Chizkeik (2008)

Pavel Melenchuk
Sergei Chonishvili
Olga Lomonosova
Xenia Lavrova-Glinka
Natalia Fateeva
Ludmila Arinina
Dmitry Maryanov
Mom, sit still. You've seen this
rubbish a hundred times already.
Why rubbish? It's very nice. You are so
handsome there, and your smile...
Come on! It's make-up - it's illusion.
Mom, you don't have any inflammation.
Sorry, I'm very tired,
it's been a tough day.
What's bothering you?
Nothing. What makes you think
something's bothering me?
Well, that's the third time you've
washed that spoon.
Yes, sorry it's...
I'm on autopilot.
How is Galya doing?
She's fine.
Did she buy that handbag?
Which handbag?
The scarlet one, to match her shoes...
I don't know, she probably did.
Have you two had a fight?
Mom, let me through.
Why don't you ever tell me what's
going on with you?
Because nothing's 'going on' with me.
I knew that Galya would finally leave you!
Mom, I'm really tired.
You could stay here for the night.
Another time.
Have you had enough to eat?
I have all I need.
Good evening, Mikhail Alexandrovitch.
Good evening.
Don't you recognize me?
You're hard to forget.
But, excuse me, I don't remember your name
and don't understand what you're doing here.
I'm Alyosha.
May I spend the night here?
Why do you think I'd let you?
I don't know you.
Go home.
Do you have a home?
That's good.
Now step aside.
Did you hear me?
Go home.
Good night.
Yes, mom.
Yes, I'm watching - it's terrible.
Mom, I will be careful with fire.
I don't like electric kettles.
They make the water taste bad.
There'll be no summer? Why?
Summer has just begun.
It will be hot.
Your blood pressure will go up as usual.
Look, it's late, go to bed.
Good night.
Here's a kiss.
Are you afraid to go home?
Just don't want to.
I think, you're afraid.
You must have gotten a bad grade
at school or something. That it?
I never get bad grades.
Then what the hell are you doing here?
This floor is cold, you'll get a chill.
I did nothing bad.
Are the police looking for you?
I didn't do anything wrong.
Your parents must be worried,
they don't know where you are, do they?
They don't care.
Good evening.
The dog needs his walk.
Come inside...
Come on.
Your son looks like you.
I don't have any children.
First they act on TV,
then say they don't have children.
Look, this is the first and the last time
you spend the night here.
Sorry, I don't need your troubles.
I've got my own up to my neck.
You understand?
- Yes. Excellent.
Where's your wife?
I don't have a wife.
But I saw woman's slippers and bathrobe...
I had a girlfriend.
Where is she now?
I don't know.
Please go to sleep
I have to get up early.
No, mom,
you didn't wake me.
I'm feeling fine, just fine.
It's warm.
No, it's not to you,
there's a warm pot on my stove.
What's in it?
No, mom, Galya hasn't come back.
I'll call you anyway.
Kiss you, bye.
And the dishes washed.
You made a mistake,
there, in the addition.
You need parentheses there.
Of course!
Valechka, you remember that woman from TV?
With the cracked talocrural joint?
That's her!
I need her phone number.
As I remember,
it was she who asked you to be in that ad.
You've got perfect memory.
As soon as I finish the paperwork
I'll find her number.
Of course,
finish the paperwork.
May I help you?
No, thanks.
I'm just looking.
Well, look gently, okay?
- Okay.
Hello, Irina.
This is Mikhail, your doctor.
Remember me?
Good afternoon.
How are you doing?
I told you everything would be
fine with your leg.
Ira, tell me how you found the boy
who acted with me in that ad?
Right off the street?
Yes, very nice person.
No particular reason.
Just curious
that's all.
Valya, pick up the phone - I'm
covered in plaster.
Hello. Who's calling?
I'll ask him.
It's about your son.
What son?
I don't know.
Hello... yes, that's me.
Don't have a clue.
He's not my son.
I'll tell you again
- he's not my son.
What do you want from me?
Call the police!
Take another film and bring it to me.
Okay doctor.
Hello again. It's Mikhail Alexandrovitch.
We just spoke about that boy.
Have you called the police?
I'll come, but I need
about three hours.
Good evening. Where's the boy?
- Come in.
Follow me.
- Goodbye.
I was an accident.
The clerk said you did it on purpose.
How did you get here?
You were lucky
I had money to pay
and that they recognized
'the boy from TV' and believed you.
Yes, lucky.
Now we're even,
I paid for that vase,
for making the porridge
and washing the dishes.
Was it good?
Delicious, thanks.
Bear in mind that next time
I won't come,
and the police will take you away.
Do what you want.
- Got it?
Another one.
He's not home.
He's not home.
I see, thanks.
Are you going to wait?
Come into my apartment.
