Chinjeolhan Geumjassi (Sympathy For Lady Vengeance ) (2005)

A Park Chan Wook Film
Lee Young Ae
Choi Min Sik
Sympathy for Lady Vengeance
They say she's a real live angel
Everyone in there calls her
"Kind-hearted" Geum-ja
One, two, three, four!
My path is ridden with...
...high walls and deep pitfalls
Who will aid me across these
dark obstacles?
The Lord's breath lifts me over
these walls
The Lord's hands bridge my steps
safely over these pitfalls
...safely over these pitfalls
What about the winter clothes I sent you?
It's been hard, hasn't it?
I'm so proud of you
Won-mo and I were playing marbles
here that day, and I lost
Won-mo won the biggest marble
Then he ran off to go home
The investigating authorities...
...confirmed the details with a woman
who confessed to the crime
Lee Geum-ja was first introduced to
the public... the criminal who abducted and
killed Park Won-mo, a little boy...
She was nineteen at the time
The whole nation was shocked
by her youth, her ruthless methods...
...and by her unabashed naivety
My state of mind...
This is where the alleged perpetrator
had confined young Park Won-mo
She claims she only wanted to stop
his crying with a pillow...
But what shocked us more were her
beautiful looks
Clamouring tabloids compared her to
Olivia Hussey...
A tactless director announced plans for
a Lee Geum-ja movie...
...creating a backlash from the press
That fall, polka-dot dresses became
the trend
I saw you on TV
Behind that wicked witch's face of yours
I saw the presence of an angel
An angel... Could that be true?
Do you really think an angel resides
in me?
If so, where was that angel...
...when I was committing such an
evil act?
I always wondered about this
after hearing what the preacher said
And then, I realized...
...that the angel inside me only reveals
itself when I invoke it
Where are you? Please, come out
I'm right here
This act of invoking an angel...
This is what we call prayer
Actually, prison is an ideal place to
learn to pray
...we know that we are all sinners
in here
Thank you
Testimonials of Faith Day for Inmates
It's tradition to eat tofu on release... that you'll live white and never
sin again
Why don't you go screw yourself?
Lee Geum-ja Time served 1991-2004
Kim Yang-hee Time served 1998-2002
Meet your new cellmate
I'm Kim Yang-hee. I got 5 years
They said there was someone at
Kyoungju Women's Prison...
...whose face would shine
You were a whore, weren't you?
I heard her nickname was "the Witch"
Come on in
You don't usually wear ties
It's mandatory here
We have lots of VIPs visiting
Shit, it's too tight. Loosen it up a bit
He was my pimp
It felt so good when I was strangling him
- I should've killed myself instead
- Then, die
And be born again. Over and over
if you need to
Prayer is like a scrubbing towel
Scrub off all your sins
Then your skin will become as new as
a baby's ass. Right?
Geum-ja taught me how to lament
my past lives
It's a little noisy, being under the stairs...
But this place brings good luck
Look at me. Three years of giving
unlicensed haircuts...
And now I have a real shop of my own
So set your hopes high
These were mine, but they'll have to do
for now
You know I wanted to get you better
things, right?
Don't you have any high heels?
You never really loved me, did you?
You were just pretending, right?
You've changed a lot
You used to be so sweet...
...and talk so kindly
Are you starting the plan already?
'No. The plan was already started Geum-ja murmured to herself
What is it you want from us?
Please forgive me. Please...
She was going to beg Won-mo's
parents until she had no fingers left
This is 802/9 Han Apartments...
We've had a finger cut off here!
Every penny Geum-ja earned from
labouring in prison...
...had to go to pay for her
finger operation
Then 6 days later...
Naruse Bakery
For now, just work till noon
The dawn hours are tough for me with
my low blood pressure
Geun-shik, say hello
I told you about Lee Geum-ja, right?
I told you she was pretty
Can I call you elder sister?
Just call me Geum-ja
Lee Geum-ja...
When she first came, she cried
non-stop, like a newborn baby
Man, it was so depressing
Damn bitch!
It brings bad luck. Stop crying!
As a man once taught her, whenever
she was having a hard time...
