Chittagong (2012)

Stop! Or else I'll fire!
Stop! Or else I'll fire!
Shoot him! Don't let him get away.
He disappeared, sir.
That's impossible. He's got to be here.
Search the house again.
You escaped?
Bullet is shot, right?
Will this end here?
Are we going to lose once again, Aparna?
Apu, I can't lose you now.
Not after the
hardships of so many years.
Our world was different.
Till date, I'm
confused how we came together?
We're one. - Lie again.
Don't worry. We've white cards.
C'mon! You too.
You too are there? Get lost!
I came to buy in the market.
It's not 'swadeshi'
(local)! - Will you be 'swadeshi'?
British! - Quit India!
British! - Quit India!
Jatin da(brother)! - Long live!
Jatin da(brother)! - Long live!
Jatin da(brother)! - Long live!
Jatin da(brother)! - Long live!
British! - Quit India!
Jatin da(brother)! - Long live!
Jatin da(brother)! - Long live!
You taunted me so much
to go to district magistrate.
But the truth is
that I used to trust him..
...I used to trust every word of him.
Hello, Wilkinson here.
With a deep mind. You've to concentrate.
Tell Jhonson to stand down.
Yes, you heard me right?
And tell him to
return to police headquarter.
Sir, Wilkinson sir has ordered.
No action!
For you, he was a political leader..
...who had envisioned the future.
Guns down!
Company, about turn.
Brother Jatin - Long live!
For me..
Brother Jatin - Long live!
For me, master was much more than this.
British! - Quit India!
He taught me to
raise question on everything.
Also on himself.
He isn't Johnson. He's a farmer.
I couldn't come.
I mean brother didn't allow me to come.
Did I ask you?
I had brought the
collection of detective stories for you.
Budkesh Bakshi! - Yes.
I've kept it inside.
Then the life will be better.
Then you can move about freely.
Go! They won't kill you. Go..
We should surround Johnson.
Never mind. We shall see
him next time. - Next time?
Are we going to get
freedom if we make few British quit?
Arrest him!
Ganesh Ghosh!
Ananta Singh!
Ambika Chakraborthy!
Loknah Ba!
Nirmal Sen!
And Mr. Surya!
So, what's this interesting geography?
These are your words. What you said.
What's your plan?
I was hoping you won't tell you.
I'm giving you one last chance.
Shall we try again?
What's you plan?
All this must stop at once.
But I'm very close to results, sir.
Let them walk. - Walk.. Sir? - Yes.
No detain?! I want details.
Who they meet..
...where they go and what they do?
You're trained in
surveillance, I presume.
Akash, you didn't tell me..
"What happened in your school today.
Jhunku, come here.
Yes. - From where did you get this book?
Master had.. - You
know this book is banned.
Can you see what idiot literature.
...your son is reading these days?
Was the writer Idiot?
I mean this book contains
many tales of patriotism and..
Father, I don't
think he had.. - Don't argue.
I've not got a degree
of barrister for helping.. release from the jail.
I'm trying my best that some day.. son would fly off to England.
Wilkinson's doors
are open for you anytime.
Are you repaying him this way?
Aren't you ashamed?
Come fast!
He's such a rogue.
He followed me even when I
was attending the nature calls.
He kept on staring.
I said go on.
From the colour of my urine
you'll realise that I'm a freedom fighter.
What's the report, brother Nirmal?
What happened? No one agreed.
Did they not understand or
you didn't explain them well?
According to them this is impossible.
Neither here nor anywhere.
It's just a dream. - What do you mean?
Are these our dreams?
Who says it is a dream?
If we try, it can be true.
What are you saying?
Capturing Chittagong
alone? Without any outside help?
It's madness to
think about it. - Exactly.
This is the only reason we should do it.
Because no one will
believe that this is going to happen.
Everyone thinks
British are unconquerable.
They can't be defeated.
But something that
hasn't happened till date..
...why can't it happen now?
What if we will not succeed?
What if we succeed?
Britishers are not as bad as you think.
I don't understand
why I tolerate you so much.
You think Master's path is right?
Not at all.
