Chloe (2009)

I guess I've always been
pretty good with words.
In my line of business
it's as important to be able to
describe what I'm doing
as it is to do what I'm doing.
When to say what.
What words to select.
Some men hate to hear
certain terms.
They can't stand
specific moves and
then they can't live
without others.
It's part of my job to know
where to place my hand,
my lips, my tongue, my leg
and even my thoughts.
What kind of pressure,
for how long, when to stop.
I can become your first kiss...
Or a torn out image
from a Playboy magazine
that you found
when you were 9 years old.
Am I your secretary
or am I your daughter?
Maybe I'm your 7th grade
math teacher you always hated.
All I know is that
if I do it just right,
I can become
your living, breathing,
unflinching dream,
and then I can actually
Dr. Stewart.
Your last appointment's ready.
All right.
Thanks, Julie.
When was your first period?
I was 14.
- And what's your occupation?
- I'm a dancer.
Yeah? What kind?
Classical ballet.
Do you use any
form of contraception?
So you want to have a baby?
No. Not at all. No.
You don't practise safe sex?
I've never had an orgasm.
From intercourse?
We're okay, thanks.
I've barely ever had sex.
There's something about
it I don't get.
Well, an orgasm is simply
a series of muscle contractions.
That's it. It comes from
manipulating the clitoris.
There's nothing mysterious and
there's nothing magic about it.
I'll give you some literature
to take home, okay?
- You can get dressed now.
- Thank you.
Here we are at scene 2 where Leporello
catalogues Don Giovanni's conquests.
Country by country.
Age by age. Shape by shape.
Is she sweet or cruel?
A peasant or a princess?
Single? Married?
As he says, "It doesn't really matter.
She wears a skirt."
If we look at the title of
this aria which is...?
Madamina, il catalogo e questo.
And what's he saying?
"In Italy, 640.
In Germany, 231.
Spain, 1,003."
Lovers that Don Giovanni
took in Spain alone.
A very busy man.
A few of us would like to
take you to dinner. Can you come?
Thank you. I'd love to.
And I'm honoured.
But... today's my birthday.
And I've got a flight back home
in an hour and a half.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you...
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to...
Hi, how are you?
Did you get a drink?
- Sure.
- Okay.
Presents go in my office, okay?
You realize I'd have to kill you
if you ever did this to me.
You are a very brave wife.
I changed my dress, like,
You look beautiful.
You look amazing.
- Thank you.
- What time is he supposed to be here?
Well, his flight arrived, like,
- Here you go.
- Thanks. So...?
Hey, your dad's going to be
here any minute. Come and join us.
Where did the little boy
who used to run into his mommy's arms go?
His girlfriend is probably going
down on him right about now.
That's a horrible thing to
say to a mother.
He's doing a lot better.
Yeah, he is.
Trina. This is Catherine.
Our hostess and my office mate.
Hi. Lovely to meet you.
What an amazing house you have.
Thank you.
That's probably him.
Quiet, everybody!
Hey, Catherine.
Hi, honey.
Are you home?
I'm going to be a little late.
Well, I talked to the airline.
They said that your flight landed.
I missed it by a few minutes.
You said you couldn't pick me up
at the airport. So...
Well, do you know
when you'll be home?
The next flight isn't
for 2 hours.
I don't think I'll be in
before you go to sleep.
I'm so sorry.
Catherine? Sweetheart.
We'll see you
when you get back then.
Looks like the surprise is on us.
He missed his flight.
We could charter our own flight
and surprise him down there.
I have to admit this
wasn't part of the plan,
but no reason to
stop the party, right?
Michael! Your friend
will have to go home. It's late.
I'm sorry.
Guess I should have told you.
Yeah. You should have.
But then it wouldn't have been a surprise.
Geez, at my age. You know I try
and ignore my birthdays, Catherine.
- It's so bloody--
- Embarrassing?
Your presents are in my office.
I got you a bottle of Scotch.
I'll be a bit late again tonight.
More boring Curriculum Committee crap.
Yeah. But you're not late now.
I'll pick up a coffee on the way.
Michael. Your mom's in the hallway
and she just saw me naked.
Jesus, Michael.
This is not okay.
I just got here.
You're lying.
I should probably go home.
Look, Dad knows.
Your father knows about this?
She's... she's in my house
all night and nobody tells me?
Anna. Her name's Anna.
Are you using protection?
