Sorry, Sir
Have some tea
Has Kingman received news
...that Rat is there?
Well, Kingman?
Watched TV all night again?
I've handled it I'm fine
Rat has entered Yu King Square
Copy that
Rat chose the Third Hole
Every unit there has front and back doors
When we're sure where he is
Tony, Chi, Christy and I take the front door
Sun, Michael and Fai, the back door
On my walkie signal, for ready, three for go
Are we sure this is it?
Any weapons upstairs?
Take him to the car
Be careful, men
Stop! Police!
Wasn't it three for go?
Are you deaf?
Sorry, Sir
You're sorry!
I ask you
Answer my question
Are you deaf?
I am not deaf
You told me at breakfast
You've handled it. It was a mess!
This is not the first time
You fall asleep on every job with me
I've always said
If there's an operation in the morning
Don't stay up late; don't nod off
You're sloppy You like late night soccer?
I'll get you transferred now
It's just a little mistake
That's not your call
Get lost!
Get out of my face!
Where are you going?
To get medication for Sun
Thanks Back to work!
Attention, all units
Prisoner Cheung Yat-tung has been hijacked
At San Wan Road by three armed men
In a black Honda, plate number NA558
Heading towards Yuen Long
You were harsh
I take care of my men
Get it X-rayed
I'm fine
I've been waiting for this for over twenty years
And now, at my age...
When I was shot, I only thought of my family
You'll keep it secret, right?
My lips are sealed
We get this done today... may get promoted
Then you'd better write me a good report
Study hard and take the exam
You can't just have stripes on that shoulder
You must have some stars
I hate to study
And I don't want to be Chief
True, you don't have the look
You nut
After work, I just want to go home
It's NA558!
Dispatch, this is Tong of Yuen Long Team A
I am on Tai Chuen Kiu Road
Following the Cheung Yat-tung suspect vehicle
Plate number CE2923
I repeat, CE2923
I am directly tailing it
Over and out
Calm down, Sun
It's amber?
Now what?
Ram him
Now what?
Keep him away from town
He's going to shoot!
Ram into him!
We'll flip!
Just do it!
Hang in there, Sun
Linda, Cheung is awake
Set him a court date now
On 20 December 2007
Three armed men robbed a jewelry shop
They killed a guard
Police killed two as they left
Cheung was captured three days later
They found Cheung's blood at the scene
That blood sample is the only evidence
That Cheung committed murder there
Advising Counsel for the case is Ann Gao
On 16 February 2008
On his way to court, Cheung was again
...picked up by three accomplices
The same day, officers Tong and Kwok...
...arrested him again
In the process, Tong killed...
...Ann's daughter by accident
Mr Lee, should Ann still be
...assigned to the case?
Her daughter is ruled to have died in an accident
This is not related to Cheung
By law, she must continue... work on the 17 December 2007 case
Cheung's armed robbery
These are two separate cases
The Defense will use this against us
Our case is so strong that
...with our evidence, we've got Cheung
We just need to follow all protocol exactly
...with no mistakes
We're ready They can't win
I trust Ann's conduct and ability absolutely
You're getting good at this
What did you draw?
This is me, this is my sister
Dad said she went away to school
I miss her
Same as last week again?
This should taste better
It smells good
Try some
I'll learn to bake cakes on Saturday
I'll bake you some
May I go, too?
I'll have to ask Miss Lee
All right
Get to work
Rest in peace, haunt your enemies
We're just following orders
$40,000 for this job
The two packs you lost cost $200,000
This $25,000 is the second installment
And $15,000 for you, right?
I want my watch back
Your eye is getting worse
The doctor cannot get the glass shards out?
Then you'll go blind in your other eye, too
You're on your own
Even if you're blind, you must pay me back
I won't help you
You can solve your own problems
Fine, my eyes are not your business
What else will you let me do?
I don't know if you'll do this
I'll do anything
A child
Kidnap her for $20,000
Then we'll decide what's next
Ok, let's start
Hurry up! Ling Hurry up
Come back...
Come back... Hurry up
...line up to wash your hands
Then we'll eat cake, all right?
Excuse me, I need to wash my hands
One by one
Someone took Ling!
