Choi-jong-byeong-gi Hwal (Arrow, the Ultimate Weapon AKA War of the Arrows) (2011)

Get them!
Don't let them get away.
Get them! That way.
Get them!
Get them all!
Over there.
Look at me, son.
Are you afraid?
Answer me!
Yes, sir. I am.
The only way to conquer fear
is to face it straight on.
His name is Kim Mu-seon.
He lives in Gaeseong.
I'm staying with you.
From this moment,
you're her father.
Look after her to the end.
You got that?
Yes, sir.
Get up.
Go, my children.
Find the traitor!
Father, no!
Don't let them get away.
Come on.
We must go.
Over there.
I'm going back.
Please, Ja-in.
He's fighting them.
We must bring him his bow.
He told me to look after it.
Don't you understand?
I'm going back.
Let me go.
Let's go back to him.
He needs his bow.
Nam-yi, please.
We got the traitor.
Find his children.
Gaeseong, 1623 AD
Shortly after King Injo's Coup
Did you witness his death?
You must be Ja-in.
Did he leave any words?
Those ignorant of diplomacy
enthrone a new King and war ensues.
The destiny of the nation
hangs by a thread.
Take care of this bow
until my child grows.
Big Mountain, Tiger Tail.
Have Lady Kim prepare
fresh clothes for them.
Yes, Master.
Get changed.
Don't go wandering about.
You must never talk to strangers
until you to.
Is that clear?
From now on, you're her father.
Look after her to the end.
13 years later
It's coming your way.
She's coming your way.
Go after it.
I'm doing it.
she's going that way.
He missed.
It's hit.
He got her.
He got her.
Over there.
W... Wait!
What's the matter?
Where are we?
What do you mean?
These are markings for tiger traps.
Let's get out of here.
Did you hear that?
Sure did.
T... T... Tiger!
It's a tiger.
- Tiger!
- Run, it's a tiger.
Tiger! Oh tiger!
Good tiger of Mt. Songak,
Bring me a bride
for this piece of cake.
The other day, I went to the finest
brothel house in Gaesung.
Didn't quite live up
to its reputation.
Miss Ja-in is the fairest
in all of Gaesung.
She'd have eligible bachelors
line up for miles, if only...
Cut the crap and
have a drink.
Lady Kim is just being unfair.
Miss Ja-in is more than
a good match for her son.
Take her elegant demeanor
for instance.
On top of that,
she has an outstanding beauty.
The young Master has nothing
to offer in comparison.
You're right.
I said cut it out!
What's his problem?
That's enough.
You know the circumstances.
I know so well.
I was speaking out of frustration.
Shut your trap!
I was speaking on your behalf.
You called me a name,
didn't you?
Think you're better than me
for speaking the savage's language?
I'll rip his mouth up.
Teach him a lesson!
Calm down, man.
- Get off me.
- Please, sir.
I'll kill you.
You insufferable troll!
Knock it off, both of you.
I thought I would
drop by for a drink.
Good evening, sir.
Does drinking like this
help you all digest?
What was the brawl about?
What brings you here at this hour?
Come and have a drink.
I trust we can use
a change of scenary.
Let's go some place decent.
A good boy like you knows
a decent place for a drink?
You'll see.
A hell of a spirit
for a brothel house.
This place is famous
for its fine liquor.
Indeed, it's rather refreshing.
- Easy with the sword.
- Wait.
Allow me.
What do you want?
I would like to
pour you a drink, brother.
At last, you're treating me
with some respect.
I hoped to discuss
a matter of grave importance.
I would like to make an offer
for Miss Ja-in.
As her guardian,
please accept my offer.
Does Lady Kim know of this?
What about the Master?
I can persuade them.
I'm dead serious.
Please say yes.
For the sake of our friendship.
Aren't we closer than anyone?
Says who?
Says I.
Have you lost your mind?
We're family.
Besides, you're talking about
marrying a traitor's daughter.
Are you hoping to ruin your life?
I know what concerns you.
I assure you
I'll persuade my mother.
We lived under the same roof
for so many years.
The years she had to endure
caring for a traitor's children
she never wanted!
Will you burden her
for the rest of her life?
- But Nam-yi...
- Also!
Think about Ja-in under
such an unhappy mother-in-law.
My mind is set no matter
what you say.