Only you will lead
us to the right path"
...once you return form oxford.
Apu, it's very important to learn..
"British techniques to deal with them.
Yes, British are
waiting to give us freedom.
Only you are lacking.
You go there. Come here.
Are we going to get
any help from Calcutta?
Go there.
We'll do something. Keep watching.
And weapons?
"Say something."
First of all on head..
I think something is
going on in Mastarda's mind.
Something big and unique.
Whatever it is. I
want to be a part of it.
You can't see a goat meeting death.
Will you kill British?
Goat is innocent. - C'mon.
"Let the seasons arrive stealthily."
Priti, brother Nirmal
is secretly staring at you.
You always think
like that about everyone.
"Let the seasons blossom!"
"Say something."
"Say something."
Come inside!
Come.. no one is inside.
I just came to see if you're alright.
See, I'm in a single piece.
Only that I'll never be
able to write with my right hand.
Sit down!
Please bandage this.
It's difficult doing it with one hand.
Masterda, don't you think
you'll be leading a happy life..
...had you not involved in all this mess?
That's why I always like you.
You always talk about unheard stories.
But, this isn't possible, Masterda.
Had you ever seen
an elephant in the zoo?
Yes, many a times. Why?
The chains tied in his legs are..
...much weaker than
the elephant's strength.
Still it fails to
break that chain. You know why?
Because, he habitual of remaining tied.
Yes, start!
C'mon, hurry up.
Pour some here.
There he comes. C'mon, let's go.
That's it!
Run! Run away!
So, how's your education coming along?
Good! I came first
in the class. - Really?
You know, I promised
your father every assistance"
...for you to go to England.
You'd like to study in
England, wouldn't you, Jhunku?
Yes, sir.
I want to be a lawyer
like my father. - Splendid.
By the way, I
wanted to talk to you about.
"What happened to Johnson?
Do you know who did it?
Look, I've made a
list of names of those boys..
...may be you know them.
Amar Nandi!
You tell me.
Sukhendu Ghosh!
Autumn was the dearest season for me.
The soft breeze would
soothe the heating atmosphere.
Hold it!
C'mon, hold it.
And I too would
come out to play football.
What's this?
C'mon, it's okay. Nothing has happened.
Till then the
incident happened with Johnson..
...had almost settled down.
Mr. Wilkinson said..
Look at Sen!
How are you?
Hey.. - What happened?
Sukhendu! - Sukhendu?!
Either you tell us what to do?
Or want us to treat them in our ways?
He killed a boy!
It was an accident.
Unintended consequence so..
...there's always law enforcement.
I can't trust your ideals.
Tell me when to
take over the Chittagong?
You said it's impossible.
I can bring you more like this.
Who will use them?
All the expert users
are under watch or in jail.
Then use them, who don't know to use it.
Means.. white card holders.
Far away from the red card.
No, it's not possible.
There he comes..
"The only
responsible for Sukhendu's death.
Why did you tell them about Sukhendu?
Didn't you know what
they could do with him?
"Dreams are restless,
a new sky gives it a call."
"Wings inspires to fly away."
"Ocean waves settle in river."
"Water says open it."
"This is a battle."
I was confident that you'll be here.
Have you come here
to win my trust? - No.
I'm a traitor. -
Who said that? Not at all.
I loved brother Sukhendu!
I know.
And that Wilkinson.. used me.
I feel very bad. - I can understand.
No, you cannot.
No one could bend
in shame because of you.
I want to take revenge
of brother Sukhendu's death.
I won't spare Johnson.
I loved this scotch! - Really?
Cheers to you on Christmas evening!
Today evening.
The governor general in Calcutta.
...asked me to give this to you.
I can't.
But I requested Johnson's transfer.
Ladies and
gentlemen! May I raise a toast.
...In honour of our new
DIG of police. Here to go..
...Is to Mr. Charles Johnson.
Jhunku is calling you downstairs.
Excuse me!
Yes, Jhunku, what's it?
Johnson is DIG?
Chief of police?!
He has been rewarded..
...for killing Sukhendu?
Jhunku, I think you better go home.
Is this your British
justice you boasted about?