We use condoms.
This is not happening every night.
Understand me?
- See you kids a little later.
- See you later.
Bye, honey. Bye.
Over here.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- You changed your hair.
- Yeah. hasn't noticed.
Well, that's 'cause he
likes it down.
How do you know?
Well, all men do.
They imagine it wrapped around their?
That's enough, Frank.
Here, please. Sorry, darling.
- Hi, David.
- Hey, Frank.
I'm Delia.
I'll be your waitress this evening.
What can I get you to drink?
What do you like to drink, Delia?
I like the Maybach Vineyard.
It's a very intense pure
and deep taste.
Well, I guess
I better have one of those, then.
Good choice.
And you?
I'll have the same.
Where's the bathroom? Frank.
It's over there.
Are you okay?
Yeah. I'm fine, thank you.
Can I do anything?
There's no toilet paper
in this stall.
I have some.
Here you go.
Men are such assholes.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
I think you dropped this.
That's not mine.
Take it anyway.
I want you to have it.
I have to get
back to my husband.
We're playing
"Spot the Hooker."
That's pleasant.
This is a nice hotel.
There's a lot of
horny and wealthy
out-of-town businessmen.
This is a sexy situation.
And they mix in
with the normal people.
Well, they are normal people.
I don't know how normal they are.
Have you ever been with one?
What am I saying?
It's not a habit.
- I liked paying.
- Spare me.
When you want a little dusting and
cleaning with no emotional repercussions?
You want to avoid rejected women
coming after you?
You pay for it.
Did you find that waitress sexy?
Which one?
The one you were flirting with.
Come on.
I was being friendly.
People are usually
so rude to service people.
I know. So you like to be
extra nice to make up for it?
Did you run
to catch your plane?
Well, you only missed it by a minute,
you said, so you must have run.
It... it was a few minutes.
Did you intentionally miss
the flight from New York?
What difference does
it make if I...
if I missed it by mistake or intentionally?
Well, because you said it was a mistake.
And it was your birthday.
Surprise birthday.
It was neither intentional nor by mistake,
it's just what happened.
Did you go out for a drink?
What would you like?
I'll have a Chardonnay, please.
Do you want to buy me a drink?
What do you like?
What are you having?
Here you are.
Another Chardonnay
for her, please.
I don't usually meet with women.
Couples, yes,
but... a single woman...
Thank you.
I think my husband would like you.
Do you choose his women for him?
- He can't come in himself?
- No.
Why not?
What's your name?
It's Chloe.
My husband's cheating on me.
At least I think he is.
I want to find out.
See what he does
if you present yourself to him.
Most of my clients are married.
He's not the client.
What does he look like?
He's tall, strong...
He has chestnut hair.
He's very handsome.
David usually has lunch
at the Caf Diplomatico.
And he's almost always reading
the newspaper.
If he asks
what I do for a living...
...what do you want me to say?
Say you're a student,
studying to be an interpreter.
Do you speak any other languages?
Some Japanese.
Excuse me.
I'm sorry.
Can I borrow your sugar?
Thank you.
Did you not recognize me?
I wasn't sure.
I saw him.
Just like you said,
he had his newspapers right there and
I went up asked him for his sugar.
And he pretended to
read his newspapers.
And he got up and came over to me
and asked me if I was a student.
And I said that I was studying language,
like you told me to, Japanese.
And he asked me if I could
say something in Japanese,
which made me blush.
And I ended up just saying, "Konichiwa."
And then he asked me
what my name was and I said Chloe.
Okay. That's okay.
Nothing happened.
Except that he approached you
and he spoke to you.
Pretty girl, cafe...
He barely flirted.
He was just friendly.
He's cute.
How do you do this?
I try to find something to
love in everybody.
Even if it's a small thing.
Something about
the way someone smiles.
There's always something.
There has to be.
I try to make myself generous.
I do things I don't want to do.
I think about
what not to criticize.
And the strangest things
come back to me.
Yeah, people like you
walk into my life.
The money's in the envelope.
I want to do this one more time
just to see what he does.
And then we'll stop, okay?
Look, Michael, it's not like
we're engaged. Okay?
If there are other guys,
it's got nothing to do with you.
Alright. I need to see you, okay?
This... this is weird.
You are seeing me.
I mean... I mean face-to-face.
This is... this is fucked.
I know but, look, we are
face-to-face. Let's just...