I'm prepared to do anything for her.
Here is my condition.
- What condition?
- Hey!
If you cut me,
I'll give you my blessing.
But if you fail,
I shall take my sister
and leave town tonight.
Is that clear?
I don't know what you're trying...
Look at you, pretty boy!
Weak as a kitten.
I'm the son of a military official.
I'm going easy on you.
I'll never give her
to a sissy like you.
I would rather have her
marry a butcher.
Butcher is good.
That's enough.
If you'll excuse me.
We're not done.
Sit down.
Mindless drinking and brawling.
Life is a fun game for you?
Yes, sir.
I have no worries at heart.
The world seems hit to me.
It's been 13 years
since you came to this house.
You have abandoned
your studies and trainings.
You're idling away your days.
Would I serve in the court
or defend the country?
Ha, I'm the son of a traitor.
I'll just live the day
and drop dead tomorrow.
Your father was
the King's loyal servant.
I am well aware of that.
- And, yet...
- And, yet!
I saw clearly how
a loyal servant is valued.
What's the point?
You're all doomed for the same destiny.
Isn't that why you're holed up
in the countryside?
How dare you!
If there is nothing more,
I'll get more drink
before I sober up.
Did you know
that I gave your sister
her name?
And, your father named my son.
I'm giving my permission
to marry Ja-in.
Big Mountain, Tiger Tail.
Hold it up like a big mountain.
Pull it curled up
like the tail of a tiger.
You should use your elbow
rather than the wrist.
What are you doing out so late?
Shouldn't be here.
Why did you do it?
What do you mean?
Forget about the wedding.
It's all in vain.
Unless the King is deposed
or the country falls,
there is no hope
for the traitor's descendents.
You'll only end up hurt.
You're always like this.
Why did you run?
Only to live like this?
We should have died together
there and then.
At least, I won't live like you.
You'll marry him
without my blessing?
This way.
Thank you for coming.
What are you doing here?
You should be at your seat.
Bride bow twice.
Groom bow once.
- Sir, your turn.
- Come on.
Are you alright, sir?
Will you make it through
the first wedding night?
Bride bow twice.
- Look at him smile.
- Shush.
Get into positions!
Close the gates!
Close the gates!
Get into formations!
Launch attack!
1636, Manchu Tribe Invasion of Korea
What's going on?
Evacuate! Run!
Protect the Prince.
Let her go!
Let her go!
Ja-in! Savages!
The sword.
Where are they taking us?
Keep walking.
Keep walking.
Keep walking.
This is war.
Don't feel sorrow, dear cousin.
He broke the Mangudai siege
with his bow.
I never saw a ot like him in Joseon.
We didn't have
all the Niru soldiers with us.
I thought their bows were weak.
Their bow comes from
the same root as ours.
Shorter and thinner,
but with nge and mobility.
We must not underestimate them.
Jiusinta! Wanhan!
The captives exceed our
I salute you, my uncles.
Have a safe trip, Your Highness.
They're ready for you.
Hurry back. We have a lot to do
for our n China.
Long live, Manchuria.
Long live, Manchuria.
Commander, we're ready to go.
Fuman, take care of His Highness.
Yes, commander.
Our fallen brothers, as well.
Yes, sir.
King Injo who took refuge
in the fortress of Namhansan
was eventually forced to surrender.
men and women of
all ranks and ages
were taken to Manchuria
as prisoners and hostages.
Many have died en route
of maltreatment and exhaustion.
My dear!
Who will look after
my father's shrine now?
Spare me.
Golden flag embroidered
with blue dragon.
Where is it?
I'll decide after you answer.
They're headed north.
That's all I know.
The arrow penetrated the neck.
Death was instant.
For all of them.
We must hurry.
It could be the act of militia.
Take this one.
Commander, you should see this.
It happened in the blink of an eye.
He was there one moment
and disapppeared.
And arrows came flying in again.
They came from an impossible angle.
He speaks our language
and is chasing the royal banner?
That's what he said.
Did he shoot red arrows?
How did you know?
I don't know who he is,
but he is after the Prince's troop.
Then he said something puzzling.
Why aren't you killing me?
My bow's purpose is not to kill.
It wasn't
his bow's purpose to kill.
Abort the mission.
Nirus, follow me tely.
Is it the last batch?