You liar!
You hypocrite!
This belongs to my father.
I've stolen it. - Why?
I want to be with
you. - You're always with me.
Not like that.
But with your goal.
Do you even know what we want?
You want to drive
away the British, right?
This much is enough for me.
Look, you're tired.
We'll talk about it tomorrow.
No! Right now. Today itself.
If you didn't take me
along with you right away..
...I'll go on hunger strike right here.
Preparations were going on.
Everyone look at it carefully.
Close one eye and look
at the target with the other.
Early morning, I'd leave the house.
I calmed down mother saying that.
...I've been selected in
a football team in my school.
Take the aim! - Just think"
Fire! - Football team and me?
No one is there.
You weren't seen
much in those days, Aparna.
Slowly.. slowly.. - Sit down everyone.
Sit down!
Sit down! sit down!
Slowly! Slowly!
Back straight!
Altogether. Breathe in!
Jhunku, back straight! Breathe out!
Breathe in!
Breathe out!
Hey, what are you doing here?
Yes, what are you doing at this time?
We were practicing for
the football match coming soon.
Little yoga,
meditation and concentration.
Will you do it? -
Quiet and make your guys quiet.
Everyone, show your card. - See!
All are white.
Are you satisfied?
Breathe in! Breathe out!
Breathe in! Bullet out!
Gun inside and bullet out.
And keep your back straight.
Let them go.
Listen carefully.
British are in strength at
only two places in Chittagong.
Police lines and
auxiliary forces armoury.
Disconnect these two
places and they'll shatter.
"Give me a place into fire torch."
"Give me a reason to
live. Life tells me this."
"I'll end my identity."
Two constables are standing at the gate.
Four on duty.
"Smoulders say."
"Keep moving."
"Shatter and turn to ashes."
You think all the British
come there for a cup of tea?
So, attack at the place
where all the officers sit..
...and have a cup of tea. - Right.
European club.
At once their commission will divide.
No, it's not so easy.
They'll get help
with just one phone call.
From where? From Calcutta of course.
Let's blast the
railway line. And it's over.
Also the telephone lines.
"There's only one desire."
"To get incorporated in this fire."
"And enjoy every bit of it."
20 boys. Totally inexperienced.
Good! By the way, what was your age..
...when you slapped the foreigner?
Hello, ma'am! Yes, thank you.
Come now.
"You've to live with hopes."
"Every step echoes."
"A new light, new
life, in a new season.."
"..l should see a little dream."
"Life should be worth living."
"Shatter and turn to ashes." - C'mon!
"It should be myself, who'd meet death."
"With every breathe I take.
...I should see around."
"To the new world."
"I should fly."
"To the mission."
"..l should link with."
"There's only one desire."
"To get incorporated in this fire."
"And enjoy every bit of it."
Brother Jatin
refused to give the weapons.
How many guns do we have?
5 pistols! 7 rifles!
Total 12.
Go back! - Bidu! Hari!
What will happen later?
None of them has hit the target.
Ponder over it again.
Can't we postpone this? - Never.
If not now, we'll
never be able to do it.
Thank you.
Darling, what happened to
your idea of returning home?
We don't want to make you chicken there.
I quite like cooking.
Unless its for my brother.
1/3rd of glass go, is I've to work.
Is this the right place to hide?
I don't understand why
Masterda took you in this mission?
"Speak out the words unsaid."
"Life is dull, add some sweet dreams."
"These moments may not pass away."
"Speak up." - How are you?
"Speak up." - I wanted to speak to you.
Tell me.
Priti, I wanted to tell you..
I mean I wanted to tell you that.
Tell me.
I wanted to love.. I mean loving you..
The commitment you show in fighting..
...I want it to be
an example to everyone.
And you should continue this spirit.
So, take me along.
How do you know I'm going somewhere?
Are you really going? - No..
I'm getting late. -
Nirmal! - See you later.
"Heart races and smiles."
"Eyes, anklets, dreams and bangles.."
"..everything seems to be in rhythm."
Fine, I'll eat later. - Listen, Jhunku.
Jhunku! What has happened to you, son?