Ling has been taken
I have your daughter
Fix Cheung's blood sample
If he's acquitted, we won't hurt her
Call the police, and she dies
Hey, Mr Hung
You said you would fix my toilet
It's blocked by your sewage pipe
You are so mean!
Doesn't an old lady need to crap?
Honey, when you be home?
Why didn't you answer my call?
Didn't you get my sms?
I didn't check
My father is in Hong Kong
I'm picking up Ling to have dinner with him
What's wrong?
She's not feeling well
She was fine this morning
I'll go see her
No need, it's not serious
I'll see her anyway
No, she's sleeping
Why not?
She is not supposed to be with you today
Don't be so unreasonable
Who's being unreasonable?
She's sick and you want to drag her out
Today is Mother's Day She stays with me
Dad's leaving tomorrow
I'll bring her back really soon
If you valued Mother's Day... shouldn't have abandoned them
Get out!
Ann, please don't do this
Ann, open the door, hear me out
Ann, calm down
Open the door, Ann
The divorce papers state that...
...Ling stays with you, Yee with me
If you insist on having Yee,
I'll see you in court
What court? I'm not fighting with you
Have you considered how Yee feels?
She's my daughter
She'll tell me herfeelings
Stay out of this
You only think of yourself
Do you know she hates staying with you?
She is a child, she needs care
You leave her alone at home every night
Last night she was bawling when she called me
You work 18 hours a day, then go home and sleep
Have you even looked at her?
You're too selfish think about us
If you can't care for her, give her back to me
Bring her over now
So when you fooled around
...did you think of us?
Would our family be like this if not for you?
You're not qualified to criticize me
What is it?
Sorry, Sun
The boys and I had a barbecue
We talked about you
What did you say?
That you vanished
You just left without a word
That was an accident
The bosses said nothing. Don't blame yourself
You don't hate me?
What's the use of hating you?
My daughter taught me how to read comics
I now know what fair trade means
I'm limping
But my wish came true!
That's Fate
She tricks you, then she helps you
There's nothing you can do
What can I do for you?
Sun, you have connections
I have to do something, but I cannot report it
Please look up a number for me
Tong, I've got it
The 1:15pm phone call to Ann Gao...
...was from the public phone at 6 Observatory Road
There must be a lot of fingerprints...
...since then
I've asked Christy to help you
Sir, I don't think it will work
You haven't tried. So lazy
When I first came, they told me about you
Yes, you are mean, but...
...I like working for you
I'll call you if I find anything
Sir, I'm the only one here
Is that your closed circuit TV?
Sir, how long will you be?
Why are you messing with my garbage can?
Have you collected the garbage today?
Where is it?
At the Garbage Collection Center
Why are you here?
Police What's going on?
Where is the garbage from Observatory Road?
There, but so are sacks from nearby streets
One puff only
That was some puff
I gave you this after my first deal
You pawned it?
Doctor said you'll recover
So try to move your hands more sending me more sms's
Sunny day, want to watch the sky with you
When you are better
...we'll go watch the sky, the sea
...anything you want
Sun, I found a SIM card
Have Intelligence check it out for me
I'll do it tomorrow I'm home
Come back
I'll do it in the morning
Or go yourself. You know my contact
Who is it?
What is it?
The number Sun told you to check,
he checked for me
Fill out the form
Short cuts are not allowed
Please help me
Help you?
My boss finds out, he will file a complaint
I'll lose this job
You loved to file complaints against me
I leave a bit early, complaint
Two-second delay in rushing a door, complaint
Did we get the guy? Yes!
Everyone was commended but me
What can I do but stay here?
This is not right
You like to yell, so I let you yell at me
I prepared myself for that
But there was more
I needed time off,
gave you a fake doctor's letter
Applied for sick leave
...but you snitched on me
And filed a complaint!
You messed up my record so much
I'll never get promoted!
You take your job seriously, but remember...
...I'm your cousin
We're family
I'll always be your cousin
At least you can apologize
Sorry, Cousin
Get out
I don't want to see you again
I understand why you won't call the police
I'm not here as a policeman
Get out!
I know you hate me
I'm not looking for forgiveness
I just want to help
Stay out of my family affairs
Please open the door, hear me out
Have they called you?