She'd bend over and take five
deep breaths
Woo So-young Time served 1990~1996
What are you looking at?
You damn bitches!
Down on the floor and keep your damn
hands up!
I felt like I was dying because I couldn't
be with my love...
Turned out I was suffering from chronic
kidney failure
But it felt like I was dying anyway
Then this bitch suddenly says she'll
give me one of her kidneys
It's not as if a kidney's a bit of fluff you
give away so easily
Damn bitch
It brings me bad luck. Stop crying!
Honey, Geum-ja's here
You've sure changed a lot
You heard my wife - stay down!
That's when I realized I'm married
to a goddess
With this man by my side
I was never afraid. Right, honey?
Yeah, but we couldn't go in together
They should have couples prisons
But then that would be paradise, not jail
I don't know how to thank you
Honey, Geum-ja is readying a
magnificent plan
You can help her, right?
The Way of Dhamma
Where did you get this? It's real old
Comrade Geum-ja, it's no use
- Go save yourself
- Okay, right after I finish this
Finish the chicken later
And be careful. Don't let dogs have the
chicken bones
Pass me that yellowing book
Ko Sun-sook Time served 1967~1997
A spy from North Korea, Ko Sun-sook
had Alzheimer's...
...and was a problem for the prison
So when Geum-ja volunteered to look
after her...
Even the prison warden was relieved
They were stepping around me
whispering, "The woman spy is dead"
But the pride in my heart...
...wouldn't let me die
You said living is a struggle, too
A struggle not to die
I give you this flower...
...for you have vengeance to take
My goodness!
You shouldn't be out so late!
I asked for you at Naruse
What were you thinking?
I don't want every Tom Dick and Harry
dropping by
Fine. I'll see you tomorrow
How could you have changed so much?
This isn't like you!
Could we start over again?
Come to church. Please?
I've converted to Buddhism!
I bet you're in for adultery
- How did you know?
- It's all over your face, bitch!
Please crawl over here
Please take them off
Oh Soo-hee Time served 1993~1994
Can you see it well?
Say hello to each other
This damn bitch is that infamous "Witch"
She killed her husband and his mistress
then ate them
So... I guess I'm not the unluckiest
I'll suck on her for five minutes and
cry it off
I hate them skinny bitches
So go tell Geum-ja to start eating
some more, okay?
Your style has changed
What's with the blood-red eye shadow?
People are always saying I look
People order them from me, Modelled
on their guys' photos
They're very popular. Want me to make
you one?
Can you make it in silver?
Did you find that bastard yet?
I did
Did you kill him?
Not yet
Why not?
I've been busy
"Saving the best for last," is that it?
- I'll take this one -Excellent choice
Is it true the owner studied confection
in Japan?
The lady made this one
You've changed so much, I hardly
recognized you
- Who was she?
- Who was he?
She's pretty
The detective that was in charge of
my case
When I was exactly your age...
That is, when I was nineteen, and you
were five...
Kidnapped and killed a five year-old boy
My goodness!
Don't worry. I didn't eat him...
We can't eat this!
It was made by hands that have killed!
I'm telling you I killed him
How many times do I have to tell you?
Then tell me what that marble
looked like
That marble you said you saw but didn't
know where it went...
It was Won-mo's favourite marble
What colour was it?
Light green
Come on! Why would anyone confess
to a murder they didn't commit?
Why won't you believe me?
Is it because I'm a murderer?
Believe in Jesus, go to heaven
Believe in Jesus, go to heaven
Without faith, there's only hell
Devil, begone!
Begone, you devil!
On top of that, I killed again in prison
Geum-ja wondered if Geun-shik
wasn't a fool
I understand what you're saying...
But it's against regulations to give out
that information
There is a counseling service I can refer
you to...
Could you at least tell me whether she
was adopted or not?
Didn't you receive the notice?
I was in jail, you see
I'd like to show you the 18-year-old
Lee Geum-ja...
A pretty girl who would turn any head...
But who wasn't the least bit particular
But this poor girl was on the verge of
going mad
She tried to comfort herself...
...with the thought that it happens to
every woman sooner or later
Teacher? Mr. Baek?