That's right.
Brothers, we're going home.
Yes, sir.
Listen carefully to what I say.
Once you cross this river,
you'll never be able to
go back to your country.
You all know that once you cross
this river, you'll be deemed a traitor.
Those who want to run,
I'm releasing you.
Pardon me?
Okay, okay!
He says you can run if you want.
Now is the time.
This is your last chance.
Don't you miss your home?
But, you know you mustn't run
even if he says so.
I'll count to five.
Those who'll go home, go now.
Sit tight for five counts.
Then, you'll live.
Your last chance.
- What's going on?
- Don't be agitated.
See you back home, father.
No, my child!
People of Joseon,
you can go back home
whenever you wish.
Just never a alive.
Get them!
See? It was an evil ploy
to test us.
Wretched monsters!
My child.
- I shall step up.
- Sir?
If even one of them
can make it back alive.
You'll get yourself killed.
What's happening?
Come and get me.
You'll have to
come through me first.
Have we no warriors among us?
Crawl up to me
like your king did.
If you don't,
my arrow ce your heart.
Kill him.
Damn it.
What happened to laying low?
Let's join them.
Let's go.
We're free.
Don't blame me too harshly
for losing her.
Didn't I promise you?
That I'll do anything for Ja-in.
She'll be waiting for me
enduring with fortitude.
Are you going to be okay?
Even if we have the enemy's map,
anyone crossing the river
back home is deemed a traitor.
The king who abandoned his people
is himself a great sinner.
Clean her up.
You brought a feisty one today.
Forgive me, Your Highness.
Take off her clothes.
I'm a married woman.
Do not put me through disgrace.
When did you learn our language?
I learned it from my father
who served at the northern border.
Then, you must know about
the greatness of Qing Manchuria.
Don't put me to this shame.
I beg of you.
Even your king swore allegiance.
How can you consider this a shame?
How can you consider yourself
to be an le man
if you persecute your prisoners?
Do you see this?
It's tiger hide.
My ous uncle Jiusinta
gave it to me as present.
If keeps me from cold and rain,
even fire.
This soft hide is stiff at first
until it's properly tanned.
Process of tanning a hide
can be quite fun.
Have her stand outside
until she begs for life.
Only the strategy map is missing.
We must track him down at once.
The bodies of the brothers shall be
taken by rearguard units.
Yes, commander.
This is it.
Insufferable savages!
Young Master!
Is that Miss Ja-in?
Wait till sunset.
What difference will it make?
Can'tjust go without a plan.
Look at their numbers.
We'll take the leader as hostage
and exchange him for Ja-in.
That's the only way.
Is it going to work?
What about an exit strategy?
After we get Ja-in,
we'll cross the river and
meet back at this hut.
By tommorrow noon.
- Okay.
- But, Nam-yi,
we have no plans on
how we'll catch their leader.
- Gang-du!
- Yeah?
There is something I want you to do.
What is it?
How insipid!
This is no fun.
Your men have no backbones
and women have no fidelity.
I'm curious.
What broke you down so quickly?
Was it thirst or hunger?
Or despair?
My father the Khan once told me,
men and animals alike,
the best way to them is food.
Looking at you,
I see he was right.
My father once told me,
one's vision is clouded
when one is hungry.
So, one must always fill
the stomach before a fight.
Are you saying you're a warrior?
I'm a warrior's daughter.
I shall not beg for life,
nor shall I die in vain.
Lmpudent bitch!
Yeah, that's more like it.
Go on, try again.
Don't give up.
What's going on?
The prisoners are getting away.
Your Highness!
Do not interfere.
Anyone who disobeys
shall be killed.
- Leave us.
- But, Your Highness...
This way! Come on.
Follow them.
Who the hell are you?
Long live, Manchu!
- Manchu?
- Manchu.
Yes, Manchu.
Tza-it! Tza-it!
I see now
how stubborn and stupid
Joseon's women are.
That skewer is all you depend on.
The strategy worked.
Let's get out of here.
Can you take it from here?
But, Master...
- Master!
- Master!
It's them.
Get those two first.
Let's go.
Who the hell are you?
Are you hurt?
I'm sorry I took so long.
Release the Prince.
Or, I'll kill her.
Who are you people?
What are you doing?
Damn you!
Damn you!
- Your Highness!