Your daughter is fine, for now
Remember, remove Cheung's blood sample
Someone will call you before tomorrow's trial
I got Ann's phone signal
She just got an mms
I need time to decode it
And the sender is the same...
...number as the card you picked up
The reception point is in North Point
The area bordered by Java, Marble...
...Tong Shui Roads and Chun Yeung Street
Sir, I am the advising counsel the Cheung Yat-tung case
I need to ask you for help
All the evidence and paperwork in the case
...have been delivered to your office
All right
I've decoded the mms,
...sending it to you now
Have some bread
Open up, Mr Hung!
Mr Hung!
Old lady, is it here?
Mr Hung!
Is this the place?
Yes, I saw him come back
Open up, Mr Hung. This is the police
Mr Hung, this old lady called the police
Saying you maliciously broke her sewer pipe
And your home smells bad and is too loud
We're here to take a look
Old Lady, there is no smell
Go in, you'll smell it
Be serious in your duties
We'll go in All right
Nice ceiling height
But the stairs are too much
It's fine
Just wait
Watch, it's floating up
I've asked you to fix it dozens of times
It's floating up now
No matter what
You're neighbours. Just fix it
Don't be a bother to her, and don't bother us
All right
Watch, just stand here
It will float up soon
Okay, we'll stay a while longer
You must fix this it's filling up
I told you so
Mommy, I'm scared
Come take me away
Where are you?
Be brave
Tell Mommy where you are
Can you see outside?
Ling, tell Mommy
What do you see?
Be brave, what do you see?
Tell Mommy
The number you have dialed is not available
at the moment, please try again later
Well? Does it still hurt?
What colour is this?
What colour!
And what colour is this?
What colour!
And this?
Take your medicine
Drink some water
It's fine, I'm here
Don't be afraid
Do you want drumstick?
You want salad
And salad
I want salad
Okay, after we sort these
What did you find out?
The red light at the window
Is it neon light?
Looks like neon light from nearby
There are 9 neon signs there
Three are near homes
They are huge, and shine on many windows
Do you need backup?
when you pay ransom
Too bad they don't want money
It's useless even if...
...10 teams scoured the area
They'll change location once they get wind
You will lose them
What now?
Wait for night, find the red sign
We have a long wait
Have you eaten?
I'll buy, what do you want?
Black coffee
Black coffee and no food
...will kill you, you know?
Keep your eyes peeled
Beef noodles...
...fried rice, two iced coffees with no sugar, to go
$70, please
Count it Thanks
Have some tea and wait
Chicken salad
I think...
...I see the Grey Eye you've mentioned me at Fat's Kitchen
Call an ambulance!
What's wrong with you? Are you blind?
Give me back my daughter!
Attention all units
Gunshots at King's Road at
North View Street Overpass
Request assistance Out
Attention all units, the North View gunman... in blackjeans, brown pants, short hair...
...with an obvious scar over his right eye Out
Stop! Police!
Officer 5253 calling Dispatch
The North View Street gunman... heading west on Chun Yeung Street
Police! Out of the way!
Get out of the way! Police!
Back off
Sgt. Tong, your gun please
We'll take you Downtown for a better statement
Can you hear me?
Excuse us
We'll be there soon
I know you wanna rescue her at any cost
But everything is messed up now
It's out of our control
I must save her myself
I know
You want to rescue her by yourself...
...for your redemption
But have you considered... may make things much worse
Anything happens to her,'re finished
Are you doing this for her, orfor yourself?
Think about it
I know what I'm doing
A gunfight erupted... Tin Chong Street at 5pm today
Police say the criminal fired four shots.
...injuring a police officer
Police are now searching...
You don't take us seriously
Remember, you chose to harm your daughter
It's not me!
I didn't call the police!
Listen to me. I have a clue
I'm in North Point
I'll wait for you
Ann is coming
Boss says, cut off her hand
Film it and send it to her mom
I told you to leave it alone!
Why did you continue?
We really have a clue
You've made it into such a big deal
They will harm Ling
You've killed my other daughter
Stop before you kill Ling too
I want to save her
I don't want you to! Not you!
Anyone else can save her but you!
I won't let you hurt her again
Get lost!
Get lost!
Look at this
We know your mms was sent from here
The red light in the background
is definitely from a sign
We've looked at them, this is the one
I may be wrong
...but we need hope
Did you find out anything?