Look, people don't just break up
with each other out of nowhere, okay?
I know there's someone else.
I just... I don't think that...
Graduation's coming up, you know, Michael.
I just... I don't want to feel
tied down by you or anything.
Fuck! Mom!
Who were you on with?
One of my students.
We were done anyway.
Our little boy's being dumped.
How do you know?
I don't know
what bothers me more--
that he's sleeping with her
or that he isn't.
Did you speak to him?
He doesn't talk to me.
this is going to be okay.
I don't know how to be
his mother anymore.
He's going to be fine.
He's in therapy.
He's going to be?
Did you know his girlfriend
was sleeping over?
Come on.
You remember what it was like.
Hey! What do you say we...
what do you say we taste this?
No. I... I have a headache.
- Well, take an Advil.
- I did.
Take 2.
Thank you for the scotch.
And thank you
for defecting party.
I love your smile.
No, you don't.
When did we stop picking
each other up at the airport?
I don't know.
And waiting for each other
at the gate?
I'm trying to remember when...
when it happened.
When they upped security.
I'm serious.
I don't know.
We just got so busy.
I've got 30 papers to read
and comment on by tomorrow.
Yeah. You should...
you should get to work.
Are you okay?
Yeah, of course.
Yeah, Dad...
It's kind of crazy,
you know, when...
when and I met, it was like
I've never really felt that way
about anyone. She totally just kind of,
I mean, you... Dad, did you
feel that way like about Mom?
Like, was that how
it was when you guys met?
I used to make you tell me that story over
and over again about how you two met.
She was the most beautiful woman
you'd ever seen.
That she was everything
that you weren't...
There you are.
Hey! They're amazing.
Sorry. I think...
I think I was going through some...
some weird form of insecurity
or a mid-life crisis or something
but let's just forget this
whole thing happened.
- Well, I already did.
- Forget it?
No. I already saw him.
You saw him? Where?
I was at the caf and I...
I approached him like you asked me to,
and we went to lunch.
You... wait, you had lunch
with my husband?
Yeah, it was a picnic,
kind of.
We bought some sandwiches.
And then I asked him
about his teaching
and he started talking
about his music.
And he kind of stared at me.
And then what?
And then he asked me
if he could kiss me.
I didn't ask you to do that.
But then he said he could not
kiss me because he's married.
You see?
At first he was hesitant.
At first?
And then he asked me
if there was somewhere
he could kiss me where
no one would see us.
I said to him that we
should go to Allen Gardens.
You know that place down the street
with the big... big greenhouse?
Do you want me to stop?
We walked through this big long
corridor with all these exotic flowers.
There was nobody around.
I love Allen Gardens.
It's always so warm.
And the air just feels
so beautiful.
It's like you're suddenly
in a different country.
I knew there's a place in the back,
where they keep tools and stuff.
No one ever goes to
that section.
It's like a secret hiding place.
He brought his mouth up
to my lips
and we hovered there
for a long time.
I could feel he was
excited through his pants.
That's enough.
You were supposed to meet up
with my husband
and see what he did and
then report back to me.
I don't really know
what you want.
I shouldn't have involved
you in this. I made a mistake.
Damn it!
God, I'm so sorry. I was just
trying to get out of this spot.
Is your...
is your bumper okay?
I'm sorry. Would you mind
moving up just a little?
Do you carry that bag
with you in the car?
You never know
when you might need it.
Actually, let's not cut it.
I'm going to take them off.
Just hold that to stop the
bleeding, okay?
I'm sorry.
You think it will scar?
No. It shouldn't.
We were hidden, deep in this
forest of exotic plants and trees.
And we could hear voices
in the distance
but we were pretty sure no one
could actually see us.
And I pushed my hand down
his pants and felt him.
And then I...
I moved my hand lightly on him.
And then I kept doing this.
Moving my hand on him
in his pants.
And he said to me, "I can't come.
I can't come. I have to go to work."
But I didn't stop.
And then I bit his tongue.
And then...
just then he came in my hand.
And then what?
And then he had to go to work
so he walked away.
I don't want to be rude.
I want you...
I want you to be clean.
I mean,
I... I know you are clean...
I... no,
I... I've got tests--
All of them, like HIV, STDs,
and then show me the results.
Okay. Yeah.
Can I help you?
I'm looking for Catherine.
Dr. Stewart is in with a patient.
When's your appointment?