Don't worry, we'll hear him coming back.
My eyesight is poor
but my hearing is good.
Come on.
Do you like strong tea?
"The table is set, the soup is ready.
Whoever comes, will be fed. "
Have some sugar
- don't be shy.
May I have a candy?
I like both, too.
To the fifth floor,
the fifth.
Have you loaned out your flat?
What do you mean?
Perhaps to your friend
for the night
so that he could meet a girl...
Mom, what are you talking about?
I can't remember the last time
you spent the night in my house.
I just don't like to.
I mean,
I like to sleep at home.
That's it.
Good night.
- Good night.
I really didn't want to go home tonight,
I don't know why, though.
Kostik, faugh!
"I owe you for the broken vase.
Thanks. Alyosha. "
Hello. Good afternoon, Irina.
It's Mikhail.
I'm worried.
Do you know how to find that boy?
I'll wait.
Yes, I'm writing.
Got it.
Agha is it?
And who's this?
His teacher?
I see, thank you, Ira, thanks.
'Lyoshka, open up, pest!
I'm talking to you.
'Lyoshka, you hear me?
Open up!
Why did you keep me waiting?
Vera, I didn't know it was you.
It's a problem family. No father,
alcoholic mother.
You'll see for yourself.
Alyosha is a very talented boy.
Despite what people say
he's not like his mother.
It's broken.
May I come in?
Michal it's this way.
Why are you on the floor?
Come here, sweet baby.
Hello, Vera.
Who the hell is this?
Oh, I know you.
You were in that ad with my Alyoshka.
how much were
you paid for that?
None of your business.
How much was Alyoshka paid?
I don't know, ask him.
He hides the money.
Or it's been stolen from him.
Where's Alyosha?
Give her to me.
Vera Ivanovna, I think
you should be
deprived of parents' rights!
Give birth to your own children
then tell me what I should do!
Four of us in one room
we can't even afford bread!
But you always have
money for vodka!
Get out of here!
I'll report you
for beating on me!
I'll find you,
Good day.
- Good day.
Good day.
- Good day.
Good day.
- Hello.
Come in,
sit down.
Kid, you have a health-card?
It's OK, he doesn't
need a card.
Valeshka, I think we're out of saline.
No, we have enough.
Then do we have syringes?
Yes, we do.
If you want me
to leave you alone, I'll go.
Excuse me,
for God's sake.
Well, any problems?
you must be home every day before 10:00
any later and I won't open the door.
And no trouble-
- from school,
from neighbors,
and especially
from the police.
That clear?
Nothing to say?
You agree to everything I say, huh?
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon. Running a household?
Just cleaning up.
Wait a minute, are you throwing
those slippers away?
We don't need them.
May I have a look?
Of course.
They're almost new!
Take them.
Good day.
Have any crosswords?
take your pick.
I'll take these two.
How much?
What would you like to order
young man?
"Americano" "Espresso"?
A big cup,
with milk.
Something else?
Maybe a nice pastry?
No, nothing sweet.
How about a sandwich?
I'll have whatever you bring.
You're welcome.
Bon Appetit!
Check, please!
What are you doing here?
Come in,
we'll talk in the morning.
Attention -get ready.
Natasha, are you ready?
Gleb, I'm always ready!
Second camera...
No matter what's
going on,
stay cool with 'Novapasyet'!
Thank you.
Thanks everyone
- that's a wrap!
Take off your shoes
- you'll damage the trim.
Turn it down, please.
Something happen?
I'm sorry.
I swear
it won't happen again.
Alyosha, I won't ask where
you were last night
That was the first and the last time.
One more trick like that
and it's back where you came from
Is that clear?
You want me to treat
you like a man?
act like one and
keep your promises.
Why did you throw away the slippers
and the bathrobe?
We don't need them.
Okay, I have a 'legal' holiday today
we should honor that
and spend it properly.
Let's go to the river.
I agree.
Would you like to learn
how to drive?
I sure would!
Natasha, no need to do it yourself.
I'll do it later.
Let me dry the dishes at least.
Where's a towel?
I'll get you one.
She's so young, and already a widow!
That won't last long.
Why? Does she have someone?
That's nonsense!
There's nobody.
They were a perfect couple!
Happy Birthday Natasha
Hello, Olya?
Please come over.
I can't be alone.
Well, how do I look?
Super! Where you going?
What 'business'?
Good luck!
You're in charge of the house,
but, please, don't throw anything away!
And buy us something 'interesting'
for dinner.
Hi. Come on in.
What's wrong?
Galya, come meet someone.
This is the kid
who threw your slippers away.
A pleasure
- Galya.
- that's that
- let's have some tea.
Misha, it's late.
Will you stay?
Maybe next time.
I'll walk you out.
"I'm happy.
Galya. "
Delete Message?