You behave strange these days!
"Asks elbow and push the air."
"To open the bottle of fragrance."
"Melody song. The song spread.."
"sweeteners dissolved."
"Say something."
"Say something."
"Say something."
"Say something."
Remember one thing.
We're not rented guys
who came here for bloodshed.
Mother is looking for you.
We've no right to
treat their ladies in a way..
...they treated our ladies.
No innocents will be harmed.
May he be Indian or British.
Let's go.
Come out! - Goods will come
in 15 minutes. Will you do it?
Come in.
Break it!
Long live - The revolution!
Long live - The revolution!
Long live - The revolution!
Only handful of soldiers
was on duty to guard armoury.
Long live - The revolution!
British thought no
Indian can even enter..
...a mile away from their army.
Run away,
intruders! - Indians have come.
How did they come
here? They live in village.
C'mon, let's go. C'mon, let's run.
Indians have come.
C'mon, run! They've the weapons.
C'mon, leave from here.
Reach to the armoury room quick. C'mon!
Both of you escape.
And tell the magistrate..
...that rebellions have
taken over Chittagong now.
Yes.. -Yes, sir. - Go.
Sir, let us wear our uniform.
I'll take off what you're
wearing. Leave.. - Okay, sir.
Leave.. Leave..
We didn't need to fire a single bullet.
Out! All the intruders! Save yourself.
I was so nervous, that.
...I couldn't even
hold the rifle properly.
You bloody bastards! - Hands up!
Loknath and Nirmal
were assigned to bring..
...Machine guns from the armoury.
Yes.. stop!
I'm sorry to bother you at this time.
But AFI armoury has been taken over.
What are you talking?
Sir.. Terrorists!
- Where's your uniform?
Sir guns! They took over..
They were Surya Sen!
Ganesh Ghosh and Anant Singh.
I'll contact. - It's no
use, sir. The lines are cut.
Even the railway lines are cut.
No train can come in.
But I thought I told you.. have them
under constant surveillance.
We suspected them.. -
There's no point arguing over it now.
Have they come to
the British cantonment?
No, we're safe here.
Let's not fool ourselves any further.
We'll have to flee this town.
They've taken over Chittagong.
Masterda! Nirmal and boys!
Jhunku is also with them. - Jhunku?!
Don't you think it's too silent?
You stay here.
C'mon, Makkhan!
Foreign officers?! -
Tell me where are they?
It's good Friday
today! The club is closed.
What? - What?
I checked in every
room. There's nothing.
It has to be here.
We won't be able to
face them even for 2 days.
Forget about entering the city.
We've taken a look around the city.
British might not attack.
Have you ever seen a machine gun?
What happened?
Where are the weapons?
Machine gun isn't found.
We looked for each and every corner.
Must have kept somewhere else.
So, our entire planning has failed.
How do we face Chittagong?
Don't you worry..
...or fear.
What's just happened here is..
...truly staggering and momentous.
The British rule has
been shaken to its foundation
No trained army achieved this.
Yes.. a handful of
teenagers was behind this.
You did it. Yes.
You all were a part of it.
History will remember this"
...glorious achievement and nothing else.
Indian republican army - Long live!
Long live - The revolution!
What you need is to
strike terror into the hearts of..
...every resident in Chittagong.
Thereafter, anyone who's even mentally..
"Sympathetic to the revolution.
Begging your pardon but we've to lose..
...every bit of credibility.
In India, one
rules firmly or not at all.
So, everybody, even
within our own administration" upset with
the Bengal ordinance act.
Didn't you see, Wilkinson?
We need to stop
spreading this disease at any cost.
You're a fine and upright fellow.
We'd hate to lose you over this issue.
This has happened for
the first time in our country"
"that in spite of
police and military's presence..
...foreign officers are
confused where to hide with shame?
And who made this possible?
Few children like you.
Masterda has taken them under him.
Our Masterda.
Masterda Surya Sen!
For one day Chittagong
was free of British officers.
Free of any ruling power.
But that one day
ended very soon, Aparna.
We didn't have the machine guns.
Our military commandants.