This is Geum-ja, Lee Geum-ja
I used to polish your shoes when you
were our student teacher last year
You didn't know it was me?
You told me I was sexy
Yes. You remember me, right?
Well, it's nothing much...
You see, teacher, I'm pregnant
No, pregnant!
Yes, I am
Could I go live with you? Please?
I can't go to my mom's. And and it's
even worse at my dad's
Him? He's just a big kid, not ready
for fatherhood
Don't worry, baby. Your mama's
right here
The poor girl murmured to herself
There's a drug called "Timing"
It suppresses sleep
When I was just back from Tokyo
managing a confectionery factory...
There's a drug called "Timing"
It suppresses sleep
They all hated me
You have to be careful when riding
a bike after taking it though
What are you doing out in the cold?
- Have you eaten?
- Yes, ma'am
Geum-ja, what brings you here
at this hour?
I need an advance
No advances
I went to Kyoungju, where my parents
I volunteered to teach at the women's
prison there...
Because my folks worried I couldn't get
married with my lame leg
But in my third year there
I was shocked almost to death...
...after tasting a strawberry mousse
made by a kidnapper
The ingredients given to the inmates
were miserable...
But she'd used them to create a cake
fit for a king
Three months' advance
You know, you've changed?
In the end, I packed up and moved
to Seoul
Because I was motivated to open up
my own bakery
What are you doing?
Writing my account number
I want to start a family young...
And hope to marry someone
I can respect
So, you did something wrong...
You make penance and promise never
to do it again, right?
That's just how life goes. That's life!
It's just another experience gained
Isn't that right, Geum-ja?
I'm planning to kill another person
Do you think I'm sexy?
Yes... No
I was hoping we could talk some more
Maybe later?
You're trying to scare me, aren't you?
You're trying to put me off?
Does it put you off when a girl does this?
Please go ahead
It was alright for me
Was it good for you?
I've been told it was so-so
No way
Mr. Baek said there are good
kidnappings and bad kidnappings
He said it was a good kidnapping
if the child is returned safely
And since they're rich, a little ransom
wouldn't make much difference...
And although they'd have to worry
a few days...
The emotional reunion would make...
the family bond more closely
That's what he said, but then he went
and killed Won-mo
The boy kept crying...
And Mr. Baek said he'd kill him if he
didn't stop in 5 minutes
But then he really did kill him
If he were alive, he'd be your age now
but he's dead
Then the police found a witness
Someone saw me taking Won-mo to
a bath-house
Then one day, when I came back from
the market,
my daughter was gone
I got a call from Mr. Baek
He said to confess and take all the
blame or my girl would die, too
So the kidnapper had kidnapped
a kidnapper's kid
Isn't that funny?
I thought it was
The house key is the middle one
Make sure these candles don't go out
Touch anything else and I'll give you
a hole in the head
Going somewhere?
It'll sound like a cannon, with lots of
smoke, too
The design's so primitive
What's the use of all this fanciness?
Better to have a strong solid shot
It has to be pretty. Everything should
be pretty
It has a very short range
So get up close when you shoot
If you can hear his heart beating...
And see the sweat on his forehead
even better
It's like playing golf. You get good hits
with good form
Got a place to practice?
Tomorrow, let's go on a picnic, okay?
That's right. A picnic...
For the longest time, Geum-ja has
wanted to meet with Won-mo...
And ask for his forgiveness
She'd be very unhappy if she found out
he appeared before Jenny
Weekends with the family, and the dog...
Oppa (Elder brother)
Appa (Dad)
- Jenny -Stupid
Here I am... Here I am...
How are you this morning?
Very well thank you. Run away
way, run away... Where is mother?
I'm meeting with friends later today
I'll have your dinner ready before I leave
Would you mind?
Don't you be the one to pay for dinner
Park Yi-jeong Time served 1993~1999
Hey, harlot
You parasite, living off of men's blood
I've got just the job for a slut like you
You know how itchy it is when you get
bit on the sole of your foot?
What did I tell you? What did I say!
It tickles when you scratch...
and it itches when you don't scratch
Itches if you don't scratch, and tickles
when you do. Right?