Did you see her?
I will bring her back
Honey, I'll come back for you
What are you doing?
Where is he going?
Which hand do you write with?
My right
Cut off her left hand
I found your wife. Bring Ling back
Let my daughter go!
Or the police will guard your wife
You'll never see her again
Let my daughter go!
Sun, what did Michael say?
Got it. He's still around
Do you know what your husband is doing?
Tell him to come back!
Call him, tell him Calm down
Please get him back it's no use
Calm down. Want some water?
What do you want?
Sure, I'll bring it
Get some water
Which bottle? This one?
No. This?
No. Or this?
How many pills?
Give her two
Open your mouth Take it easy
Help her open her mouth
Help her Easy, easy
Here Take a sip
All right
It's fine
You're fine
Relax, don't worry
As a fellow woman
...I hope you understand
One of my daughters is dead
I caused her death
I feel so guilty
I can't sleep at night
I can't lose this daughter, too
I beg you...
...tell your husband not to hurt my daughter
I will do what they asked
Tell him for me
...I beg you
I can't wait any more
That's an obstruction ofjustice
Call an ambulance
Take her to the hospital
I'll go with her
These are her pills
Get up, open the door
Get up
Open the door
Hang in there!
I can do it
My phone is in the ambulance
Get up, open the door
Tell Michael to track my phone
Take it easy, don't move
Don't talk I'll call for a car
This is Hung
What phone are you using?
A new SIM card The thing's gone bust
I don't care, you have to be responsible
Can you help me look after my wife?
No, deal with it yourself
And, don't think about escaping
If I find you, you won't be the only one to die
Sun's phone is on Lok On Pai
in Zone 59 of Tuen Mun
Inside an abandoned desalination plant
Give the blood sample to the two men ahead
Then we'll release your daughter
Ann, I'm with Ling
How is Ling?
I got her. We're fine
Listen, don't give it to them
Is Ling okay?
Tong, does it really hurt?
Mommy says
...when you fall, no matter how much it hurts,
you must keep running
I know
I know
My lord, Members of the Jury
The lab has proved this is
Cheung Yat-tung's blood
Thus, the masked armed robber
...who shot and killed the guard the Defendant Cheung Yat-tung
Call my men!
Call my men to work!
Witch! Just you wait!
You witch!
Court is adjourned
Hold this
Once we go in
...don't turn back no matter what
I'm afraid of the dark
Tell yourself, you can do it
I will also tell myself, I can do it
Go in
Ling, go in
Mommy, help!
I'm afraid
Call me back soon
Kill the girl I'll pay you when I see her body
You have to be all right
Wake up, Ling
Wake up
I said, wake up
Wake up
Please wake up!
Don't give up, I won't
Wake up
Wake up
You told me, you said
...Mommy said
...Mommy said, no matter what must keep running
Wake up
Wake up and run with me
If you don't, I can't run any more
I really can't run any more
Wake up
Please wake up
Please wake up
Run with me
And bake cakes with me, okay?
Call me back soon
Breathe, keep still
Breathe slowly, Ling
We'll keep running
Come here!
Cop! Come here
Cop! Come here
Cop! Come here
Cop -
I will save you
Find my wife
Find my wife
My kid will soon be born
I need money, please help
I'd give your husband work,
...but he nags too much
Complaining or throwing tantrums
It's survival of the fittest
Nowadays, killers just need guts
Youngsters charge a few thousand
Your husband charges five figures
You choose bargains when you shop
This is a job
My husband has over 20 years' experience
You can't compare him to rookies
If he works, he won't starve
I'm his wife; I don't want to see him insulted
I'll do anything
Chuen, are you insane?
Can't you see my wife is pregnant?
You let her make your deliveries?
Are you blind or crazy!
What are you shouting about?
Honey, I offered to do it
All talk...
Wake up! If not for your fooling around...
...would your pregnant wife have to work?
You choose jobs
You want dignity?
Can you afford it?
I won't allow this!
Don't go back on your word
Hung, run!
Stop! Hold it
Wah, this is Hung
Grab your gear, meet me at the fight school
Are you hurt?
Hang in there!
We'll go to the hospital now!
Hang in there, honey