I don't have one.
She and I are friends.
Okay. Well,
she should be out soon.
Would you like to sit down?
Hi, Michael.
Your mom's still in with a patient.
I just need to pick up my tux.
It's in her office.
Exciting recital tonight.
I need to copy some music.
Your mom is Dr. Stewart?
My mother's your gynaecologist?
You look like her.
No, I don't...
I don't think so.
Yeah. The same look in your eyes.
I mean, not really the colour
or the shape but... the look.
And your lips, too.
I'm Chloe Sweeney.
Michael Stewart.
Nice to meet you.
Are you a musician?
No, it's just...
just what you're
supposed to do, I guess.
Study music.
I wish someone had
have given me lessons.
I love music.
Raised by Swans.
You never heard of the band
Raised by Swans?
You'd like them.
I think you'd really like them.
That's it for
my appointments, right?
Mannie's Motors called.
Your tune-up's finished.
- Okay.
- Alicia called about lunch at 2.
Right. Right.
And your son is
in the back making copies.
Hi, Doctor.
Here you go.
Full work up.
Okay. Thank you
for bringing them by.
Can I talk to you?
No, I can't. I'm jammed.
If you could call and...
Yeah. Quickly.
That's my son.
You didn't speak to him,
did you?
I came to tell you
about this afternoon.
It's today.
Yeah. After lunch. Okay?
You got my tux?
I'm excited.
About what?
About tonight.
About seeing you play.
I put a... I put a good luck
note in your jacket.
Thanks, Mom.
You said it.
She says she lies in bed
night after night
and tries to imagine a life
where she only sees her kids
every other week and she says
that she can't do it.
So she's staying with him.
At this point, apparently,
she's just surviving.
Maybe she'll ask him
if he'll go to couples therapy...
Who was that?
A patient.
What's going on with you?
Listen, I understand. Especially
with missing flights, busy on his?
David is fine.
We worked it out.
He missed his flight,
that's all.
He's not the most
organized man in the world.
No. I'm talking about you.
Who have you met?
Me? No. No.
Gawd, no.
You have affair written
all over you.
I have this pregnant patient
who panics every time she gets a kick
or a cramp because, really,
she's terrified about being a mother.
So I've decided to hold
her hand through this.
But I really need...
I need to call her back.
We're finished, right?
Thanks for lunch. Bye.
No. No. Not there.
Sit in that chair.
Go ahead.
We met in the park again.
This time he
didn't bring sandwiches.
We checked into this room.
He put on the news,
pretended to be interested.
I sat down next to him.
He turned and looked at me.
Kissed me.
Whispered, "Let's fuck."
He couldn't get it up.
We tried a few times.
He was really embarrassed.
But I told him it didn't
really matter, that I liked it.
That it meant that we could
just wait a little bit longer.
And at that point he was fully dressed.
I was completely naked.
Does this turn you on?
He wanted to stay dressed.
He sat right over there on
that bench.
He told me to get
between his legs.
I put him in my mouth
and then he got hard.
Are you okay?
I think I'm coming down
with something.
Did you see a doctor?
No. It's nothing.
I'm taking zinc.
Did he come in your mouth?
I pulled him out of me,
put a rubber on him.
I straddled him.
And... he came almost immediately
after he entered me.
I put my tits in his face.
Do you want to count it?
No, it's okay.
Do you think the zinc really works?
If you take it early enough, yeah.
What kind of perfume is that?
It's lotion.
We used to go everything together.
We couldn't stand to be apart.
Even for an hour.
We'd sit and wait for each other
outside of appointments
just loving those moments of waiting
until we could finally see each other again.
Touch each other.
I loved his hands.
They used to grab me everywhere.
It used to be that way.
I used to be younger.
Have you ever had
that with anyone?
Do you still love him?
I don't know.
And one more thing.
He said it's the first time
he's ever done this.
Well, that's a line.
I don't know whether to be relieved
or just go hang myself.
I can't... I can't...
Your beautiful son.
He's you.
No, he's you. You know that.
What is that?
You're wearing perfume.
It's lotion.
I like it.
Professor Stewart!
Madeleine. How are you?
How does he do it?
Touch you.
You can stop here.
This is where you live?
Which one is your house?
It's back there.
This is to take her home.
Please don't see
my husband again.
Hold on. I...
I have something for you.
I want...
I want you to have this.
No. I told you, that's yours.