You slut! Itches if you don't scratch
and tickles when you do...
I used to have a strong stomach
I don't know what the problem is...
Sorry. Nasty, huh?
That's quite alright. I enjoy helping you
Thanks, Geum-ja. You really are
You understand that I only like
plump girls, right?
Of course. I'll eat a lot, too
and plump up for you
So, you just keep taking lots of food
and medicine...
And hurry up and die
- She fed her bleach?
- Really?
- For how long?
- Three years
What a clean stomach she must've had
- Geum-ja the Kind-hearted
- Well done, her!
After that, Geum-ja inherited the
"Witch" nickname...
But was also still referred to as
"Kind-hearted Geum-ja"
Everyone wanted to help Kind-hearted
And no one could refuse the Witch
any favours
It has to be tonight
I can't take it any more. Not even for you
Soo-kyoung, a thief released before me
found out where Baek was working
Seong-eun, a smart college grad...
...was later released and got a job
at the same place
She then informed me of Baek's
intention of getting a new car
Later, Baek was visited by
a pretty car dealer, Park Yi-jeong
It'll be used wisely for the Lord's work
Have you had dinner?
I'll wait and have it with you
You can go ahead without me
I'll wait for you, so hurry back
He hasn't eaten yet. I'll go and make
him eat first
It's okay. Don't worry
At that moment, Geum-ja held her
breath and struggled to break free
Even in this desperate situation
she never forgot the gun's firing range
Got an English-Korean dictionary?
Don't think that I forgive you
I think mothers who dump their kids
should go to jail
When I was younger, I often thought of
taking revenge out on you
But I couldn't imagine the thought of
killing you
Reason being that, I didn't know what
your face looked like
Anyway, since we're on better terms
now, give me your reasons at least
Saying sorry is not enough
You should say sorry at least 3 times
Ungenerously your daughter, Jenny
Left turn
I remember when I first had you, Jenny
As you grew in me, I felt like my wallet
was getting fatter
But even before you could celebrate
your first birthday, I had to go to prison...
I had to give you up
You are a sweet child you'd smile your
pretty smiles to complete strangers...
I knew anyone will be happy to have you
anyone will be able to love you
After I'm done with this man...
I'm planning to return you to Australia
My sins are too great and too deep...
for me to take care such a sweet child
like you
You're innocent, but
but I made you grew up without
a mother...
But, also part of the punishment
I must take
Listen carefully
People make mistakes
If you commit a sin, you have to make
atonement for that sin
Atonement, do you know what
that means?
Yes, that's it
Big atonement for big sins...
Small atonement for small sins
Because he made me a sinner
This man killed a little boy...
I helped him
I was happy...
Too happy for a sinner
I'm truly sorry
Get up, teacher! Time to go to work!
Geum-ja, what's with that eye shadow?
Do you know why those kids...
Hey! Here's another one!
If you'd found the real killer back then...
These children wouldn't have died, right?
You know how this feels
There were four!
- I told you I can't come to work today
- It's not that...
- Someone's here looking for you
- Who?
- Well, the thing is
- They won't say who they are?
I don't know what they're saying
Can you speak Japanese?
Please hurry and come get me...
There, there. Don't cry. Don't cry...
Mommy... please hurry
Mommy, I want to go home
Please hurry, mommy
There, there... Don't cry. Don't cry
Mommy, where are you?
I know it's difficult but take a good look
at this man
Next is Se-hyun, killed in 1995
Dad... I can't...
This is Eun-joo, in '96
I can't breathe...
I'm scared. Please don't kill me, sir
Wait just a minute
This is Yoo Jae-kyoung, 2000
He was a teacher at English schools
in affluent neighbourhoods
He'd pick his victim, kidnap and kill
them, then move on to another school
He'd never pick a child from one of
his own classes
Which is why he was never under
any suspicion
Coffee or green tea?
Children annoyed him, so he would
tape them right after kidnapping them...
And killed them straight away
The voices you heard on the line while
negotiating the ransom...
...were taped off the videos
after the kids were already dead
Now, you have two options
If you want lawful punishment...