Want to be a doctor too?
Then what?
Don't know yet.
At your age I dreamed
of being an actress.
When I was six
I wanted to work in a candy factory
or, at least, sell ice-cream.
Wait here.
This one?
No, the one
to the right.
This one?
(Don't buy that!)
Hello. Why?
I tried it
- it's awful.
Which one's good?
The green pack,
with the camels.
Give me the green pack
with camels, please.
This one?
Oh, I forgot something in the shop.
You go ahead, and I'll
catch up with you.
Kostik, Kostik, let's go.
Sorry, I bought this but decided to
get the tea in the red tin.
Hallo Yes, Misha.
Give me 5 min. to finish backups.
Yea, big kiss.
Allow me.
Why are you so serious?
These are for you.
Today's our first anniversary.
Oh! Thank you!
To the restaurant!
You're right! Today is July 19.
How could I forget?
You're the man of my dreams.
Do you believe it?
I envy myself.
I do.
Misha, before we start celebrating
I'd like to ask you a question.
Go ahead.
Alyosha is a great kid, but...
But you must admit it can't last forever.
I may be a bit
dramatic, but
anything could happen.
Are you ready to be completely
responsible for him?
Okay, what do you suggest?
Well, I don't know,
we need to think
I'm sure there are many options
to suit both Alyosha
and us.
Galcha, let's talk about it later.
Today is our day,
you agree?
I agree.
I love you so much!
What the fuck you want, kid?
Looking for Kuzma.
I'm Kuzma.
Wait here.
"Galya, can't talk.
Where r u?"
"can u come out?"
"I'm outside"
"Go 2 the institute"
What's wrong with him?
He's unconscious.
Multiple fractures.
We've been searching for you.
Thank God we thought to call your mom.
My cell phone is gone; I can't find it.
"go 2 the lab"
Hey kid-
were you in that cheesecake ad?
Our foreign visitors saw you on television
and they would like to have
a photo with you.
Would you mind?
"Right desk drawer"
Good morning. 'Olten'...
Natasha, that's good,
but make your smile more natural, will you?
Good morning. 'Olten'...
Natasha. Personal troubles
should be left at home.
We're working here, okay?
What's wrong with you
I just can't smile today.
Are you trying?
Fucking Sarah Bernhardt...
Fuck you.
The subway is
full of girls like you
one call and I can replace you.
Go ahead.
Come on, I'll help you.
Your boots...
Now the other.
Right, left...
- into the room.
At least eat a little bit.
I beg you.
You'll be late for work.
People are sitting there
waiting for you.
Don't give a shit!
Should I call and tell them you're sick?
Should I?
Fuck off.
Are you crazy?
Do you want to die?
You moron!
You're a doctor!
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Were you in that ad for cheesecake?
Have you tried it
It's immoral.
The cake was disgusting.
I had to throw it out.
You should be ashamed.
You're shameless!
Nobody home.
Where is she?
She went to sell
her summer cottage.
Thank you.
Don't you remember me?
... No.
We were in that ad
together, remember?
yes, I do.
That's heavy
Let me help you.
Yes, it is,
but your
arm is bandaged.
No problem.
I'll use the other one.
This way.
Well, here we are.
It's beautiful here.
Don't you like it?
Don't know, don't care.
Was that place by the store
the only place where you put
your notice about the cottage?
Um, Yes.
May I ask you
don't put up
any more ads anywhere.
I'll find you a buyer.
I've already found one.
I'm not saying we should buy this house.
We don't have the money, anyway.
We just have convince her not to sell it!
Listen, I don't understand!
First you say we need
some fresh air.
Then you say we should buy some house,
and now you tell me we shouldn't!
What do you want me to do?
I'm not going anwhere.
You're a doctor.
You must help those who aren't well!
And she isn't well!
But I don't even know her.
Yes you do!
Let's go - we need to buy a cheesecake.
What the hell are you
talkng about - cheesecake?
You can have tea here.
In the evening too?
You can turn on the lamp
and watch the moths.
Yes, a beautiful lamp.
It's old.
Come on, I'll show you the house.
Natasha, please forgive me.
I don't really want to buy this house.
I can't afford it.
So why are you here?
No idea.
He brought me here.
Let's have some tea!
Where's the kettle?
In the kitchen, on the stove.
What about teabags and stuff?
In the cupboard. I'll do it.
No, no. I'll do it.
You two have a seat.
Seems like it's been a very long time
since we were in that stupid ad.
Yes, a different life.
My husband's hobby.
He was killed.
A month ago.
Thank you.
Screenplay: Elena Dolgopyat
Directed by: Evgeny Zvezdakov
Director of Photography: Maxim Trapo
Design: Artem Kuzmin
Composer: Daniel Kalashnik
Krokodil and AngoraCat