No. This is...
this used to be my mother's.
And I want you to have it.
Did you drop this on purpose?
I wanted to talk to you.
I have to go.
Do you want to see me again?
I don't know. I... We work
in the same neighbourhood.
I'll see you on the street, right?
You'll see me on the street?
I didn't mean it that way.
I mean, it just...
That came out wrong.
I'm just...
I'm exhausted.
Who is it?
Are you in love?
If I were,
would it make a difference?
Of course it would
make a difference.
Are you in love?
You've been out all night.
Now I'm under interrogation.
Yeah. That's right.
I forgot.
You're a lot more discreet
with your women.
You don't come home late
'cause you have it down with them.
I like women. I appreciate
their beauty, their intelligence.
That does not mean
I'm screwing them.
How do you think I feel
when I come into your office
and you're instant messaging
with a student?
I make myself available to my students.
That's how I gain their trust!
- That's how I teach!
- God!
- You won't admit it.
- Admit what?
Do you know that you flirt with every single
goddamn woman you come into contact with?
For all I know you
could be fucking them all!
I'm not having an affair!
Stop it!
Go to your room!
You're telling me to
go to my room?
Michael, just leave us alone
for a minute.
You can't control me!
Michael! That's enough.
I can't wait to
get the fuck out of here.
I was held up at the hospital.
Are you okay?
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
There was an urgent call from Mrs. Beatrice.
She's concerned about her hormone therapy.
Mrs. Car has a
yeast infection again.
And these just came for you.
And there's an urgent e-mail as well.
I'll be right there.
I'm so sorry.
My God.
This is Chloe.
Where are you?
I'm in your waiting room.
Didn't you see me when you came in?
Smell them.
What are you doing?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
You're amazing.
You're so beautiful.
But we've taken this
as far as I want it to go.
I liked it. Last night.
Yeah, I liked it, too.
I can't say that I didn't.
I don't want this to be over.
And I don't think
that you want it to be, either.
You want money?
It's not about money.
You accepted money from me,
so when did this not become about money?
Okay. Now...
This should
take care of everything.
This isn't a business thing.
This was so real and you know that.
What about last night?
I touched you and I?
How do I get through to you?
This business transaction,
which... which is what this was, is over.
Now, please,
you have got to get out of here.
Come on.
Come on.
I'm so sorry...
Right here! Right here!
Come on, right here.
Pass it! Pass!
- Come on!
- Stewart!
- 2 minutes, tripping.
- You gotta be kidding me!
I bought you that CD that we
talked about... Raised by Swans. Swans.
I... I downloaded all their
albums already.
But you didn't download
the case or the artwork...
or the CD that you can keep forever
and hold in your hands.
I hate the Internet.
Nothing is private.
Nothing is real.
Like this-- me meeting you here.
The penalty box.
Do you have a page?
Yes. Yeah.
I know. I saw it.
That's how I knew
that you had a game today.
Nice picture.
I don't really photograph well.
Yeah, you do.
I like that picture of your mom.
There's... there's not a picture
of my mom on there.
Isn't she in the background
when you're getting that award?
Yeah, but she's out of focus.
Yeah, she is.
I notice everything.
I'll see you.
We were young
Like the universe...
Like our mother's work
Like these words...
- Mom?
- Jesus!
Where'd you get this music?
- From the store.
- Did you talk to that girl?
- What girl?
- In my office?
What are you talking about?
Is she here? Where is she?
What the fuck are you do--
Are you fucking insane?
I don't know. I don't...
I don't know.
My God.
I don't know.
I'm sorry, honey. I'm...
I told you not to call my husband.
I didn't call your husband.
He called me.
I... I wouldn't...
I would never contact him.
He... when he called it was
like there was...
it wasn't about sex.
It was something
emotional vulnerable.
He said that
when he touches you...
he feels like he's
cheating on me.
Isn't that crazy?
Did you hear me?
Meet me in an hour
at the Caf Diplomatico.
What's going on?
You want to order?
I'm chairing Orals.
This is not going to take long.
Coffee, please.
I'm having Cognac.
Hennessy for my wife.
What is this?
I wanted to give each other
a chance to lay things out straight.
I want to tell
each other everything.
The truth.
Is there something
that you want to tell me?
Just tell me.
About New York?
I lied.
I didn't want to have a birthday.
I didn't want to have another year
closer to retirement. So I stayed.