...Anant and Ganesh were missing.
We were helpless but to step off.
Stop! Now, we'll stay here.
Masterda had sent them
to check around the city.
Were they arrested?
When it was decided to
meet at the police line..
...where have they disappeared?
We came to take a look around the city.
We didn't come for fun.
I told you to hurry up.
Who told you to come along?
Masterda told me to go.
Will you share your knowledge here?
Save something till Calcutta.
British returned to Chittagong.
And this time they
had Ahsanulla with them.
A CID officer.
And now this city had to repay this act.
Where's Surya Sen?
For everything. - Where's Surya Sen?
Stand in a queue.
Listen to me carefully.
I want the names of everyone..
...Involved in armoury raid.
I said I want the names.
Hey, take them in the jeep. C'mon.
Hey, come down!
Come here.
Come here. Fast!
Coming from which village?
We took the road from Dalghat.
We're dying of hunger.
We didn't eat anything
from a week. - My wife died.
Show what's in your sack? Show me.
Some clothes, sir. - Show me.
It's blanket. - I'll get some medicines.
Listen sir, let us go.
There's nothing. See.
Hands up! Get out! Out!
Did you tie him tightly? - Yes.
Let's go.
What do we do?
Directly to Calcutta.
Every effort to look for
Anant and Ganesh were futile.
All the eatables were coming to an end.
For the first time I
saw Masterda getting scared.
I was scared seeing him.
And all of us too.
Salutations! Tell me.
Pack some biscuits. And
some vegetables too. - Okay.
Count this too.
We need food.
What's the price?
As if I don't know who you are.
Every newspaper printed the
news the attack on Chittagong.
If I charge my own people..
...I won't get a place even in the hell.
I pray for you everyday.
Today, I'll pray for some more.
Because, today you
people are in front of me.
May Allah give you success!
Goodbye! - Goodbye!
How long do we sit here?
Let's attack directly.
We can't. It's not possible.
They've come to
known about our hideouts.
Good! - It's our time now. - Yes.
At least we won't be kept waiting.
This is where they were last seen.
They're gone. They can't escape.
Out strategy is
simple. We'll surround them.
If they fails,
we've already guns that way.
That's going to be
a guaranteed blood bath.
This is a war.
You know. Most of those
rebels are under 18 years of age.
Are you scared?
Missing home.
Anyone who wants to go can go now.
You may have questions in mind.
I know.
That will be, how do we
face them in a war tomorrow?
Let me tell you that we will succeed.
And we'll give them a strong blow.
Because you've something
these intruders do not have.
And that is your self confidence.
And the courage to
fight for this confidence.
Never let this courage break.
And we'll win this war.
Are you courageous? - Yes.
Are you courageous? - Yes.
Do you have? - Yes.
Loudly! - Yes.
Louder! - Yes.
Louder! - Yes.
At that time I never thought I'll die.
I was sure I'm going to meet death.
And it was much better, Aparna.
"Than to live as a coward in your eyes.
I was really surprised when Masterda.
...gave charge to Loknath.
He was only 23 then.
It's the day..
...we were waiting for.
We'll prove to the British"
...that fifty of us are
more than their fifty thousands.
Can you all see that rock? - Yes.
Can you all see that rock? - Yes.
We won't let them cross this rock.
We'll drive them away from that point.
All of you alert..
And take your positions.
Are you scared?
Follow the orders.
Last night I was very disturbed.
And I had decided
to leave you. -I know.
I also know that
now you'll never leave me.
Everyone! Fire!
Firing is taking
place from both the sides.
Sir, they're firing.
Jhunku, fire!
Move the charge now!
Smith, start the machine gun fire.
I want them.
Get down, everyone.
Get down!
They're firing from
the other sides as well.
In that way, we'll get trapped.
Nirmal! Go to Masterda!
They're using machine gun.
Everyone bend down.
No.. no..
Come back.
Bend down! Go down the rocks.
Firing a lot.
Vikram! - Vikram! Vikram!
Nirmal, take care of
the attackers on our back.
Give me the gun! Give it.
Bent down and go.
Vikram! - They shouldn't come to know.