- No!
Step back.
Nobody move.
Shoot him.
Hold your bows.
- Go now.
- What about you?
Remember what I said?
I'll meet you at the hut
tomorrow noon.
We'll be waiting.
No! You're coming with us.
You want us to die here?
We leave together
or we die here together.
Don't tell me to
leave you like this.
Madam, we cannot
all go together.
Wait for me.
I promise I'll see you again.
You hope to live
after what you have done?
I woudn't have done it
if I cared to live.
Are you afraid
now that you'r time is up?
The firewood has
almost burned out.
Thank you
for holding up so long.
Where is His Highness?
He was assassinated.
Commander, he went in that direction.
Our men went after him.
- Nam-yi!
- Nam-yi!
It's great to see you again.
You made it.
What about Miss Ja-in?
And, the young Master?
They should be ahead of us.
How fortunate!
We must try to catch up.
They must be going after them, too.
Gang-du, over there.
What the hell?
Now it's reds instead of the blues?
It's the heavy pounder.
The arrowhead alone weighs
over one hundred pounds.
It's more powerful than
mechanical crossbows.
We must go into the woods.
Get into siege formation.
That doesn't look right.
Let's go this way.
We must cut through here.
Come on, we move on.
Nam-yi, I think he's right.
- Let's go.
- Come on.
The path ends there.
We got them.
We must capture him alive.
He shall suffer to his last breath.
Come on, hurry.
Look out!
We must hurry.
- Gang-du!
- Gang-du!
It's a miracle I got this far.
Leave me.
I'll hold them off as long as I can.
Go on.
Gang-du, no!
Get going.
Cut the net!
I can't move.
Help them.
The marking for tiger traps,
it's the same here.
I can't go any further.
I'm too old for this.
Go on.
Take care of Miss Ja-in
and the Master.
I'm taking one of you with me.
It's him.
He is still alive.
We'll cross.
Let's cross, hurry!
Come on.
Let me go.
Get him for me.
Don't give up.
We're falling behind.
We must pick up speed.
- I'll do it.
- Let me...
You have blisters.
They say if you cross back
to Joseon, you'll be punished.
They won't do that to
their fellow countrymen.
It's probably to stop
people from crossing over.
My husband.
I'll hang on to that.
I'll get some drinking water.
Get back inside.
My eye!
Chase him.
I got you.
Keep chasing.
He turned back.
Let me ask you a question.
Why didn't you shoot me
at the cliff?
Was it to bring me into contempt?
He shall suffer to his last breath.
Cut off his
Look out.
Which way?
I'm not sure.
But, there is only one way.
Just one way?
The river border is close.
We'll catch up.
Come to your senses.
I feel something
ominous in the air.
Are you not a son of Manchuria?
Hurahu shall take the lead.
It's the short arrow.
The same sniper arrows
we saw at the battle of fortress?
But, it has a jagged tip.
There is no arrow head.
He made it from a regular arrow.
It makes no difference for us.
My brother!
Don't come to me.
All this trouble,
to save her?
Are you calculating the wind?
But, I already saw your arrow.
There is no point in
calculating the wind.
Did you fear for your girl?
You may know how to
shoot curved projectiles.
But it's your fear that got
you and I killed.
Now, it's your turn to
feel the pain of
watching your loved one die.
No, Nam-yi!
Don't pull that arrow!
You'll die!
You lost.
No, Nam-yi!
Now you'll sacrifice her?
Even the wind isn't on your side.
The fear, you simply
face it straight on.
The wind, is not to be calculated,
but to be overcome.
Who... are you?
Here! The other one!
You knew they were from me.
Of course I did.
They were so big.
Only you can get it so wrong.
They were too big for you?
I thought you had all grown up.
Maybe not so much.
Let's go back to our home in Seoul.
We'll go home.
Then... wear pretty silk shoes.
It's our land that
we must go back to.
Following the invasion, there was
no repatriation effort on Joseon's part.
Only a handful of people
found their way back on their own.
Tiger! Oh, tiger!
Good tiger of Mt. Songak,
Bring me a bride
for this piece of cake.
Where is she now?
Where is my dear one?
Where is my dear one?
My darling as soft as feathers.
Tiger! Oh, tiger!
Good tiger of Mt. Songak,
Bring me a bride
for this piece of cake.