I had a drink.
I had 3.
You went and had a drink
with Miranda.
You did.
- You listened to my messages.
- What did you do with her?
Now you're spying on me.
You know, I planned
your party for months.
I secretly call each and
every one of our friends.
I... I... I spend thousands of dollars
on a cake, a caterer and flowers.
I act like some superhuman
housewife and
you're screwing an 18-year-old
because I am a fucking idiot.
I didn't screw her.
I flirted with her.
You are so full of shit.
What? Who was that girl?
She was nobody.
It's over.
That's it?
Well, wait a minute. You...
you came here to lay the cards
on the table.
I'm the only one
who's admitted anything.
I can't explain it.
It was... it was so sudden.
It was so unexpected
and it's over now.
And I'm supposed to be
happy about that?
I'm supposed to be happy you had
your little mid-life crisis fling?
It wasn't a fling.
Jesus, Catherine.
How many times have
I been tempted?
And I never did anything about it.
Never once.
No. But you wanted to.
I'm human! Could you say
you'd been any different?
I have never, ever wanted to be
with anybody else.
You're lying to me.
You're fucking lying.
You took me from work.
And you brought me all the way down
here to be honest with each other.
You've told me nothing.
Sorry, pal.
I'll tell you. She said
that her name was Chloe.
A girl. I asked her to do something.
To tempt you.
I wanted to see what you were doing
because I thought you were having an affair.
- I'm not cheating, Catherine...
- I know. I know that now.
I know, but at the time
she said she slept with you.
- This is ridiculous.
- She took my money
and she lied about sex with you.
And I'd meet up with her and
she'd tell me... she'd tell every detail.
Like what?
She said that it started
with a picnic in the park.
At Allen Gardens
in the conservatory.
She said she kissed you and
she could feel you getting excited.
It was... It was confusing.
It just... But it made me feel
closer to you.
You become more beautiful
every year.
Every... every grey hair,
every line.
Everything that happens to you
makes you so much more desirable
and I feel like
if you were to blow on me
I'd vanish.
I'd disappear.
I felt so invisible
and so old.
I slept with her.
You and I used to make love
And then every day.
And then once a week.
And then was born and then we
became parents and we were best friends.
And I didn't know how to go from
being your best friend to being your lover.
You stopped touching me.
David, I couldn't
look at myself.
I didn't know who I was.
I think I'm 19 and
then I look in the mirror and
I'm this person that doesn't know
how to seduce you.
So show me around the house.
I don't want to leave you but I'm late
and they're going to kill me at school.
I'll still be here.
I'll wait for you at home.
I'm sorry.
For not trusting you.
Hurry home.
Where's your parents' room?
It's... it's upstairs.
What are you doing?
Look at me.
Look at me.
Look at me. tell the story.
Historical transposition is
tremendously complex and...
Shit! Shit!
Come on.
Michael, get out of here.
Come on. Let's go!
You... you think that
you can buy me
and I'm just going to go away,
just like that?
Did you think that you could
just put money in my hand and I would...
and I would go and
take care of myself?
Michael. Michael,
I don't want you to hear this.
Come on. Get out.
Get out. Get out now.
Please go!
I don't want you near my son.
He's not yours.
Your husband isn't yours.
I'm not yours. We're not just
here to do as you say.
When... when you pay us and
when you want us and...
and when to dispose of us.
I understand I did this.
I brought you into my marriage.
But you need to
stay away from him.
I felt you in him.
- In his eyes.
- Mom!
In the tiny little things
that he does.
I actually think that
he could be, like...
he could be a good boy
for me to start dating.
My husband's going to be
home any minute.
David... it's fine then with David?
Is it working out for you?
I did my job.
Let me get you dressed and
I'll drive you home
and we can talk there,
all right?
You liked it.
I'm sorry I misled you.
No, you're not.
Excuse me?
No, you're not sorry.
You shared your secrets with me.
We made our own
little world together.
And you didn't say no to
anything about me.
You made me fall in
love with you!
I didn't mean for
that to happen.
I felt something but it was
always for my husband.
You wouldn't have your husband back
if it weren't for me.
Come on. Let's go home.
How can you be doing this to me?
Or am I worth nothing to you?
You're bleeding. Please.
Please let me take you home.
Please stop.
You're beautiful.
You must know that.
You really are.
Tell me...
tell me what you want.
I want you to kiss me.
My God!