Bend down!
Bend down!
Can you see?
Can you see anything?
There he came.
Major Smith is gone sir.
Machine gun has gone sir.
We're going.
You people quickly leave this place. Go!
Indian Republican Army! Alert!
After four days
disruption, the train service between..
"Calcutta and Chittagong
has been resumed from today.
Even though peace and
order must be made in Chittagong.
"Reports of serious..
We're sending all of you to your houses.
Because they don't
know your names as yet.
It's good for your
safety" - Listen to me.
Listen to me.
Masterda, what we want to do..
...we want to do it in your company.
We won't go home. -
People are wanted even in the city.
The war hasn't ended yet.
It'll continue.
And it's not written
that freedom fighters.
...will have to always
remain out of the house.
We've a news that few
rebellions have come this side.
In fact, they all
are professional criminals.
And the biggest things
is that all of them are Hindu.
Don't worry. This is a Muslim village.
They won't get shelter here. - Yes.
I expected that from you, Rahim.
Goodbye! - Goodbye!
Any message for me?
- Why should I tell you?
It's only for Masterda.
I hope no one has seen you.
You don't trust me? - I do..
I do trust you. That's why
we selected you to go to Calcutta.
You tell me.. do you trust me?
This is a very risky job.
We can be arrested any time.
And I don't want that
because of me.. - But you..
You're with me, aren't you?
You should learn to use this.
I'll teach you.
MY son!
Jhunku, look, I've made
fish curry of your choice.
Yes, come in!
Aunt, police!
Yes, Ahsanulla!
What's the problem? -
Search the house. - Yes, sir.
Where's your son?
Do you have the warrant?
Warrant isn't needed now.
You must know, Mrs. Roy,
where's your son?
He isn't in the house, sir.
Will you play a game?
Hey.. - Hey, leave him. Ahsanulla!
I'll shoot him. -
Please, take the gun down.
Move back!
Mrs. Roy, you'll have
to select one of your sons.
And I don't have much
time. I'll count only till three.
1.. - Please, leave him.
2.. - Ahsanulla please.. - Sir!
Look.. look in this way..
My son hasn't eaten
anything from past 2 days.
Please, sir. At least grant him bail.
I'm sorry, Roy. It's a serious of fence.
He can't survive in
jail. He's too" too delicate.
Not that delicate
that he couldn't take..
...our powers against the British empire.
Look, Roy, you get him to talk.
And I'll see what I can do.
Papa, please take me out of this place.
Please, papa.
Yes, I'll take you out, son.
But please.. tell them everything, son.
Magistrate Wilkinson has assured me..
You went to that man?
Why don't you try to understand?
Only he can help us, no body else!
I don't need any help.
You've to think of
yourself. -Yes, I have.
Tell mother not to worry about myself.
Don't be so stubborn.
I'm not being stubborn, papa.
Neither you nor I can stop this now.
Any news of Jhunku?
Look at me. What has happened to you?
Why they've given up?
Do you know what mess you're in?
We know who the leaders are.
What we need you to
tell us is where they are.
Where did you last see Surya Sen?
Jhunku, I'm your best chance.
Give me some hint.
And I'll see to it that you're spared.
So, let's try again.
What were your
instructions after you returned home?
Speak out. Speak up!
I know what Ahsanulla
and Johnson are capable of.
I don't want to have
you hand you over to them.
He can tell us
everything, sir. - Hope so.
Remember, he's only 14.
Jhunku, no one wants to see you hurt.
But I need to know..
...where's Mr. Sen?
Where's Surya Sen?
Tell me where he is.
Where's Surya Sen?
Where's he?
Tell me..
He didn't have him tortured, did you?
Have you lost all sense of decency?
Johnson! I want results!
You've exactly one week to
find those bloody terrorists.
I don't know how you do it.
I want to see them behind bars.
Anand, police!
Run! Ganesh!
Where's Surya Sen hiding?
I asked where's Surya Sen?
Oh God!
I'm very proud of you, my son.
Look, they're fighting!
Look, he's beating him up.
Help! Release him!
We were going to escape from the jail.. digging a tunnel.