We will hand him over to
Chief Choi here
But if you want a speedier
more personalized death for him...
You can have it right here and now
Does he have a child of his own?
He is supposed to be sterile
Then what did he need all that
money for?
He put it in the bank
Of course, the money will all be returned
to you...
With no kid, what did he need all that
money for?
He... was going to buy a yacht
The police have big sticks but they
don't know how to use them
If we leave it to them, there'd be nothing
but never-ending trials...
And all those bloody reporters...
How about we leave it to Geum-ja?
It'd be easier since she's been to jail
and all
That's cowardly! They're our kids
Then, let each person choose if
they want to be in or not
I'm for individual choice
Why don't you just let him choose
his own death or trial, then...
Little while ago, you wanted to hand him
over to the police
Then you wanted to leave it up
to Geum-ja...
Now you want to be left out alone?
What the hell do you want?
Won-mo's family has to follow the
majority, too
You know that, right?
She has a weak heart...
Hey, mine's weak, too
Then Won-mo's father can represent
the family
One person per family should
be enough
What if Won-mo's mom informs
on us later?
She couldn't. Her husband's in on it, too
They could always get divorced
We can leave some evidence, then
How about we all take a picture?
So that...
...even if we feel guilty later...
- Guilty?
Guilt for killing that bastard?
We'd feel guilty if we didn't kill him
when we had him. That's guilt!
Let me say a word
I killed when I was in prison...
I'm also the one who caught Baek after
If anyone here informs the police...
I won't say any more
Shall we go in one at a time?
Or all together at once?
One at a time for what?
Let's just go finish him off
There's no need to share such a
personal matter with other families
Isn't that right, dad?
Won't it be scary going in alone?
And it could be dangerous
Just think of it as using the toilet
In any case, it's a private affair
Each to his own. A la carte...
We don't all have to get the same
set menu
Please, honey...
We're divorced
This isn't a couples thing!
We don't have to go in together
Excuse me, I think...
- It'd be too easy if we did it all together
- Honey!
I brought along a sedative
You couldn't even touch that finger
Alright, then...
Won-mo's father is out, and his mother
will go in alone...
...Jae-kyoung's and Dong-hwa's are
going in together...
- Is that right?
- Yes!
Let's do it then!
Wait! Just a second!
Shouldn't we decide what order you
go in?
Will that be enough for you?
I can lend you mine after
I think I'll be okay
Everyone pay attention
If you grip it like this, the tip of the knife
will slip and not penetrate deeply
You could also cut your hand
So grip it like this at all times, please
Or you could just...
...stab him like this
Why did you do it?
You look like a normal person
Ma'am, there's no such thing as
a perfect person
...isn't going to bring our son back
is it, honey?
You all look very well off
Take a look at that
She took her boots off, so's not to get
blood on the suede
Does that make any sense to you here?
My mom had to scrub hotel floors to
send my brother to that school
We ran around like dogs to come up
with the ransom
Now we've lost our house and our
relatives won't see us
My daughter-in-law killed herself and
my son left the country
We all have our own stories to tell
We're not the last, dad. Eun-joo's
grandma's still waiting her turn
Come on, give me a hand!
Mister, get up
Please. Get a hold of yourself!
I'm sorry, but...
Could you step aside a moment?
Thank you
Happy birthday to you...
Happy birthday to you...
Happy birthday dear...
I'm sorry
It felt like a birthday to me...
We can say it is, then
Happy birthday... you!
Will you wire the money into
our accounts?
My account number
In France...
...when there's a break in the
conversation like this...
...they say an angel is passing
It's snowing!
It's snowing a lot
- When did it all pile up so much?
- What time is it now?
The traffic...
The roads will freeze soon
I have...
Along the path on green grass...
A lady in red heels goes...
Click, click, click with her heels
Where might she be going?
Won't she look back...
Are you really going to send Jenny back?
...back my way for a glance?
Are you?
One step, two...
The lady in red heels takes another
step away, alone...
Lee Geum-ja made a great mistake
in her youth...
And used other people to achieve
her own goals...
But she still couldn't find the redemption
she so desired
In spite of this...
Actually, because of this...
I liked Geum-ja