And in this way, the second night began.
I was feeling proud
that Masterda had selected me.
For 30 days, we had dug the tunnel.
Bombs were planted at their places.
It's just that they
had to be interlinked.
Children must be saved.
I won't see them hanging to death.
Then don't wait.
This is the only way to
talk with British face to face.
We should have
something with us to make them bend.
They're killing our boys one by one.
And we're being a silent spectacle.
They should be shot to death.
Ahsanulla and Johnson.
After what they've
done, they've no right to live.
Masterda! Go away with
Priti, I'll tackle with them.
No! - You too come along.
Masterda, you please go! - Fire!
Go! - You come along!
You please go, Masterda!
Nirmal! I said let's go.
Nirmal! - Nirmal!
This movement must not stop!
"Speak up.."
"speak up.."
Let's go, Priti!
Priti, let's go! Come!
"Speak up.." - C'mon! - Nirmal! - C'mon!
"Speak up.."
"Let seasons come out of the home."
"Let the seasons that we sowed blossom."
"Speak up everything unsaid."
"Life is a little tasteless."
"..dissolve a few
sugar-sweet dreams into it."
"See that these moments"
...this time, doesn't pass."
"speak up.."
Everyone was shaken up
by brother Nirmal's death.
"Speak up.."
For the first time I saw..
"Brothers Anant,
Ganesh and Loknath crying.
Do we have to pay
this against our mission?
If Nirmal been
here, he'd have done this.
Be happy-
Today the girls are with us.
I had left a newly
wedded bride at home.. jump to this battle.
She kept on begging, to come with me.
But at that time,
wondered why but I was scared.
Why don't you bring her now?
It's not too late.
She's missing.
Wonder where the people go away.
There's no dearth
of brave boys in India.
The land is drenched in their blood.
But there'll be
something new in this air, today.
The British empire will come to know..
"That if need arise..
...even Indian
daughters do not step back in..
...sacrificing life.
Ladies and gentlemen!
There may be some among us who believe..
"That our methods
have been less effective.
The fact is, a great
deal of headway has been made..
"Against Mr. Surya Sen.
Hey, what's happening?
It's our mistake"
Everyone bend down!
Done! Let's go!
"Pull the plaits of silences."
"Bring the liveliness of noise."
"Break the glass of
silence on the floor."
"And decorate the noise of love."
"Today no should change into a call."
"Today silence
should become a jingle sound."
"Jingle words, spread rhymes."
"Be with your heart, be there.."
"Say something, say it out."
"Say something, say it out."
"Say something, say it out."
But Jhunku, the sad news is
that sister Pritilata is no more.
A girl came and shot.
Johnson and Ahsanulla are killed.
You haven't got a clue..
...where Surya Sen is hiding!
It's failure.
He can't hide so much longer, sir.
You've been telling
me that from last 3 years.
We have an offer from Surya Sen.
He'd seize all attacks
against us provided you spare..
"The lawyers' son and all his boys.
I can't pull back now.
It'd be positively humiliating.
I'd let you know as I proceed.
None of us get death sentence.
30 boys were released.
Quit India!
But with brothers
Anant, Ganesh and Loknath..
...12 of us were sent to Andaman.
'Kalapani!' (Life imprisonment).
Far across the ocean. Forever.
Quit India!
So, was our rebel a bubble on the water?
Does it made any difference to anyone?
Was it a biggest mistake?
Masterda's emotions
have affected every village.
Do you know, Jhunku?
Farmers have started
raising voice against British empire.
Don't lose
courage, Jhunku! Yours Aparna!
My time hasn't ended.
I don't know what outcome
history has decided for me..
...for dragging the innocent children..
...In the fight for freedom.
I don't even know if I could..
...give them a new direction or not.
The result of the movements
happened in Punjab and Bengal..
...was that I was released after 7 years.
' Kalapaani'.
A black history of
the golden days of my life.
I was returning, Aparna..
...may be with a
feeling if I have anything"
"left with me for Chittagong.
"Restless are the
dreams, for whom new skies await."
"Wings say.. fly away.."
"Ocean waves settle in rivers."
"Water says, open them.."
Why didn't you get married?
My Wish?
"What smoke is this?"
But where are we going?
"There should be new music."
"But I can't move
on, wonder what stops me."
"This heart and mind say
differently. Where shall I go?"
"My heart is restless!"
Johnson had to go back.
The war hasn't ended as yet.
It'll continue!
Masterda, police is here, run away.
Surya Sen! You're under arrest!
"If this organization
breaks, everything will shatter."
You've to nurture and
bring up this organization.
As you nurture your crop.
And when this crop will be ready.
Believe me. You'll yield Gold.
You'll get silver from it.
Will Masterda's sacrifice go in vain?
Was this struggle and battle useless?
It'll go useless if
you change your direction.
I'm left alone.
Come, Jhunku, I've to
show you a lot of things.
British and landlords
have captured the crops.
This is the godown
where the crops are stored.
But now the farmers will not step back.
20 villages are ready.
The time has come.
To get our crops back from the godown.
I was watching
hopes in your eyes, Aparna.
But may be I wasn't ready for it.
Hey, Stop! go back!
How will the
farmers leave their villages?
C'mon, Jhunku! C'mon!
Police will keep the
village under surveillance.
So what? They're
police. Let's fight them.
What do you mean?
If 5 to 6 are
gathered, they'll arrest us.
Forget about reaching the godown.
Tunnel?! - Tunnel?!
We'll dig tunnels from every village.
And we can reach
there through the tunnels.
No one will come to know about it.
This is possible.
Uncle, Masterda always said that.
...It's not impossible to
break any jail in this world.
We're many in numbers.
If we'd start working
altogether for 24 hours..
...and if we decide
that we want to do this"
"then it's possible in such less time"
"that no one will even realise.
And the British won't even get a hint.
This is possible. -
It'll definitely happen.
All the arrangements are made.
Brother, police!
Stop or else, we'll fire!
Keep awakening. Don't sleep.
Keep your eyes open.
Stop worrying about me.
You go from here.
Thousands of people need you.
Go and look for them.
I'll come soon.
I had never distrusted you.
I'm coming.
How are you?
We know what you're up to.
Today we'll reach the
godown through this very path.
I'm giving you one chance.
Turn and return.
And I'll pretend that you weren't here.
Only farmers have
the right on this crop.
I want to help you.
You did it once. Help!
You're under arrest.
"A new door has opened
up, it's a call of 'lshan'!"
"Everyone's courageous."
Let's go!
"Is the direction
that has light and songs."
"ls the morning, that takes
you to your goal, it's a hope."
"It's victory."
Revolution! - Long live!
"Even by fighting big dreams,
he'd won in every step of life."
"It's a feeling of
relief. The melody is new."
"A new song is composed and sung."
"And it echoes everywhere."
In my life.
"Even by fighting big dreams,
he'd won in every step of life."
"It's a feeling of
relief. The melody is new."
"A new song is composed and sung."
"And it echoes everywhere."
"We're on the
battle, we'll sacrifice life."
"A new door has opened
up, it's a call of 'lshan'!"
"Even by fighting big dreams,
he'd won in every step of life."
"It's a feeling of
relief. The melody is new."
"A new song is composed and sung."
"And it echoes everywhere."
"We're on the
battle, we'll sacrifice life."
"A new door has opened
up, it's a call of 'lshan'!"
"The sky bends in
respect. We're so very courageous."
" the direction
that has light and songs!"
" the direction
that has light and songs!"
"A new door has opened
up, it's a call of 'lshan'!"
"Speak up!"
"Say something."
"Speak up!"
"Say something."
"Speak up!"
"Say something."
"Speak up!"
"Say something."
"Let seasons come out of the home."
"Let the seasons that we sowed blossom."
"Speak up something that is unsaid.
"The life is a little tasteless."
"..dissolve a few
sugar-sweet dreams into it."
"See that these
moments, this time, doesn't pass.."
"Speak up!"
"Say something."
"Speak up!"
"Say something."
"Speak up!"
"Say something."
"Speak up!"
A RijVneT - DDR Presentation